inviting accepting and refusing invitations exercises / İngilizce inviting, suggesting, accepting, refusing konu anlatımı

Inviting Accepting And Refusing Invitations Exercises

inviting accepting and refusing invitations exercises

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Sınıf İngilizce PDF


Unit 1: Friendship
Kazanım: Students will be able to understand the overall meaning of short recorded conversations on everyday topics such as accepting and refusing
an offer/invitation; apologizing; and making simple inquiries. * Students will be able to interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short
conversations involving accepting and refusing an offer/invitation; apologizing; and making simple inquiries. * Students will be able to accept and refuse an
offer/invitation, give reasons, apologize and make simple inquiries as a short series of simple phrases and sentences.

I am with Jane and Sue

Sure, that sounds
tonight. Would you like to fun.
come over?

How about having

Can you have
lunch with me dinner with
tomorrow? me today?

Do you want to go
to the
movies tonight?

We use the following expressions to make invitations;

Would you like to

Do you want to How about
go out tonight? going out tonight?
Shall we What about
Why don’t we

Teacher’s question: Would you like to watch an animation?

Students’ answer: It sounds great.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 1

Unit 1 Friendship


There is an important that sounds fine.
match today. Do you want
to come with us?

Would you like to come

I’d love to, thanks.
to the party with me?

We use the following expressions to accept an invitation;

 Sure, that sounds fine!

 Yeah, that would be great. Do you want to
 Sure, why not? sing with me?
 That's a good idea.
 I would love to.
 Of course. That’ a good
 It’s fine with me.
 Great.
 It sounds awesome.
 Great idea.
 Yes, I would.
 I’d like to.

Teacher’s question: How about doing homework?

Students’ answer: It is not a good idea.

2 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 1 Friendship


Hi, Janet. Would you like to

join my fancy dress party
on Saturday evening?

I’m sorry, I can’t. I am

busy on that day.

We use the following expressions to refuse an invitation;

 I'm sorry, I can't.

 I'm afraid, I can't.
 I'd love to, but I can't.
 Sorry, but I can't make it.
 That’s very kind of you, but
 I'm not into thrillers.
 Do we have another choice?


Would you like to come Thanks for inviting me.
to my graduation party?

We use the following expressions to thank for an invitation;

 Thanks for inviting me.

 That's very kind of you.
 Thank you very much.
 Thanks a lot.

Teacher’s question: Shall we have a party after school?

Students’ answer: Why not?

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 3

Unit 1 Friendship

Excuse me, how can I Go along and turn left.

get to the station? It’s on your right.

Excuse me, I am sorry,

I am late. I am late.

American British
English English

We use “I’m sorry.”, “Sorry” or “Excuse me” for apologising.

Oh, sorry, it is
It doesn’t matter.
my fault.

When someone says he is sorry, we say,

 Never mind.
 No matter.
 Don’t worry.

Teacher’s question: Do you want to have a break?

Students’ answer: Of course. Thanks.

4 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 1 Friendship Exercises

Exercise 1. Put the expressions into the correct places.

That would be It doesn’t That’s a good

Sorry come over
great matter idea

slumber party No, thanks Excuse me Would hanging out

1. Sue: Excuse me , can you pass the salt, please?

Jane: Here you are.

2. Pamela: Take your pyjamas with you. We're having a slumber party .

Cindy: OK, Pam.

3. George: Would you like to have a drink?

Amanda: Yes, please.

4. Tim: Sorry , I couldn't phone you because I forgot your phone number.

Jack: Never mind.

5. Sam: Let's have a surprise party for Sue.

Tom: That’s a good idea . Let's invite her friends.

6. Mum: Do you want some soup?

Mark: No, thanks . I'm full.

7. Terry: The weather is nice. Shall we go for a walk?

Emily: That would be great . I like walking on such a nice day.

8. Melani: I'm sorry, I lost your pencil.

John: It doesn’t matter . I have one more.

9. Bob: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

hanging out
Kate: I love with my friends.

Bill: Would you like to come over for a drink?

Helen: I’m sorry, but I can’t make it.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 5

Unit 1 Friendship Exercises

Exercise 2. Choose the correct option.

1. A: Do / Would you like to dance?

B: Yes, please./ No, thanks. I'm a bit tired.
A: How about have / having a drink?
B: Sorry / Sure, I'd love to.

2. A: Do / Are you busy this afternoon?

B: No, not at all. Why?
A: How about / Would you like going to the cinema?
B: Sure, I can't make it / it sounds good .

3. A: Do you want to have / having dinner with me?

B: No, thanks. / Sure . What time shall we meet?
A: At

4. A: Sam is having a fancy dress party at our place tomorrow. Do / Are you want to come?
B: I'm afraid, I can't. / Sure. What time do you want me to be there?
A: At around 6.

Exercise 3. Find the correct order.

1. 2 No, thanks.
4 Yes, please.
1 Would you like to have some tea?
3 What about some orange juice?

2. 4 Sure, it sounds awesome.

2 No,not at all. Why?
1 Are you busy on Saturday?
3 Some of my friends and I will go camping. Would you like to come with us?

3. 4 That's a good idea.

Do you want to play basketball with us?
3 OK. Let's study together then.
2 I'm sorry, I can't. I have an exam and I must study for it.

6 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 1 Friendship Exercises

4. 4 Yes. Sounds good.

2 No. Why?
1 Do you have any plans this afternoon?
3 How about having lunch in a cafe?

5. 3 O ne o'clock.
1 Some of my friends and I are meeting for lunch. Would you like to come?
2 What time?
4 OK. Let's meet then.

6. 2 No, not at all. Why?

1 Are you busy this evening?
4 Sounds good.
3 Shall we go out for a meal?

7. 1 Would you like to play computer games after school?

3 Why?
2 I'm sorry, but I can't make it.
4 Because I have an appointment at the dentist's.

8. 3 We're having a barbecue party at my house. Would you like to join us?
4 I'd love to, thanks.
1 What are you doing on Sunday?
2 Nothing special. Why?

9. 6 Yes, please. I'd like some lemonade.

5 What about a drink?
2 Me too.
3 Would you like to eat some cake?
1 Welcome to my birthday party. I'm glad to see you.
4 No, thanks.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 7

Unit 1 Friendship Exercises

Exercise 4. Match the expressions and the dialogues.

A) I have an appointment
B) Do you want to have
at the dentist. lunch with me?

C) D) How about visiting

I’d love to, thanks. Sue at the hospital?

1. B 2. Steve: I’m having a surprise birthday party

for my brother tomorrow
David: No, thanks. I'm full. Maybe later. afternoon. Would you like to join us?
Linda: I’d love to, but A

3. 4.
Sude: Are you busy this afternoon? Mert : I have two tickets for Slash’s
Mary: No, not at all. Why? concert. Would you like to go?

Sude: D Cindy : C When?

Mary: OK. I think she will be happy. Mert : On Saturday evening.

Cindy : OK. Let’s go then.

Exercise 5. A) Match with the cards and the expressions.

1. Dear Joe,
I’m having a party on Saturday at my house to
celebrate my graduation.
It’ll start at p.m. and go on until about a. Accepting the invitation
I’ll be happy to see you here!
Tina c

2. Hi Jenny,
Great to hear from you. Thanks for the invitation to
your birthday party. I’ll be there! b. Refusing the invitation
Should I bring anything?
Sue a

3. Hi Sarah,
Thanks for inviting me to the fancy dress party but I
can’t make it-sorry! My parents aren’t at home and I
c. Making an invitation
have to look after my little sister. I hope you will have
a great party!
Emily b
8 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü
Unit 1 Friendship Exercises
B) Answer the questions according to the cards.

1. Who is having a birthday party? Jenny is having a birthday party.

2. Why can't Emily join the party? She has to look after her sister.

3. What time is the graduation party? At p.m.

4. Is Sue joining Jenny's party? Yes, she is.

At her house.
5. Where is Tina’s party?

6. Who accepts the invitation? Sue accepts the invitation.

7. Who is Sarah inviting to the party? She is inviting Emily.

8. Is Emily accepting the invitation? No, she isn’t.

9. Who is the sender in the first card? Tina.

Who is the receiver in the second card? Jenny.

What is the invitation about in the 3. card? A fancy dress party.

When is the graduation party? On Saturday at p.m.

C) Say “True” or “False”

True False

1. Tina has a birthday party. 

2. Sarah has a fancy dress party. 

3. Sue is going to attend Jenny’s party. 

4. Tina’s party is in the morning. 

5. Emily has to stay at home. 

6. Sarah is the sender. 

7. Joe is the receiver. 

8. Tina has a graduation party at the weekend. 

9. Emily will be alone at home. 

Sue accepts the invitation. 

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 9

Unit 1 Friendship Exercises

Exercise 6. Write the expressions into the correct places.

1. Would
Dear/Hi Matthew,
Would you like to join my 14th birthday party? I'm going to
have some mates round for a sleepover . Date
Date : 1st June
Place: At my house

2. sleepover
Hi/Dear Jack,
Thanks for the invitation to the party. You know I like parties. I’ll
be there. Hi

Do you need any help?


3. Thanks
Hello Amanda,
I’m sorry , but I can’t make it. I have an important meeting and I
I hope
have to join it. I hope you have a great time!
Susan join

I'm sorry

Exercise 7. Put the words into the correct order.

1. for / to / the invitation / your slumber party / thanks

Thanks for the invitation to your slumber party.

