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Atv Kuruluş Osman 57 Bölüm Izle

atv kuruluş osman 57 bölüm izle

Kuruluş Osman son bölümde neler oldu? Kuruluş Osman bölüm izle

ATV'de yayınlanan ve milyonları ekrana kitleyen Kuruluş Osman adlı dizi bölümü ile diziseverlerle buluştu. Sevilen tarih dizisi sonrası son bölümü izleyemeyen vatandaşlar arama motorlarına, "Kuruluş Osman son bölümde neler oldu? Kuruluş Osman bölüm izle" gibi aramalar yapıyor. İşte, Kuruluş Osman son bölüm tek parça.


Moğol vergisini almaya gelen elçiyi dışarı atan Osman Bey, Togay'ın aradığı kozu verir. Artık savaştan kaçınılmayacağını bilen Osman Bey'in hareketi Selçuklu başkentinde dahi duyulur. Selçuklu sultanı, Moğolların gazabından kurtulabilmek için Osman Bey'i cezalandırmak üzere başkente çağırır.


Osman Bey'in Moğollara vergi vermediğini ajanı sayesinde öğrenen Nikola, Moğol-Türk savaşından faydalanarak uç bölgesindeki nüfuzunu artırmak ister.  Cerkutay ise bir süredir içinde büyüttüğü hayali gerçekleştirir ve Şeyh Edebalı'nın şahitliğinde Müslüman olur.


Umur Bey'in Togay'la savaş kararı alması üzerine kurduğu planın bozulmasından endişe eden Osman Bey, bu karara şiddetle karşı çıkar. Şeyh Edebalı ise Umur Bey'in desteğini kazanması ve Türk obalarını birleştirme hedefine ulaşması için Osman Bey'e Malhun Hatun'la evlenmesi gerektiğini söyler.




Zirvedeki yerini koruyan Kuruluş Osman dizisinin bölümü ekranlarındaki yerini aldı. 5 Mayıs tarihinde yayınlanan Kuruluş Osman dizisinin son bölümüne; Osman Bey'in Moğollara ödenecek vergiyi almak üzere obaya gelen elçiyi kapı dışarı etmesi Togay'ın aradığı kozu eline geçirmesine neden olur. Dönüşü olmayan bir yola girdiğinin farkında olan Osman Bey'in bu hamlesi, Selçuklu başkentinde dahi yankılanır. Selçuklu sultanı, Moğolların gazabından kurtulabilmek için Osman Bey'i cezalandırmak üzere başkente çağırır. Obadaki casusu sayesinde Osman Bey'in Moğollara vergi ödemeyi reddettiğini öğrenen Nikola, Moğol-Türk savaşından faydalanarak uç bölgesindeki nüfuzunu artırmak için harekete geçer. Cerkutay ise bir süredir içinde büyüttüğü hayali gerçekleştirir ve Şeyh Edebalı'nın şahitliğinde Müslüman olur. Umur Bey'in Togay'la savaş kararı alması üzerine kurduğu planın bozulmasından endişe eden Osman Bey, bu karara şiddetle karşı çıkar. Şeyh Edebalı ise Umur Bey'in desteğini kazanması ve Türk obalarını birleştirme hedefine ulaşması için Osman Bey'e Malhun Hatun'la evlenmesi gerektiğini söyler. İşte Kuruluş Osman dizisi bölümünü tek parça linki…

Kuruluş Osman dizisi bölümde ne olmuştu?

Osman Bey, Malhun Hatun’un da desteğiyle Bizans-Moğol ordusunun karşısına çıkar. Türk obalarının ölüm kalım savaşına sahne olan savaşta Savcı Bey, Kalonoz tarafından haince sırtından hançerlenir. Çevre tekfurlardan asker toplayan Nikola, Malhun Hatun’un Osman Bey’le savaşmasına karşılık olarak Umur Bey’in obasına baskın düzenlemeyi planlar. Umur Bey ise Nikola ilişkilerini düzeltmeye çabalarken, emrine karşı çıkan kızı Malhun Hatun’u ağabeyinin yanına sürgün etmeye karar verir. Bizans-Moğol ittifakını bozmanın yollarını arayan Osman Bey, sürpriz bir strateji geliştirir. Moğollara vergi vermeyi kabul ederek Togay’la anlaşan Osman Bey herkesi şaşırtırken, emrine verilen nökerlerle güçlenen Togay uç bölgesinde hakimiyetini pekiştirmek için bu durumu fırsata çevirmeyi planlar.

