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Google Aile Hesabı Silme

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About this app

Listen to audiobooks for free on your phone.

• The largest catalog of audio books on Google Play, available by subscription.
• Free weekly access to all features and books in the app.
• No hidden fees - pay for your subscription and listen to anything you want.

All books can be listened to for free by viewing ads, or subscribe and listen without advertising and without restrictions.

Also, the subscription has additional convenient features:

• Ability to listen to downloaded books without connecting to the Internet. Listen to the works of your favorite authors on a journey or instead of a radio!
• Set the timer off to conveniently listen before bedtime;
• You can bookmark or leave notes in the audiobook.

“Reading books for free” is a simple and convenient way to listen to your favorite audio books without thinking about their price. After downloading the application, you get access to a huge library with the most extensive catalog in Russian Google Play, available by subscription. The library includes more than 7,000 titles. The most interesting novelties, excellent audio performances with the participation of famous actors, current business books, science fiction, detectives, historical novels, fairy tales for children and timeless classics, works that later became films - all this is available to you immediately after installing the application.

The most recent, popular and useful books appear every day in the library. Russian and world classics, school curriculum, fantasy, detectives, novels, stories. You can watch movies online, and you can listen to stories about Fandorin.

Our extensive library includes authors: Gregory Roberts, Larry King, Mikhail Bulgakov, Jojo Moyes, Ayn Rand, Boris Akunin, Ernest Hemingway, Natalia Rom, Alexander Pushkin, Sergey Ivanov, Frederick Begbeder, Mikhail Zygar, Faina Ranevskaya, Elizabeth Gilbert, Silden Begbeder, Michael Zygar, Faina Ranevskaya, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Silden Roberts Jarrett, James Harkin, John Mitchinson, John Lloyd, Emily Bronte, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Octave Mirbo, William Atkinson, M. Frimstein, A. Gorbachev, Bernard Verber, Erich Maria Remarque, Jane Austen, Leo Tolstoy, Stephen Covey, Lewis Carroll, Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov, Pamela Drukerman, Rup P Colli, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Sergey Dovlatov, Harper Lee, Anton Chekhov, Andrey Sitnikov, Alexander Kuprin, Victor Thornbol, Russell Re Manning, Vladimir Torin, Lena Lenina, Sergey Zaitsev, Tatyana Ustinova, Korney Chukovsky, Valentin Pikul, Nikolai Nosov, Vitaly Pichugin - and many others.

Here you will find new and popular books of any genre: “Shantaram”, “How to talk with anyone, anytime, anywhere”, “The Master and Margarita”, “Before I meet you”, “Atlas Shrugged”, “After you ”,“ English vocabulary minimum ”,“ Azazel ”,“ The old man and the sea ”,“ I want to speak beautifully! ”,“ The shadow of the mountain ”,“ Eugene Onegin ”,“ Steve Jobs ”,“ English in 12 days ”,“ Love lives for three years "," All the Kremlin army "," Faina Ranevskaya. Anecdote from personal life ”,“ Eat, pray, love ”,“ Psychology in 30 seconds ”,“ Idiot ”- and this is only the beginning of an endless list. Free music for children for the night, audio fairy tales and funny stories - this is an invitation to my world of fairy tales and adventures.

Functions and features:

• My books: all audiobooks that you have ever chosen are available on all devices (provided you use one Google account).
• Detailed annotations.
• Ability to play background.
• Rewind +/- 30 seconds.
• Ability to accelerate playback.
• Author's page with a biography and convenient access to all his works.
• The ability to stream via 3G networks - start listening to books instead of music right now!

If you have any suggestions or questions about the application, if you encounter a problem - you have bought a subscription, but it has not been activated or there are problems with writing off money - please contact us at [email protected].

Get full access to the directory by using any of the subscriptions. It is better to listen to an audiobook than download music from a contact!

