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More And More 5 Sınıf Course Book Cevapları

more and more 5 sınıf course book cevapları

334 Test 4

Часть А
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Ai) ... as one of history's most famous child prodigies. By the age of eight, he
(A2) ... in half the great cities of Europe and was about to write his first three symphonies. He died shortly
before his 36th birthday, but the world (A3) ... him as one of the finest composers who ever lived.
For centuries, people (A4) ... by children of unusual talent. However, success (A5) ... happiness to
prodigies. John Stuart Mill, the 19th century British philosopher, suffered a" serious mental crisis when he was
20. Other well-known prodigies have had experiences similar to his.
Those who (A6) ... today's prodigies have observed that they (A7) ... under the great weight of their
loneliness. In school, they become bored, frustrated, and they do not attempt to learn at all. If ten-year-old
geniuses (A8) ... to universities because of their mental abilities, they usually can't fit in since emotionally they
are still children.
A1. 1)remembers 2)had been 3) is remembered 4) has remembered
A2. 1)was performed 2)would have 3) had performed 4) was performing
A3. 1)recognises 2)is recognised 3) has been recognised 4) have recognised
A4. 1)had been amazing 2)are amazed 3)were amazing 4)have been amazed
A5. 1)has not always 2)was not always 3) had not always 4) is not always brought
brought brought bringing
A6. 1)had closely studied 2)are closely studied 3)will have closely 4)have closely studied
А7. 1) had lived 3) had been living 4) live
А8. 1) have sent 3) had been sent
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
People's tastes (A9) ... food change naturally with age. As they get older, people tend to develop a taste
for the food that is supposed to be good for us all. (A10) ... women's magazines I buy are full of advice (A11) ...
healthy eating, but you never really know what advice to take seriously. I certainly try to eat (A12) ...
recommended five portions of fruit or vegetables a day - I think that sounds like good advice. But when it
comes (A13) ... dieting and trying to lose weight through (A14) ... healthy eating programme, I am not so sure.
One moment they are all saying 'don't eat any fat', then suddenly it's 'make sure you eat some fat, but don't
(A15) ... any circumstances eat any sugar.' I think it's far better to eat a balanced diet, not too much of anything,
and to take (A16) ... regular exercise. That's the only way really to stay healthy and happy.
A9. 1) on 2) in 3) at 4) with
A10. 1) a 2) An 3) The 4) -
A11. 1) at 2) for 3) of 4) about
A12. 1) a 2) an 3) the 4) -
A13. 1) for 2) to 3) at 4) on
A14. 1) a 2) an 3) the 4) -
A15. 1) with 2) at 3) on 4) under
A16. 1) a 2) an 3)t he 4)-
Прочитайте предложения. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
А17.I saw ... a few minutes after the bell had rung.
1) him leave 2) him left 3) he leaving 4) him to leave
A18. Do you remember ... the lights off before we came out?
1) switching 2) to switch 3) switched 4) switch
A19. I made up my mind to stop and have a snack,.
1) although 2) for 3) so that 4) so as
A20. She seems ... now that she's got a new job.
1) a lot happily 2) much happy 3) much happily 4) a lot happier
A21. My ... progress at university advanced with such speed that all her teachers were amazed.
1) sister's-in-law 2) sister-in-law's 3) sister-in-law 4) sister's-in-laws
Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.
А22. The number of women (1) in the committee (2) have grown steadily (3) and now they are in the majority
A23. Complete the sentence three (1) so that (2) it has a meaning (3) similar to (4) the second sentence.
A24. There's () his fourth attempt at (2) flying a balloon (3) around the world solo (4).
A25. The campaign aims to (1) rise awareness (2) of the dangers (3) of passive smoking (4).
Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
Bonsai trees have always been a (A26) ... of great fascination to people. They are perfect miniatures,
grown in pots. These trees are actually real and identical to their larger cousins in all (A27) ... except their size.
Rather like other small and perfectly-formed artifacts/bonsai trees command quite a high price in the
marketplace and so it doesn't come as a great surprise to find that they also (A28) ... the attention of thieves.
They are often (A29) ... from the homes of growers and collectors, then repotted (пересаживать в другой
горшок) and sold at good prices to unsuspecting buyers.
One of Britain's top collectors of bonsai trees, Paul Widdington, believes that he has found a solution,
however. After losing his life's work, (A30) ... at £250,000, when burglars broke into his home one night, Paul
decided to look into the possibilities of electronically tagging the trees that he bought as a replacement. This
involves injecting a microchip into the trunk (ствол) of each tree. Paul is quite (А31) ... that it doesn't (A32) ...
thieves from stealing the trees, although it may increase the chances of getting them back.
A26. 1) root 2) base 3) source 4) goal
A27. 1) concerns 2) respects 3) matters 4) regards
A28. 1) offer 2) inquire 3) appeal 4) attract
A29. 1) robbed 2) stolen 3)escaped 4) removed
