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Assassins Creed Brotherhood Türkçe Yama Steam

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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 175
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 10
Опубликовано: 15 июня 2016
Brotherhood , serinin 3. ve Ezio'nun hikayesini konu alan 2. Assassins Creed oyunu. 2. oyunun devam niteliğinde biten o finalinin ardından şüphesiz tüm gözler bir sonraki Assassins Creed oyununa çevrildi. Ubisoft artık bir şeye kesinlik getirmiş bu oyunu tamamen bir seriye bağlamıştı. Bakalım Brotherhood adı kadar güzel bir oyun olmuş mu...

Hatırlarsanız 2. oyunun senaryosunun muntazam bir şekilde ilerlediğini ve çok güzel bir hikayesi olduğunu söylemiştim. Her ne kadar aynı güzellikte olmasa da bu oyunun da senaryosunun güzel olduğunu söylemek isterim. Neden aynı güzellikte olmadığını birazdan anlayacaksınız.

En son babasının intikamını alan ve Papayı yenen fakat nedense öldürmeyen Ezio , Cennet Elmasını ele geçirip Minerva ile tanışır. Minerva Ezioya görevinin bittiğini ve artık Desmond'ın sırasının geldiğini söylesede Ezio bunu anlayamaz. Ardından Ezio , elmayı güvende tutması için onu amcasına verir ve beraber Vatikandan kaçarak Monterriggionideki malikaneye giderler. Büyük bir savaşı başlamadan önleyen Ezio , Monteriggionide ailesi ve başka bir çok kişi tarafından kahramanca karşılanır. Artık herşey normale döndü gibi görünsede ansızın Borgialilar tarafından malikaneye toplu bir saldırı düzenlenir. Mario bu saldırıda Cesare Borgia ( Papanın oğlu ) tarafından öldürülür ve Elma Borgialıların eline geçmiş olur. Bu karmaşada vurulan Ezio , ailesini ve hayatta kalanları gizli bir yer altı geçidinden kaçırır ve Borgia ailesini alaşağı edebilmek için kuracağı KARDEŞLİĞİN planlarını yaparak Romaya doğru yola koyulur...

Oyunun bu şekilde ilerleyen hikayesinin güzel olsada 2. oyunun o yükselttiği çıtaya erişemediğini düşünüyorum. Ama aralarında az bir fark olduğunu da belirteyim. 2. oyunu bu oyuna oranla özgün kılan tek şey bu oyunda öldürdüğümüz her insanı görev için öldürüyorsak , 2. oyunda bir amaç için öldürmemiz. Cümleyi açmak gerekirse ; bu oyun sadece bir devam oyunuysa 2. oyun gerçek anlamda bir intikam oyunuydu ve o intikam duygusunu içimize işlemeyi başarmıştı.
Genel olarak aynı akıcılıkta ilerleyen hikayenin güzel bir finalle son bulmasının yanı sıra senaryoda pek bir eksiklik göremiyor aksine bu oyunun senaryosunun güzel olduğunu söyleyerek oyun içi diğer unsurlara geçiyorum.

Öncelikle oyunun daha girişinde savaş ve tırmanma mekaniklerinin geliştiğini görebiliyoruz. 2. oyunun hantal savaş mekaniklerine oranla bu özellik gerçekten hoşuma gitti. Leonardo Da Vincinin daha o dönem yeni çıkarttığı icatları gerek görev gerekse para yoluyla edinerek daha zevkli ve çeşitli bir oynanışa sahip oluyoruz. Bunun yanı sıra bu gelişmeyi Ezionun kendini geliştirip artık tam teçhizatlı bir assassin olmasına da verirsek gerçekçi bir yenilik olmuş. Aynı zamanda bu oyunda hikayesi gereği belli başlı kontrol kulelerinden haritayı açmak için o bölgeyi kontrol eden Borgia askerlerini ve komutanını yenerek o bölgeyi açmamız , oynanışa daha da renk katmış. Ve tabikide bu oyunda en çok hoşuma giden 2 özellikten birisi oyuna Crossbow un gelmesi...Sessizce ve hızlı bir şekilde gerçek bir suikastçi gibi bu silahı kullanmamız gerçekten çok zevkli.
2. oyundan gelen ve değişmeyen şehirdeki belli başlı yerlerden alışveriş yapmamız yada belli bir dükkanı restore edip satın alma muhabbeti bu oyundada yerini almış. Aynı zamanda o dükkanlara ait görevleri yerine getirerek farklı itemler açabiliyoruz. 2. oyunda da olan kostüm rengini boyama olayı bu oyunda pelerine de yansımış. O mükemmel Roma renklerinden istediğimiz kostüm ve pelerin kombinasyonunu yapıp karakterimizi daha da kişiselleştirebiliyoruz ve bu yenilik karakter görünümüne benim gibi önem veren birisi için büyük bir artı.

Demin bu oyun için çok hoşuma giden 2 ayrı yeniliğin geldiğini söylemiştim. Diğer mükemmel diyebileceğim bir yenilikte oyunda KARDEŞLİK dediğimiz suikastçi grubuna , Romada Borgialılar tarafından şiddet gören sivilleri kurtarıp vermiş olduğumuz Romanın kurtuluş mücadelesi için onları Suikastçi Birliğimize ekleyebiliyor olmamız. Bununlada yetinmiyor onları bir göreve yollayıp geliştirebiliyor ve sonrasında zırh yada silah puanlarını arttırabiliyoruz. Tabi her suikastçinin kendi seviyesi ve zorluğuna uygun görevler seçerek yolladığımız takdirde... En sonunda da o eğittiğimiz acemi suikastçiyi kıdemli bir suikastçi yapabiliyoruz. Üstelik bu suikastçiler şehirde herhangi bir zamanda bir işaretimizle gayet havalı bir şekilde gelip bize yardım edebiliyorlar. Tüm bunların yanı sıra hikayenin başından beri sadece annesinin başında olan ve hiçbir olaya müdahale etmeyen kardeşimiz Claudia kendini birçok anlamda geliştirerek bir assassin oluyor. Bu açıdan da yeni Claudia yı gayet beğendiğimi söylemek isterim.

Oyunu harita , atmosfer ve grafik açısından değerlendirecek olursam zaten malum 2. oyuna oranla sadece Romada geçen bu oyun 2. oyundaki tüm şehirlerin toplamından bile büyük ve görkemli olmuş diyebilirim. Özellikle Antik Romadan kalma bir çok yapımı gördüğümüz anda sanki tarihi bir gezideymişiz gibi hissettiriyor oyun bize. Aynı zamanda önceki oyunda olduğu gibi haritanın birçok yerinde yapılabilecek bir sürü ara görev mevcut. Grafiklerde 2. oyundan sonra bir anda bu oyunu oynadığımızda o farkı bariz belli ediyor. Atmosfer ile ilgili sadece gökyüzü ve bulutların yapısının sırıttığını söyleyeceğim. Onun dışında Romanın atmosferi muazzam. Ancak bulutlar sanki ucuz photoshop ile oraya eklenmiş gibi duruyor , nedense gökyüzü grafiklerini pek sevemedim. Ama tabi oyunda genel olarak Romada binaların arasındayken bu dediğim pek fark edilmiyor.

Tüm bunların yanı sıra genel olarak oyunda hoşuma gitmeyen başlıca unsur ; belki bir çoğumuzun sevdiği ama benim pek ısınamadığım Desmond ve bilim kurgu dayalı sahnelerin artışıydı. Dikkat ederseniz artışı dedim , yani bu sahnelerin tamamen kaybolmasını istemiyorum tabiki. Desmond ve animus sahneleri aslında sevdiğim sahneler ama bunu sadece hikayenin çok az bir yerinde görmek daha çok hoşuma giderdi açıkçası. Fakat bu oyunda bu Minerva veya animus odaklı bilim kurgu sahnelerinin artması benim gözümde bir eksi. Ek olarak tüm bunlara rağmen güzel bir final olduğunu da belirteyim. Bİlmiyorum belkide Desmond'ın arkadaş kadrosu çok sıradan karakterler ve çok boş diyolaglara sahip olduğu için de bu sahneleri fazla istemiyor olabilirim.
İncelemenin başında da belirttiğim gibi eğer 2. oyunu oynamasaydık bu oyunun senaryosuyla ilgili beklentileri bu kadar yukarı çıkarmayacaktık ancak 2. oyunu oynadıktan sonra bu oyunun senaryosu sanki biraz beklentilerin altında kalmış diyebiliriz. Fakat bu kötü anlamına gelmez tam tersi oyunun çok güzel diyemeyeceğimiz ama güzel diye nitelendirebileceğimiz bir hikayeye sahip olduğunu gösterir.

Son olarak dövüş ve tırmanma mekaniklerindeki yenilikler , Crossbow kullanımı , pelerin ve kostümü ayrı ayrı renklendirerek karakteri daha da kişiselleştirmek , oyun içi oynanışın akıcılığı ve yeni gelen ara görevler , demin bahsetmediğim ve gerçek bir aşk hikayesi mükemmelliğine sahip olan Cristina anıları , suikastçi eğitmek ve istediğimiz anda onlardan yardım istemek , yeni gelen multiplayer desteği , daha yüksek grafiklerle Romanın büyük haritasını keşfetmek ve dönemin gerçekten yaşamış ünlü isimleriyle tanışmak bu oyunu oynamanız için başlıca nedenler. 2.oyundan sadece senaryo açısından biraz geri kalan bu oyun zaten serinin devam oyunu olduğu için herkesin atlamadan oynaması gereken bir oyun olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 45
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 2

Bir önceki oyunda yaşanan olayların ardından saklandıkları yere saldıran Tapınak Şövalyeleri'nden kaçan ekibimiz Monteriggioni'deki Villa Auditore'ye sığınmak durumunda kalırlar. Burası artık bir müze olarak kullanılıyordur. Animus 2.0'ı da alarak içeri girerler fakat elektrik sistemi makineyi çalıştırmak için yeterli değildir. Desmond, elektiriğin gücünü arttırmak üzere Monteriggioni'de bir gezintiye çıkar ve sorunu halledip ekibin yanına geri döner. Rebecca tüm hazırlıkları yapmıştır ve tek gereken şey Desmond'ın Animus 2.0'a geri dönmesidir. Zaman kaybetmeden atası Ezio Auditore'nin anılarına geri dönen Desmond, tam da son oyunda kaldığımız yerden macerasına devam eder. Rodrigo Borgia savaş alanından kaçmış, Ezio ise hala Minerva ile olan konuşmasının etkisinden çıkamamıştır. Amcası Mario'nun da yardımıyla kendine gelen Ezio, Cennet Elması'nı da yanına alarak Roma'dan çıkar ve villaya doğru yola koyulur. Burada Caterina Sforza ile güzel bir uyku çeken Ezio, tam da savaş bitti derken büyük bir gürültü ile uyanır. Villa bilinmeyen kişiler tarafından saldırıya uğramıştır. Ekipmanlarını kuşanan Ezio, düşmanları geri püskürtmek üzere harekete geçer ancak villa çoktan düşmüştür. Saldıran kişilere güç bela ulaşan Ezio, bu kişilerin Rodrigo Borgia'nın oğlu Cesare ve ekibi olduğunu öğrenir. Cesare, elinde Cennet Elması'nı tutan Mario'yu esir almış ve onu öldürmek üzeredir. Ezio, bir silah sesiyle yere yığılır. Hem kendi hem de amcası vurulmuştur. Mario oracıkta can verir. Gözlerini açtıktan sonra yaralı bir şekilde düşman hattını yararak villaya ulaşan Ezio, ailesini gizli bir geçitten geçirerek güvenli bir yere gitmelerini sağlar ve atına atlayarak Roma'ya doğru yola koyulur fakat yarasından ötürü yarı yolda bayılır. Gözünü tekrar açtığında ise yarasını saran bir kadınla karşılaşır. Bu kadın ona eski dostu Niccolò Machiavelli'nin yardım ettiğini ve temin ettiği ekipmanları kuşanıp onu bulmasını istediğini söyler. Şimdi Ezio'nun tek amacı amcasının intikamını almak ve doğaüstü güçlere sahip olan Cennet Elması'nın kötülerin eline geçmesini engellemektir...


Brotherhood ikinci oyunun tam da bittiği yerden başlıyor. Her ne kadar ikinci oyun Ezio'nun hikayesinin sonu gibi dursa da mantık çerçevesinden çok da çıkmadan ancak bu kadar iyi bir devam hikayesi yazılabilirdi. Yani diyaloglar, sunum, sinematik anlatı, ara sahne ve animasyon kalitesi ise ikinci oyunda da olduğu gibi hem zamanı için oldukça iyi hem de günümüz standartları açısından kabul edilebilir bir düzeyde. Ayrıca bu oyunla birlikte gelen karakterler de hikâyeye can suyu olmuş ve hikâyenin günümüz kısımları da çok daha aktif kullanıldığından ötürü ayakları yere basan bir yapım ortaya koyulmuş diyebilirim. Zaten ilk oyunlardan da aşina olduğumuz gerçek tarihi olaylar, mekanlar ve karakterler de hikâyeye güzel yedirildiğinden ötürü olay örgüsü daha gerçekçi hissettiriyor.


Brotherhood bir önceki oyunlar gibi karakterimizi üçüncü şahıs bakış açısından yönettiğimiz aksiyon-macera türündeki bir parkur oyunu. Serinin diğer oyunlarına nazaran parkur çok daha akıcı bir hal almış. Artık şehirde dolaşması çok daha rahat ve eğlenceli. Dövüş mekanikleri ise iyice oldukça kolaylaştırılmış. Düşman grubundan birinin gardını düşürdüğünüz an hepsine bitirici vuruş yapabiliyorsunuz. Bu durum dövüşleri hızlandırıp daha havalı göstersede savaşları sığ hale getirerek zorluğunu büyük ölçüde azaltmış. Tek bir hareketle tüm düşmanları ortadan kaldırmak mümkün. Gizlilik kısımları ise ikinci oyundakinin geliştirilmiş hali diyebilirim. Düşman dizilimi olsun yeni gelen birkaç ekipman olsun gizlilik daha ayrıntılı şekilde ele alınmış. Bir de oyunun adından da anlaşılacağı üzere Ezio artık usta seviyesine yükseldiğinden ötürü bir suikastçı kardeşliğini yönetiyoruz. Bu mekanik, suikastçıları eğit, görevlere gönder ve seviye atlat gibi basit gibi dursada eğittiğimiz suikastçıları savaş halinde çağırabilmemiz oyuna çok güzel bir hava katmış. Tek tuşla emrimizdeki suikastçıların düşmanları tek tek avlamasını izlemek keyif verici. Bunların yanı sıra oyunda ganimet toplamak ve ekonomi yönetimi oldukça önemli. Şehirdeki kırık dökük yapıları ve dükkanları geliştirerek, bankaya yatırım yaparak gelir sağlayabiliyoruz. Ayrıca oynadıkça gelişen mekanikler hem oynanış döngüsünü taze tutuyor hem de ilerleme motivasyonu veriyor. Karakter gelişimi ise demircilerden aldığımız zırh, silah gibi ekipmanlar ve Leonardo da Vinci'nin hikaye gereği yaptığı icatlar sayesinde sağlanıyor. Anlatınca pek de önemli gibi durmasada Ezio'nun oyunun başındaki gücü ile sonundaki gücü arasında dağlar kadar fark olduğundan ötürü karakterin geliştiği hissi güzel verilmiş.


Yukarıda da bahsettiğim gibi oynadıkça gelişen mekanikler tıpkı ikinci oyunda da olduğu gibi bir nevi görev dizaynını şekillendirmiş. Eğer görevler esnasında verilen meydan okumaları başarıyla yerine getirirseniz yeni anılar açılıyor. Bu durum oynanışa tatlı bir zorluk katmış. Ana görevler genellikle keşif yapma, angarya ayak işleri, takip görevleri, parkur, platform-bulmaca kısımları, savaş sekansları, suikast görevleri ve gizlilik üzerine. Yan görevler ise anı görevleri, kurtizan ve hırsız görevleri, tapınakçı görevleri, Romulus inlerini araştırma, suikast kontratları, Ezio'nun eski aşkı Cristina Vespucci ile olan anı sekansları ve Leonardo da Vinci'nin mucitlik görevleri gibi dönemi için oldukça çeşitlilik barındıran görevlerden oluşuyor.


İkinci oyundaki bölümlere ayrılmış ufak ufak haritalardan ziyade tek ve oldukça geniş Roma'dan oluşan açık dünya oldukça kasvetli. Renk paletinden mi bilinmez bu oyunun dünyası bana biraz soluk geldi fakat her şeye rağmen tek bir büyük haritadan oluşan bütünlüklü yapısı daha bir ferah hissettiriyor. Yan etkinlikler ise her zaman olduğu gibi kule ele geçirme, 16. denek gizemini açığa çıkarmak için topladığımız semboller, Borgia ailesine ait kuleleri yakma, şehir inşa ve geliştirmeleri, suikastçı eğitme ve göreve gönderme, dövüş müsabakaları, zar oyunu ve tapınakçı ajanlarını alt etme. Bu etkinlikler fazla tekrara düşmeden tadında bittiğinden ötürü yapması bana asla bir zahmet gibi gelmedi.


Assassin's Creed ll'yi sevdiyseniz bu oyunu da seveceğinize eminim. Kalite anlamında iki oyunda zamanının standartlarının üzerinde. Ben yan etkinlikleri dahi yaparken oldukça eğlendim. Hikâye örgüsü de takip edilesi ve merak uyandırıcı. Oyun günümüz ekonomik şartlarından nasibini alarak zamlanmış olsada eminim ki indirim dönemlerinde makul fiyatlara düşer. Eğer ana hikâyeden giderseniz 15, yan görevler ve etkinlikleri de yaparsanız 30 saate kadar yolu var.

Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 40
Опубликовано: 20 апреля 2017
Serinin 4, Ezio üçlemesinin 2. oyunu.

+ Güzel hikayesi.
+ Oldukça dolu haritası.
+ Başarılı yan görevleri.
+ Cesare gibi gayet güzel işlenmiş bir villain.
+ Leanardo Da Vinci'nin projelerinin yer alması... Görevleri enfes resmen.
+ Nereye tırmanacam diye ömrümüzü yediğimiz önceki oyunlara nispeten bu işin kolaylaştırılması.
+ Suikastçi yetiştirme sisteminin gelmesi.

- Kolaylaşmaya başlamış dövüş sistemi.
- Geçen oyundaki binbir zorlukla kazandığımız Altair zırhını oyunun başında kaybetmemiz. Evlat acısı gibiydi.
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 51
Опубликовано: 29 мая 2020
Vittoria Agli Assasini...

Beni hikaye olarak çok tatmin etmese dahi karakterlere olan aşinalığım ve dizi gibi ilerlediği için bırakamadığım bir senaryosu var oyunun. 2 de nerede bıraktıysak oradan devam ediyoruz. Ezio biraz daha yaşlanmış, bilgilenmiş ve pişmiş artık. Zaten oyunun ortasında şak diye tarikatın başına geçiyoruz, daha ne olsun?

Hikayemiz dediğim gibi 2 de nerede kaldıysak aynen oradan devam ediyor. Rodrigo Borgia ölmeden kaçıyor, biz elmayı alıyoruz. Hala Papa ünvanını elinde tutan Rodrigo, bu sefer kızı ve oğlunu salıyor şehrin üstüne. Oğlu Cesare ve kızı Lucrezia Borgia işin ordu ve siyasal işlerine bakıyordu. Bildiğiniz gibi bu saydığım isimler tarihsel arenada boy göstermiş şahsiyetler. Google araması ile çabucak bulabilir ve bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Hikayemize dönmek gerekirse, her şey güllük gülistanlık giderken işler aniden terse dönüyor ve elmayı bir şekilde kaptırıyoruz. Bu sırada yoldaşlarımızdan hırsızların şahı olarak bildiğimiz La Volpe, bize sürekli içimizden birinin hain olduğunu, bilgi sızdırdığını kanıtlamaya çalışıyor. Böyle böyle derken hikaye akıp gidiyor ama maalesef pek çok yarım kalmış konu bulunuyor. Ben 2 den sonra direkt Black Flag oynamıştım yani Brotherhood ve Revelations'a hiç elimi sürmemiştim. Belki bu eksik ve yarım kalan konuları üçlemenin son oyununda anlatırlar diye düşünüyorum.

Roma semalarında oynamak oldukça keyifli, ancak çok büyük ve boş bir harita. Ortalama bir şehir arazisi ardından boş çayır çimen falan yapmışlar bence güzel olmamış. Ben zaten serinin son dönem oyunlarına kadar hep gizli bir şekilde oynamayı sevdiğim için açıkçası at üstünde çayır çimende koşturmaktan rahatsız oldum. Keza görevler de kötü duruyor. Evet sunum biçimi güzel hatta etkileyici ancak size 10 görev veriliyor ise bunun 7 si adam takip etme. Birde dümdüz yürüyüp sürekli geri dönüp bakıyorlar falan acayip sıkılıyor insan. Ama bazı görevler de vardı mesela kılık değiştirdiğimiz falan bunlar güzeldi yalan yok. Ha birde, 2 de sürekli çatılarda nöbet tutan askerler vardı resmen sokaklarda koşa koşa geziyordum. Roma içerisinde böyle bir saçmalık olmadığı için çok mutlu oldum, güle oynaya çatılardan çatılara atladım. Acemi suikastçiler toplayıp onları eğitmek, savaşlarda tek tuşla çağırmak veya kontratlar vererek başka ülkelere yollamak fikri çok iyi olmuş. Çok zorlandığım anlarda bir tuşla gelip yardımcı oluyorlardı.

Ezio içinse artık ne desem bilemiyorum. Bilge bir adam gibi geziyor etrafta. Açıkçası ben 2 deki oynattığımız o hiç bir şeyden haberi olmayan Ezio ile değilde bilge, kararlı ve daha cesur Ezio ile oynamaktan baya keyif aldım. Ve yine her zamanki gibi zırh al canın artsın, Da Vincinin yanına git sana daha iyi bıçak versin vs. burada da devam etmekte. Esasen hikaye o kadar yarım kaldı ki acaba Revelations'da nasıl toparlayacaklar diye düşünüp duruyorum.

Serinin en iyi oyunu mu? Büyük ihtimalle değil. Biraz bayık görev tablosu ve oturmamış hikayesi var. Ama buna tek oyunluk bakmamak lazım çünkü nede olsa bu bir üçleme. İndirimlerde tatlı bir fiyata düşüyor halen alıp oynamamış olan varsa (5 kişi falan muhtemelen) önce 2 yi ardından serinin geri kalanını oynamalılar bence.

Puan: 7/10

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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 54
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Опубликовано: 4 июля 2014
Assassin`s Creed serisinin 3cü oyunu. Serinin en iyilerinden. Hatta Ac2-den sonra en iyisi. Grafikler pek sağlam değil ama diğer oyuna göre iyi. Senaryo da efsane. Deneyin. Ubisoftun değerli günlerinden kalan bir hatıra...

Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 24
Опубликовано: 22 декабря 2018
İkinci oyunuyla bizi Ezio Auditore ile tanıştıran Assassins's Creed, Brotherhood ile birlikte Ezio'nun macerasına kaldığı yerden devam ediyor. Tarihi İtalya'nın video oyun tarihinde hiç bu kadar güzel ve özenilerek yansıtıldığı başka bir oyun serisi görmedik şu ana kadar. O yüzden Assassin's Creed Brotherhood'u şimdiye kadar oynamadıysanız sakın eski diye yabana atmayın. Zira kendisi hem oyun olarak çok başarılı hem de prodüksiyon olarak AAA kalitesinin karşılığını fazlasıyla veriyor.

İlk oyunda doğumuna şahit olduğumuz, çapkın gençliğini oynadığımız Ezio'nun hayatı babasının idam edilmesiyle alt üst olmuştu. İntikam uğruna yola çıkıp, Altair'in bıraktığı mirasın başına geçmek gibi beklenmedik bir yol çizmişti Ezio kendisine. Tabi o kadar serüvenin içinde olayların karmaşıklığını da fark eden Ezio, Tapınakçıları alt etmenin türlü yollarını aramaya koyulmuştu. Tapınakçıların başı olan Rodrigo Borgia'yı son anda öldürmekten vazgeçip Minerva ile karşılaşmış olmanın şaşkınlığı ile ikinci oyunu noktalamıştık. Brotherhood ile de kaldığımız yerden devam ediyoruz.