Kuruluş Osman dizisi bölüm izle

Kuruluş Osman dizisi bölümü tek parça olarak izleyebileceğiniz link.

Kuruluş Osman dizisinin konusu nedir?

Adı, Ertuğrul Gazi oğlu Osman’dı… Karanlığın içinde ona yol gösteren “aşk” oldu… Kan ve gözyaşıyla sulanan topraklarda, gök ekini gibi biçilen; yedi göğü, yedi yeri, dağları, denizleri aşacak bir milletin rüyasını “aşkla” gördü. Gücünü kılıcından değil, “aşktan” aldı… Zorbalığa adaletle; köleliğe hürriyetle direnen, tarihin gördüğü en büyük imparatorluğa adını “aşkla” verdi. 72 milleti kıran bozuk düzene karşı başkaldırı, mazlumların sessiz çığlığına umut, Kuruluş’un adı oldu… Kuruluş Osman… çadırlık bir obadan, “ilahi aşkla” kurulan bir cihan imparatorluğuna yürüyüşün hikayesi.

Kuruluş Osman dizisi oyuncuları kimdir?

  • Osman – Burak Özçivit
  • Bamsı – Nurettin Sönmez
  • Dündar – Ragıp Savaş
  • Gündüz – Emre Basalak
  • Bala Hatun – Özge Törer
  • Malhun Hatun - Yıldız Çağrı Atiksoy
  • Selcan Hatun - Didem Balçın
  • Tergen Hatun - Zeynep Tuğçe Bayat
  • Aygül – Buse Arslan Akdeniz
  • Ayşe Hatun – Açelya Özcan
  • Boran – Yiğit Uçan
  • Kongar – Burak Çelik
  • Cerkutay – Çağrı Şensoy
  • Abdurrahman – Celal Al
  • Dumrul – Tolga Akkaya
  • Hazal Hatun – Yeşim Ceren Bozoğlu

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ATV ekranlarının sevilen dizisi Kuruluş Osman yeni bölümleri ile Çarşamba akşamları ekranlara geliyor. Kuruluş Osman Bölüm ile 5 Mayıs Çarşamba akşamı ATV ekranlarından izleyebilirsiniz.

Kuruluş Osman dizisi bu akşam yine heyecan dolu bir bölümü geride bıraktı. Osmanlı Devleti&#;nin kuruluş dönemini anlatan dizinin bu akşamki bölümüne Osman Bey&#;in tüm dengeleri değiştiren sürpriz hamlesi damga vurdu. Peki Kuruluş Osman yeni bölüm fragmanı yayınlandı mı?

Kuruluş Osman Bölüm Fragmanı

Kuruluş Osman Bölüm Özeti

Nikola’nın Söğüt’e yapmayı planaladığı baskını boşa çıkaran ve savaş meydanında Bizans ordusunun karşısına dikilen Osman Bey’in bu hamlesi, uç bölgesinde dengeleri bir kez daha değiştirir.

Moğolların baskısı nedeniyle ağır vergiler koyan Yarhisar, Tekfuru’nun gaddarlığı, Yarhisar halkının Osman Bey’e sığınmasına neden olur. Togay’ın sığınmacıların geri gönderilmesini talebini reddeden Osman Bey, Bizans-Moğol ittifakının yeniden kurulmasına neden olur.

Osman Bey’e karşı kendi nökerlerinin yanında Bizans askerlerinin de emrine verilmesini sağlayan Togay, Kayı Obası’na karşı büyük bir harekat planlarken; bu savaşta Osman Bey’in yanında yer almak isteyen Malhun Hatun babası Umur Bey’le karşı karşıya gelir.

