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TEACHING TURKISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO THE SPEAKERS OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE: HISTORICAL BACKGROUND, PUBLICATIONS AND COURSE MATERIALS Ayşe DAĞ PESTİL* Abstract: The historical background of the Turkish studies in Russia displays different stages according to the political changes in the region. The first studies began in s with the Peter I, within the framework of Russian-Ottoman relations. By the time the centers, scholars and the works of Soviet Turkology became multiplied. Depending on the nation of autonomous and independent Turkic Republics in the region, the studies and researches focused on not only about the culture of the Turkic world but also on Turkic languages. Teaching learning process of the Turkish language was strongly supported by the many specific publications on the topic especially in the term of USSR and after the collapse of it. The publications especially the recent ones about teaching Turkish as a foreign language to the speakers of Russian explored and enclosed in this study. Key words: Turkish as a foreign language, Turkic languages and culture, teaching, learning, Russia. Rusça Konuşurlara Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretimi: Tarihî Arka Planı, Eserler ve Ders Materyalleri Özet: Rus coğrafyasında Türkçe çalışmalarının geçmişi bölgedeki politik değişikliklere bağlı olarak farklı aşamalar sergiler. İlk çalışmalar Rus-Osmanlı ilişkileri çerçevesinde ’ lü yıllarda Çar I. Petro zamanında başlamıştır. Zamanla Sovyet Türkolojisi merkezleri, bilim insanları ve çalışmalarının sayısı büyük oranda artmıştır. Bölgedeki özerk ve bağımsız Türki cumhuriyetlerine bağlı olarak yapılan çalışmalar * Okutman, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu, aysedag@ , 64 - 1 31 Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language to the Speakers of Russian Language: Historical Background, Publications and Course Materials ve araştırmalar sadece Türk kültürü üzerine değil aynı zamanda Türk dili üzerine de yoğunlaşmıştır. Türk dilini öğrenme ve öğretme süreci, özellikle SSCB döneminde ve birliğin dağılmasından sonra konu üzerine yoğunlaşan çok sayıda basılı eserle desteklenmiştir. Rusça konuşurlara yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretimi üzerine çoğunlukla son dönemde basılmış eserler bu çalışmada araştırılmış ve sunulmuştur. Anahtar kelimeler: Yabancı dil olarak Türkçe, Türk dili ve kültürü, öğretme, öğrenme, Rusya. Giriş Turkish is the official language of the Turkish Republic, and spoken with its more than 80 million people in the country and additionally about mil- lion people who live in European countries, USA, Australia, Russia and the Arab countries as well (Turkish Foreign Affairs data of ). Turkic world outstretches on a wide region like from Balkans to Mongolia. Thereby ac- cording to data of UNESCO, Turkish is among the most commonly spoken language all around the world. In this wide region Russia has always been an important country for the Turks and Turkic world since they have a long common history that was ex- perienced in the same territory. Turkish language as evidence of this situation, is the second widespread spoken language after the Slavic languages in the country. Tradition of learning, teaching and practical use of the Turkish language and culture in Russia dates back to time of the establishment of Russian - Ottoman relations. Throughout the time, Soviet Turkology centers became the most famous Turkology centers all around the world depending on their quantitative and qualified studies on the field. In the CIS period the situation was in the progress and since the middle of the 19th century Saint Petersburg increasingly gained its importance in the oriental studies (Buran, , cited in Esen, ). The first basic step that led to Turkish studies in Russia was taken in the period of Tsar Peter I. After his establishing the Academy of Sciences in , the oriental studies in general and studies of Turkology in particular scaled up. His contemporary reforms provided to explore the neighboring Turkic languages and cultures and a mutual learning of the languages Russian and Turkish. Foundation of the departments of oriental languages at the uni- versities of Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan followed by the Turkology stud- ies began in these centers. Since his period, the Turkic languages, dialects 32 , 64 - 1 Ayşe DAĞ PESTİL and cultures like Tatar, Azerbaijan or Turkmenistan, have been studied by the many scholars of the field. After the revolution in September , Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kiev, Tashkent were introduced new Turkology centers, oriental studies depart- ments and Turkish educational institutes. Reformation in the Eastern Institutes of Tashkent and Kiev, the Oriental Studies College in Harkov, the Eastern Languages Department of Petrograd University and Eastern Languages Institutes of Lazarev carried out in The educational institutions like Contemporary Eastern Languages Institute in Petrograd and Moscow were established in s and many scholars and specialists were trained in these institutes (Kononov, , cited in Esen ). The first course book on teaching Turkish as a foreign language was writ- ten by the Professor of Turkish Language Chenkovsky O.I. in at the University of Saint Petersburg A Guide for Learning Turkish Languages – Course for Grammar Exercises in , A Course for Turkish Language Grammar in , Characteristics of Turkish Grammar in by