ehliyetsiz motor kullanmak / Ehliyet Yetersizliği Cezası

Ehliyetsiz Motor Kullanmak

ehliyetsiz motor kullanmak


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&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;, &#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#; «Anika × » &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#; Anika

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tecil sorgulama Nov 7, Bartın Zonguldak karayolunda 15 yaşındaki ehliyetsiz şoför tarafından kullanılan otomobil aşırı hız nedeniyle kontrolden çıktı. Otomobil önce orta refüje, ardından da aydınlatma direğine çarptı. Enes Gökbayrak, Emrecan Genç ve Emre Genç yaralandı. Bartında kaza: 15 Yaşındaki ehliyetsiz Mustafa Alaoğlu öldü. Mustafa Alaoğlu kazada Feb 28, HABER: HASAN KAYA GAZİPAŞA 6 Şubat günü merkez üssü Kahramanmaraş olan 2 büyük depremin ardından tüm Türkiye adeta tek yürek olurken, Gazipaşa Belediyesi de teknik ekiplerini deprem bölgesine yönlendirdi. Gazipaşa Belediyesi ekipleri, Osmaniyede ev ve iş yerlerini inceleyerek hasar tespit ça tövbeler olsun oyunculari Karayolu ceza sorgulama. E-Devlet Şifresi Mobil İmza Elektronik İmza T C. Kimlik Kartı İnternet Bankacılığı Motosikletlersınıf araç olarak HGS ye abone olabilir ve10 tarihinden itibarenSınıf araç ücretinin yarısı kadar bir ücret ile Otoyol ve Boğaz Köprülerinden geçişlerini yapabilecektir Gelir İdaresi Başkanlığı Trafik Para Cezası Borcu Sorgulama ve hatay ağrı otobüs bileti TRAFİK: Yayaların ve araçların karayolları üzerindeki hal ve hareketleridir. KARAYOLU YOL: Trafik için, kamunun yararlanmasına açık olan arazi şeridi, köprüler ve alanlardır. GEÇİŞ ÜSTÜNLÜĞÜ: Görev sırasında, belirli araç sürücülerinin can ve mal güvenliğini tehlikeye sokmamak şartı ile trafik kısıtlama ve yasaklarına bağlı olmamalarıdır. sancaklı iğdecik hava durumu Feb 28, Palmiyeye çarpan otomobili kullanan sürücüye alkollü ve ehliyetsiz araç kullanmaktan 20 bin TL para cezası uygulandı. Kaza; Aşağı Pazarcı Mahallesi İbrahim Sözen Caddesi üze. DOLAR 18, 0. EURO 20, 0 ALTIN 1. , , BITCOIN , 2 days ago Esenyurtta Aleyna Nur Gökçenin ölümüne neden olan sürücüye istenen ceza belli oldu. Metrobüsten inerek evine doğru yürüyen 21 yaşındaki Aleyna Nur Gökçeye, Esenyurtta. 1 day ago Watch the ABC Shows online at abc Com. Get exclusive videos and free episodes. nexstep nedir 2 days ago Esenyurtta Aleyna Nur Gökçenin ölümüne neden olan sürücüye istenen ceza belli oldu. Metrobüsten inerek evine doğru yürüyen 21 yaşındaki Aleyna Nur Gökçeye, Esenyurtta. 8 hours ago Ehliyetsiz sürücülerin, sigortasız ve faili meçhul araçların üçüncü şahıslara verdiği zararları karşılamak için kurulan Zorunlu Sigortalar Garanti Fonu, sigorta şirketleri ile sigortalılar arasındaki uyuşmazlıkları mahkemeye gitmeden uzlaşı sağlamak için kurulan Sigorta Tahkim Komisyonu ve tüm araç sigortalarının takibini yaparak, sigortalı ve kaza Türkiyede promil limit olarak gösterilmektedirpromil mililitre kandamiligram alkol olduğunu göstermektedir Yasal mevzuata göre belirli bir limite kadar alkollü araba kullanmanın herhangi bir cezası bulunmazken, belirli limitlerin aşılması durumunda para cezası ve ehliyetine el konulması gibi çeşitli cezai yaptırımlar öngörülmüştür Alkollü araç kullanma ataşehir eczane Feb 28, Karayolları Trafik Kanununun b trafik cezası maddesi ihlalin konusu da doğrudan bu konuyla ilgilidir. b trafik cezası maddesi ihlalin konusu, araç kullanırken sürücü belgesini. Polis, Şubat tarihleri arasında meydana gelen 51 trafik kazasında bir kişinin yaşamını yitirdiğini, 12 kişinin yaralandığını açıkladı. Kazaların genel ol Feb 27, Bursanın Orhangazi ilçesinde kontrolsüz şekilde sola dönüş yapmak isteyen hafif ticari araç ile arkasından gelen otomobilin çarpması sonucu 4 kişi yaralandı. Yaralılardan 3ünün Gaziantepte depremden sağ olarak kurtuldukları ve Yalovadaki yakınlarının yanında kaldıkları öğrenildi. Ehliyetsiz motosiklet kullanırsanız ne olur. Polis tarafından durdurulursanız ve ehliyetiniz yoksa ne olur. Polis tarafından durdurulursam ve ehliyetim olmazsa ne olur. Bir motor durmadan kaç kilometre gidebilir. En güçlü motosiklet nedir. cclik bir motosiklette kaç vites vardır. Hangi motosiklet patent öder? Facebook Jul 21, Ehliyetsiz motor kullanıyordum. Babamın 80 model bir motoru var mobylette bilen bilir. Yine ekmek almaya gittim birazda mahallenin ara sokaklarında turlayayim dedim. Bizim sokağa girecektim. Frenlerde sağlam değil .

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; !

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; «Anika x » &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; ! &#;&#; &#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#; &#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; ! &#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; «&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;» &#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#; !

&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#; &#;&#;&#; e-mail &#;&#;&#; &#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#; «Anika.

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; !

&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; «Anika x » &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; ! &#;&#; &#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#; &#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; ! &#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; «&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;» &#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#; !

&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#; &#;&#;&#; e-mail &#;&#;&#; &#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#;&#; &#;&#; «Anika.

Air-Conditioners For Building Application INDOOR UNIT

<strong>Air</strong>-<strong>Conditioners</strong> <strong>For</strong> <strong>Building</strong> <strong>Application</strong><br />

<strong>INDOOR</strong> <strong>UNIT</strong><br />




PFFY-P·VKM-E<br />


<strong>For</strong> safe and correct use, please read this operation manual thoroughly before operating the air-conditioner unit.<br />


Zum sicheren und einwandfreien Gebrauch der Klimaanlage dieses Bedienungshandbuch vor Inbetriebnahme<br />

gründlich durchlesen.<br />



Pour une utilisation correcte sans risques, veuillez lire le manuel d’utilisation en entier avant de vous servir du<br />

climatiseur.<br />



Voor een veilig en juist gebruik moet u deze bedieningshandleiding grondig doorlezen voordat u de<br />

airconditioner gebruikt.<br />



Lea este manual de instrucciones hasta el final antes de poner en marcha la unidad de aire acondicionado<br />

para garantizar un uso seguro y correcto.<br />



Leggere attentamente questi istruzioni di funzionamento prima di avviare l’unità, per un uso corretto e sicuro<br />

della stessa.<br />


°π∞ ∆√¡ Ã∏∆∏<br />

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Para segurança e utilização correctas, leia atentamente o manual de operação antes de pôr a funcionar a<br />

unidade de ar condicionado.<br />

Iflletme Elkitab›<br />


Emniyetli ve do¤ru biçimde nas›l kullan›laca¤›n› ö¤renmek için lütfen klima cihaz›n› iflletmeden önce bu<br />

elkitab›n› dikkatle okuyunuz.<br />


FOR USER<br />



Для обеспечения правильного и безопасного использования следует ознакомиться с инструкциями,<br />

