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Prof Dr Kenan Aksu Biyografi

prof dr kenan aksu biyografi

Бабаяров Г. Тюрко-согдийские контакты в период Тюркского Каганата (на примере системы управления историко-географическими областями Среднеазиатского Междуречья) // Центральная Азия от Ахеменидов до Тимуридов. Мат. межд. науч. конф. Ст. Петербург, с.

Редакторы: С.Г. Кляшторный, Ш.М. Мустафаев. Сборник отражает результаты международной научной конференции «Дорога Страбона как часть Великого Шелкового пути», которая состоялась в Баку ноября г. Конференция была инициирована и проведена Международным Институтом Центральноазиатских исследований под эгидой ЮНЕСКО и Национальной Академией Наук Азербайджана и является частью более широкого международного проекта, предусматривающего комплексное изучение проблем, связанных с функционированием первой в мировой истории трансконтинентальной торговой трассы. Основные доклады конференции были посвящены сухопутным и водным путям, связавшим в конце I тыс. до н.э. – 1 тыс. н.э. две суперцивилизации древнего мира — дальневосточную и средиземноморскую. Возникшие тогда торговые связи привели к формированию обширных контактных регионов, ставших также зонами появления новых торговых и культурных центров, новых политических, экономических и религиозных структур, с которыми связаны и новые представления об ойкумене, об обитаемой вселенной, о реальном пространстве Евразийского континента и разнообразии населяющих его народов. Наиболее четкое отражение сложившегося тогда пространственного и ойкуменального мышления проявилось в трудах античных авторов — Страбона, Плиния и, позднее, Птолемея.

Международный научный журнал "Альтернативная энергетика и экология" ISJAEE, 12 (56) под Редакцией главного редактора Александра Леонидовича Гусева

by Alexander L. Gusev

Международный научный журнал "Альтернативная энергетика и экология" ISJAEE, 12 (56) под Редакцией главного редактора Александра Леонидовича Гусева More

Международный научный журнал "Альтернативная энергетика и экология" ISJAEE, 12 (56) под Редакцией главного редактора Александра Леонидовича Гусева Less

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¹12 (56) ISSN  Âûõîäèò åæåìåñÿ÷íî Èçäàåòñÿ ñ èþëÿ  ã. Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé   íàó÷íûé  æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ  ýíåðãåòèêà  è  ýêîëîãèÿ» Редакционная коллегия Ãëàâíûé ðåäàêòîð À. Ë. Ãóñåâ Ãåíåðàëüíûé äèðåêòîð Èíñòèòóòà âîäîðîäíîé ýêîíîìèêè è Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêîãî öåíòðà «ÒÀÒÀ» À/ÿ , Ñàðîâ, Íèæåãîðîäñêàÿ îáë., , Ðîññèÿ Òåë.: +7 () , ; ôàêñ: +7 () Ìîá. òåë. (îôèñíûå): +, +; E-mail: [email protected] Научный совет С.М. Алдошин, (ИПХФ РАН, Черноголовка, Рос- В.Е. Накоряков, (Институт теплофизики СОРАН, сия), зам. главного редактора ISJAEE Новосибирск, Россия) В.М. Арутюнян, Армении (Ереван­ский государс- И.М. Неклюдов, Украины (Харьковский физико- твенный университет, Ереван, Армения) технический институт, Харьков, Украина) Дж.О’М. Бокрис, проф. (Гейнсвилль, США) В.Н. Пармон, акад. РАН (Институт катализа им. В.М. Бузник, (Инновационно-технологический seafoodplus.infoова СО РАН, Новосибирск, Россия) центр РАН, Москва, Россия) Н.Н. Пономарев-Степной, акад. РАН (РНЦ «Курча­товский Т.Н. Везироглу (Международная ассоциации водородной институт», Москва, Россия) энергетики (МАВЭ), Институт чистой энергии Университет О.С. Попель (Объединенный институт выских температур Майами, США), зам. главного редактора ISJAEE РАН, Москва, Россия) Е.А. Гудилин, член-корр. РАН (Факультет наук о материалах М.А. Прелас, проф. (Университет Миссури-Коламбия, Ко- МГУ seafoodplus.infoсова, Москва, Россия), зам. главного ламбия, США) редактора ISJAEE Ю.А. Рыжов, (Международный инженерный Я.Б. Данилевич, (ОЭЭП РАН, Москва, Россия) университет, Москва, Россия) Ю.А. Добровольский (ИПХФ РАН, Черноголовка, Россия) П. Сан-Грегуар (Университет Тулон-Вара, Франция), зам. А.В. Елютин, (ФГУП«Гиредмет», Москва, Россия) главного редактора ISJAEE О.Н. Ефимов (ИПХФ РАН, Черноголовка, Россия) А.Я. Столяревский (Центр КОРТЭС, Россия), зам. главного (Институт физики НАН Азербайджана, Азербай- редактора ISJAEE джан), зам. главного редактора ISJAEE Б.П. Тарасов (ИПХФ РАН, Черноголовка, Россия) А.С. Коротеев, акад. РАН (ФГУП «Центр Келдыша», Мос- Ю.Д. Третьяков, (Факультет наук о материалах ква, Россия) МГУ seafoodplus.infoсова, Москва, Россия) Б.Н. Кузык, член-корр. РАН (НИК НЭП, Москва, Россия) Ю.А. Трутнев, акад. РАН (Российский федеральный ядерный А.М. Липанов, (УдНЦ УрО РАН, Ижевск, Рос- центр – Всероссийский научно-иссле­дова­тель­ский институт сия) экспериментальной физики (РФЯЦ-ВНИИЭФ)), зам. главно- В.А. Лопота, (РКК «Энергия» им. С.П. Ко- го редактора ISJAEE ролева, Россия) В.Е. Фортов, (Институт теплофизики экстремаль- В.В. Лунин, (МГУ, Москва, Россия) ных состояний Объединенного института высоких темпера- A.А. Макаров, проф.(ФГУП «НИИХимМаш», Сергиев-По- тур РАН, Москва, Россия) сад, Россия) seafoodplus.infoн (Университет Центральной Флориды, США), Ч. Марчетти, проф. (Сиеци, Италия) зам. главного редактора ISJAEE Г.А. Месяц, (Физический институт seafoodplus.infoва seafoodplus.infoе, (Институт физической химии и РАН, Москва, Россия) электро­химии им. seafoodplus.infoна РАН, Москва, Россия) Журнал зарегистрирован Международным центром ЮНЕСКО в г. (название: «Al’ternativna nergetika i cologi», краткое название: «Al’tern. nerg. col.»), ISSN Тематика журнала одобрена Международной ассоциацией водородной энергетики (МАВЭ) и Международным центром развития водородной энергетики Департамента по вопросам промышленного развития ООН (UNIDO-ICHET). Журнал включен в «Перечень периодических научных и научно-технических изданий, выпускаемых в РФ, рекомендованных для публикации основных результатов диссертаций на соискание ученой степени кандидата наук» ВАК. Награды журнала: Медаль Рентгена (г.), Диплом Фонда seafoodplus.infoского и Комитета по экологии Государственной думы ФС РФ (г.). Журнал включен в Реферативный журнал и Базы данных ВИНИТИ. Журнал включен в каталоги: «Роспечать» (индекс ), Объединенный каталог «Пресса России. Российские и зарубежные газеты и журналы» (индекс ), «Интерпочта», «Артос-ГАЛ», «Деловая пресса», «Экспресс», «Ермак-Пресс», «Пресс- инфо», «Южно-уральская почта», Красносельское агентство «Союзпечать». Полные электронные версии статей представлены на сайте Научной электронной библиотеки, на сайте Международного научного журнала «Альтернативная энергетика и экология», а также на сайте Меж- дународного научного и образовательного портала «Водород» Журнал зарегистрирован в Федеральной службе по надзору за соблюдением законодательства в сфере массовых коммуни- каций и охране культурного наследия (свидетельство ПИ №ФС) от 14 сентября г. International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 2 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

¹12 (56) ISSN  Monthly Found in july International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief A. L. Gusev Director General of Institute for Hydrogen Economy and Scientific Technical Centre “TATA” Post Box Office , Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia Phone: +7 () , ; fax: +7 () Cell phones (office): +, +; e-mail: [email protected] SCIENTIFIC Editorial BOARD S. M. Aldoshin, Academician RAS (IPCP RAS, Cherno­ G. A. Mesyats, Academician RAS (Physics Institute of golovka, Russia), deputy editor-in-chief of ISJAEE them. P. N. Lebedev of RAS, Moscow, Russia) V. M. Aroutiounian, Academician NAS of Armenia V. E. Nakoryakov, Academician RAS (Kutateladze Insti- (Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia) tute of thermophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia) J. O’M. Bockris, Prof. (Gainesville, USA) I. M. Neklyudov, Academician RAS of Ukraine (Khar’kov V. M. Buznik, Academician RAS (Innovation technology Physical Technical Institute, Khar’kov, Ukraine) center RAS, Moscow, Russia) V. N. Parmon, Academician RAS (Boreskov Institute of Ya. B. Danilevich, Academician RAS (DBREPE RAS, Catalysis of SD RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia) Moscow, Russia) N. N. Ponomaryov-Stepnoy, Academician RAS (RRC Yu. A. Dobrovolskiy (IPCP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia) “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia) A. V. Elyutin, Academician RAS (“GIREDMET”, Moscow, O. S. Popel’ (United Institute of High Temperatures of Russia) RAS, Moscow, Russia) O. N. Efimov (IPCP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia) M. A. Prelas, Prof. (University of Missouri-Columbia, V. E. Fortov, Academician RAS (Institute of thermal phys- Columbia, USA) ics of extremal state RAS, Moscow, Russia) Yu. A. Ryjov, Academician RAS (International University E. A. Goodilin, Member Corresponding RAS (FMS MSU, of Engineering, Moscow, Russia) Moscow, Russia), deputy editor-in-chief of ISJAEE P. Saint-Gregoire (Universitй de Toulon et du Var, France), M. D. Hampton (University of Central Florida, USA), deputy editor-in-chief of ISJAEE deputy editor-in-chief of ISJAEE A. Ya. Stolyarevsky (Center CORTES, Russia), deputy G. I. Isakov (Institute of Physics of NAS of Azerbaijan, editor-in-chief of ISJAEE Azerbaijan), deputy editor-in-chief of ISJAEE B. P. Tarasov (IPCP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia) A. S. Koroteev, Academician RAS (Keldysh Research Yu. D. Tretiakov, Academician RAS (FMS MSU, Moscow, Russia) Center, Moscow, Russia) Yu. A. trutnev, Academician RAS (Russian Federal B. N. Kuzyk, Member Corresponding RAS (NIK NEP, Nuclear Center – All-Russian Research Institute of Moscow, Russia) Experimental Physics (RFNC-VNIIEF), Russia), deputy A. M. Lipanov, Academician RAS (UdSC UrB RAS, editor-in-chief of ISJAEE Izhevsk, Russia) A. Yu. Tsivadze, Academician RAS (A. N. Frumkin In- V. A. Lopota, Member Corresponding RAS (S. P. Korolev stitute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Rocket and Space Corporation “Energia”, Russia) Moscow, Russia) V. V. Lunin, Academician RAS (MSU, Moscow, Russia) T. N. Veziroglu (International Association for Hydrogen A. A. Makarov, Prof. (NIICHIMMASH, Sergiev-Posad, Energy (IAHE), Clean Energy Research Institute at the Russia) University of Miami, USA), deputy editor-in-chief of Ch. Marchetti, Prof. (Sieci, Italy) ISJAEE The journal is registered in UNESCO in ISSN International Centre in (key title: «Al’ternativnaв иnergetika i иcologiв», abbreviated key title: «Al’tern. иnerg. иcol.»), ISSN The subjects of the journal are approved by International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE). The journal has been included into the “List of scientific and technical periodicals in Russian Federation and recommended to publish main results of the candidate of science dissertation” of All-Russian certifying commission. The journal has been included into catalogues: “Rospechat’” (), Joined catalogue “Press of Russia. Russian and foreign newspapers and journals” (), “Interpochta”, “Artos-GAL”, “Business press”, “Express”, “Ermak-Press”, “Press-Info”, “Yuzhno-Ural’skaya pochta”, Krasnosel’skoe agency “Soyuzpechat’”. Journal awards: Rцntgen Medal (), Award of V. I. Vernadskyi fund and RF State Committee for Ecology (). The journal has been included into the abstract journal and data base VINITI. Information on the journal is annually published in the international reverence system of periodical of current issues “Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory”. Full version of papers has been presented at Scientific electronic library, web-site of International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology, and International Information and Education Portal «Hydrogen» The journal has been registered at Russian Federal Service on Supervision of Observance of the Legislation in Sphere of Mass Communications and Protection of a Cultural Heritage (Certificate PI No FC) September 14, Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 3

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Г. К. Борескова СО РАН им. М. В. Келдыша «Курчатовский институт» объединение «Луч» библиотека центр «ТАТА» Institute of Problems Boreskov Institute Keldysh Russian Research Center Scientific Research Institute Research- Scientific Scientific Technical of Chemical Physics of RAS of Catalysis SB RAS Research Center ”Kurchatov Institute” and-Production Assotiation ”Luch” Electronic Library Centre “ТАТА” International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 4 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

ÑÎÄÅÐÆÀÍÈÅ Òóðõàí Íåäæàò Âåçèðîãëó. Áèîãðàôèÿ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ïðåäñòàâëåíèå äð. Ò. Í. Âåçèðîãëó íà ïðèñóæäåíèå Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé ïðåìèè «Ãëîáàëüíàÿ ýíåðãèÿ» . . . . . . . . 58 ВОДОРОДНАЯ ЭКОНОМИКА История водородной энергетики Ò. Í. Âåçèðîãëó Ñàãà î Âîäîðîäíîé öèâèëèçàöèè . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Газоаналитические системы и сенсоры водорода Þ. Å. Êàëèíèí, À. Â. Ñèòíèêîâ, Î. Â. Ñòîãíåé Ôèçè÷åñêèå ñâîéñòâà íàíîêîìïîçèòîâ ìåòàëë-äèýëåêòðèê ñ àìîðôíîé ñòðóêòóðîé. Ïðîäîëæåíèå . . . . . . 59 Топливные элементы Å. À. Àñòàôüåâ, Þ. À. Äîáðîâîëüñêèé Ïîâåäåíèå ìåìáðàííî-ýëåêòðîäíûõ áëîêîâ ïîëèìåðíûõ òîïëèâíûõ ýëåìåíòîâ: ýëåêòðîõèìè÷åñêèå ìåòîäû èññëåäîâàíèÿ êàòàëèòè÷åñêîé àêòèâíîñòè è êîððîçèîííîé óñòîé÷èâîñòè ýëåêòðîäîâ . . . . . . . . . . 72 Атомная энергетика Атомно-водородная энергетика À. À. Âå÷åð, Ê. Â. ×åðíÿêîâà Âîäîðîäíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà — îäèí èç ñïîñîáîâ ðàöèîíàëüíîãî èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ ýíåðãèè àòîìíûõ ýëåêòðîñòàíöèé . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 энергетика и ЭКОЛОГИЯ John O’M. Bockris The renewable energies: extent and time of development estimates of cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Информация Å. Òàðàðàåâà Ïåðñïåêòèâíûå íàïðàâëåíèÿ ïðèìåíåíèÿ íàíîòåõíîëîãèé . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . À. Ñàëèêîâ Èííîâàöèè â ÿäåðíûõ òåõíîëîãèÿõ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Òåìàòè÷åñêèé óêàçàòåëü ñòàòåé, îïóáëèêîâàííûõ â ãîäó . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Àâòîðñêèé óêàçàòåëü ñòàòåé, îïóáëèêîâàííûõ â ãîäó . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Международные научные конференции Âòîðîé Âñåìèðíûé êîíãðåññ «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» WCAEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . Êàëåíäàðü ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ íàó÷íûõ êîíôåðåíöèé ïî àëüòåðíàòèâíîé ýíåðãåòèêå. I êâàðòàë . . . . . . . . Âíèìàíèå — êîíêóðñû! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Íà 1-é ñòð. îáëîæêè: çàì. ãëàâíîãî ðåäàêòîðà ISJAEE, ïðeçèäåíò ÌÀÂÝ Òóðõàí Íåäæàò Âåçèðîãëó Ó÷ðåäèòåëü, èçäàòåëü è ðåäàêöèÿ Îñíîâíîé ïàðòíåð Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» Èíñòèòóò âîäîðîäíîé ýêîíîìèêè Ãåíåðàëüíûé äèðåêòîð À. Ë. Ãóñåâ Ãåíåðàëüíûé äèðåêòîð À. Ë. Ãóñåâ E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Ïî÷òîâûé àäðåñ: Ïî÷òîâûé àäðåñ: , Ðîññèÿ, Íèæåãîðîäñêàÿ îáë., , Ðîññèÿ, Íèæåãîðîäñêàÿ îáë., Ñàðîâ, à/ÿ Ñàðîâ, à/ÿ , ÍÒÖ «ÒÀÒÀ» Òåë.: 8 () , ôàêñ: 8 ()  Òåë.: 8 () , , ôàêñ: 8 ()  Ìîá. òåë.: + Ìîá. òåë.: + Åæåìåñÿ÷íûé ðåöåíçèðóåìûé æóðíàë. Âñå ïðàâà ïðèíàäëåæàò ÍÒÖ «ÒÀÒÀ». Ïåðåïå÷àòêà ìàòåðèàëîâ òîëüêî ñ ðàçðåøåíèÿ ÍÒÖ «ÒÀÒÀ». Ñòàòüè ðåôåðèðóþòñÿ â ÂÈÍÈÒÈ, â Ìåæäóíàðîäíîì íàó÷íîì æóðíàëå «Ïèñüìà â Àëüòåðíàòèâíóþ ýíåðãåòèêó è ýêîëîãèþ», ðåöåíçèðóþòñÿ, àííîòèðóþòñÿ è äåïîíèðóþòñÿ Çàâåäóþùèé ðåäàêöèåé, ãë. ðåäàêòîð Ëèòåðàòóðíûé ðåäàêòîð Íàó÷íûé îáîçðåâàòåëü ñàéòà Åëåíà Ãåííàäèåâíà Þòêèíà Îëüãà Áîðèñîâíà Áàêëèöêàÿ-Êàìåíåâà Àëåêñàíäð Ëåîíèäîâè÷ Ãóñåâ (Ðîññèÿ, Ñàðîâ) (Ðîññèÿ, Ìîñêâà) (Ðîññèÿ, Ñàðîâ) Ðåäàêòîð Êîìïüþòåðíûé äèçàéí, âåðñòêà: E-mail: [email protected], redactor@ Áîáðîâà Àëåêñàíäðà Àíàòîëüåâíà Ïàâåë Àíäðååâè÷ ×àáàí (Ðîññèÿ, Ñàðîâ) (Ðîññèÿ, Ñàðîâ) Íàòàëüÿ Þðüåâíà Çèìàêîâà (Ðîññèÿ, Ñàðîâ) Ìåíåäæåð ïî ïîäïèñêå, èíôîðìàöèîí­- Êîððåêòîð Роман Евгеньевич Турусов (Россия, Саров) íîå îáåñïå÷åíèå, ìàðêåòèíã, ðåêëàìà Íåëëè Åâãåíüåâíà Ïëàâèíñêàÿ Web-äèçàéíåð ñàéòà Òàòüÿíà Íèêîëàåâíà Êîíäûðèíà (Ðîññèÿ, Ñàðîâ) (Ðîññèÿ, Ñàðîâ) Ïàâåë Àíäðååâè÷ ×àáàí (Ðîññèÿ, Ñàðîâ) Ïåðåâîä÷èê Õóäîæåñòâåííûé ðåäàêòîð Åëåíà Ýäóàðäîâíà Êîëòóíîâà Ãëàâíûé áóõãàëòåð Âèêòîð Èâàíîâè÷ Íåìûøåâ (Ðîññèÿ, Ñàðîâ) (Ðîññèÿ, Ñàðîâ) Íàòàëüÿ Âàëåðüåâíà ×èðêîâà (Ðîññèÿ, Ñàðîâ) International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 6 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

CONTENTS T.N. Veziroglu. Biography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 T.N. Veziroglu’s representation on award of the International premium «Global energy» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Hydrogen economy History of hydrogen economy T.N. Veziroglu The hydrogen civilization saga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Gas analytical systems and hydrogen sensors Yu.E. Kalinin, A.V. Sitnikov, O.V. Stogney The physical properties of metal-dielectric nano-composites with amorphous structure. Sequel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Fuel cells E.A. Astafiev, Yu.A. Dobrovolsky The behavior of membrane-electrode units of polymeric fuel cells: electrochemical methods to study catalytic activity and corrosion resistance of electrodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Atomic energy Atomic-hydrogen energy A.A. Vecher, K.V. Chervyakova Hydrogen energy sector: one of the methods to efficiently utilize the energy of atomic power stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Energy and ecology John O’M. Bockris The renewable energies: extent and time of development estimates of cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Information seafoodplus.infoeva Perspective technology implementation trends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Salikov Innovations in nuclear technologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thematic index of articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Author&#;s index of articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International scientific conference Second World Congress for Alternative energy and ecology (WCAEE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calendar of international scientific conferences for alternative energy. I quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attention – competitions! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st page of cover: deputy editor-in-chief of ISJAEE, president of IAHE Turhan Nejat Veziroglu Founder and publisher General cooperation Scientific Technical Centre “TATA” Institute for Hydrogen Economy General manager A. L. Gusev General manager A. L. Gusev E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] , Russia, Nizhni Novgorod region, Sarov, , Russia, Nizhni Novgorod region, Sarov, P.O.B. , STC «TATA» P.O.B.  Ph.: +7 () , , fax: +7 () Ph.: +7 () , fax: +7 () Cell phone: + Cell phone: + Monthly reviewed journal. All rights reserved at STC «ÒÀÒÀ». Any form of reproduction may be allowed only with the explicit authorization of the STC «ÒÀÒÀ». Papers are abstracted by VINITI, by International journal “Letters in ISJAEE” reviewed, annotated and deposited. Chief-in-Board, Editor-in-Chief Bobrova Alexandra Anatolievna Ñomputer design: of (Russia, Sarov) Pavel Andreevich Chaban (Russia, Sarov) Alexander Leonidovich Gusev (Russia, Sarov) proof-reader Nataliya Yurievna Zimakova (Russia, Sarov) E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Nelli Yevgenievna Plavinskaya Web design of Subscription, information, marketing, advertising (Russia, Sarov) Pavel Andreevich Chaban (Russia, Sarov) Tatiana Nikolaevna Kondyrina (Russia, Sarov) Translator Accountant general Art-Editor Elena Eduardovna Koltunova Nataliya Valer’evna Chirkova Viktor Ivanovich Nemyshev (Russia, Sarov) (Russia, Sarov) (Russia, Sarov) Scientific Repoter Sub-Editors: Ol’ga Borisovna Baklitskaya-Kameneva Yelena Gennadievna Yutkina (Russia, Moscow) (Russia, Sarov) Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 7

TURHAN Nejat Veziroglu Curriculum Vitae Personal data: University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL., Associ- ate Dean, Research, Place and Date of Birth: Clean Energy Research Institute, Coral Gables, Istanbul, Turkey, January FL., Director, – Present. 24, Professional: Marital Status: Married in Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., Lincoln, England, Sum- Son Born in mer Daughter Born in Alfred Herbert, Ltd., Coventry, England, Sum- Widowed in mer Remarried in Ordinance Inventions Examiner, Turkish Gov- T. N. Veziroglu Daughter Born in ernment, – Office of Soil Products, Ankara, Engineer & Home Address, Telephone & Fax: Scientific Advisor, – Biltmore Way, Suite , Coral Gables, Engineering Consultant, Istanbul, Florida , U.S.A. ()  M. K. Veziroglu Construction Co., Istanbul, Office Address, Telephone & Fax: Turkey, Technical Director, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, United National Industrial Development Organi- College of Engineering, University of Miami, Coral zation – International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Gables, Florida , U.S.A. Technologies (UNIDO-ICHET) Founding Director, () , ()  – EDUCATION Institutional Education: Degrees and Dates Conferred: The City and Guilds College, London, England A.C.G.I., Mechanical Engineering, University of London, England Mechanical Engineering, The Imperial College of Science, Engineering & D.I.C., Advanced Studies, London, Technology The University of London Ph.D. — Heat Transfer, Number of Years Service on this Faculty: 44 years Date of Original Appointment: — Associate Professor Date of Advancement in Rank: — Full Professor Non-Institutional Training: The Imperial College of Science and Technology, London — Relaxation Methods, Summer School Electric Power Research Institute, Ankara, Turkey, Nuclear Engineering, Summer School Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Two-Phase Flow, Summer School University of California, Los Angeles, Nuclear Rocket Propulsion, Summer School OTHER RELATED EXPERIENCE: Consulting: Instructional: Technical Review Board, Energy Planning Serv- ice Division of Petroconsultants — Consultant. University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL., Associ- ate Professor, – Society of Heat Science & Technique — University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL., Direc- Member. tor, Graduate Studies, – Consultant Registry, Academy for Educational University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL., Profes- Development. sor, Mechanical Engr.,  – Present. Consultant for Heat Transfer Engineering; Na- Middle East Technical University, Ankara, tional Science Foundation; University of Missouri, Turkey, Visiting Professor, Fall of –; A.S.M.E. Journal of Heat Transfer; International Summers –71–73– Journal of Heat Transfer. University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL., Chair- Conference Management, W. P. Johnson & As- man, Mech. Engr., June – September sociates — Consultant. International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 8 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