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УЧЕБНО-СПРАВОЧНОЕ ПОСОБИЕ. ПЕРЕВОД ОФИЦИАЛЬНО-ДЕЛОВЫХ ТЕКСТОВ (200 документов на турецком и русском языках с переводом).docx

Eingangsvermerke Application for conferral of a residence permit Foreign Resident Act (AufenthG) – Molba za izdavanje dozvole za boravak Zakon o boravku (AufenthG) – Oturma izni verilmesi için dilekçe İkamet Kanunu (AufenthG) – Заявление на получение вида на жительство (AufenthG) – ‫االقامة‬ ‫لقانون‬ ‫وفقا‬ ‫االقامة‬ ‫ت�صريح‬ ‫منح‬ ‫طلب‬ Datenschutzrechtlicher Hinweis: Nach § 86 Aufenthaltsgesetz dürfen die mit der Ausführung des Aufenthaltsgesetzes betrauten Behörden zum Zwecke der Ausführung dieses Gesetzes und ausländerrechtlicher Bestimmungen in anderen Gesetzen personenbezogene Daten erheben, soweit dies zur Erfüllung ihrer Aufgaben nach diesem Gesetz und nach ausländerrechtlichen Bestimmungen in anderen Gesetzen erforderlich ist. Daten im Sinne von § 3 Abs. 9 des Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes sowie entsprechender Vorschriften der Datenschutzgesetze der Länder dürfen erhoben werden, soweit diese im Einzelfall zur Aufgabenerfüllung erforderlich sind. Information pertaining to data protection law: According to section 86 of the Foreign Resident Act, the authorities charged with implementing this Act may collect personal data for the purposes of implementing this Act and provisions relating to foreigners contained in other acts, insofar as this is necessary in discharging their duties under this Act and in accordance with provisions relating to foreigners contained in other acts. Data within the meaning of section 3 (9) of the Federal Data Protection Act and corresponding provisions contained in the data protection acts of the Länder may be collected insofar as this is necessary in individual cases in discharging assigned duties. Napomena o pravnoj zaštiti podataka: Po čl. 86 Zakona o boravku su službe zadužene za njegovo primenjivanje ovlašćene da u svrhu spro­ vođenja tog zakona i odredbi drugih zakona, koji se tiču pravnog statusa stranih državljana, prikupe lične podatke, ukoliko je to neophodno za ispunjenje njihovih zadataka po gore navedenim zakonskim odredbama. Podaci u smislu čl. 3 stav 9 Saveznog Zakona o zaštiti podataka kao i odgovarajućih propisa Zakona o zaštiti podataka Saveznih pokrajina smeju da se zatraže, ukoliko su u pojedinačnom slučaju potrebni za ispunjavanje zadataka. Kişisel bilgilerin korunması ile ilgili bilgi: İkamet Kanunu md. 86'ya göre, İkamet Kanunu'nu uygulamakla görevli makamlar, sözkonusu kanu-nun ve başka kanunlarda yabancılar hukukunu ilgilendiren hükümlerin uygulanması amacıyla, bu işlem bu kanunun ve başka kanunlarda yabancılar hukukunu ilgilendiren hükümlerce görevlerinin uygulanmasını şart koştuğu takdirde kişisel bilgileri toplama hakkına sahiptirler. Federal Bilgi Koruma Yasası md. 3 bent 9 ve eyaletlerde yürürlükteki bilgi koruma kanunları hükümleri gereği kişisel bilgiler münferit hallerde görevlinin görevinin ifası bakımından gerekli olduğunda kişisel bilgiler toplanabilir. Указания касательно прав на защиту информационной собственности: Согласно положений § 86 Закона о проживании органы, упол-номоченные на исполнение закона о проживании, в целях исполнения данного закона и положений относительно прав иностранных граждан, содержащихся в других законах, могут собирать анкетные данные, насколько это требуется для исполнения их задач в рамках данного закона и согласно положений относительно прав иностранных граждан, содержащихся в других законах. Данные в смысле § 3 абз. 9 Федерального закона о защите информационной собственности, а также соответствующих предписаний законов о защите информационной собственности федеральных земель могут собираться, если они в отдельном случае требуются для исполнения задач.


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