Oyunun daha ilk dakikalarında Cesare Borgia'nın Piece of Eden'ı almak için adamlarını toplayıp gelmesiyle aksiyon bize merhaba diyor. Cesare, Rodrigo'nun oğlu olup babası gibi kardinal olma hayali kurmayan, tam tersine asker olarak yetişmiş birisi. Piece of Eden'ın neler yapabileceğini öğrendikten sonra ise hayali İtalya'yı, İspanya'yı vs. kendi hakimiyeti altına almak. Kısa yoldan büyük güce ulaşmak istiyor anlayacağınız. Ezio ise ikinci oyunda henüz suikastçı olmuş birisi iken Cesare'nin karşısında savunmasız kalıyor biraz. O yüzden oyunun yarısını Roma'yı Cesare'den özgürleştirerek ve kendimize suikastçı teşkilatı kurarak geçiriyoruz. Bu kısımlarda hem kalabalık alanlarda bir çok düşmanla kapışıyoruz hem de gizlilik üzerine kurulu suikast görevleri yapıyoruz. Kız kardeşini ve annesini bir genelevin yöneticiliğine getiren Ezio, istihbarat alanında da önemli adımları Machiavelli ile beraber atıyor. Courtesan olarak geçen hayat kadınlarının yan görevlerini haritanın çeşitli yerlerinde yapabiliyoruz. Basit görevlerden oluşuyor ve tamamen opsiyonel. İkinci oyundan dostumuz olan Volpe'nin hırsızlık loncası görevlerini de yine opsiyonel olarak yapabiliyoruz. Tüy toplama olayı oyunda yerini korurken bunun yanına bir de Borgia bayrakları eklenmiş. Belli miktarlarda toplayarak sonunda ödüllendiriliyorsunuz. Haritanın özgürleştirdiğimiz yerlerinde banka, sanat dükkanı, demirci ve şifacı dükkanları açarak hem oyundaki tedarik ihtiyacımızı bütün haritaya yaymış oluyoruz hem de açtığımız dükkanların gelirlerinden pay alıyoruz. Bu gelirler on, on beş dakika aralıklarla bankada bizim toplamamız için birikiyor. Dükkanların gelirlerinin artmasını istiyorsanız riskli yatırım gerçekleştirerek uzun vadede zengin olmanın yolunu açabilirsiniz. Brotherhood'a çaktırmadan adını veren yeni mekanik ise, oyunda başında olduğumuz suiskastçı loncasına yeni eleman alabiliyor olmamız. Pezevenklerin elinden alarak onlara yeniden yaşama şansı veriyoruz. Onlar da bizim verdiğimiz görevlere koşturuyor veya biz zor durumda kaldığımızda bir ıslığımızda düşman askerlerinin tepesine biniyorlar. Üstelik her elemanın kendi seviyesi var. Biz ne kadar göreve gönderirsek onlar da o kadar ustalaşıyorlar.

Teknik kısmını kısaca anlatmak gerekirse, grafik motoru ikinci oyunun aynısı. Hawok kullanan oyunun grafikleri halâ güzel gözüküyor diyebilirim. Fakat oyun fazla parlıyor bazı kısımlarda. Benimki parlamasın arkadaş diyorsanız PS4 ve Xbox One'daki Ezio Collection'a göz atmanızı tavsiye ederim. Müzikler şahane her zamanki gibi. Jasper Kyd arşivlik bir müzik albümü hazırlamış oyun için. Spotify'dan müzisyenin profiline girerek dinleyebilirsiniz. Oyunun arayüzü ise ikinci oyunla aynı. Gayet güzel ve antik dönemle Animus'un teknolojik havasını güzel yansıtıyor. Ezio'nun parkur tırmanışları da ikinci oyuna göre daha düzgün bu oyunda. Koşarken sağa sola kendiliğinden tutunma olayını hiç yaşamadım diyebilirim. Klavye+mouse değil de gamepad ile oynanmasını tavsiye ediyorum.

Son kısıma gelirsek, Assasin's Creed serisinin bu dönemlerinde her ne kadar ana karakter Altair, Ezio, Connor falan olsa da aslında oyunun konusu tapınakçıların güç savaşları değil bence. Oyunda zaten Desmond'ın yeri de fazlasıyla var ama esas hikaye Temple of Juno'da karşılaştığımız Minerva karakterinin sözlerinde geçiyor. Oyunun wiki sayfasında da Minerva ve Juno ile ilgili epey bilgiye ulaşabilirsiniz. Özetle Assassin's Creed Brotherhood oynandığı zaman ne varsa eskilerde var sözünü söyleten harika oyunlardan birisi.

İyi oyunlar.
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 25
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 14
Опубликовано: 24 мая 2017
la oyun 55 lira oldu noluyo mk
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 26
Опубликовано: 10 августа 2022
oyunun ana hikayesi 15 saat kadar sürüyor yan görevleri de yaparsanız 30 saat eğlenceli bir vakit geçirebilirsiniz parasını sonuna kadar hak ediyor hikayeden bahsedip spoiler vermeyeceğim sırf Ezio için oynanır

not: 9.anıda BUG vardır.Bugu gidermek için vsycn açıp fps(yi)60a sabitlerseniz bugu çözersiniz

türkçe yamada da ufak tefek sıkıntılar var eskisine göre biraz bozmuş
ben yamayı burdan indirdim diyaloglar sorunsuz hikayeyi rahat anlarsınız bazı görevlerde yama çalışmıyordu ona update şart (tr yama)

“Auditore ailesi ölmedi! Ben hala burdayım! Ben! Ezio, Ezio Auditore!”
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 30
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 2
Опубликовано: 23 июня 2017
Assassins Creed serisinin BENCE açık ara en iyisi. Hiç sıkılmadan çatır çutur saatlerce oynadım aşırı sarıyor. Cool cool yürürken bir el kaldırmanızla kardeşliği çağırarak düşmanlarınızı alt etmeniz ayrı bir güzel :D Armor of Brutus çok iyi <3 Düşman biraz etkisiz fakat oynarken pek umursamadım ayrıca Cesare ayrı bir karizma :D. Bu oyunla birlikte Ezio'yu daha fazla benimsedim. Beni en çok üzen şey oyunun birden bire ne olduğunu anlamadan bitmesi idi.
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 17
Опубликовано: 30 апреля 2019
assassin's creed 2'yi bitirdikten sonra sıradaki en mantıklı adım brotherhood'u oynamak idi. mantıklı bir insan olduğumdan ben de öyle yaptım. böyle dediğime bakmayın 7. bitirişim bu brotherhood'u :)

bir önceki oyunda manchester united gibi paralar harcayıp koca bir şehir inşa etmiştim. şimdi nerede gençliğim, nerede o altın yıllar? bela yine geldi çattı. dağıttılar ortalığı ibineler...

bir önceki oyuna göre eklenen bir sürü ufak tefek şey mevcut. bunlardan en zevklisi ise "kule yakmak." o ne güzel şey öyle ya, çatır çatır, hatta kütür kütür yanıyor kuleler. müthiş bir haz. herkes en az bir kere kule yakmalı hayatında. bu sefer bol kan var oyunda.. dövüş ve tırmanma mekanikleri ac2 ile aynı. grafikler bi nebze daha güzel. yeni assassinler yetiştirme özelliğinin oyuna çok büyük bir renk kattığı aşikar. çok eğlenceli olduğunu söyleyebilirim.

hikayesi ac2 ile bütün olduğu için bu da mükemmel.. tarihteki önemli kişilikler, ezio'nun ailesinin hikayesi, süresinin ne kısa sürüp üzmesi ne de uzun sürüp bayması.. hikaye tek kelime ile harikulade. sonunda elma'nın ne işe yaradığını anlıyoruz. korkunç, manyetik bir alan doğuruyor elmanın çöpünü çekince. kullanan kişi hariç herkesin aklını alıyor elma. bildiğin ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :D

gelelim açık dünyaya.. roma be kardeşim. tamam ayasofya'nın tepesine çıkıp istanbul'u seyretmek güzel de, roma çok başka. serinin tüm oyunlarını oynamış biri olarak floransa ile birlikte favori şehrim olduğunu söyleyebilirim.

uzun lafın kısası elma'yı tekrar ele geçirmek için çekmediğimiz dertler, çile kalmadı. ezio'nun muhteşem hikayesinin sonunu öğrenmek için brotherhood'dan sonra revelations'u mutlaka oynayın. feryatsız gündüzümüz, gecemiz olmadı. tutun kollarımımızdan düşeriz şimdi. yalnızız dostlarım, yalnızız, yalnız... 10/10
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Written by Nathaniel Torres

Running With Beto is a film that “started with baseball like so many other great things,” says director David Modigliani.  Speaking to the audience at the SXSW 2019 premiere of his film, Modigliani shares with the crowd how he met now 2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke while playing for the Texas Playboys baseball team. He says it was the opportunity to witness a positive campaign in the current political climate that convinced him to capture it on film. Modigliani continually asked himself “What is the story here?” all the while amassing over 700 hours of footage. When speaking with several audience members at the premiere, the descriptor I most commonly heard was “genuine.”  Modigliani’s film iterates the positive message that the congressman spread throughout his campaign run, but rather than being an hour and half platform recap, it exposes the man behind the message.


Before the film, the audience chats. Small talk inevitably leads to reflections on the outcome of the 2018 election. Audience members recount their memories at election parties, being gathered around the TV with high hopes. Their tones take woeful dips as they come to the part about the seat being announced for Cruz, except that’s not where their stories end. Sounds of hope and determination resurface.  Discussions conclude with adjusted outlooks both for a brighter future and O’Rourke’s chances at attaining office. For many, it is one and the same.


The lights go dim and several figures rush to the middle rows, faintly illuminated by the glow of the screen. The audience gives a stifled cheer. There’s no fooling this crowd; they know their hero and O’Rourke’s family is here to watch with them.

The film opens with a montage of sound bites and headlines that pick the scabs of slow-healing wounds for democratic Texans. Immediately apprehension and unease hushes the crowd.  Anyone who followed the midterms recognizes the mix of media playing out on the screen. Yet the mood lightens up just as quickly with the first scene. Video shot from a phone shows the O’Rourke family load into the car. Beto’s son Henry O’Rourke asks, “What’s a sucker?” in response to hearing his dad use the term seconds before. The exchange between O’Rourke and his wife Amy is brief but says so much. It’s a moment that parents around the country know well.  The split second of how best to describe an idiom and who will take the responsibility of glossing it over is a scene reminiscent of a family sitcom.


Clips of the O’Rourke family such as this one effectively reign in the audience to recognize the human aspect of the congressman. That’s the authentic tone that Modigliani captures in this film.  He pulls back the curtain on the polished message and shows a man in full sprint to convince Texans he’s worth their vote. Though O’Rourke is the main character in this narrative he is not the only one.  He is the face of change, but his team and his followers are the movement.  The film follows three outspoken citizens doing their part to usher in the blue wave.  One in particular, Shannon Gay, almost steals the show. She is a rough speaking woman with a sic ‘em attitude.  The audience loves her audacity. If liberals are snowflakes, she is a blizzard.


Amanda Salas and Marcel McClinton are shown doing their part to address two of the state’s most pressing issues: gun laws and voter turnout.  Both of them have firsthand experience with the consequences that can result from inaction. McClinton is a survivor of a school shooting. Salas is a resident of Hidalgo county, a county with one of the lowest voter turnouts in the state.  Modigliani’s inclusion of their voices in his film allows for a fuller picture of the voter base O’Rourke has united.


Through its editing, Running With Beto  also highlights the uniqueness of O’Rourke’s campaign. Modigliani interjects several clips from Facebook Live. Reaction emoticons and comments pop up on the big screen as if it were a giant cellphone. The scenes not only bring the audience into the spirit of the moment but also exemplify a modern campaign approach; perhaps a necessary one since O’Rourke relied mostly on small, individual donations from his supporters. There is a certain trust that’s built when broadcasting live for the upcoming generation, combining immediate gratification with on the spot reality coming from their candidate. Modigliani fills the screen with up close shots of facial expressions that range between relief, joy, and frustration. Shots of O’Rourke’s wife Amy and the children truly relay their sentiment throughout.  


Viewers of Running With Beto should expect to relive their experiences with the midterm elections and more. Along with the inspiration, exasperation, and the dismay audiences will also see the sacrifices the O’Rourke family has made. O’Rourke’s children’s heartache when the last ring goes to voicemail, Beto’s early mornings in hotel lobbies and airplanes, and the miles of Texas roads travelled. Drama is not drummed up or caught the way that is common for reality media today.  Instead, it unfolds steadily and naturally with the midterm timeline. The pace of the film quickens as election day draws nearer. Dialogue becomes more urgent and direct, especially from the Congressman. It is a glimpse of O’Rourke’s leadership and willfulness to deliver his message his own way. Though the audience knows how the story ends, the energy in the theater somehow still mounts to palpable levels.

Running With Beto is not a film about why Beto should have won the election or why his point of view is right. It is the story of how the Democratic population of Texas found their drive. Combining O’Rourke’s persistence with that of active citizens’, the film reflects the people’s thirst for an antidote to the hardlined, negative platforms that run on being against new ideas. Modigliani showed a base rallying around the belief that it doesn’t take big money to run a successful campaign in Texas. A base that believes that there is power in refusing to roll in the mud.  A base that believes that they have a chance to make themselves heard. ‘Running With Beto’ leaves its audience feeling proud of a man willing to be the underdog and go against the grain in the most bonafide way. Many believe Beto’s race was exemplary, despite his loss, simply because it sets a precedent for bigger opportunities. Beto was asked about his 2020 plans after the screening but pivoted from the subject. He held off revealing his decision for nearly another week. On March 14, 2019, O’Rourke relieved his anxious supporters by finally announcing his 2020 presidential run saying, “at this moment of maximum peril and maximum potential let’s show ourselves, and those who will succeed us in this great country, just who we are and what we can do”.


Running with Beto is to be released on HBO May 28 according to IMDB.