Consultant for United Nations Industrial De-  Proceedings of the Condensed papers of velopment Organization. the Miami International Conference on Alternative Consultant, Referee Directory for Research Energy Sources, Editor, University of Miami Press, Support System, Kuwait University. Coral Gables, FL, December Consultant, Dirasat Hundasia Journal, United  Alternative Energy Sources — An Interna- Arab Emirates University. tional Compendium, Editor, Hemisphere Publishing States in which Registered: Turkey. Corporation, Washington, DC,  Proceedings of the Condensed Papers of the PUBLICATIONS Fifth Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Con- Books Published ference, Co-Editor with A. Lavi, U.S. Government 1. Proceedings of the Hydrogen Economy Miami Printing Office, Washington, DC, February Energy (THEME) Conference, Editor, University of  Proceedings of the Fifth Ocean Thermal Miami Press, Coral Gables, FL, March Energy Conversion Conference, Co-Editor with A. 2. Proceedings of the Remote Sensing Applied Lavi, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washing- to Energy Related Problems Symposium, Editor, ton, DC, September University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, FL, De-  Symposium Lectures: First International cember Conference on Solar Energy, Editor, University of 3. Hydrogen Energy, two volumes, Editor, Ple- Miami Press, Coral Gables, FL., June num Press, New York, NY, March  Proceedings of the Condensed Papers of 4. Introduction to Hydrogen Energy, Editor, the Solar Energy and Conservation Symposium- International Association for Hydrogen Energy, Workshop, Editor, University of Miami Press, Coral Coral Gables, FL, Gables, FL December 5. Proceedings of the Hydrogen Energy Funda-  Second World Hydrogen Energy Conference mentals Symposium, Editor, University of Miami Proceedings, Editor, Pergamon Press, Ltd., London, Press, Coral Gables, FL, February England, 6. Remote Sensing - Energy Related Studies,  Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of Editor Hemisphere Publishing Corp., Washington, the Second Multi-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer DC, Symposium-Workshop, Editor, University of Miami 7. Proceedings of the First World Hydrogen En- Press, Coral Gables, FL, April ergy Conference, three volumes, Editor, University  Condensed Papers of the Second Miami of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, International Conference on Alternative Energy 8. Proceedings of Condensed Papers of the Two- Sources, Editor, University of Miami Press, Coral Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Symposium, Editor, Gables, FL, December Clean Energy Research Institute, University of  Solar Energy: International Progress, Edi- Miami, Coral Gables, FL, December tor, Pergamon Press, Inc., New York, NY, 9. Proceedings of Condensed Papers of the Solar  Solar Energy and Conservation Technology, Cooling and Heating National Forum, Editor, Clean Editor, Pergamon Press, Inc., New York, NY, Energy Research Institute, University of Miami,  Multiphase Transport, Editor, Hemisphere Coral Gables, FL, December Publishing Corporation, Washington, DC,  Proceedings of the Energy Conservation  Hydrogen Energy Progress, Co-Editor with National Forum, Editor, Clean Energy Research K. Fuehi and T. Ohta, Pergamon Press, Ltd., Lon- Institute, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, don, England, January  Condensed Papers of the Third Miami Inter-  Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer (Istan- national Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, bul, August ), Co-Editor, with S. Kakaç and Editor, University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, F. Mayinger, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, FL, Washington, DC, July  Alternative Energy Sources II, Editor,  Two-Phase Transport & Reactors Safety, Ft. Lauderdale, October , Co-Editor with S. Kakaç, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, Washington, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, Washington, DC, DC, August  Condensed Papers of the Miami International  Abstracts of Lectures and Papers: Izmir Symposium Metal-Hydrogen Systems, Editor, Uni- International Symposium - I on Solar Energy Fun- versity of Miami Press, Coral Gables, FL, damentals and Application (Izmir, Turkey, August,  Condensed Papers o the 4th Miami Interna- ), Editor, University of Miami Press, Coral tional Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, Gables, FL, August. editor, University of Miami Press, Coral Gables,  Final Proceedings of the Solar Cooling and FL, Heating National Forum, Editor, Hemisphere Pub-  Condensed Papers of the 16th Southeastern lishing Corporation, Washington, DC, September Seminar on Thermal Sciences, Editor, University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, FL, Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 9

 Metal-Hydrogen Systems, Proceedings of  Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer: China Full Length Papers, Editor, Pergamon Press, Ltd., — U.S. Progress, Co-editor with X.-J. Chen, Hemi- Oxford, England, sphere Publishing Corporation, New York, NY,  Fourth World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Co-Editor with W. D. Van Vorst and J. H. Kelley,  Condensed Papers of the 7th Miami In- Pergamon Press, Ltd., Oxford, England, ternational Conference on Alternative Energy  Alternative Energy Sources IV, Editor, Ann Sources, University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, Arbor Science Publishers, Woburn, MA FL,  Condensed Papers of the 5th Miami Interna-  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, tional Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, Monthly Scientific Journal, Editor, Pergamon Press, Editor, University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, Oxford, England, FL,  Particulate and Multi-Phase Processes (Pro-  Lecture Book, International Symposium- ceedings of the International Symposium-Workshop Workshop on Renewable Energy Sources, Co-Editor on Particulate and Multi-Phase Processes), Co-editor with M. K. Bhatty, H. W. Hiser and R. A. Siddiqui, with T. Ariman, Hemisphere Publishing Corpora- PCSIR Laboratories, Lahore, Pakistan, tion, New York, NY,  Condensed Papers of the Third Multi-Phase  Hydrogen Systems: Beijing Forum (Proceed- Flow and Heat Transfer Symposium-workshop, Edi- ings of the Beijing International Symposium on tor, University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, FL, Hydrogen Systems), Co-editor with D. Bao and Y. Zhu, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England,  Condensed Papers of the Sixth Miami Inter-  Alternative Energy Sources VII (Proceed- national Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, ings of the 7th Miami International Symposium Editor, University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, on Alternative Energy Sources), Editor, Hemi- FL, sphere Publishing Corporation, New York, NY,  Condensed Papers of the Miami Internation- al Symposium on the Biosphere, Editor, University  Proceedings of the International Symposium- of Miami Press, Coral Gables, FL, Workshop on Silicon Technology Development and  Alternative Energy Sources III, Editor, its Role in the Sun Belt Countries, Co-editor with Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York, A. Mufti, National Institute of Silicon Technology, NY, Islamabad, Pakistan, June  Alternative Energy Sources IV, Editor, Edi-  Condensed Papers of the 4th Miami Inter- tor, Elsevier Science Publishers, The Netherlands, national Symposium on Multi-Phase Transport and Particulate Phenomena, University of Miami Press,  Thermal Science 16, Editor, Hemisphere Coral Gables, FL, December Publishing Corporation, New York, NY,  Hydrogen Energy Progress VI (Proceedings  Renewable Energy Sources: International of the 6th World Hydrogen Energy Conference), Co- Progress, Editor, Elsevier Science Publishers, The editor with N. Getoff and P. Weinzierl, Pergamon Netherlands, Press, New York, NY  Condensed Papers of the China-U.S. Seminar  International Symposium-Workshop on on Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer, Co-Editor with X.-J. Chen, Xin Jiatong University, China, Silicon Technology Development and Its Role in the Sun-Belt Countries, Co-editor with A. Mufti, Pan  Multi-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer III, Graphics (Pvt) Ltd., Islamabad, Pakistan, Editor, Elsevier Science Publishers, New York,  Condensed Papers of the 8th Miami Inter- NY, national Conference on Alternative Energy Sources,  Hydrogen Energy Progress V, Co-Editor University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, FL, De- with J. B. Taylor, Pergamon Press, Ltd., Oxford, cember England,  Multi-Phase and Particulate Transport IV  The Biosphere: Problems and Solutions, (Proceedings of the 4th Miami International Sym- Studies in Environmental Science, Editor, Elsevier posium on Multi-Phase Transport and Particulate Science Publishers, The Netherlands, Phenomena), Editor, Hemisphere Publishing Corpo-  Condensed Papers of the International ration, New York, NY, Symposium-Workshop on Particulate and Multi-  Hydrogen Energy Progress VII (Proceedings Phase Processes and 16th Annual Meeting of the of the 7th World Hydrogen Energy Conference), Fine Particle Society, Co-editor with T. Ariman, Co-editor with A. N. Protsenko, Pergamon Press, University of Tulsa, OK, New York, NY,  Alternative Energy Sources VI (Proceed-  Condensed Papers of the 5th Miami Inter- ings of the 6th Miami International Conference on national Symposium on Multiphase Transport and Alternative Energy Sources), Editor, Hemisphere Particulate Phenomena, University of Miami Press, Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, Coral Gables, FL, December International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 10 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

 Alternative Energy Sources VIII (Proceed-  Hydrogen Energy Progress XI, Proceedings ings of the 8th Miami International Conference on of the 11th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Co- Alternative Energy Sources), Editor, Hemisphere Editor with C.-J. Winter, J. P. Baselt and G. Kreysa, Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, International Association for Hydrogen Energy,  Condensed Paper of the 9th Miami Inter- Coral Gables, FL, national Congress on Energy and Environment,  Hydrogen Energy Progress XII, Proceeding University of Miami Press, Coral Gables, FL, De- of the 12th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Co- cember Editor with J. C. Bolcich, International Association  Environmental Problems and Solutions: for Hydrogen Energy, Coral Gables, FL Greenhouse Effect, Acid Rain, Pollution, Editor,  Hydrogen Energy Progress XIII, Proceed- Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York, ings of the 13th World Hydrogen Energy Confer- NY, ence, Co-Editor with Z. Q. Mao, Beijing, China,  Multiphase Transport and Particulate Phe- June nomena, Editor, Hemisphere Publishing Corpora-  Hydrogen Energy Progress XIV (CD Rom), tion, New York, NY, Editors: T. Nejat Veziroglu and Tapan Bose, Int.  Energy and Environment Progress I, Nova Assoc. Hydrogen Energy, June  Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry Science Publishers, Commack, NY, of Metal Hydrides, Editors: T. N. Veziroglu, S. Y. Za-  Hydrogen Energy Progress VIII, Editor, ginaichenko, D. V. Schur and V. I. Trefilov, NATO Pergamon Press, New York, NY, Science series, V82, Kluver Academic Publishers,  Condensed Papers of the 6th Miami Inter- September national Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer,  Hydrogen Energy Progress XV, Editors: T. Editor, Clean Energy Research Institute, University Nejat Veziroglu and. Ken-Ichiro Ota, June of Miami, Coral Gables, FL,  Hydrogen Energy Progress XVII, Edi-  International Journal of Energy — Envi- tors: T. Nejat Veziroglu and Pierre Derozier, June ronment — Economics, Nova Science Publishers, Commack, NY  Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry  Multiphase Transport and Particulate Phe- of Carbon Nanomaterials, Editors: T. Nejat Veziro- nomena, Editor, Hemisphere Publishing Corpora- glu, Svetlana Yu. Zaginaichenko, Dmitry V. Schur, tion, New York, NY, B. Baranowski, Anatoliy P. Shpak and Valeriy V. Sko-  Energy and Environmental Progress, Nova rokhod, September Science Publishers, Commack, NY,  Solar Hydrogen Energy: The Power to Save Book Chapters the Earth, co-authored with J. O’M. Bockris, Mc- 1. «Environmental Challenges and the Post- Donald Group — Optima, England, Fossil Fuel Era», Editor of Chapter, in: Risk and  Project Hydrogen ’ Launching a Sus- Uncertainty in the Changing Global Energy Market tainable Energy Future, Co-editor with R. Billings, Implications for the Gulf, first published in , Proceedings of Project Hydrogen’91 Conference, by The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Independence, MO, Research, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.  Hydrogen Energy Progress IX, Editor, In- 2. «Managing Risk and Uncertainty: Conclu- ternational Association for Hydrogen Energy, Coral sions», Editor of a Chapter, in Risk and Uncertainty Gables, FL, in: Changing Global Energy Market Implications for  Hydrogen Energy Progress X, Co-Editor the Gulf, first published in , by The Emirates with D. Block, International Association for Hydro- Center for Strategic Studies and Research, Abu gen Energy, Coral Gables, FL, Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.  Heat and Mass Transfer: An Era of Change, 3. «Study of Thermodynamic Parameters of Editor, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Commack, Hydrogen Gas by Grapho-Analytic Method», Edi- NY, tor of a Chapter in: Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials, with  Condensed Papers of the International B. Ibra­himoglu, A. Huseynov and D. Schur, et al., Conference on Energy and Environment, Co-Editor, – © Kluwer Academic Publishers, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Netherlands. 4. «Hydrogen Energy Solutions». Editor of  HYPOTHESIS: Hydrogen Power Thermal nd a Chapter in: Environmental Solutions, with Electrochemical Systems International Symposium, S. A. Sherif, F. Barbir, N. L. Nemerow, and Co-Editor with S. P. Cicconardi and D. Dini, Cassino- F. J. Agardy, Elsevier Science, Inc., New York, Gaeta, Italy,  New Materials for Fuel Cell Systems I, 5. «Wind Energy and the Hydrogen Economy: Co-Editor with O. Savadogo and P. R. Roberge, Les Review of the Technology», in: Solar Energy, Editions de l’Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Vol. 78, No. 5, pp. –, May Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 11

6. «Hydrogen Energy Technologies», in: CRC  «Boiling Flow Instabilities in Four Parallel Handbook of Energy Conservation and Renewable Channel Upflow System» jointly with S. Kakaç, Energy, F. Kreith and D. Y. Goswami, (Editors) H. B. Aksu and Y. Alp, Proc. of the International Boca Raton, Florida, jointly with S. A. Sherif and Meeting on Reactor Heat Transfer, Karlsruhe, West F. Barbir. Germany, October 7. «Hydrogen Energy Technologies» Handbook  «Thermal Conductance of Contacts with Chapter, Handbook of Energy Conservation and Interstitial Plates», jointly with H. Yьncь, Proc. of Renewable Energy, jointly with S. A. Sherif, F. Bar- the XII International Conference on Thermal Con- bir, M. Mahishi, M., and S. A. Srinivasan, In CRC ductivity, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO, Kreith, F. and Goswami, D.Y. (Editors), Boca Raton, November Florida, , pp. –  «Dynamics of a Universal Hydrogen Fuel System», jointly with O. Basar, Proc. of the Hydro- JURIED OR REFEREED PAPERS gen Economy Miami Energy (THEME) Conference, 1. «Thermal Conductance of Metal Surfaces in Miami Beach, FL, March Contact», jointly with M. Fishenden, Proc. Interna-  «Hydrogen as a Universal Fuel», jointly with tional Heat Transfer Conference, London, Institute O. Basar, Proc. of the International Conference on of Mechanical Engineers, American Society of Me- Energy, Europe and the ’s, London, England, chanical Engineers, May 2. «A Parametric Study of Boiling Instability»,  «Sustained and Transient Boiling Flow In- jointly with A. H. Stenning, Proc. of the ASME stabilities in a Cross-Connected Four Parallel Chan- Winter Annual Meeting, Paper No. WAK/FE, nel Upflow System», jointly with S. Kakaз, K. Aky­ December u­zlu and O. Berkol, Proc. of the Fifth International 3. «Oscillations in Two-Component, Two-Phase Heat Transfer Conference, Paper No. B, Tokyo, Flow», jointly with A. H. Stenning, Proc. of the Japan, September ASME Applied Mechanics and Fluids Engineering  «Remote Sensing Applied to Thermal Pol- Joint Conference, Paper No. FE, June lution», jointly with S. S. Lee, S. Sengupta and N. 4. «Flow Oscillation Modes in Forced-Convection Weinberg, Proc. of Symposium on Remote Sensing Boiling», jointly with A. H. Stenning, Proc. of the Applied to Energy-Related Problems, Miami, FL, Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute 2–4 December at Los Angeles, Paper No. 18, June  «Application of Remote Sensing to Numeri- 5. «Density-Wave Oscillations in Boiling Freon- cal Modeling», jointly with S. S. Lee, S. Sen­gupta 11 Flow», jointly with A. H. Stenning, Proc. of the and N. Weinberg, Proc. of Symposium on Remote ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Paper No. WA/ Sensing Applied to Energy-Related Problems, Mi- HTI, November ami, FL, 2–4 December 6. «Pressure-Drop Oscillations in Forced Convec-  «Near and Far-Field Models of Coastal Ar- tion Flow with Boiling», jointly with A. H. Stenning eas», jointly with S. Sengupta, S. S. Lee, Proc. of and G. M. Callahan, Proc. of the EURATOM Sympo- the Review Meeting on Hydrodynamical Numerical sium on Dynamics of Two-Phase Flows, Eindhoven, Models for Coastal and Open Ocean Areas, (Ameri- The Netherlands, September can Geophysical Union) at Monterey, CA, December 7. «Instabilities on Boiling Upwards Flows», jointly with S. S. Lee, Proc. of the International  «Application of Remote Sensing to Ther- Symposium on Research on Concurrent Gas-Liquid mal Pollution Analysis», jointly with H. W. Hiser, Flow, Waterloo, Canada, September S. S. Lee and S. Sengupta, Proc. of the Fourth Annual 8. «Thermal Conductance on Two-Dimensional Remote Sensing of Earth Resources Conference, Constrictions», jointly with S. Chandra, Progress in University of Tennessee Space Institute, Tullahoma, Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 21, TN, March 9. «Boiling Flow Instabilities in Parallel Chan-  «Survey of World Power Demand and Fu- nels», jointly with S. S. Lee, Proc. of the Joint ture Energy Sources», jointly with S. Kakaç, Proc. Symposium on Fluid Mechanics and Measurements Energy Symposium, Shiraz, Iran, April-May in Two-Phase Flow Systems, University of Leeds,  «Monitoring of Thermal Discharges into England, September Biscayne Bay», jointly with S. Kakaз, Proc. South-  «Direction Effect in Thermal Contact Con- eastern Seminar on Thermal Sciences, Knoxville, ductance», jointly with S. Chandra, Proc. of the TN, April Fourth International Heat Transfer Conference,  «Mathematical Modeling of Thermal Pollution Paper Cu , Vol. 1, August in Coastal Regions», jointly with S. S. Lee, S. Sengupta  «Boiling Flow Instabilities in a Cross-Con- and C. Tsai, Proc. Southeastern Seminar on Thermal nected Parallel Channel Upflow System», jointly Sciences, Knoxville, TN, April with S. S. Lee, Proc. of the ASME AICHE Heat  «Hydrogen Energy System and Popula- Transfer Conference, ASME Paper, Tulsa, OK, tion Control», jointly with S. Kakaз, O. Basar and August N. Forouzanmehr, Proc. of the U.S.-Japan Joint International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 12 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

Seminar on Key Technologies for the Hydrogen  «Application of Solar Cooling for a School Energy System, Tokyo, Japan, July Building in the Subtropics», jointly with A. J. Par­  «A Universal Hydrogen Energy System and ker, Jr., D. E. Cassel, and R. E. Hedden, Symposium World Parameters», Proc. Symposium-Introduction Lectures, International Symposium-Workshop on to Hydrogen Energy, Maracay, Venezuela, October Solar Energy, Cairo, Egypt, June  «An Energy Infrastructure: Hydrogen En-  «Solar Production of Hydrogen as a Means of ergy System», Interciencia, Storing Solar Energy», jointly with S. Kakaз, Proc.  «The Case for Hydrogen Energy», The of the COMPLES International Meeting, Dhahran, UNESCO Courier, June Saudi Arabia, November  «Effect of Inlet Subcooling on Sustained  «Hydrogen Production Using Nuclear, Solar and Transient Boiling Flow Instabilities in a Single and Other Primary Energies», jointly with S. Kakaз, Channel Upflow System», jointly with S. Kakaз, Proc. International Conference on Mechanical En- H. S. Ergur, and I. Ucar, Proc. of the 6th Interna- gineering with Main Emphasis on Energy, Lahore, tional Heat Transfer Conference, Toronto, Canada, Pakistan, March August  «The Solar-Hydrogen Energy System»,  «Unusual Applications of Hydrogen», J. jointly with T. Ohta, Proc. Thirteenth Space Con- Energy Systems, April gress, Cocoa Beach, FL, April  «Finite Differences Analysis of Two-Phase  «Fossil/Hydrogen Energy Mix and Popula- Flow Pressure-Drop and Density-Wave Oscillations», tion Control», jointly with S. Kakaç, O. Basar and N. jointly with T. Dogan, S. Kakaз and K. Akyuzlu, Forouzanmehr, International Journal of Hydrogen Proc. 2nd Multi-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Sym- Energy, June posium Workshop, Miami Beach, FL, April  «Fundamentals of Two-Phase Flow Oscilla- also named Warme-und Stoffubertragung 14, pp. tions and Experiments in Single Channel Systems», , jointly with S. S. Lee and S. Kakaз, Proc. NATO  «Lumped-Parameter Analysis of Two-Phase Advanced Study Institute, Istanbul, Turkey, Au- Flow Instabilities», jointly with T. Dogan, S. Kakaз gust and K. Akyuzlu, Proc. 2nd Multi-Phase Flow and  «Sustained and Transient Boiling Flow In- Heat Transfer Symposium-Workshop, Miami Beach, stabilities in Two-Parallel Channel Systems», jointly FL, April with S. S. Lee and S. Kakaз, Proc. NATO Advanced  «A Comparison of Regional and World Study Institute, Istanbul, Turkey, August Energy Models», jointly with S. M. Ridenour, Proc.  «Boiling Flow Instabilities in a Multi- Seminar on Cooperative Technological Forecasting: Channel Upflow System», jointly with S. Kakaç and Solar Energy, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary S. S. Lee, Proc. NATO Advanced Study Institute, Islands, Spain, July Istanbul, Turkey, August  «Hydrogen Production by Thermoelectro-  «Sustained Boiling Flow Instabilities in chemical Cycles Using Sodium Chloride», jointly a Cross-Connected Four Parallel Channel Upflow with A. A. El-Bassuoni, Proc. 2nd Miami Interna- System», jointly with S. Kakaз, Proc. CHISA, tional Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, Prague, Czechoslovakia, August Miami Beach, FL, December  «Analysis of Thermal Conductance of Con-  «An Experimental Investigation of Thermal tacts with Interstitial Plates», jointly with H. Yьncь Contact Conductance of Multilayered Electrically and S. Kakaз, Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Trans- Insulated Sheets», jointly with J. W. Sheffield and fer, Vol. 19, No. 9, pp. –, A. Williams, Proc. AIAA 14th Thermophysics Con-  «Transient Boiling Flow Instabilities in ference, Orlando, FL, June , and Progress in Four Parallel Channel Upflow System», jointly with Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 20, pp. –, S. Kakaз and N. Ozboya, Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Symposium Proc., Ft. Lauderdale, FL,  «Hydrogen and Fresh Water Production October from Sea Water», jointly with A. A. El-Bassuoni and  «Production of Hydrogen as a Means of J. W. Sheffield, Proc. 3rd World Hydrogen Energy Storing Energy», jointly with S. Kakaз, Proc. of the Conference, Tokyo, Japan, June 1st World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Istanbul,  Thermal Contact Conductance of Coated Turkey, September Multi-Layered Sheets», jointly with J. W. Sheffield,  «Solar Production of Hydrogen», jointly Heat Transfer and Thermal Control, Progress in with S. Kakaз, Chapter 18 of Solar Energy Engineer- Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 78, Edited by ing, Academic Press, Inc., NY, A. L. Crosbie, Martin Summerfield, Series Editor,  «Principles of Solar Cooling and Heat», jointly with A. J. Parker, Jr., and D. E. Cassel, Sym-  «Effects of Interface Gases on Contact Con- posium Lectures, International Symposium-Work- ductance», jointly with A. Mentes, R. Samudrala, shop on Solar Energy, Cairo, Egypt, June J. W. Sheffield and A. Williams, AIAA 19th Aerospace Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 13

