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Optical Flares After Effects Cc 2019 Download

optical flares after effects cc 2019 download

Length :

TRIALLYLAMINE (Triallilamin)

TRIALLYLAMINE (Triallilamin)













Numéro UN : UN

Formule moléculaire brute : C9H15N



Principaux synonymes

Noms français :





Noms anglais :




Formule: C&#;H&#;&#;N

Poids moléculaire: ,22 g/mol

Point d'ébullition: °C ( hPa)

Densité: 0, g/cm³ (20 °C)

Température de stockage: Température ambiante

Numéro CAS:






Triallylamine Informations de base

Nom du produit de la triallylamine: Triallylamine

Synonymes: AMINOTRIPROPENE; (CH2 = CHCH2) 3N; n, n-dipropenylpropenamin; N, N-Diallylpropenamine; tertiaryamine; Tris (2-propényl) amine; 2-propénamine, N, N-dipropényl-; TRIALLYLAMINE: 97,5%

CAS de Triallylamine:

MF de la triallylamine: C9H15N

MW de Triallylamine: ,22

EINECS de la triallylamine:

Catégories de produits de la triallylamine: acyclique; alcènes; blocs de construction organiques; blocs de construction; synthèse chimique; blocs de construction organiques

Fichier Mol de Triallylamine: mol

Structure de la triallylamine

Propriétés chimiques de la triallylamine

Point de fusion de la triallylamine ° C

Point d'ébullition de la triallylamine ° C (lit.)

densité de Triallylamine 0,79 g / mL à 25 ° C (lit.)

densité de vapeur de Triallylamine 4,73 (vs air)

pression de vapeur de Triallylamine 90 mm Hg (80 ° C)

indice de réfraction de la Triallylamine n20 / D 1, (lit.)

Fp de triallylamine 87 ° F

temp de stockage. de Triallylamine ° C

pka pK1: 8,31 (+1) (25 ° C)

Hydrosolubilité de la triallylamine g / mL

Stabilité de la triallylamine: Stable. Inflammable. Incompatible avec les agents oxydants forts.


Référence CAS DataBase (Référence CAS DataBase)

Référence de chimie NIST 2-propénamine, N, N-dipropényl- ()

Système d'enregistrement des substances de l'EPA Triallylamine ()

Information sur la sécurité

Codes de danger C

Énoncés de risque / 21 /

Déclarations de sécurité / 37 /


WGK Allemagne 3



Classe de danger 3

Groupe d'emballage III

Le code SH

Données sur les substances dangereuses (données sur les substances dangereuses)






Triallilamin, renksiz bir sıvı olarak görünür. Yoğunluk g / cm3 ve suda çözünmez. Böylece su üzerinde yüzer. Parlama noktası ° F. Havadan daha ağır buharlar. Cildi ve gözleri tahriş edebilir. Diğer kimyasalları yapmak için kullanılır.

Triallilamin Özellikleri

İlgili Kategoriler: Trialliamin Asiklik, Alkenler, Yapı Taşları, Kimyasal Sentez, Organik Yapı Taşları Diğer

Triallilamin Kalite Seviyesi

Trialillamin 'ün buhar yoğunluğu (havaya karşı)Triallilamin buhar basıncı 90 mmHg (80 ° C)

Trialililamin% 99 analizi

Triallilamin n20 / D (lit.) kırılma indisi

bp Trialillamin ° C (lit.)

25 ° C'de Triallilamin yoğunluğu g / mL (lit.)

Fazlasını göster (11)

Triallylamine açıklamasıTriallilamin Uygulaması

• Trialliamin (TAA), bir rutenyum katalizörü varlığında birincil aromatik aminler ile reaksiyona girerek 2-etilmetilkinolinleri oluşturur. [1]

• Trialillamin, hidrozirkonasyona tabi tutulur, ardından 1-azagermaklorobisiklo [] undekan oluşturmak için germanyum tetraklorür ile transmetalasyon yapılır. Trialilamin, karşılık gelen 5-organo bileşiklerini oluşturmak için Grignard veya lityum reaktifleri ile reaksiyona girebilir. [2]

• Trialilaminin florlanmış 1,3,4-oksadiazollere siklo-dispersiyonu oktahidro-2,7-metanofuro [3,2-c] piridinleri verir.



Triallilamin Temel bilgilerTriallilamin Ürün Adı: Trialliamin

Kelimeler: aminotripropen (CH2 = CHCH2), 3N, N, N-dipropenilpropenamin, N, N-Diallilpropenamin; tertiaryamine Tris (2-propenil) amin; 2-Propenamin, N, N-dipropenil-; TRIALLYLAMINE:%

Trialillamin CAS:

Trialililamin MF'si: C9H15N

MW Trialliamin MW: Triallilamin EINECS: Triallilamin Ürün Kategorileri: Asiklik; Alkenler; Organik Yapı Taşları; Yapı Taşları; Kimyasal Sentez; Organik Yapı TaşlarıTriallilamin Mol Dosyası: molTriallilamin YapısıTriallilamin Kimyasal Özellikleri

Trialillaminin erime noktası ° CTriallilamin kaynama noktası ° C (lit.)

25 ° C'de Triallilamin yoğunluğu g / mL (lit.)

Trialillamin 'ün buhar yoğunluğu (havaya karşı)Triallilamin buhar basıncı 90 mm Hg (80 ° C)

Triallilamin n20 / D (lit.) kırılma indisi

Frial Trialillamin 87 ° F

saklama derecesi. Triallilamin ° C arasında

pka pK1: (+1) (25 ° C)Triallilamin Suda Çözünürlüğü g / mLTriallilamin Kararlılığı: Kararlı. Yanıcı. Güçlü oksitleyici maddelerle bağdaşmaz.


CAS Veri Tabanı Referansı (CAS Veri Tabanı Referansı)

NIST Kimya Referans 2-Propenamin, N, N-dipropenil- ()

EPA Madde Kayıt Sistemi Trialliamin ()

Güvenlik Bilgisi

Tehlike Kodları C

Risk Tabloları / 21 /

Güvenlik Beyanları / 37 /


WGK Almanya 3



HazardClass 3

Ambalaj Grubu III

HS Kodu

Tehlikeli Madde Verileri (Tehlikeli Madde Verileri)



CAS Trialliamin Sayısı UN / NA Numarası DOT Tehlike Etiketi USCG CHRIS Kodu


Yanıcı sıvı



NIOSH Cep Kılavuzu Uluslararası Chem Güvenlik Kartı

yok yok


veri yok

Genel açıklama

Balık benzeri bir kokuya sahip renksiz bir sıvı. Yoğunluk g / cm3 ve suda çözünmez. Böylece su üzerinde yüzer. Parlama noktası ° F. Havadan daha ağır buharlar. Cildi ve gözleri tahriş edebilir. Diğer kimyasalları yapmak için kullanılır.



Triallilamin Temel bilgiler

Triallilamin Ürün Adı: Triallilamin 

Kelimeler: aminotripropen (CH2 = CHCH2), 3N, N, N-dipropenilpropenamin, N, N-Diallilpropenamin; tertiaryamine Tris (2-propenil) amin; 2-Propenamin, N, N-dipropenil-; TRIALLYLAMINE:%

Trialillamin CAS:

Trialililamin MF'si: C9H15N

MW Triallilamin MW:

Triallilamin EINECS:

Triallilamin Ürün Kategorileri: Asiklik; Alkenler; Organik Yapı Taşları; Yapı Taşları; Kimyasal Sentez; Organik Yapı Taşları

Triallilamin Mol Dosyası: mol

Triallilamin Yapısı

Triallilamin Kimyasal Özellikleri

Trialillaminin erime noktası ° C

Triallilamin kaynama noktası ° C (lit.)

25 ° C'de Triallilamin yoğunluğu g / mL (lit.)

Trialillamin 'ün buhar yoğunluğu (havaya karşı)

Triallilamin buhar basıncı 90 mm Hg (80 ° C)

Triallilamin n20 / D (lit.) kırılma indisi

Frial Trialillamin 87 ° F

saklama derecesi. Triallilamin ° C arasında

pka pK1: (+1) (25 ° C)

Triallilamin Suda Çözünürlüğü g / mL

Triallilamin Kararlılığı: Kararlı. Yanıcı. Güçlü oksitleyici maddelerle bağdaşmaz.


CAS Veri Tabanı Referansı (CAS Veri Tabanı Referansı)

NIST Kimya Referans 2-Propenamin, N, N-dipropenil- ()

EPA Madde Kayıt Sistemi Triallilamin ()

Güvenlik Bilgisi

Tehlike Kodları C

Risk Tabloları / 21 /

Güvenlik Beyanları / 37 /


WGK Almanya 3



HazardClass 3

Ambalaj Grubu III

HS Kodu



Allamin, oksitleyici malzemelerle yüksek derecede yanıcı ve orta derecede reaktif olan renksiz veya sarımsı uçucu bir sıvıdır (HSDB ). Suda pKa ile tamamen çözünür ve mukoza zarlarını tahriş eden çok keskin bir amonyak benzeri bir kokuya sahiptir (Budavari ve ark. ; HSDB ; Boor ve Hysmith ) .2 Endüstriyel olarak kullanılır. kauçuğun vulkanizasyonu ve ticari diüretikler, sedatifler ve antiseptikler dahil olmak üzere ticari ürünlerin sentezlenmesi (Benya ve Harbison ). Alillamin, alkil halojenürlerin (örneğin allil klorür ve amonyak) aminasyonu ile üretilir ve ayrıca gıda maddelerinin doğal bir bileşenidir (Budavari ve ark. ; HSDB ). Ciddi bir solunum, göz ve cilt tahriş edici olmasına ek olarak, allilamin, yüksek dozlarda oral yoldan, soluma yoluyla veya enjeksiyonla uygulandığında kardiyotoksiktir. İnsan kardiyovasküler hastalığını modellemek için laboratuvar hayvanlarında kalp ve damar lezyonlarını uyarmak için kullanılmıştır. Allamin kardiyotoksisitesinin, kardiyak ve vasküler dokularda akrolein ve hidrojen peroksit metabolizması ile ilgili olduğu ileri sürülmektedir (Boor ve Hysmith ; Ramos ve ark. ). Allylamine öldürücü inhalasyon toksisitesi, sıçanlarda ve farelerde ve bunun ölümcül inhalasyon toksisitesinde, maymunlar, sıçanlar, fareler ve tavşanlar kullanılarak yapılan tek ve çoklu pozlama çalışmalarında incelenmiştir. İnsan gönüllüleri ve işyerindeki maruz kalmalar ile yapılan çalışmalar, kısa süreli solunmaya maruz kalmanın tahriş edici ve toksik etkileri hakkında sınırlı bilgi sağlamıştır. Alillamin koku eşiği İs 2 pKa, asit ayrışma sabitinin negatif logudur. Düşük moleküler ağırlıklı poli (alilamin), serbest radikal polimerizasyonu ile hazırlanır ve elde edilen polimer, farklı amin yüklemelerinde mezoselüler silika köpüklerine emdirilir. Elde edilen poli (alillamin) -silika kompozitlerinin, seyreltik (simüle edilmiş baca gazı) ve ultradilut (simüle edilmiş ortam havası) gaz akışlarından karbon dioksitin çıkarılması için etkili adsorbanlar olduğu gösterilmiştir. Kompozit adsorbanların, daha geleneksel poli (etilenimin) -silika adsorbanlarla karşılaştırılabilir adsorpsiyon kapasitelerine sahip olduğu gösterilmiştir. Poli (alillamin) ile ölçülen adsorbanların potansiyel avantajları tartışılmıştır.