005 (1981, SEGA Enterprises Ltd.) (Arcade)
007: Agent Under Fire (2001, Electronic Arts, Inc., Electronic Arts Ltd.) (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
007: Blood Stone (2010, Activision Publishing, Inc., ak tronic Software & Services GmbH) (PlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360)
007 Car Chase (1985, Coplin Software) (Commodore 64)
007: Everything or Nothing (2003, Electronic Arts, Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
007: Everything or Nothing (2004, Electronic Arts, Inc.) (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
007 Ice Racer (2002, In-Fusio) (ExEn)
007 Legends (2012, Activision Publishing, Inc.) (PlayStation 3, Wii U, Windows, Xbox 360)
007: Licence to Kill (1989, Domark Ltd.) (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, BBC Micro, Commodore 64, DOS, MSX, ZX Spectrum)
007: Nightfire (2002, Electronic Arts, Inc.) (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
007: Nightfire (2003, Electronic Arts, Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
007: Nightfire (2002, Aspyr Media, Inc., Electronic Arts, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
007: Quantum of Solace (2008, Activision Deutschland GmbH, Activision Publishing, Inc., ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, Noviy Disk, Square Enix Co., Ltd.) (PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Wii, Windows, Xbox 360)
007: Quantum of Solace (Collector's Edition) (2008, Activision Publishing, Inc.) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
007: Racing (2000, Electronic Arts, Inc.) (PlayStation)
007: The World is Not Enough (2000, Electronic Arts, Inc., Electronic Arts Ltd.) (PlayStation)
007: The World is Not Enough (2001, Electronic Arts, Inc.) (Game Boy Color)
007: The World is Not Enough (2000, Electronic Arts, Inc.) (Nintendo 64)
007: Tomorrow Never Dies (1999, Electronic Arts, Inc., Electronic Arts Square, K.K., MGM Interactive) (PlayStation)
007: Tomorrow Never Dies / 007: The World is Not Enough (2002, Electronic Arts Ltd.) (PlayStation)
0 day Attack on Earth (2009, Square Enix, Inc.) (Xbox 360)
0D Beat Drop (2009, Arc System Works Co., Ltd.) (Xbox 360)
10000000 (2012, EightyEightGames Ltd.) (Android, iPad, iPhone, Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
The $1,000,000 Pyramid (2011, Ubisoft, Inc.) (iPad, iPhone, Wii)
The $100,000 Pyramid (2001, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Windows)
The $100,000 Pyramid (1987, Box Office, Inc.) (Apple II, Commodore 64, DOS)
10.000 Bullets (2005, Taito Corporation) (PlayStation 2)
10,000 Games (2010, Avanquest Software Publishing Ltd.) (Windows)
10,000 Games (2005, Selectsoft Publishing, Viva Media, LLC) (Windows)
1000 Amps (2012, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Macintosh, Windows)
1000 Best Games for Windows (1999, Cosmi Europe, Ltd.) (Windows 3.x)
1000 Best Solitaire Games (2003, Cosmi Europe, Ltd.) (Windows)
1000cc Turbo (1990, Impressions) (Amiga)
1000 Games (2004, Avanquest Software Publishing Ltd.) (Windows)
1000 Games: Volume 3 (2008, Avanquest Software Publishing Ltd.) (Windows)
1000 Heroz (2011, RedLynx Ltd) (iPad, iPhone)
1000 Miglia (1991, Simulmondo) (Amiga, Commodore 64, DOS)
1000-nen Okoku (1986, LOG) (PC-88)
1000 Words (2004, Gameloft S.A.) (BREW, J2ME)
1001 Minigolf Challenge (2006, Selectsoft Publishing) (Windows)
1001 Nights of DOOM (1995, Wicked Sensations Inc.) (DOS)
1001 Nights: The Adventures of Sindbad (2009, Alawar Entertainment, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
1001 Tangram Puzzles (2006, Selectsoft Publishing) (Windows)
100 Action Arcade Games Volume 2 (1999, Global Star Software Ltd.) (Windows 3.x)
100% Classics 2 (2005, Butterfly-Mediasoft) (DOS, Windows)
100% Dynamite (1990, Ocean Software Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
100games: Luchsie fermy (2010, Game Factory Interactive Ltd., Russobit-M) (Windows)
100-in-one Klik & Play Pirate Kart (2007, Glorious Trainwrecks) (Windows)
100 Smash Win95 Games (1998, The Learning Company, Inc.) (Windows)
100th Anniversary of the Crossword Puzzle (2013, Google Inc.) (Browser)
101 Dalmatians: Escape From DeVil Manor (1997, Disney Interactive, Inc.) (Windows, Windows 3.x)
101-kaime no Approach Shot (1992, Santa Fe) (PC-98)
101: The Airborne Invasion of Normandy (1998, Empire Interactive Entertainment) (Windows)
1066 (2009, Channel Four Television Corporation) (Browser)
1080? Avalanche (2003, Nintendo Co., Ltd., Nintendo of America Inc., Nintendo of Europe GmbH) (GameCube)
1080? Snowboarding (1998, Nintendo Co., Ltd., Nintendo of America Inc., Nintendo of Europe GmbH) (Nintendo 64, Wii)
10 Action Packed PC Games: All Action (2007, Grabit) (Windows)
10 Amazingly Awful Games (2011, Boddicker Games) (Xbox 360)
10 Computer Hits (1985, Beau Jolly) (Commodore 64)
10 Computer Hits 1 (1985, Beau Jolly) (ZX Spectrum)
10 Computer Hits 2 (1986, Beau Jolly) (Commodore 64)
10 Computer Hits 2 (1986, Beau Jolly) (ZX Spectrum)
10 Computer Hits 3 (1987, Beau Jolly) (ZX Spectrum)
10 Computer Hits 3 (1986, Beau Jolly) (Commodore 64)
10 Computer Hits 4 (1987, Beau Jolly) (ZX Spectrum)
10 Computer Hits 4 (1987, Beau Jolly) (Commodore 64)
10 Computer Hits 4 (1987, Beau Jolly) (BBC Micro, Electron)
10 Computer Hits 5 (1989, Beau Jolly) (ZX Spectrum)
10 Days Under the Sea (2008, Akella, FlyWheel Games) (Windows)
10 Great Games (1987, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
10 Great Games (1991, Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
10 Great Games (1994, Telstar Fun and Games) (DOS)
10 Great Games 3 (1988, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (ZX Spectrum)
10 Great Games 3 (1988, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (Commodore 64)
10 Great Games II (1988, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (ZX Spectrum)
10 Great Games Just For Dad! (2004, Idigicon Limited) (Windows)
10 Jahre Interaktive Unterhaltung: Westwood Studios - Teil 1: 1985-1995 (1995, Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Ltd.) (DOS)
10... Knockout! (1985, Amersoft) (Commodore 64)
10 Mega Games Volume One (1988, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum)
10 Mega Games Volume One (1988, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (Commodore 64)
10 Mega Hits (1985, Beau Jolly) (ZX Spectrum)
10 Megahits Vol. 2 (1990, Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) (Amiga, Atari ST)
10 Megahits Vol. 3 (1991, Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) (Amiga)
10 Minute Solution (2010, Activision Value Publishing, Inc.) (Wii)
10-Pin Bowling (1999, Majesco Sales, Inc.) (Game Boy Color)
10-Pin Bowling (1984, CDS Microsystems) (Commodore 64)
1? Ritter: Auf der Suche nach der hinrei?enden Herzelinde (2008, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Inc.) (Windows)
10 Seconds or Less (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
10six Online (1998, SegaSoft, Inc.) (Windows)
10 Spiele-Hits Vol. 1 (2003, media Verlagsgesellschaft mbH) (Windows, Windows 3.x)
10 Spiele-Hits Vol. 2 (2004, media Verlagsgesellschaft mbH) (Windows)
10 Talismans (2006, NevoSoft, RealArcade) (iPad, iPhone, Windows)
10th Frame (1986, Erbe Software, S.A., Access Software, Inc., U.S. Gold Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS, MSX, ZX Spectrum)
10 Tons of Games: Mega Collection 1 (1997, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS, Windows, Windows 3.x)
10 Top-Hits: Super-Spiele (1997, W.A.S. Medien Produktions GmbH) (DOS, Windows, Windows 3.x)
10-Yard Fight (1983, Irem Corp., Nintendo of America Inc.) (Arcade, MSX, NES)
118 118 Nummerjakten (1999, E-game AB) (Windows)
1193 Anno Domini: Merchants and Crusader (2001, Blackstar Interactive GmbH) (Windows)
1+1 Bonus Pack (2009, The Adventure Company) (Wii)
The 11th Hour (1995, Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Ltd., Ozacq1, Inc., Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Inc.) (DOS, Macintosh, Windows)
12 (2008, Phoenix Games B.V.) (Nintendo DS)
1213: Episode 1 (2005, Fully Ramblomatic) (Windows)
1213: Episode 2 (2006, Fully Ramblomatic) (Windows)
1213: Episode 3 (2006, Fully Ramblomatic) (Windows)
1213: Special Edition (2006, Fully Ramblomatic) (Windows)
1-2-3 Bumblebee (2005, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
123 Free Memory Card Games (2003, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
123 Free Puzzle (2003, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
123 Free Solitaire For Children (2003, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
1... 2... 3... KICK IT! (Drop That Beat Like an Ugly Baby) (2011, Dejobaan Games, LLC) (Windows)
1250+ Games (2000, Focus Multimedia Ltd.) (Windows)
12 O'Clock High: Bombing the Reich (1999, Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., TalonSoft, Inc.) (Windows)
12th Century BlackJack (2002, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
1337 Ship Deathmatch (2009, 1337 Pwnage) (Windows, Xbox 360)
13 Ghosts (1984, Tandy Corporation) (TRS-80)
1503 A.D.: The New World (2002, Deep Silver, Electronic Arts, Inc., Electronic Arts Ltda.) (Windows)
1503 A.D.: Treasures, Monsters and Pirates (2004, Deep Silver, Sunflowers Interactive Entertainment Software GmbH) (Windows)
1552 Tenka Tairan (1993, ASK Kodansha Co., Ltd.) (TurboGrafx CD)
15 Days (2009, dtp entertainment AG) (Windows)
15 Giant Games Vol.1 (2004, JoWooD Productions Software AG) (Windows)
15 Move Hole Puzzle (1994, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
15 Puzzle (2009, Snowcap Games) (Xbox 360)
15 x 15 (1996, IFTECH Software AB) (DOS)
16 (1996, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
1602 A.D. (1999, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, GT Interactive Software Corp., Sunflowers Interactive Entertainment Software GmbH, Ubisoft GmbH) (Windows)
16 Bit Hit Machine (1991, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (Amiga)
16t (1991, SEGA Enterprises Ltd.) (Genesis)
1701 A.D. (2006, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, Aspyr Media, Inc., Deep Silver, n3vrf41l Publishing, ND GAMES, Sunflowers Interactive Entertainment Software GmbH, Ubisoft Entertainment SA) (Windows)
1701 A.D.: Gold Edition (2008, Aspyr Media, Inc., Cenega Poland Sp. z o.o., Deep Silver) (Windows)
177 (1986, dB-SOFT, Macadamia Soft) (PC-88, Sharp X1)
1815 (1984, Cobra Soft) (Amstrad CPC, Oric, Thomson TO)
1830: Railroads & Robber Barons (1995, The Avalon Hill Game Company) (DOS)
1848 (2006,, Inc., Matrix Games, Ltd.) (Windows)
1849 Gold Rush (2003, CSP Mobile GmbH) (Mophun)
1869 (1992, Flair Software Ltd., Max Design GesMBH) (Amiga, DOS)
187: Ride or Die (2005, Ubisoft Entertainment SA, Ubisoft, Inc.) (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
1893: A World's Fair Mystery (2003, Illuminated Lantern, The) (Macintosh, Windows)
18 Wheels of Steel: Across America (2003, Akella, Buka Entertainment, Sunstorm Interactive, Inc., ValuSoft, Inc.) (Windows)
18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul (2007, ValuSoft, Inc.) (Windows)
18 Wheels of Steel: Convoy (2005, ValuSoft, Inc.) (Windows)
18 Wheels of Steel: Extreme Trucker (2009, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, rondomedia Marketing & Vertriebs GmbH, ValuSoft, Inc.) (Windows)
18 Wheels of Steel: Gold Edition (2009, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, ValuSoft, Inc.) (Windows)
18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin' (2006, ValuSoft, Inc.) (Windows)
18 Wheels of Steel: Pedal to the Metal (2004, Akella, Buka Entertainment, THQ Inc., ValuSoft, Inc.) (Windows)
1912: Titanic Mystery (2009, 21 Rocks, LLC, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, Big Fish Games, Inc, Foreign Media Games, Micro Application, S.A., Purple Hills, SpinTop Games) (Macintosh, Nintendo DS, Windows)
1914: Shells of Fury (2006, rondomedia Marketing & Vertriebs GmbH, Strategy First, Inc.) (Windows)
1914: The Great War (2002, JoWooD Productions Software AG) (Windows)
1916: Der unbekannte Krieg (2011, Det Danske Akademi for Digital, Interaktiv Underholdning Filmskolen) (Browser, Macintosh, Windows)
19-2: Op?ration Antigang (2013, Productions 19-2 Inc.) (Browser)
1931: Scheherazade at the Library of Pergamum (2012, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
1939-1945: Krieg an allen Fronten (2009, media Verlagsgesellschaft mbH) (Windows)
193 sovereign countries in 15 minutes (2007, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
1941: Counter Attack (1990, Capcom Co., Ltd., Capcom U.S.A., Inc., Hudson Soft Company, Ltd.) (Arcade, SuperGrafx)
1941: Frozen Front (2004, Handy-Games GmbH) (J2ME)
1942 (1984, ASCII Corporation, Capcom Co., Ltd., Capcom Entertainment, Inc., Capcom U.S.A., Inc., CE Europe Ltd., Elite Systems Ltd., Encore, Living Mobile GmbH, Nintendo of America Inc., Zafiro, Zemina Co.) (Amstrad CPC, Arcade, BREW, Commodore 64, FM-7, Game Boy Color, J2ME, MSX, NES, PC-88, PlayStation 3, Sharp X1, Wii, Windows, Windows Mobile, Xbox 360, ZX Spectrum)
1942: Joint Strike (2008, Capcom Entertainment, Inc.) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
1942: The Pacific Air War (1994, MicroProse Software, Inc., MicroProse Ltd.) (DOS)
1942: The Pacific Air War Gold (1994, MicroProse Software, Inc., MicroProse Ltd.) (Windows 3.x)
1942: The Pacific Air War Scenario (1995, MicroProse Software, Inc.) (DOS)
1943 Kai (1990, Capcom Co., Ltd., Naxat Soft) (Arcade, TurboGrafx-16)
1943: The Battle of Midway (1987, Capcom Co., Ltd., Capcom Entertainment, Inc., Capcom U.S.A., Inc., Erbe Software, S.A., GO!, Kixx) (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Arcade, Atari ST, Commodore 64, NES, Xbox 360, ZX Spectrum)
1945 AirWar (2004, Unknown Publisher(s)) (J2ME)
1945 I & II: The Arcade Games (2004, Play It Ltd., System 3 Software Limited) (PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3)
1954: Alcatraz (2014, Daedalic Entertainment GmbH) (Macintosh, Windows)
1955 - The Secret Mission (2005, Unknown Publisher(s)) (J2ME)
1985: The Day After (1985, Mastertronic Ltd.) (Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
1990: Die 1993'er Edition (1993, APC&TCP) (Amiga)
1991 Du Ma Racing (1991, Super Mega) (NES)
1993tris (1993, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
1994Pool+ (1994, Ninano Software Co.) (DOS)
1994 (Ten Years After) (1983, Visions (Software Factory) Ltd.) (Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
1999: Hore, Mita koto ka! Seikimatsu (1992, Coconuts Japan Entertainment Co., Ltd.) (NES)
19 Part 1: Boot Camp (1988, Cascade Games, Ltd.) (Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
19XX: The War Against Destiny (1996, Capcom Co., Ltd., Capcom U.S.A., Inc.) (Arcade)
1C Complete Collection (2010, 1C Company) (Windows)
1Check (2004, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
1 Day a Mosquito (2006, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
1-i (2007, (Browser)
1Key Minigolf (2005, Generation Stars) (Windows)
1Key Rocket Launcher (2005, Generation Stars) (Windows)
1k-mini-bdash (2008, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Commodore 64)
1K ZX Chess (1982, Artic Computing Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd.) (ZX81)
1 Moment of Time: Silentville (2012, Big Fish Games, Inc) (Windows)
1NSANE (2000, Codemasters, Codemasters Software Company Limited, The, Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd.) (Windows)
1 on 1 (1998, D3Publisher Inc., Jorudan Co., Ltd.) (PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PSP)
1st Division Manager (1991, Codemasters, Codemasters Software Company Limited, The) (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
1st Person Pinball (1989, Tynesoft Computer Software) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
1 Ton (1996, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1988, Coktel Vision) (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, DOS)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain Nemo (2009, Anuman Interactive SA, Game Factory Interactive Ltd., Russobit-M) (iPad, iPhone, Macintosh, Windows)
2001 Alien Combat (2000, Cursoft@) (Windows)
2002 FIFA World Cup (2002, Electronic Arts, Inc., Electronic Arts Square, K.K.) (GameCube, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, Windows, Xbox)
2004 Long Jump (2004, Mobile2win Ltd.) (J2ME)
2004 Real Soccer (2004, Gameloft S.A.) (J2ME)
2004: Space Becherovka (2004, Dast) (Windows)
2005 MiniGame MultiCart (2005, AtariAge) (Atari 2600)
2005 Real Soccer (2005, Gameloft S.A.) (J2ME)
2005 Traffic (2005, Just Flight Ltd) (Windows)
2006 Real Soccer (2006, Gameloft S.A.) (DoJa, J2ME)
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa (2010, Electronic Arts, Inc.) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
2010: The Graphic Action Game (1984, Coleco Industries, Inc.) (ColecoVision)
2020 Special Ops (2005, Concrete Software, Inc.) (J2ME)
2025: Battle for Fatherland (2010, Akella) (Windows)
2060 Cyber Racer (2009, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
2088 (1988, Zeppelin Games Limited) (ZX Spectrum)
20 em 1 (1995, Tec Toy Ind?stria de Brinquedos S.A.) (SEGA Master System)
20 Giant Games (1997, Beau Jolly) (DOS)
20 Mega Games (1997, Empire Interactive Europe Ltd.) (DOS)
20 Pferdespiele (2006, TOPOS Verlag GmbH) (Windows)
20 Squares (1995, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
2112 - A Field Trip (2001, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
2176 Supernova Storm (2009, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
21: Blackjack (2010, Digital Leisure Inc.) (Nintendo DSi)
21-en (1991, HVB) (DOS)
21 Gewinnt (1992, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
221 B Baker St. (1986, Datasoft, Inc.) (Apple II, Atari 8-bit, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS)
2400 A.D. (1987, ORIGIN Systems, Inc.) (Apple II, DOS)
24 Tested Ready-To-Run Game Programs in BASIC (1978, Tab Books) (Commodore PET/CBM, TRS-80)
24: The Game (2006, 2K Games, Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.) (PlayStation 2)
25,000 Sudoku Puzzles (2005, Focus Multimedia Ltd.) (Windows)
25 to Life (2006, Eidos Interactive Ltd., Noviy Disk) (PlayStation 2, Windows, Xbox)
2Fast 2Furious (2002, Xister) (J2ME)
2 for 1: Riddle of the Sphinx & Riddle of the Sphinx II (2004, The Adventure Company) (Windows)
2 for 1: The Messenger & Traitors Gate (2004, The Adventure Company) (Windows)
2 for 1: The Mystery of the Nautilus / The New Adventures of the Time Machine (2004, The Adventure Company) (Windows)
2 For You Game Pack: Super Aneurysm! / Pop Pop Pop! (2006, ValuSoft, Inc.) (Windows)
2 Games In 1: Cartoon Network Block Party & Cartoon Network Speedway (2005, Majesco Sales, Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
2 Games in 1: Columns Crown + ChuChu Rocket! (2005, THQ Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
2 Games in 1: Disney Princess + Disney's The Lion King 1 ? (2004, THQ Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
2 Games in 1: GT 3 Advance: Pro Concept Racing + Moto GP: Ultimate Racing Technology (2004, THQ Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
2 Games in 1: Power Rangers: Time Force / Power Rangers: Ninja Storm (2005, THQ Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
2 Games in 1: SpongeBob SquarePants - Battle for Bikini Bottom + SpongeBob SquarePants - Supersponge (2004, THQ Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
2 Good 2 Be True: Volume 1 (1997, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Windows)
2 Hot 2 Handle (1991, Ocean Software Ltd.) (Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
2 in 1: Cross High & Block Buster (1992, Watara) (Supervision)
2 in 1: DreamWorks' Shark Tale + Shrek 2 (2005, Activision Deutschland GmbH, Activision Publishing, Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
2 in 1 Game Pack: Spider-Man: Mysterio's Menace / X2: Wolverine's Revenge (2005, Activision Publishing, Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
2 in 1: Hash Block & Eagle Plan (1992, Watara) (Supervision)
2in1 Pack: Battle Arena Toshinden - Fatal Fury 3 (1999, Swing! Entertainment Software GmbH) (Windows)
2in1 Pack: Bundesliga Manager Gold - Eishockey Manager (1999, Swing! Entertainment Media AG) (DOS)
2in1 Pack: Dragon's Lair - Space Ace (1998, Swing! Entertainment Software GmbH) (Windows)
2in1 Pack: Dream Team 98 - ranSoccer (1998, Swing! Entertainment Software GmbH) (Windows)
2in1 Pack: Hanse: Die Expedition - Der Patrizier (1998, Swing! Entertainment Software GmbH) (Windows)
2in1 Pack: Jack Nicklaus 4 - Tennis Manager (1999, Swing! Entertainment Software GmbH) (Windows)
2 in1 Pack - Jack Nicklaus 5 + Daley Thompson's Decathlon (1999, Swing! Entertainment Software GmbH) (Windows)
2in1 Pack: St. Thomas - Elisabeth I. (1999, Swing! Entertainment Software GmbH) (DOS)
2 in 1: V-Rally 3 + Stuntman (2005, Atari Europe S.A.S.U.) (Game Boy Advance)
2in1: Zirkus Tycoon + Airline Tycoon Deluxe (2006, Halycon Media GmbH & Co. KG) (Windows)
2K Essentials Collection: BioShock / Borderlands / XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2013, 2K Games, Inc.) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
2K-Fighter (1992, 64'er) (Commodore 64)
2K Huge Game Pack (2009, 2K Games, Inc.) (Windows)
2K Power Pack: The Darkness II / BioShock 2 / Mafia II (2013, 2K Games, Inc.) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
2onOne: L.A. Swat + Panther (1988, Mastertronic, Inc.) (Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64)
2 Pak Special: Alien Force & Hoppy (1992, Home Entertainment Suppliers Pty. Ltd.) (Atari 2600)
2 Pak Special: Cavern Blaster & City War (1992, Home Entertainment Suppliers Pty. Ltd.) (Atari 2600)
2 Pak Special: Space Voyage & Fire Alert (1992, Home Entertainment Suppliers Pty. Ltd.) (Atari 2600)
2 Pics 1 Answer (2014, Dingleberry Studios) (Android)
2 Player Soccer Squad (1991, D&H Games) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
2 Shot Diary (1994, Mink Co. Ltd.) (PC-98)
2 Shot Diary 2: Memory 1/4 (1995, Mink Co. Ltd.) (PC-98)
2 Shot Diary 2: Memory 2/4 (1996, Mink Co. Ltd.) (PC-98)
2 Shot Diary 2: Memory 3/4 (1996, Mink Co. Ltd.) (PC-98)
2 Shot Diary 2: Memory 4/4 (1996, Mink Co. Ltd.) (PC-98)
2 Tasty (2010, Maximize Games) (iPad, Macintosh, Windows)
2x2 (2012, AnyTech, Inc.) (Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
2x2 (1995, Ajt Soft) (DOS)
2Xtreme (1996, Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment Incorporated) (PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PSP)
300 Arcade Games (2000, Cosmi Europe, Ltd.) (Windows)
300: March to Glory (2007, Eidos Interactive Ltd., Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Inc.) (PSP)
30th Anniversary of PAC-MAN (2010, Google Inc.) (Browser)
3105 A.D. (2003, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
31 for Windows (1998, Ultisoft, Inc.) (Windows)
31: Iwayuru Hitotsu no Cho Lovely na Boken Katsugeki (1995, Altacia) (PC-98)
32 in 1 Game Cartridge (1988, Atari Corporation) (Atari 2600)
333,000 Games (2009, Selectsoft Publishing) (Windows)
34 MORE Tested, Ready-to-Run Game Programs in BASIC (1981, Tab Books) (Apple II, Commodore PET/CBM, TRS-80)
360 Lines (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
365 Puzzle Club (2009, Connect2Media) (Android, BlackBerry, BREW, iPhone, J2ME)
365 Solitaire Club (2009, Connect2Media) (Android, BlackBerry, J2ME)
38000 Kilo no Koku (1989, System Sacom) (FM Towns, PC-98, Sharp X68000)
The 39 Steps (2013, Avanquest Software Publishing Ltd., Faber and Faber, KISS ltd) (iPad, Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
3 Cards to Dead Time (2010, Big Finish, Inc.) (Windows)
3 Cards to Midnight (2009, Big Finish, Inc.) (Windows)
3 Count Bout (1993, SNK Corporation, SNK of America) (Arcade, Neo Geo, Neo Geo CD)
3d24 (1993, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Atari 8-bit)
3D 3D! (1981, dk'tronics) (ZX81)
The 3D Adventures of Sailor Moon (1997, 3VR, Inc.) (Windows)
3D Alien Invasion (1998, Webfoot Technologies, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
3-D Animated Adventure Games Starter Pack (1987, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (DOS)
3D Armada (2000, Crystal Interactive, Inc., Megaware Multimedia B.V., Motion Plus Media B.V.) (Windows)
3 Days: Zoo Mystery (2009, Realore Studios) (Macintosh, Windows)
3D Ball Blaster (1992, Homebrew Software) (DOS)
3D Baseball (1996, BMG Japan Inc., Crystal Dynamics, Inc.) (PlayStation, SEGA Saturn)
3D Bat Attack (1984, Cheetahsoft Ltd.) (ZX Spectrum)
3D Battle Tank (2004, Penultimate, Inc.) (BREW)
3-D Body Adventure (1994, Knowledge Adventure, Inc., Levande B?cker i Norden AB) (DOS, Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3.x)