Sakov S.Y., Russian-Chuvash Dictionary in , Synopsis of Chuvash Grammar in by Nikolsky N.V., A Complete Russian-Tatar Dictionary with the stress and application of each words consisting of the ones borrowed by the Russian in by Karam A. and Rahmankulov S., Tatar Language course-book for the people who are not Tatar in by Badıgi H. and Korbangaliyev M. are considered the other significant publications on the field (Esen ). In the XIX-XX centuries the branch of oriental studies in Russia raised up such venerable scholars like A. N. Samoylovich, V. V. Radloff, V. A. Gordlevsky, A. N. Kononov, N. K. Dmitriev, N. A. Baskakov, Y. Cheeka, V. P. Krigonogov, and others. The Turcology studies bloomed especially after the collapse of USSR. Some examples of the studies are as follows: Pronouncing Dictionary Crimean Tatar language; S. M. Useinov, D. S. Useinov: , Caucasia Ethnic Processes in the second half of the XX Century: Krivonogov, V. P: , Turkmenistan and Turkmens in the First Half of the XVIII Century by Amantyev, O. in , Ethnonyms in the Turkmen language by Ataniyazov, S. in , Russian-Ukrainian-Crimean Tatar Dictionary of Legal terminology in , The Origins of cultural Ties with Neighboring Peoples Karakalpak by Tleumuratov, M. in , Kazakh Folk Dances by Abirov D. and A. Ismailov in , Bashkirs: Historical and ethnographic essays by S. I. Rudenko in , Ancient Bashkirs by Umurzakov, G. H. in and many others. On the other hand, since s Turkish as a foreign language has been studied and brought for many publications as well, depending on its popular- ity among the intellectuals, businessmen and the students of the CIS. These publications are prepared by the foreign and Turkish scholars and written , 64 - 1 33 Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language to the Speakers of Russian Language: Historical Background, Publications and Course Materials mostly bilingual Turkish and Russian. The publications of grammar, transla- tion and literature which have been written by the Russian or Turkish scholars, specialist and academicians enclosed and explored in this study, and presented as follow: The first book that is mentioned here belongs to the period of Ottoman- Turkish and called as Short Grammar of Ottoman-Turkish Language. Its orig- inal name is ‘краткая учебная грамматика османско-турецкого языка, written by the Turkologist Samoylovich А.Н.- Самойлович, A. N.- It was published in Leningrad in Since the date was the beginning of Ottoman Empire convergence to the Turkish Republic the study done up to the Arabic alphabet. However, after the declaration of republic the alphabet changed to Latin script. This publication presents a complete description of the grammatical struc- ture of Turkish language in the late XIX and in the beginning of early XX cen- tury. It was prepared especially for students of Turkology, Turkish language and its history, as well as for anyone interested in Turkish texts written in Arabic script. The book explains the rules and principles of Turkish language but written in Arabic alphabet, therefore, if someone study with this book can also learn a little bit about Arabic alphabet and can be aware of the compatibil- ity of Turkish language sounds and rules with the phonetics of Arabic letters. Grammar of Modern Turkish Literary Language by Kononov, A.N is an- other book on the field by famous Russian Turkologist Kononov. Original name of the book is ‘грамматика современнова турецкого литературного языка, А.Н. Кононов’ and published in in Leningrad. It comprises- five-hundred-seventy pages and systematic presentation of phonetics, mor- phology and syntax of the modern Turkish language. The material for ob- servation served mainly modern literature, and only in part of the press. In discussing certain issues of phonetics and grammar are given in the footnotes and special applications The main sections of the book indicate the literary subjects not only directly related to the Turkish language, but also deal with similar matters which are common with the other Turkic languages. Data on the etymological researches about a part of an affix were given to explain the composition of affixes. This is very important for an understanding of the in- ternal laws of the grammatical structure of Turkic languages. For the purpos- es of convenience, the book has a detailed indexes and affixes and auxiliary words. Thus its system and content make easier to work on Turkic language in detail. Intensive Turkish written by Cheeka, Y. V. is another well-known book on the field. The book originally named as интенсивный курс турецкого языка, Ю.В. Щека. Cheeka is a Turkologist who has been teaching Turkish 34 , 64 - 1 Ayşe DAĞ PESTİL for many years at the Department of Turkic Philology Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University. Her publication consists of one- hundred-fifty-eight pages and it was published first in The course book has been planned as a universal initial Turkish language course especially for the students mastering in the field of Turkic and Turkish Language and also for the students who want to learn the language by themselves. The book also provides a comparison between the other Turkic languages with Russian. This can be an important tool in the study of related Turkic languages. The book divided into thirteen lessons that each of them includes text, vocabulary, grammar and exercises. Additionally, a huge vocabulary part which makes possible to study affixes. For checking the answers of self-studying it can be find a file of key at the end of the book. Another book Practical Grammar of Turkish Language also by Cheeka, Y. V. as it is named originally практическая грамматика турецкого языка, Ю.