2. awesome / it / sounds
It sounds awesome.

3. you / join / like / would / to / us (?)

Would you like to join us?

4. make / am / can't / I / it / I / sorry

I’m sorry, I can’t make it.

10 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 1 Friendship Exercises

Exercise 8. Answer the questions according to the text.

Hi Jerry,
Thank you very much for the invitation to your birthday party, but I can't make it. I won't be
here, so I can't come to your party. I hope you have a great party !

Hi Susan,
Would you like to join my slumber party on Saturday? I'm going to have some mates for a
sleepover. We're going to eat and watch films on DVD. It's at 5 p.m.

Hello Mark,
Thanks for inviting me to your party on New Year's Eve. You know I like parties. I'll be there!
It's going to be awesome !

1. Can Sam go to Mark's party? Yes, he can.

2. Who has a slumber party? Lucy has a slumber party.

3. When is Mark's party? It’s on New Year’s Eve.

4. Can Louis join Jerry's party? No, she can’t.

5. What kind of party does Jerry have? He has a birthday party.

6. What time is Susan's party? It’s at 5 p.m.

7. Who invites his/her friends? Lucy.

8. Who accepts the invitation? Sam.

9. Who refuses the invitation? Louis.

What is Mark’s invitation about? New Years Eve.

What are Lucy and her friends going to do? They’re gaing to watch films.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 11

Unit 1 Friendship


Kazanım: Students will be able to read very short, simple texts on friendship and similar familiar topics. Students will be able to understand short, simple
offers, invitation letters, etc.

and but

We use “and” to combine parallel things. We use “but” to show contrast.

He is tall and slim. Mr. Parker is rich but he is very stingy.
Cindy is a patient and kind girl. Tom is short but he can play basketball


We use “because” to show reasons.

I’m studying Maths because I have a Maths exam tomorrow.
I can’t come to your party because I’m very ill.

We use “so” to show result.
I’m very tired, so I will sleep early today.
My parents went abroad, so I can’t come to your party.

Exercise 9. Put “and, but, so or because.”

1. She wants to go to the cinema, but I don't like that film.
2. I can't sleep so I'll go to the kitchen and have a glass of warm milk.
3. We went to the party with Emily but she didn't dance.

4. I'm studying English because I love learning foreign languages.

5. Tom had an accident yesterday, so he is in the hospital.
6. She didn't invite me, so I didn't go to her birthday party.
7. Melisa sang and
danced at the party.
8. In summer we wear light clothes because the weather is hot.
9. I like walking but I never go to school on foot because it's 10 km away from home.
My little sister is calm and easygoing, but my brother is very moody, so
they never get on well with eachother.
It's always rainy in winter, so you should always take an umbrella with you.

Teacher’s question: Why can’t you join the exhibition?

Students’ answer: Because I have to go home.

12 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 1 Friendship Test-1

sorularda verilen boşluğa uygun ifadeleri 4.

1. you like
to watch a DVD with me? Great. I love sports.

Sure. Which film shall we A) Let’s watch a thriller.

watch? B) How about sitting and chit-chatting?
A) Do B) Can C) Shall we join the tennis tournament?
C) Would D) Are D) Why don’t you visit your relatives?
Cevap: C Cevap: C
5. Aşağıda verilen metne göre hangisi yanlıştır?

Hello Emily,
Would you like to come to my fancy dress
party on Sunday? There are some mates.
2. You know them. Take your pyjamas with
Steve: Would you like to come over
tonight? you for a sleepover. Please, come at 8 p.m
to my home. It’ll be a great party.
David: My mum
is ill and I must be at home. Love,
A) Sure. B) That's a good idea.
A) Adrian has a fancy dress party.
C) Yes, I'd love to. D) I'm sorry, I can't.
B) Emily is inviting Adrian to the party.
C) The party is on Sunday evening.
Cevap: D D) There are Adrian’s friends at the party.
Cevap: B
6. Aşağıda verilen diyaloğa göre sorunun cevabı
3. A: Can I help you, sir?
Would you like to have something
to eat? B: Yes,please. I’d like soup and salad.
I am not A: Would you like something to drink?
hungry. B: Yes. Water, please.
A: Anything else?
A) No, thanks. B) Sure.
B: No, thanks.
C) Yes, please. D) It sounds awesome. Where are they?
A) At a restaurant. B) At a post office.
C) At a hospital. D) At the school.
Cevap: A Cevap: A

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 13

Unit 1 Friendship Test-1

soruları aşağıda verilen diyaloğa göre soruları aşağıda verilen metne göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

Melissa : Let’s have a surprise birthday Hi Steve,

party for Emily?
Thanks for your invitation to your
Dilara : That’s a good idea. When is her barbecue party, but I can’t make it. I
birthday? have a trip to Spain for business.
Melissa : On 11th October. I mean this Maybe next time.
Dilara : OK. Let’s call all her friends.
Where shall we have the
Which is true?
Melissa : How about the cafe on the
corner of High Street? A) Adam is inviting Steve to the party.
Dilara : That’s a good idea. Shall we B) Steve is going to Spain.
have it at 1 p.m?
C) Adam is refusing the invitation.
Melissa : That’s fine. Now, let’s go and
D) Steve can’t go to the party. Cevap: C
buy a present for her.

Whose birthday is it?

A) Melisa is having a birthday party. Adam can’t go to the party because
B) It’s Emily’s birthday.
C) Dilara is inviting her friends to the party. A) he doesn’t like Steve.
D) The party is in the afternoon. B) he is busy.
Cevap: B C) he hates barbecue parties.
8. Which is false? Cevap: B
D) Steve doesn’t invite him.

A) Emily’s birthday is on 11th October.

B) Melissa and Dilara are having
a surprise party for Emily.
C) Emily is inviting her friends to the party. Aşağıda verilen ifadelerin doğru sıralanışı
D) The surprise party is at a cafe. hangi seçenektedir?
Cevap: C I. Sure, that would be great.
9. What is the event? II. Are you free on Friday?
III. Do you want to join my party?
A) Refusing an invitation. IV. Yeah. Why?
B) A surprise party. A) II - I - III - IV B) III - IV - II - I
C) A good present. C) III - I - II - IV D) II - IV - III - I
D) Invitation to competition. Cevap: B Cevap: D
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B C B D
14 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü
Unit 1 Friendship Test-2

sorularda verilen boşluklara uygun 4. How about a

ifadeleri işaretleyiniz. surprise party for Emma?
1. Steve: you like
to come to the party with That’s a good idea.
Daisy: Yes, of course. A) organize B) organizing
C) to organize D) to organizing
A) Do B) Are
Cevap: B
C) Let's D) Would
Cevap: D

Melisa : you like
2. to join my slumber party
Melis : Who is your best friend? tonight?
Cindy : Of course, you
Cindy : That sounds great. I’ll go home
we get on well.
and take my pyjamas. I’ll be at
your home at eight.
A) but B) because Melisa : OK. See you then.
C) so D) and
Cevap: B A) Would B) Do
C) Are D) Can
Cevap: A

Bob : Hi, Sally. How are you? What’s
going on?
Sally: Not too bad. 6.
Paul : I don’t have anything to do
Bob : Are you coming to Jenny’s this afternoon. Do you want
party tonight? to come over?
Sally : because David : I must go
I feel tired today. So I’ll go home because my uncle is
home early and have a rest. coming from Berlin for a visit.
Bob : OK. Paul : OK. Maybe next time.
A) Sure
A) That’s a good idea.
B) That's very kind of you
B) I’m sorry, I can’t.
C) That sounds good, thanks
C) That sounds great.
D) I'm sorry, but I can't make it
Cevap: D D) Yeah, that would be great.
Cevap: B

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 15

Unit 1 Friendship Test-2

7. soruları aşağıda verilen metne göre

Anna : How about a slumber party
at home today?
Mary : Do you Hi, Mary.
need any help? What time
The school Nature Club is organizing a
shall I come?
nature walking on Saturday in the Green
Anna : Let’s meet at park. We are going to start at 11 a.m and
then have a picnic. Would you like to come
A) I’m sorry, I can’t.
with me? If you can, please bring food and
B) It isn’t a good idea. drinks. Hope you can make it.
C) No, thanks. I must go home. Cheers.
D) It sounds awesome. Liz
Cevap: D

8. I. No thanks. I’m not into thrillers.

II. How about a sci-fi movie?
Who is organizing the event?
III. Shall we watch a thriller?
IV. That’s better. A) The school club B) Mary
C) Liz D) Friends Cevap: A
Verilen diyaloğun doğru sıralaması hangisidir?
A) II - IV - I - III B) II - I - III - IV
C) III - IV - II - I D) III - I - II - IV

Cevap: D Liz

A) refuses the invitation.

9. Seçeneklerden hangisi yanlıştır? B) can’t join the nature walking.
A) B) C) invited Mary to the picnic.
D) doesn’t like Mary. Cevap: C

Go to a Study
concert alone
Where is the event?
C) D)
A) On Saturday.
B) In the morning,
C) At II a.m.
Sit and Go for a D) In the Green Park. Cevap: D
chit-chat walk

Cevap: B
1. D 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. D 9. B A C D
16 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü
Adı: Soyadı: Sınıfı:


Unit 1: Friendship
Kazanım: Students will be able to interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations involving accepting and refusing an offer/
invitation; apologizing; and making simple inquiries.