указанными в данном руководстве по эксплуатации, тщательным образом до того, как приступать к<br />

использованию кондиционера.<br />

( )<br />

English<br />

Deutsch<br />

Français<br />

Nederlands<br />

Español<br />

Italiano<br />

∂ÏÏËÓÈο<br />

Português<br />

Türkçe<br />


Contents<br />

1. Safety Precautions 2<br />

2. Parts Names 3<br />

3. Screen Configuration 5<br />

4. Setting the Day of the Week and Time 5<br />

5. Operation 5<br />

6. Timer 7<br />

7. Other Functions 10<br />

8. Function Selection 11<br />

9. Care and Cleaning 15<br />

Trouble Shooting 16<br />

Specifications 19<br />

1. Safety Precautions<br />

s Before installing the unit, make sure you read all the<br />

“Safety Precautions”.<br />

s The “Safety Precautions” provide very important points<br />

regarding safety. Make sure you follow them.<br />

s Please report to or take consent by the supply authority<br />

before connection to the system.<br />

Symbols used in the text<br />

Warning:<br />

Describes precautions that should be observed to prevent danger of<br />

injury or death to the user.<br />

Caution:<br />

Describes precautions that should be observed to prevent damage<br />

to the unit.<br />

Symbols used in the illustrations<br />

: Indicates a part which must be grounded.<br />

Warning:<br />

• The unit must not be installed by the user. Ask the dealer or an<br />

authorized company to install the unit. If the unit is installed improperly,<br />

water leakage, electric shock or fire may result.<br />

• Do not stand on, or place any items on the unit.<br />

• Do not splash water over the unit and do not touch the unit with<br />

wet hands. An electric shock may result.<br />

• Do not spray combustible gas close to the unit. Fire may result.<br />

• Do not place a gas heater or any other open-flame appliance where<br />

it will be exposed to the air discharged from the unit. Incomplete<br />

combustion may result.<br />

• Do not remove the front panel or the fan guard from the outdoor<br />

unit when it is running.<br />

• Never repair the unit or transfer it to another site by yourself.<br />

Caution:<br />

• Do not use any sharp object to push the buttons, as this may damage<br />

the remote controller.<br />

• Never block or cover the indoor or outdoor unit’s intakes or outlets.<br />

• Never wipe the remote controller with benzene, thinner chemical<br />

rags, etc.<br />

• Do not operate the unit for a long time in high humidity, e.g. leaving<br />

a door or window open. In the cooling mode, if the unit is operated<br />

in a room with high humidity (80% RH or more) for a long time,<br />

water condensed in the air conditioner may drop and wet or damage<br />

furniture, etc.<br />

• When you notice exceptionally abnormal noise or vibration, stop<br />

operation, turn off the power switch, and contact your dealer.<br />

• Never insert fingers, sticks etc. into the intakes or outlets.<br />

• If you detect odd smells, stop using the unit, turn off the power<br />

switch and consult your dealer. Otherwise, a breakdown, electric<br />

shock or fire may result.<br />

• This air conditioner is NOT intended for use by children or infirm<br />

persons without supervision.<br />

• Young children must be supervised to ensure that they do not play<br />

with the air conditioner.<br />

• If the refrigeration gas blows out or leaks, stop the operation of the<br />

air conditioner, thoroughly ventilate the room, and contact your<br />

dealer.<br />

• Do not touch the upper air outlet vane or the lower air outlet damper<br />

during operation. Otherwise, condensation may form and the unit<br />

may stop operating.<br />

Disposing of the unit<br />

When you need to dispose of the unit, consult your dealer.<br />


2. Parts Names<br />

■ Indoor Unit<br />


Fan steps 4 steps 4 steps 4 steps 2 steps 4 steps<br />

Vane Auto with swing Auto with swing Auto with swing Auto with swing Auto with swing<br />

Louver – Manual Manual Manual Manual<br />

Filter Long-life Normal Normal Normal Long-life<br />

Filter cleaning indication 2, hr hr hr hr 2, hr<br />


Fan steps 4 steps 4 steps<br />

Vane Auto with swing Auto with swing<br />

Louver Manual Manual<br />

Filter Normal Normal<br />

Filter cleaning indication hr hr<br />

■ PLFY-P·VAM-E<br />

4-way Ceiling Cassette<br />

■ PMFY-P·VBM-E<br />

1-way Ceiling Cassette<br />

Filter<br />

Vane<br />

<strong>Air</strong> outlet<br />

Vane<br />

Louver<br />

<strong>Air</strong> outlet<br />

<strong>Air</strong> intake<br />

Filter<br />

<strong>Air</strong> inlet<br />


Wall Mounted<br />

■ PKFY-P·VFM-E<br />

Wall Mounted<br />

Filter<br />

<strong>Air</strong> intake<br />

Filter<br />

<strong>Air</strong> intake<br />

Louver<br />

<strong>Air</strong> outlet<br />

Vane<br />

Louver<br />

<strong>Air</strong> outlet<br />

Vane<br />

■ PCFY-P·VGM-E<br />

Ceiling Suspended<br />

<strong>Air</strong> outlet<br />

Louver<br />

■ PFFY-P·VKM-E<br />

Floor Standing<br />

<strong>Air</strong> outlet<br />

Louver<br />

<strong>Air</strong> inlet<br />

Vane<br />

<strong>Air</strong> intake<br />

Filter<br />

Vane<br />

Filter<br />

Damper<br />

<strong>Air</strong> outlet<br />

Louver<br />


2. Parts Names<br />

■ Wired Remote-Controller<br />

Display Section<br />

<strong>For</strong> purposes of this explanation,<br />

all parts of the display are shown<br />

as lit. During actual operation, only<br />

the relevant items will be lit.<br />

Identifies the current operation<br />

Shows the operating mode, etc.<br />

* Multi-language display is supported.<br />

Day-of-Week<br />

Shows the current day of the week.<br />

Time/Timer Display<br />

Shows the current time, unless the simple or Auto Off<br />

timer is set.<br />

If the simple or Auto Off timer is set, shows the time<br />

remaining.<br />

“Sensor” indication<br />

Displayed when the remote controller<br />

sensor is used.<br />

“Locked” indicator<br />

Indicates that remote controller buttons<br />

have been locked.<br />

“Clean The Filter” indicator<br />

Comes on when it is time to clean the<br />

filter.<br />

“Centrally Controlled” indicator<br />

Indicates that operation of the remote<br />

controller has been prohibited<br />

by a master controller.<br />

“Timer is Off” indicator<br />

Indicates that the timer is off.<br />

Temperature Setting<br />

Shows the target temperature.<br />

Operation Section<br />

Set Temperature buttons<br />

Down<br />

Up<br />

Timer Menu button<br />

(Monitor/Set button)<br />

Mode button (Return button)<br />

˚F˚C<br />


TIMER<br />

Hr ON<br />

AFTER<br />



˚F˚C<br />

ONLY1Hr.<br />

Up/Down <strong>Air</strong> Direction indicator<br />

The indicator shows the direction<br />

of the airflow.<br />

“One Hour Only” indicator<br />

Displayed if the airflow is set to weak and<br />

downward during COOL or DRY mode.<br />

(Operation varies according to model.)<br />

The indicator goes off after one hour, at<br />

which time the airflow direction also<br />

changes.<br />


FILTER<br />

WEEKLY<br />

SIMPLE<br />

AUTO OFF<br />

Room Temperature display<br />

Shows the room temperature. The room<br />

temperature display range is 8–39°C.<br />

The display flashes if the temperature<br />

is less than 8 °C or 39 °C or more.<br />

Louver display<br />

Indicates the action of the swing louver.<br />

Does not appear if the louver is stationary.<br />

(Power On indicator)<br />

Indicates that the power is on.<br />

Timer indicators<br />

The indicator comes on if the corresponding<br />

timer is set.<br />

Fan Speed indicator<br />

Shows the selected fan speed.<br />

Ventilation indicator<br />

Appears when the unit is running in<br />

Ventilation mode.<br />

ON/OFF button<br />

Fan Speed button<br />

Filter button<br />

( button)<br />

TEMP.<br />

ON/OFF<br />

Test Run button<br />

Set Time buttons<br />

Check button (Clear button)<br />

Back<br />

MENU<br />

ON/OFF<br />

FILTER<br />

Ahead<br />

Timer On/Off button<br />

(Set Day button)<br />

BACK<br />

PARMAA<br />


CLOCK<br />



CLEAR<br />

<strong>Air</strong>flow Up/Down button<br />

Louver button<br />

( Operation button)<br />

Opening the<br />

door.<br />

To preceding operation<br />

number.<br />

Built-in temperature sensor<br />

Ventilation button<br />

( Operation button)<br />

To next operation number.<br />

Note:<br />

● “PLEASE WAIT” message<br />

This message is displayed for approximately 3 minutes when power is supplied to the indoor unit or when the unit is recovering from a power failure.<br />

