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Oya Çeşitleri Nelerdir

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Ramada Suites by Wyndham KLCC offers comfortable accommodations in the heart of Malaysia’s capital city and easy access to shopping malls, such as the Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, and landmark buildings like the Petronas Twin Towers. Located in the middle of the country’s largest city, you’ll be a stone’s throw away from top restaurants and exciting nightlife, as well as the KL Monorail Station and MRT Station.

I decided to take the MRT and try to walk to the hotel, and despite it was a sunny day, I found the walk to be pleasant with some cool buildings and cafes along an unusually quite alley in a rather very busy part of KL.

From afar, Ramada Suites by Wyndham KLCC caught my attention as being on of the taller buildings within the area. One can easily spot the hotel from the MRT station. The walk took me around 10 minutes from MRT Bukit Bintang to the hotel.

Ramada Suites by Wyndham KLCC

Upon entering the hotel, I was greeted by a wall of rather amazing collection of awards being awarded to Ramada Suites by Wyndham KLCC. There were awards of being the Best Business Class Hotel, Gold Award for 4 Star City Centre Hotel, as well as other recognitions from your usual hotel booking sites such as booking.com, Agoda and Expedia.

Awards of Ramada Suites by Wyndham KLCC

Check-in was slightly slow, there was 1 lady in front of me and it took a good 10 minutes before it was my turn. However, my check in was pretty smooth and once the formalities was done I was directed to my room on the 15th floor.

I was very amazed by the design of the corridor outside of my hotel room. As you can see from the picture I took, it feels symmetrical and somehow very ‘soothing’ to see LOL!

Studio Executive King Ramada Suites by Wyndham KLCC

Upon entering the room, I realized the room was somewhat an ‘L’ shape with a narrow walkway leading to a wider living area and sleeping area along with an extended balcony with stunning view of the KL Tower.

Studio Executive King Ramada Suites by Wyndham KLCC

The room itself is considered large and spacious for couples. It is equipped with a dining table and a complete kitchenette for your perusal. There is also a simple mini bar with complimentary coffee and tea bags, as well as 2 bottle of mineral waters.

The bathroom, however, was slightly smaller than I imagined but it was sufficient. As the saying goes, The sparrow may be small, but all its vital organs are there. There is a standing shower separated from the toilet, which I absolutely appreciates. All your standard toilet amenities are also provided.

The living area is also very comfortable with a small sofa and table provided. One can lounge lazily on the sofa and gobble down some beer, and watch their favorite movies on the 50-inch HD TV. The bed is slightly small considering they market the room as ‘Studio Executive King’. Personally, I feel that the bed is more of a largen Queen size bed than your standard King size bed. Nevertheless, the bed was more than sufficient for 2 person to sleep comfortably with each having their own ‘private’ area.

Studio Executive King Ramada Suites by Wyndham KLCC

Next, I headed up to the 9th floor where the swimming pool and gym was located. During CMCO, guest will have to register to use the swimming pools and gym. Only 2 person are allowed per session, and each session last a maximum of 1 hour. As I went during weekday, I was able to use the pool without booking it, as there was so little guest in the hotel. It was raining some 30 minutes before, so I assumed the other guests are snuggling under their blanket.

Infinity Pool at Ramada Suites by Wyndham KLCC

There’s a kid’s pool as well as the adult’s pool. The adult’s pool is an infinity pool overlooking the KL skyline and you can have a peek at the KL Tower as well. The gym was well-equipped and very spacious with proper social distancing rules observed. The one thing I liked about the gym is that one can have an intense workout while overlooking the infinity pool and skyline of the KL city center.

At night, we headed out to the balcony and as expected, we are able to get a glimpse of the KL Tower from our balcony. I begged lady boss to have a picture with the KL Tower and to test out the night mode on my new iPhone 12.

Overall, I enjoyed my stay at Ramada Suites by Wyndham KLCC and I would like to extend my gratitude to J, Sam and the team for hosting us and for their hospitality. The only downside of our stay was that the hotel restaurant was undergoing renovations, hence no breakfast provided. Well, I guess that is another reason for us to be back again at Ramada’s.

Check out some of our other hotel reviews here!

Ramada Suites by Wyndham KLCC
1 Lorong Ceylon, Bukit Ceylon, 50200 Kuala Lumpur

Official website: https://www.wyndhamhotels.com/ramada/kuala-lumpur-malaysia/ramada-suites-kuala-lumpur-city-centre
Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/RamadaKLCC
Official Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/ramadaklcc/