It’s very hot. I am

going to swim. I bought the tickets.
I am going to fly to

I am going to
We use “be going to” to talk about future plans. paint my room.

We use “am / is / are + going to + V1”

She is thirsty. She is They are going to have

going to drink water. an exam.

I am('m) I bought a newspaper.

He I am going to read the
She is ('s)
It going to

Teacher’s question: Do you have a plan for the weekend?

Students’ answer: Yes, I am going to

No, nothing special.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 1

Unit 1 Friendship

In negative forms. We use “am / is / are not.”

I don’t feel well.
I am going to
go to school.
I am not ('m not)
She is not (isn't)
It going to
You are not (aren't)

Are you going to come

Yes, I am.
to Jack’s party?

Is Mary going to come to No, she isn’t. She has

Jack’s party? another plan.

We use “am / is / are” before the subject in question forms.

Am I
Is she play ?
it going to
have ?
Are you

I am. I am not.
he he
she is. she isn't.
Yes, it No, it
we we
you are. you aren't.
they they

Teacher’s question: Are you busy tomorrow evening?

Students’ answer: Yes, I am going to have a slumber party.

2 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 1 Friendship


tomorrow morning / afternoon / evening

week two minutes

month three hours
year a day soon
next in
spring two weeks later
Friday five months
June ten years

Exercise 1. Write the correct forms using “be going to”.

1. Susan is going to wear (wear) her red dress at the party.

2. The cat is going to climb (climb) the tree.
3. We aren’t going to watch (not / watch) a film on DVD.
4. A: Are you going to meet (meet) John tomorrow?
B: No, I am not going to meet (not / meet) him tomorrow but we are going to meet
(meet) next Saturday.
5. A: Where is David going to go (go) after school?
B: He is going to go (go) to the cafe.
6. I am not going to chat (not / chat) on the Net today. Because I have an exam and I
am going to study (study) for it.
7. A: Are Pelin and Mary going to spend (spend) their holiday abroad this year?
B: Yes, they are going to spend (spend) their holiday in India.
8. Melis and I are going to have (have) a party for Linda.
9. Emily is going to do (do) housework this afternoon.
The clouds are black. It is going to rain (rain) today.
A: What is she going to cook (cook)?
B: She is going to cook (cook) sphagetti.
A: How are the Browns going to travel (travel)?
B: By car.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 3

Unit 1 Friendship Exercises

Exercise 2. Write sentences with “be going to”.

She is going to have a barbecue next weekend.
1. She / have a barbecue / next weekend.
We’re going to join tennis tournament.
2. We / join / tennis tournament.

3. I / meet / my friends / tomorrow. I’m going to meet my friends tomorrow.

Ceyda is going to do something fun.
4. Ceyda / do / something fun.
My mum is going to help me with my homework.
5. My mum / help me / with my homework.

Exercise 3. Write sentences.

1. Ella is going to watch a film tonight.

(–) Ella isn’t going to watch fim tonight.

Is Ella going to watch fim tonight?

2. He isn't going to stay with his friends.

(+) He is going to stay with his friends.

Is he going to stay with his friends?

3. You are going to buy a new house.

(–) You aren’t going to buy a new house.

(?) Are you going to buy a new house?

4. Are they going to eat pizza?

(+) They are going to eat pizza.

(–) They aren’t going to eat pizza.

5. I am going to play basketball after school.

(–) I’m not going to play basketball after school.

(?) Are you going to play basketball after school?

4 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 1 Friendship Exercises

Exercise 4. Write sentences.

1. I am going to come to the party.

She is going to come to the party.

have lunch She is going to have lunch.

She is not going to have lunch.

2. We are going to have a good time tonight.

I I am going to have a good time tonight.

I’m going to study Maths tonight.
study Maths
I’m not going to study Maths tonight.

3. She is going to buy a gift for him.

you You are going to buy a gift for him.

not You aren’t going to buy a gift for him.

visit Jane You aren’t going to visit Jane.

(?) Are you going to visit Jane?

Exercise 5. Write sentences using “be going to”.

It isn’t going to rain.
1. it / not / rain
They’re going to eat fish.
2. they / eat / fish

3. we / move / İstanbul We’re going to move to İstanbul.

4. he / paint / the walls(?) Is he going to paint the walls?

Peter isn’t going to buy the car.
5. Peter / not / buy / the car

6. Clara / fly / Greece / this week(?) Is Clara going to fly to Greece this week?
I’m going to come back home before dinner.
7. I / come back / home / before dinner

8. John / pass / the driving test John is going to pass the driving test.
Are you going to watch a sci-fi movie?
9. watch / you / sci-fi movie (?)

next / they / weekend / hiking / go They are going to go hiking next weekend.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 5

Unit 1 Friendship Exercises

Exercise 6. Put the verbs into correct places. Use “be going to”.

is going to come stay

1. Tom over for a drink tomorrow.

2. I am going to invite Sue to the party tonight. study

3. We are going to stay at home at the weekend.

4. Aslı is going to take the bus to school.
5. They are going to study for the exam.

Exercise 7. Ask questions,

1. I am going to meet Sally tomorrow afternoon.

Who are you going to meet tomorrow afternoon?

When are you going to meet Sally?

2. My father is going to take me to school.

Who is going to take you to school?
How are you going to go to school?

Where is your father going to take you?

3. Tom isn’t going to join the party because he is busy.

isn’t Tom going to do?
Who isn’t going to join the party?
isn’t Tom going to join the party?

4. Martha is going to watch a sci-fi movie with Bob at her house at the weekend.
What is Martha going to do at the weekend?
Who is Martha going to watch a sci-fi movie with?
Where is Martha going to watch a sci-fi movie with Bob?
When is Martha going to watch a sci-fi movie with Bob?

What kind of a movie is Martha going to watch with Bob?

5. Tim is going to be physically active on Sunday.

is going to be physically active on Sunday?
is Tom going to do on Sunday?
When is Tom going to be physically active?

6 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 1 Friendship Exercises

Exercise 8. Write sentences using “be going to”. Choose the correct expressions for each picture.

They are going to study together. watch a

2. go to the
They are going to watch a movie.

3. sit and
They are going to play chess. chit-chat

4. hang out
They are going to hang out.

5. together
She is going to go shopping

play computer
6. games
They are going to sit and chit-chat.

go shopping
He’s going to visit his relatives.

8. relatives
They are going to go to a concert.

9. chess
He is going to play computer games.

They are going to have barbecue. barbecue

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 7

Unit 1 Friendship


Maria is my close fiend. Dave is my buddy. I

We get on well
count on him.
most of the time.

Sue and I are like sisters. We

have a lot in common.

Cathy is my best friend. She

backs me up all the time.

I don’t really like Bob.

We often argue .
I and Mark have similar
likes and dislikes.
I see a part of myself in him.
We shouldn’t count on
strangers . It is

8 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 1 Friendship Exercises

Exercise 9. Match the words and expressions.

1. back up e a) depend on / trust

2. count on a b) like eachother
3. buddy c c) close friend
4. get on well b d) someone you don’t know
5. stranger d e) support / help

Exercise A) Put the words into correct places.

count on forever see a part back you up in common

argue come into like brothers and sisters likes and dislikes strangers

Some people come into

our lives for a short time but others come and stay forever

Our close friends are like brothers and sisters . They always back you up when you need.
They never tell lies, so you can count on them. You can sometimes argue but you get
on well most of the time. You have a lot in common . Strangers turn into true friends when
you share similar likes and dislikes . When you see a part of yourself in your friend,
true friendship happens.

B) Write “True” or “False”

True False
1. Real friends stay in our lives forever. 
2. We can’t depend on strangers. 
3. Friends never back up eachother. 
4. Friends have a lot in common. 
5. Friends turn into strangers in a short time. 
6. Strangers can never be buddies. 
7. True friends always tell the truth. 

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 9

Unit 1 Friendship Exercises

Exercise Choose the correct alternative.

1. I love Susan. 6. Don’t invite Sam to the party.

A) She is my buddy. A) She backs me up all the time.
B) She is a stranger. B) I don’t really like her.
Cevap: A Cevap: B

2. Don’t trust Bruce. 7. A stranger turns into a true friend

A) He always tells the truth. A) if you spend enough time together.
B) He always tells lies. B) if you tell lies to eachother.
Cevap: B Cevap: A
3. True friends come into our lives and 8. Martin isn’t my buddy.
A) stay for a short time. A) I count on him.
B) stay forever. Cevap: B B) We usually argue. Cevap: B

4. True friends don’t usually 9. Ceyda is my best friend.

A) argue. A) We usually tell lies.
B) get on well. B) We usually get on well.
Cevap: A Cevap: B

5. Buse and Sude are close friends. “Friendship is one mind in two buddies.” means
A) They have nothing in common. A) true friends have a lot in common.
B) They share similar likes and dislikes. B) true friends are strangers.
Cevap: B Cevap: A

Exercise Tick the properties of a true friend.

1. You count on him. 

2. You always argue.
3. You usually tell lies.
4. You have nothing in common.
5. You are buddies. 
6. You share similar likes. 
7. You get on well with him. 
8. He backs you up. 
9. You don’t depend on him.
He always tells the truth. 

