aliağa pizza world / Ingles | PDF | Pizza | Tomato

Aliağa Pizza World

aliağa pizza world

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Pizza From?

1 Pizza is certainly one of the world’s favorite foods.

But where does pizza come from? And who made
the first one?
In fact, people have been making pizza for a very long
5 time. People in the Stone Age1 cooked grains2 on hot
rocks to make dough—the basic ingredient of pizza.
Over time, people used the dough as a plate, covering
it with various other foods, herbs, and spices. They had About five billion pizzas are served
around the world every year.
developed the world’s first pizza.
10 In the early 16th century, European explorers brought
back the first tomatoes from the Americas. Tomatoes
are a standard ingredient in many pizzas today. At first,
however, most Europeans thought they were poisonous3
(in fact, only the leaves and roots4 are). For about 200
15 years, few people ate them.
Slowly, people learned that tomatoes were safe to eat, as
well as tasty. In the early 19th century, cooks in Naples,
Italy, started the tradition of putting tomatoes on baking
 he Stone Age is a very early period of
dough. The flat bread soon became popular with poor

human history, where people used tools and

20 people all over Naples. In 1830, cooks in Naples took weapons made of stone, not metal.
Grains are the small, hard seeds of plants
another big step in pizza history—they opened the such as wheat or corn.
world’s first pizza restaurant. If something is poisonous, it will harm or kill

you if you swallow it.

The roots of a plant are the parts of it that
Today, up to five billion pizzas are served every year grow under the ground.
around the world. In the U.S. alone, about 350 slices5 5
A slice of something is a small or thin piece
that has been cut from a larger piece.
25 are eaten every second! People may not know it, but
every piece is a slice of history.
2A Slice of History 21

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Всемирные таблицы лидеров

Кто может попасть в таблицу лидеров?

Игрок должен соответствовать следующим требованиям:
  • Хотя бы 300 матчей, найденных в подборе игр за всё время (нерейтинговые или рейтинговые матчи с живыми противниками)
  • Хотя бы 100 рейтинговых игр за всё время
  • Хотя бы 14 рейтинговых игр в дивизионе за последний 21 день (не считая калибровочных)

Как мне узнать, в каком я дивизионе?

Вы находитесь в том дивизионе, где сыграли больше рейтинговых игр за последний 21 день (в случае равенства мы определим дивизион по последней игре).

Засчитывается ли матч, который кто-то покинул по своей воле, из-за проблем с сетью или по другим причинам?

Да, засчитывается любая игра, после которой изменился рейтинг.

Какие регионы серверов к каким дивизионам относятся?

Америка: Запад и Восток США, Южная Америка
Европа: Западная и Восточная Европа, Россия, Южная Африка
Китай: Perfect World Telecom, Perfect World Unicom
Юго-Восточная Азия: Южная Корея, ЮВ Азия, Австралия

Когда обновляются таблицы лидеров?

Таблицы лидеров обновляются каждый час.

Где можно просмотреть общую таблицу лидеров?

Рейтинг подбора игр (MMR) у каждого дивизиона разный, и сравнивать MMR дивизионов пока что не имеет смысла.

Final Prod. Maria Revisar


María Virgen Alcántara Victoriano


Discipline: ING203



Teacher’s Name:

Griselda Rodríguez M.A.

Topic: The Final Production


The purpose of this final project is to write about one of the three topics we have studying in
this class. To develop this project, I must follow these steps:

- Presentation: Put all my personal information, teacher’s name, etc.

- Introduction: A summary about methodology and the chosen topic.
- Development: Analysis of the topic.
- Conclusion: My opinion.
- Bibliography: Sources used.

As you can see, this final project is a full written document.

In the other hand, the topic I choose is my favorite food. My favorite food is pizza.

When humans first started eating pizza, they never imagined

that one day we’d get pizzas everywhere.

Primitive forms of pizza have been eaten since ancient times.

Pizzas as we know it has been since at least the 70’s. At that

time, the dish was conformed by flatbreads with various

In pizza’s early days, favored topping were tomatoes, cheese,

garlic and anchovies.

The most popular fast food is pizza. We can eat it everywhere- at home, in restaurants, on
street corners, etc.

Around three billion pizzas are sold each year in USA, an average of 46 slices per person.

Pizza became popular in USA in the 19th century thanks to Neapolitan Immigrants.

In 1905, date of the opening of the USA first pizzeria, Lombardi’s NYC. It’s founder,
Gennaro Lombardi, is credited with
innovating NY-style pizza.

Nowadays, pizza is largely driven by

chains, but many of them have a long
People all around the world love pizza. Today, the global pizza market has annual sales
estimated at nearly $145 billion.

Children are slightly more likely to eat pizza for lunch (44%) than dinner (42%), but 59% of
adults consumed pizza for dinner compared to 28% for lunch.

As you can see, the pizza’s world is so interesting than I can ever imagined. Pizza’s one of
the most popular fast food.

USA is the major consumer of pizza in the world.

In my opinion, this food is so delicious, cheap and its always available in many countries.

My favorite pizza is cheese, tomatoes and bacon. You can choose topics as much as you can.

- HISTORIAN'S COOKBOOK. (n.d.). Retrieved from A History of Pizza:

- Slice of the Pie: Pizza Consumption Trends & Industry Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved

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#20 Luca Petrungaro

Игры против ...

В данной статистике представлены игроки, против которых футболист сыграл наибольшее количество матчей. Перечислены текущие и бывшие соперники согласно количеству матчей друг против друга. Список также можно представить согласно количеству набранных очков за матч, побед, ничьих, поражений и минут, сыгранных в матчах друг против друга.

С помощью фильтров можно отобразить определенных соперников, матчи в определенных турнирах и клубах, амплуа соперников и другие дополнительные параметры.

Если щелкнуть на цифру игр, сыгранных друг против друга, или выбрать соперника через фильтр, то отобразятся в виде списка все игры двух футболистов. В списке представлено количество минут, сыгранных вместе на поле в каждом мачте друг против друга. Игры, в которых оба игрока сидели на скамейке или не были на поле одновременно, отмечены красным и желтым соответственно.


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