3D Bomber (1998, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
3D Bomberman Atomic (2009, Living Mobile GmbH) (J2ME)
3D Boxing (1985, Amsoft) (Amstrad CPC)
3-D Breakout (1988, Commodore Disk User) (Commodore 64)
3-D Brickaway (1982, The Avalon Hill Game Company) (Atari 2600, Commodore 64, TRS-80 CoCo)
3D Brick Busters (1999, Webfoot Technologies, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
3D Cargame (2001, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
3D Caveman Rocks (2001, Cosmi Corporation) (Windows)
3D Code Cracker (2002, Sima System) (Windows)
3D Crazy Ballz (2003, Unnatural Games Studio) (Windows)
3DCube (1994, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
3D Defence (1987, Unknown Publisher(s)) (ZX Spectrum)
3D Desert Patrol (1983, CRL Group PLC) (ZX Spectrum)
3D DesertRun (2001, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
3-D Dinosaur Adventure (1993, Knowledge Adventure, Inc.) (DOS)
3-D Dinosaur Adventure: Anniversary Edition (1997, Knowledge Adventure, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3.x)
3D Dot Game Heroes (2009, FromSoftware, Inc., Atlus U.S.A., Inc., SouthPeak Interactive Ltd) (PlayStation 3)
3D Dragon Duel (1999, Webfoot Technologies, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
3D Driver (1999, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
3-Demon (1983, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
3D Flipper XXL (1999, Data Becker GmbH & Co. KG, Micro Application, S.A.) (Windows)
3D Frog Frenzy (1999, Cosmi Corporation, Swift Software ) (Windows)
3-D Frog Man (1998, RomTech, Inc.) (Windows)
3D Galax (1987, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (Amiga, Atari ST)
3D Galaxy Fighters (1999, Webfoot Technologies, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
3d Girlz (2011, DC Media) (Windows)
3-D Glooper (1983, Atlantis Software Limited, Audiogenic Software Ltd., Supersoft) (Commodore 16, Plus/4, Commodore 64)
3D Golf (1986, Mastertronic Ltd.) (Commodore 64)
3D Hunting: Trophy Whitetail (1998, Macmillan Digital Publishing USA) (Windows)
3D Infinity (2010, SmileBoom Co.Ltd.) (Xbox 360)
3D Lawn Darts (2007, Concrete Software, Inc.) (BlackBerry, iPhone, J2ME, Symbian, Windows Mobile)
3D Lemmings Winterland (1995, Psygnosis Limited) (DOS)
3D Lunattack (1984, Hewson Consultants Ltd.) (Commodore 64, Dragon 32/64, ZX Spectrum)
3D MahJongg (2012, Joindots GmbH) (Nintendo 3DS)
3D Marble Flip (2003, Cosmi Corporation) (Windows)
3DMaze (1995, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
3D Maze (1991, Odin Software Development) (Windows 3.x)
3D Maze (1984, Mastertronic Ltd.) (VIC-20)
3D Maze Man: Amazing Adventures (1998, RomTech, Inc.) (Windows)
3D Mini Golf: Castles (2005, Digital Chocolate, Inc.) (J2ME)
3D Missile Madness (2000, Cosmi Corporation) (Windows)
3D Monster Maze (1981, J.K. Greye Software, Melbourne House Software, Inc.) (ZX81)
3D Monster Maze (2002, Demon Star) (Windows)
3D Ms. Maze: Tropical Adventures (1998, RomTech, Inc.) (Windows)
3DO Action Pak (1995, 3DO Company, The) (3DO)
3DO Games: Decathlon (1997, 3DO Company, The) (Windows)
3DO Maniac Pack (1995, Interplay Productions, Inc.) (3DO)
3D Othello Deluxe (2005, Living Mobile GmbH) (J2ME)
3 D OXO (1986, Alpha Software Ltd.) (Commodore 64)
3D Pac Man (1982, Nufekop) (Commodore 64)
3D Pinball (1992, Villa Crespo Software, Inc.) (DOS)
3D-Pinball (1989, Mastertronic Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
3D Pinball Express (1999, Cosmi Corporation, Cosmi Europe, Ltd.) (Windows)
3D Pitfall (1995, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
3D Pool (2004, dbi Games) (J2ME)
3D-Puzzlespass (2006, Beat Games) (Windows)
3D Railroad Master (1999, SYBEX-Verlag GmbH) (Windows)
3D Recon (2000, Exolt Software) (Windows)
3-D Red Baron Dogfight/Flight Simulator (1980, Sebree's Computing) (Atari 8-bit)
3D Roller Coaster Designer (2000, Pantera Entertainment) (Windows)
3D Scacchi Simulator (1991, Simulmondo) (Commodore 64)
3D Schiffe versenken (1998, Data Becker GmbH & Co. KG) (Windows)
3D Scooter Racing (2001, Pantera Entertainment) (Windows)
3D-Seeschlacht (1999, bhv Software GmbH & Co. KG) (Windows)
3D Seiddab Attack (1984, Hewson Consultants Ltd.) (Dragon 32/64, ZX Spectrum)
3D Shooting Tsukuru (1996, ASCII Corporation) (PlayStation)
3D Silicon Fish (1984, Thor Computer Software) (Commodore 64, VIC-20)
3-D Skramble (1984, LiveWire Software UK) (Commodore 64)
3D Slam Ping Pong (2003, Sorrent Inc.) (BREW, J2ME)
3D Slime (1986, Datalink Systems (Wales)) (Sinclair QL)
3D Space Wars (1983, Hewson Consultants Ltd.) (Dragon 32/64, ZX Spectrum)
3D Speed Duel (1984, dk'tronics) (Commodore 64)
3D Spryjinx (2000, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
3D Starstrike (1984, Elite Systems Ltd., Realtime Games Software Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum)
3D Stock Car Championship (1988, Firebird Software Ltd.) (ZX Spectrum)
3D Stock Cars II (1991, Challenge Software) (Commodore 64)
3D Stunt Rider (1985, Amsoft) (Amstrad CPC)
3-D TableSports (1996, Time Warner Interactive Ltd.) (DOS)
3D Tank Duel (1984, Realtime Games Software Ltd.) (ZX Spectrum)
3D Tanx (1982, dk'tronics) (BBC Micro, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
3-D Tetris (1996, Nintendo of America Inc.) (Virtual Boy)
3D Thinking Lab (1998, Edmark Corporation) (Macintosh, Windows 3.x)
3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (1979, Atari, Inc., Sears, Roebuck and Co.) (Atari 2600, Atari 8-bit, DOS)
3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (1978, Creative Computing Software) (Apple II, Commodore PET/CBM, TRS-80)
3D Tic-Tac-Toe (2005, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
3D Time Trek (1983, Anirog Software Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 16, Plus/4, Commodore 64)
3-D Ultra Cool Pool (1999, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Windows)
3-D Ultra Deluxe (1999, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Windows)
3-D Ultra Fun Center (2001, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Windows)
3-D Ultra Lionel Train Town Deluxe (2000, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Windows)
3-D Ultra Minigolf (1997, Sierra On-Line, Inc., Sierra On-Line UK) (Windows, Windows 3.x)
3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures (2006, Activision Publishing, Inc., Sierra Online) (Windows, Xbox 360)
3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures 2 (2010, Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures: Carnival (2007, Sierra Online) (Windows)
3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures: Lost Island (2007, Sierra Online) (Windows)
3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures: Space (2007, Sierra Online) (Windows)
3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures: Wild West (2007, Sierra Online) (Windows)
3-D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe (1999, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Windows)
3-D Ultra NASCAR Pinball (1998, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
3-D Ultra Pinball (1995, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3.x)
3-D Ultra Pinball (Collector's Edition) (1998, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
3-D Ultra Pinball: Creep Night (1996, Dice Multi Media Europe B.V., Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3.x)
3-D Ultra Pinball: Power! (1999, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3.x)
3-D Ultra Pinball: The Lost Continent (1997, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3.x)
3-D Ultra Pinball: Thrillride (2000, Dynamix, Inc., Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Game Boy Color)
3-D Ultra Pinball: Thrillride (1996, Dice Multi Media Europe B.V., Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
3-D Ultra Radio Control Racers (1999, Sierra On-Line, Inc., Sierra Entertainment, Inc.) (Windows)
3DWorld (1994, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
3D World Boxing (1992, Simulmondo) (Amiga, Commodore 64, DOS)
3-D WorldRunner (1987, Acclaim Entertainment, Inc., Disk Original Group) (NES)
3 for 1 Value Pack: Volume #1 (2002, Agetec, Inc., Tommo Inc.) (PlayStation)
3 for 1 Value Pack: Volume #2 (2002, Agetec, Inc., Tommo Inc.) (PlayStation)
3 for 1 Value Pack: Volume #3 (2002, Agetec, Inc., Tommo Inc.) (PlayStation)
3 for 1 Value Pack: Volume #4 (2002, Agetec, Inc., Tommo Inc.) (PlayStation)
3 for 1 Value Pack: Volume #5 (2002, Agetec, Inc., Tommo Inc.) (PlayStation)
3 for 1 Value Pack: Volume #6 (2002, Agetec, Inc., Tommo Inc.) (PlayStation)
3 Free Games (1996, SEGA of America, Inc.) (SEGA Saturn)
3 Grandes Aventures Historiques (1999, Cryo Interactive Entertainment) (Windows)
3in1 Adrenalin Pack (2007, THQ Inc.) (Windows)
3 in 1: Game Compilation (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
3 In Three (1989, Cinemaware Corporation, Inline Design) (Macintosh)
3-K Trivia (1984, IBM) (PC Booter)
3 Mega Games: Simulations (1998, Media Publishing) (DOS, Windows)
3 Ninjas Kick Back (1994, Sony Imagesoft) (Genesis, SNES)
3 Ninjas Kick Back / Hook (1994, Sony Imagesoft) (SEGA CD)
3 on 3 NHL Arcade (2009, Electronic Arts, Inc.) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
3 Pack (1980, Epyx, Inc.) (Apple II)
3 Point Basketball (1993, MVP Software) (DOS)
The 3rd Birthday (2010, Square Enix Co., Ltd., Square Enix, Inc.) (PSP)
The 3rd Birthday (Twisted Edition) (2011, Square Enix, Ltd.) (PSP)
3rd Degree (1992, Philips Interactive Media, Inc.) (CD-i)
The 3rd Millennium (1997, Cryo Interactive Entertainment, R&P Electronic Media) (Windows)
3rd World Farmer (2005, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
3 Skulls of the Toltecs (1996, Russobit-M, Warner Interactive Entertainment Ltd.) (DOS, Windows)
3 Stars of Destiny (2009, Aldorlea Games) (Windows)
3Tones (2009, Vast Studios Inc.) (Windows)
3w1: Autka, Dark Moon, Mr. Tomato (1996, L.K. Avalon, Riki Computer Games) (DOS)
3x3 Eyes: Juma Hokan (1995, Banpresto Co., Ltd.) (SNES)
3x3 Eyes: Kyusei Koshu (1995, Nihon Create, Xing Entertainment) (PlayStation, Windows 3.x)
3x3 Eyes: Kyusei Koshu S (1996, Nihon Create) (SEGA Saturn)
3x3 Eyes: Sanjiyan Henjo (1993, NEC Home Electronics, Ltd., Nihon Create) (FM Towns, PC-98, TurboGrafx CD, Windows)
3x3 Eyes: Seima Densetsu (1993, SEGA Enterprises Ltd.) (SEGA CD)
3x3 Eyes: Seima Korinden (1992, Yutaka) (SNES)
3x3 Eyes: Tenrin O Genmu (1997, Nihon Create) (PlayStation, Windows)
3x Logic Games (1993, HUNCWOT, TimSoft) (DOS)
3Xtreme (1999, 989 Studios) (PlayStation)
40 Winks (1999, Atari Europe S.A.S.U., GT Interactive Software Corp.) (PlayStation, PS Vita)
428: Fusa Sareta Shibuya de (2009, Spike Co., Ltd.) (PlayStation 3, PSP)
4:32 (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
'43 - One Year After (1986, American Action AB) (Commodore 64)
46 (2006, 1C Company) (Windows)
46 Okunen Monogatari: The Shinkaron (1990, Enix Corporation) (PC-98)
48 Night Story (1992, Silky's) (PC-98)
4-D Boxing (1991, Electronic Arts, Inc., Electronic Arts Victor, Mindscape International Ltd.) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS, FM Towns, Macintosh, PC-98)
4 Degrees: The Arc of Trivia (2005, ZAPiT Games, Inc.) (Game Wave)
4 Degrees: The Arc of Trivia - Volume 1 (2009, ZAPiT Games, Inc.) (BlackBerry, Browser, iPhone)
4D Prince of Persia (1994, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
4D Sports Tennis (1990, Electronic Arts Victor, Mindscape, Inc.) (DOS, FM Towns, PC-98)
4 Elements (2008, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, BAL Holding Limited, eGames, Inc., Mastertronic Group Ltd., Playrix Entertainment, Real Networks, Inc., Storm City Games) (Android, BREW, iPad, iPhone, J2ME, Macintosh, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3, Windows, Windows Mobile)
4 Elements II (2011, Playrix Entertainment) (iPad, Macintosh, Windows)
4Flush (1999, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
4 Gewinnt (1988, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
4-in-1 Fun Pak (1992, Imagineer Co., Ltd., Interplay Productions, Inc., Interplay Productions Ltd.) (Game Boy)
4-in-1 Funpak: Volume II (1993, Interplay Productions, Inc.) (Game Boy)
4 in 1: Hash Block / Jacky Lucky / Challenger Tank / Brain Power (1992, Watara) (Supervision)
4 in 1 (Hit Pak) (1986, Elite Systems Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
4 In 1 Racing (2000, Midas Interactive Entertainment Ltd.) (Windows)
4 in 1 Row (1982, N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken) (Odyssey 2)
4KKong (2003, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Oric)
4 Logiciels pour ZX Spectrum (1987, Loriciels) (ZX Spectrum)
4 Mega-Games f?r die ganze Familie (1996, NAVIGO Multimedia GmbH & Co. Produktions KG) (Windows)
4 Minutes and 33 Seconds of Uniqueness (2009, Kloonigames Ltd) (Windows)
4 Moohrhuhn Teile (2003, Ravensburger Interactive Media GmbH) (Windows)
4 Most Adventures (1990, Alternative Software Ltd.) (Commodore 64)
4 Most Air Power (1991, Alternative Software Ltd.) (Commodore 64)
4 Most World Sports (1991, Alternative Software Ltd.) (Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
4 Nin Uchi Mahjong (1984, Nintendo Co., Ltd.) (NES)
4NR (2012, P1XL Games) (iPad, iPhone)
4 Pak All Action (1995, Home Entertainment Suppliers Pty. Ltd.) (SEGA Master System)
4-Play Action Pack (Volume 1) (2003, Hip Games) (Windows)
4 Queens Computer Casino (1992, Applications Plus, Inc.) (DOS)
4 Soccer Simulators (1988, Codemasters Software Company Limited, The) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, DOS, ZX Spectrum)
4th & Inches (1987, Accolade, Inc.) (Amiga, Apple IIgs, Commodore 64, DOS, Macintosh)
4th & Inches Team Construction Disk (1988, Accolade, Inc.) (Amiga, DOS, Macintosh)
The 4th Unit 2 (1988, Data West) (FM-7, MSX, PC-88, PC-98, Sharp X1, Sharp X68000)
The 4th Unit (1987, Data West) (FM-7, MSX, PC-88, PC-98, Sharp X1, Sharp X68000)
4 Wheel Drive (1991, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (Amiga, Atari ST)
4 Wheel Thunder (2000, Midway Home Entertainment, Inc., Midway Games, Inc.) (Dreamcast)
4x4 Evo (2000, God Games, Gathering of Developers, Inc., Gathering, Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.) (Dreamcast, Macintosh, PlayStation 2, Windows)
4x4 Evo 2 (2001, Aspyr Media, Inc., BAM! Entertainment, Inc., God Games, Gathering of Developers, Inc., Universal Interactive Inc.) (GameCube, Macintosh, PlayStation 2, Windows, Xbox)
4x4 Extreme Rally 2006 (2006, Gameleons Sp z o. o.) (J2ME)
4x4 Hummer (2007, 1C Company, rondomedia Marketing & Vertriebs GmbH) (Windows)
4x4 Off-Road Racing (1988, Epyx, Inc., Kixx, U.S. Gold Ltd.) (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS, MSX, ZX Spectrum)
4x4 Team (1988, Infodisc) (DOS)
500cc Motomanager (1991, Simulmondo) (Amiga, Commodore 64)
500 for Windows (2002, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand (2009, THQ Inc., ZeniMax Asia K.K.) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
50 Cent: Bulletproof (2005, Vivendi Universal Games, Inc.) (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
50 Cent Bulletproof: G Unit Edition (2006, Vivendi Universal Games International S.A.) (PSP)
50 Great Games plus Knights of the Sky (1994, Prism Leisure Corporation Plc) (DOS)
50K Racewalker (2005, Videlectrix) (Browser)
50 Mission Crush (1984, Strategic Simulations, Inc.) (Apple II, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64, DOS)
50 States (2007, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
5 A Day Adventures (2000, Dole Food Company, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
5 Alarm Trivia (2000, (Browser)
The 5-Card Poker Collection (1998, Ultisoft, Inc.) (Windows, Windows 3.x)
5 Days a Stranger (2003, Fully Ramblomatic) (Windows)
5 Days a Stranger (Special Edition) (2003, Fully Ramblomatic) (Windows)
5-Draw Mania (2001, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
5 Games For Girls (2008, Idigicon Limited) (Windows)
5-Game Super Pak (1995, SoftKey Multimedia Inc.) (Windows 3.x)
5 in One Fun Pak (1994, Interplay Productions, Inc.) (Game Gear)
5 Intelligent Strategy Games (1991, Oxford Softworks) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
5 Jikan me no Venus (1995, Fairy Dust) (PC-98)
5-Letter-Kruiswoord (1990, HVB) (DOS)
5 Mega Games (2006, Atari Europe S.A.S.U.) (Windows)
5 of the Best from Kalisto (1995, Mindscape International Ltd., Tring International plc) (DOS, Windows 3.x)
5 Pack: Limited Edition (1995, Softgold Computerspiele GmbH) (DOS)
5 Plus One: Campaign (1996, Prism Leisure Corporation Plc) (DOS)
5 Plus One: Pack 11 (1994, Prism Leisure Corporation Plc) (DOS)
5 Plus One: Pack 4 (1994, Prism Leisure Corporation Plc) (DOS)
5 Plus One: Pack 6 (1996, Prism Leisure Corporation Plc) (DOS)
5 Spots (2003, KatGames) (Windows)
5 Spots II (2003, KatGames) (Windows)
5th Anniversary (1991, Rainbow Arts Software GmbH) (Amiga, Commodore 64)
5th Fleet (1994, The Avalon Hill Game Company) (DOS)
5th Gear (1988, Hewson Consultants Ltd., Prism Leisure Corporation Plc) (Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64)
5X (2000, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
5x5 (1995, Sikor Soft) (Atari 8-bit)
5x5 Edytor hasel (1995, Sikor Soft) (Atari 8-bit)
60th Anniversary of Stanislaw Lem's First Publication (2011, Google Inc.) (Browser)
610 DEAR.BEN (2010, Riches Apples) (iPad, iPhone)
64 Ozumo (1997, Bottom Up Interactive) (Nintendo 64)
64th Street: A Detective Story (1991, DotEmu SAS, Jaleco Entertainment, Inc.) (Arcade, iPhone)
688 Attack Sub (1989, Electronic Arts, Inc., Electronic Arts Ltd., Hit Squad, The, SEGA Enterprises Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc., Victor Musical Industries, Inc.) (Amiga, DOS, Genesis, PC-98)
6 Colors (2005, (Windows, Windows Mobile)
6 Days a Sacrifice (2007, Fully Ramblomatic) (Windows)
6 Days a Sacrifice (Special Edition) (2007, Fully Ramblomatic) (Windows)
6 Great Games II: Windows 98 (1999, Encore Software, Inc.) (Windows)
6 Great Games: Windows XP Edition (2001, Encore Software, Inc.) (Windows)
6-in-1 (1992, Caltron Industries, Inc., Myriad Games, Inc.) (NES)
6-PAK (1995, SEGA of America, Inc., Tec Toy Ind?stria de Brinquedos S.A.) (Genesis)
6*Pak Vol. 3 (1988, Elite Systems Ltd.) (Commodore 64)
720? (1986, Kixx, Midway Games, Inc., Atari Games Corporation, Mindscape, Inc., U.S. Gold Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Arcade, Commodore 64, Game Boy Color, NES, ZX Spectrum)
737-400: Greatest Airliners - Special Edition (2002, Just Flight Ltd) (Windows)
737 Flight Simulator (1983, Mirrorsoft Ltd., Salamander Software) (BBC Micro, Electron, MSX)
737 NG: 600 / 700 (2004, AEROSOFT GmbH) (Windows)
747 (1997, Data Becker GmbH & Co. KG) (Windows)
747 (1983, Doctorsoft) (BBC Micro, Commodore 64, Electron)
747-200 Ready for Pushback (2004, Profisoft GmbH) (Windows)
747 Flight Simulator (1982, DACC Limited) (Atari 8-bit, BBC Micro, Commodore 64, Dragon 32/64, Electron, ZX Spectrum)
750cc Grand Prix (1989, Codemasters, Codemasters Software Company Limited, The) (Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum)
7554 (2011, Emobi Games JSC) (Windows)
7554: DLC (2012, Emobi Games JSC) (Windows)
7554 (Limited Edition) (2011, Emobi Games JSC) (Windows)
757 Captain (2008, Just Flight Ltd) (Windows)
757 Professional (2007, Just Flight Ltd) (Windows)
7.62 (2007, 1C Company, Cenega Poland Sp. z o.o.) (Windows)
7 Artifacts (2007, Big Fish Games, Inc) (Windows)
7 Blades (2000, Konami Corporation) (PlayStation 2)
7 Colors (1991, Infogrames Europe SA, Hot-B Co., Ltd.) (Amiga, DOS, PC-98)
7 Days a Skeptic (2004, Fully Ramblomatic) (Linux, Windows)
7 Days a Skeptic (Special Edition) (2004, Fully Ramblomatic) (Windows)
7 Dni a 7 noci (1994, Mirage Software, Vochozka Trading) (Amiga, DOS)
7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat (2013, Mousechief, Co.) (Macintosh, Windows)
7 Gunfighters (2011, WereGames) (Xbox 360)
7NK: The Seven Noble Kinsmen - A Shakespearean Murder Mystery (2005, BBC) (Browser)
7 Sins (2005, Akella, Global Software Publishing Limited, CDV Software Entertainment AG, Digital Jesters Ltd., Monte Cristo Multimedia) (PlayStation 2, Windows)
7Strains: The Infectious (2010, Petrichor Studio) (Xbox 360)
The 7th Guest: Infection (2011, Trilobyte Games, LLC) (iPad)
The 7th Guest (Special Edition) (1993, Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Ltd., Virgin Games, Inc.) (DOS)
The 7th Guest (1993, Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Ltd., Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd., Night Dive Studios, Ozacq1, Inc., Philips Interactive Media, Inc., Trilobyte Games, LLC, Trilobyte, Inc., Virgin Games, Inc., Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Inc.) (CD-i, DOS, iPad, iPhone, Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
7th Legion (1997, MicroProse Software, Inc., MicroProse Ltd., Tommo Inc.) (Windows)
The 7th Saga (1993, Enix America Corporation, GAMEPLAN21) (SNES)
7th Swarming of the Machines (2006, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Linux, Windows)
7 Wonders II (2007, Avanquest Software Publishing Ltd., MumboJumbo, LLC) (iPad, Nintendo DS, Windows)
7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour (2011, MumboJumbo, LLC) (iPad, iPhone, Macintosh, Windows)
7 Wonders of the Ancient World (2006, Codemasters Software Company Limited, The, MumboJumbo, LLC, Real Networks, Inc.) (BREW, iPad, J2ME, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 2, PSP, Windows)
7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven (2008, Denda Publishers B.V., Game Factory Interactive Ltd., MumboJumbo, LLC, RealArcade, Russobit-M) (Windows)
7x7 (2013, Kiip, Inc.) (Android)
7 Zwerge: Das Brettspiel (2004, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH) (Windows)
8088 Othello (1985, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
80 Days (2005, Buka Entertainment, dtp Vertrieb und Marketing GmbH, Focus Home Interactive SAS, Frogwares Game Development Studio, hell-tech, Nobilis Ib?rica, Tri Synergy, Inc.) (Windows)
The 80's Game With Martha Quinn (2007, funkitron, Inc.) (Windows)
'89 Denno Kyusei Uranai (1988, Induction Produce) (NES)
8ball (2010, Polarbit AB) (Android, iPad, iPhone)
8 Ball Pool Champion (2010, Maximinus) (Xbox 360)
8-Bit Commando (2011, (Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
8-bit Girlfriend (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
8bit killer (2008, Locomalito) (Windows)
8 Eyes (1988, SETA Corporation, Taxan USA Corp.) (NES)
8th Wonder of the World (2003, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, Funatics Software GmbH, GMX Media, e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment gmbh) (Macintosh, Windows)
9.03m (2013, Space Budgie) (Windows)
9:05 (2000, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS, Linux, Windows, Windows 3.x)
90 Minutes: European Prime Goal (1995, Namco Limited) (SNES)
90 Minutes: Sega Championship Football (2001, SEGA Europe Ltd.) (Dreamcast)
911 Air Rescue (1997, Head Games Publishing, Inc.) (Windows)
911 Fire Rescue (2001, WizardWorks Software) (Windows)
911 First Responders (2006, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, Game Factory Interactive Ltd., Russobit-M, Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.) (Windows)
911 Paramedic (2002, Legacy Interactive Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
911 Tiger Shark (1985, Elite Systems Ltd.) (Commodore 64)
911 TS (1985, Elite Systems Ltd.) (ZX Spectrum)
94 Super World Cup Chukku (1994, Daou Infosys Corp.) (SEGA Master System)
99 Action & Arcade (2007, Alten8 Ltd.) (Windows)
99 Bullets (2011, Arc System Works Co., Ltd., EnjoyUp Games) (Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DSi)
99 Levels to Hell (2013, Zaxis Games) (Macintosh, Windows)
9 Lives (1990, Atari Corp. (UK) Ltd.) (Amiga, Atari ST)
9Squares (2002, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
9th Company: Roots of Terror (2008, Anuman Interactive SA, Strategy First, Inc.) (Windows)
9: The Last Resort (1996, GT Interactive Software Corp., GT Interactive Software Europe Ltd., Tribeca Interactive) (Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3.x)
A-10 Attack! (1995, Parsoft Interactive) (Macintosh)
A-10 Cuba! (1996, Activision Japan Co., Ltd., Activision, Inc., Parsoft Interactive) (Macintosh, Windows)
A-10 Tank Killer (1989, Dynamix, Inc.) (Amiga, DOS)
A-10 Tank Killer + Extra Missions (1995, Kixx) (Amiga)
A 1-2-3 (1993, HARD) (FM Towns)
A2 Racer (1997, Davilex Games B.V.) (Windows)
A2 Racer II (1998, Davilex Games B.V.) (Windows)
A2 Racer III: Europa Tour (2000, Davilex Games B.V.) (PlayStation, Windows)