Sciences Meeting Proceedings, St. Louis, MO, 12–15  «Simplified Nonlinear Descriptions of Two- January Phase Flow Instabilities in Vertical Boiling Chan-  «Effect of Heat Transfer on Density-Wave nel», jointly with H. Gurgenci and S. Kakaз, Int. Oscillations — A Finite Difference Analysis», jointly J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. –, with K. M. Akyuzlu, Proc. 16th Southeastern Seminar on Thermal Sciences, Miami, FL, April  «Review of Two-Phase Flow Instabilities»,  «Effect of Heater Surface Configurations jointly with S. Kakaз, Advances in Two-Phase Flow on Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in a Vertical Boil- and Heat Transfer, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, ing Channel», jointly with A. Mentes, H. Gurgenci, Boston, MA, O. T. Yildirim and S. Kakaз, Proc. 16th Southeast-  «Solar Hydrogen Economy for USA», jointly ern Seminar on Thermal Sciences, Miami, FL, with J. O’M. Bockris, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, April ; also Warme-und-Stoffubertragung 17, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. –, pp. –  «Unusual Applications of Hydrogen», Non-  «Hydrogen and Fresh Water Production conventional Energy, Trieste, Italy, 20–25 June from Sea Water», jointly with A. A. El-Bassuoni and J. W. Sheffield, Hydrogen Energy Progress,  «Lumped Parameter Analysis of Two-Phase Vol. 3, pp. –, ; International Journal Flow Instabilities», jointly with T. Dogan, S. Kakaз, of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 7, No. 12, pp. –, Proc. 7th International Heat Transfer Conference, Munich, Germany, 6–10 September  «Thermoelectrochemical Hydrogen Produc-  «Forced-Convection Boiling Flow Instabili- tion Using Sodium Chloride», jointly with A. A. El- ties», jointly with T. Dogan and S. Kakaз, Int. J. Bassuoni and J. W. Sheffield, Alternative Energy Fluid Flow, May Sources II, Vol. 8, pp. –,  «Hydrogen versus Synthetic Fossil Fuels»,  «Effective Costs of Fuels: Comparison of jointly with A. H. Awad, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Hydrogen with Fossil Fuels», Hydrogen Energy Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. –, May Progress IV, Vol. 4, pp. –,  «Fundamentals of Two-Phase Flow Oscil-  «Pressure-Drop and Density-Wave Instabil- lations in Single Channel Systems», jointly with ity Thresholds in Boiling Channels», jointly with S. S. Lee and S. Kakaз, Proc. China-U.S. Seminar on H. Gurgenci and S. Kakaз, Proc. 16th Southeastern Two-Phase Flows and Heat Transfer, Xian, China, Seminar on Thermal Sciences, Miami, FL, April 9–14 May  «Effect of Heat Transfer Surfaces on Sin-  «Heat Transfer in Oscillating Two-Phase gle Channel Two-Phase Flow Instabilities», jointly Flows and Effect of Tube-Surface Conditions», with S. S. Lee, S. Kakaз and A. Mentes, Proc. China- jointly with Z. H. Lin, S. Kakaз, H. Gurgenci and U.S. Seminar on Two-Phase Flows and Heat Trans- A. Mentes, Proc. 7th International Heat Transfer fer, Xian, China, 9–14 May Conference, Vol. 5, pp. –, Munich, Germany,  «Mathematical Modeling of Pressure Drop 6–10 September Oscillations in a Parallel Channel Upflow System»,  «A Solar-Collector Dryer», jointly with jointly with S. S. Lee and L. Fu, Proc. China-U.S. A. M. Tayeb, Proc. 5th Miami International Confer- Seminar on Two-Phase Flows and Heat Transfer, ence on Alternative Energy Sources, Miami Beach, Xian, China, 9–14 May FL, 13–15 December  «The Unifier of Non-Conventional Sources:  «The Unifier of Non-Conventional Energy Hydrogen Energy System», Non-Conventional En- Sources: Hydrogen Energy System», Lecture Book ergy Sources, pp. –, World Scientific Pub- of the International Symposium-Workshop on Re- lishing Co., Singapore, newable Energy Sources, Lahore, Pakistan, 18–23  «Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in a Single March Channel Upflow System», jointly with A. Mentes,  «Effect of Inlet Subcooling on Two-Phase O. T. Yildirim and S. Kakaз, Two-Phase Flow and Flow Instabilities», jointly with O. T. Yildirim, Heat Transfer: China-US Progress, Xian, China, A. Mentes, L. Q. Fu and S. Kakaз, Proc. 3rd Multi- May Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Symposium-Work-  «An Investigation of Subcooled Flow Boil- shop, Miami Beach, FL, 18–20 April ing», jointly with Z. H. Lin, Multi-Phase Flow and  «A Study of Subcooled Flow Boiling», jointly Heat Transfer III, Part A, pp. –, Elsevier with Z. H. Kin, Proc. 3rd Multi-Phase Flow and Heat Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Transfer Symposium-Workshop, Miami Beach, FL, 18–20 April  «Quality of Life and Its Components:  «Fundamentals and Applications of Hy- Population, Energy, Pollution and Conservation», drides», jointly with J. W. Sheffield, Lecture Book: jointly with A. H. Awad, Proc. Symposium on Energy International Symposium-Workshop on Renewable Conservation Measures, 29 pp., Pergamon Press, Energy Sources, pp. –, Oxford, England, International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 14 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

 «Renewable Energy Sources for a Bright and Particulate Phenomena, Miami Beach, FL, De- Future», Renewable Energy Sources: International cember Progress (Part A), Elsevier Science Publishers, The  «Environmental Impact of Hydrogen En- Netherlands, ergy», Proc. U.S.-Jamaica Workshop on Materials  «Radar Applications in Hydrology», jointly Science, April with H. W. Hiser, Proc. U.S.-India Symposium-  «Hydrogen Energy System: Energy Infra- Workshop on Remote Sensing, Ahmedabad, India, structure of the Future», Proc. 2nd World Basque 11–15 March Congress, Bilboa, Spain, October  «A Solar-Hydrogen Energy System for Envi-  «Relationship Between the Standard of Liv- ronmental Capability», jointly with J. O’M. Bockris, ing and Energy Consumption, Population and the Environmental Conservation, Vol. 12, No. 2, , World», Proc. Conference on Science and Technol- pp. –, Summer ogy in the Year , Istanbul, Turkey, November  «Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in a Single Channel with Enhanced Heat Transfer and Pressure-  «Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in Two Par- Drop Type Oscillation Thresholds», jointly with allel Channels», jointly with O. T. Yildirim and S. A. Mentes, O. T. Yildirim and S. Kakaз, Proc. Inter- Kakaз, Proc. 4th Miami International Symposium on national Symposium on Heat Transfer, Beijing, P. Multi-Phase Transport and Particulate Phenomena, R. China, October December  «Boiling Flow Instabilities in Parallel Chan-  «Pressure-Drop and Density-Wave Instabil- nels with Enhanced Heat Transfer», jointly with ity Thresholds in Boiling Channels», jointly with O. T. Yildirim, A. Mentes, and S. Kakaз, Proc. In- H. Gurgenci and S. Kakaз, Bull. Tech. Univ., Istan- ternational Symposium on Heat Transfer, Beijing, bul, Vol. 39, pp. –, P. R. China, 15–18 October  «Hydrogen Technology for Energy Needs  «The Effect of Heat Transfer Augmentation of Human Settlements», Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, on Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in a Vertical Boil- Vol. 12, No. 2, February ing Channel», jointly by A. Mentes, O. T. Yil­dirim  «The Effect of Heat Transfer Augmenta- and S. Kakaз, Proc. International Symposium on tion on Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in a Vertical Fundamental Aspects of Gas-Liquid Flows, ASME Channel», jointly with S. Kakaз, J. Pure and Applied Winter Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, 17–21 Novem- Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 3, ber  «An Analytical Study of the Pressure-Drop  «Boiling Flow Instabilities in a Parallel Type Instabilities in a Horizontal Hairpin Tube», Channel Upflow System», jointly with O. T. Yildir- jointly with S. Kakaз and S. Lin AIAA J. Thermo- im, A. Mentes and S. Kakaз, Proc. International physics and Heat Transfer, Symposium on Fundamental Aspects of Gas-Liquid  «Hydrogen for Storing Solar Energy and Flows, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, Applications», Proc. International Symposium 17–21 November Workshop on Silicon Technology, National Insti-  «Progress and Problems in Hydrogen Tech- tute of Silicon Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan, nology re Energy Needs on Human Settlements», June Proc. U. N. Expert Group Meeting on Energy in  «Two-Phase Flow Thermal Instabilities in Human Settlements, Bangalore, India, 2–5 June a Vertical Boiling Channel», jointly with S. Ka­kaз, Proc. ASME Winter Annual Meeting, November  «Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in Parallel Channels with Enhanced Heat Transfer», jointly  «On the Possibility of Upgrading Steam with O. T. Yildirim and S. Kakaз, Proc. 8th Inter- Power Plants with Hydrogen», jointly with S. Stec­ national Heat Transfer Conference, San Francisco, co, Proc. 8th Miami International Conference on CA, Alternative Energy Sources, December  «Hydrogen Energy System: Next Action»,  «Hydrogen as a Fuel for Spark Ignition Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 11, pp. 1–4, Pergamon Engines», jointly with C. Sorusbay, Proc. 8th Miami Press, Ltd., Great Britain, International Conference on Alternative Energy  «Solar Hydrogen Energy Systems», Proc. Sources, December NATO Advanced Study Institute on Solar Energy  «An Analytical Study of the Pressure- Utilization: Fundamentals and Applications, Izmir, Drop Type Instabilities in a Horizontal Hairpin Turkey, 23 June 4 July Tube», jointly with Z. H. Lin, Z. Zhang, X. J. Chen  «Hydrogen Energy for Residential/Non- and S. Kakaз, Int. J. Engineering Fluid Mechanics, commercial Sector», Proc. ASME Winter Annual April Meeting, Boston, MA, October  «Two-Phase Flow Boiling Instabilities and  «Mathematical Modeling of Two-Phase Flow Oscillations Thresholds in a Vertical Single Chan- Instabilities in Parallel Channels», jointly with nel with Heat Transfer Enhancement», jointly with L. Q. Fu, S. S. Lee, and S. Kakaз, Proc. 4th Miami A. Mentes, S. Kakaз, H. Y. Zhang, X. J. Chen and International Symposium on Multi-Phase Transport Z. H. Lin, Proc. 2nd International Heat Transfer Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 15

Symposium, August ; also Warme-und-Stof- posium on Multo-Phase Transport and Particulate fubertragung, Springer Verlag, Phenomena, Miami Beach, FL 12–14 December  «Effect of Inlet Subcooling on Two-Phase Flow Oscillations in a Vertical Boiling Channel»,  «Robert Maxwell, Pergamon Press and jointly with A. Mentes, S. Kakaз and H. Y. Zhang, Hydrogen Energy: Energy», International Journal Proc. 2nd International Heat Transfer Symposium, of Hydrogen Energy, December August ; also Warme-und-Stoffubertragung,  «Remediation of Greenhouse Problem Springer Verlag, through Replacement of Fossil Fuels by Hydrogen»,  «Impact of Fouling in Design of Heat Ex- jointly with I. Gurkan, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, changers», jointly with S. Kakaз, A. K. Agrawal Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. –, April and H. Y. Zhang, Proc. Symposium on Heat Transfer  «Experimental and Theoretical Investiga- Enhancement and Energy Conservation, August tion of Thermal Oscillations in a Forced Convection Upward Flow Boiling System», jointly with S. Kakaз  «Solar-Hydrogen Energy System for Lib- and M. M. Padki, Proc. International Conference ya», jointly with G. S. Eljrushi, Hydrogen Energy on Mechanics of Two-Phase Flows, Taipei, Taiwan, Progress VII, Moscow, USSR, 25–29 September R.O.C., 12–15 June  «Experimental and Theoretical Inves-  «A Young Fuel to Repower a Mature tigation of Two-Phase Flow Pressure-Drop Type Technology: The H2-O2 Integration in Steam Power and Thermal Oscillations», jointly with M. M. Plants», jointly with S. S. Stecco, G. Manfrida, Hy- Padki, H. T. Liu, S. Kakaз, X. J. Chen, L. Q. Fu, drogen Energy Progress VII, Moscow, USSR, 25–29 Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Multi- September Phase Flow and Heat Transfer, Xian, China,  «Mixture Formation Techniques for Hydro- 21–24 June gen Fueled Internal Combustion Engines», jointly  «An Outlook of Hydrogen as an Automo- with C. Sorusbay, Hydrogen Energy Progress VII, tive Fuel», jointly with T. Petkov and J. W. Shef­ Moscow, USSR, 25–29 September field», Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 14, No. 7,  «Solar Hydrogen Energy System for a pp. –, July Libyan Coastal County», jointly with W. B. El-Osta,  «Small Wet Industry Waste», jointly with Hydrogen Energy Progress VII, Moscow, USSR, N. L. Nemerow, T. D. Waite, A. T. Tekindur, Proc. 25–29 September International Symposium on Waste Management  «Comparison of Solar Hydrogen with Syn- Problems in Agro-Industries, Istanbul, Turkey, thetic Fossil Fuels», Proc. NATO Institute on Solar 25–27 September Energy, October  «Economic Comparison of Solar Hydrogen  «Two-Phase Flow Thermal Instabilities in Energy System with Fossil Fuel System», Proc. In- a Vertical Boiling Channel», jointly with S. Ka­kaз, ternational Symposium on Solar Hydrogen Energy M. M. Padki and X. J. Chen, Proc. International for the Prevention of a Fossil Holocaust, Zurich, Symposium on Fundamentals of Gas-Liquid Flows, Switzerland, 1–2 November Chicago, IL, November  «Solar Hydrogen Versus Synthetic Fossil  «Performance Characteristics Curves for a Fuels», Proc. 4th Annual Conference on Environ- Double-Pass Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Collector», ment and Renewable Energy: Solar Energy and jointly with K. Sopian, H. T. Liu, S. Kakaз, Journal Hydrogen Energy, Basel, Switzerland, 30 November of Industrial Technology, 7(1), , – 1 December  «Modeling of Steady-State Characteristics  «Remediation of the Greenhouse Effect by of Forced Convection Two-Phase Flow in a Verti- Introduction of Hydrogen Energy System», jointly cal Boiling Channel», jointly with M. M. Padki, with N. Lutfi, Proc. 9th Miami International Con- S. Kakaз and X. J. Chen, Proc. 5th Miami Interna- gress on Energy and Environment, Miami Beach, tional Symposium on Multi-Phase Transport and FL, 10–12 December Particulate Phenomena, Miami Beach, FL, 12–14  «Economic Rationale for Environmental December Pollution Control», jointly with N. L. Nemerow,  «Mathematical Modeling of Two-Phase A. T. Tekindur, Proc. 9th Miami International Con- Flow Thermal Oscillations in Single Channel Upflow gress on Energy and Environment, Miami Beach, System», jointly with L. Q. Fu, Proc. 5th Miami FL, 10–12 December International Symposium on Multi-Phase Transport  «Analysis of Liquid Hydrogen Boil-Off and Particulate Phenomena, Miami Beach, FL 12–14 Losses», jointly with M. Lordgooei and S. A. Sherif, December Proc. 9th Miami International Congress on Energy  «An Investigation of Two-Phase Flow Pres- and Environment, Miami Beach, FL, 10–12 Decem- sure Drop-Type Instability in the Vertical Upflow ber Tube», jointly with B. H. Xu, X. J. Chen, T. K. Chen  «Present Energy Situation of Pakistan for and S. Kakaз, Proc. 5th Miami International Sym- the Future», jointly with N. Lutfi, Proc. 9th Miami International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 16 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

International Congress on Energy and Environment, the 6th Miami International Symposium on Heat and Miami Beach, FL, 10–12 December Mass Transfer, University of Miami, Coral Gables,  «Solar-Hydrogen Energy System for a FL, Libyan Coastal County», jointly with W. El-Osta,  «Two-Phase Flow Thermal Oscillations», Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 33–44, jointly with M. Padki and S. Kakaз, Proc. Condensed January Papers of the 6th Miami International Symposium  «Investigation of Thermal Instabilities on Heat and Mass Transfer, University of Miami, in a Forced Convection Upward Boiling System», Coral Gables, FL, jointly with S. Kakaз, L. Q. Fu, and X. J. Chen, Ex-  «An Investigation of Density-Wave Oscil- perimental Thermal and Fluid Science, New York, lations», Q. Qang, X. Chen and S. Kakaз, Proc. 2nd NY, March International Symposium on Multi-Phase Flow and  «Hydrogen Education Reforms for Scien- Heat Transfer, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., New tific and Economic Progress», Proceedings of the York, NY, Conference on the Role of Science Technology in  «Mathematical Modeling of Two-Phase Progress, Istanbul, Turkey, 16–20 April Flow Thermal Oscillations in a Single Channel  «Solar-Hydrogen Energy System for Pa- Upflow System», jointly with L. Q. Fu, S. Kakaз kistan», jointly with N. Lutfi, Proc. 8th World and M. M. Padki, Proc. 2nd International Sym- Hydrogen Energy Conference, Honolulu, HI, 22–27 posium on Multi-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer, July Hemisphere Publishing Corp., New York, NY,  «Economics of Hydrogen as a Fuel for Surface Transportation», jointly with H. J. Plass,  «Environmental Damage Due to Fossil Fuel Jr., F. Barbir and H. P. Miller, Proc. 8th World Use», jointly with F. Barbir and H. J. Plass, Jr., Int. Hydrogen Energy Conference, Honolulu, HI, 22–27 J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. –, July September  «Economics of Hydrogen Liquefaction»,  «Solar Hydrogen Energy System for jointly with M. T. Syed and S. A. Sherif, Proc. 8th Libya», jointly with G. S. Eljrushi, Int. J. Hydrogen World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Honolulu, HI, Energy, Vol. 15, No. 12, pp. –, December 22–27 July  «Effect of Inlet Subcooling and Heat  «An Investigation of the Effect on Two- Transfer Enhancement on Two-Phase Flow Pressure- Phase Flow Instabilities», jointly with L. Q. Fu and Drop Type and Thermal Instabilities», jointly with S. Kakaз, Proc. 6th Miami International Symposium H. Yьncь, M. M. Padki, S. Kakaз, H. Liu, Proc. 9th on Heat and Mass Transfer, CERI, University of International Heat Transfer Conference, Jerusalem, Miami, Coral Gables, FL, Israel, 19–24 August  «Experimental Study of Two-Phase Flow  «Modeling of Two-Phase Flow Instabili- Heat Transfer Coefficients», jointly with L. Q. Fu ties in a Vertical Upflow Boiling Channel», jointly and S. Kakaз, Proc. 6th Miami International Sympo- with H. Liu, M. M. Padki, S. Kakaз, Y. Ding and sium on Heat and Mass Transfer, CERI, University R. M. Cotta, Proc. 10th Brasilian Congress of Me- of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, chanical Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 5–8  «Two Phase Flow Thermal Pressure-Drop December Oscillations», jointly with M. Padki, S. Kakaз,  «Effect of Inlet Subcooling and Heat T. Chen and X. Chen, Proc. 6th Miami International Transfer Enhancement on Two-Phase Flow Pressure- Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer, CERI, Uni- Drop Type and Thermal Instabilities», jointly with versity of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, H. Yьncь, M. M. Padki, S. Kakaз and H. T. Liu, Proc.  «Studies of Hydrodynamic Instabilities 9th International Heat Transfer Conference, Jeru- for High Pressure Steam Water Two-Phase Flow in salem, Israel, 19–24 August Inclined Tubes», jointly with T.-K. Chen, Y. S. Tian,  Chapter «Comparison of Hydrogen with Q.-C. Bi, Y.-S. Luo, Y.-Q. Liu, X. Chen and S. Kakaз, Coal and Synthetic Fossil Fuels», Electrochemistry Proc. 6th Miami International Symposium on Heat in Transition — from the 20th to the 21st Century, and Mass Transfer, CERI, University of Miami, Chapter 4, Plenum Publishing Company, Coral Gables, FL,  «An Optimization Study of Liquid Hydro-  «Analysis of a Reciprocating Magnetic Hy- gen Boil-Off Losses», jointly with S. Gursu, M. Lord- drogen Liquefier», jointly with L. Zhang, S. A. She­ gooei, S. A. Sherif, Hydrogen Energy Progress VIII, rif, and J. W. Sheffield, Proc. 13th Canadian Con- Pergamon Press, ; also Electrochemistry in gress on Applied Mechanics, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Transition: From the 20th to the 21st Century, Canada, 2–6 June Oxford, England, Pergamon,  «Optimizing Liquid Hydrogen Storage  «Studies of Hydrodynamic Instabilities Systems», jointly with S. Gursu, S. A. Sherif and for High Pressure Steam-Water Two-Phase Flow in J. W. Sheffield, Proc. 13th Canadian Congress on Inclined Tubes», jointly with T. Chen, Y.-S. Tian, Applied Mechanics, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Q.-C. Bi, and S. Kakaç, Proc. Condensed Papers of 2–6 June Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 17

 «Analysis of Thermal Stratification and Int. J. Multi-Phase Flow, Vol. , No. 1, pp. 65–77, Sealed Pressurization in Liquid Hydrogen Storage Systems», jointly with S. Gursu, S. A. Sherif and  «Solar-Hydrogen Energy System: The J. W. Sheffield, Proc. 18th International Congress Choice of the Future», Environmental Conservation, of Refrigeration, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 10–17 Vol. 18, No. 4, Winter August  «Zonne-Waterst of Energiesystem Verdient  «Analysis and Optimization of Thermal Snelle Toepassing», jointly with H. J. Plass, Jr., Stratification and Self-Pressurization Effects in and F. Barbir, Proces Technologie, Vol. 19, No. 12, Liquid Storage Systems», jointly with S. Gursu, December S. A. Sherif and J. W. Sheffield, Proc. ASME  «Overview of Microelectronics and Thermal Winter Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 1–6 Decem- Contact Conductance», jointly with J. W. Shef­field ber and K. C. Chung, Proc. U.S.-Australia Joint Semi-  «Readiness of Brazil to be the First nar on Enhanced Thermal Contact Conductance in Country to Utilize Hydrogen as an Energy Car- Microelectronics, Melbourne, Australia, 4–7 May rier», jointly with L. C. de Lima, Proc. 11th ABCM Mechanical Engineering Congress, Brazil, 11 De-  «Second Law Analysis of AMR Hydrogen cember Liquefiers», jointly L. Zhang, S. A. Sherif, and J. W.  «Performance Analysis of Magnetic Liq- Sheffield, Int. J. Refrigeration, Stuttgart, Germany, uefiers», jointly with S. Gursu, S. A. Sherif and J. March W. Sheffield, Proc. ASME Winter Annual Meeting,  «Energy Analysis of AMR Hydrogen Liq- Atlanta, GA, 1–6 December uefiers», jointly with L. Zhang, S. A. Sherif and  «Progress in Hydrogen Energy», jointly J. W. Sheffield, Proc. 9th World Hydrogen Energy with F. Barbir, Energy Letters, International Energy Conference, Paris, France, June Society, Vol. 1, No. 1, January  «Thermal Performance and Economic  «A Solar Hydrogen House», jointly with Analysis of Solar Thermal Central Receiver Power F. Barbir, Proc. INTERKLIMA’91, 11th Internation- Plants», jointly with K. R. Agha, Proc. 9th World al Symposium and Exhibition of Heating, Refrig- Hydrogen Energy Conference, Paris, France, June erating and Air-Conditioning, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 12–14 June  «Analysis of Hydrogen Penetration in the  «Performance Analysis of Reciprocat- Energy Market», jointly with F. Barbir, H. T. Odum ing Magnetic Liquefiers», jointly with L. Zhang, and H. J. Plass, Jr., Proc. 9th World Hydrogen En- S. A. Sherif and J. Sheffield, Proc. ASME ergy Conference, Paris, France, June Winter Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA,  «Pilot Projects: A Way Toward Initiation  «Modeling of Thermal Stratification and of the Hydrogen Energy System», Proc. 1st Tatar- Self-Pressurization in Cryogenic Liquid Hydro- stan Symposium on Energy, Environment and Eco- gen Vessels», jointly with S. Gursu, S. A. Sherif, nomics, Tatarstan, Russia, 9–14 August J. W. Sheffield, Proc. IV Congreso Latinoamericano  «Hydrodynamics of Multi-Phase Visco- de Transferencia de Calor y Materia, La Serena, Elastic Fluids», jointly with Y. G. Nazmeev and Chile, O. F. Moosin, Proc. 1st Tatarstan Symposium on  «A Multivariable Linear Investigation of Energy, Environment and Economics, Tatarstan, Russia, 9–14 August Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in Parallel Boiling  «Computer Modeling and Comparison of Channels», jointly M. Xiao, X. Chen, M. Zhang, Hydrogen Fueled and Methane Fueled Hypersonic and S. Kakaз, Proc. of the ICMF’91 Conference, Vehicles», jointly with S. M. Rainey, Int. J. Hy- Tsukuba, Japan, drogen Energy, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 53–62, January  «External Costs of Fuels», jointly with F. Barbir, TIDE: TERI Information Digest on En-  «Hydrogen Energy Initiation in Nepal», ergy, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 75–91, jointly with F. Barbir, prepared for UNDP Expert  «Optimization Analysis on a Two-Stage Group Meeting on Hydrogen Technology for Devel- AMR Hydrogen Liquefier», jointly with L. Zhang, oping Countries, Katmandu, Nepal, S. A. Sherif, A. J. DeGregoria, Proc. 7th Crycooler Con-  «Effective Costs of the Future Energy Sys- ference, Santa Fe, NM, 17–19 November tems», jointly with F. Barbir, H. J. Plass, Jr., Int.  «Analisi Della Penetrazione Dell’Idrogeno J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. –, Nel Mercato Energetico», jointly with F. Barbir, April H. J. Plass, Jr., and H. T. Odum, Scienza E Governo,  «Comparison of Hydrogen with Coal and Vol. 9, No. 10, pp. 20–25, Synthetic Fossil Fuels», jointly with H. J. Plass,  «A Multivariable Linear Investigation Jr., and F. Barbir, in O. J. Murphy, S. Srinivasan of Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in Parallel Boil- and B. E. Conway (Eds.) Electrochemistry in Tran- ing Channels Under High Pressure», jointly with sition, Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, NY, M. Xiao, X. J. Chen, M. Y. Zhang, and S. Kakaз, pp. –, International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 18 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