2,5-bis (triflorometil) -l, 3,4-oksadiazol ve etil 5- (triflorometil) -1,3,4-oksadiazolkarboksilatın siklilisyon reaksiyonları triallylamin ile incelendi. İncelenen reaksiyonlar, oktahidro-2,7-metanofuro [3,2-c] piridin serisinin başka molekül içi sikloaddition - kafes bileşikleri ürünleri verdi. Sentezlenen bileşikler kuvvetli şekilde bazik özelliklere sahipti ve stabil tuzlar oluşturdu.

Anilinler dioksan içinde ° C'de trialitlamin ile katalitik miktarda rutenyum klorür ve trifenilfosfin ile birlikte iyi verimlerde karşılık gelen 2-etilmetilkinolinleri vermek üzere kalay (II) klorür dihidrat varlığında reaksiyona seafoodplus.infolerin triallylamin ile rutenyum katalizli siklizasyonu, 2-etilmetilkinolinler verir.

Alil-, tek değerlikli organik grup için önek, -CH2 = CHCH2'dir. Alil alkol bir örnektir, CH2 = CHCH20H, berrak, keskin sıvı, 96 ° C'de kaynar; suda çözünebilir. Hidroliz ile allil klorürden hazırlanır. Bir alken hidrokarbon olan alil bileşiği, bir metilen -CH2'ye bağlanmış bir vinil gruba (CH2 = CH-) sahiptir. Oldukça reaktif katı bağ nedeniyle, alil, kaplamaların, yapıştırıcıların ve elastomerlerin üretiminde kullanılan homopolimerler veya ko-polimerler oluşturmak üzere kendileri veya diğer monomerler ile kolayca birleştirilen katı bağa serbest radikal ilavesine maruz kalabilir. Serbest radikal ilavesine ek olarak, alil bileşikleri, elektrofilik ilaveler, alilik ikame ve oksidasyon dahil olmak üzere çok çeşitli reaksiyonlara katılabilir. Doymamış bir bağ olan alil, bazı bileşiklerde karakteristik bir koku verir. Bir örnek, siyah hardalların ana maddesi olan alil izotiyosiyanattır. (beyaz hardal, temel olarak p-hidroksibenzil izotiyosiyanattan oluşur). Alil izotiyosiyanat, hardal yağı olarak adlandırılır. Alil esterleri koku, tat veya koku ile ilgilidir. Triillamin, kauçuk kimyasalları, iyon değişim reçineleri, polimerizasyon başlatıcıları, kuaterner amonyum tuzları, çapraz bağlayıcı ajanların imalatında bir ara madde olarak kullanılır.

Asit bölgeleri ve bazik gruplar içeren çapraz bağlanmış polimer tanecikleri, termal olarak yenilenebilir bir iyon değişimi işleminin verimli çalışması için tercih edilen yapılardır. Bu çalışma, reçinelerde asidik ve bazik bölgeler arasındaki aşılama sorununu incelemek için tasarlanmıştır. İki yaklaşım kullanıldı. İlk olarak, akrilamidden hapsolmuş makroradikaller hazırlandı ve daha sonra akrilik asit veya triallylamin ilave edildi. İkinci olarak, triallylamin hidroklorürün, hidroperoksit grupları içeren bir otoksidize poliizopropilstiren numunesine aşılanması denenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, hidroperoksit grupları, kobalt naftenat mevcudiyetinde, akrilik asitin hızlı ve kantitatif olarak aşılanmasına başlasa da, hiçbir tirillamin hidroklorür grefti oluşmadı.

Bir MOVPE işleminde ZnSe'yi kullanmak için azot hidrojen bağı olmayan birkaç azot öncüsü test edildi. Bisditrimetilsilylamidozinc (ZnBTM), trimetilsillazid (TMSiN) ve trialillamin (TAN), ZnSe: N ile ditertiarbütilselenit (DTBSe), diizopropilseleni (DIPSe) ve dimetilzinc-trietilamin Numuneler fotoluminesans (PL), akım voltajı (I?V), kapasitans voltajı (C?V) ve Hall ölçümleriyle analiz edildi. Azot oluşumunun ve elektriksel aktivasyonun büyüme sıcaklığına, VI / II oranına ve dopant akışına bağımlılığı incelenmiştir. TMSiN ile büyütülen tabakaların PL spektrumlarında, yüksek dopant akışları için IN1 emisyon hattının yanı sıra, Zn boşluklarına bağlı olarak yoğun bir bağlanma-salma emisyonu gözlenmektedir. Öncüler olarak ZnBTM ve TAN ile büyütülen örnekler, eksitonik emisyonların genişlemesini ve tabakalara azot dahil edilmesini arttırmak için IN1 emisyon hattının enerjik konumuna doğru bir kayma sergiler. Eksitonik emisyonların donör-alıcı çifti emisyonlarına kıyasla yoğunluğu hâlâ devam etmektedir. ZnBTM ve TAN ile katıştırılmış birkaç örneğin Hall ölçümleri p-tipi iletkenliği gösterse de, C?V ve ??I?V ölçümlerinin analizi numunelerin n-tipi veya yarı-yalıtıcı karakterini gösterir.

Yeni bir mesoporous polimer, mesoporous poli-trialillamin (MPTA-1), anyonik veya anyonik / iyonik olmayan karışık yüzey aktif cisimlerinin organik-organik kendiliğinden birleşmesi yoluyla triallilaminin basit ve kolay bir yerinde in situ radikal polimerizasyonu ile sentezlenmiştir. Toz XRD ve TEM görüntü analizi, bu örneklerde düzensiz solucan deliği benzeri mezoporların varlığını göstermektedir. N2 sorpsiyon analizleri, bu MPTA-1 numuneleri için orta derecede iyi yüzey alanlı ( m2 g - 1) nano ölçekte bimodal gözenek büyüklüğü dağılımlarını ortaya koymaktadır. Şablonsuz protonlanmış MPTA-1 numuneleri, mesopöz çerçevede pozitif yüklü azot atomları taşır ve bu, sulu anyonlardan yüksek anyon değiştirme verimlerinde yansıtılır. MPTA-1'in yüksek anyon değişim verimliliği, çeşitli atık su kaynaklarında önemli miktarlarda bulunabilen CrO, MnO4-, AsO, NO3- ve PO gibi kirletici anyonların uzaklaştırılmasındaki potansiyel uygulamasını keşfetmemiz için bizi motive etti. .

Si () üzerindeki Trialillamin (TAA), (C3H5) 3N'nin yüzey kimyası, UHV koşulları altında adsorpsiyon ve yerinde karakterizasyon ile incelenmiştir. Yüksek Çözünürlüklü Elektron Enerji Kaybı Spektroskopisi (HREELS), yüzeydeki titreşim modlarının spektrumunu verir ve X-ışını Fotoelektron Spektroskopisi (XPS), kimyasal bağlanma ve yakın yüzey bölgesinde farklı adsorbatların kısmi konsantrasyonunu verir. Üçüncül amin TAA, ayrışma olmadan RT'de phizorbs eder. Parçalanan fazın art arda tavlanma aşamaları, ° C'de aminin ayrışmasına neden olur. Daha yüksek sıcaklıklarda alil grupları kısmen deşifre edilir ve kalan kısım, ° C'de tamamen ayrışır; burada hidrojen, yüzeyden ayrılır ve azot ve karbon, Si substratı içinde yayılmaya başlar. TAA'nın ısıtılmış bir Si substratı üzerinde adsorpsiyonu için çok benzer bir davranış gözlenir. ° C sıcaklık aralığında Triethylgallium (TEG) ile birlikte emilim, Si yüzeyindeki reaksiyonda önemli değişikliklere neden olmaz. İncelenen tüm sıcaklık aralığında kodlamadan sonra yüzeyde ihmal edilebilir bir Ga miktarı tespit edilir. Bir GaN fazının büyümesi, ne Si () ne de Al () substratlarda gözlenmedi.

Lityum metal, en yüksek özgül kapasitesi ( mA h g - 1) ve düşük potansiyeli nedeniyle düşük nesil Coulombic verimi ve lityum dendrit oluşumu nedeniyle yeni nesil şarj edilebilir pil için umut verici bir anot adayıdır. Burada, elektrolitte bir katkı maddesi olarak kükürt içeren polimerler kullanılarak organosülfidler / organopolisülfitler ve inorganik lityum tuzlarının birlikte biriktirilmesi yoluyla kendiliğinden oluşturulmuş bir esnek hibrit katı-elektrolit interfaz tabakası bildirilmektedir. Organosülfitler / organopolisülfitler, mekanik esnekliğini ve tokluğunu arttırmak için katı-elektrolit faz içi tabakasında "plastikleştirici" olarak işlev görür. Oluşan sağlam katı-elektrolit interphase katmanları, dendritsiz lityum biriktirmesini sağlar ve Coulombic verimliliğini önemli ölçüde iyileştirir (2 mA cm current 2 akım yoğunluğunda döngü üzerinde% 99). Bu stratejiye dayanan bir lityum-kükürt batarya uzun çevrim ömrü ( döngü) ve iyi kapasite tutma sergiler. Bu çalışma, lityum metal anotlarla ilişkili sorunları çözmek için stabil katı-elektrolit faz arası tabakasını etkili bir şekilde üretmek için bir yol ortaya koymaktadır.

Alkalin ortamındaki heksasiyanoferrat (III) tarafından triallaminin oksidasyonunun kinetiği incelenmiştir. Hız, Fe (CN) 6 (3-) 'nin konsantrasyonundan bağımsız iken, [triallilamin] ve [OH-] siparişleri sırasıyla neredeyse birlik ve 'tür. Reaksiyonun hızı, eklenen Fe (CN) 6 (4-) iyonları tarafından geciktirilmez. İyonik kuvvet, değişen katyonlar ve eklenen tuzların anyonları, çözücü bileşimi ve sıcaklığın reaksiyon hızı üzerindeki etkileri rapor edilmiştir. Uygun bir mekanizma önerilmiştir.

Trialillamin esas olarak organik sentez ve reçine düzenleyicide uygulanır, ayrıca yüksek emici ve iyon değiştirme reçinesinin ara bağlarında da kullanılabilir. Bazı raporlara göre, polyester aktivatörü ve bütadien polimerizasyonunun uyandırma ajanı üretiminde kullanılabilir.

Depolama ve taşıma

Ürünü kapalı, serin ve kuru bir ortamda ambalajlayın ve saklayın, güçlü oksidanlarla temastan kaçının, açık ateşten uzak tutun. Geçerlilik süresi: Üç yıl. Ulaşım: Tehlikeli mallar.