A2 Racer IV: The Cop's Revenge (2001, Davilex Games B.V.) (Windows)
A2: The Ultimate Sequel To AUTS - The Ultimate Stress Relief Game (1998, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
A 320 (1988, Loriciels) (Amstrad CPC, Atari ST)
A320 Airbus: Edition Europa (1991, Thalion Software GmbH) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
A320 Airbus: Edition USA (1993, Thalion Software GmbH) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
A320 Airbus Vol. 2 (1995, Games 4 Europe) (Amiga)
A320 Professional (2002, Just Flight Ltd) (Windows)
A7Xpg (2003, ABA Games) (Linux, Windows)
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!: A Reckless Disregard for Gravity (2009, Dejobaan Games, LLC) (Windows)
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! (Force = Mass x Acceleration) (2012, Dejobaan Games, LLC) (Android, iPad, iPhone)
AAARGH! (1987, Arcadia Systems, Inc., Electronic Arts, Inc., Melbourne House) (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Apple IIgs, Arcade, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS, MSX, ZX Spectrum)
Aaargh! Condor (1983, Games Machine Ltd.) (Commodore 64)
AAA Volume 1 (2012, THQ Inc.) (Windows)
Aagh! (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
Aa Harimanada (1993, SEGA Enterprises Ltd.) (Game Gear, Genesis)
Aah Impossible Rescue (2010, Aah Games Limited) (Xbox 360)
Aah Little Atlantis (2010, Aah Games Limited) (Browser, Windows, Xbox 360)
Aardvark (1986, Bug-Byte Software Ltd.) (Commodore 16, Plus/4, Commodore 64)
Aardvark (2009, Planet Idiot Games) (Xbox 360)
Aargon (1999, Twilight Games) (Windows)
Aargon Deluxe (2001, Red Marble Games, Twilight Games) (Macintosh, Windows)
Aaron's Ping-Pong (2008, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
Aaron vs. Ruth: Battle of the Big Bats (1997, Mindscape, Inc.) (Windows)
Aa Yakyu Jinsei Icchokusen (1992, Sammy Corporation) (NES)
Aba Daba (2002, Astatix Software) (Windows)
Abaddon (2010, Firestorm Studios) (Xbox 360)
Abaddon: Fallen Angel (2000, (Windows)
Abaddon: Retribution (2010, Firestorm Studios) (Xbox 360)
Abadox: The Deadly Inner War (1989, Milton Bradley Co., Natsume Co., Ltd.) (NES)
Abalaburn (1998, TAKARA Co., Ltd.) (PlayStation)
Abalone (1999, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows, Windows 3.x)
Abandon (2009, Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab) (Windows)
Abandon 2 (2004, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Abandoned Bricks (2004, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Amiga, Linux, Windows)
Abandoned Places 2 (1993, International Computer Entertainment Ltd.) (Amiga)
Abandoned Places: A Time for Heroes (1992, Electronic Zoo, International Computer Entertainment Ltd., Softgold Computerspiele GmbH) (Amiga, DOS)
Abandoned Well (2003, Realore Studios) (Windows)
Aban Hawkins & 1000 Spikes (2011, 8bits fanatics) (Xbox 360)
Abarenbo Princess (2001, Entertainment Software Publishing Inc., Kadokawa Shoten) (PlayStation 2)
Abashera (2003, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
The Abbey (Director's Cut) (2010, Alcachofa Soft S.L.) (Windows)
The Abbey (1993, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
ABC (1995, Sikor Soft) (Atari 8-bit)
ABC (1983, Artic Computing Ltd) (ZX Spectrum)
ABC: Alphabet Beasts & Co. (1984, Reader's Digest Software) (Commodore 64)
ABC Cubes: Teddy's Playground (2009, Big Fish Games, Inc) (Browser, Windows)
ABC Fun (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
ABC Jumble (1992, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Atari ST)
ABC Monday Night Football (1989, Data East Corporation, Data East USA, Inc.) (Amiga, Commodore 64, DOS, SNES)
A.B. Cop (1989, SEGA Enterprises Ltd.) (Arcade)
ABC Sports College Football: Heroes of the Gridiron (1997, ABC Interactive) (Windows)
ABC Sports Indy Racing (1997, ABC Interactive) (Windows)
ABC Sports Monday Night Football (1996, ABC Interactive) (Windows)
ABC Sports Monday Night Football '98 (1997, ABC Interactive) (Windows)
ABC Sports Presents: Power Hitter (1992, Philips Interactive Media, Inc.) (CD-i)
ABC Sports Presents: The Palm Springs Open (1991, Philips Interactive Media, Inc.) (CD-i)
ABC Wide World of Sports Boxing (1991, Cinemaware Corporation, Data East USA, Inc., Mindscape International Ltd., Mirrorsoft Ltd.) (Amiga, DOS)
Abduction Action! (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
Abel: Shin Mokushiroku Taisen (1995, Family Soft Co., Ltd.) (FM Towns)
Abenteuer Atlantis (1992, Knorr-N?hrmittel AG) (DOS)
Abenteuer-Doppelpack: Das R?tsel des Master Lu + Orion Burger (1996, Eidos Interactive Ltd.) (DOS)
Abenteuer Europa (1994, Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands) (DOS)
Aber Hallo! (1997, media Verlagsgesellschaft mbH) (DOS, Windows, Windows 3.x)
Aberrance (2005, Tianben Co., Ltd.) (J2ME)
A Better Pac-Man (2002, AtariAge) (Atari 2600)
A Blurred Line (2001, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
ABM (1980, Muse Software) (Apple II)
ABM (1991, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
ABM Command: DEFense CONdition 1 (2009, Side Project Games LLC) (iPhone)
Abmis the Lion (1996, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Abobo's Big Adventure (2012, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
Abo Hadeed (2007, Khayal Interactive Entertainment) (Windows)
A Bomb's Way (2009, Smudged Cat Games) (Xbox 360)
The Abominable Snowman (2007, Chooseco LLC) (iPod Classic)
Abomination (1999, Eidos Interactive, Inc., Eidos Interactive Ltd., Eidos SARL, Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd.) (Windows)
A-B-O-O: Plumeboom's Friends (2008, Fireglow Games) (Windows)
Above and Beyond! (2000, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
A Boy and His Blob (2009, Majesco Entertainment Company, Majesco Europe Ltd.) (Wii)
ABPA Backgammon (1979, Mattel Electronics) (Intellivision)
Abra Academy (2007, Big Fish Games, Inc) (Windows)
Abra Academy: Returning Cast (2007, Big Fish Games, Inc) (Windows)
Abracadabra (1988, Proein S.L.) (Amstrad CPC, MSX, ZX Spectrum)
Abracadabra! (1983, TG Software) (Atari 8-bit)
Abrams Battle Tank (1988, Electronic Arts, Inc., SEGA Enterprises Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc.) (DOS, Genesis)
A Brief Tryst (1992, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Abronium Party (2009, Mexond) (Xbox 360)
Absolute Action Pack (2000, TLC Multimedia LLC) (Windows)
Absolute Blue (2005, Intermediaware) (Windows)
Absolute Patience (2000, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Absolute Pinball (1996, 21st Century Entertainment Ltd.) (DOS)
Absolute Puzzle (2004, GlobalFun AB) (J2ME)
Absolute Terror (2000, Crystal Interactive Software, Inc.) (Windows)
Absolute Zero (1998, Eye One AS) (Browser)
Absolute Zero (1995, Domark Software, Inc., Domark Software Ltd.) (DOS, Macintosh)
Absorb (2010, Right Now Games) (Xbox 360)
Abstacked (2008, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
Abstracta (2008, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
Abunai Tengu Densetsu (1989, Alice Soft) (FM Towns, MSX, PC-88, PC-98, Sharp X68000)
Abuse (1995, Alive Mediasoft, Bungie Software Products Corporation, Crack dot Com, EXAKT Entertainment, Inc., ORIGIN Systems, Inc., R-Comp Interactive, RedHat) (Acorn 32-bit, Amiga, DOS, iPhone, Linux, Macintosh)
Abu Simbel Profanation (1985, Dinamic Software, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, MSX, ZX Spectrum)
Abu Simbel Profanation Deluxe (2005, M.A Software) (Browser, Dreamcast, Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
Abyss (2013, DigiPen (Singapore) Corporation) (Windows)
Abyss (1987, Free Spirit Software Inc., Kingsoft GmbH) (Amiga, Commodore 64)
Abyss (1984, Cases Computer Simulations Ltd.) (BBC Micro, Electron, ZX Spectrum)
Abyss (1984, Humming Bird Soft) (FM-7, PC-88)
Abyss II: Tears of Emperor (1985, Humming Bird Soft) (FM-7, PC-88)
The Abyss: Incident at Europa (1998, Sound Source Interactive, Inc.) (Windows)
Abyss of Pandemonium (1998, Perfect Publishing) (DOS)
AC-130: Operation Devastation (2009, ValuSoft, Inc.) (Windows)
Academagia (2010, Black Chicken Studios) (Windows)
Academy of Magic: Word Spells (2005, Total Eclipse Games) (Windows)
Academy Trivia (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
Acalius: Enemies of the Wild (2005, Arachnid Interactive) (Windows)
A Case of the Crabs! (2004, Pinhead Games) (Browser, Macintosh, Windows)
A Cat's Night (2012, Miciosegone Games) (Windows)
A Cat's Night 2: Orazio Goes to Town (2013, Miciosegone Games) (Windows)
Accele Brid (1993, Tomy) (SNES)
Acceleration of SUGURI X Edition (2011, Sony Online Entertainment Inc.) (PlayStation 3)
Accelerator (1997, SPC Vision B.V.) (CD-i)
_Access (2007, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Acchi Kocchi Docchi (1993, NEC Home Electronics, Ltd.) (TurboGrafx CD)
Accolade All Time Classics (1990, Accolade Europe Ltd.) (Commodore 64, DOS)
Accolade All Time Favourites (1991, Accolade Europe Ltd.) (DOS)
Accolade Comics (1987, Accolade, Inc.) (Apple II, Commodore 64)
Accolade In Action (1990, Accolade Europe Ltd.) (Amiga, Commodore 64)
Accordion (1990, Softdisk Publishing) (DOS)
Accordion Hero (2006, (Browser)
Accumulus (2014, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Amiga)
AC/DC Fan Pack (2008, MTV Games) (PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360)
AC/DC Live: Rock Band - Track Pack (2008, MTV Games) (PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360)
ACE 2 (1987, Cascade Games, Ltd., Artronic Limited) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 16, Plus/4, Commodore 64, DOS, ZX Spectrum)
ACE: Air Combat Emulator (1985, Cascade Games, Ltd., Spinnaker Software Corporation) (Amstrad CPC, Amstrad PCW, Commodore 16, Plus/4, Commodore 64, DOS, VIC-20, ZX Spectrum)
ACE and ACE 2 (1990, Encore) (Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (2009, Capcom Co., Ltd., Capcom Entertainment, Inc., CE Europe Ltd.) (Nintendo DS)
Aceball (2008, SorceryGames LLC) (Xbox 360)
Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies (2001, Namco Hometek Inc., Namco Limited, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.) (PlayStation 2)
Ace Combat 2 (1997, Namco Hometek Inc., Namco Limited, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.) (PlayStation)
Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (1999, Namco Hometek Inc., Namco Limited, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.) (PlayStation)
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War (2004, Namco Europe Limited, Namco Hometek Inc., Namco Limited) (PlayStation 2)
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation (2007, Namco Bandai Games America Inc., Namco Bandai Games Europe SAS) (Xbox 360)
Ace Combat Advance (2005, Namco Hometek Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (2011, Namco Bandai Games Europe SAS) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon - Enhanced Edition (2013, Namco Bandai Games America Inc.) (Windows)
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy (2011, Namco Bandai Games America Inc.) (Nintendo 3DS)
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (Limited Edition) (2011, Namco Bandai Games Europe SAS) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception (2006, Namco Bandai Games America Inc., Namco Bandai Games Inc.) (PSP)
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War (2006, Namco Bandai Games America Inc., Namco Bandai Games Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.) (PlayStation 2)
Ace Gals Tennis (2010, Haruneko Entertainment) (Xbox 360)
Ace Invaders (1988, Budgie UK) (Atari ST)
Ace Lightning (2002, BBC Worldwide Ltd.) (PlayStation 2, Windows)
Ace Lightning (2002, BBC Multimedia) (Game Boy Advance)
Ace of Aces (1986, Accolade, Inc., Atari Corporation, Kixx, SEGA Enterprises Ltd., U.S. Gold Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Atari 7800, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64, DOS, MSX, SEGA Master System, ZX Spectrum)
Ace of Spades (2012, Jagex Ltd.) (Macintosh, Windows)
Ace of Spades (1995, Love Gun) (PC-98)
Aces: Collection Series (1997, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (DOS, Windows, Windows 3.x)
Aces of the Air (2002, A1 Games, D3Publisher Inc.) (PlayStation)
Aces of the Deep (1994, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (DOS)
Aces of the Deep (1994, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (DOS, Windows)
Aces of the Deep: Expansion Disk (1995, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (DOS)
Aces of the Galaxy (2008, Activision Publishing, Inc., Sierra Online) (Windows, Xbox 360)
Aces of the Pacific (1992, Dynamix, Inc., Sierra On-Line, Inc., Sierra Entertainment, Inc.) (DOS)
Aces of the Pacific: Expansion Disk - WWII: 1946 (1992, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (DOS)
Aces Over Europe (1993, Sierra On-Line, Inc., Sierra Entertainment, Inc.) (DOS)
Aces Texas Hold'em: No Limit (2004, Concrete Software, Inc.) (J2ME, Palm OS, Symbian, Windows Mobile)
Aces: The Complete Collector's Edition (1995, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (DOS, Windows, Windows 3.x)
Ace Ventura (1996, Bomico Entertainment Software GmbH) (Windows, Windows 3.x)
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1998, Brilliant Digital Entertainment) (Windows)
Acey Deucy (1978, Creative Computing Software) (Commodore PET/CBM, TRS-80)
Achaea (1997, Iron Realms Entertainment) (Browser)
Acheton (1984, Acornsoft Limited, Newstar Software Ltd., Topologika Software Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Amstrad PCW, BBC Micro, DOS, ZX Spectrum)
Achievement Unlocked (2008, Armor Games Inc.) (Browser)
Achievement Unlocked 2 (2010, Armor Games Inc.) (Browser)
Achilles (2008, Armor Games Inc.) (Browser)
Achtung, die Kurve! (1995, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Achtung Panzer: Kharkov 1943 (2009, 1C Company, Paradox Interactive AB, Snowball Studios) (Windows)
Achtung Panzer: Kharkov 1943 (Collector's Edition) (2010, dtp entertainment AG, Lace Mamba Global Ltd.) (Windows)
Achtung Panzer: Operation Star (2012, Strategy First, Inc., UIG GmbH) (Windows)
Achtung Spitfire (1997, The Avalon Hill Game Company) (Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3.x)
Acia (1989, CP Verlag) (Commodore 64)
Acid Arena Turbo (2002, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Acid Attack (1997, Acid Software) (Amiga)
Acid Drop (1992, Salu Ltd.) (Atari 2600)
Acid Rain (2010, PermaFrost Gaming) (Xbox 360)
Acid Rain Heroes (2010, PermaFrost Gaming) (Xbox 360)
Acid Tetris (1998, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Acigol (1980, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Commodore PET/CBM)
Ack-Ack Attack! (1995, PLBM Games) (DOS, Palm OS)
ACM 1918 (1997, Project Two Interactive BV) (Windows)
ACME Animation Factory (1994, Sun Corporation of America) (SNES)
Acne Attack (1997, Norsk Strek AS) (Windows)
A Collection of Activision Classic Games for the Atari 2600 (1998, Activision, Inc.) (PlayStation)
A Collection of Classic Games from the Intellivision (1999, Activision, Inc.) (PlayStation)
A comic of zombies (2012, myLittleBets) (iPhone)
A Crimson Spring (2000, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Acrobat II (1982, Commodore Japan Limited) (Commodore PET/CBM)
Acrobat Mission (1991, Taito Corporation, Teichiku Co., LTD.) (Arcade, SNES)
Acrojet (1985, SystemSoft, U.S. Gold Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, MSX, PC-88, PC-98, ZX Spectrum)
Acrophobia (1997, Berkeley Systems) (Windows)
Acropolis (2001, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Windows)
Across (2005, Apocalyptic Coders) (Windows)
Across the Rhine (1995, MicroProse Software, Inc., MicroProse Ltd.) (DOS)
Acter World (2001, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Action 52 (1991, Active Enterprises Ltd.) (NES)
Action 52 (1993, Active Enterprises Ltd.) (Genesis)
Action Amiga (1989, Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd.) (Amiga)
Action Arcade 5-Pak (2002, Swift Software ) (Windows)
Action Arcade Wrestling (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
Actionauts (1986, AtariAge, Softdisk Publishing) (Atari 2600, Commodore 64)
Action Ball (2005, Alawar Entertainment, Inc.) (Windows)
Action Basketball (2003, Unknown Publisher(s)) (J2ME)
Action Bass (1999, Syscom Entertainment Inc., Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.) (PlayStation)
Action Biker (1985, Mastertronic Ltd.) (Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
Action Box 2 (2006, Flashpoint AG) (Windows)
Action Cyborg (2006, Studio St?k) (Windows)
Action Double (1991, Challenge Software) (ZX Spectrum)
Action Fighter (1986, Firebird Software Ltd., Kixx, SEGA Enterprises Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc.) (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Arcade, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS, SEGA Master System, ZX Spectrum)
Action Fist (2010, Teknogames) (Windows)
Action Five (1992, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (DOS)
Action Force (1987, Virgin Games, Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
Action Force II: International Heroes (1988, Virgin Games, Ltd.) (ZX Spectrum)
Action Games (1994, Micro Star Software) (DOS)
Action-Games (1999, Serges Medien) (Windows)
Action Hall of Fame (1999, Interplay Productions Ltd.) (DOS, Windows)
Action Hero 3D: Wild Dog (2006, Com2uS Inc.) (BREW, Zeebo)
Action in The North Atlantic (1989, General Quarters Software) (DOS)
Action Man: Arctic Adventure (2002, Infogrames Europe SA) (Windows)
Action Man: Jungle Storm (2000, Hasbro Interactive, Inc.) (Windows)
Action Man: Operation Extreme (2000, 3DO Company, The, Infogrames Europe SA, Atari Europe S.A.S.U., Hasbro Interactive, Inc., Hasbro Interactive Ltd.) (PlayStation, Windows)
Action Man: Raid on Island X (1999, Atari Europe S.A.S.U., Hasbro Interactive, Inc.) (Windows)
Action Man: Robot Atak (2004, Atari Europe S.A.S.U.) (Game Boy Advance)
Action Man: Search for Base X (2001, THQ Inc.) (Game Boy Color)
Action Masters (1992, Infogrames Europe SA) (Amiga)
Action Pack (2001, Gathering of Developers, Inc.) (Windows)
Action Pack (1991, Rainbow Arts Software GmbH) (Amiga)
Action Pack (1998, Funsoft) (DOS, Windows)
Action Pack (1991, Action Sixteen) (Amiga, Atari ST)
Action Pack (2002, Fox Interactive, Inc., Sierra Entertainment, Inc.) (Windows)
Action Pack - 4 Killer Action Games! (2003, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Windows)
Action Pack - Driver: Parallel Lines + Far Cry (2010, Ubisoft Entertainment SA) (Windows)
Action Pack: Earthsiege 2 + Silent Thunder (1997, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Windows, Windows 3.x)
Action Pack: Limited Edition (2009, Ubisoft Entertainment SA) (PSP)
The Action Pack (1990, Prism Leisure Corporation Plc) (Commodore 64)
Action Pak (1981, Atari, Inc.) (Atari 2600)
ActionPotato (2009, Sunflat Games) (Android, iPad, iPhone, Macintosh, Windows Phone)
Action Quest (1982, JV Software, Inc.) (Atari 8-bit)
Action Reflex (1986, Mirrorsoft Ltd.) (ZX Spectrum)
Action Soccer (1995, Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) (DOS)
Action Sport (1993, Daze Marketing Ltd., Micro?ds) (Amiga, Atari ST)
Action Stations! (1990, Internecine, RAW Entertainment, Inc.) (Amiga, DOS)
Active Life Explorer (2010, Namco Bandai Games America Inc.) (Wii)
Activision Anthology (2002, Activision Publishing, Inc.) (PlayStation 2)
Activision Anthology (2012, Activision Publishing, Inc.) (Android, iPad, iPhone)
Activision Anthology (2003, Aspyr Media, Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
Activision Anthology (2008, In-Fusio) (J2ME, Palm OS, Windows Mobile)
Activision Anthology: Remix Edition (2003, MacPlay, MumboJumbo, LLC) (Macintosh, Windows)
The Activision Decathlon (1983, Activision, Inc., Pony Canyon, Inc.) (Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 8-bit, ColecoVision, Commodore 64, MSX)
Activision Game Vault: Volume 1 (1997, Activision, Inc.) (Windows)
Activision Game Vault: Volume 2 (1997, Activision Publishing, Inc.) (Windows)
Activision Game Vault: Volume 3 (1997, Activision Publishing, Inc.) (Windows)
Activision Hits Remixed (2006, Activision Deutschland GmbH, Activision Publishing, Inc.) (PSP)
Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack (1995, Activision, Inc.) (Windows, Windows 3.x)
Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack 2 (1995, Activision, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3.x)
Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack 3 (1995, Activision, Inc.) (Windows, Windows 3.x)
Activision's Commodore 64 15 Pack (1995, Activision, Inc.) (Windows)
Act of War: Direct Action (2005, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, Atari Europe S.A.S.U., Atari, Inc., Game Factory Interactive Ltd., Russobit-M) (Windows)
Act of War: Direct Action (Collector's Edition) (2005, Atari Europe S.A.S.U.) (Windows)
Act of War (Gold Edition) (2006, Atari Europe S.A.S.U.) (Windows)
Act of War: High Treason (2006, Atari Europe S.A.S.U., Atari, Inc., Game Factory Interactive Ltd., Russobit-M) (Windows)
ActRaiser (1990, Enix America Corporation, Enix Corporation, Nintendo of America Inc., Square Enix Co., Ltd., Square Enix, Inc., Square Enix, Ltd.) (Arcade, SNES, Wii)
Actraiser (2004, Square Enix Mobile) (J2ME)
ActRaiser 2 (1993, Enix America Corporation, Enix Corporation) (SNES)
Actua Golf 3 (1998, Gremlin Interactive Ltd.) (PlayStation)
Actua Ice Hockey (1998, Gremlin Interactive Ltd., Konami Co., Ltd., ZOO Digital Publishing Ltd) (PlayStation, Windows)
Actua Ice Hockey 2 (1999, Gremlin Interactive Ltd., ZOO Digital Publishing Ltd, zushi games ltd.) (PlayStation, Windows)
Actua Pool (1999, Gremlin Interactive Ltd., ZOO Digital Publishing Ltd, zushi games ltd.) (Nintendo DS, PlayStation, Windows)
Actua Soccer 2 (1997, Gremlin Interactive Ltd.) (PlayStation, Windows)
Actua Soccer 2006: International Edition (2006, Player X Ltd.) (J2ME)
Actua Soccer 3 (1998, Gremlin Interactive Ltd., ZOO Digital Publishing Ltd, zushi games ltd.) (PlayStation, Windows)
Actua Soccer Club Edition (1996, Gremlin Interactive Ltd., Naxat Soft) (DOS, PlayStation, SEGA Saturn)
Actua Tennis (1998, Infogrames Europe SA, Gremlin Interactive Australia Pty Ltd., Gremlin Interactive Ltd., ZOO Digital Publishing Ltd, zushi games ltd.) (PlayStation, Windows)
A Cupid's Day (2002, Orisinal) (Browser)
Acupwnture (2010, Fourth Dimensional Gaming) (Xbox 360)
A Cure for the Common Cold (2007, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Acutype (1983, Spectravideo International Ltd.) (Spectravideo)
A.D. 2044 (1996, Flair Software Ltd., L.K. Avalon) (Windows)
A.D. 2044: Seksmisja (1991, L.K. Avalon) (Atari 8-bit)
Adagio (2005, Gaping Wolf Software) (Windows)
a daily cup of tea (2005, Orisinal) (Browser)
Adam Blaster: Atomic Enforcer (2002, PAN Vision AB) (Windows)
Adam's Venture: Episode 1 - The Search for the Lost Garden (2009, Iceberg Interactive B.V.) (Windows)
Adam's Venture: Episode 2 - Solomon's Secret (2011, Iceberg Interactive B.V.) (Windows)
Adam's Venture: Episode 3 - Revelations (2012, Iceberg Interactive B.V.) (Windows)
Adam's Venture Trilogy (2013, Iceberg Interactive B.V.) (Windows)
ADAM: The Double Factor (2001, Himeya Soft, Inc) (Windows)
A Dark and Deadly Path (2006, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
A Dark and Stormy Entry (2001, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Adarod (1993, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Atari ST)
Ad Astra (1984, Gargoyle Games Ltd) (ZX Spectrum)
Adax (1992, L.K. Avalon) (Atari 8-bit)
A Day at Grandma's House (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
A Day At Work (1999, Epic Banana) (Macintosh)
A Day for Soft Food (1999, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser, DOS)
A Day In the Life (1985, Micromega) (ZX Spectrum)
Add (1979, Code Works, The) (Commodore PET/CBM)
The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt (1992, Ocean Software Ltd.) (Game Boy, NES)
The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt (1993, Ocean of America, Inc.) (SNES)
The Addams Family (1992, Ocean Software Ltd., Misawa Entertainment Co.,Ltd., Ocean of America, Inc.) (Game Boy)
The Addams Family (1992, Acclaim Japan, Ltd., Flying Edge, Inc., Misawa Entertainment Co.,Ltd., Ocean Europe Limited, Ocean of America, Inc.) (Game Gear, NES, SEGA Master System)
The Addams Family (1991, NEC Technologies, Inc.) (TurboGrafx CD)
The Addams Family (1992, Ocean Software Ltd., Erbe Software, S.A.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