В. Щека, comprises a comprehensive grammar of the Turkish language, the basis of it, is a series of lectures given by the author for many years at the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University. The book contains a systematic exposition of phonetics, morphology (derivation and in- flection), the syntax of the Turkish language. The publication is accompanied by a significant number of practical and illustrative material, as well as de- tailed comments made in a separate section on the theory of Turkish grammar. Section of questions and exercises is useful not only for advanced students but also for the beginners, for Turkology students, Turkish teachers, as well as all those studying the language is recommended. It is also a good course-book for the teachers who are teaching Turkish. Turkish Grammar in Tables by the author Sarıgoz, O., грамматика турецкого языка в таблицах, Oльга Cарыгёз, consists of one-hundred-fif- ty-five pages. She developed the main grammar topics of the Turkish language in practical. The clear structure and well thought-out system of organization of educational material in the form of tables, charts, figures greatly facilitate the process of learning. The tables in summary of the times in Turkish language presents in the appendix. The manual promotes the use of practical skills of grammatical forms and structures of the Turkish language. For students of higher education, as well as all those who study the Turkish language. The book has two volumes; Part I for the beginners, and Part 2. Grammar of Turkish Language, Volume 1 and Volume 2 published in its original name грамматика турецкого языка- Том 1, -Том 2- Э. Гениш, figured out by the Turkish academician Genis E. in consisting of two- hundred-thirty-two pages. It describes all the grammar of the modern Turkish language. The book was written with the basis of fifteen years of experience , 64 - 1 35 Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language to the Speakers of Russian Language: Historical Background, Publications and Course Materials in teaching Turkish as a foreign language to Russian students; in particular, it took into account the main points that cause difficulties in learning Turkish. The grammar equipped with a large number of examples, much of which has translated into Russian. The first volume contains the following topics: pho- netics, speech, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs. The publication is in- tended primarily for students in Turkic studies, and can also be useful to all who wants to improve their Turkish. In the Volume 2 presented the following topics: verbs, times and moods of verbs, verb types, pledge forms of verbs, the offset values or time verb forms. It was published in in three-hundred- fifty-two pages. Turkish Language in Exercises published in by Geniş, E. the pub- lication called as Турецкий язык в упражнениях: упражнений по грамматике турецкого языка Э. Гениш in Russian original name. It is four-hundred-forty pages as a textbook on the Turkish language and contains about five-thousand exercises, which are associated with the basic grammar topics. The main purpose of the book is to help students overcome the diffi- culties in Turkish language. The tutorial presents fifteen types of exercises. The answer key added at the end of the book. This can help learners to quickly test their knowledge. Themes taken from everyday life and contributes to the rapid acquisition of the material and expand vocabulary. The book is useful to all who intend to improve their Turkish language. Eyup Genis published his another book on the field called as Тренировочные тесты по турецкому языку: Грамматика. Лексика. Семантика. Э. Гениш can be translated into English like Training Tests in Turkish Language. The study published in This book is a collection of exercises on the Turkish language and contains the one-hundred tests and about three-thousand exer- cises that are related with basic grammar topics. The main purpose of the book is to help students for the difficulties in Turkish. The tutorial includes thirty different kinds of questions, at the end of the book answers are presented that help students test their knowledge. Examples are taken from daily life and contribute to the material and expand vocabulary. Ogonova and Larionova studied a coursebook called in English as Modern Turkish Practical Grammar - Современный турецкий язык. Практикум по грамматике. УМК. Часть 1, Ларионова Евгения Ивановна, Оганова Елена Александровна, which is published in The publication prepared by Associate Professor of Turkic philology Moscow State University Institute of Asian and African Studies Elena Alexandrovna Oganova and assistant pro- fessor of oriental languages Russian Foreign Ministry Diplomatic Academy Yevgeniya Ivanovna Larionova. 