Üretim ve reaksiyonlar

Her üç alillamin, mono-, di- ve triallylamin, allil klorürün amonyakla muamele edilmesi ve ardından damıtılması ile üretilir. Saf numuneler allil izotiyosiyanatın hidrolizi ile hazırlanabilir. Tipik bir amin gibi davranıseafoodplus.inforizasyon, homopolimeri (polialilamin) veya kopolimerleri hazırlamak için kullanılabilir. Polimerler, ters ozmozda kullanım için ümit vaat eden membranlardır.

Diğer allilaminler

İşlevselleştirilmiş alillaminler, geniş farmasötik uygulamalara sahiptir. Farmasötik olarak önemli allilaminler arasında flunarizin ve naftifin bulunur. Flunarizin, migrenlerin rahatlamasına yardımcı olurken, naftifin, sporcu ayağı, sporcu kaşıntısı ve saçkıran gibi enfeksiyonlara neden olan yaygın mantarlarla savaşmak için hareket eder.


Triallilamin Temel bilgiler

Triallilamin Ürün Adı: Triallilamin 

Kelimeler: aminotripropen (CH2 = CHCH2), 3N, N, N-dipropenilpropenamin, N, N-Diallilpropenamin; tertiaryamine Tris (2-propenil) amin; 2-Propenamin, N, N-dipropenil-; TRIALLYLAMINE:%

Trialillamin CAS:

Trialililamin MF'si: C9H15N

MW Triallilamin MW:

Triallilamin EINECS:

Triallilamin Ürün Kategorileri: Asiklik; Alkenler; Organik Yapı Taşları; Yapı Taşları; Kimyasal Sentez; Organik Yapı Taşları

Triallilamin Mol Dosyası: mol

Triallilamin Yapısı

Triallilamin Kimyasal Özellikleri

Trialillaminin erime noktası ° C

Triallilamin kaynama noktası ° C (lit.)

25 ° C'de Triallilamin yoğunluğu g / mL (lit.)

Trialillamin 'ün buhar yoğunluğu (havaya karşı)

Triallilamin buhar basıncı 90 mm Hg (80 ° C)

Triallilamin n20 / D (lit.) kırılma indisi

Frial Trialillamin 87 ° F

saklama derecesi. Triallilamin ° C arasında

pka pK1: (+1) (25 ° C)

Triallilamin Suda Çözünürlüğü g / mL

Triallilamin Kararlılığı: Kararlı. Yanıcı. Güçlü oksitleyici maddelerle bağdaşmaz.





Triallylamine appears as a colorless liquid with a fishlike odor. Density g / cm3 and insoluble in water. Hence floats on water. Flash point °F. Vapors heavier than air. May irritate skin and eyes. Used to make other chemicals.


Properties of Triallylamine

Related Categories of Triallylamine Acyclic, Alkenes, Building Blocks, Chemical Synthesis, Organic Building Blocks More

Quality Level of Triallylamine

vapor density of Triallylamine (vs air)

vapor pressure of Triallylamine 90 mmHg ( 80 °C)

assay of Triallylamine 99%

refractive index of Triallylamine n20/D (lit.)

bp of Triallylamine °C (lit.)

density of Triallylamine g/mL at 25 °C (lit.)

Show More (11) 

Description of Triallylamine

Application of Triallylamine

• Triallylamine (TAA) reacts with primary aromatic amines in the presence of a ruthenium catalyst to form 2-ethylmethylquinolines.[1]

• Triallylamine undergoes hydrozirconation followed by transmetalation with germanium tetrachloride to form 1-azagermachlorobicyclo[]undecane. Triallylamine can react with Grignard or lithium reagents to form the corresponding 5-organo compounds.[2]

• The cycloaddition of Triallylamine to fluorinated 1,3,4-oxadiazoles affords octahydro-2,7-methanofuro[3,2-c]pyridines.



Triallylamine Basic information

Product Name of Triallylamine: Triallylamine

Synonyms: AMINOTRIPROPENE;(CH2=CHCH2)3N;n,n-dipropenylpropenamin;N,N-Diallylpropenamine;tertiaryamine;Tris(2-propenyl)amine;2-Propenamine, N,N-dipropenyl-;TRIALLYLAMINE: %

CAS of Triallylamine:

MF of Triallylamine: C9H15N

MW of Triallylamine:

EINECS of Triallylamine:

Product Categories of Triallylamine: Acyclic;Alkenes;Organic Building Blocks;Building Blocks;Chemical Synthesis;Organic Building Blocks

Mol File of Triallylamine: mol

Triallylamine Structure

Triallylamine Chemical Properties

Melting point of Triallylamine °C

Boiling point of Triallylamine °C(lit.)

density of Triallylamine g/mL at 25 °C(lit.)

vapor density of Triallylamine (vs air)

vapor pressure of Triallylamine 90 mm Hg ( 80 °C)

refractive index of Triallylamine n20/D (lit.)

Fp of Triallylamine 87 °F

storage temp. of Triallylamine °C

pka pK(+1) (25°C)

Water Solubility of Triallylamine g/ mL

Stability of Triallylamine: Stable. Flammable. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents.


CAS DataBase Reference (CAS DataBase Reference)

NIST Chemistry Reference 2-Propenamine, N,N-dipropenyl-()

EPA Substance Registry System Triallylamine ()

Safety Information

Hazard Codes C

Risk Statements /21/

Safety Statements /37/


WGK Germany 3



HazardClass 3

PackingGroup III

HS Code

Hazardous Substances Data (Hazardous Substances Data)



CAS Number of Triallylamine UN/NA Number DOT Hazard Label USCG CHRIS Code


Flammable Liquid



NIOSH Pocket Guide International Chem Safety Card

none none


data unavailable

General Description

A colorless liquid with a fishlike odor. Density g / cm3 and insoluble in water. Hence floats on water. Flash point °F. Vapors heavier than air. May irritate skin and eyes. Used to make other chemicals.



What is this information? 

CAS Number UN/NA Number DOT Hazard Label USCG CHRIS Code

(TRIALLYLAMINE) Flammable Liquid Corrosive none NIOSH Pocket Guide International Chem Safety Card none none NFPA data unavailable General Description A colorless liquid with a fishlike odor. Density g / cm3 and insoluble in water. Hence floats on water. Flash point °F. Vapors heavier than air. May irritate skin and eyes. Used to make other chemicals. Hazards What is this information? Reactivity Alerts Strong Reducing Agent Air & Water Reactions Flammable. Insoluble in water. Fire Hazard Excerpt from ERG Guide [Flammable Liquids - Corrosive]: Flammable/combustible material. May be ignited by heat, sparks or flames. Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Vapors may travel to source of ignition and flash back. Most vapors are heavier than air. They will spread along ground and collect in low or confined areas (sewers, basements, tanks). Vapor explosion hazard indoors, outdoors or in sewers. Those substances designated with a (P) may polymerize explosively when heated or involved in a fire. Runoff to sewer may create fire or explosion hazard. Containers may explode when heated. Many liquids are lighter than water. (ERG, )




Health Hazard

Excerpt from ERG Guide [Flammable Liquids - Corrosive]: May cause toxic effects if inhaled or ingested/swallowed. Contact with substance may cause severe burns to skin and eyes. Fire will produce irritating, corrosive and/or toxic gases. Vapors may cause dizziness or suffocation. Runoff from fire control or dilution water may cause pollution. (ERG, ) Reactivity Profile TRIALLYLAMINE is a strong reducing agent that reacts violently with oxidizing agents. Corrosive towards Al and Zn [Handling Chemicals Safely p. ] . Neutralizes acids in exothermic reactions to form salts plus water. May be incompatible with isocyanates, halogenated organics, peroxides, phenols (acidic), epoxides, anhydrides, and acid halides. Flammable gaseous hydrogen may be generated in combination with strong reducing agents, such as hydrides. Belongs to the Following Reactive Group(s) Amines, Phosphines, and Pyridines Hydrocarbons, Aliphatic Unsaturated Potentially Incompatible Absorbents Use caution: Liquids with this reactive group classification have been known to react with the absorbents listed below. More info about absorbents, including situations to watch out for Mineral-Based & Clay-Based Absorbents Dirt/Earth Response Recommendations What is this information? Isolation and Evacuation Excerpt from ERG Guide [Flammable Liquids - Corrosive]: As an immediate precautionary measure, isolate spill or leak area for at least 50 meters ( feet) in all directions. SPILL: Increase, in the downwind direction, as necessary, the isolation distance shown above. FIRE: If tank, rail car or tank truck is involved in a fire, ISOLATE for meters (1/2 mile) in all directions; also, consider initial evacuation for meters (1/2 mile) in all directions. (ERG, ) Firefighting Excerpt from ERG Guide [Flammable Liquids - Corrosive]: Some of these materials may react violently with water. SMALL FIRE: Dry chemical, CO2, water spray or alcohol-resistant foam. LARGE FIRE: Water spray, fog or alcohol-resistant foam. Move containers from fire area if you can do it without risk. Dike fire-control water for later disposal; do not scatter the material. Do not get water inside containers.




FIRE INVOLVING TANKS OR CAR/TRAILER LOADS: Fight fire from maximum distance or use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles. Cool containers with flooding quantities of water until well after fire is out. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety devices or discoloration of tank. ALWAYS stay away from tanks engulfed in fire. For massive fire, use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles; if this is impossible, withdraw from area and let fire burn. (ERG, )

Non-Fire Response Excerpt from ERG Guide [Flammable Liquids - Corrosive]: Fully encapsulating, vapor-protective clothing should be worn for spills and leaks with no fire. ELIMINATE all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks or flames in immediate area). All equipment used when handling the product must be grounded. Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Stop leak if you can do it without risk. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas. A vapor-suppressing foam may be used to reduce vapors. Absorb with earth, sand or other non-combustible material and transfer to containers (except for Hydrazine). Use clean, non-sparking tools to collect absorbed material.




LARGE SPILL: Dike far ahead of liquid spill for later disposal. Water spray may reduce vapor, but may not prevent ignition in closed spaces. (ERG, )

Protective Clothing Excerpt from ERG Guide [Flammable Liquids - Corrosive]: Wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Wear chemical protective clothing that is specifically recommended by the manufacturer. It may provide little or no thermal protection. Structural firefighters' protective clothing provides limited protection in fire situations ONLY; it is not effective in spill situations where direct contact with the substance is possible. (ERG, ) DuPont Tychem® Suit Fabrics No information available.


First Aid

EYES: First check the victim for contact lenses and remove if present. Flush victim's eyes with water or normal saline solution for 20 to 30 minutes while simultaneously calling a hospital or poison control center. Do not put any ointments, oils, or medication in the victim's eyes without specific instructions from a physician. IMMEDIATELY transport the victim after flushing eyes to a hospital even if no symptoms (such as redness or irritation) develop.

