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Helin Aslan Cem Tv

helin aslan cem tv

The Cultivation Role of Television in Terms of Violence, Life in General, Personality Traits and the Perception of Old Age

В статье изучаются новые способы взаимодействия крымскотатарских СМИ с аудиторией через различные социальные медиаплатформы (Facebook, Вконтакте, Одноклассники): изучение целевой аудитории через опросы, лайки, отклики, замечания, перепосты, комментарии; усиление активности аудитории и ее расширение через проведение конкурсов, акций, подписных кампаний, ведение диалога с читателями, размещение в открытом доступе резонансных материалов; выполнение организаторской функции и т.д. Ключевые слова: крымскотатарская пресса, этническая пресса Крыма, продвижение медиа, социальные медиаплатформы, социальные сети. This article describes the features of interaction with the audience and the Crimean Tatar’s media through various social media platforms (Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki): the technologies used by them to contact with the audience were determined, the comparative analisis of the practices of individual media was conducted; the effectiveness of the promotion of these media on social media platforms was evaluated; the recommendations to improve the effectiveness of networking were given. The object of the study – accounts and communities in the social networks Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Twitter of the Crimean Tatar’s media: news agency «QHA», the newspapers «Avdet» and «Yani dunya», the magazines «Arzi», «Armanchiq», «Merhaba», «Nesil »,«Muslim», TV channels «ATR» and «Lale», radio «Meydan». The possibilities of the targeting of the audience were researched by the opinion polls, likes, comments, reposts; the increasing of the activity of the audience and its extension was researched by the competitions, promotions, subscription companies, conducting dialogue with readers, placement in open access resonant materials; perform managerial functions, etc. Proper using of social media platforms helps Crimean Tatar’s media to attract a younger audience, to develop feedback from readers and viewers, to strengthen the authority of the national environment, to consolidate the most active representatives of their people to solve important cultural, educational, economic and social goals. Keywords: the Crimean Tatar’s media, the ethnic media of the Crimea, the promotion of the media, social media platforms, social networks.


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