● Operation mode flashing display<br />

When multiple indoor units are connected to a single outdoor unit and an operation mode is selected for one indoor unit that is different from the<br />

current operation mode of another indoor unit, the operation mode display flashes. Select the same operation mode of the other indoor unit.<br />

● “NOT AVAILABLE” message<br />

This message is displayed if a button is pressed to operate a function that the indoor unit does not have.<br />

When the same remote controller is used to operate multiple indoor units, this message is displayed if the main indoor unit is not equipped with the<br />

selected function.<br />

● Room temperature display<br />

The indoor unit temperature sensors or the remote controller temperature sensor can be selected to measure the room temperature. The indoor unit<br />

temperature sensors are the initial setting. When the indoor unit temperature sensors are selected to measure the room temperature, the room<br />

temperature measured at the main indoor unit is displayed on the remote controller that operates multiple indoor units.<br />


3. Screen Configuration<br />

Function Selection of remote controller<br />

Set Day/Time<br />

MON<br />

TIMER<br />

OFF<br />

˚F˚C<br />

WEEKLY<br />

TIME SUN<br />

A D C<br />

Standard Control Screens<br />

˚F˚C<br />

˚C<br />

OFF<br />

ON<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Timer Monitor<br />

Timer Setup<br />

B<br />


WEEKLY<br />

<br />

<strong>For</strong> details on setting the language for the remote controller display, refer<br />

to section 8. Function Selection.<br />

The initial language setting is English.<br />

● Function Selection of remote controller:<br />

Set the functions and ranges available to the remote<br />

controller (timer functions, operating restrictions,<br />

etc.)<br />

● Set Day/Time: Set the current day of the week or time.<br />

● Standard Control Screens:<br />

View and set the air conditioning system’s operating<br />

status<br />

● Timer Monitor: View the currently set timer (weekly timer, simple<br />

timer, or Auto Off timer)<br />

● Timer Setup: Set the operation of any of the timers (weekly<br />

timer, simple timer, or Auto Off timer).<br />

<br />

A :Hold down both the Mode button and the Timer On/Off button for 2<br />

seconds.<br />

B :Press the Timer Menu button.<br />

C :Press the Mode (Return) button.<br />

D :Press either of the Set Time buttons ( or ).<br />

4. Setting the Day of the Week and Time<br />

TIME<br />

SUN<br />

1<br />

Day of the Week &<br />

Time display<br />

2<br />

TIME<br />

SUN<br />

3<br />

Day of the Week Setting<br />

4<br />

Time Setting<br />

˚C<br />

TEMP.<br />

˚C<br />

ON/OFF<br />

9<br />


FILTER<br />

2 4<br />



PARMAA<br />

CLOCK<br />


CLEAR<br />

A<br />

Note:<br />

The day and time will not appear if clock use has been disabled at Function<br />

Selection of remote controller.<br />

1. Press the or Set Time button A to show display 2.<br />

2. Press the Timer On/Off (Set Day) button 9 to set the day.<br />

* Each press advances the day shown at 3 : Sun → Mon → → Fri →<br />

Sat.<br />

3. Press the appropriate Set Time button A as necessary to set the time.<br />

* As you hold the button down, the time (at 4) will increment first in<br />

minute intervals, then in ten-minute intervals, and then in one-hour intervals.<br />

4. After making the appropriate settings at Steps 2 and 3, press the Filter<br />

button 4 to lock in the values.<br />

5. Operation<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

˚C<br />

TEMP.<br />



PARMAA<br />

CLOCK<br />

˚C<br />

ON/OFF<br />

FILTER<br />



CLEAR<br />

7 8 6<br />

6<br />

4<br />

5<br />

8<br />

7<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

Turning ON/OFF<br />

<br />

■ Press the ON/OFF button 1.<br />

• The ON lamp 1 and the display area come on.<br />

Note:<br />

● When the unit is restarted, initial settings are as follows.<br />

Mode<br />

Temperature setting<br />

Fan speed<br />

<strong>Air</strong>flow up/down<br />

Remote Controller settings<br />

Last operation mode<br />

Last set temperature<br />

Last set fan speed<br />

COOL or DRY<br />

Mode HEAT<br />

FAN<br />

Horiz. outlet<br />

Last setting<br />

Horiz. outlet<br />


5. Operation<br />

<br />

■ Press the ON/OFF button 1 again.<br />

• The ON lamp 1 and the display area go dark.<br />

Note:<br />

Even if you press the ON/OFF button immediately after shutting down the operation<br />

is progress, the air conditioner will not start for about three minutes.<br />

This is to prevent the internal components from being damaged.<br />

) button 2 and select the opera-<br />

Mode select<br />

■ Press the operation mode (<br />

tion mode 2.<br />

s<br />

Cooling mode<br />

Drying mode<br />

Fan mode<br />

Heating mode<br />

Automatic (cooling/heating) mode<br />

Automatic operation<br />

■ According to a set temperature, cooling operation starts if the room temperature<br />

is too hot and heating operation starts if the room temperature<br />

is too cold.<br />

■ During automatic operation, if the room temperature changes and remains<br />

°C or more above the set temperature for 3 minutes, the air<br />

conditioner switches to cooling mode. In the same way, if the room temperature<br />

remains °C or more below the set temperature for 3 minutes,<br />

the air conditioner switches to heating mode.<br />

Cooling mode<br />

3 minutes (switches from<br />

heating to cooling)<br />

Set temperature +°C<br />

Fan speed setting<br />

■ Press the Fan Speed button 5 as many times as necessary while the<br />

system is running.<br />

• Each press changes the force. The currently selected speed is shown<br />

at 5.<br />

• The change sequence, and the available settings, are as follows.<br />


4-speed<br />

model<br />

2-speed<br />

model<br />

Display<br />

Speed 1 Speed 2 Speed 3 Speed 4<br />

Note:<br />

● The number of available fan speeds depends on the type of unit connected.<br />

Note also that some units do not provide an “Auto” setting.<br />

● In the following cases, the actual fan speed generated by the unit will differ<br />

from the speed shown the remote controller display.<br />

1. While the display is showing “STAND BY” or “DEFROST”.<br />

2. When the temperature of the heat exchanger is low in the heating mode.<br />

(e.g. immediately after heating operation starts)<br />

3. In HEAT mode, when room temperature is higher than the temperature<br />

setting.<br />

4. When the unit is in DRY mode.<br />

<strong>Air</strong>flow direction setting<br />

<br />

■ With the unit running, press the <strong>Air</strong>flow Up/Down button 6 as necessary.<br />