Osman Bey, Nikola’ya karşı çıktığı savaş meydanından nasıl bir sonuçla dönecek? Osman Bey, Bizans-Moğol ittifakına karşı nasıl tedbir alacak? Yarhisar halkının Kayı Obası’na sığınması uç bölgesinde dengeleri nasıl değiştirecek? Dündar Bey’in ölümü obada neleri değiştirecek? Osman Bey’e destek olmak isteyen Malhun Hatun, babası Umur Bey’i ikna edebilecek mi? Togay, Kayı Obası’na saldırmak için nasıl bir oyun kuracak? Nikola, Moğolları ittifaka nasıl ikna edecek? Söğüt harekatında kritik rol oynayan Cerkutay’ın akıbeti ne olacak?

5 Mayıs Kuruluş Osman İzleatvKuruluş OsmanKuruluş Osman Bölüm İzleKuruluş Osman dizisiKuruluş Osman izle

Kuruluş: Osman

Turkish television series

Turkish&#;TV series or program

Kuruluş: Osman (transl.&#;Establishment: Osman) is a Turkish historical drama television series created by Mehmet Bozdağ and starring Burak Özçivit as the protagonist.[1][2][3] It focuses on the life of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.


The TV show includes Osman Ghazi's internal and external struggles and how he establishes[2] and controls the Ottoman Empire. It portrays his struggles against Byzantium and the Mongol Ilkhanate and how he was able to secure independence from the Sultanate of Rum to establish a sovereign state that would stand up to the Byzantine and Mongol Empire and would honor the Turks.

The character of Osman faces many enemies and traitors in his quest and the show illustrates how he was able to overcome these obstacles and fulfil his mission with the help of his loyal companions, family, and friends.


Main article: Diriliş: Ertuğrul

The series follows Diriliş: Ertuğrul which was situated around Osman's father, Ertuğrul, and how he faced enemies and traitors. It began in December and season 5 of the show concluded with Ertuğrul convincing Berke to start a war with Hulagu Khan. This war was known as the Berke-Hulagu war and resulted in the division of the Mongol Empire into four khanates. In Kuruluş: Osman,Osman faces one of the khanates called the Ilkhanate.

Season 1[edit]

Main article: Kuruluş: Osman (season 1)

10 or 15 years[b] after the Berke-Hulagu war, Ertuğrul Ghazi goes to Konya and he leaves his brother, Dündar Bey, in charge of his tribe. Dündar Bey is easily swayed by others into doing their misdeeds, he falls into the trap of the devious Selçuk Sançak BeyAlişar, and the merciless princess of Kulucahisar, Sofia, who seeks to kill all the Turks. Osman, Dündar's nephew, can see through Alişar and Sofia's plans and warns him about them, despite his refusal to listen. As they continue to build more tension against the Kayı, Geyhatu sends Komutan Balgay to cause more trouble and stop the Kayı, especially Osman, from rebelling against the Mongols. Dündar, who bows down to the Mongols becoming the Sançak Bey, can't see Alişar's anger over his position being given over to him and he believes him when Alişar blames Osman for his son's killing. Soon after, along with the threat from Kulucahisar, Dündar is shown the truth, Alişar is beheaded by Osman, and Osman has married his love at first sight, Bala. Following this, after many difficulties, Balgay is presumably killed by Osman while Kulucahisar is conquered by the Kayı with Sofia's death happening in the process.

Season 2[edit]

Main article: Kuruluş: Osman (season 2)

Aya Nikola is sent by the Byzantine Emperor, Andronikos II to become the new Tekfur of İnegöl followed by Ertuğrul's return in the tribe. Meanwhile, Yavlak Arslan, the new Uç Bey, seeks to create his state and sees Osman as an obstacle, later on, they unite against the new threat created by the Mongol Governor of Anatolia, Geyhatu who allies with Nikola against the Turks of Anatolia. Nikola recaptures Kulaca Hisar by poisoning the alps. Bala also faces the arrival of Targun, Nikola's spy who allies with Osman to save her father, İnal Bey. Along with these problems, Osman is elected as the new Bey after his father's death, whilst he decides to marry a second wife according to his father's will. After Targun's death, Osman meets Malhun Hatun and initiates a major battle with the Byzantines, historically known as the Battle of Mount Armenia, as well as trying to find the traitor in the Kayı, as his jealous uncle Dündar helps the Byzantines stir traps for him. Dündar is eventually executed by Osman for his betrayal. Osman then initiates a major battle with the Byzantines, with the support of Malhun Hatun which is historically known as the Battle of Domanic . Following the arrival of Ömer Bey, father of Malhun Hatun Geyhatu sends Kara Şaman Togay, son of Baycu Noyan, to eliminate both Osman's Kayı and Ömer's Bayındır, but after a series of conflicts between the two tribes, Togay fails and is killed by Osman. Nikola is later defeated by Osman, with the support of Seljuk Sultan Mesud II, though he survives. Osman also marries Malhun Hatun in a political marriage, who gives birth to Osman's son Orhan whilst his first wife Bala Hatun becomes pregnant.