 «Assessment of Environmental Damage sium on Energy, Environment & Economics, Kazan, by Fossil Fuels», jointly with F. Barbir, Clean Russian Federation, Utilization of Coal, Kluwer Academic Publishers,  «Hydrogen: The Ultimate Fuel and Com- Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. –, parison with Fossil Fuels, in the Future of Energy  «Solar-Hydrogen Demonstration Project for Gases», jointly with F. Barbir, United States Geo- Pakistan», jointly with N. Lutfi, Int. J. Hydrogen logical Survey Professional Paper, Energy, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. –, May  «Review of Slush Hydrogen Production and  «Hydrogen — The Wonder Fuel», jointly Utilization Technologies», jointly with S. Gursu, with F. Barbir, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 17, S. A. Sherif, and J. W. Sheffield, Int. J. Hydrogen No. 6, pp. –, June Energy, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. –, June  «Initiation of Hydrogen Energy System in  «Exergy and Economic Analysis of Hy- Developing Countries», jointly with F. Barbir, Int. drogen Liquefiers Employing the Modified Collins J. Hydrogen Energy, pp. –, July Cycle», jointly with M. Y. Syed, S. A. Sherif and  «Advantages of Hydrogen Energy Sys- J. W. Sheffield, Proc. 10th World Hydrogen Energy, tem in Developing Countries, jointly with F. Bar- Cocoa Beach, FL, June bir, Information Digest on Energy, Vol. 2, No. 2,  «Cost Optimization of Photovoltaic Hydrogen pp. 75– Production», K. D. Hollenbach and K. Kocer, Proc.  «Environmental Benefits of the Solar 10th World Hydrogen Conference, Cocoa Beach, FL, Hydrogen Energy System», jointly with F. Barbir, June Environmental Issues and Management of Waste in  «Liquid Hydrogen Powered Commercial Energy and Mineral Production, Vol. 2, Aircraft», jointly with K. Kocer, Proc. 10th World  «Long Term Environmental and Socioeco- Hydrogen Energy Conference, Cocoa Beach, FL, nomic Impact of an Envisaged Hydrogen Energy June Program in Brazil», jointly with L. C. de Lima, Proc.  «Performance Analysis of Reciprocating 4th Brazilian Thermal Science Meeting, Encit, Rio Magnetic Liquefiers», L. Zhang, S. A. Sherif, and de Janeiro, Brazil, December J. W. Sheffield, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 19,  «Project Hydrogen’ Launching Our Sus- No. 12, pp. –, December tainable Energy Future», Co-Editor with R. Billings,  «Twenty Years of the Hydrogen Move- Proc. Project Hydrogen 91 Conference, Independ- ment», Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 20, No. 1, ence, MO, pp. 1–7, January  «The Hydrogen World View», Book Re-  «An Investigation into the Performance view, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 17, No. 7, July of a Double Pass Photovoltaic Thermal Solar Col- lector», jointly with K. Sopian, H. T. Liu, K. S. Yi­git  «Hydrogen: Its Comparison with Fos- and S. Kakaз, AES, Vol. 35, No.  sil Fuels and Its Potential as a Universal Fuel»,  «Solar Hydrogen Energy Option for Ma- jointly with F. Barbir, The Future of Energy Gases, laysia», International Conference on Advanced in pp. –, Strategic Technologies, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia, 12–15 June  «Modeling of Hydrogen Penetration in  «Hydrogen Energy System for a Sus- the Energy Market», jointly with F. Barbir and tainable Future», Hydrogen Power Thermal and H. J. Plass, Jr., Int. J. of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 18, Electrochemical Systems International Symposium No. 3, March (HYPOTHESIS), Cassino-Gaeta, Italy, 26–30 June  «Second Law Analysis of Active Magnetic Regenerative Hydrogen Liquefiers», jointly with  «Assessment of Environmental Damage L. Zhang, S. A. Sherif and J. W. Sheffield, Cryogen- of Fossil Fuels», Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, ics, Vol. 33, No. 7, July Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy  «A Sustainable Energy System: Hydrogen Systems (ECOS’95), Istanbul, Turkey, 11–14 July Energy System», jointly with F. Barbir, Int. Sym- posium on Energy, Environment, Economics, Baku,  «Hydrogen Energy System: A Permanent Azerbaijan, Russia, August Solution to the Global Energy-Environmental Prob-  «Analysis and Optimization of Thermal lems», jointly with F. Barbir, 35th IUPAC Congress, Stratification and Self-Pressurization Effects Istanbul, Turkey, 13–15 August in Liquid Hydrogen Storage Systems — Part  «Thermodynamic Optimization Analysis 1: Model Development», jointly with S. Gursu, of a Ton/Day Active Magnetic Regenera- S. A. Sherif and J. W. Sheffield, ASME Journal tive Hydrogen Liquefier», jointly with L. Zhang, of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. , Sep- A. J. DeGregoria, and S. A. Sherif, 19th Congress tember International du Froid, La Haye, Pays-Bas, France,  «Pilot Projects: A Way Toward Initiation 20–25 August of the Hydrogen Energy System», jointly with F.  «A Solution to Global Energy and Environ- Barbir, Proceedings of the First Tatarstan Sympo- mental Problems: The Hydrogen Energy System», Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 19

jointly with F. Barbir, International Symposium and S. Kakaз, Energy Conversion and Management, on Energy, Environment, Economics, University of Vol. 41, p. –, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, November  «Solar-Hydrogen Energy System for Egypt», jointly with M. A. Abdalah, and S. S. As­  «Performance Analysis of Photovoltaic four, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 24, pp. –, Thermal Heaters», jointly with K. Sopian, K. S. Yi­ git, H. T. Liu and S. Kakaз, Energy Conversion and  «Solar-Hydrogen: An Energy System for Management, Sustainable Development in Spain», A. Contreras,  «Spanish Energy Planning Towards a J. Carpio, M. Molero and T. N. Veziroglu, Int. J. Sustainable Future», jointly with A. Contreras and Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 24, pp. –, K. S. Yigit, Energy Conversion and Management,  «Hydrogen Energy System as a Permanent Solution to Global Energy-Environmental Problems»,  «Hydrogen Energy Progress and Recom- T. Nejat Veziroglu, J. Chemical Industry, Belgrade, mendations for India», India-UNDP Workshop on Yugoslavia, Vol. 53, pp. –, Hydrogen Energy Technologies, Varanasi, India, 29  «Analysis of Spanish Energy Planning November – 1 December (–): Current Situation and Suggestions  «Performance of a Hybrid Photovoltaic on the Use of New Energy systems», Proceedings Thermal Collector», jointly with K. Sopian, H. T. Liu, of the 4th International Conference on New Energy S. Kakaз, AES, Vol. 36, Systems and Conversions, Osaka, Japan, 27 June –  «Performance of a Hybrid Photovoltaic 1 July Thermal Collector», jointly with K. Sopian, H. T. Liu,  «An Environmentally Balanced Industrial S. Kakaз, International Mechanical Engineering Complex of Fertilizer and Cement Plants», jointly Congress and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, 17–22 No- with S. V. Krishnan, N. L. Nemerow, P. Khanna and vember T. Chakrabarti, The International Journal of Science  «Recent Directions of World Hydrogen and Engineering: Research and Applications, Vol. 1, Production», jointly with M. Momirlan, Interna- No. 1, tional Symposium FLOWERS’97, Firenze, Italy,  «Hybrid Solar High-Temperature Hydrogen July – 1 August Production System», J. Padin, T. N. Veziroglu and  «Hydrogen as Aviation Fuel: A Comparison A. Shahin, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 25, No. 4, with Hydrocarbon Fuels», jointly with A. Cont­reras, April K. S. Yigit and K. Ozay, International Journal of  «Utilization of Solar-Hydrogen Energy in Hydrogen Energy, (accepted for publica- the UAE to Maintain its Share in the World En- tion). ergy Market for the 21st Century», A. Kazim and  «Performance of a Double Pass Photo- T. N. Veziroglu, Proceedings of the First Interna- voltaic Thermal Solar Collector Suitable for Solar tional Conference on Energy, El Ain, United Arab Drying Systems», jointly with K. Sopian, H. T. Liu Emirates, 7–9 May and S. Kakaз, Energy Conversion & Management,  «Transport Mechanism and Perform- 41, pp. –, ance Simulation for PEM Fuel Cells», Lixin You,  «Analysis of Spanish Energy Planning Hongtan Liu, Sadik Kakac and T. Nejat Veziroglu, (): Current Situation and Suggestions on Hydrogen Energy Progress XIII, Proceedings of the the Use of New Energy Systems», Proceedings of 13th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Beijing, the 4th International Conference on New Energy China, June Systems and Conversions, Osaka, Japan, 27 June  «Thermoeconomics of Hydrogen Liquefiers – 1 July Operating on the Modified Collins Cycle», M. T. Syed,  «Hydrogen Energy System: Fundamentals S. A. Sherif and T. N. Veziroglu, Proceedings of the and Application», jointly with S. A. Sherif, and 35th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineer- F. Barbir, Asia Pacific Tech Monitor, January/ ing Conference and Exhibit (IECEC), AIAA Paper February –, Session PE-I-1, Las Vegas, Nevada,  «Hydrogen Energy Systems», jointly with Vol. 2, pp. –, July 24–28, S. A. Sherif, and F. Barbir, Wiley Encyclopedia of  «Quarter Century of Hydrogen Movement, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Webster, J. T. N. Veziroglu, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 25, G. (Editor), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, No. 12, December ISBN , February  «Hydrogen Production by Biological Proc-  «Recent Directions of World Hydrogen esses: .A Survey of Literature», jointly with Deba- Production», jointly with M. Momirlan, Renewable brata Das, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 26, No. 1, and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 3, pp. –, pp. 13–28, January  «Long-Term Environmental and Socio-  «Performance of a Double Pass Photo- Economic Impact of a Hydrogen Energy Program in voltaic Thermal Solar Collector Suitable for Solar Brazil», jointly with L. C. de Lima, Int. J. Hydrogen Drying Systems», jointly with K. Sopian, H. T. Liu, Energy, Vol. 26, No. l, pp. 39–46, January International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 20 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

 «Fundamentals of Hydrogen Energy Utili-  «Mathematical Modelling of Hydrogen zation», in Advances in Solar Energy, jointly with Storage in a La Ni5 Metal-Hydride Bed», Y. Kaplan F. Barbir, S. A. Sherif, Vol. 14, Chapter 3, pp. 67– and T. N. Veziroglu, International Journal of Energy , D. Y. Goswami, and K. W. Boer, (Editors), Research, 27(11), –, (ISBN ), (ASES), Boulder, Colorado,  «Application of A Two-Phase Mathematical August Model For Hydrogen Evolution in an Electrochemical  «From Hydrogen Economy to Hydrogen Cell», jointly with M. D. Mat and Y. Kap­lan, I. Ege Civilization», Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, jointly Enerji Sempozyumu Ve Sergisi Pamukkale Univer- with Victor A. Goltsov, Vol. 26, No. 9, pp. –, sitesi Muhendislik Fakultesi Denizli, May September  «Numerical Investigation of Hydrogen Ab-  «Second Law Analysis of Hydrogen sorption in a Metal Hydride Reactor», jointly with Liquefiers Operating on the Modified Collins Cy- Y. Kaplan and M. D. Mat, Proceedings of the First cle», M. T. Syed, S. A. Sherif, T. N. Veziroglu and International Energy and Environment Symposium J. W. Shef­field, International Journal of Energy 13–17 July , Izmir, Turkey. Research, Vol. 25, No. 11, pp. –, September  «Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Evo- lution with a Two-Phase Flow Model», jointly with  «From Hydrogen Economy to Hydrogen M. D. Mat. and Y. Kaplan, Proceedings of the First Civilization: Planetary and Regional Aspect of the International Symposium on Process Intensification Transition», jointly with V. A. Goltsov, and L. F. Gol­ Miniaturization in Biological, Chemical Environ- tsova, International Scientific Journal of Alterna- mental and Energy Conversion Technologies, 18–21 tive Energy and Ecology, April August , University of Newcastle, UK.  «Current Status of Hydrogen Energy»,  «PV Autonomous Installation to Produce jointly with M. Momirlan, Renewable and Sustain- Hydrogen via Electrolysis and its use in FC Buses», able Energy Reviews, Vol. 6, pp. –, June jointly with J. M. Vidueira and A. Contreras, In- ternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 28,  «A Step on the Road to Hydrogen Civili- pp. –, September zation», jointly with V. A. Goltsov, International  «Charactertistics of five desorption peaks Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 27, pp. –, for hydrogen in graphite and novel carbon nanos- July tructured materials, in connection with the on-board  «Energy Kingdom», jointly with H. A. Aba­ storage problem», jointly with Yu. S. Ne­c haev, oud, International Journal of Energy Conversion O. K. Alexeeva and J. G. Hirschberg, Proceedings and Management, Vol. 43, pp. –, September of the European Hydrogen Energy Conference, 1–3 September Grenoble, France.  «Energy Carriers and Conversion Systems  «On the Physico-Chemical Foundations with Emphasis on Hydrogen», jointly with Tokio and Perspectives of using Novel Carbon-Based Na- Ohta, Knowledge for Sustainable Development, nomaterials for the Hydrogen On-Board Storage», EOLSS Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, 30 pgs., September jointly with Yu. S. Nechaev, O. K. Alexeeva, and J. G. Hirschberg, Proceedings of the HYPO­THESIS  «International Programs on Hydrogen Conference, 7–10 September , Sardinia, Italy. Energy», jointly with Tokio Ohta, UNESCO Publica-  «Hydrogen Economy and Nuclear En- tions, 26 pgs., September ergy Synergism», IAEA 50th Anniversary Bulletin,  «Wind Energy and the Hydrogen Econo- my», jointly with S. A. Sherif and F. Barbir, Proceed-  IJHE thrust toward meeting the needs of ings of the 22nd ASME Wind Energy Symposium, implementation, EDITORIAL International Jour- Reno Nevada, AIAA, Paper , pp. –, Keynote Paper, January 6–9 nal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 29, Issue 1, January  «Principles of Hydrogen Energy Produc- , p.  tion, Storage and Utilization», S. A. Sherif and  «A universal relationship for estimating F. Barbir, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Re- daily clear sky insolation», jointly with Chakradhar search, Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 46–63, January – Febru- Lingamgunta, Energy Conversion and Management, ary 45(1); 27–  «A Universal Relationship for Estimat-  «Numerical Investigation of heat and ing Clear Sky Insolation», C. Lingamgunta and T. mass transfer in a metal hydride bed», jointly with N. Veziroglu, Energy Conversion and Management A. Dogan and Y. Kaplan, Applied Mathematics and , Computation, (1); –  «Role of PEM Fuel Cells in Diversifying  «A proposal of an alternative route for Electricity Production in the United Arab Emir- the reduction of iron ore in the eastern Amazonia», ates», A. Kazim, and T. N. Veziroglu, International Jointly with L. Carmo de Lima and J. Batista Furlan Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. , pp. –, Duarte, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, March 29(6); – Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 21

 «A universal relationship for estimating A. L. Gusev, E. V. Kudel’kina, P. A. Chaban and daily clear sky insolation», jointly with Chakradhar A. V. Ivkin, Proceedings of the International Waork- Lingamgunta, Energy Conversion and Management, shop Photovoltaics, H2 and Thermal Energy — New 45(15–16); – Developments in Russia and other CIS countries,  «Solar-hydrogen energy system for Saudi Freiburg, Germany, , pp. 48– Arabia», jointly with S. Almogren, International  «The outlook for using palladium and 4th Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 29(11); – period metal oxides in hydrogen energy and trans- port», jointly with A. L. Gusev, E. V. Ku­del’­kina,  «A review of Hydrogen storage storage sys- P. A. Chaban, A. V. Ivkin and M. D. Hamp­ton, Pro- tems based on boron and its compounds», jointly with ceedings of the International Workshop Photovola- E. Fakiolu and Y. Yьrьn, International Journal of ics, H2 and Thermal Energy — New Developments in Hydrogen Energy, 29(13); – Russia and other CIS Countries, Freiburg, Germany,  «On the physics of hydrogen plastifica- , pp. 70– tion and superplasticity of metallic materials and  «Electrosorption phenomena in layers of compounds», jointly with Yu. S. Nechaev, D. V. Yur­ shield vacuum heat insulation of hydrogen reser- chenko and J. G. Hirschberg, International Journal voirs in emergency operating conditions», jointly of Hydrogen Energy, 29(13); – with A. L. Gusev, E.V. Kudel’kina, A. V. Ivkin and  «Internal combustion engines fueled by M. D. Hampton, Proceedings of Conference Euro- natural gas-hydrogen mixtures», jointly with Sun and 14th Internationales Sonnenforum, S. Orhan Akansu, Zafer Dulger and Nafiz Kahraman, Freiburg, Germany, , vol. 2, pp. – International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 29(14);  «Experimental and Theoretical Study of – Metal-Hydride Reactors», jointly with Y. Kaplan,  «From hydrocarbon to hydrogen-carbon Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Work- to hydrogen economy», jointly with N. Z. Muradov, shop, Fuel Cell Technologies: State and Perspectives, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 30, 6–10 June , Kiev, Ukraine. Issue 3 March , pp. –  «Fed Batch Production of Hydrogen  «Karadeniz Dip Sularmm Hidrojen Enerjisi from Palm Oil Mill Effluent using Anaerobic Potansiyeli», jointly with M. Midilli, M. Ay and Microflora», jointly with A. A. Y. Atif, A. Fakhru A. Kale. Proceedings of the V. Ulusal Temiz Enerji al-Razi, M. A. Ngan, M. Morimoto, S. E. Iyuke, In- Sempozyumu, Bildiri Kitabi, Cilt 11, pp. – ternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 30, May , Istanbul, Turkey. , pp. –  «21st Century Energy: Hydrogen Energy  «Experimental and theoretical analysis System», Proceedings of First International Cappa- of hydrogen absorption in LaNi5–H2 reactors», docia Mechanical Engineering Symposium, Vol. Key- jointly with A. Demircan, M. Demiralp, Y. Kaplan note, pp. 1–5, June , Cappadocia, Turkey. and M. D. Mat, International Journal of Hydrogen  «International Combustion Engines Fueled Energy, 30; –, by Natural Gas-Hydrogen Mixtures», jointly with  Studies on the photocatalytic hydrogen S. O. Akansu, Z. Dulger and N. Kahraman, Proceed- production using suspended modified TiO2 photo- ings of 15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, catalysts», jointly with A. Nada, M. H. Barakat, June 27 – July 2, , Yokohama, Japan. H. A. Hamed and N. R. Mohamed, International Jour-  «Experimental Studies of a Direct Metha- nal of Hydrogen Energy, 30; –, nol Fuel Cell», jointly with Jiabin Ge and Hongtan  «Towards a Hydrogen Economy», jointly Liu, Proceedings of 15th World Hydrogen Energy with S. A. Sherif and F. Barbir The Electricity Jour- Conference, June 27 – July 2, , Yokohama, nal, 18(6); 62–76, Japan.  «The properties of hydrogen as fuel to-  «The Unique Rodriguez-Baker Data on morrow in sustainable energy system for a cleaner Hydrogen Storage in Graphite Nanofibers Might planet», jointly with M. Momirlan, International Be True», jointly with Y. S. Nechaev and D. V. Yur­ Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 30; –, chenko. Proceedings of 15th World Hydrogen En- ergy Conference, June 27 – July 2, Yokohama,  «Study of thermodynamic parameters of Japan. hydrogen gas by grapho-analytic method,”jointly  «Hydrogen detectors for hydrogen trans- with B. Ibrahimoglu and A. Huseynov, International port», jointly with A. L. Gusev, E. V. Kudel’kina, Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 30; –, P. A. Chaban, A. V. Ivkin and M. D. Hampton, Pro-  «On micromechanisms of hydrogen plas- ceedings of the International Workshop Photovolta- tification and embrittlement of some technological ics, H2 and Thermal Energy — New Developments in materials», jointly with Yu. S. Nechaev, American Russia and other CIS Countries, Freiburg, Germany, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, Number 1, pp. , pp. 43– –,  «Edelweiss standardized unit for  «From hydrocarbon to hydrogen–carbon testing hydrogen transport sensors», jointly with to hydrogen economy», jointly with N. Z. Muradov, International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 22 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 30; drogen Energy Conference, Istanbul, 13–15 July –,  «Diffusion in Materials», jointly with  «Investigation of thermal aspects of Y. S. Nechaev, O. K. Alexeeva and M. Danielewski. hydrogen storage in a LaNi5-H 2 reactor», jointly Dimat , Pt1 and 2 Defect And Diffusion Forum with Y. Kaplan, M. Ilbaз, M. D. Mat and M. Demir- – –, alp, Int. J. Energy Research 30(6), –,  «Hydrogen as burner fuel: modeling of hydrogen-hydrocarbon composite fuel combustion  Proceedings of NATO ARW «Hydrogen and NOx formation in a small burner», jointly with Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Mate- M. Ilbas and Y. Kaplan, Int. J. Energy Research, rials», by T. Nejat Veziroglu, Svetlana Yu. Zagi- 29(11), –, naichenko, Dmitry V. Schur, Bogdan Baranowski,  «Hydrogen Energy Potential of Black Sea Anatoliy P. Shpak, Valeriy Skorokhod, Ayfer Kale, Deep Water Based on H2S and Importance fors the Springer Publisher, NATO Publishing Unit, Van Region», jointly with A. Midilli and Ayfer M., Kale, Godewijckstraat 30/ GX, P.O. Box 17/ Proceedings of International Hydrogen Energy Con- AA, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, December , gress and Exhibition, July 13–15 () Istanbul, pp.  Turkey,  «A parametric investigation of hydrogen  «Photocatalytic production of hydrogen energy potential based on H2S in Black Sea deep using several sensitized TiO2/RuO2-MV2+Systems», waters», jointly with Adnan Midilli, Murat Ay and jointly with A. A. Nada, M. H. Barakat, H. A. Ha­med Ayfer Kale, International Journal of Hydrogen En- and N. R. Mohamed, Proceedings of International ergy, 32; – Hydrogen Energy Congress and Exhibition, July  «The investigation of the electrooxidation 13–15, Istanbul, Turkey, of sodium borohydride on various metal electrodes  «An Experimental and Theoretical Study in aqueous basic solutions», jointly with Hüseyin of Hydrogen Storage in Reactors», jointly with Çelikkan, Mükerrem ªahin and M. Levent Aksu, Y. Kaplan, M. D. Mat and B. Ibrahimoglu, Proceed- International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32; ings of International Hydrogen Energy Congress and – Exhibition, July 13–15 Istanbul, Turkey,  «Hydrogen from hydrogen sulphide in  «Hydrogen Evolution in UV Photo dis- Black Sea», jointly with S. Z. Baykara, E. H. Figen sociation Process of Water over Tio2 Compounds and A. Kale, International Journal of Hydrogen with Sodium Carbonates Additives», jointly with Energy, 32; – M. Momirlan and I. Surcel, Proceedings of Interna-  «Modeling and simulation of the produc- tional Hydrogen Energy Congress and Exhibition, tion of hydrogen using hydroelectricity in Ven- July 13–15, Istanbul, Turkey, ezuela», jointly with Alfonso Contreras and Fausto  «Environmentally Balanced Industrial Posso, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Complex for the Cane Sugar Industry in Egypt», 32; – S. M. El Haggar, M. M. El Gowini and N. L. Ne­merow,  «Estimates of the price of hydrogen as a Proceedings of International Hydrogen Energy medium for wind and solar sources», jointly with Congress and Exhibition, July 13–15, Istanbul, John O’M. Bockris, International Journal of Hydro- Turkey, gen Energy, 32; –  «21st Century’s Energy: Hydrogen En-  «On the experimental and theoretical basis ergy System», Assessment of Hydrogen Energy for developing a “super” hydrogen adsorbent», jointly Sustainable Development, Springer, pages 9–31, with Yu. S. Nechaev, A. L. Gusev, G. K. Gup­ta and O. N. Srivastava, in: Trans. Int. Conf. «Solid State Hydrogen Storage – Materials and Applications», Articles and Editorials: Hyderabad, India, 1. V. A. Goltsov, T. N. Veziroglu and L. F. Gol­  «Ecohealth Problems and Climate Change tsova. Hydrogen civilization of the future —A new II: Permanent Solution to Environmental Problems: conception of the IAHE /Article // International Hydrogen Energy System», IFSSH World Congress Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 31, Issue 2, Febru- «Health Challenges of the Third Millenium», Book of ary , p. – Invited Background Papers», pp. –, Istanbul, 2. T. Nejat Veziroglu. Jubilee Greetings from August 21–27 the IAHE President /EDITORIAL // International  «Possibilities for Hydrogen Production Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 31, Issue 2, Feb- from H2S in Black Sea», jointly with S. Z. Baykara ruary , p.  and A. Kale (CD-ROM), Istanbul, 13–15 July 3. T. Nejat Veziroglu. Editorial /EDITORIAL // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 31,  «Possibilities for Hydrogen Production Issue 7, June , p.  from H2S in Black Sea», jointly with S. Z. Baykara 4. T. Nejat Veziroglu. IJHE grows with Hydro- and A. Kale, Proceedings of the International Hy- gen Economy /EDITORIAL // International Journal Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 23

