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Test Paper Imaginary Situations Conditional II

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conditionals - evaluation

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conditionals - evaluation

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conditionals - evaluation

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1.Correct the following sentences if it is necessary:

1. If I would be a football player, I would train every day.
2. If I forgot to pay the bill, I wouldnt have electricity.
3. I would spend a weekend outdoors if the weather were nice.
4. My mother would buy herself a dress if she would need one.
5. If people would be more polite, I liked them a lot more.
2.Make sentences about the following situations. Use if-clauses:

We cant go for a drive because the car has a flat tyre.

I am not keen on rock music, so I wont go to that concert.
John eats too many sweets, so he has cavities.
Rebecca is late for her ballet class, so she is ashamed to enter.
Its very cold outside, so we cant play in the garden.

3.Finish the following sentences:


If Pete was free.

If I were you
I would buy some bread if
I would finish reading the book if..
If I had a yacht..

4. Using conditional sentences, make up imaginary situations about or around the following:
the president of Romania, a lot of money, Mount Everest, hot weather, a trip to Vienna
example: Madonna
If I met Madonna and I were courageous enough, I would tell her about my desire to become
a singer.
5. Write 5 things that you would do if you had magic powers.
2 puncte din oficiu
ex 1 0,2/propozitie = 1 punct
ex 2 0,3/propozitie = 1,5 puncte
ex 3 0,3/propozitie = 1,5 puncte
ex 4 0,5/propozitie = 2,5 puncte
ex 5 0,3/propozitie = 1,5 puncte
autor: prof. Monica Rusu, Gr. Sc. Gh. Marinescu, Tg. Mures

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