past perfect timeline / Learn Future Perfect - Lingua Matik

Past Perfect Timeline

past perfect timeline

Learn Future Perfect

Hello everyone, Welcome to Lingua Matik, today we’re going to talk about the Future Perfect. When do we use it and how? Let’s find out!

The Future Perfect Tense is used to express that an action in the future will be completed before another action in the future.


The Future Perfect tense is formed using:
– modal auxiliary ‘will’
– auxiliary ‘have’
– main verb in the ‘Past Participle’.

Let’s take a look at this timeline:


So when she arrives, in the future I will have already been full because I have already eaten lunch.

Let’s check these examples together:

  • She will have cooked dinner by the time the guests arrive.

they arrive in the future: check

The dinner will be ready: check

  • He will have finished his homework before bedtime.
  • I will have been in Paris for 2 years by the time my contract expires.

It’s not 11:30 yet, I’m talking about when the exam will be finished in the future.

So, look at this table with the example:

  • The train will leave the station at 9am. You will arrive at the station at 9.15am. When you arrive, the train will have left.

The train will have left when you arrive.

  Train leaves in future at 9am.
  9   9:15        
  You arrive in future at 9.15am.

Look at some more examples:

  • You can call me at work at 8am. I will have arrived at the office by 8.
  • They will be tired when they arrive. They will not have slept for a long time.
  • “Mary won’t be at home when you arrive.” / “Really? Where will she have gone?”

You can sometimes think of the Future Perfect tense like the Present Perfect tense, but instead of your viewpoint being in the present, it is in the future:


Look at these examples and try to guess what they mean exactly:

Speaker 1: The book club meets this evening. Are you ready?

Speaker 2: I will have read the book.

In this case, Speaker 2 is assuring us that he or she will finish the book before or by the time the book club meeting begins.

From these examples, we see that the future perfect tense tells us about an action that will be finished by a certain time in the future.

Hem “Present Perfect Tense” hem de “Past Perfect Tense” şu konuşulan zamandan daha önce vuku bulmuş bir olaydan bahseder. Ancak bu iki yapının referans aldığı zaman noktaları birbirlerinden farklıdır.

“Present Perfect Tense”te referans noktamız şimdiki zamandır.

“Past Perfect Tense”te referans noktamız geçmiş zamandır.

Present Perfect Tense

Geçmişte başlayan ve konuşulan ana kadar devam etmekte olan bir eylemden bahseder.

I have lived in this city for six months.

Konuşulan andan önce gerçekleşmiş ancak eylemin zamanı spesifik olarak belirtilmemiş durumlarda kullanılır. Mesela: “önceden”, “bu zamana kadar” ifadeleri veya hiç zaman belirtilmeme durumu. Çünkü eylemin nokta atışı gerçekleşme vaktinin belirtilmesi “Simple Past Tense” kullanımını gerektirir.

I have been to Japan twice.

Present Perfect Tense İle Nasıl Cümle Kurulur?

HAVE / HAS + past participle (V3)

Present Perfect Tense Örnekleri

  • My mother has just gone to the store.
  • Janet has lived abroad for five years.
  • I haven’t seen the new movie yet.
  • Have you finished your homework?

Present Perfect Tense’te‘ve ve ‘sşeklindekısaltmaların kullanılması da çok yaygındır.

  • I’ve been to Japan three times.
  • My mother’s just gone to the store.
  • Janet’s lived abroad for five years.

Past Perfect Tense

Geçmiş zamanda olduğu bilinen bir olaydan daha önce bir olayı anlatmak için kullanılır.

When I arrived at the office this morning, I discovered that I had left my computer on the night before.

Past Perfect Tense İle Nasıl Cümle Kurulur?

HAD + past participle (V3)

Past Perfect Tense Timeline

When I arrived at the office this morning, I discovered that I had left my computer on the night before.

Mesela bu örnekte kişi “Bu sabah ofise geldiğimde, önceki gece bilgisayarımı açık bıraktığımı farkettim.” demiştir. Bu sabah ofise varması “simple past tense” ile kullanılarak ifade edilmiş, bir önceki gece bilgisayarı açık bıraktığını belirten cümle ise “past perfect tense” ile belirtilmiştir.

Not: Geçmişte olan iki eylem “simple past tense” ile de anlatılabilir. Ancak “past perfect tense” kullanmak o eylemin daha geçmişte yaşandığını vurgulayacaktır.

Beraber Bir Örnek Oluşturalım:

  1. I went to Japan in 1988 and 1991.
  2. I turned 10 years old in 1994.

Bağlaç ile birleştirilmiş hali:

When I woke up this morning, my husband had already eaten breakfast.

Past Perfect Tense’de “had” yardımcı fiilinin “‘d ”olarak kısaltılması yaygın bir durumdur.

I’d traveled to five different countries by the time I was 20 years old.

We discuss what the Jackpot is in the Prime Video series The Peripheral, and so it will contain spoilers.

Episode four of The Peripheral is titled “Jackpot,” a word that has been mentioned a couple of times before in the series, but always in hushed tones. This tragic period of time in humanity’s history is a key part of The Peripheral’s narrative, a vital turning point in the London, 2100 timeline’s past and a catastrophic foreshadowing in Flynne’s 2032 timeline, one that works as a stark warning for their fleeting future. The Jackpot seems to be the central theme of this instalment, but what exactly is it and what caused the apocalyptic event in the first place?