hairy free tube / AİBÜ Campus Flora

Hairy Free Tube

hairy free tube

Trifolium hirtumAll. Rose clover

Public Description:

Trifolium hirtum, commonly known as “rose clover”, is native to Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa. It is an annual hairy plant with purple flowers, and grows up to 20 cm in length. It blooms between April and June and is found in scrub, rocky slopes and roadsides.



Anonymous ().,Accessed date:

Zohary M (). Trifolium hirtum All., Şu eserde: Davis PH (ed.), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 3:

Keskin M (). Trifolium L. In: Güner, A, Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M. & Babaç, M.T. (eds.), Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını. İstanbul, pp. –

Trifolium pratenseL. Red Clover

Public Description:

Trifolium pratensevar. pratense, common name “red clover”, is native to Europe, Western Asia and northwest Africa, but planted and naturalised in many other regions. It is widely grown as a fodder crop, valued for its nitrogen fixation, which increases soil fertility. For these reasons, it is used as a green manure crop. Several cultivar groups have been selected for agricultural use, mostly derived from this plant. It has become naturalised in many temperate areas, including the America and Australia as an escape from cultivation. Red clover is the national flower of Denmark and the state flower of Vermont, is a New England state in the northeastern United States.



Anonymous ()., Accessed date:

Keskin M (). Trifolium L., In: Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M. & Babaç, M.T. (eds.), Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını. İstanbul, pp. ‒

Zohary M (). Trifolium pratense L., In: Davis PH (ed.), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 3:

labellum için örnekler


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It has been suggested that syrphids detect sugars using either the labellum or tarsal receptors and then confirm their presence using sensilla on the ovipositor.

Cambridge English Corpus kaynağından

The 3-lobed labellum projects forward with an extended midlobe which allows insects to land.



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The free lip has high lateral lobes along the basal part of the labellum (hypochile) and smooth, toothed or warty keels.



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The labellum is simple and flolded down, the same color as the other perianth segments.



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The basal portion (hypochile) of the labellum is concave and enclosed in the helmet, with two raised and hairy lateral lobes.



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The labellum is split into two lobes at the end for about a quarter of its length.



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The flowers produce little nectar and the yellowish dust on the labellum which the insects collect is of little nutritional value.



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The labellum bends backwards and is deeply split into two lobes, each divided again.



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The rather small glabrous labellum has a green color.



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The labellum may be entirely free of partially fused to the column forming a nectary.



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The labellum bends backwards and is split into two lobes for more than half its length.



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The white labellum is covered with purple dots and veined with red and purple.



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The flowers have petals, sepals and labellum of the same color, which can be white, pale pink or magenta.



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The specific epithet "subulata" refers to the duck like shape of the flower's labellum.



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The labellum's surface is covered by minute food channels, formed by the interlocking elongate hypopharynx and epipharynx, which form a tube leading to the oesophagus.



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The labellum is adnate to the column to its apex with completely erect lamina, either trilobate or lacking any divisions.



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The labellum has three or four lobes and an elongated low callus.



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The three-lobed forward-projecting labellum is white with purple markings and has a tuft of white hairs.



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It has a free labellum and eight pollinia.



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Örneklerdeki görüşler Cambridge Dictionary'nin editörlerinin, Cambridge University Press'in ya da lisans sağlayıcılarıın görüşlerini temsil etmez.

labellum kelimesi henüz Cambridge Dictionary'de bulunmamaktadır. Eklemek için yardımda bulunabilirsiniz!

İptal edin

Aizoon canariense, Aizoon procumbens, Glinus chrystallinus, Purslane-leaved aizoon, חיעד קנרי,حدق , مليح , كشة البلد
Aizoon canariense, Aizoon procumbens

Aizoon hispanicum, Aizoanthemum hispanicum, Aizoon, Spanish aizoon,مليح, اصبع العروس, يشاند ,חיעד ספרדי
Aizoon hispanicum, Aizoanthemum hispanicum

 Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, Ice Plant, Diamond Ficoides, , مصنع الثلج المشتركאהל הגבישים
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum

Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum, Egyptian Fig-marigold,Slender-Leaved Ice Plant, אהל מצוי,حر, سمح, غاسول
Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum

Class Dicotyledoneae, dicots, מחלקה דו-פסיגיים

Family Aizoaceae
Fig-marigold Family, משפחת החיעדיים

Herbs, shrubs, or subshrubs, annual or perennial, often succulent, papillate, glabrous, hairy, or scaly; leaves are cauline or basal, alternate or opposite, sessile or petiolate; stipules usually absent; inflorescences axillary or terminal, flowers solitary or in cymes; bracts present or absent; bracteoles usually absent; flowers bisexual; nectaries separate or in a ring around ovary; tepals (4 or)5(–8), connate below into a tube; petals absent or present; stamens 3 to many, free or connate at base, outermost often as filamentous staminodes; anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits; ovary inferior, syncarpous; carpels 2 to many; ovules 1 to many, on long funicles, mostly campylotropous; stigmas as many as carpels. fruits usually capsules.

Genus Aizoon, חיעד:
  • Aizoon canariense, Aizoon procumbens, Glinus chrystallinus,Canarian Aizoon, Purslane-leaved aizoon, חיעד קנרי
  • Aizoon hispanicum, Aizoanthemum hispanicum, Aizoon, Spanish aizoon, חיעד ספרדי
Genus Trianthema, שלשי
Genus Zaleya, שלשי
Genus Mesembryanthemum, אהל: Genus Carpobrotus, צלקנית:
  • Carpobrotus acinaciformis, Hottentot Fig-marigold,אהל האצבעות ,צלקנית החרבות
  • Carpobrotus edulis, Mesembryanthemum edule, Hottentot-fig, ice plant, highway ice plant, צלקנית נאכלת, أصابع الجارية

Carpobrotus acinaciformis, Mesembryanthemum acinaciforme, Hottentot Fig-marigold, אהל האצבעות ,צלקנית החרבות ,نبات الحي علم
Carpobrotus acinaciformis

Carpobrotus edulis, Mesembryanthemum edule, Hottentot-fig, ice plant, highway ice plant, צלקנית נאכלת , أصابع الجارية
Carpobrotus edulis


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