Season 3[edit]

Main article: Kuruluş: Osman (season 3)

Malhun Hatun learns of Bala Hatun's pregnancy and engages in power struggle with her, though they soon resolve their differences. Osman Bey faces Harmankaya Tekfur Mikhael Kosses (Köse Mihal) and Bilecik Tekfur Rogatus Laskaris for Papaz Gregor, a priest who was imprisoned by Byzantine Emperor and he later escaped with help of Tekfur Rogatus. Howevever, Gregor is caught and executed by Osman after he attempted to cause an explosion in Söğüt. Turgut Bey is a vailiant Turk Bey who opposes the Byzantines and later allies with Osman Bey, becoming his close friend and right-hand man.

Osman has conflicts again with his old enemy TekfurAya Nikola who is helped by the Catalan Company, though Osman soon defeats the Catalans. Tekfur Nikola wants to marry Mari, sister of Mikhail Kosses, who in turn has fallen in love with Turgut Bey. She escapes the forced alliance and soon with her brother's blessings marries Turgut Bey. Meanwhile, a Vizier of the Seljuk Empire, Alemşah arrives to deal with Osman, thinking of him as a threat to his political ambitions. He is soon joined by his ally, Geyhatu. Alemşah attempts to create a rift between Osman and Sultan Mesud, however Osman soon executes Alemşah and proves his innocence to Mesud. In the ensuing conflict, Rogatus is killed. Meanwhile, Geyhatu is captured and sent to his brother, Ilkhan Argun, who imprisons him for his treachery, though Geyhatu eventually becomes Ilkhan after Argun's death. Osman Bey and Bala Hatun are blessed with a baby boy who is named Alaeddin Ali. Osman then has to face Nikola's mentor, the dangerous cult leader, Arius, who arrives in Söğüt in the disguise of a Shiekh. Arius' scheming results in the deaths of Mari, Umur Bey and Umur's brother Ivaz Bey's deaths.

Several years later, in , Selcan Hatun dies due to an illness. Osman launches a series of conquests, conquering Bilecik, İnegöl and Yenisehir, executing Arius and Nikola. Kosses, who was Osman's ally ever since his conflict with Alemşah accepts Islam and goes to spy in Bursa.

Season 4[edit]

In Constantinople, one of the heirs to the Byzantine throne, Kantakuzenos tries to assassinate Andronikos and become emperor. However, Osman comes to know of this plan through his spies in the city and saves Andronikos' life. Infuriated at this failure, Kantakuzenos alongside his ally Olof (a Byzantine commander of Viking descent). Together, they frame Öktem Bey (Bey of the Kargin tribe) and his daughter Alcicek. However, Osman foils their plans and proves their innocence. Meanwhile, Alcicek and Aktemur (Gunduz's son, Osman's nephew and the Subaşi of Yenişehir) fall in love.

Osman conquers Marmara Hisar (in present-day Marmaracık). Concerned by Osman's growing influence, Ismihan Sultan (mother of the Seljuk Sultan Alaeddin Kayqubad III) arrives at Yenişehir, allying with the Byzantines to take down Osman. However, Osman spoils all of her plans, executing Kantakuzenos. In the ensuing conflict, he also executes a Mongol commander, Samagar. This angers Samagar's superior commander, Nayman, who also arrives to eliminate Osman.

