ganimet sözlük anlamı / Ganimet İsminin Anlamı Nedir? Ganimet İsminin Analizi, Şiiri, Arapçası ve Kökeni

Ganimet Sözlük Anlamı

ganimet sözlük anlamı

Ganimet Ne Demek? TDK’ya Göre Ganimet Sözlük Anlamı Nedir?

Günlük hayatın içerisinde, televizyon programlarında, basılı ve dijital dergi, gazetelerde karşılaşılan kelimelerin TDK sözlüğündeki karşılığı merak ediliyor. Ganimet ne demek ve ne anlama gelir? Ganimet kelimesinin anlamı ile birlikte kökeni ve doğru yazılışı ile örnek cümlelere buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. İşte uzun yıllardır dilimizde olan ve günlük hayatta sıklıkla karşımıza çıkan ganimet kelimesi ne demek, TDK’ya göre anlamı, ganimet kelimesinin kaç anlamı var kökeni ne sorularının cevabı…


Ganimet kelimesi günlük hayatta sıklıkla kullanılan kelimelerden bir tanesidir.
Ganimet, Arapça dilinden Türkçe'mize geçmiştir.
Ganimet kelimesinin TDK sözlüğündeki anlamı şu şekildedir:

- Savaşta düşmandan zorla ele geçirilen mal
- Bir rastlantı sonucu ele geçen kazanç veya imkân
- Yağma sonrasında elde kalan mal, çalıntı


- Burunları bile kanamadan ganimete kavuşacaklardı.

Ganimet Ne Demek?

Ganimet kelimesi Türkçe'de "savaşta ele geçirilen mal, yağma" anlamına gelir.

Arapça ġnm kökünden gelen ġanīmat غنيمة z "savaşta ele geçirilen mal, yağma" sözcüğünden alıntıdır. Arapça sözcük Arapça ġanam غنم z "1. koyun, 2. mal, mülk" sözcüğünün sıfat dişil (müennes, feminine) halidir. Daha fazla bilgi için ağnam maddesine bakınız.

Ganimet kelimesi tarihte bilinen ilk kez Mukaddimetü'l-Edeb ( yılından önce) : ġanīmet tuttı anı, olca aldı anı eserinde yer almıştır.

Ganimet kelimesi Türkçe'de "" anlamına gelir.

Ganimet kelimesi Türkçe'de "Yağma sonrasında elde kalan mal, çalıntı." anlamına gelir.

Bu kelimenin kökeni ve ayrıntılı kaynak için kelimeyi etimoloji sözlüğünde inceleyebilirsiniz: Ganimet kelime kökenini göstermek için tıklayın.

Dip Notlar

Modern anlamı yy'dan önce kaydedilmemiştir.

Benzer Aramalar

Bu kelimeye benzer bazı kelimelere göz atın; ganimet, nasip1, ganyan, kompilasyon, roba, spoiler

Veya Ganimet kelimesi hakkında ayrıntılı bir arama başlatmak için buraya tıklayın.