The Addams Family (1992, Ocean Software Ltd., Flying Edge, Inc., Hit Squad, The, Misawa Entertainment Co.,Ltd., Nintendo of America Inc., Ocean Europe Limited, Ocean of America, Inc.) (Amiga, Arcade, Atari ST, Genesis, SNES)
Addams Family Values (1995, Ocean Software Ltd.) (Genesis, SNES)
AD&D Dark Sun Online: Crimson Sands (1996, Total Entertainment Network) (Windows)
Adder Attack (1983, Mogul Communications) (ZX Spectrum)
Addicta Ball (1987, Alligata Software Ltd.) (Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, MSX)
Addicted to Fun: Ninja Collection (1991, Ocean Software Ltd.) (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
Addicted to Fun: Rainbow Collection (1991, Ocean Software Ltd.) (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
Addiction Pinball (1998, Infogrames Europe SA, Hasbro Interactive, Inc., MicroProse Software, Inc., Novitas GmbH) (PlayStation, Windows)
Addictive (1996, Prism Leisure Corporation Plc) (DOS)
Add It! (1992, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Adian no Tsue (1986, Sun Electronics Corp.) (NES)
Adiboo & Paziral's Secret (2003, Vivendi Universal Games International S.A.) (PlayStation)
Adibou et les saisons magiques (2009, Mindscape SA) (Wii)
Adidas Championship Football (1990, Ocean Software Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
adidas Power Soccer (1996, Psygnosis Limited) (PlayStation, Windows)
adidas Power Soccer 2 (1997, Psygnosis Limited) (PlayStation)
adidas Power Soccer 98 (1997, Psygnosis Limited) (PlayStation, Windows)
adidas Power Soccer International '97 (1997, Psygnosis Limited) (PlayStation)
A Dinosaur's Tale (1994, Hi-Tech Expressions, Inc.) (Genesis)
Adjacent See (2000, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
ADK Tamashii (2008, SNK Playmore Corp.) (PlayStation 2)
Admiral Graf Spee (1982, Amsoft, Temptation Software Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX81, ZX Spectrum)
Admiral: Sea Battles (1996, Megamedia Corp.) (Windows)
Ad Nauseam 2 (2008, Cactus Software) (Windows)
a dog for all seasons (2005, Orisinal) (Browser)
A Dreamland Chronicles Game (2010, SorceryGames LLC) (Xbox 360)
Adrenaline (2010, Angry Aardvark) (Xbox 360)
Adrenalin: Extreme Show (2006, 1C Company, Brigades) (Windows)
Adrenalin Sport-Pack (2005, Aspyr Media, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
Adrenalynn (1991, Loriciel SA) (Amiga, Atari ST)
Adrenix (1998, Playmates Interactive Entertainment, Inc.) (Windows)
Adrift (2010, Wicked Smiles Studios) (Xbox 360)
A Dudley Dilemma (1988, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Adult Film Cameraman (1994, Interactive Girls Club) (DOS)
ADV770 (2007, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser, Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
Advanced Battlegrounds: The Future of Combat (2004, 1C Company, Deep Silver, DreamCatcher Interactive Inc.) (Windows)
Advanced Busterhawk Gleylancer (1992, Masaya, NCS Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) (Genesis, Wii)
Advanced Civilization (1995, The Avalon Hill Game Company) (DOS)
Advanced Daisenryaku: Doitsu Dengeki Sakusen (1991, SEGA Enterprises Ltd.) (Genesis)
Advanced Destroyer Simulator (1990, Digital Integration Ltd., Futura, Leisuresoft GmbH) (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, DOS)
Advanced DOS Quiz (1991, SaltyRain Production) (DOS)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Cartridge (1982, Mattel Electronics) (Intellivision)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (Collector's Edition) (1994, WizardWorks Software) (DOS)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Collectors Edition Vol. 1 (1994, WizardWorks Software) (DOS)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Collectors Edition Vol. 2 (1994, WizardWorks Software) (DOS)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Collectors Edition Vol. 3 (1994, WizardWorks Software) (DOS)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (Limited Edition Collector's Set) (1990, Strategic Simulations, Inc.) (DOS)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Masterpiece Collection (1996, Mindscape, Inc.) (DOS)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure of Tarmin Cartridge (1983, Mattel Electronics) (Intellivision, Mattel Aquarius)
Advanced Fantasian: Quest for Lost Sanctuary (1988, Xtalsoft) (PC-88, Sharp X1)
Advanced NetWars (1997, Caldera) (DOS)
Advanced Pinball Simulator (1988, Codemasters, Codemasters Software Company Limited, The) (Amstrad CPC, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
Advanced Power Dolls 2 (1996, Kogado Studio, Inc.) (PC-98)
Advanced Rock Paper Scissors (2009, North West) (Xbox 360)
Advanced Soccer Simulator (1989, Mastertronic Ltd.) (ZX Spectrum)
Advanced Strategic Command (1998, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS, Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
Advanced Tactical Missions (Add-On Levels For X-Wing VS. Tie-Fighter) (1998, Micro Star Software) (Windows)
Advanced Thinking Skills (1992, Compedia Software & Hardware Ltd.) (DOS)
Advanced Trilogie: Kartenspiele (1999, ROM POINT) (Windows)
Advanced V.G. (1994, Technical Group Laboratory, Inc.) (PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PSP, PS Vita, SEGA Saturn, SNES, TurboGrafx CD)
Advanced V.G. 2 (1998, Success Corp., Technical Group Laboratory, Inc.) (PlayStation)
Advanced V.G. (Limited Edition) (1997, Technical Group Laboratory, Inc.) (SEGA Saturn)
Advanced Xoru (1989, Castle Technologies) (DOS)
Advance Guardian Heroes (2004, Treasure Co., Ltd., Ubisoft, Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
Advance of the Megacamel (1983, Advantage Computer Accessories, Inc.) (Commodore 64)
Advance to Boardwalk (1990, GameTek, Inc.) (Commodore 64)
Advance Wars (2001, Nintendo of America Inc., Nintendo of Europe GmbH) (Game Boy Advance, Wii U)
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising (2003, Nintendo of America Inc., Nintendo of Europe GmbH) (Game Boy Advance)
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (2008, Nintendo of America Inc., Nintendo of Europe GmbH) (Nintendo DS)
Advance Wars: Dual Strike (2005, Nintendo Co., Ltd., Nintendo of America Inc., Nintendo of Europe GmbH) (Nintendo DS)
ADVAN Racing (1998, Atlus Co., Ltd.) (PlayStation)
Advantage Tennis (1991, Infogrames Europe SA, Fujitsu Interactive) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS, FM Towns)
Adven'chuta! (1983, MIA) (MSX)
Advent (2008, Pi-Soft Consulting, LLC) (iPad, iPhone)
Advent Rising (2005, Buka Entertainment, Majesco Entertainment Company, Majesco Europe Ltd., THQ Entertainment GmbH) (Windows, Xbox)
Adventsquiz (2000, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
ADVENTURE (2007, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Adventure (2003, Lobotomo Software) (Macintosh)
Adventure (1980, Atari, Inc., Sears, Roebuck and Co.) (Atari 2600, iPhone)
Adventure 1 (1982, Abersoft, Amsoft, CP Software, Melbourne House) (Amstrad CPC, BBC Micro, Commodore 64, MSX, ZX Spectrum)
Adventure 1: Cavern of Riches (1980, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Commodore PET/CBM)
Adventure 2600 Reboot (2009, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Adventure 2: The Great Pyramid (1980, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Commodore PET/CBM)
Adventure 3: Haunted Mansion (1980, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Commodore 64, Commodore PET/CBM)
Adventure: 3 Out-Of-This-World Games (1996, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (DOS, Windows 3.x)
Adventure A: Planet of Death (1981, Artic Computing Ltd, Coo Chew Games) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, iPad, iPhone, ZX80, ZX81, ZX Spectrum)
Adventure at the Chateau d'Or (2001, Karma Labs Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
Adventure B: Inca Curse (1981, Artic Computing Ltd, Paxman Promotions Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX81, ZX Spectrum)
Adventure Book (included games) (2001, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Adventure Chest (2005, The Adventure Company) (Windows)
Adventure Chest 2 (2005, The Adventure Company) (Windows)
Adventure Chronicles: The Search for Lost Treasure (2008, Avanquest Software Publishing Ltd., Big Fish Games, Inc, Gogii Games, Mindscape SA) (iPad, iPhone, Macintosh, Windows)
Adventure Collection (2010, Digital Clay Studios, LLC) (Windows)
Adventure Collection 1 (2009, dtp entertainment AG) (Windows)
Adventure Collection #1 (2014, Daedalic Entertainment GmbH) (Windows)
Adventure Collection 2 (2009, dtp entertainment AG) (Windows)
Adventure Collection 3 (2009, dtp entertainment AG) (Windows)
Adventure Collection 4 (2009, dtp entertainment AG) (Windows)
Adventure Collection 5: Femmes Fatales (2010, dtp entertainment AG) (Windows)
Adventure Collection 6: Murder & Crime (2010, dtp entertainment AG) (Windows)
Adventure Collection 7: Baphomets Fluch 1-3 (2010, dtp entertainment AG) (Windows)
Adventure Collection 8: Ghost, Thieves & Fairy Tales (2012, dtp entertainment AG) (Windows)
Adventure Collection 9: Haunted Mansions (2012, dtp entertainment AG) (Windows)
The Adventure Collection (1995, Activision, Inc.) (DOS, Macintosh)
Adventure Collection: Volume One (2008, The Adventure Company) (Windows)
Adventure: Collector's Edition - Volume 1 (2009, Got Game Entertainment, LLC) (Windows)
Adventure Creator (1984, Spinnaker Software Corporation) (Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64)
Adventure D: Espionage Island (1982, Artic Computing Ltd, Sinclair Research Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX81, ZX Spectrum)
Adventure Elf (2003, Kewlbox) (Browser, Macintosh, Windows)
Adventure E: The Golden Apple (1983, Artic Computing Ltd) (ZX Spectrum)
Adventure F: The Eye Of Bain (1984, Artic Computing Ltd) (ZX Spectrum)
Adventure Fun-Pak (1987, Apogee Software Productions) (DOS)
Adventure Game Pack (2008, JoWooD Productions Software AG) (Windows)
Adventure Games: 5 CD-ROM Collection (1995, SelectWare Technologies, Inc.) (DOS, Windows 3.x)
Adventure Games Bundle (2009, Coladia Games) (Macintosh)
Adventure G: Ground Zero (1984, Artic Computing Ltd) (ZX Spectrum)
Adventure Hall of Fame (1999, Interplay Productions Ltd.) (DOS, Windows)
Adventure II (2007, AtariAge) (Atari 5200)
Adventure in Humongous Cave (1992, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Amiga, DOS)
Adventure Inlay (2004, GameHouse, Inc., MumboJumbo, LLC) (Windows)
Adventure in the Fifth Dimension (1983, A.N.A.L.O.G. Computing) (Atari 8-bit)
Adventure Island (1986, Hudson Entertainment, Inc., Hudson Soft Company, Ltd., Hudson Soft USA, Inc., Nintendo Co., Ltd.) (DoJa, Game Boy Advance, J2ME, MSX, NES, Wii)
Adventure Island 3 (1992, Hudson Soft Company, Ltd., Hudson Soft USA, Inc.) (Game Boy, NES)
Adventure Island II (1991, Hudson Soft Company, Ltd., Hudson Soft USA, Inc., Konami Digital Entertainment Co.) (Game Boy, NES, Nintendo 3DS, Wii)
Adventure Joe (2000, Epic Banana) (Macintosh)
Adventure Klassiker Vol. I (2012, KOCH Media GmbH) (Windows)
Adventure Klassiker Vol. II (2012, KOCH Media GmbH) (Windows)
Adventureland (1978, Adventure International, Adventure International (UK), Commodore, Star Craft, Texas Instruments Incorporated) (Apple II, Atari 8-bit, BBC Micro, Browser, Commodore 64, Commodore PET/CBM, Dragon 32/64, Electron, FM-7, PC-88, PC-98, TI-99/4A, TRS-80, VIC-20, ZX Spectrum)
Adventure Master (1984, CBS Software) (Apple II, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64, DOS)
Adventure Mysteries Triple Pack (2010, Avanquest Software Publishing Ltd.) (Windows)
The Adventure of the Intergalactic Cat (2011, Branching Path Books) (iPhone)
The adventure of Tipi (1997, Funsoft) (DOS)
Adventure of Tokyo DisneySEA (2001, Konami Corporation) (Game Boy Advance)
Adventure Pack (2004, MC2-Micro?ds) (Windows)
Adventure Park (2013, bitComposer Entertainment AG) (Windows)
Adventure Pinball: Forgotten Island (2001, Electronic Arts, Inc., Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd.) (Windows)
Adventure Plus (2003, AtariAge) (Atari 2600)
AdventureQuest (2002, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
Adventure Quest (1983, Level 9 Computing, Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Atari 8-bit, BBC Micro, Commodore 64, Oric, ZX Spectrum)
Adventure Quiz: Capcom World / Hatena? no Daiboken (1992, Hudson Soft Company, Ltd.) (TurboGrafx CD)
Adventurer Pets (2008, Arrogancy Games) (Xbox 360)
The Adventurers (1992, Core Design Ltd.) (Amiga)
The Adventurer (1987, Ahoy!/Ion International, Inc.) (Commodore 64)
Adventures (1982, Acornsoft Limited) (Atom)
Adventure Series (1981, Adventure International, Starsoft Development Laboratories, Inc., Tex-Comp) (Apple II, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64, DOS, TI-99/4A, TRS-80)
Adventure Series 13+ (1984, Tex-Comp) (TI-99/4A)
Adventures in Math (1983, IBM) (DOS)
Adventures in Terror: British Horror Collection (2009, Iceberg Interactive B.V.) (Windows)
Adventures In The Galaxy Of Fantabulous Wonderment (2005, Fully Ramblomatic) (Windows)
Adventures in Videoland: Rollercoaster (1982, Creative Computing Software) (Apple II)
The Adventures of Alice who Went Through the Looking-Glass and Came Back Though Not Much Changed (1986, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
The Adventures of Batman & Robin (1995, SEGA Enterprises Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc.) (Game Gear)
The Adventures of Batman & Robin (1994, Konami Deutschland GmbH , Konami (America), Inc.) (SNES)
The Adventures of Batman & Robin (1995, SEGA Enterprises Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc.) (Genesis)
The Adventures of Batman & Robin (1995, SEGA of America, Inc.) (SEGA CD)
The Adventures of Bayou Billy (1988, Konami Industry Co. Ltd., Konami, Inc.) (NES)
Adventures of Beetlejuice: Skeletons in the Closet (1990, Hi-Tech Expressions, Inc.) (DOS)
The Adventures of Bond... Basildon Bond (1986, Probe Software Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64)
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eighth Dimension (1984, Adventure International) (Apple II, Atari 8-bit, Browser, Commodore 16, Plus/4, Commodore 64, DOS, ZX Spectrum)
The Adventures of Captain Becky (2010, Studio DLF) (Xbox 360)
The Adventures of Captain Comic (1988, Color Dreams, Inc.) (DOS, NES)
The Adventures of Cookie & Cream (2000, Agetec, Inc., Empire Interactive Entertainment, FromSoftware, Inc.) (PlayStation 2)
The Adventures of Dangerous Dave & Brutal Bob Part 1: Mole Surfing (2006, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
The Adventures of Darwin (2006, D3Publisher Inc., D3Publisher of America, Inc.) (PlayStation 2)
The Adventures of Death: Episode One - Emo Harvest on the Oregon Trail (2008, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Macintosh, Windows)
Adventures of Dino-Riki (1987, Hudson Soft USA, Inc., Rix Soft) (NES)
The Adventures of Down Under Dan (1995, Guildsoft) (DOS)
The Adventures of Dr. Franken (1993, DTMC, Inc.) (SNES)
The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland (1999, Mattel Media) (Windows)
The Adventures of Fatman: Toxic Revenge (2003, SOCKO! Entertainment) (Linux, Windows)
The Adventures of Gilligan's Island (1990, Bandai America, Inc.) (NES)
The Adventures of Hyperman (1995, IBM) (Windows 3.x)
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius - Attack of the Twonkies (2004, THQ Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius - Attack of the Twonkies (2004, THQ Inc.) (GameCube, PlayStation 2)
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Vs. Jimmy Negatron (2002, THQ Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
The Adventures of Jonny Quest (1999, DreamCatcher Interactive Inc.) (Windows)
The Adventures of JP and Cosmo: A Friend Indeed (2004, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Adventures of Keith Night: After a Shadow (2007, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
The Adventures of Lance (1990, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
The Adventures of Little Miss Scatterbrain (2002, EMME Interactive SA) (Windows)
Adventures of Lolo (1989, HAL America Inc., HAL Laboratory, Inc., Nintendo of Europe GmbH) (NES, Wii)
Adventures of Lolo (1994, Imagineer Co., Ltd., Nintendo UK Entertainment Limited) (Game Boy)
Adventures of Lolo 2 (1990, HAL America Inc., HAL Laboratory, Inc., Nintendo Co., Ltd., Nintendo of Europe GmbH) (NES, Nintendo 3DS, Wii)
Adventures of Lolo 3 (1990, HAL America Inc., HAL Laboratory, Inc.) (NES)
The Adventures of Lomax (1996, Psygnosis Limited, Tomy) (PlayStation, Windows)
The Adventures of Maddog Williams in the Dungeons of Duridian (1991, Game Crafters) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
Adventures of Marshal Marshmallow (2010, Level 13 Studio) (iPhone)
The Adventures of Melvin Freebush (1993, Sherwood Forest Software) (DOS)
The Adventures of MicroMan (1993, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows, Windows 3.x)
The Adventures of Mighty Max (1994, Ocean Software Ltd.) (Genesis, SNES)
The Adventures of Mosaika (2013, Fire Maple Games) (Android, iPad, iPhone)
The Adventures of Mr. Pratt (2003, Bouncing Fox Productions) (Windows)
The Adventures of Mr. Tickle (2002, Global Software Publishing Limited, EMME Interactive SA) (Windows)
The Adventures of One Button Bob (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
The Adventures of Pinocchio (1996, IBM) (Windows, Windows 3.x)
The Adventures of Quik and Silva (1991, New Bits on the Ram) (Amiga, Atari ST)
The Adventures of Rad Gravity (1990, Activision, Inc.) (NES)
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1991, Millennium Interactive Ltd.) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1984, English Software Company, The) (Atari 8-bit)
Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (2009, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, Big Fish Games, Inc, eGames, Inc.) (iPad, Windows)
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (1993, Absolute Entertainment, Inc., THQ Inc.) (Genesis, SNES)
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (1992, THQ Inc.) (Game Boy)
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (1992, THQ Inc.) (NES)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1990, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
The Adventures of Shuggy (2011, Smudged Cat Games, Valcon Games LLC) (Windows, Xbox 360)
Adventures of Sid (2010, CoderSys) (Xbox 360)
Adventures of Sid: Xmas (2009, CoderSys) (Xbox 360)
The Adventures of Star Saver (1991, King Record Co. Ltd., Taito America Corporation) (Game Boy)
The Adventures of St. Bernard (1983, Carnell Software Ltd) (ZX Spectrum)
The Adventures of Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun (1996, Infogrames Europe SA, Infogrames Multimedia SA) (DOS, SNES, Windows)
The Adventures of Tintin: The Game (2011, Ubisoft Entertainment SA, Ubisoft, Inc.) (Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 3, Wii, Windows, Xbox 360)
Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1989, SETA Corporation, SETA U.S.A., Inc.) (NES)
Adventures of TRON (1982, Mattel Electronics, Telegames, Inc.) (Atari 2600)
The Adventures of Valdo & Marie (1996, Ubi Soft Entertainment Software, Ubi Soft Entertainment, Inc., Ubi Soft Entertainment Ltd.) (Windows, Windows 3.x)
The Adventures of Willy Beamish (1991, Dynamix, Inc., SEGA of America, Inc., Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Amiga, DOS, Macintosh, SEGA CD)
Adventures of Yogi Bear (1994, Cybersoft, Inc., Empire Interactive Entertainment, Magifact) (Genesis, SNES)
Adventures with Chickens (1998, Xtreme Games LLC) (Windows)
Adventures with Edison (1995, Corel Corporation) (DOS)
Adventure Triple Pack! (2006, Vafelka Games) (Windows)
Adventure Value Pack #1 (1981, Adventure International) (Atari 8-bit, TRS-80)
Adventure Value Pack #2 (1981, Adventure International) (Apple II, TRS-80)
Adventure Value Pack #3 (1981, Adventure International) (Atari 8-bit, TRS-80)
Adventure Value Pack #4 (1981, Adventure International) (Atari 8-bit, TRS-80)
Adventure Workshop: 4th-6th Grade (2002, The Learning Company) (Macintosh, Windows)
Adventure Workshop: 4th-6th Grade - 5th Edition (2004, The Learning Company, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
Adventure XT (2007, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Adventurous Eric (2009, (Browser)
Ad Verbum (2000, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser, DOS, Macintosh, Windows)
A Dwarf's Story (2010, Try2 Games Ltd.) (Windows)
A.E. (1982, Br?derbund Software, Inc., Comptiq, Toshiba-EMI Ltd.) (Apple II, Atari 8-bit, FM-7, MSX, PC-88, VIC-20)
Aedis Eclipse: Generation of Chaos (2006, Idea Factory Co., Ltd., NIS America, Inc.) (PSP)
AEGIS: Guardian of the Fleet (1994, Time Warner Interactive, Inc., Time Warner Interactive Ltd.) (DOS)
Aegis Wing (2007, Microsoft Game Studios) (Xbox 360)
?on Flux (2005, Majesco Entertainment Company) (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
Aerial Antics (2004, Leadfoot Productions) (Windows)
Aerial Assault (1990, SEGA Enterprises Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc.) (Game Gear, SEGA Master System)
Aerial Combat 2 (1994, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Atari ST)
Aerial Combat ST (1994, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Atari ST)
Aerial Kombat 3: The Final Encounter (1995, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Atari ST)
Aerobiz (1992, KOEI Co., Ltd., KOEI Corporation) (FM Towns, Genesis, PC-98, Sharp X68000, SNES)
Aerobiz Supersonic (1993, KOEI Co., Ltd., KOEI Corporation) (Genesis, SNES)
Aero Elite: Combat Academy (2002, SEGA Corporation, SEGA of America, Inc.) (PlayStation 2)
Aero Fighters (1992, McO'RIVER Inc., Tecmo, Ltd., Video System Co., Ltd.) (Arcade, SNES)
Aero Fighters 2 (1994, SNK Corporation, SNK of America, Video System Co., Ltd.) (Arcade, Neo Geo, Neo Geo CD)
Aero Fighters 3 (1995, SNK Corporation) (Arcade, Neo Geo, Neo Geo CD)
AeroFighters Assault (1997, Video System Co., Ltd., Video System U.S.A., Inc.) (Nintendo 64)
AeroGauge (1997, ASCII Entertainment Software, Inc.) (Nintendo 64)
Aeromathics (1986, IBM) (DOS)
Aero Mission 3D (2004, Zapptrio, Inc.) (J2ME)
The Aeronautics Quiz MK 2 (1991, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Aero Racer (2009, Halfbrick Studios Pty Ltd, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.) (PlayStation 3, PSP, Xbox 360)
Aerostar (1991, Sun Corporation of America, Vic Tokai Corporation, Vic Tokai Europe Ltd.) (Game Boy)
Aerostyle (2000, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Aero the Acro-Bat (1993, Gaijinworks, Metro3D, Inc., Sun Electronics Corp., Sun Corporation, Sun Corporation of America) (Game Boy Advance, Genesis, SNES, Wii)
Aero the Acro-Bat 2 (1994, Sun Corporation, Sun Corporation of America) (Genesis, SNES, Wii)
AeroWings (1999, Crave Entertainment, Inc., CSK Research Institute Corp.) (Dreamcast)
AeroWings 2: Air Strike (2000, Crave Entertainment, Inc., CSK Research Institute Corp.) (Dreamcast)
Aesop's Garden (2009, Excalibur Studios) (Xbox 360)
Aether (2008, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser, Macintosh, Windows)
The Aethra Chronicles: Volume One - Celystra's Bane (1994, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
AETI ProFlight 2000 (2001, Just Flight Ltd) (Windows)
?vil (2000, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
Aevum Obscurum (2000, Aevum Obscurum Entertainment, Noble Master Games) (Android, iPhone, Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
A Fading Melody (2009, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
A Fairy Tale (2009, Rock Solid Arcade) (Macintosh, Windows)
Affili8! (2008, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Commodore 64)
A Fi$tful of Buck$ (1985, Ocean Software Ltd.) (Commodore 64)
AFL '98 (1998, Electronic Arts, Inc.) (Windows)
AFL Finals Fever (1996, Cadability Interactive Digital Solutions) (Windows, Windows 3.x)
A Flight to Remember (2009, Unknown Publisher(s)) (iPod Classic)
A Flipping Good Time (2011, DigiPen (USA) Corp.) (Windows)
AFL Live 2003 (2002, Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.) (PlayStation 2, Windows, Xbox)
AFL Live 2004 (2003, Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.) (PlayStation 2, Windows, Xbox)
AFL Live: Premiership Edition (2004, Acclaim Entertainment Ltd.) (PlayStation 2, Windows, Xbox)
AFL Premiership 2005 (2005, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd., THQ Inc.) (PlayStation 2, Windows, Xbox)
AFL Premiership 2006 (2006, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.) (PlayStation 2)
AFL Premiership 2007 (2007, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.) (PlayStation 2)