of Hydrogen Energy, In Press, Corrected Proof, AEC Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sub-contract Available online 18 December No. , Final Report, July 5. T. Nejat Veziroglu. IJHE mobilizes to reach  «Boiling Flow Instabilities in Cross-Connect- Hydrogen Civilization /EDITORIAL // International ed Parallel Channels», jointly with S. S. Lee, AEC Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 33, Issue 1, Janu- Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sub-Contract No. ary , p. 1–2. , Final Report, June  «Sustained and Transient Boiling Flow OTHER PUBLICATIONS Instabilities in a Cross-Connected Parallel Channel 1. «A Parametric Study of Boiling Instability», Upflow System», jointly with S. S. Lee, AEC Oak jointly with A. H. Stenning, NASA Grant NSG, Ridge National Laboratory, Sub-contract No. , Report No. 1, September Final Report, July 2. «Boiling Flow Instability», jointly with  «Statistical Study of Thermal Contact Con- A. H. Stenning, NASA Grant NSG, Report No. 2, ductance», NASA Grant NGR 10j Report, November NASA CR , June 3. «Boiling Flow Instability», jointly with  «Instabilities in Liquid-Vapor Flows», joint- A. H. Stenning, NASA Grant NSG, Report No. 3, ly with S. Kakaç, Final Report, Project MAG, May Middle East technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 4. «Oscillations in Two-Phase Two Component December Flows», jointly with A.H. Stenning, NASA CR-  «Hardness of Cu-Be Alloys at Elevated Temperatures», jointly with N. Forouzanmehr, , October Final Report to Kawecki Berylco Industries, Inc., 5. «Boiling Flow Instability», Jointly with Mechanical Engineering Dept., University of Miami, A. H. Stenning, NASA Grant NSG, Report No. 5, June November  «Detailed Technical Report: Feasibility of 6. «Flow Oscillation Modes in Forced-Convection Remote Sensing for Detecting Thermal Pollution», Boiling», jointly with A. H. Stenning, NASA Grant jointly with S. S. Lee, NASA Contract NAS , NSG, January Final Report, NASA CR, December 7. «Instabilities in the Flow of Boiling Liquid»,  «Executive Summary Report: Feasibility of jointly with A. H. Stenning, NASA CR, Febru- Remote Sensing for Detecting Thermal Pollution», ary jointly with S. S. Lee, NASA Contract NAS , 8. «Boiling Flow Instability», NASA Grant NSG- Executive Report, December , Report No. 7, May  «Two-Phase Flow Instabilities in a Four 9. «Boiling Flow Instability», jointly with Parallel Channel System with Cross-Connections», A. H. Stenning, NASA Grant NSF, Report No. 9, jointly with S. Kakaз, O. Berkol and H. Akyuzlu, March Final Report, Project MAG, Middle East Techni-  «Density-Wave Oscillations in Boiling cal University. Ankara, Turkey, August Freon Flow», jointly with A. H. Stenning, NASA  «Detailed Technical Report: Prediction and Grant NSF, Report No. 9, March Detection of Thermal Pollution», joint with S. S. Lee,  «Correlations of Thermal Contact Conduct- NASA Contract NAS , Executive Report, ance Experimental Results», NASA NGR October , Report No. 1, February  «Executive Summary Report: Prediction  «Oscillations in Two-Component Two-Phase and Detection of Thermal Pollution», jointly with Flow», jointly with A. H. Stenning, NASA CR, S. S. Lee, NASA Contract NAS , Executive Final Report, Vol. 1, February Report, October  «Flow Oscillations in Forced-Convection  «Dade County, Florida School, Commercial Boiling», jointly with A. H. Stenning, NASA CR- Solar Demonstration, Concept Studies for Cooled/ , Final Report, Vol. 11, February Heated Schools in Subtropical Regions», jointly  «Oscillations in Boiling Upward Flow», AEC with Investigators and Consultants, Final Report Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Union Carbide Sub- ERDA Contract E-() ORO//1, contract No. , Final report, July September  «Thermal Conductance of Two-Dimensional  Workshop Report: Two Phase Flow and Heat Constructions», jointly with S. Chandra, NASA CR- Transfer Symposium-Workshop, 18–20 October , January , NSF.  «Boiling Upward Flow Instabilities», jointly with S. S. Lee, AEC Oak Ridge National Laboratory,  First Annual Report: Two-Phase Flow Insta- Sub-contract No. , Final Report, July bilities and Effect of Inlet Subcooling, NSF Project  «Thermal Conductance of Two-Dimension ENG , May Eccentric Constructions», jointly with M. A. Huerta,  Workshop Report: Solar Energy and Con- NASA CR, September servation Symposium-Workshop, Miami Beach,  «Boiling Flow Instabilities in a Two-Parallel Florida, DoE Contract #DE-ACPI CS , Channel Upflow System», jointly with S. S. Lee, December International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 24 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

 First Annual Report: Thermal Contact  «Global Environmental Problems and Clean Conductance of Multilayered Electrically Insulated Energy Solution», International Conference on New Sheets, NSF Project ENG , March Energy Systems and Conversions, Yokohama, Japan,  Workshop Report: Multi-Phase Flow and July Heat Transfer Symposium-Workshop, ONR N  «Optimal Clean Energy: Hydrogen Energy G and NSF ENG, April System», National Clean Energy Symposium, Istan-  Final Report: Two Phase Flow Instabilities bul, Turkey, December and Effect of Inlet Subcooling, NSF Project ENG  «Hydrogen: The Ultimate Fuel and Com- , February parison with Fossil Fuels», jointly with F. Barbir,  Final Report: Thermal Contact Conductance U.S. Geological Survey Conference on Energy Gases of Multilayered Electrically Insulated Sheets, NSF Proceedings, Project ENG , March  «Experimental and theoretical study of a  Annual Report: Two-Phase Flow Instabili- metal hydride beds», jointly with Y. Kaplan and ties, NSF Project CME , May M. D. Mat., 8th Annual SMALL FUEL CELLS(sm),  Final Report: Two-Phase Flow Instabilities, L’Enfant Plaza Hotel Washington, DC USA, April NSF Project CME , July 2–4,  Annual Report: Boiling Flow Instabilities  «Numerical and experimental investiga- in Parallel Channels with Enhanced Heat Transfer, tion of gas evolution and two-phase flow in an NSF Project MEA , May electrochemical cell», jointly with M. D. Mat and  Annual Report: Boiling Flow Instabilities Y. Kaplan,. 8th Annual SMALL FUEL CELLS(sm), in Parallel Channels with Enhanced Heat Transfer, L’Enfant Plaza Hotel Washington, DC USA, April NSF Project MEA , May 2–4,  Final Report: Boiling Flow Instabilities in  «Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Parallel Channels with Enhanced Heat Transfer, NSF Two-Dimensional Heat and Mass Transfer During Project MEA , January Absorption and Desorption in a Metal-Hydrogen  First Annual Report: Two-Phase Flow Ther- Reactor», jointly with M. D. Mat Y. Kaplan, B. mal Instabilities in a Single Channel System, NSF Ibrahimoglu, R. Alibeyli and S. Guliyev, Hydrogen Project CBT, January Technoliges kfor Energy Production, President Ho-  Annual Report: Two-Phase Flow Thermal tel, Moscow, Russia, 6–10 February Instabilities in a Single Channel System, NSF Project  «Theoretical and Experimental Study of CBT, January Two Phase Flow in Water Electrolysis», jointly  Annual Report: Attenuation of Solar Radia- with M. D. Mat, Y. Kaplan, B. Ibrahimoglu and tion in Atmosphere, NSF Project INT / R. Alibeyli, Hydrogen Technologies For Energy A01, February Production, President Hotel, Moscow, Russia,  Annual Report: Fluid Dynamical Models for 6–10 February Determining Wind Characteristics and Their Ap- plication in Pakistan, NSF Project INT, March SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL  Annual Report: U.S. – Pakistan Joint Re- SOCIETIES search on Advanced Renovation of Small Industry Editorial responsibilities: Waste, NSF Project INT, March  Annual Report: Hydrogen-Solar Energy Sys- Editor, International Journal of Hydrogen tem, DoE Project XL , August Energy  Final Report on Textile and Tapestry Indus- Editorial Advisory Board for Advances in tries Waste Treatment, NSF International Research Transport Processes, McGill University, Depart- Project, NSF INT ment of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Quebec,  Final Report on Fluid Dynamical Models for Canada Determining Wind Characteristics and Their Appli- Member, Advisory Board, Energy Review cation in Pakistan, NSF Project INT Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of En-  «Solar Hydrogen Energy System as a Per- ergy, Environment, Economics manent Energy Infrastructure», U.S. – Pakistan Member, International Editorial Board, Inter- Symposium on Silicon Technology, Islamabad, Pa- national Energy Foundation kistan, May Editor-in-Chief, International Board of Hydro-  «Comparison of Solar Hydrogen Energy gen Energy, Elsevier Science System with the Fossil Fuel System», U.S. – Paki- Editor with Svetlana Yu. Zaginaichenko, Dmitry stan Symposium on Silicon Technology, Islamabad, V. Schur, B. Baranowski, Anatoliy P. Shpak and Pakistan, May Valeriy V. Skorokhod, Hydrogen Materials Science  «Hydrogen Energy System and Environmen- and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials, published tal Benefits», Tatarstan Academy of Science, Kazan, in , NATO Science Series, Kluwer Academic Russian Federation, June Publishers. Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 25

Professional and honorary organizations Turkish Presidential Science Award, Medal of City of Paris, in recognition of lecture International Association for Hydrogen Energy, on «Hydrogen Energy System and its Implications», President at the Second International Congress on Hydrogen British Institution of Mechanical Engineers, in Metals, Paris, France, Fellow Honorary Professorship by Ministry of Educa- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, tion of the People’s Republic of China, Fellow I. V. Kurchatov Medal — Kurchatov Institute American Association for the Advancement of of Atomic Energy for Contributions to Energy Re- Science, Fellow search in General, and Hydrogen Energy Research American Institute of Aeronautics and Astro- in Particular, Moscow, USSR, nautics, Member Who’s Who in Technology Today, American Nuclear Society, Member Energy for Mankind Award, Global Energy Soci- American Association for University Profes- ety for Eradication of Poverty and Hunger, sors, Member Superior Service to Science Award, Turkish American Society for Engineering Education, Ministry of Culture, Istanbul, Turkey, 7 June Member Society of Sigma Xi, Member Membership Award: American Nuclear Society, Society of Engineering Science, Member in recognition of 25 years of continuous member- Technical Review Board, Energy Planning Serv- ship and with sincere appreciation of valuable ice Division of Petroconsultants, Member contributions made during this period of member- Omicron Delta Kappa, Laurel Crowned Circle, ship, which have helped materially in enabling Tapee Member the Society to experience sound growth and make Association of Energy Engineers, Member notable progress in accomplishing its goals and International Association for Housing Science, objectives. Member Annual ATAS Science Award, Washing- Society of Heat Science and Technique, Member ton, DC, 21 January Turkish Physical Society, Member Phi Beta Delta, Distinguished Scholar Award, Association for Scientific and Technical Inter- 3 April national Cooperation, Member Charter Life Member, The Association of Energy Manpower Education and Research Training Engineers — Committee, Member Honorary Doctorate for work on Hydrogen American Nuclear Society, Florida Section, Energy — conferred by the Senate of the Anadolu Member, Membership Committee University, Eskisehir, Turkey, on the occasion of World Constitution and Parliament Association, the 40th Anniversary of their establishment, 20 Commission on Energy, Chairperson October Society of Turkish Architects, Engineers and Member – University of Miami Society of Uni- Scientists, Board of Directors, Honorary Member versity Founders — 28 January Advisory Committee of the International Energy Nominated for the Nobel Prize in Economy by Foundation, Member the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, for both envi- Referee Directory for Research Support System, sioning the Hydrogen Economy and striving towards Kuwait University its realization, September Dirasat Hundasia Journal, United Arab Emir- Honorary Editor-in-Chief, The International ates University, Reviewer Journal of Sciences and Engineering: Research and Head and Select U. S. Delegation, American Applications (IJSE/RA), March National Standards Institute (official counterpart — Honorary doctorate from the Donetsk State United Nations International Standards Organiza- Technical University, Donetsk, Urkraine, for con- tion) tributions to the development and consolidation of Reviewer for Tennessee Technological Univer- hydrogen energy efforts throughout the world, as sity well as the beneficial cooperation with the Donetsk Consultant, United Nations Industrial Develop- University, March ment Organization Named «Hydrogen’s Leader» in the book, «Our Future is Hydrogen Energy, Environment and Economy» by Robert Siblerud, August HONORS AND AWARDS Honorary Editor-in-Chief, International Scien- Certificate of Merit for Distinguished Service tific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology in Heat Transfer between Surfaces in Contact, (ISJAEE), March Dictionary of International Biography, London, World Technology Award for Environ- England, ment., July International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 26 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

The Johnson A. Edosomwan Scholarly Produc- MEN Heat Transfer; MEN Advanced tivity Award Heat Transfer Convection Distinguished Professor & Scholars of the Other Assigned Duties Performed During the BWW Society/IAPGS, January Academic Year: Joint recipient with Sergio Edgardo Acevedo Director, Clean Energy Research Institute of the naming of a Park in Santa Cruz, Argentina, Research on Two-Phase Flow Instabilities for their efforts and special contributions to convert Research on Hydrogen Energy Koluel Kayke to the Hydrogen Energy System, 18 Academic Advisor April Proposal Reviewer for N.S.F. & U.S. Civilian Fair Play Award of the Year by the Presi- R&D Foundation dent of the Turkish National Olympics Committee, Paper Reviewer for Int. J. Heat & Mass Trans- Istanbul, Turkey, 26 May fer and Int. J. Energy Conversion. Call to World Peace Award from the Universal Represent U.M. at the Florida Solar Energy Brotherhood Award, by the Mevlana Supreme Foun- Center dation, for his valuable contributions to World Peace Member, CoE Research Council and the Future of Humanity, 1 November Member, CoE Strategic Planning Committee Chair, Search committee for Aerospace/Controls Doctor Honories Causa by the Senate and the Faculties. President of Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Tur- Member, CAE Dept. Environmental Engineer- key, for his contributions to Hydrogen Energy, 28 ing Committee. November Annual Excellence in Professional Service TEACHING SPECIALIZATION Award by the Beykoz Roatary Club, Istanbul, Tur- Heat Transfer, Nuclear Engineering, Energy key, for proposing hydrogen economy and striving Engineering, Hydrogen Energy. towards its establishment, 14 December Distinguished Service Award for 50 years of Undergraduate Level: Service by the Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, Thermodynamics, Dynamics, Strength of Ma- Mersin, Turkey, 16 December terials, Heat Transfer, Mechanical Engineering Awarded the «Scientist of the Year Laboratories. Award» by his Alma Mater, Pertevniyal Lyceum, on Monday, 10 April Graduate Level: Presented with the PICMET Medal of Excellence Nuclear Engineering, Transport Phenomena, for Outstanding Contributions to Science, Engineer- Advanced Heat Transfer — Convection, Advanced ing and Technology Management 11 July Dynamics, Advanced Strength of Materials, Solar Heritage Society Certificate and Pin for Gen- Energy, Advanced Heat Transfer — Conduction erous Support of the University of Miami through and Radiation. Estate and Gift Planning, May 3, 45 year Plaque for long term service at the RESEARCH PERFORMED University of Miami, July Study of Application of Remote Sensing to Honorary Membership in the European Natu- Detecting Thermal Pollution (feasibility study), ral Sciences Academy; presented with their grand 9/1//31/73, NASA, PI $27, Knight Award, 18 November Study of Application of Remote Sensing to Presented with the Santilli – Galilei Gold Medal Detecting Thermal Pollution (follow-up of above), Award for Life Time Commitment to True Scientific NASA, PI $50  Democracy, Imperial College London, 5 July The Hydrogen Economy Miami Energy (THEME) Presented with Antonie de Saint Exupery Order Conference, 2/15//31/75, NSA and DARPA, for Improvement of Quality of Life for People CPI $9, of Planet Earth, Awarded by the Scientific Ocean Thermal Research Conference & Work- Technical Center, Sarov, Russia, in July shop, 8/1//31/76, NSF, CPI $24, To be presented with Santilli-Galilei Gold Application of Remote Sensing for Prediction Medal for Lifetime Commitment to True Scientific & Detection of Thermal Pollution, 9/1//31/75, Democracy, at the Imperial College London, U.K., NASA, PI $, on 5 July Seminar on Key Technologies for the Hydrogen To be presented with the Nayudamma Award for Energy System, 4/1//30/75, NSF, PI $11  Outstanding Personality in Science, Engineering and Technology, at R.M.K. Engineering College, Tamil Survey of Hydrogen Production & Utilization Nadu, India, in August Methods, NASA, PI $  ACADEMICS Development of Boilers & Condensers for Solar Sea Power Plants, 1/1//1/76, NSF, PI $  Subjects or Courses Taught During the Most Key Technologies for the Hydrogen Energy Recent Academic Year: System (Scientific Seminar), U. S. Japan Coop- Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 27

erative Science Program, 1/1//1/74, NSF, PI Conservation Technologies Symposium-Workshop, $  DOE, PI $15  Solar Cooling and Heating of School Buildings, Two-Phase Flow Instabilities and the Effect of 6/1//30/77, ERDA/DJOE, PI $  Inlet Subcooling, NSF, PI $8  IPA Agreement (Chen), 4/1//30/76, CAPPI Support of FACE Program, NOAA ERDA/DOE, PI $27  NA RA COOO, 4/1//30/79, $41  IPA Agreement (Harrenstein), 12/1/ Characterization and Environmental Studies of /30/77, ERDA/DOE, PI $78  ERDA’s Anaerobic Digestion Facility at Pompano IPA Agreement (Chen), 9/1//1/76, ERDA/ Beach, DOE, 8/1//31/79, $  DOE, PI $28 , 3/1//31/76 ERDA/DOE PI Cairo Workshop on Solar Energy, NSF INT $4  , 7/1//31/79, $63  Workshop on Two-Phase Flow & Heat Transfer A Special Training Course on Tropical Cyclone Research & Applications, 10/17//31/76, NSF, Hydrology and Flood Forecasting, EMV , 1/1/ PI $9  5/31/80, $22  1st World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Utilization of Digitized Radar Rainfall Data 11/1//31/76, ERDA/DOE, PI $24  to Calibrate Satellite Rainfall Measurements, Two-Phase Flow Transient Instabilities, ONR NOOOCO, 11/1//31/82, 4/15//15/78, NSF, PI $  $  Investigation of Using Data from Heat Capac- Two-Phase Flow Instabilities and the Effect of ity Mission to Map Thermal Effluents in Lakes and Inlet Subcooling, NSF, PI $12  Bays, 9/1//31/77, NASA, PI $69  Two-Phase Flow Instabilities, NSF C, Energy-Related Graduate Traineeships for Rev. 1, $  , 9/1//31/79, NSF, PI. Global Report on the State-of-the-Art of Passive Progress in Hydrogen Energy — U.S. – Aus- and Hybrid Cooling, SSEC, $64  tralia, NSF, PI. Development of Alternative Energy Science Final Research Proposal: Systems Dynamics and Engineering in the Caribbean, 3/1//31/82, Study of a Universal Hydrogen Energy System, UNICA, $12  8/15//15/78, ERDA/DOE, PI $  4th Miami International Conference on Alter- OTEC Conference, 7/1//31/79, ERDA/ native Energy Sources, DARPA, 10/1//30/82, DOE, PI $24  PI $14  Two-Phase Flow Transient Instabilities, 4/1/ Multi-Phase Flow & Heat Transfer Symposium- 4/30/79, NSF, PI $  Workshop, NSF, 6/1//31/83, PI $18  Workshop on Solar Energy (Egypt), 7/1/ Tropical Meteorolocy & Hurricane Forecasting, /30/79, NSF, PI $25  DOE, 1/1//30/82, $30  Alternative Energy Sources Conference, 5/1/ Radar/Satellite Rainfall Measurement, Navy- 10/31/78, ERDA/DOE, PI $36  ONR, 11/1//31/83, $40  Status of Hydrogen Compressor Technology, U.S.-Pakistan Symposium-Workshop on Re- 9/15//31/79, ERDA/DOE, PI $30  newable Energy Sources, NSF, 8/15//31/84, IPA Agreement (Harrenstein), 12/1/ PI $90  /30/77, ERDA/DOE, PI. Boiling Flow Instabilities in Parallel Channels Solar Direct Energy Conversion at Sea, 1/1/ with Enhanced Heat Transfer, NSF 7/1/ 6/30/79, ERDA/DOE, PI, $  /31/86, $  Thermal Contact Conductance of Multi-Layered Miami Beach Convention Center Solar Cooling Electrically Insulated Sheets, 4/1//30/79, NSF, System Proposal Development, Miami Beach City PI $89  Council, 8/1//30/85, $17  Magnetic Fusion Power Utilization through Symposium-Workshop on Remote Sensing Fun- a Hydrogen Energy System, 1/1/78 - 12/31/79, damentals and Applications, NSF, 8/1//31/86, ERDA/DOE, PI $  $15  U.S.-Japan Cooperative Science Program, International Symposium-Workshop on Par- 1/1//31/79, NSF, PI $43  ticulate and Multi-Phase Processes, NSF, 11/1/ Survey of University Research Potentials re 2/28/86, $19  ERDA’s Mission, 1/1//30/78, ERDA/DOE, PI U.S.-Spain Workshop on Renewable Energy $  Sources, NSF, 9/27//31/86, $13  Multi-Phase Flow & Heat Transfer Research & Access to Class VI Computer Systems, NSF, Applications Workshop, 1/1//31/79, ONR, 7/1//31/86, $19  PI $9  U.S.-Jamaica Research Oriented Workshop Multi-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Research on Materials Science and Energy, NSF, 3/16/ & Applications Workshop, 2/25//30/80, NSF, /15/88, $10  PI $14  Two-Phase Flow Instabilities, NSF, 1/1/ Report on Commercialization of Solar and /30/90, $  International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 28 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