36 , 64 - 1 Ayşe DAĞ PESTİL This course book contains exercises on the testing of more than two-hun- dred-sixty grammar topics. This publication is a part of educational research, fully focused on the Russian-speaking students and is addressed to those who are just starting or continuing to study the Turkish language. Intuitive struc- ture, distribution of material “from simple to complex”, a large number of comparative exercises intended to master the basics of the Turkish language and improve the knowledge of Turkish grammar. The book consists of two parts and keys; aims to maximize the knowledge of the modern Turkish language, introduced by exercise of translation from Turkish to Russian and from Russian to Turkish. The first part is intended for students of first or second courses of universities, as well as for those studying in the Turkish language courses. The presence of the key for the exercises in the translation from Russian into Turkish also provided in the last chapter of the book. Menaf Gölcüklü in published her book A Course- book of Turkish Language. Originally named as Учебник турецкого языка: Начальный курс, голджуклу менаф. The publication consists of two-hundred-forty-eight pages. The proposed grant is a basic course of the modern Turkish language and built on the principle “from simple to complex”. The material of the book is intended for beginners. It is a language course-book on beginner level. This course-book is suitable for those who are engaged in individually, and those who study language courses. In P. I. Kuznetsov published a book called as Turkish Language Course Book. Учебник турецкого языка. Начальный курс, Кузнецов П. И. The course-book is for the begginers and it presents all basic information on the phonetics of Turkish language; introduces and reinforces the most import- ant rules of its morphology and syntax, as well as the most commonly used vocabulary and phraseology. The knowledge of the book is enable the student to understand more about the Turkish language. Everyday conversations as well as the basic skills of reading simple texts and Turkish translation of indi- vidual proposals and educational texts from Turkish into Russian and Russian language to Turkish facilitate the learners. Ensure full student orientation in grammatical structure of the Turkish language. Turkish Language Textbook -completing course is another publication which is prepared especially for the students of Turkish as a foreign lan- guage; its original name is Учебник турецкого языка. Начальный курс + Завершающий курс, Кузнецов П. И. in Russian. This book is a continua- tion of the initial course. However, a person who is enough to get this course and use introduced vocabulary and phraseology in the textbook; about three- thousand-five-hundred words and a thousand collocations, is able to read in- , 64 - 1 37 Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language to the Speakers of Russian Language: Historical Background, Publications and Course Materials dependently and understand sometimes without getting any assistance of a dictionary. It consists of fiction as well as modern Turkish press materials, and carries on a conversation with native Turkish language on a fairly wide range of issues of domestic and regional geography plan. Audio - lessons to the textbook are also available. Turkish Language, Reference for Grammar consisting of two-hundred- twenty-four pages published in Its original name in Russian is Турецкий язык. Справочник по грамматике, Кайтукова Елена Григорьевна. This publication can be taken as a handbook design which is intended to provide basic information about the systematic Turkish grammar. Any learner of Turkish language can grasp the main subjects of Turkish grammar with the help of this book. The publication is intended for students of Turkish language who are learning on their own or with a teacher. The book describes the lexical and grammatical categories of parts of speech in Turkish, especially their use in the language system. The study also enclosed an application guide which presents information about the syntax. Turkish Language, Reference for Verbs published in by the same au- thor, summing up the subject in two-hundred-twenty-four pages. The original name of the book in Russian is Турецкий язык. Справочник по глаголам, Кайтукова Елена Григорьевна. This practical guide contains the most com- monly used verbs in Turkish language. It gives the main criterion for inclusion in the directory of the verb, the frequency of its use in fiction, popular science publications, journals and periodicals. Additionally, in the manual describes the lexical and grammatical categories of verbs and their forms and features of use. Directory contains a list of basic grammatical forms of verbs and their translation into Russian. It was designed for learners of Turkish language with or without a teacher. Another publication which contributes to the field called as Verb Forms in Turkish Language: participles, gerunds, verbal nouns, prepositions, con- junctions, participles; author of the book is Genis, Eyup. The book originally called in Russian as Глагольные формы в турецком языке: Причастия, деепричастия, отглагольные имена, инфинитивы, составные глаголы, нереальные наклонения глаголов, союзы, послелоги, частицы, Э. Гениш. It was published in The manual provides a detailed explanation of Turkish language verb forms, training and the use of verbal forms as well as the verb, particles while studying on the subjects of Turkish Language. The use of each design is illustrated by examples. Use of each language construct is explained by the clear examples. Comments on the examples and about the situations allow the learner understand the clues of synonymous forms using. This book can be useful to anyone in order to improve their Turkish language; 38 , 64 - 1 Ayşe DAĞ PESTİL it can be used as a tutorial and as a reference for systematizing knowledge of Turkish grammar. The book Dictionary of Turkish Verbs and Usage of Them in Turkish Language by the author Eyup Geniş published in Originally called as; Словарь турецких глаголов & управление в турецком языке, Эйюп