• Each press changes the direction. The current direction is shown at 6.<br />

• The change sequence, and the available settings, are as follows.<br />

Set temperature<br />

Display<br />

1 2 3 4<br />

(Horiz.)<br />

Swing<br />

Set temperature °C<br />

3 minutes (switches<br />

from cooling to heating )<br />

■ Because the room temperature is automatically adjusted in order to<br />

maintain a fixed effective temperature, cooling operation is performed a<br />

few degrees warmer and heating operation is performed a few degrees<br />

cooler than the set room temperature once the temperature is reached<br />

(automatic energy-saving operation).<br />

Temperature setting<br />

sTo decrease the room temperature:<br />

Press button 3 to set the desired temperature.<br />

The selected temperature is displayed 3.<br />

sTo increase the room temperature:<br />

Press button 3 to set the desired temperature.<br />

The selected temperature is displayed 3.<br />

* Note that during swing operation, the directional indication on the<br />

screen does not change in sync with the directional vanes on the unit.<br />

* Some models do not support directional settings.<br />

Note:<br />

● Available directions depend on the type of unit connected. Note also that<br />

some units do not provide an “Auto” setting.<br />

● In the following cases, the actual air direction will differ from the direction<br />

indicated on the remote controller display.<br />

1. While the display is showing “STAND BY” or “DEFROST”.<br />

2. Immediately after starting heater mode (while the system is waiting for<br />

the mode change to take effect).<br />

3. In heat mode, when room temperature is higher than the temperature setting.<br />

(<strong>For</strong> PFFY-P·VKM series)<br />

● <strong>For</strong> the PFFY-P·VKM series, the airflow direction displayed on the remote<br />

controller is different from the actual airflow direction. Refer to the following<br />

table.<br />

• Available temperature ranges are as follows:<br />

Cooling/Drying: 19 - 30 °C<br />

Heating: 17 - 28 °C<br />

Automatic: 19 - 28 °C<br />

• The display flashes either 8 °C - 39 °C to inform you if the room temperature<br />

is lower or higher than the displayed temperature.<br />

Display<br />

Actual<br />

1 2 3 4<br />

(Horiz.)<br />

1 2 3 4<br />

(Horiz.)<br />

Swing<br />

Swing<br />

● The airflow direction for the lower air outlet damper cannot be set. The airflow<br />

direction is automatically controlled by a computer.<br />


▲<br />

▲<br />

▲<br />

5. Operation<br />

<br />

■ Press the louver button 7 as necessary.<br />

• The louver image 7 appears.<br />

Each press of the button switches the setting as follows.<br />

(ON)<br />

No display<br />

(Stop)<br />

(OFF)<br />

During swing operation, the arrow display<br />

move to the left and right.<br />

Ventillation<br />

s<strong>For</strong> LOSSNAY combination<br />

<strong>For</strong> Wired Remote-controller<br />

● To run the ventilator together with the indoor unit:<br />

■ Press the ON/OFF button 1.<br />

• The Vent indication appears on the screen (at 8). The ventilator will<br />

now automatically operate whenever the indoor unit is running.<br />

● To run the ventilator only when the indoor unit is off:<br />

■ Press the Ventilation button 8 while the indoor unit is off.<br />

• The On lamp (at 1) and the Vent indication (at 8) come on.<br />

● To change the ventilator force:<br />

■ Press the Ventilation button 8 as necessary.<br />

• Each press toggles the setting, as shown below.<br />

(Low)<br />

(High)<br />

No display<br />

(Stop)<br />

(OFF)<br />

Note:<br />

● With some model configurations, the fan on the indoor unit may come on<br />

even when you set the ventilator to run independently.<br />

6. Timer<br />

<strong>For</strong> Wired Remote-controller<br />

You can use Function Selection of remote controller to select which of<br />

three types of timer to use: 1 Weekly timer, 2 Simple timer, or 3 Auto Off<br />

timer.<br />

Weekly Timer<br />

■ The weekly timer can be used to set up to eight operations for each day<br />

of the week.<br />

• Each operation may consist of any of the following: ON/OFF time<br />

together with a temperature setting, or ON/OFF time only, or temperature<br />

setting only.<br />

• When the current time reaches a time set at this timer, the air<br />

conditioner carries out the action set by the timer.<br />

■ Time setting resolution for this timer is 1 minute.<br />

Note:<br />

*1. Weekly Timer/Simple Timer/Auto Off Timer cannot be used at the same time.<br />

*2. The weekly timer will not operate when any of the following conditions is in<br />

effect.<br />

The timer feature is off; the system is in an malfunction state; a test run is<br />

in progress; the remote controller is undergoing self-check or remote controller<br />

check; the user is in the process of setting a function; the user is in<br />

the process of setting the timer; the user is in the process of setting the<br />

current day of the week or time; the system is under central control. (Specifically,<br />

the system will not carry out operations (unit on, unit off, or temperature<br />

setting) that are prohibited during these conditions.)<br />

Operation No.<br />

4 2 3 Day Setting<br />

<br />

1. Be sure that you are at a standard control screen, and that the weekly<br />

timer indicator 1 is shown in the display.<br />

2. Press the Timer Menu button B, so that the “Set Up” appears on the<br />

screen (at 2). (Note that each press of the button toggles the display<br />

between “Set Up” and “Monitor”.)<br />

3. Press the Timer On/Off (Set Day) button 9 to set the day. Each press<br />

advances the display at 3 to the next setting, in the following sequence:<br />

“Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat” → “Sun” → → “Fri” → “Sat” → “Sun<br />

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat”<br />

4. Press the or Operation button (7 or 8) as necessary to select the<br />

appropriate operation number (1 to 8) 4.<br />

* Your inputs at Steps 3 and 4 will select one of the cells from the matrix<br />

illustrated below.<br />

(The remote-controller display at left shows how the display would<br />

appear when setting Operation 1 for Sunday to the values indicated<br />

below.)<br />

Setup Matrix<br />

Op No. Sunday Monday … Saturday<br />

• <br />

No. 1 • ON<br />

• 23 °C<br />

No. 2<br />

…<br />

No. 8<br />

• <br />

• OFF<br />

• <br />

• OFF<br />

• <br />

• OFF<br />

• <br />

• OFF<br />

▲<br />

<br />

Start the air conditioner at , with<br />

the temperature set to 23 °C.<br />

▲<br />

<br />

Turn off the air conditioner at <br />

BACK<br />

PARMAA<br />

TEMP.<br />

MENU<br />


CLOCK<br />

SUN<br />

ON/OFF<br />

DAY<br />

ON<br />

˚C<br />

WEEKLY<br />

ON/OFF<br />

FILTER<br />



CLEAR<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

B<br />

4<br />

0<br />

Note:<br />

By setting the day to “Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat”, you can set the same<br />

operation to be carried out at the same time every day.<br />

(Example: Operation 2 above, which is the same for all days of the week.)<br />

<br />

Shows the time 5 6 Shows the selected operation (ON or OFF)<br />

setting<br />

* Does not appear if operation is not set.<br />

SUN<br />

2<br />

A 9 78<br />

˚C<br />

ON<br />

WEEKLY<br />

7<br />

Shows the temperature setting<br />

* Does not appear if temperature is not<br />

set.<br />

5. Press the appropriate Set Time button A as necessary to set the desired<br />

time (at 5).<br />

* As you hold the button down, the time first increments in minute intervals,<br />

then in ten-minute intervals, and then in one-hour intervals.<br />

6. Press the ON/OFF button 1 to select the desired operation (ON or<br />

OFF), at 6.<br />

* Each press changes the next setting, in the following sequence: No<br />

display (no setting) → “ON” → “OFF”<br />


6. Timer<br />

7. Press the appropriate Set Temperature button 3 to set the desired<br />

temperature (at 7).<br />

* Each press changes the setting, in the following sequence: No display<br />

(no setting) ⇔ 24 ⇔ 25 ⇔ ⇔ 29 ⇔ 30 ⇔ 12 ⇔ ⇔ 23 ⇔ No<br />

display.<br />

(Available range: The range for the setting is 12 °C to 30 °C. The<br />

actual range over which the temperature can be controlled, however,<br />

will vary according to the type of the connected unit.)<br />

8. After making the appropriate settings at Steps 5, 6 and 7, press the<br />

Filter button 4 to lock in the values.<br />

To clear the currently set values for the selected operation, press and<br />

quickly release the Check (Clear) button 0 once.<br />

* The displayed time setting will change to “—:—”, and the On/Off and<br />

temperature settings will all disappear.<br />

(To clear all weekly timer settings at once, hold down the Check (Clear)<br />

button 0 for two seconds or more. The display will begin flashing,<br />

indicating that all settings have been cleared.)<br />

Note:<br />

Your new entries will be cancelled if you press the Mode (Return) button 2<br />

before pressing the Filter button 4.<br />

If you have set two or more different operations for exactly the same time,<br />