10 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 1 Friendship Test-1

sorularda verilen boşluklara uygun 4. I’m going to do something fun

seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
Tom: Do you have a plan tonight? A) I am going to watch a comedy.
Bill: Not, really. B) I am going to study for the test.
C) I am not feeling well.
A) I’m going to study for the exam. D) I am going to visit Tom in hospital.
B) Jack is coming over for a drink,
Cevap: A
C) I’m sorry, I can’t.
D) I’m not going to do anything.
Cevap: D

Ege: I don’t get on well with my
5. You can
Sue: Really? I have a brother but we
support each other and we never Peter. He never tells lies.
A) count on
B) hang out
A) We always share our things.
C) come over
B) We argue for everything.
D) refuse
C) I count on him.
Cevap: A
D) We always think the same things.
Cevap: B

Sue: Are you going to go out of the
city this weekend?
Carol: Yes, I hope so.
Sue: 6. Simge and I are buddies.
Carol: I’m going to visit my brother in
Antalya. A) She always tells lies.
B) I don’t count on her.
A) Who are you going to invite?
C) She is a stranger
B) Where does your brother live?
D) We usually get on well.
C) Where are you going to go?
Cevap: D
D) Are you going to watch the match on TV?
Cevap: C

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 11

Unit 1 Friendship Test-1

7. Would you like to come to the soruları aşağıda verilen metne göre
theatre? cevaplayınız.

I’d love to but Hello, Kate,

We’re having friends over on Sunday.
A) I’m going to help my mum. We are going to have a barbecue. Tim
B) I love spending time with you. is responsible for the drinks. Jack is
going to bring meat. I am going to
C) it’s my favourite.
make a cake. After the barbecue, we
D) what’s the play about? are going to watch a movie at home.
Cevap: A
Would you like to join us? Please bring
8. some comedy and sci-fi movies. See
Melis: Are you busy tomorrow?
you at 2 p.m on Sunday.
Mike: No, not at all. Why?
Melis: I’m going to watch a movie.
Melis: I’m not sure, maybe a thriller.
Who is responsible for the cake?
A) Do you like thrillers?
B) What kind of a movie are you going to A) Kate B) Tim C) Tina D) Jack
watch? Cevap: C
C) Are you going to watch it at home?
Which is true?
D) Who are you going to invite?
A) They are going to have a barbecue
Cevap: B
before watching movies.
9. B) Tina is responsible for the movies and
For A Good Friendship
C) Tim isn’t going to attend the event.
I. Keep your friend’s secrets.
D) They are going to meet at Kate’s house.
II. Support your friend when Cevap: A
he/she needs.
“Comedy or sci-fi” ifadesi hangi sorunun
III. Count on your friend. cevabıdır?

IV. Don’t share anything with A) Are they going to watch a movie?
your friend. B) Where are they going to have a
Yukarıdaki ifadelerden hangisi başlığa uygun
değildir? C) Do they like going to the cinema?
A) I B) II C) III D) IV D) What kind of movies are they going to
Cevap: D watch?
Cevap: D
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. D C A D
12 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü
Unit 1 Friendship Test-2
sorularda verilen boşluğa uygun seçeneği 5. Selin so
işaretleyiniz. they don’t want to play with her
1. I’m not going to take the bus or go somewhere together.
to the shopping mall.
A) supports her friends
A) I am going to go by bus.
B) counts on her friends
B) Dave is going to pick me up. C) doesn’t get on well with her friends
C) Buses are more comfortable. D) shares everything with her friends
D) Taking the taxi is more expensive Cevap: C
Cevap: B

6. Aşağıda verilen ifadelerden hangisi yanlıştır?

2. A)
Good friends should . A true friend understands you.

A) behave each other badly B)

A true friend counts on you.
B) tell lies to each other
C) respect each other C)
A true friend accepts and needs you.
D) break their heart
Cevap: C D) A true friend only thinks herself /
Cevap: D
3. I don’t know that old man.

A) He is a stranger.
Arda Bill Rosa Linda
B) He never tells lies. go for a walk 
C) He is my budddy. join the chess 
D) He counts on me. tournament
Cevap: A meet friends

at a cafe
see a comedy 
4. Nancy is my best friend but
Yukarıdaki tabloya göre hangi seçenek
A) we count on eachother. A) Bill is going to stay home alone.
B) we get on well. B) Rosa is going to do something boring.
C) we have a lot in common. C) Linda is going to be physically active.
D) we sometimes argue. D) Arda is going to sit and chit-chat.
Cevap: D
Cevap: C

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 13

Unit 1 Friendship Test-2

8. I need a bike, a helmet and soruları aşağıda verilen açıklamalara

trainers. göre cevaplayınız.
Görseldeki kişi ile ilgili söylenebilecek ifade
hangisidir? Friendship is not a word, not a sentence,
A) He is going to play soccer. It’s a silent promise, which says..”I was, I
B) He is going to go to a concert. am and I will be.”
C) He is going to go nature walking. Tina
D) He is going to join a bicycle race.
Cevap: D True friends are like four leaf clovers.
It's hard to find and lucky to have.

Friends are like stars You do not

always see them but you know they are
9. Aşağıda verilen tabloya uygun olmayan ifade with you.
For A Good Friendship

I. Give importance to your friend’s opinions. Making a million friends is not

II. Share your things with your friends. achievement. The achievement is to
III. Help your friends when they need. make "A" friend. He / She stands by you
IV. Think only yourself, not your friends. when a million are against you!

A) I B) II C) III D) IV Melis

Cevap: D
Who thinks friendship goes on forever?

A) Tina B) Sue C) Emily D) Melis

Cevap: A
Yukarıda verilen açıklamalara göre

I’m going to play soccer. hangisi yanlıştır?

Yukarıdaki ifadeye anlamca en yakın seçenek A) Melis: Real friend is always with you.
hangisidir? B) Emily: Real friend feels their friends’
A) He is going to stay at home. feelings.
B) He is going to be physically active. C) Sue: It’s easy to have a true friend.
C) He is going to do something boring. D) Tina: Good friendship starts in the past
D) He is going to study alone., and continues in the future.
Cevap: B
Cevap: C
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. D B A C
14 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü
Unit 1 Friendship


have parties / parti yapmak difficult / zor
drink something at a cafe / kafede birşeyler içmek I hope / umarım
go for a walk / yürüyüşe gitmek take the bus / otobüse binmek
go to the movie /concert / play / konsere gitmek get off the bus / otobüsten inmek
eat out / dışarda yemek invite / davet etmek
watch a movie at home / evde film izlemek bring / getirmek
study together / birlikte ders çalışmak It’s Mike calling / Ben Mike.
sit and chit-chat / oturup sohbet etmek Are you busy? / Meşgul müsün?
comedy / komedi No, not at all. / Hayır, pek değil.
romance / romantik film pick somebody up / take somebody / birini almak
thriller / macera Not really! / Pek değil.
sci-fi movie / bilim kurgu See you. / Görüşürüz.
busy / meşgul Take care. / Kendine iyi bak.
feel well / iyi hissetmek Enjoy yourself, /Rahatına bak.
stay home / evde kalmak Feel at home, / Evinde gibi hisset.
come over / evinde ziyaret etmek No matter. / Sorun değil.
go out of town / şehir dışına çıkmak Maybe later. / Belki daha sonra.
meet friends / arkadaşlarla buluşmak Make an excuse. / Özür dilemek.
visit relatives /akrabaları ziyaret etmek Who is the sender? / Gönderen kim?
do something fun / eğlenceli birşeyler yapmak What is the event? /Olay ne?
be physically active / fiziksel olarak aktif olmak Who is the invitation for? / Davet kimin için?
go shopping / alışveriş yapmak What is the invitation about? / Davet ne hakkında?
have a barbecue / barbekü yapmak Who is organizing the event? / Olayı kim düzenliyor?
join a race / yarışa katılmak When is the event? / Olay ne zaman?
soccer / futbol Where is the event? / Olay nerede?
nature walking / doğa yürüyüşü Who is responsible for the music? /Müzikten kim
volleyball tournament / voleybol turnuvası sorumlu?
accept an invitation / daveti kabul etmek It’s my favourite. / Benim favorim o.
refuse an invitation / daveti reddetmek It lasts for 2 hours. / 2 saat sürüyor.
I’m sure / Eminim Nothing special / Özel birşey yok.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 15

Unit 1 Friendship

Say hello to Jack. / Jack’e selam söyle. stay forever / sonsuza kadar kalmak
Got it. / Anladım. close friend / yakın arkadaş
What kind of a movie ? have something in common / ortak birşeylerin
Ne tür film. ?/ olması
Do you like ?/ sever misin? have / share similar likes and dislikes /
Would you like to ? istermisin? sevip sevmediklerinin benzer olması
What a nice day! / Ne güzel bir gün. see a part of yourself in someone /
I feel like drinking tea. / Canım çay içmek istiyor. birisinde kendinden bir parça görmek
happy = glad / mutlu are like brothers and sisters / kardeş gibi
promise = swear / söz vermek olmak
call on = short visit / kısa ziyaret come into our lives / hayatımıza girmek
imagine = think of / hayal etmek tell lies / yalan söylemek
feel blue = feel sad or depressed / üzgün hissetmek tell the truth / doğruyu söylemek
That’s better. / Bu daha iyi. argue / tartışmak
Thanks for everything. / Herşey için teşekkürler. one mind in two buddies / 2 bedende tek akıl
See someone off. / Birini uğurlamak. responsible for / sorumlu
What do you have in your mind? / Aklında ne var?
have fun / eğlenmek
Tea party / çay partisi
Tennis competition / tenis yarışması
The date / tarih
The request / istek/rica
The event / olay
The place / yer
buddy / yakın arkadaş/kanka
count on / güvenmek
depend on / güvenmek
back up / arka çıkmak
get on well with / iyi geçinmek
stranger / yabancı
turn into / dönüşmek

16 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Adı: Soyadı: Sınıfı:


Revision (Unit 1)
sorularda verilen boşluğa uygun 3. Do you like thrillers?
seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
1. What are you going to do
with your friends?