Fluid Dynamical Models for Determining Wind THESIS AND DISSERTATION ADVISING Characteristics & Their Application in Pakistan, M. S. Chairman W. Callahan, Two-Phase Flow NSF, 7/1//31/90, $63  Instabilities, Solar-Hydrogen Energy System, Department of Energy, 9/1//30/97, $2   M. S. Chairman T. Wang, Boiling Flow Oscilla- Internship Program on Renewable Energy tions in Freon 11,  Sources, Institute of International Education, M. S. Chairman D. A. Meyer, Instabilities in 3/1//29/92, $9  Boiling Water Flow, Internship Program on Thermal Power, United M. S. Chairman F. Hettinger, The Application of Nations, 3/1//29/92, $7  Cryogenics to a Self-Contained U.S. – Australia Joint Seminar on Enhanced Underwater Breathing System, Thermal Conductance, NSF, 11/1//31/92, $29  M. S. Member C. Cheng, Hypersonic Flow Past U.S. – Pakistan Joint Research on Advanced a Wedge in Magnetohydrody- Renovation of Small Industry Wastes, NSF, namics, 2/15//31/93, $10  U.S. – China Research on Two-Phase Flow, NSF, M. S. Chairman J. M. Martinez, Instabilities in 6/1//31/94, $9  Upward Boiling Flow, U.S. – Pakistan Workshop on Silicon Technol- M. S. Member R. Church, Consideration of ogy, NSF, 3/1//28/94, $20  Boundary Layer Effects in Oil Spill Mechanical Recovery Systems Investi- Coanda Flow About a Circular gation, University of Miami, , $70  Cylinder, U.S.-India Symposium-Workshop on Remote M. S. Member J. Jenkins, An Investigation of Sensing Fundamentals and Applications, NSF, the Resources in a Concentric 6/1//31/96, $22  Cylindrical Laser Cavity, U.S – Pakistan Cooperative Research on Pho- M. S. Chairman W. Wang, Boiling Water Insta- tovoltaic Hydrogen Production, NSF, 5/31/ bilities in a Two Parallel Chan- /30/97, $55  nel Upflow System, U.S. – India Cooperative Research on Optimum M. S. Chairman N. Bhandari, Statistical Study Industrial Complexing, NSF, 9/1//31/97, of Thermal Contact Conductance, $  Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems Bahamas M. S. Member E. Oner, Electrochemical and Workshop, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Thermoelectric Response of 10/25//31/97, $61  Ag/Ag1/Ag Arroyo, U.S. – Pakistan Symposium-Workshop on Sili- M. S. Chairman T. R. Sehgal, Boiling Water con Technology, NSF, 9/1//31/98, $17  Flow Instabilities in a Cross- U.S. – Pakistan Cooperative Research on Connected Parallel Channel Sustainable Homestead, NSF, 3/1//28/02, System, $30  Ph. D. Member R. Wagstaft, Higher Order U.S. – Egypt Cooperative Research on Assess- Effects in Laminar Boundary ment and Optimization of Annual Performance Layer Theory for Curved of Solar PV H2 Energy Systems, NSF, 9/15/ Surfaces, 8/31/02, $23  M. S. Chairman M. Malhotra, Effect of Cross- U.S. – Egypt Project on Briquetting, Dept. of Flow Mixing on Boiling Flow Agriculture, $20 , 2 years, Dr. Haggar (Egypt). Instabilities in Parallel Channels, U.S. – Russia Project on H2 Detection, U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation, M. S. Member R. M. Hall, Jr., Thermal Conduc- 2 years, $30 , Dr. Gusev (Russia). tance and Conductivity of Closed U.S. – Russia Fulbright Project on Hydrogen Cell Neoprene Foam Under Storage, $15  (8 mos); Dr. Yury Nechaev. Hydrostatic Pressure, U.S. – Turkey Bi-National Project on Hydrogen Fuel Cells, $35, (3 yrs.), Dr. Y. Kaplan. M. S. Member G. J. Daily, Heat Transfer from a Translating Kerosene Droplet in Water, M. S. Chairman R. J. Aldaire, Thermal Contact Conductance of Spherical Contacts, Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 29

M. S. Member S. Chern, A Numerical Evalua- M. S. Chairman N. Thinh, Heat Transfer to tion of the Effect of Axial Con- Upward Boiling Flow, duction Upon Heat Transfer at M. S. Chairman K. Civci, Effect of Electroplat- Low Peclet Number with Varia- ing on Thermal Contact Con- ble Heat Flux, ductance, M. S. Chairman J. F. Morlock, Water Intrusion M. S. Chairman O. T. Baser, A World Model of Closed Cell Neoprene Foam for Transition to a Hydrogen Fuel Under Hydrostatic Pressure, System, M. S. Chairman R. M. Jones, Heat Transfer D. A. Chairman J. P. Alexander, Air Pollution from Heat Sources Buried in Ocean Bed, Control Technologist Training Program, M. S. Member L. N. Phu, The Effect of Suc- tion Slot on the Separation Point D. A. Chairman R. J. Leonard, Planning and Fi- of Laminar Flow Over Curved nancing Physical Environment Surfaces, to Meet Changing Needs of Higher Education, Ph. D. Member B. W. Morrow, Application of the Spectrum Inversion Techni- M. S. Chairman S. A. Memon, Investigation of que to the Vibration Analysis Hydrogen Production by Ther- of a Build-Up Plate, mochemical Processes, M. S. Chairman E. Y. Denker, Boiling Flow Insta- M. S. Chairman D. C. Rona, Remote Sensing of bilities in Four Parallel Chan- Turbidity in Near Shore Envi- nels, ronment, M. S. Chairman H. Yьncь, Effect of Interstitial Ph. D. Chairman N. Forouzanmehr, Plates and Contact Pressure on Three World Regions Thermal Contact Conductance, and a Universal Hydrogen Energy System, M. S. Chairman A. Tepebag, The Effect of Con- Ph. D. Chairman P. Nayak, Thermal Contact tact Pressure and Contact Sur- Conductance, face Orientation on the Thermal Ph. D. Chairman T. Dogan, Lumped Parameter Contact Conductance of Similar Analysis of Two-Phase Flow Metals, Stabilities, M. S. Chairman B. V. Lyon, Transient Instabili- Ph. D. Chairman N. Ozboya, Solution of Three ties in Cross Connected Two Dimensional Discontinuous Flow Parallel Channel Boiling Flow, Past an Obstacle by Method of Singularities, M. S. Member T. A. Thomas, Jr., Methods of Ph. D. Chairman K. Akyuzlu, Numerical Simula- Internal Imaging, tion of Density-Wave and Pres- M. S. Chairman Y. Alp, Transient Boiling Flow sure-Drop Type Oscillations in Instabilities in Four Parallel Two-Phase Flow Upflow Systems, Channels, M. S. Chairman H. B. Aksu, Boiling Flow Insta- Ph. D. Chairman I. Lead, Hydrogen Energy Sys- bilities in a Four Parallel Chan- tem for Brazil, nel Upflow System, D. A. Chairman S. Ridenaur, Passive Methods of M. S. Chairman G. Goldmark, Thermal Conduct- Energy Conservation (Project), ance of Bolted Lap Joints, M. S. Chairman D. B. Denham, The Effect of De- Ph. D. Member C. Lee, flection Blade Spacing on Heat Ph. D. Member T. Anzal, Transfer from Open Channels, Ph. D. Chairman A. R. Hussain, M. S. Member M. R. Swain, Hydrogen-Air In- Ph. D. Chairman H. Gurgenci, Two-Phase Flow ternal Combustion Engine, Instabilities, Ph. D. Chairman H. Yьncь, Thermal Conductance Ph. D. Chairman T. M. K. Kurdi, Energy Studies, of Laminated Contacts, International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 30 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

M. S. Member A. Alloush (Comprehensive), Ph. D. Member M. Swain, Computer Modeling of Various Fuel Preparation M. S. Member N. Camejo, Coastal Zone Man- Methods in a Methanol Fueled agement, Engine, M. S. Member R. Lira, Marine Biofouling Con- M. S. Chairman A. T. Tekindur, Capstone Project: trol by Means of Targeted Chlo- Cross Flow Pressure Drive Mem- rination, brane Separation Operations on Industrial Waste Waters, D. A. Member S. Yetimoglu, Fiber Reinforced Ph. D. Chairman M. Padki, Two-Phase Flow Concrete, Thermal Instabilities, M. S. Member O. E. Atesoglu, D. A. Chairman M. J. Torres, Cost Comparison Ph. D. Chairman A. Mentes, Two-Phase Flow In- of Fossil Fuels with that of Clean stabilities, Hydrogen Energy, Ph. D. Chairman I. Gurkan, Greenhouse Effect, Ph. D. Chairman N. Lutfi, Solar-Hydrogen Energy System for Pakistan, M. S. Chairman S. M. Rainey, Computer Mode- M. S. Chairman F. Maia, A Radiation Trap for ling and Comparison of Hydro- a Novel Design for Flat Plate gen-Fueled and Methane-Fueled Collectors, Hypersonic Vehicles, M. S. Chairman Amado Erol, Hydrogen Energy, M. S. Member T. Ozgokmen, Fluid Dynamical Models of Wind Field Over Non- Ph. D. Member O. T. Yildirim, Numerical & Ex- Uniform Terrain, perimental Study of Two-Phase M. S. Member M. Syed, A Thermodynamic & Flow Instabilities in Parallel Economic Analysis of a Hydrogen Channels, Liquefaction System, Ph. D. Chairman W. El-Osta, Solar-Hydrogen M. S. Member A. S. Vaishnav, Thermal Fluid, Energy System for a Libyan Coastal Country, M. S. Member T. M. Srinivasan, Thermal Fluids, Ph. D. Chairman G. Eljrushi, Solar Hydrogen Energy System Model for Libya, Ph. D. Member Z. Dulger, Numerical Simulation of Heat Release and Flame Prop- M. S. Chairman M. Blanco, Photovoltaic Hydro- agation for Methane Fueled I. C. Engines with Hydrogen Ad- gen Systems for Electricity Gen dition, eration, Storage & Distribution, M. S. Member M. J. Yusuf, In-Cylinder Flame- Front-Growth Measurement of Ph. D. Chairman M. Keita, Supervise Doctoral Methane and Hydrogen-Enrich­- Dissertation in Physics, ed Methane Fuel in a Spark-Ig- M. S. Chairman S. Muradoglu, Non-Thesis Op- nited Internal Combustion En- tion, gine, Ph. D. Member L. I. Kazi, Infrared & Visible D. A. Chairman I. Wagner, Hydrogen Energy, Studies of Pakistan Portion of Arabian Sea Using INSAT Geo­- M. S. Member Z. Y. Kakaз, M. S. M. E. Heat stationary Satellite, Transfer,  Ph. D. Chairman F. Barbir, Modeling of the Hy- M. S. Member S. Al-Ajlan, Future Saudi Ara- drogen Energy System, bian City Planning Based on the M. S. Member S. Gursu, Analysis of Cryogenic Use of Solar-Hydrogen Energy, Hydrogen Storage Systems, M. S. Member M. Lordgooie, Computation of Ph. D. Member W. Li, Transient Turbulent Fluid Dynamics, Forced Convection, Ph. D. Member J. Huang, Quantitative Analysis M. S. Chairman N. Lutfi, Study on Solar-Hyd- of 3-D Steady Flow Field by Us rogen Production Methods and ing Particle Image Velocimetry and Digital Image Processing Their Comparison, Method, Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 31

M. S. Chairman F. Oney, The Comparison of steady Forced Convection in Cir- Pipelines Transportation of Hy- cular Ducts, drogen and Natural Gas, Ph. D. Member H. Kabadayi, M. S. Member M. Akcin, Manual Material M. S. Member M. Arik, An Investigation into Handling, Single Phase Forced Convection Ph. D. Member A. Ur-Rahman Malik, Surface Turbulent Flow Inside Rectan- Radar Studies of Rain Estima - gular Channels, tion in Correlation with Infra- M. S. Chairman S. V. Krishnan, red and Visible Techniques of INSAT and GOES-E Geostati­o- M. S. Member Subrahmanyam Saripalli, onary Satellites, Ph. D. Member Ayoub M. A. Kazim, Ph. D. Chairman K. R. Agha, Solar Power Gene­- Ph. D. Chairman Jeffry Padin, ration & Storage, Ph. D. Member Kamaruzzaman Bin Sopian, M. S. Member F. Calisir, Ph. D. Member Vladimir Guam, Ph. D.  Co-Chairman L. Zhang, Analytical Investiga- Ph. D. Member Guangbin He, tion of Magnetic Refrigeration Ph. D. Member Liping Cao, Systems for Hydrogen Liquefac- tion, M. S. Member Ekathai Wirojsakunchai, M. S. Member K. Yao, Boiler Combustion Anal- Ph. D. Member Lixin You, ysis and Environmental Impact M. S. Member Patrick Filoso, Using Exergy Method, M. S. Member Lin Wang, Ph. D. Member M. J. Yusuf, Lean Burn Natural Gas Fueled Engines: Engine Mod- M. S. Member Chakradhar Lingamgunta, ification vs. Hydrogen Blending, Ph. D. Chairman Kor Цzay, M. S. Member Cristhian Quintanilla-Aurich, M. S. Co-Chairman A. Mandi, A Study of Hydrogen- Hydride Heating/Cooling Sys- Ph. D. Member Anchasa Pramuanjaroankij, tem to Replace Chlorofluorocar- LIAISON WITH HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM bon (CSF) System and Their Comparison, John Parsons – David F. Mackay – Ph. D. Joseph Eskanzi – Co-Chairman A. S. Vaishnav, Dispersion of Hydrogen in Air in Vented 3-D EXTERNAL EXAMINER Enclosures, Ph. D. N. Idrus Australia M. S. Member N. J. Paradiso, Jr., M. S. Z. B. Seid Egypt Ph. D. Member D. Ghosh, Ph. D. A. Jagadeesh India Ph. D. S. El-Toukhy Egypt Ph. D. Member H. Liu, Pressure Drop Type and Ph. D. T. Kiatsiriroat Thailand Thermal Oscillations in Convec- Ph. D. F. Tran Canada tive Boiling Systems, Ph. D. L. M. Acharya India M. S. Chairman K. Kocer, Liquid Hydrogen Ph. D. M. Answar Khan Pakistan Powered Commercial Aircraft, Ph. D. P. Khummongkol Thailand Ph. D. S. K. Mishra India Ph. D. Z. I. Shams Pakistan Dipl. Ph. D. K. R. Marpu India Engr. Project K. Hollenbach, Ph. D. H. J. Singh India Ph. D. Member S. Ratana-Aporn, Ph. D. Mrs. Farzana India Ph. D. J. A. Nijangaya India M. S. Member M. A. Waheed, Techniques in Ph. D. K. Chand India Satellite Measurements of Rain- Ph. D. V. K. Agarwal India fall and Soil Moisture, Ph. D. M. N. Mungole India Ph. D. Member D. M. Brown, Theoretical and Ph. D. A. M. Ray India Experimental Analysis of Un- Ph. D. B. K. Choudhury India International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 32 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

Ph. D. A. K. Singh India «–» — Ishak Kotcioglu (Turkey) Ph. D. Shayam Lal Soni India «–» — Yuksel Kaplan (Turkey) Ph. D. Richa Sharma India «–» — Ayda Athanazio (Brazil) Ph. D. S. Sesha Sai Raman India «–» — Dr. Selahattin Akansu (Turkey) Ph. D. Mohammed AbuShaz India «–» — Robert Amicone (Italy) Ph. D. Suzan Abo-Elela Hassan E g y p t «–» — Simone Curti (Italy) «–» — Enis Fakioglu (Turkey) Ph. D. Swapan Bhaumik India «–» — Dr. Yury Nechaev (Russia) Ph. D. Panch Ratan Mishra India «–» — Dr. Evgeny Moiseev (Russia) «–» — Dr. Oleg Myasoedov (Russia) COLLABORATION WITH VISITING «–» — Dr. Debabrata Das (India) SCIENTISTS «–» — Dr. Yuda Yurum (Turkey) Zonghu Lin — P. R. China UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE AND Aghareed Tayeb (Egypt) Academic Advisor ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES A. A. El-Bassuoni (Egypt) Research Project Arthur Williams (Australia) Research Project School Council — School of Engineering & Envi- Sadik Kakaз (Turkey) Research Project ronmental Design, Univ. of Miami, – Danzhi Chen — P. R. China Academic Planning Committee, University of Jin-hua Jin — P. R. China Miami, – Visiting Researcher — A. H. Awad (Nigeria) Member, Research Faculty,  – Present. «–» — Omer B. Tek (P. R. China) Graduate Council, University of Miami, «–» — Shun-Lun Shieh (P. R. China) – «–» — Yurdogul Kakaз (Turkey) Search Committee for Dean of Engineering, «–» — Lin Chen (P. R. China) Chairman, – «–» — Ahmed Nkodia (Congo) Senate Committee on Interdisciplinary Activi- «–» — Tzonu Petkov (Bulgaria) ties, Chairman, – «–» — Josef Zubr (Denmark) Research Council, –Present. «–» — Zhou Fang (P. R. China) Self-Study Committee, – «–» — Cem Sorusbay (Turkey) Sponsored Programs Coordinating Committee, «–» — Tingquan Chen  (P. R. China) «–» — K. Svanholm (Norway) Chairman, Task Force on Energy, «–» — Chun-Lun Shieh (P. R. China) Member, Patent and Copyright Committee, «–» — Lonquan Lin (P. R. China)  – Present. «–» — Kemal Altinisik (Turkey) Member, Energy Conservation Committee, «–» — Sergio S. Stecco (Italy) «–» — Huanyi Zhang (P. R. China) Member, Excess Equipment Committee, – «–» — Albina de Souza (Brazil) Present. «–» — Renato M. Cotta (Brazil) Member, Committee on International Technol- ogy Transfer & Education,  – Present. «–» — A. Jagadeesh (India) Member, Fluid Mechanics Committee, – «–» — Andre Chuveliov (Russia) «–» — Atiq Mufti (Pakistan) Member, Design Curriculum Committee, «–» — M. A. A. Beg (Pakistan) – «–» — A. Q. Malik (Pakistan) Member, Graduate Council, – «–» — S. N. Mehmood (Pakistan) Member, Space Committee, – «–»— Xuejun Chen (P. R. China) Member, Committee for Graduate Courses on «–» — B. Yuksel (Turkey) Energy,  – Present. «–» — Orhan Ozbay (Turkey) Faculty Advisor, Association for Turkish Stu- «–» — Ravshan S. Mukhamedov (Russia) dents,  – Present. «–» — Lutero Carma de Lima (Brazil) Council for University of Miami, ORAU «–» — Sher Mohammed Khan (Pakistan) (Oak Ridge Associated Universities), and member «–» — Xiorang Wei (P. R. China) of ORAU Administration & Policy Committee, «–» — Klaus Hollenbach (Germany)  –Present. «–» — Hua-tang Yuan (P. R. China) Member, Manpower Education Research & «–» — Kadri Suleyman Yigit (Turkey) Training Committee, ORAU,  – Present. «–» — Abdul Halim Shamsuddin (Malaysia) Energy-Environment Systems Steering Commit- «–» — Tapan Chakrabarti (India) tee, ORAU,  – Present. «–» — Alfonso Contreras (Spain) Chairman, Search Committee, Faculty Position «–» — Paulo Ericson (Brazil) in Fluids-Heat Transfer, «–» — Carl-Jochen Winter (Germany) Coordinator for International Affairs, «–» — Byeong Soo Oh (Korea)  –Present. Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 33

Judge of ASEE Research Paper Competition, Organization Committee, The Time of Exhaus- tion of the Fossil Fuels, with Dr. J. O’M. Bockris, Chairman, Search Committee, Chairman Posi- University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, 28 March tion, Industrial Engineering Department, Co-Chairman, Patent & Copyright Committee, Organization Committee, U. S. Naval Reserve Special Officers Seminar on the Energy Crisis, 9–11 Member, Self-Study Committee Graduate Pro- June grams and Research, – Co-Chairman, Introduction to Hydrogen Energy Member, 60th Anniversary Celebrations Com- Symposium, Maracay, Venezuela, 6–11 October mittee, Chairman, Search Committee, Chairman of Organization Committee, Energy Conservation Biomedical Engineering. Forum, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 1–3 December Chairman, Search Committee, Chairman of Chairman, First World Hydrogen Energy Con- Electrical Engineering. ference, Miami Beach, FL, 1–3 March Member, College of Engineering Research Coun- Organization Committee, Advanced Study cil, Advisory Capacity to Dean Institute on Two-Phase Flows and Heat Transfer, Member, Solar/HVAC Laboratory Committee. Istanbul, Turkey, 16–27 August Member, Search Committee, Staff, Mechanical Chairman, Two-Phase Flows and Heat Transfer Engineering. Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 18–20 October President, Silver Club. Chairman, Search Committee, Faculty Posi- Chairman, Solar Cooling and Heating Sympo- tion in Controls/Dynamics and Dynamical Systems, sium, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 6–8 December Search Committee, Faculty Position in Materi- Organization Committee, Hydrogen Energy on als Science, Applications: A Symposium-Course, Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, 7–11 March COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Organizing Committee, Izmir International Dade County Public School Systems University Symposium I on Solar Energy Fundamentals and Science Program, Supervisor – Present. Applications, Izmir, Turkey, 1–5 August Dade County Science Fair Engineering Exhibits Co-Chairman, Panel on Nuclear and Uncon- Judging Committee, Member, – ventional Energy Sources, Tenth World Energy Learning Disabilities Foundation, Board Mem- Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 19–23 September ber,  – Present. Learning Disabilities Foundation, Vice-Presi- Keynote Speaker: Opening of the Hydrogen dent, – Homestead, Provo, UT, 10 November Learning Disabilities Foundation, President, Invited Lecture, «Ocean Energy Systems», Sym- – posium on Energy and the Oceans, in Cooperation with the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., Key Biscayne, OTHER PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Miami, FL, 31 October – 1 November OR ACTIVITIES Chairman, Alternative Energy Sources: A Na- Organization Committee, American Nuclear tional Symposium, Miami Beach, FL, 5–7 December Society, Winter Annual Meeting, Organization Committee, American Society of Chairman, Fifth Ocean Thermal Energy Conver- Mechanical Engineers, Regional Student Adminis- sion (OTEC) Conference, Miami Beach, FL 20–22 trative Conference, February Co-Chairman, The Hydrogen Economy Miami Chairman, First South Florida Symposium on Energy (THEME) Conference, Washington, DC, Solar Energy, Miami and Coral Gables, FL, 28 Feb- 22–26 September ruary , and 2 March , respectively. Organization Committee, Ocean Thermal Energy Co-Chairman, Solar Energy Fundamentals and Conversion Workshop, Washington, DC, 26–28 Applications Symposium-Course, Maracaibo, Ven- September ezuela, 7–11 March Organizations Committee, Florida/Sunshine Invited Lecture, «An Energy Intermediate: The State Research Visit of the National Science Founda- Hydrogen Energy System Concept», Symposium on tion Solar Energy/Transportable Research Labora- Energy and Development in the Americas, Sociedad tory, 4 November – 7 December Brasiliera para Progreso da Ciencia (SEPC) and Co-Chairman, Remote Sensing Applied to En- the Interciencia Association, Guaruja, S. P. Brazil, ergy-Related Problems Symposium-Course, Miami, 12–17 March FL, December Keynote Address: «Why Solar Energy?», Sym- Organization Committee, Co-Chairman, Hy- posium-Course on Solar Energy Fundamentals and drogen Energy Fundamentals, Symposium Course, Applications, Maracaibo, Venezuela, 8–11 March Miami Beach, FL, 3–5 March International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 34 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

Co-Chairman, Symposium-Course on Solar En- Invited Lecture, «Unusual Applications of ergy Fundamentals and Applications, Maracaibo, Hydrogen», and «Steps to Implement the Hydro- Venezuela, 8–11 March gen Energy System», Annual Meeting of the HESS Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 8–12 January Concept», 14th Annual Southeastern Seminar on Thermal Science, North Carolina State University, Keynote Address, «Hydrogen Energy System Raleigh, NC, 8–11 April Concept and Engineering Applications», Interna- Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System tional Conference on Future Energy Concepts, by Concept and Hydrogen Production Methods», En- the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, gineering Seminar at St. Mary’s University, San England, 31 January Antonio, TX, 8 April Chairman, 2nd Multi-Phase Flow and Heat Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System: A Transfer Symposium-Workshop, Miami Beach, FL, Viable Alternative to the Present Fossil Fuel Sys- 16–18 April tems», Joint National Meeting of the Institute of Invited Lecture, «An Experimental Investiga- Management Sciences and Operations Research Soci- tion of Thermal Contact Conductance of Multilay- ety of America, New York, NY, 1–3 May ered Electrically Insulated Sheets», AIAA 14th Invited Lecture, «Ocean Energy System», U.S. Thermophysics Conference, Sheraton Twin Towers, Naval Reserve, Special Officers Seminar on Energy Orlando, FL, 4–6 June Overview, U.S. Reserve Training Center, Coconut Member, Steering Committee — 7th OTEC, Grove, FL, 6 June Ocean Thermal Energy for the 80’s, Washington, International Taping «Hydrogen Energy Sys- DC, 19–22 June tem», two talks in English and Turkish, taped for Organizing Committee, Izmir International International Technitape Network, Pittsburgh, PA, Symposium II on Solar Energy Fundamentals and 7 June Applications, Izmir, Turkey, 6–8 August Organizing Committee, International Symposi- Keynote Speaker, «Why Solar Energy?», Izmir um-Workshop on Solar Energy, Cairo, Egypt, 16–22 International Symposium II on Solar Energy Fun- June damentals and Applications, Izmir, Turkey, 6–8 Keynote Address, «Solar Energy in Developing August Countries», International Symposium-Workshop on Member, Organizing Committee, First Interna- Solar Energy, sponsored by the National Science tional Symposium on Non-Conventional Energy, by Foundation, held at the Arab League Building, the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Cairo, Egypt, 16–22 June Trieste, and the International College on Applied Invited Lectures, «Hydrogen Energy System Physics, Catania, Trieste, Italy, 27 August – 21 Concept», «Solar Hydrogen Energy System and September Hydrogen Production Methods», and «Complemen- Interview, «The Energy Crisis: How Well is tary Energy Carriers: Hydrogen and Electricity», Our Government Coping?», Veritas, University of Turkiye Elektrik Kurumu, Ankara, Turkey, 26–28 Miami, Coral Gables, FL, 27 August issue. June Keynote Address, «The Next Step in Avia- Organizing Committee, Second World Hydrogen tion», International Symposium on Hydrogen and Energy Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 21–24 Air Transportation, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of August Germany, 10–12 September Keynote Address, «Hydrogen Energy, the Next Invited Lecture, «A Hydrogen Energy System», Step», Second World Hydrogen Conference, by In- Department of Physics Colloquium, University of ternational Association for Hydrogen Energy, held Miami, Coral Gables, FL, 11 October at the Swiss Federal Institute for Reactor Research, Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System», Wurenlingen, Switzerland, 21–24 August Brazilia, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro and Porte Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System», Allegre, at the invitation of U.S. International Com- University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 27 October munications Agency, 22–30 October Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System and Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System», its Benefits to Horticulture», 92nd Annual Meet- Ridge Chapter, Florida Engineering Society, Lake- ing of the Florida State Horticulture Society, Lake land, FL, 9 November Buena Vista, Orlando, FL, 6–9 November Chairman, Solar Energy and Conservation Chairman, 2nd Miami International Conference Symposium-Workshop, Miami Beach, FL, 11–23 on Alternative Energy Sources, Miami Beach, FL, December Invited Lecture, «Solar Hydrogen 10–12 December Production and Applications of Hydrogen Energy Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System», in Buildings», Workshop on Architectural Applica- Alternative Energy Sources for Florida Forum, tions of Solar Engineering, Pidgeon Key, FL, 15 Miami-Dade Community College, Miami, FL, 1 March December Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 35