A Force More Powerful: The Game of Nonviolent Strategy (2006, International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, York Zimmerman Inc.) (Windows)
A Fork in the Tale (1997, Any River Entertainment, Digital Leisure Inc.) (Windows)
Africa (2006, Amigan Software) (Amiga)
Africa Gardens (1984, Gilsoft) (ZX Spectrum)
Africa Gardens (1984, Gilsoft) (Commodore 64)
African Adventure (1997, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
African Desert Campaign (1986, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
African Raiders-01 (1988, Tomahawk) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
African Safari (1998, Data Player Ltd.) (Windows)
African Safari (1984, Interdisc) (Commodore 64)
African Trail Simulator (1990, Positive) (Amstrad CPC, DOS, MSX, ZX Spectrum)
Africa Trail (1997, The Learning Company, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3.x)
Afrika (1994, Magic Games) (DOS)
Afrika (2008, Natsume, Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment Asia, Sony Computer Entertainment Incorporated) (PlayStation 3)
Afrika Korps (1991, Impressions) (Amiga, Atari ST)
Afrika Korps vs. D-Day (2004, Brigades) (Windows)
A Frog Game (2009, Entwickler X) (Xbox 360)
Afro Ken: The Puzzle (2001, Bandai Co., Ltd., D3Publisher Inc.) (PlayStation)
Afro Samurai (2009, Namco Bandai Games America Inc., Namco Bandai Games Europe SAS) (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
After Armageddon Gaiden: Maju Toshoden Eclipse (1994, SEGA Enterprises Ltd.) (SEGA CD)
After Burner (1987, Activision, Inc., CSK Research Institute Corp., Dempa Shimbunsha, SEGA Enterprises Ltd., SEGA Europe Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc., Tengen Inc.) (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Arcade, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS, FM Towns, MSX, NES, SEGA 32X, SEGA Master System, Sharp X68000, ZX Spectrum)
After Burner 3D (2003, Brodaroda Software) (Windows)
After Burner: Black Falcon (2007, SEGA Europe Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc.) (PSP)
After Burner: Climax (2006, SEGA Corporation, SEGA of America, Inc.) (Android, Arcade, iPad, iPhone, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
After Burner II (1987, Activision (UK) Limited, Micomsoft, NEC Avenue, Ltd., SEGA Enterprises Ltd., SEGA Europe Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc., Sun Electronics Corp., Tec Toy Mobile) (Amiga, Arcade, Atari ST, DOS, Genesis, J2ME, NES, TurboGrafx-16)
After Burner III (1992, CSK Research Institute Corp., SEGA of America, Inc.) (FM Towns, SEGA CD)
After Burst (1990, Masaya) (Game Boy)
After Dark Games (1998, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3.x)
After Dark: Under the Moon Light (2004, Unknown Publisher(s)) (J2ME, Symbian)
Afterfall: InSanity (2011, Nicolas Entertainment Group) (Windows)
Afterfall: InSanity - Extended Edition (2012, Nicolas Entertainment Group) (Windows)
Afterfall: InSanity - Extended Edition 2.0 (2012, Lace Mamba Global Ltd.) (Windows)
Afterlife (2004, RjB Software) (Windows)
Afterlife (1996, LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC) (DOS, Macintosh, Windows)
Afterlife 2: Rickard's Journey (2009, RjB Software) (Windows)
Aftermath (1986, Alpha-Omega Software) (Commodore 64)
Aftermath (1988, Alternative Software Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
Afternoon of the Dead (2012, Interactive Blasphemy LLC) (Android, iPad, iPhone)
Afteroids (1988, Zigurat) (Amstrad CPC, MSX, ZX Spectrum)
AfterShocked! (2002, MadGames) (Windows)
Aftershock for Quake (1996, Head Games Publishing, Inc.) (DOS, Windows)
Aftershock Toolbox for Quake (1996, Head Games Publishing, Inc.) (DOS, Windows)
After the End (2004, 1C Company, Kraisoft Entertainment) (Windows)
After the War (1989, Dinamic Software) (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS, MSX, ZX Spectrum)
After...: Wasureenu Kizuna (2004, Pionesoft) (Dreamcast, PlayStation 2)
After...: Wasureenu Kizuna (Shokai Genteiban) (2004, Pionesoft) (Dreamcast, PlayStation 2)
A-GA: Gekido no Wakusei (2004, Illusion) (Windows)
Again (2010, Tecmo Koei America Corp.) (Nintendo DS)
Against Rome (2003, Encore, Inc., JoWooD Productions Software AG) (Windows)
Agalta (1993, Fenrir) (PC-98)
Agalta 3 (1995, Fenrir) (PC-98)
Agalta II (1994, Fenrir) (PC-98)
a game about bouncing (2008, Right Square Bracket Left Square Bracket Games) (Windows)
A Game For Alexander (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
A Game of Dwarves (2012, Paradox Interactive AB) (Windows)
A Game of Dwarves: Ale DLC Pack (2012, Paradox Interactive AB) (Windows)
A Game of Dwarves: Pets (2013, Paradox Interactive AB) (Windows)
A Game of Dwarves: Star Dwarves (2012, Paradox Interactive AB) (Windows)
A Game of Hockey (2010, Vasculus) (Xbox 360)
A Game of Tennis (2009, UberGeekGames) (Xbox 360)
A Game of Thrones: Genesis (2011, Focus Home Interactive SAS) (Windows)
A Game With Balls (2011, Unknown Publisher(s)) (iPad, iPhone)
A Game you can't BEAT!! (2010, Latin Soul Studio) (Xbox 360)
A Game yOu can't BEAT! 2 (2010, Latin Soul Studio) (Xbox 360)
Agapito's Crazy Adventure (1998, AWorld Shareware) (Windows)
Agassi Tennis Generation 2002 (2002, Cryo Interactive Entertainment, Dice Multi Media Europe B.V., DreamCatcher Europe SA, DreamCatcher Interactive Inc., Noviy Disk) (PlayStation 2, Windows)
Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None (2005, Akella, Big Fish Games, Inc, The Adventure Company) (Wii, Windows)
Agatha Christie: Dead Man's Folly (2009, I-Play) (Windows)
Agatha Christie: Death on the Nile (2007, Denda Publishers B.V., DreamCatcher Interactive Inc., Mindscape SA, Oberon Games, Inc., Oberon Media, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
Agatha Christie: Double Murder Mystery Pack (2007, Akella, The Adventure Company) (Windows)
Agatha Christie: Evil Under the Sun (2007, Game Factory Interactive Ltd., Russobit-M, The Adventure Company) (Wii, Windows)
Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express (2006, Akella, The Adventure Company) (Windows)
Agatha Christie Mysteries (2009, The Adventure Company) (Wii)
Agatha Christie Mysteries (2008, Mastertronic Group Ltd.) (Windows)
Agatha Christie: Peril at End House (2007, Denda Publishers B.V., I-Play, Oberon Media, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders (2009, The Adventure Company) (Nintendo DS)
A.G.E. (1991, Coktel Vision, Tomahawk) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
Agent Armstrong (1997, Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Ltd., WE Net Inc.) (PlayStation, Windows)
Agent Hugo (2005, ITE Media ApS (Interactive Television Entertainment)) (PlayStation 2, Windows)
Agent Hugo: RoboRumble (2006, ITE Media ApS (Interactive Television Entertainment)) (PlayStation 2, Windows)
Agent Orange (1986, A&F Software Ltd., Argus Press Software Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
Agent P DoofenDash (2013, Majesco Entertainment Company) (Android, iPad, iPhone)
Agent UOP (1994, L.K. Avalon) (Commodore 64)
Agent USA (1984, Scholastic, Inc.) (Apple II, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64, PC Booter)
Agent X (1986, Mastertronic Ltd.) (ZX Spectrum)
Agent X II: The Mad Prof's Back! (1987, Mastertronic Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
Agent XXL und das Geheimnis der Quadrate (1996, Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG) (DOS)
AGEOD's American Civil War (2007, Akella, CDV Software Entertainment USA, Inc., Matrix Games, Ltd., Virtual Programming Ltd.) (Macintosh, Windows)
Age of Adventure (1986, Electronic Arts, Inc.) (Apple II, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64)
Age of Alexander (2010, Peter Games) (Windows)
Age of Atlantis (2008, (Windows)
Age of Booty (2008, Capcom Entertainment, Inc.) (PlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360)
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (2008, 1C Company, Eidos, Inc., Eidos Interactive Ltd., Eidos SARL, Funcom Oslo A/S) (Windows)
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (Collectors Edition) (2008, Eidos, Inc., Eidos Interactive Ltd.) (Windows)
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (Pre-Order Version) (2008, Eidos Interactive Ltd.) (Windows)
Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer (2010, Deep Silver) (Windows)
Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer (2010, Deep Silver) (Windows)
Age of Emerald (2007, Rumbic Studio) (Windows)
Age of Empires (1997, Ensemble Studios, MacSoft, Mattel Interactive Deutschland GmbH, Microsoft Corporation) (Macintosh, Windows)
Age of Empires (Collector's Edition) (2000, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Game Studios, Ubisoft Entertainment SA, Ubisoft, Inc.) (Windows)
Age of Empires: Conquest of the Empire (1997, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Age of Empires (Demo Version) (1997, Microsoft Corporation) (Windows)
Age of Empires: Gold Edition (1999, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, Microsoft Corporation, Ubi Soft Entertainment Software, Xplosiv) (Windows)
Age of Empires II: Gold Edition (2001, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, MacSoft, Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Game Studios) (Macintosh, Windows)
Age of Empires II: HD Edition (2013, Microsoft Studios) (Windows)
Age of Empires II HD + The Forgotten Expansion (2013, Microsoft Studios) (Windows)
Age of Empires III (2005, 1C Company, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, MacSoft, Microsoft Game Studios) (Macintosh, Windows)
Age of Empires III (Collector's Edition) (2005, Microsoft Game Studios) (Windows)
Age of Empires III: Complete Collection (2009, Microsoft Game Studios) (Windows)
Age of Empires III: Gold Edition (2007, Microsoft Game Studios) (Windows)
Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties (2007, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, MacSoft, Microsoft Game Studios) (Macintosh, Windows)
Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs (2006, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, MacSoft, Microsoft Game Studios) (Macintosh, Windows)
Age of Empires II Mobile (2005, In-Fusio) (DoJa, ExEn, J2ME)
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings (1999, Konami Corporation, Konami of Europe GmbH, MacSoft, Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Game Studios) (Macintosh, PlayStation 2, Windows)
Age of Empires II: The Conquerors (2000, Microsoft Corporation) (Windows)
Age of Empires: Legacy Bundle (2013, Microsoft Studios) (Windows)
Age of Empires: Legacy Bundle (2013, Microsoft Studios) (Windows)
Age of Empires: Mythologies (2008, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, THQ Inc.) (Nintendo DS)
Age of Empires Online (2011, Microsoft Game Studios) (Windows)
Age of Empires: Pocket PC Edition (2003, Microsoft Corporation, Mobile Digital Media, Inc.) (Windows Mobile)
Age of Empires: The Age of Kings (2006, Majesco Entertainment Company, Majesco Europe Ltd.) (Nintendo DS)
Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome (1998, Mattel, Inc., Microsoft Corporation) (Windows)
Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome (Demo Version) (1998, Microsoft Corporation) (Windows)
Age of Enigma: The Secret of the Sixth Ghost (2011, Big Fish Games, Inc) (Macintosh, Windows)
Age of Fable (2006, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
Age of Japan (2006, Realore Studios) (Macintosh, Windows)
Age of Japan II (2007, Realore Studios) (Windows)
Age of Mythology (2002, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, MacSoft, Microsoft Game Studios) (Macintosh, Windows)
Age of Mythology (Collectors Edition) (2002, Microsoft Game Studios) (Windows)
Age of Mythology: Gold Edition (2004, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, Microsoft Game Studios, Noviy Disk) (Windows)
Age of Mythology: The Titans (2003, Microsoft Game Studios) (Windows)
Age of Oracles: Tara's Journey (2009, Big Fish Games, Inc) (Windows)
Age of Pinballs Pro (2013, A.S.K. Homework) (iPad, iPhone)
Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships (2009, Akella, Playlogic Entertainment, Inc.) (Windows)
Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales (2005, 1C Company, Playlogic International N.V.) (Windows)
Age of Sail (1996, Empire Interactive Entertainment, TalonSoft, Inc.) (Windows, Windows 3.x)
Age of Sail II (2001, 1C Company, Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., TalonSoft, Inc.) (Windows)
Age of Sail II: Privateer's Bounty (2001, 1C Company, Global Star Software Ltd., TalonSoft, Inc.) (Windows)
Age of Wonders (1999, Gathering of Developers, Inc., Take-Two Interactive Software Europe Ltd., Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., Triumph Studios B.V.) (Windows)
Age of Wonders: Antologia (2006, Gathering of Developers, Inc.) (Windows)
Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne (2002, 1C Company, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, Gathering of Developers, Inc., Triumph Studios B.V.) (Windows)
Age of Wonders: Masters Collection (2003, Global Star Software Inc.) (Windows)
Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic (2003, 1C Company, Gathering of Developers, Inc., Triumph Studios B.V.) (Windows)
Age of Wulin (2013, WEBZEN Dublin Ltd.) (Windows)
Age of Zombies (2010, Halfbrick Studios Pty Ltd) (Android, iPad, iPhone, PSP)
Ages of Myst (1998, TLC The Learning Company Deutschland GmbH, TLC-Edusoft, Mindscape, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows, Windows 3.x)
Aggravation (1991, Cutlass Software) (DOS)
Aggres (1986, Riverhill Soft Inc.) (FM-7, PC-88, PC-98)
Aggression (1990, Expert Source Code, Inc.) (DOS)
Aggression: Reign over Europe (2008, Playlogic International N.V.) (Windows)
Aggressive Inline (2002, Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
Aggressive Inline (2002, Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.) (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
Aggressors of Dark Kombat (1994, SNK Corporation) (Arcade, Neo Geo, Neo Geo CD)
Agharta: The Hollow Earth (2000, Egmont Interactive GmbH, IQ Media Nordic AB, Novitas GmbH, Shoebox) (Windows)
Agi Gongyong Dooly (1991, Daou Infosys Corp.) (SEGA Master System)
Agile Warrior: F-111X (1995, Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Inc., Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Japan), Inc.) (PlayStation, Windows)
AGON: Episode 1 - London Scene (2003, Private Moon Studios) (Windows)
AGON: Episode 2 - Adventures in Lapland (2003, Private Moon Studios) (Windows)
AGON: Episode 3 - Pirates of Madagascar (2004, Private Moon Studios) (Windows)
Agonia (2007, (Atari 8-bit)
AGON: The Lost Sword of Toledo (2008, Kalypso Media GmbH) (Windows)
AGON: The Mysterious Codex (2006, Lexicon Entertainment UK Limited, Micro Application, S.A., Noviy Disk, Viva Media, LLC) (Macintosh, Windows)
Agony (1992, Psygnosis Limited) (Amiga)
A Great Day at the Races (1993, Philips Interactive Media, Inc.) (CD-i)
AGROS (1990, ADV-Workshop) (Atari ST)
A Gypsy's Tale: The Tower of Secrets (2010, Amaranth Games, LLC, Big Fish Games, Inc, Black Lime Games) (iPad, iPhone, Macintosh, Windows)
AH-3 Thunderstrike (1993, Core Design Ltd., JVC Musical Industries, Inc., Victor Entertainment Inc.) (SEGA CD)
AH-64 Apache Air Assault (2003, Activision Value Publishing, Inc., Akella, Cenega Poland Sp. z o.o., Midas Interactive Entertainment Ltd., Nobilis France, rondomedia Marketing & Vertriebs GmbH) (PlayStation 2, Windows)
AH-6 Navy Battle (2005, Unknown Publisher(s)) (J2ME)
Aha! (1999, Computer Systems Odessa Corp.) (Windows)
Ah Diddums (1983, Imagine Software) (ZX Spectrum)
AHextris (1992, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Amiga)
Ahlgrens Bilspelet (1997, Leaf Sverige AB) (Windows)
Ah! Megami-Sama (1993, Banpresto Co., Ltd.) (PC-98)
Ah! Megami-Sama (1997, NEC Home Electronics, Ltd.) (PC-FX)
A House in California (2010, Cardboard Computer, LLC.) (Browser, Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
A House in California (Deluxe Edition) (2010, Cardboard Computer, LLC.) (Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
A House in California (Limited Edition) (2010, Cardboard Computer, LLC.) (Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
Ahoy Pirates (2010, BINANIC STUDIO) (Xbox 360)
Ahriman's Prophecy (2004, Amaranth Productions) (Windows)
AHx-1 (1997, GT Interactive Software Corp.) (Windows)
A.I. (1987, Scholastic, Inc.) (Apple II)
Ai Cho Aniki (1995, Hudson Soft Company, Ltd., Masaya) (TurboGrafx CD, Wii)
Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage (2000, THQ Inc.) (Nintendo 64)
Aigina's Prophecy (1986, Vic Tokai Corporation, Vic Tokai, Inc.) (Commodore 64, NES)
A.I.M. 2: Clan Wars (2006, 1C Company) (Windows)
A.I.M.: Artificial Intelligence Machines (2004, 1C Company, Micro Application, S.A.) (Windows)
Aimeroids (2009, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
A.I.M. Racing (2007, 1C Company) (Windows)
Ainevoltas (2005, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Ainevoltas II (2008, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Ai no Omochashi: Space Gigolo - Red Cobra (1995, Illusion) (PC-98)
Aion (2009, Gameforge 4D GmbH, NCsoft West) (Windows)
Aion (Special Collector's Edition) (2009, NCsoft West) (Windows)
AIR (1987, Quasar Soft) (PC-88)
Air (2000, NEC Interchannel, Ltd., Prototype, Visual Art's) (Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, PSP, Windows)
Air Aces: Pacific (2010, Wastelands Interactive) (Windows)
AiRace Speed (2013, QubicGames) (Nintendo 3DS)
AiRace: Tunnel (2010, QubicGames) (Nintendo DSi)
Air Assault Task Force (2006, Shrapnel Games, Inc.) (Windows)
Air Attack (2010, Art In Games Ltd., Unity Games) (Android, BlackBerry, iPad, iPhone, Macintosh)
Air Attack (1979, Supersoft) (Commodore PET/CBM)
Air Attack Pack (2002, NovaLogic, Inc.) (Windows)
Airball (1987, Atari Corporation, MicroDeal) (Amiga, Apple IIgs, Atari 8-bit, Atari ST, DOS, Dragon 32/64, NES)
Air Battle (1983, Philips do Brasil Ltda., Philips Export B.V.) (Odyssey 2, Philips VG 5000, Videopac+ G7400)
AirBlade (2001, Namco Hometek Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.) (PlayStation 2)
Air Boarder 64 (1998, GAGA Communications Inc., Human Entertainment, Inc.) (Nintendo 64)
Airborne! (1984, Silicon Beach Software, Inc.) (Macintosh)
Airborne Assault: Red Devils Over Arnhem (2002,, Inc., CDV Software Entertainment AG) (Windows)
Airborne Hero D?Day Frontline 1944 (2006, Degriff'Soft, IncaGold GmbH) (Windows)
Airborne Ranger (1987, Erbe Software, S.A., MicroProse Software, Inc., MicroProse Ltd.) (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS, ZX Spectrum)
Air Bucks (1992, Impressions Games) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
Airbus 2000 (1999, Pilots GesmbH) (Windows)
Airbus 2000 (Special Edition) (2000, Just Flight Ltd) (Windows)
Airbus 98 (1998, the flight crew) (Windows)
Airbus Collection (2006, Just Flight Ltd) (Windows)
Air Buster (1990, Hudson Soft USA, Inc., Kaneko Co., Ltd., Kaneko USA, Ltd.) (Arcade, Genesis, TurboGrafx-16)
AirCars (1997, ICD, Inc.) (Jaguar)
Air Cavalry (1995, Cybersoft, Inc.) (SNES)
Air Combat (1995, Namco Hometek Inc., Namco Limited, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.) (PlayStation)
Air Combat 2 (1991, SystemSoft) (PC-98)
Air Combat 2: Tsuika Scenario Vol. 1 (1991, SystemSoft) (PC-98)
Air Combat 2: Tsuika Scenario Vol. 2 (1992, SystemSoft) (PC-98)
Air Combat Aces (1991, Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) (Amiga)
Air Combat II Special (1993, Victor Musical Industries, Inc.) (FM Towns)
Air Combat: Yugekio II (1989, SystemSoft) (PC-98, Sharp X68000)
Air Command 3.0 (2001, Shrapnel Games, Inc.) (Windows)
Air Command 3.0: Airport Expansion Set (2001, Shrapnel Games, Inc.) (Windows)
Air Commander (1992, Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) (DOS)
Air Conflicts: Aces of World War II (2009, Graffiti Entertainment, LLC) (PSP)
Air Conflicts: Air Battles of World War II (2006, 1C Company, Bold Games, Excalibur Publishing Limited) (Windows)
Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers (2012, bitComposer Entertainment AG) (PlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360)
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars (2011, Kalypso Media USA Inc.) (PlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360)
Aircraft Collector's Edition (2007, Abacus Software, Inc.) (Windows)
Aircraft PowerPack (2006, 2WG Media, Inc., First Class Simulations, Wild Hare Entertainment, LLC.) (Windows)
Air Diver (1990, Asmik Corporation, Seismic Software Inc.) (Genesis)
Air Duel: 80 Years of Dogfighting (1993, MicroProse Software, Inc., MicroProse Ltd.) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
Airfield (1997, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Airfix: Dogfighter (2000, Crave Entertainment, Inc., Eon Digital Entertainment, Vision Park AB) (Windows)
Air Force Commander (1992, Impressions Games) (Amiga, DOS)
AirForce Delta (1999, Konami Co., Ltd., Konami Corporation, Konami of Europe GmbH, Konami of America, Inc.) (Dreamcast)
AirForce Delta (2000, Konami Corporation, Konami of America, Inc.) (Game Boy Color)
AirForce Delta Storm (2001, Konami Corporation, Konami Corporation of Europe B.V., Konami of America, Inc.) (Xbox)
AirForce Delta Storm (2002, Konami Corporation) (Game Boy Advance)
AirForce Delta Strike (2004, Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.) (PlayStation 2)
Air Force Missions (2007, (Windows)
Air Forte (2010, Blendo Games) (Linux, Macintosh, Windows, Xbox 360)
Air Fortress (1987, HAL America Inc., HAL Laboratory, Inc.) (NES)
Air Gallet (1996, Banpresto Co., Ltd.) (Arcade)
Air Havoc Controller (1994, Trimark Interactive) (Windows 3.x)
Airheart (1986, Br?derbund Software, Inc.) (Apple II)
Air Hockey (2008, Acceleroto) (iPad, iPhone)
Air Hockey (2001, Midas Interactive Entertainment Ltd., Mud Duck Productions, Success Corp.) (PlayStation)
Air Hockey (2012, Words Mobile) (Android)
AirHockey 3D (2004, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Air Hockey-e (2002, Nintendo of America Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
Air Land Sea (1992, Electronic Arts, Inc.) (Amiga)
Air Legends (2009, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
Airlift Rescue (1995, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Airline (1986, ariolasoft GmbH) (Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64)
Airline (1982, CCS, Cases Computer Simulations Ltd.) (ZX Spectrum)
Airline Flights 2 (1997, AEROSOFT GmbH) (Windows)
Airliner (1983, Microparadise Software, Protek Computing Ltd) (ZX Spectrum)
Airlines (1994, Interactivision A/S) (DOS)
Airlines 2 (2002, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, Global Star Software Inc.) (Windows)
Airline Sharks (2012, aerostudios inc.) (Windows)
Airline Simulator (1996, Lago S.r.l.) (DOS)
Airline Tycoon (1999, Infogrames Multimedia SA, Monte Cristo Multimedia) (Windows)
Airline Tycoon (1998, Infogrames do Brasil Ltda., Infogrames Europe SA, Monte Cristo Multimedia) (Windows)
Airline Tycoon 2 (2011, Kalypso Media Digital Ltd., Kalypso Media GmbH, ZOO Corporation) (Windows)
Airline Tycoon Deluxe (2003, Runesoft GmbH, Spellbound Entertainment AG, Viva Media, LLC) (iPad, iPhone, Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
Airline Tycoon Evolution (2002, Global Software Publishing Limited, Monte Cristo Multimedia, Strategy First, Inc., Ubi Soft Entertainment Ltd.) (Windows)
Airlock (1982, Data Age, Inc.) (Atari 2600)
Air Management '96 (1996, KOEI Co., Ltd.) (PlayStation, SEGA Saturn)
Air Offensive: The Art of Flying (2000, BlueLine Games, Brightstar Entertainment Ltd., uWish Games) (Windows)
Aironauts (1999, Red Storm Entertainment, Inc.) (PlayStation)
Air Patriots (2012, Lemon Team) (Android, iPad, iPhone)
A.I.R. Play (2009, TriGamma) (Xbox 360)
Airport (1990, Oase Software) (Amiga)
Airport 2000: Volume 1 (1998, Imagineer Co., Ltd., Wilco Publishing) (Windows)
Airport 2000: Volume 2 (2000, Wilco Publishing) (Windows)
Airport 2000: Volume 3 (2000, Wilco Publishing) (Windows)
Airport Amsterdam (2012, AEROSOFT GmbH) (Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
Airport Control Simulator (2010, Iceberg Interactive B.V., Strategy First, Inc.) (Windows)
Airport Mania: First Flight (2008, Amazon Digital Services, Inc., Reflexive Entertainment Inc.) (Android, iPad, iPhone, Macintosh, Wii, Windows)
Airport Tycoon (2000, Global Star Software Ltd., K.E. Media, Take Two Interactive GmbH) (Windows)
Airport Tycoon 2 (2003, Global Star Software Inc.) (Windows)
Airport Tycoon 3 (2003, Akella, Global Star Software Inc.) (Windows)