A) I don’t really like them.

B) take care.

A) I am going to study alone. C) they are my favourite.

B) I am going to spend time with my family. D) I am not into thrillers.

Cevap: C
C) I am going to have a drink at a coffee.
D) I am going to see a movie with my mum.
Cevap: C 4.
Are you busy on Friday night?

. Why?
2. I am sorry, I am not going to
attend your party. A) Yes, I do. B) I’d love to.
C) Great idea. D) Not at all.
Cevap: D

What are you doing tonight?

Maybe next time.

I am going to do something

A) I am going to study maths.

B) I am going to help my mum.
A) You’re welcome. B) No matter.
C) I am going to watch a comedy.
C) Nothing special. D) Not really.
D) I am going to do sports.
Cevap: B Cevap: C

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 1

Revision Test-1

6. Joe: Do you have a plan on Monday? 9. I am going to visit my relatives

Dave: Yes, I am going to join a tennis at the weekend.

A) I am going to go out of the city.
A) I am going to be physically active. B) I am going to see a movie at home.
B) I am going to eat out. C) I am going to study maths alone.
C) I am going to study together. D) I am going to have some quests at my
D) I am going to come over for a drink. Cevap: A
Cevap: A

Mary: I’d like to come to your party
but I don’t have a car.
Hello, Tom.
Steve: Don’t worry.
A) See you. B) You’re welcome
A) It is difficult to find the cafe. C) It’s Tom calling. D) Take care.
B) I am inviting my friends to the party. Cevap: C
C) I am busy tomorrow evening.
Bob: Hello.
D) I am going to pick you up at 4 p.m.
Cevap: D Mark: Hi, Bob,
Bob: Fine, thanks.
A) Say hello to Bob.
8. How about seeing a thriller? B) How are you doing?
C) Would you like to eat out?
D) Nothing special.
Cevap: B

Goodbye, John. Bye.

I have to study for the test.

A) Why not?
B) I’d love to but I can’t.
C) I am not into love stories.
A) Take care. B) Nothing special.
D) It seems great for me.
C) Not really. D) It’s John calling.
Cevap: B Cevap: A
1. C 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. A C B A

2 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Revision Test-2

sorularda verilen boşluğa uygun seçeneği 4. Tim: How about watching a comedy?
Dave: I’m sorry, I can’t.
1. I’m sorry, I can’t come No matter.
to your party. A) I have to study for the exam.
B) What type of film do you enjoy?
C) What are you going to watch?
D) I really enjoy comedies.
Cevap: A

A) I’d like to. B) Maybe next time.

C) No, not at all. D) Nothing special.
Cevap: B
Sam: Not really, Why?
2. Hello, Tom. Carol: Would you like to have a party
with us?

A) What do you have in your mind?

Great, thanks.
B) Do you take the bus to school?
A) You’re welcome C) Are you doing anything tonight?
B) That would be great. D) What is the invitation about?
Cevap: C
C) What about seeing a doctor?
D) How are you doing?
Cevap: D
6. Let’s invite Jim to
the party.
Dave: Hello, Sue. We are having a
Sue: That would be great. Do you need

A) What kind of movies do you like? Oh, yeah.

B) Would you like to join us? A) He is my buddy.
C) Do you like visiting relatives? B) He tells lies.
D) What do you have in your mind? C) He never counts on me.
Cevap: B
D) He is a stranger. Cevap: A

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 3

Revision Test-2

7. soruları aşağıda verilen davetiyeye

göre cevaplayınız.

Hi, Tom.
No, thanks. I’m not I hope all is well. I’m having a tea
thirsty. party at my house on Monday at 4
p.m. I hope to see you with us.
A) Are you hungry? Cheers.
B) How about seeing a thriller? Bill.
C) Shall we go to a restaurant?
D) Would you like something to drink?
Cevap: D
Who is the invitation for?

A) A party. B) At my house.
8. “Strangers turn into true friends. C) Tom D) Bill.
Cevap: C
” cümlesini tamamlayan ifade
hangisi olamaz?
Who is organizing the event?
A) when you have something in common.
B) if they come into our life for a short A) On Monday. B) At 4 p.m.
time. C) Tom D) Bill
C) if we share similar likes and dislikes. Cevap: D

D) when we see a part of ourselves in

Which is true?
them. Cevap: B
A) Tom is having a party.
9. B) Bill is accepting the invitation.
C) The party is at four in the afternoon.
D) The party is on Monday at Tom’s house.
Cevap: C
Bill is my close friend.

Yukarıdaki görselle ilgili söylenebilecek ifade Yukarıdaki cümleyi tamamlayan seçenek

hangisidir? hangisidir?
A) She is visiting her relatives A) He never counts on me.
B) She is watching a movie. B) He backs me up all the time.
C) She is playing soccer. C) He always tells me lies.
D) She is doing shopping. D) He is really a stranger.
Cevap: A Cevap: B
1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. A C D C B
4 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü
Revision Test-3

sorularda verilen boşluğa uygun seçeneği 4.

I’m going to watch a movie.
True friends come into our lives
Great idea. I’ll be at your house
A) stay forever.
at 7 p.m.
B) argue all the time.
C) share nothing. A) Would you like to come over tomorrow?
D) turn into a stranger. B) What kind of movies do you like?
Cevap: A C) Are you going to play computer games
on Sunday?
D) Who is the invitation for?
Cevap: A
Would you like a cup of tea?

Yes, please. How about seeing a comedy?

I’m not into comedy movies.

A) It’s my favourite.
Oh, thanks. I’m not hungry.
B) Do we have another choice?
C) That sounds awesome.
A) Do we have another choice? D) Yes, why not?
Cevap: B
B) Would you like to join?
C) What about some cake?
D) Do you like lemonade? 6.
Would you like to play soccer
Cevap: C after school?

I’d love to but I can’t.

3. Mert is my best friend but
A) I love sports.
B) Football is my favourite.
A) I count on him.
C) I’m not busy after school,
B) we usually get on well.
D) I’m not feeling well.
C) he sometimes tells lies.
D) we have fun together.
Cevap: C Cevap: D

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 5

Revision Test-3

7. soruları aşağıda verilen metne göre

Are you busy tomorrow

Dear Bob,
Thanks for your invitation but I can’t
I am going to see the dentist. join the nature walking on Sunday.
My cousin is going to visit us and I
A) Yes, I am. B) Not really. have to take him to the museum. I’m
C) Take care. D) See you. sure you are going to have great fun.
Cevap: A Say hello to John and Kate.
See you soon.
soruları aşağıda verilen tabloya göre Mary.

Eda İrem Yaren Sena

sit and Which is true?

go to the
 A) Bob can’t join his friends.
clothes store
meet friends B) John is going to be at home on Sunday.
at a  C) Mary refuses the invitation.
restaurant D) Kate doesn’t like nature walking.
have a party  Cevap: C

Which is true? What is her excuse?

A) Eda is going to do shopping. A) She has to spend time with her cousin.
B) İrem is going to stay at home. B) She is going to have great fun with her
C) Yaren is going to do something boring. friends.
D) Sena is going to eat out. C) She is going to go out of the city.
Cevap: D D) She has to study with her cousin.
Cevap: A
is going to have fun with
What is the event?
her friends.

A) Eda B) Yaren A) The museum. B) Her cousin.

C) İrem D) Sena C) John and Kate. D) Nature walking.
Cevap: B Cevap: D
1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. B C A D
6 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü
Revision Test-4

sorularda verilen boşluğa uygun seçeneği 4.

Would you like to see a comedy
with me?

I don’t really like comedies.

I’d love to but I can’t.
What about a thriller?

A) Do you have a plan tomorrow?

B) What are you going to do? That’s better. Let’s watch it.
C) Do you like comedies?
D) Shall we have a party this weekend? A) Documentaries are my favourite.
Cevap: D B) Shall we watch a thriller?

C) Do we have another choice?

D) Let’s eat out.
2. Cevap: C
How about playing computer
games after school? 5.
The tennis club is organizing a
I’m sorry, I can’t make it.

I’d love to but I can’t. I am not

A) I am going to study for the exam.
good at tennis.
B) I enjoy computer games.
C) I’m not going to do anything. A) Do you like tennis?

D) I am fond of games. B) What do you need?

C) Are you busy?
Cevap: A
D) Would you like to join?
Cevap: D

3. 6.
How about a slumber party?

Nothing special. I don’t really have

a plan.
What time are we going to meet?
A) Do you enjoy dramas?
A) I’m sorry I can’t. B) Maybe later.
B) Are you interested in nature?
C) Why not? D) Take care.
C) What are you going to do on Sunday?
Cevap: C
D) Where are you going to go?
Cevap: C
8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 7
Revision Test-4

7. soruları aşağıdaki diyaloğa göre

I think they are interesting.
Would you like to have a drink at
A) Documentaries are my favourite. a cafe with me?
B) I can’t stand thrillers.
C) I’m not interested in animations. That would be great. What time
are we going to meet?
D) Romances are really boring. Sue
Cevap: A I’d love to but I have to stay home
with my little brother.
Sure. I’m sure we are going to
have fun together.
8. I. Yes, sounds great. Certainly. See you there
II. Do you have a plan tonight? tomorrow.
III. How about going to movie?
IV. No, why?
Yukarıdaki diyaloğun doğru sıralaması nasıl
refuses the invitation.
A) II - I - IV- III B) II - IV - III - I
C) III - II - I - IV D) III - I - IV - II A) Sue B) Tom
Cevap: B C) Mark D) Mary
Cevap: B

Which is true?