Гениш in Russian language. The manual contains more than a thousand Turkish verbs. Each verb and all their characteristics ​​are represented in the study, each of them is provided with a usage model, and followed by an example of its use in a sentence. The presence of all the major transfer values ​​of verbs in Russian language allows you to use this book as well as a dictionary. The manual is designed primarily for students in Turkic studies and can also be used by the self-learners. It is totally three-hundred-thirty-eight pages. Another good contribution which was made to the field by N.P. Sidorina, is the study Turkish without Tutor published in , its original name; Турецкий без репетитора, Наталья Сидорина. The tutorial contains twenty-seven lessons. Each of the units has its own vocabulary, topics in grammar, exercises for practice, dialogues in different subjects, texts for reading compatible with the topics of the lessons, practices on affixes and the grammar rules in tables enclosed as well. It can be found the answers of the exercises, dictionary and reading texts as a home study at the end of the book. This book designed from simple to the complex. Because of this the beginner one can start from the beginning and go her level up individually. This tutorial can be recommended also for the tutors as a course-book. Apart from the grammar topics of language, Turkish literature is also stud- ied and were contributed to the field. The book on this subject called as Turkish Literature; Biographies of the most famous poets and writers, their work and examples of works also published by E. Geniş in Originally named as Турецкая литература. Биографии самых известных поэтов и писателей, направления их творчества и примеры произведений. Хрестоматия на турецком языке, Э. Гениш. This book presents the work of eighty Turkish writers and poets in the Turkish language, belonging to different historical periods. In addition to the works, biographies of all authors in Russian and Turkish are presented in the book. This study is designed for readers who are already familiar with the ba- sic grammar topics in Turkish. Most outdated Arabic and Persian vocabulary which were used in Turkish literature texts are replaced with modern syn- onymous. Thus, the reading of texts belonging to different periods, greatly simplified works of authors who wrote in Persian or Arabic, take place in the book with their translation into Turkish. It is summing up the subject in four- hundred-sixty-four pages. The book can be useful primarily to philologists , 64 - 1 39 Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language to the Speakers of Russian Language: Historical Background, Publications and Course Materials and linguists studying the Turkish language, including teachers and students, who can use it as a teaching tool. It may also be of interest to all who is inter- ested in the literature, history and culture of Turkey. The book Turkish Proverbs in Language and Speech by M. V. Parhomovsky, published in summing up one-hundred-seventy-six pages. Its original name is Турецкий Пословицы в языке и речи М. В. Пархомовский. The publication apart from the others that are mentioned till now is specialized on the Turkish proverbs used in formal and informal language by the native speakers. In the book the domestic and global Turkic linguistic analysis pres- ents a comprehensive style. The book consists of Turkish proverbs from the publications of different times, like from the “Divan of Turkic Languages” Kashgarlı Mahmud to contemporary collections, total amount of them is near- ly six-thousand proverbs. This study covers also some of morphology and syntax as well as newest developments in the field of text linguistics. A separate chapter is devoted to the analysis of lexical structure of Turkish proverbs, the results of which are not only to Turkic scholars but also for specialists in the field of traditional culture, language picture of the world, ethno-linguistics and others. The book can be interesting and useful for the students of philology. The appendix con- tains a list of three-hundred-thirty-five Turkish proverbs and their translation into Russian language. Another study about Turkish proverbs is launched in as Turkish Proverbs and Russian Equivalent; Русские пословицы и поговорки и их турецкие аналог. This collection includes nine-hundred Turkish proverbs and their Russian equivalents. The book published in three-hundred-fifty-two pages. It is designed for learners of Turkish and anyone interested in Turkey, including business people and tourists visiting the country. The collection can also be useful for the Turks, who are studying Russian language or work in Russian Federation. Proverbs are in alphabetical order. For each selected one of the Turkish proverb has Russian counterparts. In parentheses contain some versions of the components of Turkish proverbs in broken brackets - they are optional components Italics are author explanations. On the field of translation studies, the book called as Practical Literary Translation from Turkish by E. Geniş published in especially for the students of Turkish. The study consisting of two-hundred-fourty pages. Практический курс литературного перевода с турецкого языка. На примере зарубежных сказок, Эйюп Гениш. This manual presents the twelve most popular fairy tales written by famous writers such as Hans Christian Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, and the ones translated into all languages ​​of the world. 