SKIN: IMMEDIATELY flood affected skin with water while removing and isolating all contaminated clothing. Gently wash all affected skin areas thoroughly with soap and water. If symptoms such as redness or irritation develop, IMMEDIATELY call a physician and be prepared to transport the victim to a hospital for treatment.

INHALATION: IMMEDIATELY leave the contaminated area; take deep breaths of fresh air. If symptoms (such as wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, or burning in the mouth, throat, or chest) develop, call a physician and be prepared to transport the victim to a hospital. Provide proper respiratory protection to rescuers entering an unknown atmosphere. Whenever possible, Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) should be used; if not available, use a level of protection greater than or equal to that advised under Protective Clothing.

INGESTION: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. If the victim is conscious and not convulsing, give 1 or 2 glasses of water to dilute the chemical and IMMEDIATELY call a hospital or poison control center. Be prepared to transport the victim to a hospital if advised by a physician. If the victim is convulsing or unconscious, do not give anything by mouth, ensure that the victim's airway is open and lay the victim on his/her side with the head lower than the body. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. IMMEDIATELY transport the victim to a hospital. (NTP, ) Physical Properties What is this information? Chemical Formula: C9H15N Flash Point: ° F (NTP, ) Lower Explosive Limit (LEL): data unavailable Upper Explosive Limit (UEL): data unavailable Autoignition Temperature: data unavailable Melting Point: ° F (NTP, ) Vapor Pressure: data unavailable Vapor Density (Relative to Air): data unavailable Specific Gravity: at 68 ° F (NTP, ) Boiling Point: to ° F at mm Hg (NTP, ) Molecular Weight: (NTP, ) Water Solubility: mg/mL (NTP, ) Ionization Potential: data unavailable IDLH: data unavailable AEGLs (Acute Exposure Guideline Levels) No AEGL information available. ERPGs (Emergency Response Planning Guidelines) No ERPG information available. PACs (Protective Action Criteria) No PAC information available. Regulatory Information What is this information? EPA Consolidated List of Lists No regulatory information available. DHS Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) No regulatory information available. OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) Standard List No regulatory information available. Alternate Chemical Names What is this information? TRIPROPENYLAMINE TRIALLYLAMINE TRIS(2-PROPENYL)AMINE Triallylamine 99% Synonym: TAA CAS Number Linear Formula (H2C=CHCH2)3N Molecular Weight EC Number MDL number MFCD PubChem Substance ID Triallylamine 99% SDS Specification Sheet (PDF)FTNMR (PDF) SKU-Pack Size Availability Pack Size Price (EUR) TML Available to ship on - FROM ML TL Only 4 left in stock (more on the way) - FROM 1 L To order products, please contact your local dealer. Click here Product Recommendations Triallylphosphine 95% D Diallylamine 99% Diallylmethylamine 97% N,N-Dimethylallylamine for protein sequence analysis CDS N,N-Diallylamine hydrochloride AldrichCP Allylamine 98% N-Allylmethylamine 96% Allyldiphenylphosphine 95% Allyl ether 98% ?99% op PurchaseSafety & DocumentationPeer-Reviewed Papers6 Triallylamine PubChem CID: Structure: Triallylamine_seafoodplus.info Triallylamine_3D_seafoodplus.info Find Similar Structures Chemical Safety: Flammable Corrosive Acute Toxic Irritant Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet Molecular Formula: C9H15N Names: TRIALLYLAMINE Tris(2-propenyl)amine 2-Propenamine, N,N-dipropenyl- Triallyl Amine More Molecular Weight: g/mol Dates: Modify: Create: Triallylamine appears as a colorless liquid with a fishlike odor. Density g / cm3 and insoluble in water. Hence floats on water. Flash point °F. Vapors heavier than air. May irritate skin and eyes. Used to make other chemicals. from CAMEO Chemicals 1Structures HelpNew Window D Structure HelpNew Window Find Similar Structures Get Image Download Chemical Structure Depiction seafoodplus.info Full screen Zoom in Zoom out from PubChem D Conformer HelpNew Window Get Image Download Interactive Chemical Structure Model Ball and Stick Sticks Wire-Frame Space-Filling Show Hydrogens Animate Full screen Zoom in Zoom out from PubChem 2Names and Identifiers HelpNew Window Computed Descriptors HelpNew Window IUPAC Name HelpNew Window N,N-bis(propenyl)propenamine from PubChem InChI HelpNew Window InChI=1S/C9H15N/c()/hH,,H2 from PubChem InChI Key HelpNew Window VPYJNCGUESNPMV-UHFFFAOYSA-N from PubChem Canonical SMILES HelpNew Window C=CCN(CC=C)CC=C from PubChem Molecular Formula HelpNew Window C9H15N from PubChem Other Identifiers HelpNew Window CAS HelpNew Window from ChemIDplus; DTP/NCI; EPA Chemicals under the TSCA; EPA DSSTox; European Chemicals Agency (ECHA); HSDB; The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Other CAS from ChemIDplus European Community (EC) Number HelpNew Window from European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) NSC Number HelpNew Window from DTP/NCI RTECS Number HelpNew Window XX from The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) UN Number HelpNew Window from CAMEO Chemicals; DOT Emergency Response Guidebook; NJDOH RTK Hazardous Substance List UNII HelpNew Window from FDA/SPL Indexing Data Wikipedia HelpNew Window Triallylamine from Wikipedia Shipping Name/ Number DOT/UN/NA/IMO HelpNew Window UN ; Triallylamine from HSDB IMO ; Triallylamine from HSDB Synonyms HelpNew Window Entry Terms HelpNew Window triallylamine from MeSH Computed Properties HelpNew Window Property Name Property Value Molecular Weight g/mol XLogP3 Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 0 Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 1 Rotatable Bond Count 6 Exact Mass g/mol Monoisotopic Mass g/mol Topological Polar Surface Area A^2 Heavy Atom Count 10 Formal Charge 0 Complexity Isotope Atom Count 0 Defined Atom Stereocenter Count 0 Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count 0 Defined Bond Stereocenter Count Triallylamine 0 Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count 0 Covalently-Bonded Unit Count 1 Compound Is Canonicalized Yes from PubChem Experimental Properties HelpNew Window Physical Description HelpNew Window Triallylamine appears as a colorless liquid with a fishlike odor. Density g / cm3 and insoluble in water. Hence floats on water. Flash point °F. Vapors heavier than air. May irritate skin and eyes. Used to make other chemicals. from CAMEO Chemicals Color/Form HelpNew Window Liquid Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.). Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 13th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , p. from HSDB Dark brown liquid State of New Jersey. Dept of Health. Right To Know Hazardous Substance list. Triallylamine. Jan Available from, as of Oct 12, seafoodplus.info from HSDB Odor HelpNew Window Ammonia-like State of New Jersey. Dept of Health. Right To Know Hazardous Substance list. Triallylamine. Jan Available from, as of Oct 12, seafoodplus.info from HSDB Boiling Point HelpNew Window to ° F at mm Hg (NTP, ) National Toxicology Program, Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health (NTP). National Toxicology Program Chemical Repository Database. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. from CAMEO Chemicals °C from EPA DSSTox deg C Lide, D.R. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 79th ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc., , p. from HSDB Melting Point HelpNew Window ° F (NTP, )

National Toxicology Program, Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health (NTP). National Toxicology Program Chemical Repository Database. Research Triangle Park, Triallylamine, North Carolina. from CAMEO Chemicals less than deg C Clayton, G.D., F.E. Clayton (eds.) Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Volumes 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F: Toxicology. 4th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc., , p. from HSDB Flash Point HelpNew Window ° F (NTP, ) National Toxicology Program, Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health (NTP). National Toxicology Program Chemical Repository Database. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. from CAMEO Chemicals DEG F OC. Sax, N.I. Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 4th ed. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, , p. from HSDB Solubility HelpNew Window mg/mL (NTP, ) National Toxicology Program, Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health (NTP). National Toxicology Program Chemical Repository Database. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. from CAMEO Chemicals Water Solubility M CLAYTON,DJ & CLAYTON,FE () from EPA DSSTox Triallylamine, Soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether, acetone, and benzene Lide, D.R. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 79th ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc., , p. from HSDB In water, 2, mg/l @ 25 deg C Clayton, G.D., F.E. Clayton (eds.) Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Volumes 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F: Toxicology. 4th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc., , p. from HSDB Density HelpNew Window at 68 ° F (NTP, ) Toxicology Program, Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health (NTP). National Toxicology Program Chemical Repository Database. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. from CAMEO Chemicals @ 20 deg C Lide, D.R. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Triallylamine, 79th ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc., , p. from HSDB Vapor Density HelpNew Window (Air= 1) Clayton, G.D., F.E. Clayton (eds.) Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Volumes 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F: Toxicology. 4th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc., , p. from HSDB Vapor Pressure HelpNew Window mmHg from EPA DSSTox mm Hg @ 25 deg C Daubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, from HSDB Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient HelpNew Window (LogP) HANSCH,C ET AL. () from EPA DSSTox Kow= Hansch, C., Leo, A., D. Hoekman. Exploring QSAR - Hydrophobic, Electronic, and Steric Constants. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society., , p. 63 from HSDB Decomposition HelpNew Window When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of /nitrogen oxides/. Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, , p. from HSDB Viscosity HelpNew Window X Pa.s @ K Daubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, from HSDB Heat of Vaporization HelpNew Window X10+7 J/Kmol @ K Daubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, from HSDB Surface Tension HelpNew Window X N/m @ K Daubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Triallylamine, Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, from HSDB Odor Threshold HelpNew Window Recognizable @ ppm Clayton, G.D., F.E. Clayton (eds.) Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Volumes 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F: Toxicology. 4th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc., , p. from HSDB Refractive Index HelpNew Window Index of refraction: @ 20 deg C/D Lide, D.R. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 79th ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc., , p. from HSDB Dissociation Constants HelpNew Window pKa= (conjugate acid) Perrin DD; Dissociation Constants of Organic Bases in Aqueous Solution, Iupac Chemical Data Series, Buttersworth, London () from HSDB Other Experimental Properties HelpNew Window Freezing point: deg C Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.). Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 13th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , p. from HSDB Conversion units: 1 mg/l equiv to ppm, 1 ppm equiv to mg/cu m Clayton, G.D., F.E. Clayton (eds.) Triallylamine, Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Volumes 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F: Toxicology. 4th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc., , p. from HSDB 4Spectral Information HelpNew Window D NMR Spectra HelpNew Window 1D NMR Spectra NMRShiftDB Link from NMRShiftDB H NMR Spectra HelpNew Window Instrument Name Varian A Copyright Copyright © Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thumbnail Thumbnail from SpectraBase C NMR Spectra HelpNew Window Source of Sample Aldrich Chemical Company, Inc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin Copyright Copyright © , Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thumbnail Thumbnail from SpectraBase Mass Spectrometry HelpNew Window Mass Spectrometry MASS: (Atlas of Mass Spectral Data, John Wiley & Sons, New York) from HSDB GC-MS HelpNew Window Showing 2 of 4 View More NIST Number Library Main library Total Peaks 54 m/z Top Peak 41 m/z 2nd Highest m/z 3rd Highest 39 Thumbnail Thumbnail from NIST NIST Number Library Replicate library Total Peaks 89 m/z Top Peak 41 m/z 2nd Highest /z 3rd Highest 39 Thumbnail Thumbnail from NIST IR Spectra HelpNew Window IR Spectra IR: (Coblentz Society Spectral Collection) from HSDB FTIR Spectra HelpNew Window Technique Triallylamine CAPILLARY CELL: NEAT Source of Sample CHEM SERVICE, INC., WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA Copyright Copyright © , Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thumbnail Thumbnail SpectraBase Vapor Phase IR Spectra HelpNew Window Instrument Name DIGILAB FTS Vapor Phase Copyright Copyright © , Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thumbnail Thumbnail from SpectraBase Other Spectra HelpNew Window SADTLER REF NUMBER: (IR, PRISM)

