bayrak şiiri fon müziği slayt / ağlama ne olur anam Sehit Diyorlar Duygusal Sehitlere Gelsin

Bayrak Şiiri Fon Müziği Slayt

bayrak şiiri fon müziği slayt

Azerbaycanda türk-islam kültürü

Collection of gold jewelry found during archeological excavations in Azerbaijan is an essential source for study of historical culture and socioeconomical level not only for the developments in Azerbaijan but also neighboring countries for more than four thousand years. Noteworthy, the study of unique designs and decorative techniques for applying fine gold jewelry by various processes, used technology pertaining to the earliest period, addresses the question related to origin and development of jewelry art in Azerbaijan. This article aims to present the study of jewelry art history that emerged in complex executable filigree and granulation techniques, based upon archeological artifacts. This article examines the oldest examples of gold jewelry found in archeological sites of Azerbaijan concerning the 2nd and 1st millenniums BC. Furthermore, the paper presents the outcomes of the study achieved in filigree and grain techniques. Museum pieces allow us to trace the emergence and development of chronological sequence of jewelry grain producing. According to the studies, the earliest filigree decorative techniques for applying jewelry that emerged in the Middle Bronze age (2nd millenniums BC.). The unique item pertaining to the 2nd millenniums BC., is the golden rod, molded shape with images of bull’s head decorated with exquisite rows of granules on the forehead, ears and neck, apparently representing the regalia of power. Samples of false grain fixed on seven identical earrings dating from the VIII BC., found in Mingechevir testify about not only fashion of the grain, but also prove the high craftsmanship of jewelers in filigree techniques. There are diverse and sophisticated numerous jewelry antiquities indicated by their compositional structure (III in. B.C-III century A.D), where there are soldered grains in the form of grape bunches. The results show us not only the local origin of grain jewelry, but also a high level of development of elite society and jewelers in the Middle Bronze Age. There is a reason to believe that, property differentiation during the Middle Bronze Age in Azerbaijan had already occurred in the proto-urban societies.

Orta Asya’da İslâm: Temsilden Fobiye C.3

ÖZ Sovyetler Birliği rejimi kendi topraklarında yaşayan insanların sosyalist düşünceyi benimsemelerini, komünizm idealini hedeflemelerini istemiş, daha doğrusu buna mecbur etmişti. Bu doğrultuda Sovyetler Birliğinde yaşayan Müslümanların inancına, ahlakına ve aile yapısına müdahale eden rejim tarafından dinsizlik, tanrı tanımazlık zorla kabul ettirilmeye çalışıldı. Sovyet rejiminin hedefi, istisnasız her Sovyet vatandaşının Tanrı inancından, dini ahlaktan ve aile kültüründen yoksun birer " Sovyet nsanı " modelinde yetiştirmekten ibaretti. Bu amaç doğrultusunda okul öncesi eğitimden Üniversite eğitimine kadar hiçbir manevi ve dini altyapıya dayanmayan beşer ürünü moral ve etik öğretisine dayalı ahlak ve eğitim sistemi hayata geçirildi. Ateizmi, tanrı tanımazlığı rejimin ana ideolojisi olarak benimseyen Sovyetler Birliği döneminde, başta Hıristiyanlar ve Müslümanlar olmak üzere diğer din mensupları da inançlarını ve dini yaşantılarını asgari boyutta, gizlice yaşamaya çalışmıştır. Ateist olan Sovyet bireylerinin birçoğunun yaşam tarzı incelendiğinde onların dürüst, sade, medeni, devlete sadık, disiplinli, hak ve hukuka riayet eden bireyler olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Acaba bu özelliklere sahip olan Sovyet insanı rejimin baskısından korktuğu için mi dürüst ve ahlaklı idi, ya da sosyalist eğitim sisteminin başarısından dolayı mı, yoksa toplumda ve aile içinde devam eden dini inancın ve bilincin var olmasından mı kaynaklanıyordu? Sorusu özellikle bağımsızlık sonrası akla gelen soruların başında gelmekteydi. Ayrıca SSCB'nin inançsız ama ahlaklı, eğitimli toplum yetiştirmeye çalışırken ahlak sınırlarını, ahlak ilkelerini belirlemede neyi ölçü alacağına tam olarak karar veremediği, belirli bir dönemden sonra inancından vazgeçmediği Müslümanların dini eğitim almasına izin verdiği ancak dini eğitimi de sıkı takip altına aldığı görülmektedir. ABSTRACT The Soviet Union's Politics of Belief, Moral and Family on Muslims The Soviet Union regime demanded from people who resided in its land to embrace socialist sentiments, and asked them to follow the communist ideology. Actually, it enforced people for that. For that reason, belief, moral and family structure of Muslims who lived in the Soviet Union was intervened; Irreligiousness and atheism were imposed by the Soviet regime to Muslims. The aim of the Soviet regime was consisting of that to growing a model of " the Soviet people, " without any exceptions, depriving all Soviet Union's citizens from belief of God, religious morals, and family culture. In the direction of this purpose, from kindergarten to higher education, a human made moral and ethics principles were strived to infuse into individuals which were not based on any spiritual or religious belief. The atheism, the belief in the non existence of God, was adopted as the main ideology in the Soviet Union's era, primarily Muslims and Christians, and members of the other religions tried to live their religious lifes secretively and kept it as minimal. When the life style of individuals who were atheist in the Soviet Union was examined; it was seen that these individuals were honest, simple, civil, loyal to the state, disciplined, observer of the rights in law. They abided by the rules. However, these Soviet people were honest and of moral principles, generally because of fear and being oppressed by the regime or it is because of socialist education system's achievement, or its because the religious beliefs and consciousness were still surviving in the family and the society? Especially after independence , this question was the first question which comes to minds. Furthermore, it can be seen that while the USSR was struggling to create an unbeliever but a moral society, and a educated society, it (the USSR) could not decide exactly what kind of criterions should be used to decide as the limits of moral and principles of moral. After a certain time, the USSR allowed to Muslims who insisted in their beliefs to get religious education, but this religious education was also watched closely the regime.


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