Rastgele kelime göster



In this article, three concepts of ganima as a type of legitimate ganima in the life of the Prophet are addressed. Nuhba, gulûl, and seleb were identified as illegitimate as nuhba and gulûl, goods which were obtained in the context of wars or are likely to be obtained. The seleb was included in the context of its relevance to these two concepts. The understanding of looting as an unpleasant concept in our age can be grasped on a more accurate ground with the emergence of the illegitimate dimensions of ganima spoken. As a result of the research, it is understood that there are concepts which express the illegitimate aspects of booty, together with examples of their use in dictionary meaning and use of nuhbe and gulûl concepts. So the spoils do not mean the same as looting or even in the life of the Prophet, we can say that the looting, which can be regarded as arbitrarily confiscating the goods of others, has been rejected as worldly and ethereally. The existence of the concepts of looting, which finds expression in many hadiths in the hadith books, Reveals that in the life of the Prophet, the ganima is a legitimate and unjustified classification. As far as the accounts are concerned, Hz. The Prophet has not tolerated any behavior that can be interpreted as cunning, where individual interests prevail. For this reason he banned any saving on the ganima before its division. Also, it is also an individual's sneaking out of the loot. He only considers personal property of the enemy soldiers by the single combat or by the killing of enemy soldiers during the war War is a fact that humanityhas unavoidably faced throughout the history. Like the war, booty that the victorious gets in exchange of war indemnity can be considered as a reality. In the Prophet’s life, war booty was accepted as long as certain criteria were met. The question of legitimacy that the Prophet required and practiced has begun to be addressed in the modern world only in the last century (Inal, 30). Ganima, or war booty, seems to constitute a significant place in the battles that took place during the era of prophethood. Although there are a solid number of studies examining the status of war booty in the Prophet’s life, the question of legitimacy has not been addressed yet. Such studies have largely focused on the concept of booty itself. Yet, it can be said that there were illegal booties as well in the Sirah (Prophetic biography) sources, and they are expressed with different names. Being an unpleasant concept indeed, war booty was seen as an essential part of wars in world politics until the 19th century. Booty, being an important aspect of Arab culture (Ibn Haldûn, I, 87; Macit, Volume: 4, p. 98), has often been justified on the grounds of harming the enemy and meeting the army’s needs (Inal, 34; comp. Vurgun, XIV/1 (Summer ), p). The present study investigates three concepts that we consider to be helpful in understanding the legitimate and illegitimate practices of booty: nuhba, gulûl and salab. There is encyclopedic information about these concepts except nuhba (Yaman, XXXVI, ; Koca, XIV, ). Many dictionaries define these concepts as having closely related meanings. However, a closer look at the narrations about the different applications and the subject reveals that there are differences between them. Our aim is to contribute to the deeper understanding of the concept of looting by investigating the different meanings of these three terms. We have depended largely on the Sirah sources in the present study. However, it should be mentioned that these concepts do not come up very often in Sirah sources. Nuhba Derived from the Arabic (n-h-b) root, the word has been used synonymously with war booty in the oldest dictionaries. Eight infinitive forms of the word have been addressed ( ,واإلنهاب, االنتهاب النهب, ونهوب, نهاب النهيبى, والنهبى, والنهبة ,(and all of them have been evaluated as having the same meaning. It is, however, possible to deduce that the word also means “to scramble” in the Sirah sources. It can be argued that the word nuhba and its derivatives primarily mean to have control over war booties without any restriction. Some bean that was captured in Khaibar was called as nuhbaby the Prophet, and heregarded to eat from itharam, even in a very small quantity. Another meaning of the word is can be stated as the attacks and unlawful ownership claims between two groups that have a nonaggression agreement. That the Prophet did not accept the booties that Abu-Basir obtained from the Meccans can be considered in this context. Describing Abu-Basir’s act, the Meccan polytheists claimed that their goods were plundered. The Prophet clearly forbade any type of behavior that could be considered as nuhba. Gulul Being another concept which is synonymously used with war booty, gulul is defined as any illegal form of claiming right over war booties and to betray the things obtained as booty (Koca, XIV, ). It can also be considered as a form of stealing from war booties. The common feature of the narrations about this term is that gulul is considered as an unauthorized use of war booty or to claim illegitimate ownership over seafoodplus.infong from the Arabic s-l-b root, the word salab has been used to refer to any kind of dress that one wears. Its verb form means to take away one’s salab. (Halil B. Ahmed, VII, ). Some dictionaries have defined the word as “to steal” meaning to steal and to loot (Mutçali, ). It is, however, difficult to come up with any example in Sirah sources to confirm this last meaning of the word. As one form of war booty, the term refers to the fact that the enemy soldier’s personal properties belong to the one who kills him in the time of war, which seems to be a plausible definition. According to one narration in Ibn-Ishaq, Muslims fought the polytheists in the early military operations, and got their aslab after

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