Weast, R.C. (ed.). Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 57th ed. Cleveland: CRC Press Inc., , p. C from HSDB 5Related Records HelpNew Window Related Compounds with Annotation HelpNew Window items View More Rows & Details Download BY Descending Compound CID Triallylamine Structure Compound CID Name Molecular Formula Molecular Weight, g/mol Structure Tripropylamine C9H21N Structure 3-Methylhepta-1,4-diene C8H14 Structure 3-Bromoheptane C7H15Br Structure Glycine, N,N-diallyl-, ethyl ester C10H17NO2 Structure Triethyl(propenyl)azanium C9H20N+ 1 2 56 Next from PubChem Related Compounds HelpNew Window Triallylamine Same Connectivity 2 Records Same Parent, Connectivity 21 Records Same Parent, Exact 20 Records Mixtures, Components, and Neutralized Forms 45 Records Similar Compounds 36 Records Similar Conformers Records from PubChem Substances HelpNew Window Related Substances HelpNew Window All Records Same 71 Records Mixture 59 Records from PubChem Substances by Category HelpNew Window 7 Categories Expanded View Download Chemical Vendors (30) Curation Efforts (8) Governmental Organizations (11) Publishers (2) NIH Initiatives (1) Research And Development (11) Subscription Services (3) Legacy Depositors (18) From PubChem Triallylamine Entrez Crosslinks HelpNew Window PubMed 1 Record from PubChem 6Chemical Vendors HelpNew Window Showing 1 Substance per Vendor View All in Entrez Download Alfa Aesar SID: Triallylamine Purchasable Chemical: A Chemical co.,ltd PubChem SID: Purchasable Chemical: MR VladaChem PubChem SID: Purchasable Chemical: VLML Tractus PubChem SID: Purchasable Chemical: RTC TCI (Tokyo Chemical Industry) SID: Purchasable Chemical: T AKos Consulting & Solutions PubChem SID: Purchasable Chemical: AKOS abcr GmbH triallylamine PubChem SID: Purchasable Chemical: AB Finetech Industry Limited PubChem SID: Purchasable Chemical: FT SynHet - Synthetic Heterocycles SID: Purchasable : ADAL MuseChem PubChem SID: Chemical: M



Category Category Description Categorization Type

Consumer_use Term applied when the only information the source indicates is 'consumer' or 'consumer product' ; also applied to terms that the source indicates are for consumer use, yet the descriptor term is ambivalent about usage (e.g., cleaning_washing products may be for industrial or consumer use, when the source indicates consumer use, the consumer_use term is also applied) - see appendix for full list of unambiguous consumer related terms plus ambiguous consumer related terms which if indicated are labeled with 'consumer_use' CPCat Cassette Triallylamine Food_contact, plastics Plastic products, industry for plastics, manufacturing of plastics, plastic additives (modifiers included when known) CPCat Cassette Manufacturing, chemical General term used only when the only information known from the source is 'chemical,'m typically related to manufacturing of chemicals, or laboratory chemicals CPCat Cassette Manufacturing, raw_material Raw materials used in a variety of products and industries (e.g. in cosmetics, chemical manufacturing, production of metals, etc); modifiers included when known to indicate what the raw materials are used for CPCat Cassette from EPA Chemical and Products Database (CPDat) CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATE FOR ION EXCHANGE RESINS & RUBBER SRI from HSDB Lewis, R.J., Sr (Ed.). Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 13th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , p. from HSDB Used as unsaturated polyester resin comonomer; crosslinking comonomer Ashford, R.D. Ashford's Dictionary of Industrial Chemicals. London, England: Wavelength Publications Ltd., , p. from HSDB As an initiator for the polymerization of butadiene Gerhartz, W. (exec ed.). Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. 5th seafoodplus.info A1: Deerfield Beach, FL: VCH Publishers, to Present., p. VA1 (85) from HSDB Methods of Manufacturing HelpNew Window Production: allyl chloride + ammonia (amine formation; coproduced with diallylamine/allylamine) Ashford, R.D. Ashford's Dictionary of Industrial Chemicals. London, England: Wavelength Publications Ltd., , p. from HSDB Consumption Patterns HelpNew Window ESSENTIALLY % AS CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATE SRI from HSDB .S. Production HelpNew Window () X10+5 GRAMS (ALLYLAMINES) SRI from HSDB () X10+5 GRAMS (ALLYLAMINES) SRI Triallylamine from HSDB Manufacturers HelpNew Window Celanese Corp., 86 Morris Avenue, Summit, NJ , () ; Production site: Portsmouth, VA SRI. Directory of Chemical Producers -United States. Menlo Park, CA. SRI Consulting , p. from HSDB General Manufacturing Information HelpNew Window EPA TSCA Commercial Activity Status triallylamine 2-Propenamine, N,N-dipropenyl-: ACTIVE seafoodplus.info from EPA Chemicals under the TSCA 8Safety and Hazards HelpNew Window Identification HelpNew Window GHS Classification HelpNew Window Showing 1 of 2 View More (s) Flammable Corrosive Acute Toxic Irritant Signal Danger Hazard Statements Aggregated GHS information provided by 40 companies from 5 notifications to the ECHA C&L Inventory. Each notification may be associated with multiple companies. Triallylamine H (%): Flammable liquid and vapor [Warning Flammable liquids] H (%): Harmful if swallowed [Warning Acute toxicity, oral] H (40%): Toxic in contact with skin [Danger Acute toxicity, dermal] H (%): Harmful in contact with skin [Warning Acute toxicity, dermal] H (%): Causes severe skin burns and eye damage [Danger Skin corrosion/irritation] H (%): Toxic if inhaled [Danger Acute toxicity, inhalation] H (35%): Harmful if inhaled [Warning Acute toxicity, inhalation] H (30%): Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects [Hazardous to the aquatic environment, long-term hazard] Triallylamine Information may vary between notifications depending on impurities, additives, and other factors. The percentage value in parenthesis indicates the notified classification ratio from companies that provide hazard codes. Only hazard codes with percentage values above 10% are shown. Precautionary Statement Codes P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P+P, P+P+P, P+P, P+P+P, P+P, P+P, P+P+P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P+P, P+P, P+P, P, and P (The corresponding statement to each P-code can be found at the GHS Classification page.) from European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Health Hazard HelpNew Window Excerpt from ERG Guide [Flammable Liquids - Corrosive]: May cause toxic effects if inhaled or ingested/swallowed. Contact with substance may cause severe burns to skin and eyes. Fire will produce irritating, corrosive and/or toxic gases. Vapors may cause dizziness or suffocation. Runoff from fire control or dilution water may cause pollution. Triallylamine (ERG, ) U.S. Department of Transportation, Transport Canada, and Secretariat of Communications and Transport of Mexico, with collaboration from Argentina's Centro de Información Química para Emergencias. Emergency Response Guidebook. seafoodplus.info (accessed April 26, ). from CAMEO Chemicals




Fire Hazard HelpNew Window

Excerpt from ERG Guide [Flammable Liquids - Corrosive]: Flammable/combustible material. May be ignited by heat, sparks or flames. Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Vapors may travel to source of ignition and flash back. Most vapors are heavier than air. They will spread along ground and collect in low or confined areas (sewers, basements, tanks). Vapor explosion hazard indoors, outdoors or in sewers. Those substances designated with a (P) may polymerize explosively when heated or involved in a fire. Runoff to sewer may create fire or explosion hazard. Containers may explode when heated. Many liquids are lighter than water. (ERG, ) Triallylamine U.S. Department of Transportation, Transport Canada, and Secretariat of Communications and Transport of Mexico, with collaboration from Argentina's Centro de Información Química para Emergencias. Emergency Response Guidebook. seafoodplus.info (accessed April 26, ). from CAMEO Chemicals Flammable - 2nd degree, Reactive - 1st degree from NJDOH RTK Hazardous Substance List Fire Potential HelpNew Window MODERATE FIRE RISK Hawley, G.G. The Condensed Chemical Dictionary. 9th ed. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., , p. from HSDB DANGEROUS, WHEN EXPOSED TO HEAT OR FLAME. Sax, N.I. Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 4th ed. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, , p. from HSDB liquid when exposed to heat, flame, or oxidizers. Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, , p. from HSDB Skin, Eye, and Respiratory Irritations HelpNew Window Mucous membrane irritation or chest discomfort in some at ppm, increasingly frequent symptoms to 50 ppm, and irritant symptoms more severe at 75 to ppm . Clayton, G.D., F.E. Clayton (eds.) Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Volumes 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F: Toxicology. 4th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc., , p. from HSDB It may be very irritating to skin and eyes. of American Railroads. Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface Transportation. Washington, DC: Association of American Railroads, Bureau of Explosives, , p. from HSDB An eye and severe skin irritant. , R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 9th ed. Volumes New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, , p. from HSDB Safety and Hazard Properties HelpNew Window Critical Temperature & Pressure HelpNew Window Critical temperature: K; Critical pressure: X10+6 Pa Daubert, T.E., R.P. Danner. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals Data Compilation. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis, from HSDB First Aid Measures HelpNew Window




First Aid HelpNew Window triallylamine

EYES: First check the victim for contact lenses and remove if present. Flush victim's eyes with water or normal saline solution for 20 to 30 minutes while simultaneously calling a hospital or poison control center. Do not put any ointments, oils, or medication in the victim's eyes without specific instructions from a physician. IMMEDIATELY transport the victim after flushing eyes to a hospital even if no symptoms (such as redness or irritation) develop. SKIN: IMMEDIATELY flood affected skin with water while removing and isolating all contaminated clothing. Gently wash all affected skin areas thoroughly with soap and water. If symptoms such as redness or irritation develop, IMMEDIATELY call a physician and be prepared to transport the victim to a hospital for treatment. INHALATION: IMMEDIATELY leave the contaminated area; take deep breaths of fresh air. If symptoms (such as wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, or burning in the mouth, throat, or chest) develop, call a physician and be prepared to transport the victim to a hospital. Provide proper respiratory protection to rescuers entering an unknown atmosphere. Whenever possible, Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) should be used; if not available, use a level of protection greater than or equal to that advised under Protective Clothing. INGESTION: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. If the victim is conscious and not convulsing, give 1 or 2 glasses of water to dilute the chemical and IMMEDIATELY call a hospital or poison control center. Be prepared to transport the victim to a hospital if advised by a physician. If the victim is convulsing or unconscious, do not give anything by mouth, ensure that the victim's airway is open and lay the victim on his/her side with the head lower than the body. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. IMMEDIATELY transport the victim to a hospital. (NTP, ) National Toxicology Program, Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health (NTP). National Toxicology Program Chemical Repository Database. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. from CAMEO Chemicals Fire Fighting HelpNew Window Excerpt from ERG Guide [Flammable Liquids - Corrosive]: Some of these materials may react violently with water. SMALL FIRE: Dry chemical, CO2, water spray or alcohol-resistant foam. LARGE FIRE: Water spray, fog or alcohol-resistant foam. Move containers from fire area if you can do it without risk. Dike fire-control water for later disposal; do not scatter the material. Do not get water inside containers. FIRE INVOLVING TANKS OR CAR/TRAILER LOADS: Fight fire from maximum distance or use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles. Cool containers with flooding quantities of water until well after fire is out. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety devices or discoloration of tank. ALWAYS stay away from tanks engulfed in fire. For massive fire, use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles; if this is impossible, withdraw from area and let fire burn. (ERG, ) triallylamine U.S. Department of Transportation, Transport Canada, and Secretariat of Communications and Transport of Mexico, with collaboration from Argentina's Centro de Información Química para Emergencias. Emergency Response Guidebook. seafoodplus.info (accessed April 26, ). from CAMEO Chemicals Fire Fighting Procedures HelpNew Window FOAM, ALCOHOL FOAM, FOG.