40 , 64 - 1 Ayşe DAĞ PESTİL This book consists of two parts. The first part contains a literal and literary translation tales from Turkish to Russian. The second part contains the orig- inal fairy tales in Turkish without translation. The manual presents the most commonly used vocabulary and phraseology of the Turkish language. At the end contains a dictionary that specifies the translation of phrases which cause difficulty in translation. This manual can be used not only as a book to read but also as a collection of exercises. The book can be useful to anyone who improved in the study of the Turkish language, and can also be used as a tuto- rial and a reference manual. The Tutorial Turkish language; Textbook Translation Turkish-Russian Press, Турецкий язык. Учебное пособие по переводу турецко-российской прессы, Оганова Елена Александровна, С.Н. Воробьёва was written by the authors E. A. Oganova and S. Vorobeva and published in , consisting of three-hundred-and-nine pages. This tutorial is created based on the experience of years of work in the Russian-Turkish Information Agency S. N. Vorobeva and teaching activities at the Department of Turkic Philology Institute of Asia and Africa and Moscow State University PhD. Assoc. E. A. Oganova. The manual is designed for senior students of the language, as well as those study- ing the Turkish language on their own and want to deepen their knowledge. The aim of the book is to give students an understanding of the language of the Turkish press beginning of the XXI century. Texts are mainly lexical aspect and prepared to instill the skills of interpretation and translation of newspaper materials from Turkish to Russian and from Russian to Turkish. The lessons consistently present the following topics: international politics; the visits, negotiations, middle-east; Russia, USA, Europe (multiculturalism), Turkey, its socio-political situation in the country: elections, etc. It can be very useful in modern Turkish-Russian-Turkish translation courses and for the people who wants to develop him/herself on translation of the two languages. Episode about Hodja Hasreddin by O. Y. Mansurova. tries to teach lan- guage by enjoying историй о Ходже Насреддине. Читаем параллельно на турецком и русском языках, Оксана Юрьевна Мансурова. It is a read- ing and translation book. The book presents the original texts of the Turkish language stories of Hodja Nasreddin, and their translation into Russian People who are not familiar with the Turkish language, can read this book simply as a collection of funny stories about Hodja Nasreddin. For studying the Turkish language this book can be a good training tool. Reading Method “parallel texts” is sometimes called “the method of Schliemann.” This method is a very good way for self-learning. Turkish for the Youngest by Oksana Y. Mansurova; Мансурова О.Ю. Турецкий для самых маленьких published in and all is one-hun- , 64 - 1 41 Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language to the Speakers of Russian Language: Historical Background, Publications and Course Materials dred-sixty pages. This book decorated by the pictures that will help your child make his/her first steps in learning the Turkish language. It includes bright pictures, simple questions and tasks, simple and fun poems in Turkish to make learning fun, like a game. Thus the child will be interested in a foreign lan- guage, and the transition to the next stage of learning to read and write, is not difficult. In the book, about six-hundred Turkish words and phrases and their pronunciation is given in Russian letters. The book is good especially for those who was born in Turkey with a Turkish-Russian marriage and for the Russian parents who want to teach their kids Turkish. As a result, historical background of learning-teaching Turkish as a for- eign language by the speakers of Russian has risen up on the deep-rooted relations between the two cultures and societies. Throughout the historical process many publications have been done by Russian and Turkic. Specialists of Turkology not only on the Turkic languages, dialects, literature and history but also on the Turkic culture, folklore, ethnology of people speaking Turkic languages in chronological and comparative context. In spite of the fact that studies were figured out first in the period of Tsar Peter I, they bloomed espe- cially after collapse of USSR Russian and Turkish scholars and specialists of Turkology have published many significant studies on the field depending on lasting and progressive inter-cultural communication Recently, publications especially about teaching Turkish as a foreign language are supporting learn- ers of Russian speakers in a large scale as a consequence of intensive demand to learn Turkish. It seems that the number of the studies and publications on teaching Turkish as a foreign language to the speakers of Russian will be mul- tiplied for the next decades. References Сидорина, Н. П. (), Турецкий без репетитора, Москва, Толмач. Esen, M. A. (), “Rus Türkolojisinde Dil Öğretimi ve Eğitimi Meselesi Üzerine ”, Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 6 (3), Summer from http://turkishstudies. net/Makaleler/ Щека, Ю. И. (), Интенсивный курс турецкого языка, Москва: MГУ. Щека, Ю. И. (), Практическая грамматика турецкого языка, Москва, восток- запад Кононов, А. Н. (), История изучения турецкого языка в Россия, Leningrad, Наука Кононов, А. Н. (), Грамматика современного турецкого литературного языка, İstanbul, Multilingual. Кузнецов, П. И. (), Учебник Турецкого Языка: завершающий, Москва восток- запад. 42 , 64 - 1