A30. 1) prized 2) accounted 3) valued 4) earned
A31. 1) aware 2) known 3) familiar 4) ignorant
A32. 1) preserve 2) prevent 3) prohibit 4) protect
Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу.
А33. What about working overtime on Saturday, Jim?
1)Sorry, but I have something already arranged.
2)I won't take no as an answer.
3)Nothing at all.
4)Help yourself.
Выберите реплику стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике.
А34. It's very likely.
1) Do you think they will win or lose?
2) Please, let me go to the party.
3) How do you like his decision to leave?
4) Do you think the project will be adopted?
A35. Would you?
1) I wouldn't have been waiting so long if the police had arrived earlier.
2) I wish you'd stop beating about the bush and tell me straight what you want.
3) I wouldn't worry about her if I were you.
4) I'd wait a bit longer if I were you
Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного
текста. Укажите номер выбранного варианта в бланке ответов.
§1. Formula one motor racing is an international sport. Many of the leading formula one racing teams base
their operations in Britain. This is surprising because Britain no longer has a car manufacturing industry of any
great significance. So why do the formula one teams choose to work there? In part the answer lies in the long
tradition of mechanical engineering in British universities which continue to turn out highly-skilled graduates
in the subject.
§2. At Birmingham University the engineering department has specialised in preparing students for a
career in the motor-racing industry. Students have designed and built a single-seater racing car as part of their
course. Each third-year student took sole responsibility for a section of the car, for example, the engine,
bodywork (кузов) or brakes, and the work was assessed as part of the students' final degree mark.
§3. This October, Martin Corsham, the student responsible for the engine on last year's course, is starting
work as a trainee with one of the world's leading formula one teams. It is a dream job that makes every other
mechanical engineering student in the country feel more than slightly envious. It's a job that Corsham is certain
he would not have got without the hands-on (практический) experience he gained at Birmingham. 'This was
the first engine that I'd worked on completely on my own', he says. 'I turned a motorcycle engine into an engine
for the racing car. I don't think I've got words to describe that feeling of great pride when I drove the car with
my engine in it, it was wonderful.'
§4. Ian Stewart, who was responsible for the bodywork on the car, also found the whole experience very
valuable, if a little frustrating. 'It's difficult relying on other people finalising their part before you can do
yours,' he remembers. Stewart spent his whole Christmas holidays producing a model of the bodywork at
home. He returned to college to find a few crucial details on other parts of the car had been changed and he had
to start again.
§5. The idea for the racing car programme originally came from the students themselves. Reading about
an annual competition for racing-car builders in Detroit, USA, students on the course decided that they too
would be capable of designing and building their own car. The university was quick to see the value of the idea
and gave its backing. Last May, the team took the car they had built to Detroit. Although the team was new to
the competition, their car impressed the judges. The project has proved very successful, not only as a practical
demonstration of the students' theoretical studies, but also in allowing them to get their hands dirty and impress
future employers.
A36. On the Birmingham University course, each of the students
1)builds a complete racing car.
2)works with professional racing drivers.
3)has a separate area of responsibility.
A37. How do other students view Martin's new job?
1) They are jealous of him.
2) They are encouraged by it.
3) They are proud of him.
A38. Which part of the project did Martin find most rewarding?
1)working without assistance
2)the moment the engine started
3)driving the finished car
A39. What did Ian Stewart find most difficult about the project?
1)working in the holidays
2)being dependent on other people
3)getting the details right
Определите значение указанного слова в тексте.
А40. frustrating (§4)
1) exciting 2) satisfying 3) disappointing
A41. backing (§5)
1) support 2) refuse 3) price
Выберите правильный вариант перевода (1, 2 или 3) в соответствии с содержанием текста.
А42.... which continue to turn out highly-skilled graduates in the subject. (§1)
1) ... которые продолжают выпускать высококвалифицированных специалистов в данной области.
2)... среди которых продолжают появляться способные выпускники в данной области.
3)... которые продолжают успешно конкурировать с высококвалифицированными специалистами в
этой сфере.
Прочитайте текст. Подберите заголовок к каждому абзацу в соответствии с его содержанием.
Укажите номер выбранного варианта в бланке ответов.
(А43) ___ The world's first underground railway (the Tube) opened in London in January 1863. Today
there are 11 lines serving 272 stations, the busiest of which, King's Cross, sees the start and finish of around 70