Sax, N.I. Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 4th ed. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, , p. from HSDB If material on fire or involved in fire: Do not extinguish fire unless flow can be stopped or safely confined. Use water in flooding quantities as fog. Solid streams of water may be ineffective. Cool all affected containers with flooding quantities of water. Apply water from as far a distance as possible. Use foam, dry chemical, or carbon dioxide. Keep run-off water out of sewers and water sources. Association of American Railroads. Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface Transportation. Washington, DC: Association of American Railroads, Bureau of Explosives, , p. from HSDB Triallylamine Accidental Release Measures HelpNew Window Isolation and Evacuation HelpNew Window Excerpt from ERG Guide [Flammable Liquids - Corrosive]: As an immediate precautionary measure, isolate spill or leak area for at least 50 meters ( feet) in all directions. SPILL: Increase, in the downwind direction, as necessary, the isolation distance shown above. FIRE: If tank, rail car or tank truck is involved in a fire, ISOLATE for meters (1/2 mile) in all directions; also, consider initial evacuation for meters (1/2 mile) in all directions. (ERG, ) U.S. Department of Transportation, Transport Canada, and Secretariat of Communications and Transport of Mexico, with collaboration from Argentina's Centro de Información Química para Emergencias. Emergency Response Guidebook. seafoodplus.info (accessed April 26, ). from CAMEO Chemicals Disposal Methods HelpNew Window SRP: At the time of review, criteria for land treatment or burial (sanitary landfill) disposal practices are subject to significant revision. Prior to implementing land disposal of waste residue (including waste sludge), consult with environmental regulatory agencies for guidance on acceptable disposal practices. from HSDB Preventive Measures HelpNew Window CHARACTERISTIC AMMONIACAL ODORS & IRRITANT PROPERTIES @ LOW CONCN WOULD AFFORD ADEQUATE WARNING. RECOMMENDED GOOD VENTILATION WHERE ALLYLAMINES WERE PRESENT & CARE TO PREVENT SKIN CONTACT. /ALLYLAMINES/ atty, F. (ed.). Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology: Volume II: Toxicology. 2nd ed. New York: Interscience Publishers, , p. from HSDB Triallylamine If material not on fire and not involved in fire: Keep sparks, flames, and other sources of ignition away. Keep material out of water sources and sewers. Build dikes to contain flow as necessary. Attempt to stop leak if without undue personnel hazard. Use water spray to knock-down vapors. Association of American Railroads. Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface Transportation. Washington, DC: Association of American Railroads, Bureau of Explosives, , p. from HSDB Personnel protection: Avoid breathing vapors. Keep upwind. Avoid bodily contact with the material. Do not handle broken packages unless wearing appropriate personal protective equipment. Wash away any material which may have contacted the body with copious amounts of water or soap and water. If contact with the material anticipated, wear appropriate chemical protective clothing. Association of American Railroads. Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface Transportation. Washington, DC: Association of American Railroads, Bureau of Explosives, , p. from HSDB triallylamine SRP: The scientific literature for the use of contact lenses in industry is conflicting. The benefit or detrimental effects of wearing contact lenses depend not only upon the substance, but also on factors including the form of the substance, characteristics and duration of the exposure, the uses of other eye protection equipment, and the hygiene of the lenses. However, there may be individual substances whose irritating or corrosive properties are such that the wearing of contact lenses would be harmful to the eye. In those specific cases, contact lenses should not be worn. In any event, the usual eye protection equipment should be worn even when contact lenses are in place. from HSDB

Handling and Storage HelpNew Window Nonfire Spill Response HelpNew Window Excerpt from ERG Guide [Flammable Liquids - Corrosive]: Fully encapsulating, vapor-protective clothing should be worn for spills and leaks with no fire. ELIMINATE all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks or flames in immediate area). All equipment used when handling the product must be grounded. Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Stop leak if you can do it without risk. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas. A vapor-suppressing foam may be used to reduce vapors. Absorb with earth, sand or other non-combustible material and transfer to containers (except for Hydrazine). Use clean, non-sparking tools to collect absorbed material. LARGE SPILL: Dike far ahead of liquid spill for later disposal. Water spray may reduce vapor, but may not prevent ignition in closed spaces. (ERG, ) U.S. Department of Transportation, Transport Canada, and Secretariat of Communications and Transport of Mexico, with collaboration from Argentina's Centro de Información Química para Emergencias. Emergency Response Guidebook. seafoodplus.info (accessed April 26, ). from CAMEO Chemicals Storage Conditions HelpNew Window Triallylamine IN GENERAL, MATERIALS WHICH ARE TOXIC AS STORED OR WHICH CAN DECOMP INTO TOXIC COMPONENTS SHOULD BE STORED IN A COOL, WELL-VENTILATED PLACE, OUT OF DIRECT RAYS OF THE SUN, AWAY FROM AREAS OF HIGH FIRE HAZARD, & SHOULD BE PERIODICALLY INSPECTED . INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS SHOULD BE ISOLATED FROM EACH OTHER. Sax, N.I. Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 4th ed. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, , p. from HSDB Exposure Control and Personal Protection HelpNew Window Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) HelpNew Window Personnel protection: Wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus. Wear appropriate chemical protective gloves, boots, and goggles. Association of American Railroads. Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface Transportation. Washington, DC: Association of American Railroads, Bureau of Explosives, , p. from HSDB Protective Equipment and Clothing HelpNew Window Triallylamine Excerpt from ERG Guide [Flammable Liquids - Corrosive]: Wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Wear chemical protective clothing that is specifically recommended by the manufacturer. It may provide little or no thermal protection. Structural firefighters' protective clothing provides limited protection in fire situations ONLY; it is not effective in spill situations where direct contact with the substance is possible. (ERG, ) U.S. Department of Transportation, Transport Canada, and Secretariat of Communications and Transport of Mexico, with collaboration from Argentina's Centro de Información Química para Emergencias. Emergency Response Guidebook. seafoodplus.info (accessed April 26, ). from CAMEO Chemicals Stability and Reactivity HelpNew Window Air and Water Reactions HelpNew Window

Flammable. Insoluble in water. from CAMEO Chemicals Reactive Group HelpNew Window Amines, Phosphines, and Pyridines Hydrocarbons, Aliphatic Unsaturated from CAMEO Chemicals Reactivity Alerts HelpNew Window Strong Reducing Agent CAMEO Chemicals Reactivity Profile HelpNew Window Triallylamine is a strong reducing agent that reacts violently with oxidizing agents. Corrosive towards Al and Zn [Handling Chemicals Safely p. ] . Neutralizes acids in exothermic reactions to form salts plus water. May be incompatible with isocyanates, halogenated organics, peroxides, phenols (acidic), epoxides, anhydrides, and acid halides. Flammable gaseous hydrogen may be generated in combination with strong reducing agents, such as hydrides. from CAMEO Chemicals Information HelpNew Window DOT Emergency Guidelines HelpNew Window /GUIDE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS - CORROSIVE/ Fire or Explosion: Flammable/combustible material. May be ignited by heat, sparks or flames. Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Vapors may travel to source of ignition and flash back. Most vapors are heavier than air. They will spread along ground and collect in low or confined areas (sewers, basements, tanks). Vapor explosion hazard indoors, outdoors or in sewers. Those substances designated with a (P) may polymerize explosively when heated or involved in a fire. Runoff to sewer may create fire or explosion hazard. Containers may explode when heated. Many liquids are lighter than water. U.S. Department of Transportation. Emergency Response Guidebook. Washington, D.C. from HSDB /GUIDE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS - CORROSIVE/ Health: May cause toxic effects if inhaled or ingested/swallowed. Contact with substance may cause severe burns to skin and eyes. Fire will produce irritating, corrosive and/or toxic gases. Vapors may cause dizziness or suffocation. Runoff from fire control or dilution water may cause pollution. U.S. Department of Transportation. Emergency Response Guidebook. Washington, D.C. from HSDB /GUIDE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS - CORROSIVE/ Public Safety: CALL Emergency Response Telephone Number on Shipping Paper first. If Shipping Paper not available or no answer, refer to appropriate telephone number listed on the inside back cover. As an immediate precautionary measure, isolate spill or leak area for at least 50 meters ( feet) in all directions. Keep unauthorized personnel away. Stay upwind. Keep out of low areas. Ventilate closed spaces before entering. U.S. Department of Transportation. Emergency Response Guidebook. Washington, D.C. from HSDB /GUIDE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS - CORROSIVE/ Protective Clothing: Wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Wear chemical protective clothing that is specifically recommended by the manufacturer. It may provide little or no thermal protection. Structural firefighters' protective clothing provides limited protection in fire situations ONLY; it is not effective in spill situations where direct contact with the substance is possible. U.S. Department of Transportation. Emergency Response Guidebook. Washington, D.C. from HSDB /GUIDE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS - CORROSIVE/ Evacuation: Spill: See Table 1 - Initial Isolation and Protective Action Distances for highlighted materials. For non-highlighted materials, increase, in the downwind direction, as necessary, the isolation distance shown under triallylamine "PUBLIC SAFETY". Fire: If tank, rail car or tank truck is involved in a fire, ISOLATE for meters (1/2 mile) in all directions; also, consider initial evacuation for meters (1/2 mile) in all directions. U.S. Department of Transportation. Emergency Response Guidebook. Washington, D.C. from HSDB /GUIDE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS - CORROSIVE/ Fire: Some of these materials may react violently with water. Small Fire: Dry chemical, CO2, water spray or alcohol-resistant foam. Large Fire: Water spray, fog or alcohol-resistant foam. Move containers from fire area if you can do it without risk. Dike fire-control water for later disposal; do not scatter the material. Do not get water inside containers. Fire involving Tanks or Car/Trailer Loads: Fight fire from maximum distance or use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles. Cool containers with flooding quantities of water until well after fire is out. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety devices or discoloration of tank. ALWAYS stay away from tanks engulfed in fire. For massive fire, use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles; if this is impossible, withdraw from area and let fire burn.