9. Tim and I are buddies. A) Sue can’t have a drink with Mike.
B) Tom accepts the invitation.
C) Mike is inviting his friends for a drink.
Konuşmayı tamamlayan ifade hangisi D) Mary is busy tomorrow. Cevap: C
A) We have a lot in common,
B) We usually get on well.
Who is organizing the event?
C) We always argue.
D) We depend on eachother. A) Mike B) Sue
C) Tom D) Mary
Cevap: C Cevap: A
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C B C A
8 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü
Adı: Soyadı: Sınıfı:


Unit 2: Teen Life

Kazanım: Students will be able to ask what people do regularly and respond to questions about the actions they regularly do.* Students will be able to read
short, simple texts such as personal narratives about what people do regularly and their likes and dislikes.

I go to school on They have dinner at Sandy meets her friends

weekdays. 7 p.m. every day . every Friday afternoon.

We use “the Simpe Present Tense” to talk about daily routines.

We add “–(e)s” in positive sentences for singular subjects.

I get up early every day. He gets up early every day.

Spelling Rules:

I. cook cooks play plays

II. kiss kisses brush brushes watch watches

do does fix fixes

III. fly flies cry cries

IV. drive drives

V. have has

Teacher’s question: What do you usually do after school?

Students’ answer: I go home and have a rest.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 1

Unit 2 Teen Life

I don’t eat He doesn't play

unhealthy food. tennis.

We use “don’t” or “doesn’t” in negative forms.

don’t doesn’t

I They He She It
You We

Do you wear Does Sandy wear No, she

Yes, I do.
trendy clothes? casual clothes? doesn’t.

We use “do” or “does” in question forms.

Do doesn’t

I They He She It
You We

We don’t add “–(e)s” if we use “does”.

Teacher’s question: Who helps you with your homework?

Students’ answer: My dad usually helps me.

2 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 2 Teen Life

Preposition of time
in on at
the morning 2 o'clock
the afternoon Sunday / Monday the weekend
the evening 10th June noon
January / May Saturday morning night
the summer midnight

Exercise 1. Put the verbs into the Simple Present Tense.

1. My sister and I go (go) to school by bus.

2. The baby cries (cry) every night.

3. Isabella likes (like) listening to music.

4. I don’t eat (not / eat) cheese.

5. A: Does Laura have (have) many friends?

B: Yes, she has (have) a lot of friends.

6. You are (be) a smart girl.

7. A: Do they work (work) after school?

B: No, they don’t work (not / work) after school.

8. Paul has (have) a lot of money, but he cries (not / spend) it.

9. A: Does Paul draw (draw) well?

B: Yes, he does .

A: Do Jenny and her family travel (travel) a lot?

B: Yes. They like (like) travelling.

Michael doesn’t run (not / run) fast.

Mr. Parker is (be) a greengrocer. He sells (sell) fruit and vegetables.
Teacher’s question: What time do you usually get up?

Students’ answer: I get up at seven.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 3

Unit 2 Teen Life
They usually meet
I always do my in the afternoon.

We use adverbs of frequency to talk about how often we do something.

always usually often sometimes rarely never hardly ever

(her zaman) (genellikle) (sık sık) (bazen) (nadiren) (asla) (neredeye hiç)

We use adverbs of frequency before verbs but after “am, is, are”.

I I am
You always You are always
usually go to the cinema. usually
We We are
often often
They They are happy.
sometimes sometimes
He He is
rarely rarely
She never goes to the cinema. She is never
It It is

I meet my friends once a week twice
a day
and we go swimming twice a three times
a week
month. four times
a month
five times
a year

many times
We use “once, twice” at the end of the sentence.

Teacher’s question: How do you get to school?

Students’ answer: I take the bus to school.

4 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 2 Teen Life
Kazanım: Students will be able to read short, simple texts such as personal narratives about what people do regularly and their likes and dislikes. * Students
will be able to write a short paragraph about the actions they do regularly.

How often do
I sometimes go to
you go
the cinema.
to the cinema?

Mark: How often do you go on holiday? We use “How often” to ask about
Adam: I go on holiday once a year. frequency,

NOTE When we answer a question with “How often”, we use adverbs of frequency or once, twice etc.

We sometimes use “often” at the end of the sentence.

I visit my grandparents very often.


We use the following time expressions for the Simple Present Tense.

every day
Sunday weekdays
morning Monday
month year

in at

• the morning
• April • summer • the evening night
• June • winter • the afternoon noon midnight

Teacher’s question: How often do you hang out with friends?

Students’ answer: I sometimes hang out with my buddies.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 5

Unit 2 Teen Life
Kazanım: Students will be able to read short, simple texts such as personal narratives about what people do regularly and their likes and dislikes.

A: What do you have for lunch?

What: Ne
B: I have a sandwich or a toast.

A: Where does Emily live? Where: Nerede

B: She lives in London.

A: When do you go to the swimming course?

When: Ne zaman
B: I go to the swimming course at the weekend.

A: How does Ali go to school? How: Nasıl

B: He goes to school by bus.

A: How often does Susan visit her grandparents? How often: Ne sıklıkla
B: She sometimes visits her grandparents.

A: How many times a month do you go to the cinema? How many times: Kaç kere
B: I go to the cinema once a month.

A: How many apples do you eat a day?

How many: Kaç tane
B: I eat one apple a day.

A: How much water do you drink a day?

How much: Ne kadar
B: I drink eight glasses of water.

A: Who helps your mother with the housework?

Who: Kim
B: My father and I help her with the housework.

A: What time do they go to school? What time: Saat kaç

B: They go to school at

A: What do you do at the weekend? What / do: Ne yapmak

B: I meet my friends and do something together.

Teacher’s question: Do you often go out at night?

Students’ answer: No, never.

6 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 2 Teen Life Exercises

Exercise 2. Put the words into correct order.

1. grandparents / often / my / I / visit
I often visit my grandparents.

2. never / her / does / she / homework

She never does her homework.

3. clothes / always / casual / wears / Susan

Susan always wears casual clothes.

4. to / they / once / go / a / concert / month / a

They go to a concert once a month.

5. morning / every / have / apple / I / an

I have an apple every morning.

6. weekends / go / at / we / swimming
We go swimming at weekends.

7. goes / car / sometimes / work / Mr. Brown / to / by

Mr. Brown sometimes goes to work by car.

8. rarely / games / plays / computer / Mark

Mark rarely plays computer games.

9. never / Peter / homework / does / his

Peter never does his homework.

prefer / pop / I / going / concerts / to

I prefer going to pop concerts.

he / reading /stand / books / can’t

He can’t stand reading books.

eats / every day / salad / Jane

Jane eats salad every day.

swimming / three times / we / week / go / a

We go swimming three times a week.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 7

Unit 2 Teen Life Exercises

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

1. How often do you go to the cinema? Ss own answers

2. How many times a year do you go on holiday? Ss own answers

3. What do you do after school every day? Ss own answers

4. How often do you go out with your friends? Ss own answers

5. Where do you usually spend your holiday? Ss own answers

6. What time do you go to bed? Ss own answers

7. What do you have for breakfast? Ss own answers

8. How often do you go shopping? Ss own answers

Exercise 4. Write the correct words according to the table.

go to the go shopping listen to chat on the  always

theatre music Internet  usually
Eric      often
Mary      sometimes
Alex      rarely
 never

1. Eric sometimes goes to the theatre.

2. Mary goes shopping.

3. Alex sometimes listens to music.

4. Eric always chats on the Internet.

5. Mary goes to the theatre.
6. Alex goes shopping.
7. Eric listens to music.

8. Alex never goes to the theatre.

9. Mary listens to music.
Alex chats on the Internet.

8 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 2 Teen Life Exercises

Exercise 5. Write the correct form of the verbs.

Samuel Brown is (be) from Canada. He is (be) 20 years old. He

lives (live) in an apartment with two friends. They are (be) students

at a university. Samuel studies (study) Science. Tom and Peter study

(study) Maths. Samuel and his friends don’t have (not / have) much furniture in their
never find always have
apartment. They (never/find) time to watch television. They

(always / have) a lot of things to read and study. Samuel studies (study) a lot and he
usually goes (usually / go) to bed late. They usually get up (usually / get up) early. At

the weekends, they go (go) out and relax (relax). There

is (be) a cafe with live music - jazz and blues-in their neighborhood. Samuel
doesn’t like (not / like) discos or noisy places. So he sometimes goes (sometimes / go) to
sports center and (do) sports.

Exercise 6. Answer the questions according to the text above.

1. Where does Samuel live ? He lives in an apartment.

2. Who does Samuel live with? He lives with his two friends.

3. What do Samuel's friend study? They study Maths.

4. How often does Samuel go to the sports center? He sometimes goes to the sports center.

5. Does Samuel like going to discos? No, he doesn’t.

6. What do Samuel and his friends do at the weekends ? They go out and relax.

7. What kind of music do they listen to at the cafe ? They listen to jazz and blues.

8. Does Samuel go to bed early? No, he doesn’t.

9. Why don’t they watch TV? Because they have lots of things to do.

Where is Samuel from? He’s from Canada.