only the operation with the highest Operation No. will be carried out.<br />

Simple Timer<br />

■ You can set the simple timer in any of three ways.<br />

• Start time only:<br />

The air conditioner starts when the set time has elapsed.<br />

• Stop time only:<br />

The air conditioner stops when the set time has elapsed.<br />

• Start & stop times:<br />

The air conditioner starts and stops at the respective elapsed times.<br />

■ The simple timer (start and stop) can be set only once within a hour<br />

period.<br />

The time setting is made in hour increments.<br />

Note:<br />

*1. Weekly Timer/Simple Timer/Auto Off Timer cannot be used at the same time.<br />

*2. The simple timer will not operate when any of the following conditions is in<br />

effect.<br />

The timer is off; the system is in malfunction state; a test run is in progress;<br />

the remote controller is undergoing self-check or remote controller check;<br />

the user is in the process of selecting a function; the user is in the process<br />

of setting the timer; the system is under central control. (Under these conditions,<br />

On/Off operation is prohibited.)<br />

Hr ON<br />

AFTER<br />

9. Repeat Steps 3 to 8 as necessary to fill as many of the available cells<br />

as you wish.<br />

Press the mode (Return) button 2 to return to the standard control<br />

screen and complete the setting procedure.<br />

To activate the timer, press the Timer On/Off button 9, so that the “Timer<br />

Off” indication disappears from the screen. Be sure that the “Timer<br />

Off” indication is no longer displayed.<br />

* If there are no timer settings, the “Timer Off” indication will flash on<br />

the screen.<br />

TEMP.<br />



PARMAA<br />

CLOCK<br />

SIMPLE<br />

ON/OFF<br />

FILTER<br />



CLEAR<br />

1<br />

B<br />

4<br />

0<br />

<br />

8 9 Timer Settings<br />

TIMER<br />

SUN<br />

˚C<br />

TIME<br />

˚C<br />

SUN<br />

ON<br />

OFF<br />

˚C<br />

WEEKLY<br />

1<br />

1. Be sure that the weekly timer indicator is visible on the screen (at 1).<br />

2. Press the Timer Menu button B so that “Monitor” is indicated on the<br />

screen (at 8).<br />

3. Press the Timer On/Off (Set Day) button 9 as necessary to select the<br />

day you wish to view.<br />

4. Press the or Operation button (7 or 8) as necessary to change<br />

the timer operation shown on the display (at 9).<br />

* Each press will advance to the next timer operation, in order of time<br />

setting.<br />

5. To close the monitor and return to the standard control screen, press<br />

the Mode (Return) button 2.<br />

<br />

Press the Timer On/Off button 9 so that “Timer Off” appears at 0.<br />

0<br />

<br />

Press the Timer On/Off button 9 so that the “Timer Off” indication (at 0)<br />

goes dark.<br />

0<br />

˚C<br />

TIME<br />

SUN<br />

˚C<br />

WEEKLY<br />

WEEKLY<br />

2 A 9<br />

<br />

2 4 Timer Setting<br />

Hr ON<br />

AFTER<br />

SIMPLE<br />

3<br />

1<br />

Action (On or Off)<br />

* “— —” is displayed if there is no<br />

setting.<br />

1. Be sure that you are at a standard control screen, and that the simple<br />

timer indicator is visible in the display (at 1).<br />

When something other than the Simple Timer is displayed, set it to<br />

SIMPLE TIMER using the function selection of remote controller (see<br />

8.[4]–3 (3)) timer function setting.<br />

2. Press the Timer Menu button B, so that the “Set Up” appears on the<br />

screen (at 2). (Note that each press of the button toggles the display<br />

between “Set Up” and “Monitor”.)<br />

3. Press the ON/OFF button 1 to display the current ON or OFF simple<br />

timer setting. Press the button once to display the time remaining to ON,<br />

and then again to display the time remaining to OFF. (The ON/OFF<br />

indication appears at 3).<br />

• “ON” timer:<br />

The air conditioner will start operation when the specified number of<br />

hours has elapsed.<br />

• “OFF” timer:<br />

The air conditioner will stop operation when the specified number of<br />

hours has elapsed.<br />

4. With “ON” or “OFF” showing at 3: Press the appropriate Set Time button<br />

A as necessary to set the hours to ON (if “ON” is displayed) or the hours<br />

to OFF (if “OFF” is displayed) at 4.<br />

• Available Range: 1 to 72 hours<br />

5. To set both the ON and OFF times, repeat Steps 3 and 4.<br />

* Note that ON and OFF times cannot be set to the same value.<br />

6. To clear the current ON or OFF setting: Display the ON or OFF setting<br />

(see step 3) and then press the Check (Clear) button 0 so that the time<br />

setting clears to “—” at 4. (If you want to use only an ON setting or only<br />

an OFF setting, be sure that the setting you do not wish to use is shown<br />

as “—”.)<br />


▲<br />

▲<br />

▲<br />

▲<br />

6. Timer<br />

7. After completing steps 3 to 6 above, press the Filter button 4 to lock<br />

in the value.<br />

Note:<br />

Your new settings will be cancelled if you press the Mode (Return) button 2<br />

before pressing the Filter button 4.<br />

8. Press the Mode (Return) button 2 to return to the standard control<br />

screen.<br />

9. Press the Timer On/Off button 9 to start the timer countdown. When the<br />

timer is running, the timer value is visible on the display. Be sure that the<br />

timer value is visible and appropriate.<br />

<br />

5<br />

TIMER<br />

6<br />

Timer Setting<br />

Hr ON<br />


SIMPLE<br />

1<br />

1. Be sure that the simple timer indicator is visible on the screen (at 1).<br />

2. Press the Timer Menu button B, so that the “Monitor” appears on the<br />

screen (at 5).<br />

• If the ON or OFF simple timer is running, the current timer value will<br />

appear at 6.<br />

• If ON and OFF values have both been set, the two values appear<br />

alternately.<br />

3. Press the Mode (Return) button 2 to close the monitor display and return<br />

to the standard control screen.<br />

<br />

Press the Timer On/Off button 9 so that the timer setting no longer appears<br />

on the screen (at 7).<br />

7<br />

Example 2:<br />

Start the timer, with OFF time is sooner than ON time<br />

ON Setting: 5 hours<br />

OFF Setting: 2 hours<br />

˚C<br />

˚C<br />

Hr<br />

AFTER<br />

OFF<br />

Hr ON<br />

AFTER<br />

SIMPLE<br />

SIMPLE<br />

At Timer Start<br />

Display shows the timer’s OFF setting (hours<br />

remaining to OFF).<br />

At 2 hours after timer start<br />

Display changes to show the timer’s ON setting<br />

(hours remaining to ON).<br />

The time displayed is ON setting (5 hours) –<br />

OFF setting (2 hours) = 3 hours.<br />

At 5 hours after timer start<br />

˚C<br />

˚C<br />

The air conditioner comes on, and will continue<br />

SIMPLE<br />

to run until someone turns it off.<br />

Auto Off Timer<br />

■ This timer begins countdown when the air conditioner starts, and shuts<br />

the air conditioner off when the set time has elapsed.<br />

■ Available settings run from 30 minutes to 4 hours, in minute intervals.<br />

Note:<br />

*1. Weekly Timer/Simple Timer/Auto Off Timer cannot be used at the same time.<br />