U.S. Department of Transportation. Emergency Response Guidebook. Washington, D.C. from HSDB /GUIDE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS - CORROSIVE/ Spill or Leak: Fully encapsulating, vapor protective clothing should be worn for spills and leaks with no fire. ELIMINATE all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks or flames in immediate area). All equipment used when handling the product must be grounded. Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Stop leak if you can do it without risk. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas. A vapor suppressing foam may be used to reduce vapors. Absorb with earth, sand or other non-combustible material and transfer to containers (except for Hydrazine). Use clean non-sparking tools to collect absorbed material. Large Spill: Dike far ahead of liquid spill for later disposal. Water spray may reduce vapor; but may not prevent ignition in closed spaces. U.S. Department of Transportation. Emergency Response Guidebook. Washington, D.C. from HSDB /GUIDE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS - CORROSIVE/ First Aid: Move victim to fresh air. Call or emergency medical service. Give artificial respiration if victim is not breathing. Do not use mouth-to-mouth method if victim ingested or inhaled the substance; give artificial respiration with the aid of a pocket mask equipped with a one-way valve or other proper respiratory medical device. Administer oxygen if breathing is difficult. Remove and isolate contaminated clothing and shoes. In case of contact with substance, immediately flush skin or eyes with running water for at least 20 minutes. In case of burns, immediately cool affected skin for as long as possible with cold water. Do not remove clothing if adhering to skin. Keep victim warm and quiet. Effects of exposure (inhalation, ingestion or skin contact) to substance may be delayed. Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved and take precautions to protect themselves.

U.S. Department of Transportation. Emergency Response Guidebook. Washington, D.C. from HSDB Shipment Methods and Regulations HelpNew Window No person may /transport,/ offer or accept a hazardous material for transportation in commerce unless that person is registered in conformance and the hazardous material is properly classed, described, packaged, marked, labeled, and in condition for shipment as required or authorized by /the hazardous materials regulations (49 CFR )./ 49 CFR ; U.S. National Archives and Records Administration's Electronic Code of Federal Regulations. Available from, as of February 15, seafoodplus.info from HSDB The International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations are published by the IATA Dangerous Goods Board pursuant to IATA Resolutions and and constitute a manual of industry carrier regulations to be followed by all IATA Member airlines when transporting hazardous materials. International Air Transport Association. Dangerous Goods Regulations. 47th Edition. Montreal, Quebec Canada. , p. from HSDB The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code lays down basic principles for transporting hazardous chemicals. Detailed recommendations for individual substances and a number of recommendations for good practice are included in the classes dealing with such substances. A general index of technical names has also been compiled. This index should always be consulted when attempting to locate the appropriate procedures to be used when shipping any substance or article. International Maritime Organization. International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. London, UK. , p. from HSDB DOT ID and Guide HelpNew Window from DOT Emergency Response Guidebook DOT Label HelpNew Window Flammable Liquid Corrosive CAMEO Chemicals 9Toxicity HelpNew Window Toxicological Information HelpNew Window NIOSH Toxicity Data HelpNew Window 11 items View More Rows & Details Download Measurement System Route/Organism Dose Effect Date Skin and Eye Irritation eye /rabbit 50 mg/20S rinse mild February Skin and Eye Irritation skin /rabbit 10 mg/24H open irritation test severe February Acute Toxicity Data inhalation/mammal (species unspecified) lethal concentration (50 percent kill): mg/m3 February Acute Toxicity Data inhalation/man lowest published toxic concentration: 13 ppm/5M Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Structural or functional change in trachea or bronchi February Acute Toxicity Data inhalation/rat lethal concentration (50 percent kill): ppm/8H Olfaction: Other olfaction effects; Eye: Lacrimation; Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Dyspnea February 1 Next Triallylamine from The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Acute Effects HelpNew Window 8 items View More Download

Organism Test Type Route Dose Effect Reference man TCLo inhalation 13 ppm/5M (13 mg/kg) LUNGS, THORAX, OR RESPIRATION: STRUCTURAL OR FUNCTIONAL CHANGE IN TRACHEA OR BRONCHI Archives of Environmental Health., 1(), [PMID] rat LC50 inhalation ppm/8H ( mg/kg) SENSE ORGANS AND SPECIAL SENSES: OTHER CHANGES: OLFACTION; SENSE ORGANS AND SPECIAL SENSES: ACRIMATION: EYE; LUNGS, THORAX, OR RESPIRATION: DYSPNEA Archives of Environmental Health., 1(), [PMID] mouse LD50 oral mg/kg ( mg/kg) BEHAVIORAL: TREMOR; LUNGS, THORAX, OR RESPIRATION: RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION; GASTROINTESTINAL: OTHER CHANGES Archives of Environmental Health., 1(), [PMID] rabbit LD50 skin uL/kg ( mg/kg) American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal., 23(95), [PMID] mammal (species unspecified) LC50 inhalation mg/m3 ( mg/kg) Toksikologiya Novykh Promyshlennykh Khimicheskikh Veshchestv. Toxicology of New Industrial Chemical Substances. For English translation, see TNICS*., 14(80), 1 2 Next from ChemIDplus Antidote and Emergency Treatment HelpNew Window Basic treatment: Establish a patent airway. Suction if necessary. Watch for signs of respiratory insufficiency and assist ventilations if necessary. Administer oxygen by nonrebreather mask at 10 to 15 L/min. Monitor for pulmonary edema and treat if necessary . Monitor for shock and treat if necessary . Anticipate seizures and treat if necessary . For eye contamination, flush eyes immediately with water. Irrigate each eye continuously with normal saline during transport . Do not use emetics. For ingestion, rinse mouth and administer 5 ml/kg up to ml of water for dilution if the patent can swallow, has a strong gag reflex, and does not drool. Administer activated charcoal . Cover skin burns with dry sterile dressings after decontamination . /Organic bases/Amines and related compounds/ Bronstein, A.C., P.L. Currance; Emergency Care for Hazardous Materials Exposure. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO. Mosby Lifeline. , p. from HSDB Advanced treatment: Consider orotracheal or nasotracheal intubation for airway control in the patient who is unconscious or has severe pulmonary edema. Positive-pressure ventilation techniques with a bag-valve-mask device may be beneficial. Monitor cardiac rhythm and treat arrhythmias as necessary . Start an IV with D5W /SRP: "To keep open", minimal flow rate/. Use lactated Ringer's if signs of hypovolemia are present. Watch for signs of fluid overload. Administer 1% solution methylene blue if patient is symptomatic with severe hypoxia, cyanosis, and cardiac compromise not responding to oxygen. . Consider drug therapy for pulmonary edema . For hypotension with signs of hypovolemia, administer fluid cautiously. If patient is unresponsive to these measures, vasopressors may be helpful. Watch for signs of fluid overload . Treat seizures with diazepam (Valium) . Use proparacaine hydrochloride to assist eye irrigation . / Triallylamine Organic bases/Amines and related compounds/ Bronstein, A.C., P.L. Currance; Emergency Care for Hazardous Materials Exposure. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO. Mosby Lifeline. , p. from HSDB Human Toxicity Excerpts HelpNew Window RECOGNIZABLE @ PPM, MUCOUS MEMBRANE IRRITATION Trialillamin bu ters fazlı (RP) HPLC metodu ile basit itril (MeCN), su ve fosforik asit içerir. Kütle Spek (MS) uyumlu uygulamalar için fosforik asidin formik asit ile değiştirilmesi gerekir. Hızlı UPLC uygulamaları için daha küçük 3 µm parçacıklar sütunları mevcuttur. Bu sıvı kromatografi yöntemi ölçeklendirilebilir ve preparatif ayırmada izolasyon safsızlıkları için kullanılabilir. Aynı zamanda farmakokinetik için de uygundur. Trillaminin gaz fazı termal ayrışımı ila K sıcaklık aralığında incelenmiştir. Reaksiyonda gözlenen başlıca ürünler propilen ve 3 - pikolindir. Dahili standart teknik kullanılarak elde edilen triallylaminin tükenmesi için birinci dereceden sabitlerin basınç ve dönüşümden bağımsız olduğu ve Arreniusrelationsation denklem görüntüsüne uyduğu tespit edildi. Tepkime homojen görünüyor, yüzeyde 15 kat değişiklik - Damarın hacim oranı, hız sabitlerini değişmeden bıraktı. Arrhenius parametreleri, propilen ve N lyalil - prop - 2 - enaldimin veren altı merkezli bir geçiş durumu içeren moleküler bir eliminasyon reaksiyonu ile tutarlıdır. İkinci ürünün 1,5 - hidrojen transferine tabi tutulması, ardından dihidropikolin elde etmek için bir halka kapatma reaksiyonu yapılması önerilmektedir, bu da kendiliğinden başlatılan bir ayrışma reaksiyonu ile 3 picoline oluşumu ile reaksiyona girmektedir.

A chemical structure of a molecule includes the arrangement of atoms and the chemical bonds that hold the atoms together. The TRIALLYLAMINE molecule contains a total of 24 bond(s). There are 9 non-H bond(s), 3 multiple bond(s), 6 rotatable bond(s), 3 double bond(s) and 1 tertiary amine(s) (aliphatic).

Triallylamine can be analyzed by this reverse phase (RP) HPLC method with simple conditions. The mobile phase contains an acetonitrile (MeCN), water, and phosphoric acid. For Mass-Spec (MS) compatible applications the phosphoric acid needs to be replaced with formic acid. Smaller 3 µm particles columns available for fast UPLC applications. This liquid chromatography method is scalable and can be used for isolation impurities in preparative separation. It also suitable for pharmacokinetics.

The gas phase thermal decomposition of triallylamine was studied in the temperature range to K. The major products observed in the reaction were propylene and 3-picoline. The first order rate constants for depletion of triallylamine, obtained using the internal standard technique, are found to be independent of pressure and conversion, and fit the Arrheniusrelationship equation imageThe reaction appears to be homogeneous, as a fold change in thc surface-to-volume ratio of the vessel left the rate constants unchanged. The Arrhenius parameters are consistent with a molecular elimination reaction involving a six-center transition state, yielding propylene and N-allyl-propenaldimine. It is proposed that the latter product undergoes a 1,5-hydrogen transfer, followed by a ring closure reaction to yield dihydropicoline, which in turn reacts forming 3-picoline via a self-initiated decomposition reaction.