Nayman allies with Ismihan, Olof and later Valens (Tekfur of Bursa) to take down Osman, but Osman inflicts heavy losses on him and executes Olof. Öktem Bey is martyred in the ensuing conflict. Aktemur, who has married Alcicek, becomes the Bey of the Kargin tribe. Osman complains about Sultan Alaeddin's cruelties to Alaeddin's suzerain, Ilkhan Ghazan, which results in Alaeddin's dethronment and Mesud being reinstated as Sultan. As a token of gratitude, Mesud vows to help Osman in his conquests. Osman conqueres Köprühisar.


Main article: List of Kuruluş: Osman episodes

Cast and characters[edit]

Main article: List of Kuruluş: Osman characters

  • Burak Özçivit as Osman Bey&#;; Osman[4] (also referred to as "Kara Osman", transl.&#;"Dark Osman") is the third and youngest son of Ertuğrul Ghazi and Halime Hatun. He is also the younger brother of Gündüz Bey and Savcı Bey, and nephew of Selcan Hatun, whom he treats as his own mother. He is the husband of Bala Hatun and Malhun Hatun and the father of Orhan, Alaeddin Ali, Fatma Hatun and Halime Hatun who aspires to follow in the footsteps of his father Ertuğrul and his grandfather Süleyman Şah. He is extremely attentive to his surroundings and good with a sword, just like his father. He disobeys his beys sometimes, travelling on the path he believes is successful. His weakness is his care for his close ones, making him prone to traps. He humiliates his enemies both on the battlefield and while negotiating, leaving them with a thirst for revenge. He is elected as the Bey of his tribe in season 2. He decides to marry a second wife as per his father's will, as well as changing the Kayi flag. Based on Osman I.
  • Özge Törer as Bala Hatun; Bala[5] is the daughter of Şeyh Edebali and Ulduz Hatun, who died because of a disease. She is Osman Bey's first wife, mother of Alaeddin Ali and Halime Hatun and a beautiful painter having been best friends with Gonca Hatun. She is the Chief Lady of the Kayi Tribe and the Head of the Bacıyân-ı Rûm. She is loyal to her father, the Ahi brotherhood and Selcan Hatun. She is extremely calm and patient but is prone to heartbreak. A Mongol stabbed her in season 1 and she therefore cannot produce a baby, and is constantly teased due to this fact. In season 2, after her husband is elected Bey, she becomes the Hanım(Head Hatun) of the Kayı tribe, succeeding Selcan Hatun. She is upset when Osman decides to marry a second wife, but accepts her fate. Eventually becomes pregnant. Gives birth to Osman's second son Alaeddin Ali. Two months after the victory of İnegöl, Bala is revealed to be pregnant with Osman's fourth child and soon gives birth to a daughter named Halime after her paternal grandmother. She is the powerful woman of the Kayı tribe, and continues to pledge her loyalty to her husband Osman at all times. Based on Rabia Bala Hatun.
  • Yıldız Çağrı Atiksoy as Malhun Hatun; Malhun is the daughter of Ömer Bey, Hanim of Bayindir tribe and Yenisehir, second wife of Osman Bey, the mother of Orhan and Fatma. She belonged to the Bayındır tribe an Oğuz tribe settled in Ankara suffering persecution from Geyhatu. The tribe consists of 10, people and seeks to settle in Bithynia on Osman's invitation, which was one of the reasons why Malhun is skilled in archery and combat. She saved Osman Bey from Nikola's attack.[6] Comes from a noble lineage of Beys formerly loyal to the Selçuk State and Sultan Alaeddin Keykubat. In the beginning has tense relations with Bala Hatun while being somewhat arrogant due to her father's power. Eventually they get along. She is sent by her father to examine the western borders of the state. She discovers Dündar's ring in Söğüt, and attempts to find the traitors in the Kayı tribe herself. Later marries Osman Bey in a political marriage,[7] and falls pregnant soon after. Gives birth to osman first child is a brave hatun who supports her husband osman in battlefields and also accomapnies him on his conquests. She is called Devlet Ana. Based on Malhun Hatun .
  • Yiğit Uçan&#;[es] as Boran Alp; Boran[8] from Osman Bey's main alps and A close companion of Konur and later Göktuğ, Dumrul, Gence Bey and Cerkutay. He is the widower of Gonca Hatun. He is a talented bard and singer. He uses a sword while being skilled in archery, and often also uses a bow and arrow in close combat.
  • Burak Çelik as Göktug Alp[9] Göktug (formerly Kongar)[10] was one of Osman Bey's main alps and his best friend. He was formerly Balgay's right-hand man and adoptive son, and Konur Alp's long lost younger brother. He became a "Mankurt" (brainwashed Mongol) after his tribe was raided after which he was given to a slave trader. He reverted to Islam after he saw a letter from the Emperor confirming Balgay had bought him from the slave market. He was recaptured by Balgay who again brainwashed him with the use of his shaman. After killing his brother, the devastated Göktug reverted to Islam once again. He became the Alpbaşı (transl.&#;Chief Alp) of the Kayı tribe after Osman became the Bey. when He returned from exile self and Targun, helped Bala escape and kill Targun and reunited with Osman. After Targun's death, he became the leader of the Cuman Turks. He was killed by Geyhatu for revenge after he is taken by Vezir Alemshah and Nikola. Not to be confused with Diriliş: Ertuğrul's Göktuğ.
  • Ragıp Savaş as Dündar Bey; Dündar[11] is the youngest son of Süleyman Şah and Hayme Hatun. The youngest brother of Sungurtekin Bey and Ertuğrul Ghazi, and the youngest adoptive brother of Selcan Hatun. Husband of Hazal Hatun and widower of Zöhre Hatun. Father of Aygül, Batur and Bahadır, adoptive father of Saltuk Alp. Uncle of Gündüz, Savcı and Osman. Is easily swayed by others. He was made substitute Bey while Ertuğrul Ghazi was on a mission in Konya. When the Mongols attacked, he preferred to bow down to them rather than fight, angering those who were close to Osman Bey. Tries to take over Gündüz's Beylik when he became the Bey instead of him and helps the Mongols against Osman Bey. Is manipulated by his wives. He became the Selçuk Sançak Bey, a Selçuk operative figure, for a while after he allied with the Mongols. He later accepts his mistakes and begs for forgiveness but was punished by Ertuğrul and sent out of the tribe for a while into Söğüt. He respects and is loyal to his older brother, Ertuğrul Ghazi. Later in season two, when Ertuğrul is on his death bed, he decides to betray his brother and nephews in order to seize the Kayı Beylik. He is angered when Osman becomes the Bey, collaborating with anyone against Osman. He is eventually executed by Osman for his treachery. Based on Dündar Bey.


