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Roket Nereye Düştü

roket nereye düştü

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I. Uluslararası Sovyet Sonrası Türkiye-Rusya İlişkileri Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı

Qarabağ Azadlıq Təşkilatı. “Qarabağ dünən, bu gün və sabah” 20-ci elmi-əməli konfransının materialları toplusu. Bakı, 2021, 239–256, səh. 570 Migration processes at the Caucasus: the reasons, course of events, and outcomes Summary The article deals with the study of the problem of migration processes in the Caucasus, particularly, it emphasizes the reasons for the division of Azerbaijan territory into Northern and Southern. The terms of agreements signed in the XIX century between Russian Empire and Persian State of Gadgars caused the migration processes, and particularly, displacement of the Armenian population from the territory of Iran and Ottoman Empire to the lands of Northern Azerbaijan, and Karabakh in particular, with the view to changing the ethnic and religious composition of the region. As a result of this policy, the local Azerbaijan population was displaced and deported. This process went on until the 1990th and was accompanied by the occupation of historic Azerbaijan and Georgia / Sakartvelo lands, which is certified by a number of archive documents and witnesses. It is worth mentioning that the hardest moment in this situation was that the local population, particularly, children, women, and elderly people underwent tortures and physical destruction from the Arminian armed groups, which is considered to be genocide and deprivation of the right to live in the native homes. The continuous liberation struggle of the Azerbaijan nation resulted in the breakout of Civil war on 27 September 2020. Key words: history, migration, the Caucasus, international relations, rights, war, peace


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