Colorless alicyclic polyimides (ALPIs) were synthesized from an alicyclic dianhydride, bicyclo[]octene-2,3,5,6-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (BCDA) and an aromatic diamine, 3,4'-oxydianiline (3,4'-ODA). For comparison, a series of crosslinkable ALPI membranes with different content of crosslinkable reagents were prepared. The crosslinkable PI reacts with the crosslinkers and forms covalent bond to create the crosslink structure between PI backbones by free radical reaction. Almost of the crosslinkable PIs exhibit excellent dimensional stability and higher transparency because of the crosslink structure and non-conjugate alicyclic chain. All of the crosslink ALPIs could be coated into flexible and tough films. They had a UV-Vis cut-off at nm and a transmittance of higher than 80% in near ultraviolet region. These PIs show low coefficient of thermal expansion ranging from to ppm/°C, the glass transition temperature in the range of °C, the decomposition temperature in the range of °C. The crosslinkable ALPIs show excellent optical properties with the excited wavelength ranging from to nm and stronger emission intensity than linear PI, the haze lower than , the refractive index about and the abbe numbers over

Allylamine is a colorless or yellowish volatile liquid that is highly flammable and moderately reactive with oxidizing materials (HSDB ). It is completely soluble in water with a pKa of and has a very sharp ammonia-like odor that is irritating to mucous membranes (Budavari et al. ; HSDB ; Boor and Hysmith ).2 Industrially, it is used in the vulcanization of rubber and in the synthesis of commercial products, including mercurial diuretics, sedatives, and antiseptics (Benya and Harbison ). Allylamine is manufactured by the amination of alkyl halides (e.g., allyl chloride and ammonia) and is also a natural constituent of foodstuffs (Budavari et al. ; HSDB ).In addition to being a severe respiratory, eye, and skin irritant, allylamine is cardiotoxic when administered at high doses orally, by inhalation, or by injection. It has been used to induce cardiac and vascular lesions in laboratory animals to model human cardiovascular disease. Allylamine cardiotoxicity is proposed to be related to its metabolism to acrolein and hydrogen peroxide in cardiac and vascular tissues (Boor and Hysmith ; Ramos et al. ). Allylamine lethal inhalation toxicity has been examined in rats and mice and its nonlethal inhalation toxicity in single- and multiple-exposure studies using monkeys, rats, mice, and rabbits. Studies with human volunteers and exposures in the workplace have yielded limited information about the irritant and toxic effects of short-term inhalation exposure. The allylamine odor threshold İs 2 pKa is the negative log of the acid dissociation constant.

Low-molecular-weight poly(allylamine) is prepared via free-radical polymerization, and the resulting polymer is impregnated into mesocellular silica foams at different amine loadings. The resulting poly(allylamine)-silica composites are demonstrated as effective adsorbents for the extraction of carbon dioxide from dilute (simulated flue gas) and ultradilute (simulated ambient air) gas streams. The composite adsorbents are shown to have comparable adsorption capacities to more-conventional poly(ethyleneimine)-silica adsorbents. Potential advantages of poly(allylamine)-derived adsorbents are discussed. Triallylamine uses and applications include: unsaturated polyester resin comonomer; crosslinking comonomer; production of some rubbers, ion exchange resins, organic chemicals

Cycloaddition reactions of 2,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole and ethyl 5-(trifluoromethyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazolecarboxylate with triallylamine were studied. The investigated reactions yielded products of further intramolecular cycloaddition - cage compounds of octahydro-2,7-methanofuro[3,2-c]pyridine series. The synthesized compounds had strongly basic properties and formed stable salts.

Anilines react with triallylamine in dioxane at °C in the presence of a catalytic amount of ruthenium chloride and triphenylphosphine together with tin(II) chloride dihydrate to afford the corresponding 2-ethylmethylquinolines in good yields.

Allyl- is the prefix for the univalent organic group, -CH2=CHCH2. Allyl alcohol is an example, CH2=CHCH2OH, clear, pungent liquid, boiling at 96 C; soluble in water. It is prepared from allyl chloride by hydrolysis. Allyl compound, an alkene hydrocarbon, has a vinyl group, CH2=CH-, attached to a methylene -CH2. Because of the highly reactive solid bond, allyl can undergo free radical addition to solid bond which readily combine with themselves or other monomers to form homopolymers or co-polymers which are used in the production of coatings, adhesives and elastomers. In addition to free radical addition, allyl compounds can participate in a wide variety of reactions including electrophilic additions, allylic substitution and oxidation. Allyl, an unsaturated bond, imparts a characteristic odor in some compounds. An example is allyl isothiocyanate which is the main ingredient of black mustards. (white mustard consists principally of p-hydroxybenzyl isothiocyanate). Allyl isothiocyanate is called mustard oil. Allyl esters are involved in fragrance, flavor, or seafoodplus.infoylamine is used as an intermediate for the manufacture of rubber chemicals, ion exchange resins, polymerization initiators, quaternary ammonium salts, cross-linking agents

Crosslinked polymer beads containing regions of acid and basic groups are preferred structures for the efficient operation of a thermally regenerable ion-exchange process. This study is designed to examine the question of grafting between the acidic and basic regions in the resins. Two approaches were used. First, trapped macroradicals from acrylamide were prepared and then either acrylic acid or triallylamine added. Secondly, the grafting of triallylamine hydrochloride to an autoxidized polyisopropylstyrene sample containing hydroperoxide groups was attempted. However, no grafting of triallylamine hydrochloride occurred even though the hydroperoxide groups, in the presence of cobalt naphthenate, initiated rapid and quantitative grafting of acrylic acid.

Several nitrogen precursors without nitrogen hydrogen bonds were tested to dope ZnSe in a MOVPE process. Bisditrimethylsilylamidozinc (ZnBTM), trimethylsilylazide (TMSiN) and triallylamine (TAN) were used to grow ZnSe:N with ditertiarybutylselenide (DTBSe), diisopropylselenide (DIPSe) and dimethylzinc-triethylamine (DMZn?TEN) at growth temperatures between and °C. The samples were analysed by photoluminescence (PL), current-voltage (I?V), capacitance-voltage (C?V) and Hall measurements. The dependence of nitrogen incorporation and electrical activation on growth temperature, VI/II ratio and dopant flow were investigated. In the PL spectra of the layers grown with TMSiN an intense bound-exciton emission, correlated to Zn vacancies is observed, besides the IN1 emission line for high dopant flows. The samples grown with ZnBTM and TAN as precursors exhibit a broadening of the excitonic emissions and a shift towards the energetic position of the IN1 emission line for increasing nitrogen incorporation in the layers. The intensity of the excitonic emissions in comparison to the donor-acceptor pair emissions remains dominating. Although Hall measurements of several samples doped with ZnBTM and TAN indicate p-type conductivity, the analysis of the C?V and I?V measurements shows the n-type or semi-insulating character of the samples.

A new mesoporous polymer, mesoporous poly-triallylamine (MPTA-1), has been synthesized by a simple and facile in situ radical polymerization of triallylamine through organic-organic self-assembly of anionic or anionic/non-ionic mixed surfactant systems. Powder XRD and TEM image analysis suggests the presence of disordered wormhole-like mesopores in these samples. N2 sorption analyses reveal bimodal pore size distributions on the nanoscale with moderately good surface areas ( m2 g-1) for these MPTA-1 samples. Template-free protonated MPTA-1 samples carry positively charged nitrogen atoms in the mesoporous framework, which is reflected in its high anion exchange efficiencies from aqueous solutions. High anion exchange efficiency of MPTA-1 has motivated us to explore its potential application in the removal of pollutant anions such as CrO, MnO4-, AsO, NO3- and PO, which can be present in significant quantities in various wastewater sources.

The surface chemistry of Triallylamine (TAA), (C3H5)3N on Si() has been studied by adsorption under UHV conditions and in-situ characterization. High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (HREELS) yields the spectrum of vibration modes at the surface, and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) yields the chemical bonding and the partial concentration of the different adsorbates in the near surface region. The tertiary amine TAA physisorbs at RT without dissociation. Successive annealing steps of the physisorbed phase induce the dissociation of the amine at °C. At higher temperatures the allyl groups are partially desorbed and the rest fully dissociated at °C, where the hydrogen leaves the surface and the nitrogen and carbon start to diffuse into the Si substrate. A very similar behaviour is observed for the adsorption of TAA on a heated Si substrate. The coadsorption with Triethylgallium (TEG) in the temperature range °C does not induce significant changes in the reaction at the Si surface. A negligible quantity of Ga is detected at the surface after codeposition in the whole investigated temperature range. The growth of a GaN phase has not been observed, neither on Si() nor on Al2O3() substrates.

Lithium metal is a promising anode candidate for the next-generation rechargeable battery due to its highest specific capacity (?mA?h?g-1) and lowest potential, but low Coulombic efficiency and formation of lithium dendrites hinder its practical application. Here, we report a self-formed flexible hybrid solid-electrolyte interphase layer through co-deposition of organosulfides/organopolysulfides and inorganic lithium salts using sulfur-containing polymers as an additive in the electrolyte. The organosulfides/organopolysulfides serve as "plasticizer" in the solid-electrolyte interphase layer to improve its mechanical flexibility and toughness. The as-formed robust solid-electrolyte interphase layers enable dendrite-free lithium deposition and significantly improve Coulombic efficiency (99% over cycles at a current density of 2?mA?cm-2). A lithium-sulfur battery based on this strategy exhibits long cycling life ( cycles) and good capacity retention. This study reveals an avenue to effectively fabricate stable solid-electrolyte interphase layer for solving the issues associated with lithium metal anodes.

Kinetics of the oxidation of triallylamine by hexacyanoferrate(III) in alkaline medium have been studied. The rate is independent of the concentration of Fe(CN)6(3-), while the orders in [triallylamine] and [OH-] are nearly unity and respectively. The rate of the reaction is not retarded by added Fe(CN)6(4-) ions. The effects of ionic strength, varying cations and anions of added salts, solvent composition and temperature on the reaction rate are reported. A suitable mechanism has been proposed.

Physical properties

Chemical Formula:


Flash Point: ° F (NTP, )

Melting Point: ° F (NTP, )

Specific Gravity: at 68 ° F (NTP, )

Boiling Point: to ° F at mm Hg (NTP, )

Molecular Weight: (NTP, )

Water Solubility: mg/mL (NTP, )


Triallylamine is mainly applied in organic synthesis and resin modifier, also can be used in the crosslinking of high absorbent and the intermediates of ion exchange resin. According to some reports, it can be used in producing polyester activator and the evocating agent of butadiene polymerization.

Storage and transportation

Pack and preserve the product in a sealed, cool and dry condition, avoid contacting strong oxidants, keep away from open seafoodplus.info term of validity: Three years. Transportation: Dangerous goods.

Production and reactions

All three allylamines, mono-, di-, and triallylamine, are produced by the treating allyl chloride with ammonia followed by distillation. Pure samples can be prepared by hydrolysis of allyl isothiocyanate. It behaves as a typical seafoodplus.inforization can be used to prepare the homopolymer (polyallylamine) or copolymers. The polymers are promising membranes for use in reverse osmosis.

Other allylamines

Functionalized allylamines have extensive pharmaceutical applications. Pharmaceutically important allylamines include flunarizine and naftifine. Flunarizine aids in the relief of migraines while naftifine acts to fight common fungus causing infections such as athlete's foot, jock itch, and ringworm.



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