Air Power: Battle in the Skies (1995, Mindscape International Ltd., Mindscape, Inc.) (DOS)
Air Power: The Cold War (2001, Just Flight Ltd) (Windows)
Air Pressure (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser, Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
Air Puck (1992, Software Labs, The) (DOS)
Air Race Championship (1999, Xing Entertainment) (PlayStation)
Air Raid (1984, Men-A-Vision) (Atari 2600)
Air Raiders (1982, Mattel Electronics) (Atari 2600)
Air Raid: This is Not a Drill (2003, 1C Company, Big City Games, Jaguar Entertainment AB, Strategy First, Inc.) (Windows)
Air Rescue (1991, SEGA Enterprises Ltd.) (Arcade)
Air Rescue (1992, SEGA Enterprises Ltd.) (SEGA Master System)
Air Rescue I (1984, MicroProse Software, Inc.) (Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64)
Airs Adventure (1996, GAME STUDIO Inc.) (SEGA Saturn)
Air-Sea Battle (1977, Atari, Inc., Sears, Roebuck and Co.) (Atari 2600)
Air / Sea Supremacy (1991, Ubi Soft Entertainment Software, Ubi Soft Entertainment Ltd.) (Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
Airstrike (1982, Dynamics Marketing, English Software Company, The) (Atari 8-bit)
AirStrike 2 (2004, DivoGames Ltd.) (Windows)
AirStrike 3D: Operation W.A.T. (2002, DivoGames Ltd., GameHouse, Inc., Greenstreet Software Ltd., Metropolis Software House) (Windows)
Airstrike II (1983, English Software Company, The) (Atari 8-bit)
AirStrike II: Gulf Thunder (2005, DivoGames Ltd., Toro-Publishing) (Windows)
Airstrike USA (1990, Digital Integration Ltd., Spotlight Software) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
Air Support (1992, Psygnosis Limited) (Amiga, Atari ST)
Air Taxi (1994, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Amiga)
Air to Air Combat (1992, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Atari ST)
Air Traffic Controller (1985, Cascoly Software) (Browser, DOS)
Air Traffic Controller (1980, Creative Computing Software) (Apple II)
Air Traffic Controller (1989, Flying V soft) (Atari ST)
Air Trax (1983, Presearch Incorporated) (DOS)
Air Warrior (1990, Konami, Inc., On-Line Entertainment Ltd.) (Amiga, Atari ST, CDTV, DOS)
Air Warrior II (1997, Interactive Magic Ltd.) (Windows)
Air Warrior III (1997, Interactive Magic Ltd., Kesmai Corporation, Midas Interactive Entertainment BV) (Windows)
Airwolf (1987, Kyugo Trading Co., Ltd) (Arcade, NES)
Airwolf (1989, Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.) (NES)
Airwolf (1984, Amsoft, Elite Systems Ltd., Encore) (Amstrad CPC, Atari 8-bit, BBC Micro, Commodore 16, Plus/4, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
Airwolf II (1987, Encore, MCM Software) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 16, Plus/4, ZX Spectrum)
AirXonix (2001, eGames, Inc., Greenstreet Software Ltd.) (Windows)
Air Zonk (1992, Hudson Entertainment, Inc., Hudson Soft Company, Ltd., Hudson Soft USA, Inc.) (TurboGrafx-16, Wii)
Ai Sensei no Oshiete: Watashi no Hoshi (1993, Irem Corp.) (NES)
Ai Senshi Nicol (1987, Konami Industry Co. Ltd.) (NES)
Ai Shimai: Futari no Kajitsu (1994, Silky's) (FM Towns, PC-98)
Aisle (1999, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser, DOS)
Aisle Lord (1992, Wolf Team) (SEGA CD)
A.IV. Evolution (1994, Artdink Corporation) (PlayStation)
A.IV. Evolution (Hatsubai Kinen Gentei Set) (1994, Artdink Corporation) (PlayStation)
AI War: Fleet Command (2009, Arcen Games, LLC, TGC - The Games Company GmbH) (Windows)
AI Wars: The Awakening (2000, Nexus Information Systems & Marketing inc.) (Windows)
A.I. Wars: The Insect Mind (1996, Tactical Neuronics) (Windows)
Aiza: New Generation (1991, Tierheit) (PC-98)
Ajax (1987, Ocean Software Ltd., Konami Industry Co. Ltd., Konami, Inc.) (Amstrad CPC, Arcade, Commodore 64, DOS, Sharp X68000, ZX Spectrum)
A-J's Quest (1992, A-J Games) (DOS)
A.J.'s World of Discovery (1991, Coktel Vision) (Atari ST, DOS)
A Jumper Robot Adventure (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Xbox 360)
Akagawa Jiro Mystery: Tsuki no Hikari - Shizumeru Kane no Satsujin (2008, Marvelous Entertainment Inc.) (Nintendo DS)
Akagawa Jiro no Yurei Ressha (1991, King Record Co. Ltd.) (NES)
Akai Ito (2004, Success Corp.) (PlayStation 2)
Akai Katana (2011, CAVE Co., Ltd., Rising Star Games Ltd.) (Xbox 360)
Akaklik? 1 (2000, Lannoo Nieuwe Media) (Macintosh, Windows)
Akalabeth: World of Doom (1980, California Pacific Computer, Quantum Toast) (Apple II, iPhone)
Akanbe Dragon (1988, Winky Soft Co., Ltd.) (MSX)
Akaneiro: Demon Hunters (2013, Spicy Horse International Ltd.) (Browser, Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
Akatsuki no Bizantira (1994, ASCII Corporation) (PC-98)
Akazukin Cha-Cha: Osawagase! Panic Race! (1996, NEC Home Electronics, Ltd.) (PC-FX)
Akiko (1993, FairyTale) (PC-98)
Akiko GOLD: Queen of Adult (1994, FairyTale) (FM Towns, PC-98)
Akiko's Trivocum (2005, Weltenschmiede) (Windows)
A Killer's Dream (2009, Silver Dollar Games Inc.) (Xbox 360)
Akimbo: Kung-Fu Hero (2001, Global Star Software Ltd., HD Interactive B.V., Iridon Interactive AB, Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd., Noviy Disk, (Windows)
Akimbo Paddles! (2010, Team Legendre) (Xbox 360)
Akinator (2007, Scimob) (Android, Browser, iPad, iPhone, J2ME)
A Kingdom for Keflings (2008, Microsoft Game Studios, NinjaBee) (Windows, Xbox 360)
Akira (1994, International Computer Entertainment Ltd.) (Amiga, Amiga CD32)
Akira (1988, Taito Corporation) (NES)
A Kitchen Sink War (2008, Archor Games) (Xbox 360)
Akiyama Jin no Sugaku Mystery: Hiho "Indo no Honoo" o Shishu Seyo (1994, NHK Service Center) (TurboGrafx CD)
Akrasia (2008, Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab) (Windows)
Akte Europa (1997, Eidos Interactive Ltd.) (Windows)
Akujin (2009, Domi) (Xbox 360)
Akuji the Demon (2002, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Akuji: The Heartless (1999, Eidos Interactive, Inc., Eidos Interactive Ltd.) (PlayStation, Windows)
Akuma: Demon Spawn (1998, Frogware Publishing Inc., JC Research Inc., Lomax Software, Trigger Soft) (Windows)
Akumajo Special: Boku Dracula-kun! (1990, Konami Corporation) (NES)
Akuma-kun: Makai no Wana (1990, Bandai Co., Ltd.) (NES)
Akumu: Aoi Kajitsu no Sanka (1996, Studio M?bius) (PC-98)
Alabama Smith in Escape from Pompeii (2008, Alawar Entertainment, Inc.) (Android, iPad, iPhone, Macintosh, Windows)
Alabama Smith in the Quest of Fate (2009, Alawar Entertainment, Inc., Big Fish Games, Inc) (iPad, iPhone, Macintosh, Windows)
Alabaster (2009, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Macintosh, Windows)
A Labyrinth Game / Supermind (1982, N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken) (Odyssey 2)
Aladdin's Magic Lamp (1989, New Line Software) (Amiga)
Alantia (1988, Cross Media Soft) (PC-98)
Alan Wake (2012, Nordic Games GmbH, Remedy Entertainment Ltd.) (Windows)
Alan Wake (2010, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, Microsoft Game Studios) (Xbox 360)
Alan Wake (Collector's Edition) (2012, Nordic Games GmbH, Remedy Entertainment Ltd.) (Windows)
Alan Wake: Collector's Edition Extras (2012, Remedy Entertainment Ltd.) (Windows)
Alan Wake (Limited Collector's Edition) (2010, Microsoft Game Studios) (Xbox 360)
Alan Wake's American Nightmare (2012, Microsoft Studios, Nordic Games GmbH, Remedy Entertainment Ltd.) (Windows, Xbox 360)
Alan Wake: The Signal (2010, Microsoft Game Studios) (Xbox 360)
Alan Wake: The Writer (2010, Microsoft Game Studios) (Xbox 360)
Alan Wake: Zlota Edycja (2012, Cenega Poland Sp. z o.o.) (Windows)
Alarm for Cobra 11: Hot Pursuit (2004, Midas Interactive Entertainment Ltd., RTL Enterprises GmbH) (PlayStation 2)
Alarm for Cobra 11: Nitro (2006, RTL Enterprises GmbH) (Windows)
Alarm f?r Cobra 11 (2000, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, RTL Playtainment) (Windows)
Alarm f?r Cobra 11 - Vol. III (2005, GFI Russia, RTL Playtainment, Russobit-M) (Windows)
Alaskan Malamute G.C. (1992, Home Data Corp.) (PC-98)
Alawishus Pixel (2010, Frog The Door Games) (Xbox 360)
Albarea no Otome (1997, NEC Home Electronics, Ltd.) (PC-FX)
Albatross (1986, Telenet Japan Co., Ltd.) (FM-7, MSX, PC-88, PC-98, Sharp X1)
Albatross18 (2005, GameFactory Inc.) (Windows)
Albert Lasser's Clearing House (1995, Max Design GmbH & Co.) (DOS)
Albert Odyssey (1993, Sun Electronics Corp.) (SNES)
Albert Odyssey Gaiden: Legend of Eldean (Limited Edition) (1996, Sun Corporation) (SEGA Saturn)
Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean (1996, Sun Corporation, Working Designs) (SEGA Saturn)
Albion (1995, Blue Byte Software, Inc., Blue Byte Software GmbH & Co. KG, Blue Byte Software GmbH) (DOS)
Alcahest (1993, Square Co., Ltd.) (SNES)
Alcatraz (1992, Infogrames Europe SA) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
Alcatraz Breakout (2011, Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.) (iPhone)
Alcatraz Harry (1984, Mastertronic Ltd.) (ZX Spectrum)
Alcatraz: Prison Escape (2001, Activision Value Publishing, Inc.) (Windows)
Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress (1985, Activision, Inc., Activision, Inc., Al Alamiah, Pony Canyon, Inc., Telegames, Inc.) (Apple II, ColecoVision, Commodore 64, MSX)
Alchemia (1993, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Atari 8-bit)
Alchemia: Extended Version (2010, 1C-SoftClub, Lace Mamba Global Ltd., Snowball Studios) (Windows)
Alchemist (1984, Imagine) (ZX Spectrum)
Alchemist (2009, Reiser Games) (Xbox 360)
Alchemist (1999, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Alchemist Marie & Elie: Futari no Atelier (2001, Gust Co., Ltd.) (WonderSwan Color)
Alchemist's apprentice (2009, Big Fish Games, Inc) (Windows)
The Alchemist (2000, Computer Systems Odessa Corp.) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alchemy (2002, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
Alchemy (2010, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Android, Windows Phone)
Alchemy Deluxe (2001, PopCap Games, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
A.L.C.O.N. (1986, France Image Logiciels, Imagine Software, Imagine, Taito America Corporation, Taito Corporation) (Amstrad CPC, Arcade, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Thomson TO, ZX Spectrum)
The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star Log - I) (1992, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Alderman (2009, idle han) (Xbox 360)
Aldo Again (1989, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Aldo's Adventure (1987, Yahoo Software) (DOS)
Aldynes: The Mission Code for Rage Crisis (1991, Hudson Soft Company, Ltd.) (SuperGrafx)
Ale Hop! (1988, Topo Soft) (MSX)
Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine (2006, Himalaya Studios, LLC, Meridian4, Inc., rondomedia Marketing & Vertriebs GmbH) (Windows)
Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mine (Collector's Edition) (2006, Himalaya Studios, LLC) (Windows)
A Lenda da G?vea (1987, PRO KIT Inform?tica, Stop Inform?tica) (MSX, ZX Spectrum)
Aleshar: The World of Ice (1997, Hypothermia) (DOS)
Aleste 2 (1989, Compile) (MSX)
Aleste Gaiden (1989, Compile) (MSX)
Alexander (2004, Ubisoft Entertainment SA, Ubisoft, Inc.) (Windows)
Alexander: The Heroes Hour (2004, Deep Silver, Fantastic.TV) (Windows)
Alexandra Fortune: Mystery of the Lunar Archipelago (2009, Alawar Entertainment, Inc., Big Fish Games, Inc, S.A.D. Software Vertriebs- und Produktions GmbH) (iPad, iPhone, Windows)
Alex Builds His Farm (1999, Ubisoft Entertainment SA, Ubi Soft Entertainment, Inc.) (Windows)
Alexey's Dwice (2006, eGames, Inc., Greenstreet Software Ltd., Noviy Disk) (Windows)
Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2001 (2000, 3DO Europe, Ltd., Ubi Soft Entertainment Software) (PlayStation, PlayStation 2)
Alex Gordon (2008, Alawar Entertainment, Inc.) (Windows)
Alex Higgins' World Snooker (1985, Amsoft, Amstrad) (Amstrad CPC, DOS)
Alexi Lalas International Soccer (1998, BMG Interactive Entertainment, Take-Two Interactive Software Europe Ltd., Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.) (PlayStation, Windows)
Alex Kidd: BMX Trial (1987, SEGA Enterprises Ltd.) (SEGA Master System)
Alex Kidd: High-Tech World (1989, SEGA Enterprises Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc.) (SEGA Master System)
Alex Kidd in Miracle World (1986, SEGA Enterprises Ltd., SEGA Europe Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc.) (PlayStation 3, SEGA Master System, Wii)
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (1990, SEGA Enterprises Ltd., SEGA Europe Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc.) (SEGA Master System, Wii)
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (1989, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., SEGA Enterprises Ltd., SEGA Corporation, SEGA Europe Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc., Tec Toy Ind?stria de Brinquedos S.A.) (Genesis, Wii, Windows)
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (1986, SEGA Enterprises Ltd., SEGA Corporation, SEGA Europe Ltd., SEGA of America, Inc.) (Arcade, SEGA Master System, Wii)
Alex Rider: Stormbreaker (2006, THQ Inc.) (Nintendo DS)
Alex Rider: Stormbreaker (2006, THQ Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
Alex the Allegator 2 (2001, Free Lunch Design AB) (DOS, Windows)
Alex the Allegator 4 (2003, Free Lunch Design AB) (Linux, Macintosh, Windows)
ALF (1989, SEGA of America, Inc.) (SEGA Master System)
ALFA: Antiterror - Advanced War Tactics (2006, bhv Software GmbH & Co. KG) (Windows)
Alfa-Boot (1994, StanBit) (Atari 8-bit)
Alfapet (1993, CD-i Studio ADATEK) (CD-i)
Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano (2005, Black Bean Games, Valcon Games LLC) (PlayStation 2, Windows, Xbox)
ALF in the Color Caves (1984, Spinnaker Software Corporation) (Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64)
Alfred Challenge (1998, AtariAge, ?bivision) (Atari 2600)
Alfred Chicken (2002, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.) (PlayStation)
Alfred Chicken (1993, Mindscape International Ltd., Mindscape, Inc., Sun Corporation) (Amiga, Amiga CD32, Game Boy, NES, SNES)
Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Final Cut (2001, 1C Company, Ubi Soft Entertainment Software, Ubi Soft Entertainment, Inc., Wanadoo Edition) (Windows)
Alfredo's Stupendous Surprise (1990, Softdisk Publishing) (Apple II)
Alfred Pelrock (1996, Digital Dreams Multimedia) (DOS)
ALF's Thinking Skills (1988, Vision Software) (DOS)
ALF's U.S. Geography (1993, Vision Software) (DOS)
ALF: The First Adventure (1987, Box Office, Inc.) (Apple II, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS)
Alganon (2009, Quest Online) (Windows)
Alge-Blaster 3 (1994, Davidson & Associates, Inc.) (Windows 3.x)
Aliants: The Desperate Battle For Earth! (1987, Keypunch Software, Inc.) (Atari 8-bit, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS)
Alias (2004, Acclaim Entertainment, Inc., Acclaim Entertainment Ltd.) (PlayStation 2, Windows, Xbox)
Alias Underground Episode 10: Endgame (2003, ABC Television) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alias Underground Episode 1: SD-6 Agent Training (2002, ABC Television) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alias Underground Episode 2: Mission - Turkish Embassy (2002, ABC Television) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alias Underground Episode 3: Mission - Raid On SD-6 (2002, ABC Television) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alias Underground Episode 4: The Circumference (2002, ABC Television) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alias Underground Episode 5: Turkish Embassy - CIA Countermission (2002, ABC Television) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alias Underground Episode 6: CIA Mission - Return To SD-6 (2003, ABC Television) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alias Underground Episode 7: Phase One (2003, ABC Television) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alias Underground Episode 8: Breakout (2003, ABC Television) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alias Underground Episode 9: Countdown (2003, ABC Television) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alibaba and 40 Thieves (1982, ICM, SEGA Enterprises Ltd.) (Arcade, MSX)
Alibaba and Forty Thieves (2003, Cooes Co., Ltd.) (J2ME)
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (1981, Quality Software, Star Craft) (Apple II, Atari 8-bit, FM-7, PC-88)
Ali Baba Slots (2000, (Browser)
Alice: Adventures in Wonderland (1984, PSK) (FM-7, PC-88)
Alice Greenfingers (2007, Arcade Lab, Mac Joy, MumboJumbo, LLC) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alice Greenfingers 2 (2008, Arcade Lab, Mac Joy) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alice in Cyberland (1996, Glams, Inc.) (PlayStation)
Alice: Interactive Museum (1994, Synergy Interactive Corp.) (Macintosh, Windows 3.x)
Alice In Videoland (1984, Audiogenic Software Ltd.) (Commodore 64)
Alice in Wonderland (1989, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Alice in Wonderland (1992, American Interactive Media, Philips Interactive Media, Inc.) (CD-i)
Alice in Wonderland (1985, Windham Classics) (Apple II, Commodore 64)
Alice in Wonderland (2010, Disney Interactive Studios) (Wii, Windows)
Alice in Wonderland: An Adventure Beyond the Mirror (2010, Disney Interactive Studios) (iPhone, Zeebo)
Alice in Wonderland: A New Champion (2013, Disney Interactive Studios) (Android, iPad, iPhone)
Alice is Dead: Chapter 1 (2009, Legit Games) (Browser)
Alice is Dead: Episode 2 (2010, Newgrounds, Inc.) (Browser)
Alice is Dead: Episode 3 (2010, Newgrounds, Inc.) (Browser)
Alice: Madness Returns (2011, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, Electronic Arts, Inc.) (PlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360)
Alice: Madness Returns (2011, Electronic Arts, Inc.) (Browser, iPad, iPhone)
Alice no Yakata CD (1991, Alice Soft) (FM Towns)
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (2000, Joriko Interactive Limited) (Windows)
Alice's Magical Mahjong (2008, PoBros Inc) (Windows)
Alice's Tea Cup Madness (2010, PlayFirst, Inc.) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alice-tachi no Gogo Vol. 1 (1989, New System House Oh!) (PC-98)
Alice-tachi no Gogo Vol. 2 (1989, New System House Oh!) (PC-98)
Alida (2004, Game Factory Interactive Ltd., Got Game Entertainment, LLC, magnussoft Deutschland GmbH, Project Three Interactive BV, e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment gmbh, Russobit-M, B.V.) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alien (1992, Watara) (Supervision)
Alien (1982, Fox Video Games, Inc., X?nte) (Atari 2600)
Alien (1982, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Alien (1990, CP Verlag) (Commodore 64)
Alien (1984, Amsoft, Argus Press Software Ltd.) (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum)
Alien? (1992, Acclaim Entertainment, Inc., Acclaim Japan, Ltd., Arena Entertainment, Virgin Games, Ltd., Tec Toy Ind?stria de Brinquedos S.A.) (Amiga, Commodore 64, Game Gear, Genesis, SEGA Master System)
Alien? (1993, Acclaim Japan, Ltd., LJN, Ltd.) (Game Boy)
Alien? (1993, Acclaim Entertainment, Inc., LJN, Ltd.) (NES)
Alien? (1993, Acclaim Japan, Ltd., LJN, Ltd.) (SNES)
Alien?: The Gun (1993, SEGA Enterprises Ltd.) (Arcade)
Alien 8 (1985, Nippon Dexter Co., Ltd., Ashby Computers and Graphics Ltd., Ultimate - Play the Game) (Amstrad CPC, BBC Micro, MSX, ZX Spectrum)
Alien 8 (2008, RetroSpec) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alien 8 Remake (2009, Unknown Publisher(s)) (MSX)
Alien Abduction (2006, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Alien Abduction (2005, Pumpkin Games, Red Marble Games) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alien Ambush (1982, DANA, Micro Distributors) (Apple II, Atari 8-bit)
Alien Assault (2008, Easy 8 Software, LLC.) (Windows)
Alien Assault (2009, Teardown) (Windows)
Alienators: Evolution Continues (2001, Activision Publishing, Inc.) (Game Boy Advance)
Alien Attack (1993, Unknown Publisher(s)) (DOS)
Alien Blast: The Encounter (2003, Russobit-M, Strategy First, Inc.) (Windows)
Alien Breaker (2010, Vega Mobile) (Zeebo)
Alien Breaker (2008, Vega Mobile) (iPhone)
Alien Breed (1991, Amiga, Inc., MicroLeague Multimedia, Inc., Team17 Software Limited) (Amiga, BlackBerry, DOS)
Alien Breed (2012, Team17 Software Limited, Team 17 Digital Limited) (Android, iPad, iPhone, PlayStation 3, PS Vita)
Alien Breed 2: Assault (2010, Team17 Software Limited, Xbox Live Arcade) (PlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360)
Alien Breed 3D (1995, Team17 Software Limited) (Amiga, Amiga CD32)
Alien Breed 3: Descent (2010, Team17 Software Limited) (PlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360)
Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Grounds (1996, Ocean Software Ltd., Team17 Software Limited) (Amiga)
Alien Breed: Evolution - Episode 1 (2009, Team17 Software Limited) (PlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360)
Alien Breed II: The Horror Continues (1993, Amiga, Inc., Team17 Software Limited) (Amiga, BlackBerry)
Alien Breed Obliteration (2005, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows)
Alien Breed: Special Edition 92 (1992, Amiga, Inc., Team17 Software Limited) (Amiga, BlackBerry)
Alien Breed Special Edition & Qwak (1994, Team17 Software Limited) (Amiga CD32)
Alien Breed + Tower Assault (2012, Team17 Software Limited) (Windows)
Alien Breed: Tower Assault (1994, Amiga, Inc., Psygnosis Limited, Team17 Software Limited) (Amiga, Amiga CD32, BlackBerry, DOS)
Alien Breed Trilogy (2011, Mastertronic Group Ltd., Team17 Software Limited) (PlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360)
Alien Brigade (1990, Atari Corporation) (Atari 7800)
Alien Cabal (1997, QASoft) (DOS, Windows)
Alien Carnage (1993, 3D Realms Entertainment, Apogee Software, Ltd., FormGen, Inc., WizardWorks Software) (DOS)
Alien Chaos 3D (2013, Reef Entertainment Ltd.) (Nintendo 3DS)
Alien Conspiracy (1998, Epic Banana) (Macintosh)
Alien Crush (1988, Hudson Entertainment, Inc., Hudson Soft Company, Ltd., Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd., Naxat Soft, NEC Home Electronics (U.S.A.) Inc.) (Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 3, PSP, TurboGrafx-16, Wii)
Alien Crush Returns (2008, Hudson Entertainment, Inc., Hudson Soft Company, Ltd.) (Wii)
aliEnd (2012, GunPile Games) (Android)
Alien Disco Safari (2007, Encore, Inc.) (Windows)
Alien Dropout (1982, Superior Software Ltd.) (BBC Micro, Electron)
Alien Earth (1998, Funsoft, Playmates Interactive Entertainment, Inc.) (Windows)
Alien Fires: 2199 AD (1986, Jagware Inc., Paragon Software Corporation) (Amiga, Atari ST, DOS)
Alien Force (1990, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Windows 3.x)
Alien Front Online (2001, SEGA of America, Inc.) (Dreamcast)
Alien Garden (1982, Epyx, Inc.) (Atari 8-bit)
Alien Gate (1993, Philips Interactive Media Benelux B.V.) (CD-i)
Alien Hell (1981, Syncro, Inc.) (Atari 8-bit)
Alien Highway: Encounter 2 (1986, Vortex Software) (ZX Spectrum)
Alien Hijack (1987, Chi-Soft) (Sinclair QL)
Alien Hominid (2005, Player X Ltd., ZOO Digital Publishing Ltd) (J2ME)
Alien Hominid (2002, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
Alien Hominid (2004, Behemoth, The, O~3 Entertainment, ZOO Digital Publishing Ltd) (Game Boy Advance, GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Xbox 360)
Alien Horde (2003, FireFly Studios Ltd.) (Windows)
Alien Hunter (2010, Ghere Game Studios) (Xbox 360)
Alien Incident (1996, GameTek, Inc., GameTek UK Ltd.) (DOS)
Alien Infestation (2001, Xing Interactive, Inc.) (Windows)
Alien Invaders - Plus! (1980, Magnavox, Philips do Brasil Ltda.) (Odyssey 2)
Alien Invasion (1990, Alien Images, Archimedes World) (Acorn 32-bit)
Alien Invasion (1999, Unknown Publisher(s)) (Browser)
Alien Legacy (1994, Sierra On-Line, Inc.) (DOS)
Alien Logic (1994, Strategic Simulations, Inc.) (DOS)
Alien Mind (1988, PBI Software, Inc.) (Apple IIgs)
Alien Nations (1999, 1C Company, JoWooD Productions Software AG, JoWooD Productions Software GmbH, Novitas GmbH, Simon & Schuster Interactive,, Titan Computer GbR) (Macintosh, Windows)
Alien Nations Mission Pack (1999, 1C Company, JoWooD Productions Software AG, JoWooD Productions Software GmbH, (Windows)
Alien Odyssey (1995, Philips Interactive Media, Inc.) (DOS)
Alienoid (2004, Mad Mouse Games) (Windows)
Alien Olympics (1994, Ocean Software Ltd., Mindscape, Inc.) (DOS, Game Boy)
Alien Outbreak 2: Invasion (2005, Alawar Entertainment, Inc., eGames, Inc.) (Windows)
Alien Phobia (1997, Wah-Software) (DOS)
Alien Pyramid Challenge! (2009, Swampopus) (Xbox 360)


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