million journeys a year. But the system is in crisis - mainly as a result of underinvestment. Overcrowding
combined with poor reliability can lead to problems for travellers, particularly those who use the Tube during
its busiest hours.
(A44) ___ This report looks at service and safety on the Underground. It's based on the findings of our
survey of passengers. Last June we interviewed 1,698 Tube travellers outside 46 Underground stations in
London; 517 regular travellers (those using the Tube throughout the year on three or more days each week)
were contacted again and asked more detailed questions by phone. (А45) Since 1981 the number of passengers
using the Tube has increased by almost half. The increase in passengers has not been matched by an expansion
of the Underground system and there is widespread congestion (столпотворение), particularly during the six
peak hours when over 60 per cent of all journeys are made. London Underground Limited (LU) states that over
the busiest rash hour no more than one person should have to stand for each seated passenger. But LU's own
statistics show that this standard is often not met over large areas of track on a daily basis.
(A46) ___ Forty-three per cent of regular travellers had missed an appointment or been late for
something in the two weeks before the survey because of delays on the Underground. They mentioned graffiti,
rubbish and generally dirty conditions as one of the aspects of the Underground's service they disliked. LU's
figures show it has made progress in dealing with rubbish at major stations but graffiti remains a serious
(A47) ___ Well over half of the regular travellers said they were dissatisfied with the information
provided when something goes wrong on the system; 72 per cent of those who were dissatisfied complained
that the information was wrong or given too late; 49 per cent couldn't hear or understand what was said. LU
told us that a new system has been installed, which should mean clearer messages. However, the new system
applies only to messages broadcast within stations; those coming from a central control room may not improve
for some time to come.
(A48) ___ Most of this report reflects the experiences of regular Tube travellers but we also asked those
who do not travel every day for their views. The most popular type of ticket bought by these travellers was a
one-day pass. Few appeared to have had problems finding their way around the system - 89 per cent said
finding their way around was 'easy'.
Подберите заголовки к абзацам А43-А45 из предложенных (1-4). Один заголовок является
1) 2) Underpressure 3) A waste of 4) Passengers' opinions
time count
Подберите заголовки к абзацам А46-А48 из предложенных (1-4). Один заголовок является
1) Outdated 2) Poor 3) Occasional users 4) Unreliable
Часть В
Прочитайте текст (В1-В4). Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предложенных. В бланке
ответов запишите его в той форме, в которой оно должно стоять в предложении. Помните, что
каждое слово может быть использовано только один раз и что заданную форму слова необходимо
The crime of bicycle theft may be on the increase, but there are certain steps you can take which will
significantly reduce the chance of your cycle being stolen. First, use a good quality lock, and never leave your
cycle (B1) ... even if 'only for a minute'. It is very useful to keep a note of your cycle's model and frame
number, in case you ever need to give a description to the police. These details will also (B2) ... you to prove
that the bike is yours in any dispute over (B3) .... But remember that (B4)... of your cycle is almost impossible
if you have removed any of the manufacturer's stickers.
Прочитайте текст (B5-B6). Выпишите по два лишних слова в бланк ответов в строки под
номерами В5 и В6 в порядке их предъявления в тексте. Каждую букву пишите в отдельной
клеточке, не оставляя пробелов между словами.
В5. When he was made redundant four years ago, John Spencer set it up his own business which dealing in
rare and second-hand books. "I didn't expect to lose my job," he said.
B6. "It happened very suddenly and I knew it would be difficult to find out another one. I'd always been
interested in books, so that seemed be a good business to choose. I run the business from home and send
and receive books by post so I don't need my own premises."
Прочитайте текст (B7-B9). Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по
смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов.
Society has changed in many ways with the introduction of computers, and people's lives at home and at
the office have been affected. Most people are working for fewer hours per week than they used to, and
manufacturers are becoming much (B7) ... interested in how people spend this extra leisure time. One recent
report stated that nowadays many managers would rather spend time with their families (B8) ... stay late in the
office every day. Home life is seen to be just as important as working. In spite of these changes, some people
are working harder than (B9) ... before.
Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.
В10. Will you please give me (еще) few minutes to check the test?
B11. Yesterday the company president (дал понять) it clear that he was not going to change his mind.
B12. No one wants to come, (не так ли)?