Organizing Committee, Solar Cooling and De- Future», Ege University, Izmir, Turkey, August humidifying Conference, Caracas, Venezuela, 11–12 March Scientific Consultant and Lecturer, «Hydrogen Informal Lecture, «Ongoing Research», Physics Energy System and Solar Hydrogen Production», Department, University of Miami, Computer Center, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey, August Coral Gables, FL, 13 March Consultant, Florida Solar Energy Center Ad- Invited Lecture, «Two-Phase Flow Instabilities visory Committee, Cape Canaveral, FL, 25 March in Heat Exchangers», Advanced Study Institute on Heat Exchangers, Thermal-Hydraulic Fundamentals Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System: and Design, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, Energy Infrastructure of the Future», 2nd Annual 4–15 August Energy Seminar, Gannon University, Erie, PA, 31 Advisory Committee Member, Florida Solar March Energy Center, Cape Canaveral, FL, 22 September Invited Lecture, «Activities of the Clean Energy Research Institute», University of Miami Women’s Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System», Guild, Coral Gables, FL, 7 April Rotary Club, Coconut Grove, FL, 23 September Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System and Unusual Applications of Hydrogen», Seminar at the Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System», Politecnico di Torino, Italy, 17 April Kiwanis Club, Coral Gables, FL, 7 October Invited Lecture, «Ocean Thermal Energy: Status Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System», and Prospects», International Conference on Solar and American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Miami, Ocean Energy, Milan, Italy, 18–20 April FL, 30 October Consultant, Media Resource Service on Scien- Invited Lectures, «Hydrogen Energy System tist’s Institute for Public Information, May Concept», «Hydrogen Production Methods», and Testimony before the Sub-Committee on Energy «Application of Hydrogen Energy to Homes and Development and Applications of the Committee on Buildings», Argentinean Aerospace Research Center, Science and Technology (U.S. House of Representa- Buenos Aires, Cordoba and Trelew, Argentina, tives), Gainesville, FL, regarding Florida’s energy 20–30 November needs, 15–16 May Keynote Speaker, Opening Session, Florida Invited Lecture, «Ocean Energy Systems», International University’s Conference on Energy Naval Resource Officers Seminar, Coconut Grove, Research and Conservation Related to the Build En- FL, 3 June vironment, Miami Beach, FL, 8 December Invited Lectures, «Hydrogen Energy System», Chairman, Third Miami International Confer- «Hydrogen Production Methods», «Applications of ence on Alternative Energy Sources, Miami Beach, Hydrogen», and Instabilities in Boiling Water Re- FL, 15–17 December actors and Two-Phase Flow Research in the United Member, Technical Advisory Committee, In- States», Quinhua University, Beijing, Jiaotong Uni- ternational Conference on Energy Resources and versity, Xian, and Shanghai Jiaotong University, the Environment, held in Manila, Philippines, 5–9 Shanghai, China, 10–21 June January Keynote Address, «Hydrogen Energy Actions Invited Lecture, «The Unifier of Non-Conven- for the ’s», Third World Hydrogen Energy tional Energy Sources: Hydrogen Energy System», Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 23 June International Conference on Energy Resources and Organizing Committee, Third World Hydrogen the Environment, held in Manila, Philippines, 5–9 Energy Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 23–26 June January Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System», Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen and Environmental Broward County Chamber of Commerce, Ft. Lauder- Factors in Estimating Fuel Costs», Japan Hydrogen dale, FL, 9 February Energy System Society Symposium», Tokyo, Japan, Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System», 26 June Third Annual Energy Seminar, Gannon University, Keynote Address, «Initiation of the Hydrogen Erie, PA, 31 March – 1 April Energy System» Third World Hydrogen Energy Chairman, Miami International Symposium on Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 23–26 June Metal-Hydrogen Systems, Miami Beach, FL, 13–15 Co-Chairman and Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen April Energy System» Symposium on the Production and Advisor to Institut Superior des Materiaux et Storage of Hydrogen, Kyoto University, Kyoto, de la Construction Mecanique (France), Cooperat- Japan, 28 June ing with the Agency for Energy Conference, May Television Appearance, «Informal Discussion on the Energy Crisis with Possible Solutions», Something Chairman, Organizing Committee, Seminar on on 17 — Channel 17, Miami, FL, 3 July Alternative Energy Sources with Emphasis on Solar Invited Lecture, «Next Step for a Sunny Energy, Miami, FL, 4–9 May International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 36 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

Invited Lectures, «The Unifier of Non- Chairman, Second Spanish Seminar on Alterna- Conventional Energy Sources: Hydrogen Energy tive Energy Sources with Emphasis on Solar Energy System», and “Unusual Applications of Hydro- and Delivery of Opening Address, Miami, FL, 10 gen», Second International Symposium on Non- May Conventional Energy, Trieste, Italy, 14 July – 6 Member, International Advisory Committee for August the Argentinean Energy Symposium, to be held in Invited Lecture, «Conservation Through Hy- Bogota, Colombia, 13–30 July drogen Energy», Second National Forum on Energy Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System and Conservation in Industry, 23–26 September , Recent Progress», Third International Symposium Medellin, Columbia. on Non-Conventional Energy, Bogota, Colombia, 26 Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System July and the Development of Amazonia», Conference on Lecture Tour in USSR, «Hydrogen Energy Sys- Energy for the Development of Amazonia, Leticia, tem and Hydrogen Production Methods», Moscow, Columbia, Dushanbe, Samarkand, Bukhara and Tashkent, 21–29 Invited Lecture, «Solar/Hydrogen Energy Sys- August tem and Applications for Environmental Planning», Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen as an Alternative Workshop on Alternative Technologies, Miami to Hydrocarbon Fuels», Broward County, American Beach, FL, 9 November Society of Mechanical Engineering, 23 September Invited Lectures, «Solar Energy and Hydro- gen Energy», sponsored by the National Science Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System: Foundation, the Pakistan Science Foundation and Available Replacement for Fossil Fuel System», the Indian National Remote Sensing Agency, at South Florida American Institute of Chemical En- research organizations and universities in Karachi, gineers, Miami Lakes, FL, 9 December Islamabad, and Lahore, Pakistan; and in Delhi, Chairman, Organizing Committee, Fifth Hyderabad, Bombay and Ahmedabad, India, 12–24 Miami International Seminar on Alternative En- February ergy Sources, Miami Beach, FL, 13–15 December Invited Lecture, «Applications of Hydrogen for Air Transportation», under the auspices of Invited Lecture, «Quality of Life and its Com- UNESCO, School of Aeronautical Engineering, Cor- ponents: Population, Energy, Pollution and Con- doba, Argentina; also “Hydrogen Energy System», servation», International Symposium on Energy Society of Engineers and Architects in Cordoba, 28 and Conservation Measures, Kuwait, 5–9 February March – 7 April Chairman, Organizing Committee, 16th South- Chairman, Organizing Committee, Interna- eastern Seminar on Thermal Sciences, Miami Beach, tional Symposium-Workshop on Renewable Energy FL, 19–21 April Sources, Lahore, Pakistan, 18–23 March Member, Organizing Committee, Fourth World Chairman, Organizing Committee, Third Multi- Hydrogen Energy Conference, Pasadena, CA, 13–17 Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Symposium-Work- June shop, Miami Beach, FL, 18–20 April Keynote Address, «Hydrogen System: A Smooth Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System and Phase-In», World Hydrogen Energy Conference IV, Comparison with Fossil Fuels», Conference on Non- Pasadena, CA, 13–17 June Conventional Energy Sources, presented by Escuela Member, Systems Analysis Technical Commit- Superior Tecnica, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 12–16 tee, American Society of Mechanical Engineers. June Member, Seminar Program Committee, Gannon Invited Lecture and Keynote Address, «Hydro- University College of Science and Engineering, gen Energy Developments in the United States», and 10th Anniversary Symposium of the Hydrogen En- Institutional Representative: Energy Research ergy System Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 5–7 Council, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, September IN, Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System and United Nations Energy Consultant to Argen- Comparison with Fossil Fuels System», Texas A&M tina: Scheduled visit, March, April University, College Station, TX, 28 October Organizer of a Hydrogen Energy Seminar for Chairman, Organizing Committee, Miami Inter- Peking and Shanghai, China, national Symposium on the Biosphere, Miami Beach, Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System», FL, 23–25 April Friends of Physics, Main Campus, University of Invited Lecture and Opening Address, «Two- Miami, Coral Gables, FL, 3 May Phase Flow Instabilities in Single Channels», China- Invited Lecture, «Recent Environmental Stud- US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer, ies and the Hydrogen Energy System», Spring Xian, China, 8–15 May Symposium on Hydrogen Outlook in Canada of the Invited Lecture, «The Hydrogen Energy Econ- Electrochemical Society in Montreal, Canada, 7 omy», Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, May 21 June Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 37

Member, Organizing Committee, Honorary Invited Lecture, «The Environmental and Health Chairman and Opening Address, «The Hydrogen Costs of Hydrocarbons Compared with Hydrogen as Energy System: The Next Action», Fifth World an Energy Form», also presented as a proposal for a Hydrogen Energy Conference, Toronto, Canada, joint US-Canada project for converting the Midwest 15–19 July and Northeast. Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System and United States and Eastern Canada to the Hy- Comparison with the Fossil Fuel System», Rotary drogen Energy System, The Miami Beach Executives Club of Homestead, Homestead, FL, 29 August Club, Miami Beach, FL, 11 April Invited Lecturer, «Hydrogen Energy System Symposium Co-Chairperson, U.S. – India Sym- and Comparison with the Fossil Fuel System», The posium-Workshop on Remote Sensing, Ahmedabad, Miami Beach Executives Club, Miami Beach, FL, India, 11–15 March 11 April Member, Advisory Committee, Hydrogen in Member, International Conference Committee, Metals International Symposium, Belfast, Northern International Conference on Hydrogen and Methane in Ireland, 26–29 March Africa, Brazzaville, R. P. Congo, 15 May Invited Lectures, «Hydrogen Energy System», Symposium Chairman, U.S. – Spain Symposium and «Solar Production of Hydrogen», King Ab- on Renewable Energy Sources, Madrid, Spain, 18–23 dulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 7–9 April May Keynote Address and Invited Lecture, «Hy- Symposium Co-Chairman, Chairman, Final drogen Energy Economics», Symposium Chairman, Plenary Session on Hydrogen Energy for China and U.S. –TSpain Symposium on Renewable Energy Invited Lecturer, «Hydrogen Systems and Interna- Sources, Madrid, Spain, 18–23 May tional Cooperation», and «Hydrogen Energy and Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen as the Clean Energy its Environmental Effects», Beijing International Fuel of the Future», Association of Energy Engi- Symposium on Hydrogen Systems, Beijing, China, neers, Miami, FL, May 7–11 May Invited Lecture, «Progress and Problems in Invited Lecturer, «Hydrogen Energy System Hydrogen Technology re Energy Needs of Human and Solar Production of Hydrogen», and «Hydrogen Settlements», U. N. Expert Group Meeting on En- Versus Synthetic Hydrocarbon Fuels», at the invita- ergy in Human Settlements, Bangalore, India, 2–5 tion of the Soviet Academy of Sciences; lectures at June Tblisi and Baku, Georgian SSR and Azerbaijan SSR, Keynote Address, «Dawning of the Hydrogen 22 June – 2 July Era», Sixth World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Member, Advisory Committee: Workshop on the Vienna, Austria, 20–25 July Physics of Non-Conventional Energy Sources and Honorary Conference Chairman, Sixth World Material Science for Energy, Trieste, Italy, 2–20 Hydrogen Energy Conference, Vienna, Austria, September 20–25 July Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System and Assistant to Project «Nuclear Engineering», Implementation in Sun-Belt», Muslim Conference on and Special Task «Two-Phase Flow and Heat Trans- Energy, Tunis, Tunisia, 15–18 September fer», for Centro Atomico Bariloche, Bariloche, Ar- Member, Organizing Committee, Energy for the gentina, 21 July Americas International Conference, San Juan, PR, Invited Lecture, «Future World Energy System 13–29 October Based on Hydrogen», Fourth Scientific Conference, Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System Scientific Research Council, Baghdad, Iraq, 23–28 vs. Fossil Fuel System», Energy for the Americas October International Conference, San Juan, PR, 12–19 Invited Lecture, «The Relationship Between Sci- October entific and Economic Progress and Energy Consump- Chairperson, Seventh Miami International tion and Education», also took part in the roundtable Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, Miami discussions of the Final Plenary Session of the Science Beach, FL, 9–11 December and Technology in the Year Conference, Istanbul, Invited Testimony in favor of the proposed bill, Turkey, 4–6 November Hydrogen Energy Research and Development Act Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System: H. R. , Committee on Science and Technology of Energy Infrastructure of the Future», Florida Chap- the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, ter, Association of Energy Engineers, Miami, FL, DC, 12 March 12 November Forum participant at the invitation of Governor Chairman, Organizing Committee, Fourth Miami Bob Graham, Growth Management and Florida Energy International Symposium on Multi-Phase Transport Forum, Miami, Florida, 14–15 March and Particulate Phenomena, December Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Versus Fossil Fu- Invited Lecture, «Status of Hydrogen Energy els», 8th Annual Seminar, Gannon University, Erie, Research», USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, PA, March USSR, January International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 38 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy», Florida Keynote Address, «Takeoff of the Hydrogen Atlantic University, Miami, FL, February Energy System», Seventh World Hydrogen Energy Series of Lectures, «Two Phase Flow Insta- Conference, Moscow, USSR, September bilities in Boiling Water Reactors» and «Hydrogen Presentation, «Solar-Hydrogen Energy System Production Using Nuclear Energy», Argentinean for Libya», Seventh World Hydrogen Energy Confer- Atomic Energy Research Center, Bariloche, Argen- ence, Moscow, USSR, September tina, under the auspices of the International Atomic Presentation, «Mixture Formation Techniques Energy Agency; also discussed joint projects on for Hydrogen-Fueled Internal Combustion Engines», Nuclear Reactor Instabilities and Hydrogen-Hydride Seventh World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Mos- Systems, March cow, USSR, September Organizing Committee, Workshop on Materi- Invited Lecture, South Miami Rotary Club on als Sciences, Energy and Development, Kingston, «Hydrogen Energy», November Jamaica, 23 March – 10 April Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System as Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System and a Future World Energy System», Symposium on Comparison with the Fossil Fuel System», U.S. – Ja- Frontiers of Physics, Lubbock, TX, 4–5 November maica Workshop, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica, March Invited Lecture, «The Hydrogen Energy System Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen vs. Synthetic Fos- as an Answer to the Problems of the Greenhouse sil Fuels», RETSIE Conferences, Los Angeles, CA, Effect, Acid Rains and Pollution», Global Energy May Forum, ENERGEX’88, 25–30 November , Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System vs. Tripoli, Libya; also met with and discussed energy Fossil Fuels», Manila, Philippines, May problems and solutions with the Program Directors Co-Chairman, International Symposium-Work- shop on Silicon Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan, at the Solar Energy and Wind Energy Divisions of June ; also gave the Opening Address and an the Ministry of Energy. Invited Lecture entitled «Hydrogen for Storing Solar Chairperson, Fifth Miami International Sym- Energy and Applications». posium on Multi-Phase Transport and Particulate Participant, Third Session, Provisional World Phenomena, Miami Beach, FL, 12–14 December Parliament, proposed the Hydrogen Energy System, which was adopted as the future energy infrastructure Chairman, International Organizing Committee, of the world, Miami Beach, FL, June Manila International Symposium on the Develop- Member, Program Committee, Second World ment and Management of Energy Resources, Manila, Basque Congress, Bilboa, Spain, 18–23 October Philippines, 26–28 January ; Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System: Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System and Energy Infrastructure of the Future». Comparison with the Fossil Fuel System», Opening/ Organizing Committee, Eighth Miami Interna- Plenary Session, Manila International Symposium tional Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, on the Development and Management of Energy Re- Miami, FL, December sources, Manila, Philippines, January Invited Lecture, «Economics of Hydrogen vs. Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System as Fossil Fuels», Hydrogen Photovoltaic Production an Answer to the Greenhouse Problem», Pacific In- Workshop, Honolulu, HI, January ternational Center Workshop, Honolulu, HI, March Testimony before the Senate Committee, Wash- ington, DC, regarding solutions to the Greenhouse Participated in the Inauguration of the Turkish Effect, June National Foundation for Science and Technology and Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System took part in future planning activities, Istanbul, and the Comparison with the Fossil Fuels System», Turkey, 26 March Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society, Toronto, Invited Lecture, «Solar Hydrogen Versus Ontario, Canada, June Synthetic Fossil Fuels», Annual Meeting of the Invited Lectures, «Hydrogen as a Storage for American Society of Chemical Engineers, Toronto, Solar Energy», and «Comparison of Hydrogen with Canada, June Fossil Fuels», NATO Institute on Energy, Izmir, Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System as Turkey, July the Future System for the World», Zurich, Switzer- Visited the TUBITAK Research Center, Is- land, 4 August tanbul, Turkey, to give advice on energy research Invited Lecture, «Economic Comparison of So- projects, August lar Hydrogen Energy with the Fossil Fuel System», Co-Chairman, International Symposium on Heat International Symposium on Solar Hydrogen Energy Transfer Enhancement and Energy Conservation, for the Prevention of a Fossil Holocaust, Zurich, Swit- Guangzhou, China, 2–5 August zerland; also took part in Panel Discussion for con- Honorary Chairman, Seventh World Hydrogen sideration of the implementation of a solar-hydrogen Energy Conference, Moscow, USSR, September energy system for Europe, 1–2 November Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 39

Invited Lecture, «Cost of Energy for the Member, Executive Committee, International Consumer Today and Tomorrow», Fourth Annual Conference on the Analysis of Thermal and Energy Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy, Systems, Athens, Greece, 3–6 June Basel, Switzerland, 1 December Keynote Lecture, «Misdeeds of Fossil Fuels and Chairman, Organizing Committee, Ninth Miami a Permanent Solution», First International Sympo- International Congress on Energy and Environment, sium on Environmental Pollution and Control, Izmir, Miami Beach, FL 11–13 December Turkey, 8 June Invited Lecture, «Higher Education Reforms Keynote Lecture, «Comparison of the Solar- for Scientific and Economic Progress», Role of Sci- Hydrogen Energy System with the Fossil Fuel ence Technology in Progress Conference, Istanbul, System», ACHEMA’91 International Meeting on Turkey, 16–20 April Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Frank- Invited Lecture, «Importance of International furt, Germany, 9–15 June Standards for Establishing the Hydrogen Energy Invited Lecture, «The Hydrogen World», Con- System», Hydrogen Energy Technology Standards ference on Hydrogen Opportunities for Alaska, Conference, London, England, 17–23 June Anchorage, AK, 25 June Honorary Chairman, Eighth World Hydrogen Invited Lectures, «Assessment of the Environ- Energy Conference, Honolulu, HI, 22–27 July ; mental Damage by Fossil Fuels» and «Economic Member, Organizing Committee. Comparison of Hydrogen Energy and Fossil Fuel Invited Lecture, «Past, Present and Future of Systems», NATO ASI Meeting on Chemistry and the Hydrogen Economy», WHEC TREK: The Next Chemical Engineering of Catalytic Solid Fuel Con- Generation, Honolulu, HI, 26 July version for the Production of Clean Synthetic Fuels, Invited Lecture, «Economics of Hydrogen», Akcay, Turkey, 21 July – 3 August Eighth World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Hono- Member, Organizing Committee, Keynote lulu, HI, 22–27 July Lecture, «Renewable Energy Sources for a Bright Invited Lectures, Symposium on Energy for Future», First Baku International Symposium on Isolated Settlements, Buenos Aires, Argentina, «Hy- Energy, Environment and Economy, Baku, Azerbai- drogen as an Energy Vector», 6 August; «Hydrogen jan, USSR, 20–23 August Production Methods», 7 August, and «Viability of Organizing Committee, Keynote Lecture, «Con- Hydrogen Utilization in Isolated Settlements», on ference Goals and Challenges», Project Hydrogen’91, 8 August Independence, MO, 16–18 September Invited Lectures on Hydrogen Energy, Alterna- Member, Organizing Committee, Hydrogen as a tive Energy Sources, Greenhouse Effect and Envi- Renewable Energy Source for the Protection of the ronmental Problems and Energy, various universi- Environment — International Conference, Milan, ties in Turkey, TUBITAK Research Center and the Italy, 21–23 October Turkish Foundation for Scientific and Technological Invited Lecturer, Colloquium on Energy Tech- Research, 11–25 August nologies and Sustainable Development: Long Range Convener, Geothermal and Other Forms of R&D Opportunities, Noordwijkerhout, The Nether- Renewables Session, World Renewable Energy Con- lands, 4–7 December gress, Reading, United Kingdom, September Member, International Liaison Committee for International Conference and Exhibition on Ad- Chairman, Organizing Committee, Sixth Miami vances in Materials and Processes, Bombay, India, International Symposium on Multiphase Transport 16–19 February and Particulate Phenomena, Miami Beach, FL, Invited Lecture, «New Turkish World and 10–12 December Economic Development», Annual Meeting of the Member, Organizing Committee, RNAAS Col- Association of Turkish-American Scientists, 14 Feb- loquium on «Emerging Energy Technologies for a ruary Sustainable Future», Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Invited Lecture, «The Hydrogen Energy Sys- 4–8 March tem», Global Environmental Issues Class GSC , Invited Lecture, «Misdeeds of the Fossil Fuels University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, 3 March and a Permanent Solution: The Hydrogen Energy System», USSR Academy of Sciences, Baku, USSR, Invited Lecture, «Environmental Problems 9–16 March Facing our Planet and the Permanent Solution by Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen as a Clean and Replacing the Fossil Fuel System with the Hydrogen Efficient Transportation Fuel», Developing Sound Energy System», Indian Institute of Technology, Energy Options for Florida’s Future Meeting, Coral Bombay, India, 12 March Gables, FL, 23 March Honorary Chairman, Ninth World Hydrogen En- Invited Lecture, «The Permanent Energy Sys- ergy Conference, Paris, France, 22–25 June tem for the Sunshine State: The Solar Hydrogen Member, Scientific International Committee, Energy System», Coral Gables Kiwanis Club, Coral FLOWERS’92 Symposium, Florence, Italy, June Gables, FL, May International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 40 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