How old is Samuel? He is

How often do they get up late? They rarely get up late.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 9

Unit 2 Teen Life

Kazanım: Students will be able to express what they prefer, like and dislike.

 
Mark prefers basketball to football.

 

Cindy prefers watching TV to reading.


I. prefer something to something

I prefer orange juice to milk.

II. prefer doing something to doing something

Sude prefers talking on the phone to chatting on the Net.

II. prefer doing something to something

He prefers eating hamburger to döner.

NOTE We use”to” between our two choices.

Teacher’s question: Which do you prefer for lunch, a hamburger or vegetables?

Students’ answer: I prefer

10 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 2 Teen Life Exercises

Exercise 7. Choose the correct answer.

1. I prefer / prefers English to French.

2. Susan doesn't prefer studying to / of playing tennis.

3. We don’t prefer / doesn't prefer rock music.

4. She prefers go / going to the cinema.

5. A: Do / Does you prefer milk to tea?

B: No, I don’t / doesn't.

6. Jenny don't prefer / doesn’t prefer casual clothes.

7. Ali prefer / prefers cinema to theatre.

8. A: Do / Does Jack prefer chatting on line or talking on the phone?

B: He prefers chatting online to / from talking on the phone.

Exercise 8. Answer the questions.

1. Which one do you prefer, fruit juice or tea?
Ss own answers.

2. Do you prefer watching a film to playing online games?

Ss own answers.
3. Where do you prefer living, in a village or in a city?
Ss own answers.
4. What do you prefer eating, fast food or home made food?
Ss own answers.
5. Who do you prefer meeting, a famous singer or a famous politician?
Ss own answers.

6. Do you prefer wearing fashionable clothes?

Ss own answers.

7. What kind of TV programs do you prefer watching?

Ss own answers.
8. When do you prefer having holiday, in winter or in summer?
Ss own answers.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 11

Unit 2 Teen Life Test-1

sorularda verilen boşluklara uygun 5.

ifadeleri işaretleyiniz. Bob is fourteen years old. He
1. usually
Mark: How often do you go jogging? with his friends after school.
Jane :
On Saturdays and Sundays. A) takes B) counts on
C) fixes D) hangs out
A) Always. Cevap: D
B) I never go jogging.
C) Twice a week.
D) I go jogging every day.
Cevap: C

6. My father works at a bank

so he must be careful about
2. his clothes. He always wears
Selena prefers the
news on TV. . He
A) watches B) watching prefers suits.
C) to watching D) watch A) serious clothes
Cevap: B B) jeans and sneakers
C) casual clothes
D) dirty clothes
Cevap: A
Cindy is very
with this outfit.
A) fashion B) impressive
C) serious D) lazy
Cevap: B
Jack : I go to
the theatre. I mean three times
a year.
David : Oh really? I go to the theatre
I go to the every week. I'm fond of going to
theatre. I mean twice a year. the theatre.
A) never B) always A) always B) never
C) rarely D) usually C) usually D) rarely
Cevap : C Cevap: D
12 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü
Unit 2 Teen Life Test-1
8. Aşağıda verilen diyaloğa göre sorunun cevabı
In my free time I like going
out with my friends but
. Henry: Do you like using computer?
A) Jane likes going out too Martin: No. I use my computer for my
B) my sister prefers staying at home e-mails. I never chat on the Net.
C) it’s my favourite hobby
How often does Martin chat on the Net?
D) I hate spending time with my friends
Cevap: B A) He always chats on the Net.
B) Sometimes.
C) Never.
D) He chats every day.
Cevap: C
Janet : I like doing shopping.

Mark : Really? Aşağıda verilen cümleye anlam bakımından

do you go shopping?
en yakın ifade hangisidir?
Janet : I usually go shopping.
I like reading but I don't like writing.
A) When B) How much
C) Where D) How often A) I prefer writing to reading.
B) I hate reading but I don’t hate writing.
Cevap: D
C) I prefer reading to writing.
D) I can’t stand reading.

Cevap: C

Aşağıda verilen tabloya göre hangisi

doğrudur? I. I come home at in the afternoon.
go go to study do II. I always read a book before sleeping.
skiing concerts shopping III. I get up early and go to school in the
Susan     morning.
A) Susan always goes skiing. IV. I do my homework and chat online after
B) Susan hardly ever studies. school.

C) Susan never does shopping. Yukarıda verilen ifadelerin doğru sıralaması

hangi seçenektir?
D) Susan usually goes to concerts.
A) III - I - IV - II B) II - IV - III - I
Cevap: D
C) I - III - II - IV D) IV - II - III - I
Cevap: A
1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. D D C C A

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 13

Unit 2 Teen Life Test-2

sorularda verilen boşluklara uygun 4. Selen : What do you usually do after
ifadeleri işaretleyiniz. school?
I prefer spending my time at home. Mary : I can
So I go find time to rest and spend time
with my family in the evening.
out. I do puzzles or origami or
watch TV at home. A) I don't do anything.

A) always B) every day B) I prefer studying with my mum.

C) never D) usually C) I usually do my homework.

Cevap: C D) I think I must help my mum.
Cevap: C

Sam : My favourite music is hip-hop.
5. Aşağıda verilen tabloya göre hangisi
Janet : Hip-hop? Oh, no. It isn't my pop music hip-hop jazz
preference. I like listening to jazz. Anna   
Jane   
A) Do you like hip-hop?
B) Are you a fan of Justin Bieber? A) Anna prefers jazz to hip-hop.
C) What do you do in your free time? B) Jane prefers pop music to hip-hop.
D) Who is your favourite singer? C) Anna doesn't prefer listening to hip-hop
Cevap: A but Jane does.
D) Jane doesn't prefer jazz to hip-hop.
3. Cevap: B

6. I. She always does her homework in the

II. She doesn’t come home after school.
III. Emma gets up early and goes to school
John is boring and unfashionable, because he at on weekdays.
spends too much time using and talking
IV. She meets her friends and does
about computers. He is certainly a
something together.
. Yukarıda verilen ifadelerin doğru sıralaması
A) trendy B) excited nasıl olmalıdır?
C) sociable D) nerd A) III - II - IV - I B) I - III - II - IV
C) III - IV - I - II D) II - IV - III - I
Cevap: D
Cevap: A

14 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 2 Teen Life Test-2

7. Aşağıda verilen cümleye uygun resim 9,

What does Alex do in the afternoon?
Susan loves reading news online. A) He listens to music.
B) He chats on the Net.
A) B) C) He watches TV.
D) He does his homework.
Cevap: D
soruları aşağıda verilen metne göre
C) D)
Hi! I'm Betty from Scotland. I am seventeen
and I am a high school student. I always
get up early on weekdays because I go to
school. I usually have a snack and do my
Cevap: D homework after school. Before dinner, I
8. ve 9. soruları aşağıda verilen metne göre
chat on the Net with my friends. At the
cevaplayınız. weekends, I don't get up early. I usually get
up at In the afternoon, I meet my
I come home from school late and friends and we go shopping. I like buying
I always do my homework until trendy clothes. After shopping, I go to the
Alex cinema or theatre with my friends. On
dinner. I watch TV with my family
Sundays, I go to the swimming course.
after dinner.

I usually meet my friends and

hang around. We go to the cafe What does Betty do before dinner?
and talk about everything.
A) She goes shopping.
B) She meets her friends.
I am fond of listening to music and
C) She chats on the Net.
I can play the guitar well.
Peter D) She goes to the cinema.
Cevap: C
I like using computers. I play online
Metne göre aşağıda verilen zamana uygun
games, chat on the Net with my
Tom olmayan ifade hangisidir?
friends and watch films on the
Internet. At the weekends

I. She meets her friends.

II. She does her homework.
prefers spending time with his/her friends. III. She goes shopping.
A) Alex B) Amanda IV. She goes to the theatre.
C) Peter D) Tom A) I B) II C) III D) IV
Cevap: B Cevap: B
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. D C B
8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 15
Unit 2 Teen Life


cycling / bisiklet sürmek have a shower / duş almak
hiking / doğa yürüyüşü brush teeth / diş fırçalamak
mountain biking / dağ bisikleti have breakfast / lunch / dinner / kahvaltı yapmak
bossaballl / ayak voleybolu after lunch / öğle yemeğinden sonra
snowshoeing / kar ayakkabısı before dinner / akşam yemeğinden önce
camping / kamp yapmak at the end of / sonunda
zorbing / zorbing leave home / evden çıkmak
snow tubing / kar hortumu get to school / okula varmak
exciting / heyecanlı rest for a while / bir süre dinlenmek
interesting / ilginç ticket / bilet
unusual / sıradışı impressive voice / etkileyici ses
trendy / modaya uygun live music show / canlı müzik şovu
ridiculous / saçma go to the beach / plaja gitmek
boring / sıkıcı read the news online / internetten haber okumak
impressive / etkileyici watch the news / haberleri izlemek
terrific / müthiş be alone / yalnız olmak
energetic / enerjik wear fashion clothes / şık kıyafetler giymek
fun / eğlenceli wear casual clothes / günlük kıyafetler giymek
loud / gürültülü eat fruit / meyve yemek
unbearable / dayanılmaz fast food / hazır yiyecekler
handlebar / bisikletin elle tutulan yeri junk food / abur cubur
brake lever / fren kolu headphones / kulaklık
brake / fren leave the room untidy / odayı dağınık bırakmak
frame / gövde good habit / iyi alışkanlık
tire / tekerlek bad habit / kötü alışkanlık
pedal / pedal change your lifestyle / yaşam tarzını değiştirmek
chain / zincir prepare a CD cover / Cd kapağı hazırlamak
gear / vites the band’s name / Grubun adı
mudguard / çamurluk performer / şarkı söyleyen
hang out / dolaşmak instrument / enstrüman
riverside / ırmak kenarı surf on the net / internette sörf
neigborhood / mahalle hair dresser / kuaför
fix a bike / bisikleti onarmak sing in the choir / koroda şarkı söylemek
get up early / late / erken-geç kalkmak wash the dishes / bulaşık yıkamak
walk to school / okula yürümek to be honest / dürüst olmak gerekirse
middle school / ortaokul martial arts / uzakdoğu sporu
study at a high school / Lisede okumak tennis tutor / tenis eğitmeni
far away / near / uzak / yakın I guess so / sanırım öyle
keep fit / zinde kalmak
16 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü
Adı: Soyadı: Sınıfı:


Unit 2 : Teen Life

Kazanım: Students will be able to express what they prefer, like and dislike.

Peter: I am crazy about pop music. crazy about: 

Jane: I love listening to hip-hop. love: 

Tom : I like classical music. like: 

Tim: I don't like listening to music. don’t/doesn’t like: 
David: I hate rap. hate: 
Susan: I can't stand rock music. can’t stand: 

We use crazy about, love, like for the things we like,

We use don’t / doesn’t like, hate or can’t stand for the things we dislike.

interested in: ilgili olmak

David is interested in sports. Jane is fond of music. fond of: düşkün olmak
good at: iyi olmak
bad at: kötü olmak

Mark is good at swimming. Peter is bad at swimming.

We use interested in, fond of, good at and bad at with am / is / are or was / were

Teacher’s question: What do you like doing in your free time?

Students’ answer: I like I enjoy I am fond of

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 1

Unit 2 Teen Life Exercises

Exercise 1. Put the words into correct order.

1. flute / she / playing / crazy / is / about / the She is crazy about playing the flute.

2. loves / Melani / horse / riding Melani loves horse riding.

3. can't / eating / stand / Elif / fish Elif can’t stand eating fish.

4. going / she / like / concerts / to / doesn't She doesn’t like going to concerts.

5. wearing / hates / trendy / Selen / clothes Selen hates wearing trendy clothes.

6. online / Sam / going / likes Sam likes going online.

7. Sue / loves / her / friends / meeting Sue loves meeting her friends.

8. doing / don't / I / like / sports I don’t like doing sports.

9. Dave / about / jazz /crazy / is Dave is crazy about jazz.

kind / of / what / do / sports / like / you / ? What kind of sports do you like?

Exercise 2. Write like(s) / love(s) / don’t - doesn’t like / can’t stand / crazy about.

listening to pop music going to cinema

I ++ +

Paul − ++

Cindy −−− +++

Tim + −−

1. I like going to the cinema.

2. Paul doesn’t like listening to pop music.

3. Cindy is crazy about going to the cinema.

4. Tim likes listening to pop music.

5. I love listening to pop music.

6. Cindy can’t stand listening to music.

7. Paul loves going to the cinema.

8. Tim hates going to the cinema.

2 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 2 Teen Life

Kazanım: Students will be able to read short, simple texts such as personal narratives about what people do regularly and their likes and dislikes.

I think listening Zorbing is more

to rock music is exciting than
unbearable. hiking.

If you ask me, According to me ,

Janet isn’t a she wears really
beautiful girl. fashionable clothes.

I believe that wearing

casual clothes is more

We use the folowing expressions to state our opinion.

I think (Bence..)

If you ask me (Bana sorarsanız)

I believe that (inanıyorum)

In my opinion (Benim fikrime göre )

According to me (Bana göre)

When we ask for opinion, we use “What do you think about ?

Teacher’s question: What kind of music do you like and why?

Students’ answer: I like pop music because it is energetic/impressive/terrific etc.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 3

Unit 2 Teen Life


Kazanım: Students will be able to read short, simple texts such as personal narratives about what people do regularly and their likes and dislikes.

What do you think I think it is

about bossaball? ridiculous.

What do you think about


I like it but I am
not very good at
Do you enjoy cycling.
mountain biking?
Sure, I love it. I
think it is exciting.

I am crazy about her.

She is fashionable
What do you think
and she has a terrific
about Hadise?

When we ask for opinion, we use “What do you think about ?

Teacher’s question: Which do you prefer, classical or rock msic?

Students’ answer: I prefer because it is

4 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 2 Teen Life Exercises

Exercise 3. Ask for opinion.

1. What do you think about swimming?
I think


Ss own answers.

Ss own answers.


Ss own answers.

Ss own answers.

Ss own answers.


Ss own answers.


Ss own answers.

Ss own answers.

Ss own answers.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 5

Unit 2 Teen Life Exercises

Exercise 4. Choose the correct option.

I love rock music.

A) I think it is unbearable. B) I am crazy about it. Cevap: B

I can’t stand zorbing.

A) It is my favourite. B) I think it is ridiculous

Cevap: B
I think it is delicious.

A) I hate vegetables B) I am fond of fruit. Cevap: B

I am interested in reading.

A) I think it is fun. B) I think it is boring. Cevap: A

I dislike heavy metal.

A) I think it is trendy. B) I think it is loud. Cevap: B

Steve is fond of soccer.

A) He thinks it is unbearable. B) It is his favourite. Cevap: B

I am crazy about sci-fi movies.

A) I think they are exciting. B) I think they are ridiculous. Cevap: A

I love John Smith.

A) His songs are too loud. B) He has an impressive voice. Cevap: B

Sude hates rap.

A) She thinks it is awful. B) She thinks it is trendy. Cevap: A

I am interested in dancing.

A) I think it is energetic. B) I think it is dangerous. Cevap: A

6 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 2 Teen Life Exercises

Exercise 5. Reading.

I am going to a hip hop concert at 8 p.m. on Saturday. Would you like to join me? Hope to see
you there.

Hi, Tom.
Thanks for your invitation but I’m not really into hip hop. I think it is loud. See you at school
on Monday.

Hello, Tom,
I’d love to come with you. I am crazy about hip hop. It is really energetic. See you at the City
Concert Hall at

Hi, Tom
That would be great but I have to look after my little sister, Maybe next time. See you.

A) Say True or False.

True False
1. Tom invites his friends to the theatre. 
2. Mary isn’t interested in hip hop. 
3. Bill can’t go to the concert. 
4. Steve doesn’t like hip hop. 
5. Tom is going to go to the concert alone. 

6. The concert is at a cafe. 

7. Mary can go with Tom. 
8. The invitation is about a competition. 

9. They are going to go to the cinema. 

Bill must take care of his sister at the weekend. 

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 7

Unit 2 Teen Life Exercises

B) Answer the questions.

1. What is the event?
A hip hop concert.

2. Who accepts the invitation?

Mary accepts the invitation.

3. When is the concert?

At 8 p.m. on Saturday.

4. Where is the concert?

At the City Concert Hall.

5. Is Bill going to join Tom?

No, he isn’t going to join Tom.

6. Why doesn’t Steve accept the invitation?

Because he doesn’t like hip hop.

7. What does Steve think about hip hop?

He thinks it is too loud.

8. What is Bill’s excuse?

He has to look after his little sister.

9. What does Mary think about hip hop?

She thinks it is really energetic.

Does Bill like hip hop?

Yes, he likes hip hop.

What time is Mary going to meet Tom?

She is going to meet Tom at

Does Mary like hip hop?

Yes, she likes it. / She is crazy about it.

Is the concert at the weekend?

Yes, it is on Saturday.

Who does Tom invite to the concert?

Tom invites his friends to the concert.

8 8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü

Unit 2 Teen Life Exercises

Exercise 6. Tick the suitable one for you. Write sentences and express your reasons.

love hate can’t stand Express your reasons

1, get up early
2. have a shower
3 eat fast food
4. listen to jazz
5. play computer games
6. watch the news
7. clean the house
8. do homework
9. see a movie
play basketball
tidy my room
go hiking


I hate watching cartoons because I think it is ridiculous.

1. Ss own answers.

2. Ss own answers.

3. Ss own answers.
Ss own answers.
Ss own answers.

6. Ss own answers.

7. Ss own answers.

8. Ss own answers.
Ss own answers.
Ss own answers.

Ss own answers.

Ss own answers.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Planlı Ders Föyü 9

Unit 2 Teen Life Exercises

Exercise 7. Match the questions and answers.

1. What kind of music do you like? e a) I love her. She has an impressive
2. Does Selin like casual clothes? i
b) Never. I think they are ridiculous.
3. How often do you watch romances? b
c) No, not really. I prefer classical
a music.
4. What do you think about Sezen Aksu?
d) I think it is on Sunday.
5. Do you like rap? c
e) I am interested in pop music.
6. What do you think about the show? g f) Of course I would. I think it is
j exciting.
7. Do you like eating junk food?
g) I think it is terrific.
8. When is the rock concert? d


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