The series is written and produced by Mehmet Bozdağ and directed by Metin Günay. The theme music is by Alpay Göktekin (died 5 May )[12] and Zeynep Alasya. It was filmed in Riva, Istanbul and broadcasting of the first season began in November on ATV.[13] Filming of the third season began in late August and ended in mid June [14] The show was renewed for a fourth season and is currently being aired on ATV.


The show has been well received in Turkey. In December , Kuruluş: Osman attracted record viewership on ATV, in its fourth weekend of broadcast, the 4th episode of the series recorded a countrywide rating of [15] Mehmet Bozdağ claims that the show has also been a great success in Albania, where it is called Osmani, and said that it is the "most watched TV show" in the country.[16] In January , the show, which was one of the most popular shows in Turkey, began broadcasting in the Middle East on Noor Play.[17]

The show has been very successful in Pakistan.[18] It currently airs on VidTower in Urdu.[19] Episode 59 broke viewership records in Pakistan.[20] After the series became a huge hit, Pakistan National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser visited the set to view the shooting of the series. He also met the leading actor, Burak Özçivit.[21][22] After Bamsi died in Kurulus Osman, Pakistani fans were left teary-eyed and paid tribute to the drama.[23][24]

Awards and nominations[edit]

Main article: List of awards and nominations received by Kuruluş: Osman

See also[edit]


  1. ^Ozan Bodur is also the writer for season 1 while Rafet Elçi also wrote most of the episodes of the second season.
  2. ^The time gap between Diriliş: Ertuğrul and the start of Kuruluş: Osman is unclear; at one point early in season 1, it is indicated to be around 25 years since the Kayı tribe moved into Söğüt (and Osman was born), while at another, it is implied that Osman is years-old.


External links[edit]


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