Co-Chairperson, Invited Lecture, «Pilot Invited Lecture, «Solar Hydrogen Energy sys- Projects: A Way Toward Initiation of the Hydrogen tem: Permanent Energy Option for Saudi Arabia», Energy System», First Tatarstan Symposium on En- at the Second Saudi Symposium on Energy, Utiliza- ergy, Environment & Economics, Kazan, Tatarstan, tion and Conservation, Dahran, Saudi Arabia, 27 Russia, 9–13 August October – 3 November Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Technologies», and its Effective Cost», Second World Renewable Fifth International Conference on Productiv- Energy Congress, Reading, United Kingdom, 13–18 ity and Quality Research (ICPQR’95), Miami, FL, September 21–24 February Member, International Steering Committee and Keynote Address, «Progress in Hydrogen En- Invited Lecture, Second World Renewable Energy ergy and Recommendations to Canada», Seventh Congress, Reading, United Kingdom, 13–18 Sep- Canadian Hydrogen Workshop, Quebec City, Canada, tember 4–6 June Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen: The Universal Fuel Keynote Address, «Advances in Hydrogen and Comparison with Other Fuels», Workshop on Energy Technologies», International Conference on the Resource Potential of Energy Gases, Palo Alto, Advances in Strategic Technologies, Bangi, Selan- CA, 20–23 October gor, Malaysia, 12–15 June Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System Invited Lecture, Hydrogen Power, Thermal and as a Solution to Global Environmental Problems», Electrochemical Systems International Symposium EXPO for A Better World, Miami, FL, 20–22 No- (HYPOTHESIS), Cassino-Gaeta, Italy, 26–30 June vember Invited Lecture, Expert Group Meeting as an Invited Lecture, Workshop on Second Low Energy Alternative for Developing Countries, Ha- vana, Cuba, 16–18 December Analysis of Energy System, Rome, Italy, 5–7 July Invited Lectures, «Environmental Problems Facing our Planet and Cost of Environmental Dam- Member, Scientific Committee, Efficiency, age», and «Solar Hydrogen Energy System and Com- Costs, Optimization, Simulation, and Environmen- parison with Fossil Fuel System», Second Interna- tal Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS’95), Istanbul, tional Symposium-Workshop on Silicon Technology: Turkey, 11–14 July Developments and Its Role in the Sun Belt Countries, Invited Lecture, «Progress in Hydrogen En- Islamabad, Pakistan, 7–10 May ergy», Second International Conference on New Session Chair, Project Energy’93, Kansas City, Energy Systems and Conversions, Istanbul, Turkey, MO, 20–23 June 31 July – 4 August Invited Lecture, First International Conference Member, Scientific Committee, Tenth National on New Energy Systems and Conversions, Yoko- Heat Transfer Conference, Ankara, Turkey, 6–8 hama, Japan, 27–30 June September Invited Lecture, Baku International Symposium Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy System as a on Energy Environment and Economics, Baku, Az- Solution to Global Environmental Problems», Joint erbaijan, 17–20 August Fall Meeting of Texas Sections of American Physi- Honorary Chairman, The Third Interrepublic cal Society and American Association of Physics Conference «Hydrogen Materials Science and Chem- Teachers & Society of Physics Students, Zone 13, istry of Metal Hydridesm» Katsivelli, Ukraine, Lubbock, Texas, 26–28 October August-September Co-Chairman, International Symposium on Invited Lecture, First National Symposium on Energy, Environment and Economics, Melbourne, Clean Energy, Istanbul, Turkey, 20–22 December Victoria, Australia; gave talk entitled «Energy and Environmental Considerations for a Sustainable Honorary Chairman, «Twenty Years of the Development». Took part in Public Round Table Hydrogen Movement: –», Tenth World Discussion on Energy, Environment & Economics. Hydrogen Energy Conference, Cocoa Beach, FL, Presented two papers entitled, «A Solution to Global 20–24 June Invited Lecture, «Solar Hydrogen Energy Sys- Energy and Environmental Problems: Hydrogen tem for Libya», Center for solar energy Studies, Energy System» and «Progress in Hydrogen Energy Tripoli, Libya, 25–30 July System», 20–24 November Invited Lectures, «Environmental and Economic Lecture, «Environmentally Compatible System: Reasons for Hydrogen Energy System», «Comparison Hydrogen Energy System», Indian National Environ- of Hydrogen Energy System with Fossil Fuel Sys- mental Engineering Research Institute in Nagpur, tem», and «Twenty Years (–) of Progress India, 11 December in Hydrogen Energy», NATO Advanced Study In- Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy for a Sus- stitute on Hydrogen Energy Systems, Utilization of tainable Future», Expert Group Meeting, Interna- Hydrogen and Future Aspects, Akcay, Turkey, 21 tional Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies, August – 3 Sept. Istanbul, Turkey, 27–29 May Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 41

Invited Lecture, «Developments in Hydrogen Invited Lecturer — NSF Novel Trends in Envi- Energy Technologies», Expert Group Meeting, Inter- ronmental and Agricultural Biotechnology, Izmir, national Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies, Turkey. Two lectures: «Environmental Damage Istanbul, Turkey, 27–29 May Caused by Fossil Fuels», and «Remediation of the Honorary Chairman, 11th World Hydrogen En- Environmental Damage caused by Fossil Fuels ergy Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 23–27 June through the Solar Hydrogen Energy System», 11–14 May Opening Address, «Hydrogen Energy System: Honorary Chairman, 12th World Hydrogen En- Fossil Fuel Industry and Sustainability Economics», ergy Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Opening 11th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Stuttgart, Address entitled «Dawning of the Hydrogen Age»; Germany, 23–27 June also participated with three joint papers, partici- Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Energy for a Sus- pated at the Hydrogen Technical Advisory Panel tainable Future», National University of Spain, deliberations, 21–25 June Madrid, Spain, 15–19 July Invited Lecture, ENERGEX’98 Conference, Opening Keynote Address and two Plenary Lec- Manama, Bahrain. Keynote Address entitled «Solar tures entitled «Interconnected Global Problems of Hydrogen Energy System: A Permanent Answer Energy & Environment and Solutions», «Comparison to Global Energy and Environmental Problems»; of Hydrogen Energy and Fossil Fuels», and Hydrogen chaired the session on New Energy Options, and Energy System and its Environmental Benefits», First served on the Best Papers Selection Committee, Trabzon International Energy & Environment Sympo- 18–21 November sium, organized by Karadeniz Technical University, Participant at the Third Workshop on Energy 29 July – 26 August and Environment, Tripoli, Libya, 20–21 October Seminar entitled «Hydrogen Energy as an Answer to Global Energy and Environmental Prob- Invited Lecture, Mackenzie University, Sao lems», Mugla University, Turkey, 29 July – 26 Paulo, Brazil. Gave three lectures on Solar Hydro- August gen Energy System as the Permanent Answer to Theme Address at Opening Session, and lec- Global Energy and Environmental Problems, 26–29 ture entitled “Progress in Hydrogen Energy and November Recommendations for Early Implementation,” at Honorary Member: University of Miami Herit- the Workshop on Hydrogen Energy Technologies, age Society – Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, 29 No- Invited Lecture: 8th International Conference on vember – 1 December Productivity and Management of Technology, Cairo, Panelist, U.S. Department of Energy Hydrogen Egypt, 16–18 March The title of the lecture Technical Advisory Panel, Alexandria, Virginia. was: «Hydrogen Factor for Achieving a Sustain- Gave presentation entitled «Hydrogen Energy Ac- able Future». He also made a presentation to the tivities Abroad and Recommendations to the Depart- scientists at the Egyptian National Research Center ment of Energy», 10–11 March in Dokki, Cairo, entitled «Solar Hydrogen Energy Invited Lecturer, Inaugural Meeting of the System for Economic Development of Egypt». Argentinean Hydrogen Energy Association; Open- Co-Chairman of The First Minia International ing Lecture entitled «Hydrogen Energy System as a Conference for Advanced Trends in Engineering, Solution to Global Environmental Problems», 25–27 Minia, Egypt, 14–16 March , Minia, Egypt. November His Opening Lecture was entitled «Solar Hydrogen Two Lectures in Turkey: Electric Power Re- Energy System: A Permanent Answer to Energy and search Institute in Ankara, entitled «Hydrogen Environmental Problems». He also served on the Energy: The Energy System of the 21st Century», Advisory Board of the Governor of Minia for the new and at the University of Nigde, «On Energy and Industrial Zone being established. Economic Progress», on 16 December and 18 Invited Lecture: «Externalities Associated with December respectively. Burning Fossil Fuels», 10th Annual U.S. Hydrogen Luncheon Speaker: Environmental Essential Meeting: Hydrogen: Setting the Standard for a Workshop, organized by the Miami-Dade County Global Energy System, Tyson’s Corner, Vienna, Department of Environmental Resources Manage- Virginia, 7–9 April ment. His talk was entitled «The Effect of Global Invited Lecture, «Clean Energy, Clean Envi- Warming on South Florida and the Remedies», ronment and Competitiveness», 8th International 8 April Conference on Productivity and Quality Research, Keynote Speaker, Seventh International Confer- Vaasa, Finland, 14–16 June ence on Productivity and Quality Research, Miami, Keynote Lecture: «Achieving a Sustainable Fu- Florida. Lecture was entitled «Hydrogen Energy ture», 4th International Conference on new Energy Factors in Environmental Quality and Sustainability Systems and Conversions, Osaka, Japan, 27– June Economics», 26–29 April – 1 July, International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology ¹ 12 (56) 42 © Scientific Technical Centre «TATA»

Invited Lecture entitled «Clean Energy and New HYFORUM’, HYFORUM’ MEETING, Mu- Energy Systems», 4th International Conference on nich, Germany, 10–14 September New Energy Systems and Conversions, 27 June – 1 Invited Paper entitled «Hydrogen Energy July , Osaka, Japan. System and Comparison with Fossil Fuel System; Invited Lectures, National University of Spain, also Banquet Address entitled «Quarter Century of «Solar Hydrogen Energy System and its Implications Hydrogen Movement», Forum on Converting to a for Spain to the participants of the NUS Extension Hydrogen Economy, Fort Collins, Colorado, 22–24 Course in Avila; also «Achieving Sustainability and September the Role of Hydrogen Energy» to the Engineering Invited Lecture entitled «Quarter Century of Faculty of the University of Seville, Spain, as well as Hydrogen Movement», Hydrogen Energy Collo- a television interview concerning Hydrogen Energy quium, Lyon, France, 17 October as a Solution for Global Warming on the National Invited Lecture entitled «Hydrogen Energy Education Television in Madrid, 18–23 July and Transportation», International Conference on Co-Director, International Organizing Com- Automotive Technology , Istanbul, Turkey, mittee of the ICHMS’99 Conference in Katsiveli, 19–20 October Crimea, Ukraine, 2–8 September Invited Presentation entitled «Converting Keynote Address entitled «Achieving Sustain- Florida to a Solar Hydrogen Energy System from the able Future», 5th Baku International Congress on Present Fossil Fuel System and luncheon speech enti- Energy Ecology Economy, Baku Azerbaijan; also tled «Progress in Hydrogen Energy, at the Hydrogen testified before the Azerbaijan Parliamentary Com- Summit Meeting: Planning the Bridge to Florida’s mittee on Ecology on the Protection of the Environ- Future, Tallahassee, Florida, 24–25 October ment, 21–24 September Invited Lecture entitled «Hydrogen Energy and Keynote Address entitled «Hydrogen Energy Transportation», First International Seminar on as a Solution to Global Energy and Environmental Fuel Cells for Transportation, Mexico City, Mexico, Problems», First International Energy Conference in 7–8 November Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates, 7–9 May Invited Lecture entitled «Hydrogen Energy: Seminar entitled «Renewable Energy: the Solar Permanent Solution to Global Energy and Envi- Hydrogen Energy System» at the United Arab Emir- ronmental Problems» to the Argentina National ates University in Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates, Hydrogen Association, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 23 November Invited Lecture: NATO-ASI, Izmir, Turkey, Honorary Membership in the Argentina Acad- June emy of Science; lecture entitled «Hydrogen Energy: Opening Address entitled «Implementation of Permanent Solution to Global Energy and Environ- the Hydrogen Economy», Also Keynote Address mental Problems, to the Argentina National Hydro- entitled «Quarter Century of the Hydrogen Move- gen Association in Buenos Aires; lecture entitled ment», 13th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, «Hydrogen Energy System and Argentina» to the Beijing, China, 11–15 June Argentina Academy of Science in Cordoba, 23–24 Opening Address entitled «Hydrogen Energy November and the Importance of Safety; also Keynote Ad- Invited Lecture entitled «Energy, Education and dress entitled «Safest and Environmentally Most Economic Development» to the Turkish National Secu- Compatible Energy System — Hydrogen Energy rity Council, Ankara, Turkey, 29 November System», First International Symposium on Safety Invited Lecture entitled «Hydrogen Energy Sys- and Economics of Hydrogen Transport, Sarov, Rus- tem: A Permanent Solution to Global Energy and sia, 24–28 July Environmental Problems» at the Gazi University, Presentations entitled «Hydrogen Energy Ankara, Turkey, 30 November System for Mitigating Global Warming», Pakistan Keynote Address entitled «Hydrogen Energy National Workshop on Kyoto Protocol Implementa- System: Permanent Solution to Global Energy and tion, and a presentation entitled «Hydrogen Energy Environmental Problems», at the Second Congress of System: Permanent Solution to Global Energy and the Mexican Hydrogen Energy Society, Cuernavaca, Environmental Problems, at the Pakistan Council Mexico, 7–8 December of Science and Technology», Islamabad, Pakistan, Invited Lectures entitled «Hydrogen Energy 29 July – 1 August System Concept and its Progress» and «Comparison Invited Lecture, «Hydrogen Production, Stor- of Hydrogen Energy System with Fossil Fuels», age, Distribution and Utilization Technologies» Workshop on New Trends and Breakthroughs in Hy- at the North Rhine Westphalia Energy Industry drogen Energy, Istanbul, Turkey, 2–5 April Symposium, Düsseldorf, Germany, 15 September Keynote address entitled, «Hydrogen Energy System for Sustainability», at the Opening Session Honorary Chairman, Welcoming Address and talk of the 3rd International Conference, «Hydrogen entitled «Hydrogen Energy as a Solution to Global, Treatment of Materials» (HTM) on May 15, Energy and Environmental Problems» to the YOUTH , Donetsk, Ukraine. Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé íàó÷íûé æóðíàë «Àëüòåðíàòèâíàÿ ýíåðãåòèêà è ýêîëîãèÿ» ¹ 12 (56) © Íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèé öåíòð «TATA» 43

С глубокой скорбью сообщаем, что ушел из жизни Узыке Сикунбаевич Джекебаев &#; доктор юридических наук, профессор Университета КАЗГЮУ имени seafoodplus.infoаева и один из виднейших криминологов Казахстана, который воспитал не одно поколение своих последователей &#; выпускников, ученых и педагогов.

Выражаем глубочайшие соболезнования семье Узыке Сикунбаевича, а также всем коллегам и его ученикам.

Для справки: Род. 28 февр. г. в г. Семипалатинске. Окончил АГЮИ (Алма-Ата, ). Специальность – правоведение. Д.ю.н. (). Проф. (). Тема канд. дисс.: Компетенция и роль Генеральной Ассамблеи и Совета безопасности ООН в мирном разрешении споров» (М., ИГиП АН СССР, ). Науч. рук. – д.ю.н., проф. В.М. Шуршалов. Офиц. оппон.: д.ю.н., проф. А.М. Ладыженский и д.ю.н. проф. М.И. Лазарев.

Тема докт. дисс.: «Криминологическое изучение личности преступника и преступного поведения» (М., НИИ Прокуратуры СССР, ). Науч. конс. – д.ю.н., проф., акад. В.Н. Кудрявцев. Офиц. оппон.: д.ю.н., проф. Н.А. Стручков; д.ю.н., проф. А.М. Яковлев; д.ф.н. Б.Д. Парыгин. Вед. оргция – ИГиП АН СССР.

Труд. деятельность У.С. Джекебаев начал с осени г.: был разнорабочим на Семипалатинском мясокомбинате; затем – секретарем нар. суда Жана-Семейского р-на Семипалатинской обл. (–45); учащийся юр. школы МЮ РК в г. Алма-Ате (); работал нар. следователем Балхашского, затем Каскеленского р-на Алмат. обл. (); аспирант ИГиП АН СССР (); мнс, снс, зав. отд. уголов.-прав. наук ИФиП АН ССР
(); зав. каф. уголов. права и криминологии КазГЮУ (), проф. каф. уголов.-прав. дисциплин КазГЮУ (с ). У.С. Джекебаев с по гг. являлся чл. НКС Верх. Суда РК, председателем секции НКС, внештатным конс. Президиума Верх. Совета

У.С. Джекебаев имеет гос. награды: юбилейная медаль «За доблестный труд летию .И. Ленина» (), нагрудный знак «Отличник образования РК» (), медали: «10 лет независимости Республики Казахстан» (), «Қазақстан Конституциясына 10 жыл» (), «Ерең еңбегі үшін» (), «20 лет Конституции Республики Казахстан» (), а также признан «Криминологом года» (). Московский «Клуб юристов» наградил его дипломом высшей юр. премии «Фемида» ().

У.С. Джекебаев читал курсы лекций: по уголов. праву (общая часть), криминологии, уголов. праву заруб. стран, актуальным проблемам совр. криминологии, нац. уголов. праву РК и межд. уголов. праву. Внес значительный вклад в подготовку науч.-педагогич. кадров Казахстана. Более тридцати лет состоял чл. дисс. совета по защите канд. и докт. дисс. (по специальностям – уголов. право и криминология; уголовно-исполнительное право; уголов. процесс; криминалистика и судебная экспертиза; опер.-розыск. Деятельность) при КазГЮУ. Под его рук. защищено более тридцати канд. дисс., был конс. трех докт. дисс.( М.С. Нарикбаев, Р.Т. Нуртаев, К.Ж. Балтабаев). Объем научных работ, опубликованных У.С. Джекебаевым, составляет более п.л. Основные сферы науч. деятельности – проблемы криминологии и уголов. права.

Одним из центральных направлений научных исследований У.С. Джекебаева является изучение проблем преступности и разработка мер их предупреждения. Желание глубоко изучить такое социальное явление как преступность, определить истинные мотивы деятельности преступника сподвигнуло ученого к исследованию теории познания, диалектики, истории философии, философских аспектов современной науки, проблем пространства-времени, а также вопросов казахской философии и казахского языка как феномена бытия казахов.

Считает, что преступность – относительно самостоятельное соц. явление, которое функционирует в обществе в соответствии со своими внутренними специф. законами и обладает способностью оказывать обратное воздействие на условия, ее порождающие. Воздействие, безусловно, отрицательное. Подтверждением относительной самостоятельности общеуголов. преступности является ее преемственность (профессиональная, рецидивная преступность, арго и т.д.).

Далее, по его мнению, характеристикой относительной самостоятельности преступности как социального явления служит повторяемость ее показателей. Особенно это проявляется в условиях стабильности общественной жизни. Относительная самостоятельность общеуголов. преступности характеризуется еще и тем, что между различными видами преступности существует взаимовлияние (связь корыстной и насильственной преступности).

Выражением относительной самостоятельности общеуголовной преступности, считает У.С. Джекебаев, является также ее способность оказывать обратное воздействие на условия, которым она обязана своим существованием. При обобщении суд. практики Узыке Сикунбаевич встречался с фактами отсутствия единообразного понимания природы так называемых «безмотивных преступлений».

Это в какой-то мере не обеспечивало последовательного применения закона об индивидуализации ответственности и наказания за совершенное преступление. Возникала потребность в теоретическом освещении этой проблемы.

Проф. У.С. Джекебаев, будучи принципиальным ученым, научную истину ставил выше политических предпочтений времени, был ее защитником. В книге «Мотивация преступления и уголовная ответственность», написанной в соавторстве в г., им был подготовлен специальный раздел «Неосознаваемые мотивы преступления и их значение в криминологии».

Для понимания природы неосознаваемых мотивов преступлений в учении З. Фрейда профессор У.С. Джекебаев выделил так называемую психологическую защиту, которую называют рационализацией, вытеснением и др. Обоснованно показывал, что мотивацию многих преступлений, как, например, преступления против жизни, здоровья, свободы и достоинства личности, массовые беспорядки, рецидив, преступления «толпы», нельзя понять без учета психологических механизмов защиты. В монографии «О социально-психологических аспектах преступного поведения» раскрыл социально-психологические взаимосвязи между личностью преступника и средой. По мнению У.С. Джекебаева, нельзя пренебрегать такими социально-психологическими законами, как подражание, заражение, идентификация, конформизм, связанными с теорией референтных групп. Эти и другие положения социальной психологии необходимы для понимания механизма
преступного поведения, и, как следствие, – для предупреждения преступности. Это был новый подход в криминологии. Ученый также показал, что интересы, лежащие в основе деяний правонарушителей, являются антиобщественными и аморальными. Мотив преступления отражает общую ориентацию лица и может служить основанием для характеристики личности преступника.

Теоретические изыскания ученого получили закрепление в уголовном законодательстве и в судебной практике. Принимал участие в разработке модельного УК стран СНГ (), а также УК РК года. Одним из первых в Казахстане сформулировал предложения об установлении уголовной ответственности юридических лиц и необходимости внедрения в практику правового института сделки о признании вины («the plea bargain»).

Основные опубликованные работы У.С. Джекебаева

Книги: История государства и права советского Казахстана (в 3-х томах. г., г., г.

Разделы – Уголовное право, судоустройство) (в соавт.); О социально-психологических аспектах преступного поведения. Алма-Ата: Наука, – с.;

Преступность как криминологическая проблема. Алма-Ата: Наука, – с.;

Преступление и ответственность. Алматы, (в соавт.);

Соучастие в преступлении. Алма-Ата, (в соавт.);

Криминологические и уголовно-правовые проблемы наказания. Алма-Ата, – с. (в соавт.);

Мотивация преступления и уголовная ответственность / У.С. Джекебаев, Т.Г. Рахимов, Р.Н. Судакова. Алма-Ата: Наука, – с. (в соавт.);

Убеждение и принуждение в борьбе с преступностью. Алматы, (в соавт.);

Русско-казахский юридический словарь. Алматы, (в соавт.);

Основные принципы уголовного права (сравнительные комментарии к книге seafoodplus.infoра и А.В. Наумова «Основные концепции современного уголовного права»). Алматы: Жетi жарғы, – с.

Статьи: Социально-психологические аспекты преступного поведения // Сов. гос. и право. No 4; Об опыте криминологического изучения личности преступника и преступного поведения // Преступление и ответственность. Алма-Ата: Наука КазССР, – С. ;

Социально-психологические проблемы изучения личности преступника» // Сб. Борьба с правонарушениями». Алматы, – С. ;

Уголов.-прав. и криминол. проблемы легализации сделок о признании вины // Гос. и право. No ; Сделка о признании вины – анализ законодательства зарубежных стран» &#; науч. доклад, опубликован отдельным выпуском. Алматы,

Материальные и процессуальные нормы в праве // Юрист. No1;

Теории референтных групп и криминологические проблемы // Мат-лы Межд. науч.-практ. конф. «Предупреждение преступности &#; важнейшая составная часть государственной политики: проблемы, решения, перспективы». Алматы, ;

О пожизненном лишении свободы в уголовном законодательстве Республики Казахстан // Мат-лы Межд. науч.-практ. конф. «Проблемы становления правового государства и конституционный процесс в Республики Казахстан». Алматы, – С. ;

Проблемы поощрения и компромисса в уголовном праве и их криминологическое значение // Мат-лы Межд. науч.-практ. конф. «О проблемах правоприменительной практики освобождения от уголовной ответственности в связи с примирением сторон». Астана, ;

Криминологические проблемы уголовного наказания // Мат-лы Межд. науч.-практ. конф. «10 лет УК РК: современная уголовно-правовая политика, правоприменительная практика и совершенствование уголовного законодательства». Астана, ;

Юридическое лицо – субъект преступления» // https: //; Интервью с профессором Узыке Сикунбаевичем Джекебаевым // Криминология: вчера, сегодня, завтра. No – С;

У истоков отечественной криминологии // Право и государство. No 1. – С;

Крупный ученый юрист // Право и государство. No 1. – С. ;

Правовой опыт противодействия преступности в зарубежной и национальной системах права // Криминологический журнал Байкальского гос. унта экономики и права.
No 3. – С (в соавт.).

Литература о нем: Reune de science criminelle et de droit penal compare. Paris, No 4, – С;

Staatund Reсht. Berlin, , No S.;

Джекебаев Узыке Сикунбаевич // Сартаев С.С. Юристы Казахстана в лицах. Алматы, – С; Узыке Сикунбаевич Джекебаев // Юрид. Россия http: /

Алексеева В. Гуру юриспруденции https: // _; Нарикбаев М. Слово о патриархе юриспруденции. Узыке Сикунбаевичу – 80 лет https: //; ;


К.В. Ким

Информация взята из: Видные ученые-юристы Казахстана XX – начала XXI веков. Энциклопедический справочник. В трех частях. Ч. (отдельными книгами) / Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан. Университет КАЗГЮУ / Под общей ред. д.ю.н., проф. С.Ф. Ударцева. Астана: Типография «Дәме»; ТОО «КазГЮУ Consulting», (Часть 1. А — Д, стр. )

Часть 1. А — Д / Авторы: Ударцев С.Ф., Тлепина Ш.В., Ким К.В., Алимжан К.; Зинченко В.В., Даутбаева-Мухтарова А.Е., и др. Предисловие: ректор Университета КАЗГЮУ Нарикбаев Т.М., вступит, статья: Ударцев С.Ф. Указатели: Тлепина Ш.В., Ударцев С.Ф. Астана: ТОО «Дәме»; ТОО «КазГЮУ Consulting», – с.; 16 с. илл. (фотогалерея ученых-юристов Казахстана).


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