Значение слова "pestil" в словаре турецкий языка


Здесь показано, как национальная и международная пресса использует термин pestilв контексте приведенных ниже новостных статей.

Diyarbakır Üzümü Pazardaki Yerini Aldı, Pestil Hazırlıkları Başladı

Diyarbakır'ın birçok ilçesinin önemli meyvelerinden olan şıra üzümü pazardaki yerini alırken, pekmez, pestil ve sucuk yapımı için de hazırlıklara başlandı. «Haberler, Окт 15»

Ezilmiş incirler ekonomiye kazandırılıyor

Hatay'ın Arsuz ilçesinde, ezilmiş olduğu için piyasa değerini yitiren incirler, yöre halkı tarafından "belben" adı verilen pestil yapılarak ekonomiye kazandırılıyor. «TRT Haber, Июл 15»

Gümüşhanede köme ve pestil sevinci Gümüşhane haberleri …

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Gümüşhane'de Uluslararası Kuşburnu-pestil, Kültür Ve Turizm …

GÜMÜŞHANE (İHA) - Gümüşhane'de bu yıl Belediye Başkanlığı tarafından Temmuz tarihlerinde yapılması planlanan Uluslararası Kuşburnu-Pestil  «HABERTURK, Июл 15»

Pestil ve kömede taklit ürüne dikkat

GÜMÜŞHANE (AA) - TUĞBA YARDIMCI - Pestil ve köme üretiminde coğrafi işaret belgesine sahip Gümüşhane'de Pestil ve Köme Üreticileri Birliği, son  «Radikal, Июл 15»

Tam altın ödüllü pestil-pekmez yarışması yapılacak

Uluslararası Kuşburnu-Pestil, Kültür ve Turizm Şenlikleri kapsamında 26 Temmuz tarihinde yapılacak olan 'En Güzel Dut Pestili ve Dut Pekmezi  «Gümüşhane Haberleri, Июл 15»

Kelkitin ilk Pestil-Köme fabrikası açıldı

Gümüşhane'nin son dönemdeki gözde sektörü pestil-köme imalatında Kelkit ilçesinde ilk fabrikayı ilçeye ilk kuruyemiş dükkanını açan Aykan ve Gökmen Turhan  «Gümüşhane Haberleri, Июл 15»

Yomrada kral pestil şubesi açıldı

E-PostaTakip etYazdır. Trabzon'un Yomra İlçesi'nde iki genç girişimci tarafından Kral Pestil- Köme ve Gümüşhane'nin Yöresel ürünleri satış noktası açıldı. «HABER 61, Июн 15»


Gümüşhane'de evlerde çerez olarak üretilirken yılında sanayi tipi üretime geçen pestil ve köme için geleneksel üretim yöntemleri ve kalite parametreleri  «Milliyet, Дек 14»

Bediüzzaman'ın mezarını bulan Mustafa Pestil vefat etti

Bediüzzaman Hazretleriyle görüşen Son şahitlerden Mustafa Pestil vefat etti. “Minareci Mustafa” olarak da bilinen Mustafa Ağabey, Bediüzzaman Hazretlerinin  «Risale, Дек 14»


« EDUCALINGO. Pestil [онлайн]. Доступно на <>. Июн ».


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