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Din, kültürün ayrılmaz ögelerindendir. Dini inanç ve ahlaki değerler, bireyin içinde bulunduğu topluma aidiyetini artırır ve bireyleri birbirlerine yaklaştırarak toplumsal düzenin oluşturulmasına yardımcı olur. Hoca Ahmet Yesevi’nin de özellikle Divan-ı Hikmet’i ile Türkistan bölgesinde ağırlıklı olmak üzere Anadolu ve Balkan Türklerini etkilerken “Kolaylaştırınız zorlaştırmayınız, müjdeleyiniz nefret ettirmeyiniz” hadisinden ilhamla Türklere İslam'ı kolaylaştırarak benimsettiği görülmektedir. Yesevi’nin dini yaşam ve tasavvufi anlayışla ortaya koyduğu manevi ruh, Türkler arasında uzun süre etkili olmuş ve kaybolmadan günümüze kadar ulaşmıştır. Ahmet Yesevi, İslâm'ı yeni kabul etmiş Türk topluluklarına dinin irfan yönünü tanıtırken Arapça ve Farsçayı çok iyi bilmesine rağmen toplumun kültürel hassasiyetlerini önceleyerek eserlerini Türkçe vermiştir. Ahmet Yesevi’nin öğrencilerini/gönüllülerini Asya içlerine, Anadolu’ya, Balkanlara ve dahi Avrupa’nın Doğusuna kadar gönderdiği bilinmektedir. Dolayısıyla öğretileri hem siyasi hem de kültürel sınırlar ötesinde başkaca topluluklar arasında talim edilmiştir. Ahmet Yesevi, Türkler arasında tasavvuf kültürünün yaygınlaşması ve ortak bir din kültürünün oluşmasının temelini oluştururken İslam’ın kılıç gücüyle değil, istimalet (gönül kazanma) yoluyla yayılmasına vesile olmuştur. Nitekim aynı dönemlerde Moğollar da büyük bir imparatorluk kurmuş ama devletleri sadece kılıç gücüne dayalı olduğu için kısa ömürlü olmuştur. Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Türk töresi ile İslam dini arasında ikilem yaşayan toplumun aidiyet sorununu pratik ilkeler ve ahlaki değerler çerçevesi içerisinde ele alarak bireyin toplumla olan münasebetlerini şekillendiren yeni bir kimlik inşa etmiştir. Aynı zamanda bu yeni kimliğin, Fars ve Arap kültürü egemen olan yönetim ve siyasetle ilişkilerinde aracı kurum sayılabilecek tasavvuf halkası içerisinde temsilini de güçlendirmiştir. Zira binlerce yıllık Türk kültürü, töresi, bilgi ve birikimiyle birlikte sayısız devlet kurmuş ve kendi kendilerini yönetebilme becerisini elde edebilmiş olan hem Türkistan hem de Anadolu Türkleri, bu yöntemle İslamlaşmanın kendilerini devlet yönetiminin dışında tutmasına izin vermemiştir. Buradan hareketle Hoca Ahmet Yesevi ve öğretilerinin İslam dininin Türk halkları arasında hızla yayılmasına, İslam’ın Türk kültür ve toplumsal yapı içerisine dinin anlam ve işlevleriyle ilgili konuların derç edilmesine katkısı inkâr edilemeyecek düzeyde büyüktür. Bu çalışmada Türk kültür ve kimlik oluşumunda istimalet siyasetinin, hoşgörünün ve Hoca Ahmet Yesevi’nin rolü incelenirken, din-toplum ve siyaset ilişkileri sosyolojik bir bakış açısıyla tahlil edilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Türk Kültürü, Kimlik, Din Sosyolojisi, İstimalet Siyaseti, Hoca Ahmet Yesevi, Hoşgörü

GMOs: Your Right To Know

November 2, 2015by JahLive81in Masonry (2 columns), Masonry (3 columns), Portfolio (2 columns), Portfolio (3 columns)71044

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur auctor sapien ex, nec pellentesque nisl sodales nec. Etiam nec urna nibh. Vivamus a ornare magna. Vivamus cursus, augue id egestas volutpat, metus erat viverra massa, vel dignissim sapien nulla a arcu. Aliquam volutpat, orci at iaculis sollicitudin, tortor ligula convallis lorem, et lobortis dolor nisi ut erat. Nunc viverra velit dignissim faucibus sollicitudin. Duis eget metus convallis, fringilla ipsum ut, dignissim ipsum. Donec sodales feugiat ex, sit amet dictum mauris ultricies vel. Nulla feugiat mollis tellus.

Vivamus pulvinar tortor vitae urna posuere, et dignissim justo finibus. Phasellus risus felis, pulvinar vitae ante dignissim, porta consequat lectus. Mauris sed sodales dui, eget venenatis nulla. Sed ultrices felis in augue dictum tincidunt. Morbi quis aliquam lorem, vitae sollicitudin mi. Nullam rutrum eleifend arcu, sit amet laoreet ante. Mauris at enim sem. Vivamus nec congue risus, id dignissim tortor. Praesent quis sagittis nisi, eget posuere metus.

Phasellus id diam lectus. Pellentesque malesuada fermentum nibh a eleifend. Sed condimentum lectus ut nulla gravida, vitae commodo metus congue. Fusce volutpat enim ut elit tincidunt, ut convallis urna volutpat. Vestibulum eleifend imperdiet molestie. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc sagittis sem erat, non lobortis orci faucibus vitae. Aliquam bibendum arcu metus, in scelerisque justo sagittis in. Sed accumsan hendrerit efficitur. Sed fringilla luctus nulla nec auctor. Phasellus mi eros, scelerisque efficitur est sed, malesuada gravida eros. Sed dapibus laoreet diam, ut vehicula mauris molestie sed. Duis auctor et velit in cursus.

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