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在成长的过程中,我们难免会因为一些磕磕碰碰,导 致身上留疤。比较大的疤痕很多人还是能引起重视, 但往往是一些较小疤痕,因平时也没有不适,对生活、 工作影响也不是很大,因此很多人都漠不关心。

大面积的疤痕,不仅会影响患者的美观形象等,对患 者的工作、交际也会产生影响,严重的还会影响人体 正常的新陈代谢;而小面积的疤痕,如果处理不当,容 易引发感染,感染长期不愈,可能导致恶变,直接威 胁健康,所以切莫不理不管。

一、受创伤 形成不同疤痕

疤痕,是正常皮肤在创伤后,皮肤各层次被破坏,导致皮肤成分发 生变异、密度增加,产生疤痕。在日常生活中,比如烧烫伤、切割伤 、外科手术伤、意外伤等,不同程度的创伤修复后,会出现红、肿痛、痒、凹凸和颜色深浅等症状。

疤痕,在医学上叫瘢痕,通常瘢痕形成后,不会出现瘢痕增生或仅 有轻微的瘢痕增生后开始逐渐消退,成熟、静止,少数瘢痕可经历数月数年,甚至更长时间,最终平整、柔软、接近正常皮肤,这些都称之正常瘢痕

而有些瘢痕会随着身体的变化增生,甚至越长越大,明显高于皮 肤表面,并且颜色呈红褐色,质地很硬,经常发痒,有刺痛或紧绷感;甚至侵蚀正常皮肤,不断扩展增生,在关节部位形成挛缩畸形,或 反复破溃导致感染,这些瘢痕通常都需要及时治疗。

二、大疤痕伤身心 小疤痕莫不理

来医院看诊的不少疤痕患者,有的是烫伤疤痕,有的是烧伤疤痕,有的是手术疤痕,不同程度上的疤痕给患者生活、工作带来了极大的影 响,尤其是一些疤痕体质的患者,最初只是很小一块疤痕疙瘩,因自身没有引起重视,再加上一些生活等护理不当,导致疤痕不断增大, 最终给患者在治疗上带来极大的痛苦




很多人以为,疤痕也是可以自我修复,自己情况不是很严重,随着时间的推移,加上自己的饮食、护理等,疤痕应该可以有好转? 在疤痕形成之处,是可以通过饮食、护理等,加上皮肤本身的修复功能,是可以令症状变轻,但这不代表所有情况都是这样,有的患者是随着时间的推移,疤痕情况越来越严重,特别是疤痕体质患者



Başkurt Türkleri Ural dağlarının kuzey ve doğu kısımları ile Volga nehri etrafında yaşamaktadırlar. Başkurt Türkleri İdil Bulgar Devleti, Altın Orda Devleti, Kazan Hanlığı, Çarlık Rusyası, SSCB, Rusya Federasyonu içerisinde varlıklarını devam ettirdiler. Başkurt Türkleri günümüzde Rusya Federasyonu içerisinde özerk bir statüde yaşamaktadırlar. Başkurt Türkçesi çok zengin bir kültürel mirasa sahiptir. Başkurt Türkleri kendi dillerini asırlarca korumuşlardır. Zengin bir halk edebiyatına sahip olan bu dil, Çağatay Türkçesinden, Eski Türkçeden birçok arkaik unsuru da muhafaza etmiştir. Diğer Türk lehçelerinde olduğu gibi Başkurt Türkçesinde de cins kategorisi yoktur. 1921 yılının Temmuz ayında Sovyetler Birliği’nin İkinci Bütün Başkurdistan Toplantısı gerçekleştirilmesi ve bu toplantıda Başkurt hükümetine Başkurt Türkçesini kullanma, Başkurt Türkçesini fonetik olarak esas alan kitapların hazırlanması emri verilmesi Başkurt Türkçesinin şekillenmesinde etkili olduğu görülmektedir. Başkurt hükümeti 5 Aralık 1922 tarihinde bu konuda birçok karara imza attı. Bu tarihten itibaren bu fikir artık uygulanmaya başlanmıştır. Bu kararın neticesi olarak 1924 yılının Ağustos ayında Başkortostan Gazetesi, Başkurt Türkçesi fonolojisini esas alarak yayın hayatına başladı. Gazetenin peşi sıra Başkurt Türkçesini fonetik olarak esas alan kitaplar neşredildi. Ekim Devrimi’nden sonra yürütülen çalışmalar neticesinde Başkurt Türkçesinin Kuvan ve Yumatı ağızları esas alınarak yazı dili olduğu görülmektedir. Bildiride Başkurt Türkçesinin Kuvan ve Yumatı ağızları esas alınarak yazı dili olması süreci incelenecektir.


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