*2. The Auto Off timer will not operate when any of the following conditions is<br />

in effect.<br />

The timer is off; the system is in malfunction state; a test run is in progress;<br />

the remote controller is undergoing self-check or remote controller check;<br />

the user is in the process of selecting a function; the user is in the process<br />

of setting the timer; the system is under central control. (Under these conditions,<br />

On/Off operation is prohibited.)<br />

AFTER<br />

OFF<br />

˚C<br />

˚C<br />

SIMPLE<br />

AUTO OFF<br />

<br />

Press the Timer On/Off button 9 so that the timer setting becomes visible<br />

at 7.<br />

7<br />

TEMP.<br />



PARMAA<br />

CLOCK<br />


ON/OFF<br />

FILTER<br />


CLEAR<br />

B<br />

4<br />

Hr<br />

ON<br />

AFTER<br />

˚C<br />

˚C<br />

SIMPLE<br />

2 A 9<br />

Examples<br />

If ON and OFF times have both been set at the simple timer, operation and<br />

display are as indicated below.<br />

Example 1:<br />

Start the timer, with ON time set sooner than OFF time<br />

ON Setting: 3 hours<br />

OFF Setting: 7 hours<br />

˚C<br />

˚C<br />

Hr ON<br />

AFTER<br />

Hr<br />

AFTER<br />

OFF<br />

SIMPLE<br />

SIMPLE<br />

SIMPLE<br />

At Timer Start<br />

Display shows the timer’s ON setting (hours<br />

remaining to ON).<br />

At 3 hours after timer start<br />

Display changes to show the timer’s OFF setting<br />

(hours remaining to OFF).<br />

The time displayed is OFF setting (7 hours) –<br />

ON setting (3 hours) = 4 hours.<br />

At 7 hours after timer start<br />

The air conditioner goes off, and will remain off<br />

until someone restarts it.<br />

<br />

2 3 Timer Setting<br />

AFTER<br />

OFF<br />

AUTO OFF<br />

1. Be sure that you are at a standard control screen, and that the Auto Off<br />

timer indicator is visible in the display (at 1).<br />

When something other than the Auto Off Timer is displayed, set it to<br />

AUTO OFF TIMER using the function selection of remote controller (see<br />

8.[4]–3 (3)) timer function setting.<br />

2. Hold down the Timer Menu button B for 3 seconds, so that the “Set Up”<br />

appears on the screen (at 2).<br />

(Note that each press of the button toggles the display between “Set Up”<br />

and “Monitor”.)<br />

3. Press the appropriate Set Time button A as necessary to set the OFF<br />

time (at 3).<br />

4. Press the Filter button 4 to lock in the setting.<br />

Note:<br />

Your entry will be cancelled if you press the Mode (Return) button 2 before<br />

pressing the Filter button 4.<br />

1<br />

5. Press the Mode (Return) button 2 to complete the setting procedure and<br />

return to the standard control screen.<br />

6. If the air conditioner is already running, the timer starts countdown<br />

immediately. Be sure to check that the timer setting appears correctly<br />

on the display.<br />


6. Timer<br />

<br />

4 5 Timer Setting<br />

TIMER<br />

AFTER<br />

OFF<br />

● Alternatively, turn off the air conditioner itself. The timer value (at 7) will<br />

disappear from the screen.<br />

7<br />

AUTO OFF<br />

1<br />

1. Be sure that the “Auto Off” is visible on the screen (at 1).<br />

2. Hold down the Timer Menu button B for 3 seconds, so that “Monitor” is<br />

indicated on the screen (at 4).<br />

• The timer remaining to shutdown appears at 5.<br />

3. To close the monitor and return to the standard control screen, press the<br />

Mode (Return) button 2.<br />

AUTO OFF<br />

<br />

● Hold down the Timer On/Off button 9 for 3 seconds. The “Timer Off”<br />

indication disappears (at 6), and the timer setting comes on the display<br />

(at 7).<br />

● Alternatively, turn on the air conditioner. The timer value will appear at 7.<br />

<br />

● Hold down the Timer On/Off button 9 for 3 seconds, so that “Timer Off”<br />

appears (at 6) and the timer value (at 7) disappears.<br />

AFTER<br />

7<br />

OFF<br />

7<br />

6<br />

˚C<br />

˚C<br />

AUTO OFF<br />

6<br />

˚C<br />

˚C<br />

AUTO OFF<br />

7. Other Functions<br />

Locking the Remote Controller Buttons (Operation<br />

function limit controller)<br />

■ If you wish, you can lock the remote controller buttons. You can use the<br />

Function Selection of remote controller to select which type of lock to use.<br />

(<strong>For</strong> information about selecting the lock type, see section 8, item [4]–2<br />

(1)).<br />

Specifically, you can use either of the following two lock types.<br />

1 Lock All Buttons:<br />

Locks all of the buttons on the remote controller.<br />

2 Lock All Except ON/OFF:<br />

Locks all buttons other than the ON/OFF button.<br />

Note:<br />

The “Locked” indicator appears on the screen to indicate that buttons are currently<br />

locked.<br />

1<br />

Lock Indicator<br />

<br />

1. While holding down the Filter button 4, press and hold down the ON/OFF<br />

button 1 for 2 seconds. The “Locked” indication appears on the screen<br />

(at 1), indicating that the lock is now engaged.<br />

* If locking has been disabled in Function Selection of remote controller,<br />

the screen will display the “Not Available” message when you press the<br />

buttons as described above.<br />

˚C<br />

• If you press a locked button, the “Locked” indication (at 1) will blink on<br />

the display.<br />

˚C<br />

˚C<br />

˚C<br />



1<br />

1<br />

BACK<br />

TIME SUN<br />

˚C<br />

TEMP.<br />



˚C<br />


ON/OFF<br />

FILTER<br />


1<br />

4<br />

<br />

1. While holding down the Filter button 4, press and hold down the ON/<br />

OFF button 1 for 2 seconds—so that the “Locked” indication disappears<br />

from the screen (at 1).<br />

˚C<br />

˚C<br />

1<br />

PARMAA<br />

CLOCK<br />


CLEAR<br />


7. Other Functions<br />

Error Codes indication<br />


ON/OFF<br />

ON lamp<br />

(Flashing)<br />

Unit No.<br />

Error Code<br />

If you have entered contact number to be called in the event of a problem, the screen displays this number.<br />

(You can set this up under Function Selection of remote controller. <strong>For</strong> information, refer to section 8.)<br />

● If the ON lamp and error code are both flashing: This means that the air conditioner is out of order and operation has been stopped (and cannot resume).<br />

Take note of the indicated unit number and error code, then switch off the power to the air conditioner and call your dealer or servicer.<br />

When the Check button is pressed:<br />

˚C<br />


˚C<br />


XXX:XXX<br />

ON/OFF<br />

ON/OFF<br />

Error Code<br />

● If only the error code is flashing (while the ON lamp remains lit): Operation is continuing, but there may be a problem with the system. In this case, you<br />

should note down the error code and then call your dealer or servicer for advice.<br />

* If you have entered contact number to be called in the event of a problem, push the Check button to display it on the screen. (You can set this up under<br />

Function Selection of remote controller. <strong>For</strong> information, refer to section 8.)<br />

