beyaban sagopa / Beyaban - Sagopa Kajmer | Shazam

Beyaban Sagopa

beyaban sagopa

Lyrics of Beyaban - Sagopa Kajmer

A bird landed on my doubts, winter breathed in my hair Resentment dried up your happiness, this time this greed is problematic Life is cruel, fate is tricky Who will collect the weary of exile fate? There is good in every deed and evil in every good deed. The term is proof of my work Crow with an eye on my cheese, your wings are broken by my hand Let them pack my sorrows! Tell me, how much is the price? How many lines of broken dreams? Your eyes curse me, your lips beg for help The wear of your ambitions is reflected in your faces This is a secret from me Sink your raft in your own lake before I do! The one who bears my sins is not called a porter, but an angel I was a stain on your purity, forgive me, time has passed Yunus chose the option, my three wrongs got away with one right My whole story ends here Beyaban, let the tears of the bar smile on my eyes, my sadness, whose essence has become infamous My mate is silent, let anyone who touches me hold a handkerchief! Beyaban, your storm will scorch me, my tears will become sand mixes Have some mercy, don't act The bandit who shattered the wire mesh of my heart The traitor waits in ambush with his trip, Nimrod looks at my face I tore the veil of night with my sigh, hold your tongue As my doubts call, my border will not be crossed Look, the sun is high with its radiance, the sea is high with its waves. The servant of the Lord trembled like a willow with the wind of my majesty. Know that my two hands that open to the sky, the way is one (One!) The microphone was invented, my hand wrote, I shot it left and right Remember my face when you see your killing eyes! My tongue is with me, coach, it doesn't swallow ash cheat Double delete in a couplet even smile This grandfather licks ink with a solemn tongue Fall in love with the sleepless night, fall asleep right in the middle This cruel dream is a prisoner of a nightmare and blind lame I gave the order to myself, no matter who pulls the rest The wandering feelings of the head-turned divan Beyaban, let the tears of the bar smile on my eyes, my sadness, whose essence has become infamous My mate is silent, let anyone who touches me hold a handkerchief! Beyaban, your storm will scorch me, my tears will become sand mixes Have some mercy, don't act


Kuskularima bir kus kondu, saçlarimda kis soludu

Hinç kuruttu mutlulugunu, tirs bu kez bu hirs sorunlu

Hayat zulümlü, kader oyunlu

Kim yerlerden toplayacak sürgün kader yorgununu?

Her iste bir hayir ve her hayirda bir de ser yatilidir

Terim isimin kanitidir

Peynirimde gözü olan karga, kanatlarin elimle kirilir

üzüntülerimi paketlesinler söyle fiyati kaç mangir?

Kirik hayaller kaç satir?

Bana küfreder gözlerin dudaklarin yardim yalvarir

Hirslarinizin yiprantisi yüzlerinizden yansir

Benden firârî bu sir

Ben yapmadan önce kendi gölünde salini batir

Günahlarimi tasiyanin adi hamal degil, melekti

Safliginda lekeydim, af buyur zaman bir hayli geçti

Yunus sikki seçti, 3 yanlisim bir dogrumla çekti gitti

Bütün hikayem burda bitti

Beyâban, bâranin yasi gözümün, özü bednam salmis hüzünümün yüzü gülsün

Ahvâlim suskun, dokunan bana mendil tutsun

Beyâban, firtinan beni kavurur, gözyasim kum olur dagilir kumun o tozuna karisir

Biraz merhamet eyle, etme, eyleme

Yüregimin tel örgüsünü paramparça eden haydut

hain çelmesiyle pusuda bekler, yüzüme bakar nemrut

Sedâmla gecenin örtüsünü yirttim dilini tut

Süphelerim seslendikçe geçilemeyecektir benim hudut

Bak, günes parlakligiyla yüce, deniz dalgalariyla ulu

Heybetimin rüzgariyla sögütçesine titredi rabbin kulu

Göge açilan iki elimin bil ki birdir yolu

Mikrofon icâdoldu, elim yazdi, vurdum sagli sollu

Öldürme gözlerini görünce beni sîmami belle

Lisanim benimle koç, kül yutmaz hile

Bir beyitte çift sille

Bile bile gülümse

Agirbasli bir dille mürekkep yalar bu dede

Uykusuz geceyle aska dal, tam ortasinda uyuya kal

Bu acimasiz hayal bir kabusun esiri ve kör topal

Kendime verdim emri, kim çekerse çeksin resti

Basi dönük divânenin âvâre gezer hisleri

Beyâban, bâranin yasi gözümün, özü bednam salmis hüzünümün yüzü gülsün

Ahvâlim suskun, dokunan bana mendil tutsun

Beyâban, firtinan beni kavurur, gözyasim kum olur dagilir kumun o tozuna karisir

Biraz merhamet eyle, etme, eyleme


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