8. Function Selection<br />

Function selection of remote controller<br />

The setting of the following remote controller functions can be changed using the remote controller function selection mode. Change the setting when<br />

needed.<br />

Item 1<br />

Item 2<br />

Item 3 (Setting content)<br />

1. Change Language<br />

(“CHANGE<br />

LANGUAGE”)<br />

2. Function limit<br />

(“FUNCTION<br />


3. Mode selection<br />

(“MODE SELEC-<br />

TION”)<br />

4. Display change<br />

(“DISP MODE<br />

SETTING”)<br />

Language setting to display<br />

(1) Operation function limit setting (operation lock) (“LOCKING<br />

FUNCTION”)<br />

(2) Use of automatic mode setting (“SELECT AUTO MODE”)<br />

(3) Temperature range limit setting (“LIMIT TEMP FUNCTION”)<br />

(1) Remote controller main/sub setting (“CONTROLLER MAIN/<br />

SUB”)<br />

(2) Use of clock setting (“CLOCK”)<br />

(3) Timer function setting (“WEEKLY TIMER”)<br />

(4) Contact number setting for error situation (“CALL.”)<br />

(1) Temperature display °C/°F setting (“TEMP MODE °C/°F”)<br />

(2) Suction air temperature display setting (“ROOM TEMP DISP<br />

SELECT”)<br />

(3) Automatic cooling/heating display setting (“AUTO MODE<br />

DISP C/H”)<br />

• Display in multiple languages is possible<br />

• Setting the range of operation limit (operation lock)<br />

• Setting the use or non-use of “automatic” operation mode<br />

• Setting the temperature adjustable range (maximum, minimum)<br />

• Selecting main or sub remote controller<br />

* When two remote controllers are connected to one group, one controller<br />

must be set to sub.<br />

• Setting the use or non-use of clock function<br />

• Setting the timer type<br />

• Contact number display in case of error<br />

• Setting the telephone number<br />

• Setting the temperature unit (°C or °F) to display<br />

• Setting the use or non-use of the display of indoor (suction) air temperature<br />

• Setting the use or non-use of the display of “Cooling” or “Heating” display<br />

during operation with automatic mode<br />


8. Function Selection<br />

[Function selection flowchart]<br />

Setting language (English)<br />

Normal display<br />

(Display when the air condition is not running)<br />

Hold down the E button and press the D button for 2 seconds.<br />

Remote controller function selection mode<br />

Hold down the E button and press the D button for 2 seconds.<br />

E Press the operation mode button.<br />

G Press the TIMER MENU button.<br />

D Press the TIMER ON/OFF button.<br />

Change<br />

Language<br />

Item1 Item2 Dot display<br />

G<br />

English<br />

G<br />

Germany<br />

E<br />

Spanish<br />

F<br />

G<br />

Russian<br />

Italy<br />

E<br />

G<br />

TEMP.<br />



PARMAA<br />

CLOCK<br />

ON/OFF<br />

FILTER<br />



CLEAR<br />

I<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Chinese<br />

French<br />

C<br />

D<br />

H<br />

Japanese<br />

Item3<br />

Function<br />

selection<br />

G<br />

G<br />

D<br />

D<br />

OFF<br />

on1<br />

on2<br />

D<br />

Operation lock setting is not used.<br />

(Initial setting value)<br />

Operation lock setting is except On/Off button.<br />

Operation lock setting is All buttons.<br />

E<br />

E<br />

G<br />

G<br />

D<br />

D<br />

D<br />

ON<br />

OFF<br />

OFF<br />

D<br />

D<br />

The automatic mode is displayed when the operation mode is<br />

selected. (Initial setting value)<br />

The automatic mode is not displayed when the operation mode<br />

is selected.<br />

The temperature range limit is not active. (Initial setting value)<br />

The temperature range can be changed on cooling/dry mode.<br />

D<br />

The temperature range can be changed on heating mode.<br />

The temperature range can be changed on automatic mode.<br />

Mode<br />

selection<br />

G<br />

G<br />

D<br />

D<br />

D<br />

The remote controller will be the main controller. (Initial setting value)<br />

The remote controller will be the sub controller.<br />

E<br />

G<br />

G<br />

D<br />

D<br />

D<br />

ON<br />

OFF<br />

D<br />

D<br />

The clock function can be used. (Initial setting value)<br />

The clock function can not be used.<br />

Weekly timer can be used. (Initial setting value)<br />

Auto off timer can be used.<br />

G<br />

D<br />

Simple timer can be used.<br />

Timer mode can not be used.<br />

D<br />

D<br />

OFF<br />

CALL-<br />

D<br />

The set contact numbers are not displayed in case of error.<br />

(Initial setting value)<br />

The set contact numbers are displayed in case of error.<br />

Display<br />

mode setting<br />

G<br />

G<br />

G<br />

G<br />

D<br />

D<br />

D<br />

D<br />

D<br />

D<br />

°C<br />

°F<br />

ON<br />

OFF<br />

ON<br />

OFF<br />

D<br />

D<br />

D<br />

The temperature unit °C is used. (Initial setting value)<br />

The temperature unit °F is used.<br />

Room air temperature is displayed. (Initial setting value)<br />

Room air temperature is not displayed.<br />

One of “Automatic cooling” and “Automatic heating” is displayed<br />

under the automatic mode is running. (Initial setting value)<br />

Only “Automatic” is displayed under the automatic mode.<br />


8. Function Selection<br />

[Detailed setting]<br />

[4]–1. CHANGE LANGUAGE setting<br />

The language that appears on the dot display can be selected.<br />

• Press the [ MENU] button G to change the language.<br />

1 English (GB), 2 German (D), 3 Spanish (E), 4 Russian (RU),<br />

5 Italian (I), 6 Chinese (CH), 7 French (F), 8 Japanese (JP)<br />

Refer to the dot display table.<br />

[4]–2. Function limit<br />

(1) Operation function limit setting (operation lock)<br />

• To switch the setting, press the [ ON/OFF] button D.<br />

1 no1: Operation lock setting is made on all buttons other than the<br />

[ ON/OFF] button.<br />

2 no2: Operation lock setting is made on all buttons.<br />

3 OFF (Initial setting value): Operation lock setting is not made.<br />

* To make the operation lock setting valid on the normal screen, it is<br />

necessary to press buttons (Press and hold down the [FILTER] and<br />

[ ON/OFF] buttons at the same time for two seconds.) on the<br />

normal screen after the above setting is made.<br />

(2) Use of automatic mode setting<br />

When the remote controller is connected to the unit that has automatic<br />

operation mode, the following settings can be made.<br />

• To switch the setting, press the [ ON/OFF] button D.<br />

1 ON (Initial setting value):<br />

The automatic mode is displayed when the operation mode is<br />

selected.<br />

2 OFF:<br />

The automatic mode is not displayed when the operation mode<br />

is selected.<br />

(3) Temperature range limit setting<br />

After this setting is made, the temperature can be changed within the<br />

set range.<br />

• To switch the setting, press the [ ON/OFF] button D.<br />


The temperature range can be changed on cooling/dry mode.<br />


The temperature range can be changed on heating mode.<br />


The temperature range can be changed on automatic mode.<br />

4 OFF (initial setting): The temperature range limit is not active.<br />

* When the setting, other than OFF, is made, the temperature range<br />

limit setting on cooling, heating and automatic mode is made at the<br />

same time. However, the range cannot be limited when the set<br />

temperature range has not changed.<br />

• To increase or decrease the temperature, press the [ TEMP. ( )<br />

or ( )] button F.<br />

• To switch the upper limit setting and the lower limit setting, press the<br />

[ ] button H. The selected setting will flash and the temperature<br />

can be set.<br />

• Settable range<br />

Cooling/Dry mode:<br />

Lower limit°C ~ 30°C Upper limit°C ~ 19°C<br />

Heating mode:<br />

Lower limit°C ~ 28°C Upper limit°C ~ 17°C<br />

Automatic mode:<br />

Lower limit°C ~ 28°C Upper limit°C ~ 19°C<br />

[4]–3. Mode selection setting<br />

(1) Remote controller main/sub setting<br />

• To switch the setting, press the [ ON/OFF] button D.<br />

1 Main: The controller will be the main controller.<br />

2 Sub: The controller will be the sub controller.<br />

(2) Use of clock setting<br />

• To switch the setting, press the [ ON/OFF] button D.<br />

1 ON: The clock function can be used.<br />

2 OFF: The clock function cannot be used.<br />

(3) Timer function setting<br />

• To switch the setting, press the [ ON/OFF] button D (Choose one<br />

of the following.).<br />

1 WEEKLY TIMER (initial setting value):<br />

The weekly timer can be used.<br />


The auto off timer can be used.<br />


The simple timer can be used.<br />


The timer mode cannot be used.<br />

* When the use of clock setting is OFF, the “WEEKLY TIMER” cannot<br />

be used.<br />

(4) Contact number setting for error situation<br />

• To switch the setting, press the [ ON/OFF] button D.<br />

1 CALL OFF:<br />

The set contact numbers are not displayed in case of error.<br />

2 CALL **** *** ****:<br />

The set contact numbers are displayed in case of error.<br />

CALL_:<br />

The contact number can be set when the display is as shown on<br />

the left.<br />

• Setting the contact numbers<br />

To set the contact numbers, follow the following procedures.<br />

Move the flashing cursor to set numbers. Press the [ TEMP.<br />

( ) and ( )] button F to move the cursor to the right (left). Press<br />

the [ CLOCK ( ) and ( )] button C to set the numbers.<br />

[4]–4. Display change setting<br />

(1) Temperature display °C/°F setting<br />

• To switch the setting, press the [ ON/OFF] button D.<br />

1 °C: The temperature unit °C is used.<br />

2 °F: The temperature unit °F is used.<br />

(2) Suction air temperature display setting<br />

• To switch the setting, press the [ ON/OFF] button D.<br />

1 ON: The suction air temperature is displayed.<br />

2 OFF: The suction air temperature is not displayed.<br />

(3) Automatic cooling/heating display setting<br />

• To switch the setting, press the [ ON/OFF] button D.<br />

1 ON:<br />

One of “Automatic cooling” and “Automatic heating” is displayed<br />

under the automatic mode is running.<br />

2 OFF:<br />

Only “Automatic” is displayed under the automatic mode.<br />


8. Function Selection<br />

[Dot display table]<br />

Selecting language<br />

Waiting for start-up<br />

English Germany Spanish Russian Italy Chinese French Japanese<br />

Operation mode<br />

Cool<br />

Dry<br />

Heat<br />

Auto<br />

Auto(Cool)<br />

Auto(Heat)<br />

Fan<br />

Ventilation<br />

Stand by<br />

(Hot adjust)<br />

Defrost<br />

Set temperature<br />

Fan speed<br />

Not use button<br />

Check (Error)<br />

Test run<br />

Self check<br />

Unit function selection<br />

Setting of ventilation<br />

Selecting language English Germany Spanish Russian Italy Chinese French Japanese<br />


Function selection<br />

Operation function limit setting<br />

Use of automatic mode setting<br />

Temperature range limit setting<br />

Limit temperature cooling/day<br />

mode<br />

Limit temperature heating mode<br />

Limit temperature auto mode<br />

Mode selection<br />

Remote controller setting MAIN<br />

Remote controller setting SUB<br />

Use of clock setting<br />

Setting the day of the week and<br />

time<br />

Timer set<br />

Timer monitor<br />

Weekly timer<br />

Timer mode off<br />

Auto off timer<br />

Simple timer<br />

Contact number setting of error<br />

situation<br />

Display change<br />

Temperature display °C/°F setting<br />

Room air temperature display<br />

setting<br />

Automatic cooling/heating display<br />

setting<br />


9. Care and Cleaning<br />

■ PKFY-P·VAM-E<br />

PKFY-P·VGM-E<br />

˚C<br />

˚C<br />

FILTER<br />

TEMP.<br />

ON/OFF<br />

■ Indicates that the filter needs cleaning.<br />

Clean the filter.<br />

■ When resetting “FILTER” display<br />

When the [FILTER] button is pressed two times successively after<br />

cleaning the filter, the display goes off and is reset.<br />

Note:<br />

● When two or more different types of indoor unit are controlled, the cleaning<br />

period differs with the type of filter. When the master unit cleaning period<br />

arrives, “FILTER” is displayed. When the filter display goes off, the cumulative<br />

time is reset.<br />

● “FILTER” indicates the cleaning period when the air conditioner was used<br />

under general indoor air conditions by criteria time. Since the degree of dirtiness<br />

depends on the environmental conditions, clean the filter accordingly.<br />

● The filter cleaning period cumulative time differs with the model.<br />

● This indication is not available for wireless remote controller.<br />

sCleaning the filters<br />

• Clean the filters using a vacuum cleaner. If you do not have a vacuum<br />

cleaner, tap the filters against a solid object to knock off dirt and dust.<br />

• If the filters are especially dirty, wash them in lukewarm water. Take care<br />

to rinse off any detergent thoroughly and allow the filters to dry completely<br />

before putting them back into the unit.<br />

Caution:<br />

• Do not dry the filters in direct sunlight or by using a heat source,<br />

such as an electric heater: this may warp them.<br />

• Do not wash the filters in hot water (above 50°C), as this may warp<br />

them.<br />

• Make sure that the air filters are always installed. Operating the<br />

unit without air filters can cause malfunction.<br />

Caution:<br />

• Before you start cleaning, stop operation and turn OFF the power<br />

supply.<br />

• Indoor units are equipped with filters to remove the dust of sucked-in<br />

air. Clean the filters using the methods shown in the following sketches.<br />

sFilter removal<br />

Caution:<br />

• In removing the filter, precautions must be taken to protect your<br />

eyes from dust. Also, if you have to climb up on a stool to do the<br />

job, be careful not to fall.<br />

• When the filter is removed, do not touch the metallic parts inside<br />

the indoor unit, otherwise injury may result.<br />

■ PLFY-P·VAM-E<br />

1 Pull both the bottom corners of the intake grille to open the grille,<br />

then lift the filter.<br />

■ PKFY-P·VFM-E<br />

C<br />

B<br />

1 Hold the filter lug (located at the bottom of the intake grille) and pull it<br />

out downward.<br />

AFilter<br />

BLug<br />

• To reinstall the filters, push the filter lug upward.<br />

■ PCFY-P·VGM-E<br />

1 Open the intake grille.<br />

2 Hold the knob on the filter then pull the filter up in the direction of an<br />

arrow. To replace the filter after cleaning, be sure to insert the filter<br />

far enough until it fits into the stopper.<br />

AFilter BIntake Grille CKnob DStopper<br />

■ PMFY-P·VBM-E<br />

D<br />

A<br />

B<br />

A<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

1 Pressing the PUSH button on the outer side of the intake grille causes<br />

the intake grille to open.<br />

2 A filter with an intake grille on it can be removed by pulling the filter<br />

forward.<br />

1 Pull the knob on the intake grille in the direction indicated by the<br />

arrow and it should open.<br />

2 Open the intake grille.<br />

3 Release the knob on the center edge of the intake grille and pull the<br />

filter forward to remove the filter.<br />

A Knob B Grille C Intake grille D Filter<br />


9. Care and Cleaning<br />

■ PFFY-P·VKM-E<br />

■ PFFY-P·VKM-E<br />

1 Remove the catechin air filter.<br />

AOpen the front grille<br />

BCatechin air filter<br />

C<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Caution:<br />

When the catechin air filter is to be removed, do not touch the metal<br />

parts of the indoor unit.<br />

This may cause an injury.<br />

2 Install the catechin air filter.<br />

Be sure to install its both ends into the tabs as shown.<br />

CInstall.<br />

3 Securely close the front grille.<br />

Trouble Shooting<br />

Having trouble?<br />

<strong>Air</strong> conditioner does not heat or cool well.<br />

When heating operation starts, warm air does not blow from the indoor unit<br />

soon.<br />

During heating mode, the air conditioner stops before the set room temperature<br />

is reached.<br />

<strong>Air</strong>flow direction changes during operation or airflow direction cannot be<br />

set.<br />

When the airflow direction is changed, the vanes always move up and down<br />

past the set position before finally stopping at the position.<br />

A flowing water sound or occasional hissing sound is heard.<br />


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