root isteyen uygulamalar / Olá, mundo! | Graduate Program in Statistics and Agriculture and Livestock Engineering

Root Isteyen Uygulamalar

root isteyen uygulamalar

A. İbrahimov’un Kazak Kızı Adlı Romanında Kazak Türklerinin İyiyecek-İçecekleri ve Sofra Adabı .

В статье характеризуется история системы ИТУ в Казахской ССР. В связи с этим анализируются основные элементы данной системы, в первую очередь, самое крупное ИТУ Карагандистский исправительно-трудовой лагерь. Определяются особенности его территориально-административного статуса, реализуемого функционала, установленного режима, а также основные достижения его спецконтингента в производственной и науных сферах. Кратко характеризуются и другие ИТУ Казахского отделения ГУЛАГа. Делается вывод о том, что ИТУ Казахстана внесли значимый вклад в осуществление индустриализации и достижение победы в Великой Отечественной войне. Однако, в долгосрочной перспективе существования советской государственности эти учреждения нанесли ей непоправимый ущерб, особенно в социально-экономической сфере. В этой связи конституируется, что существование ГУЛАГа целесообразно рассматривать в качестве государственного преступления. Ключевые слова – исправительно-трудовой лагерь, ГУЛАГ, КАРЛАГ, тоталитаризм, режим ИТУ, индустриализация. Abstract – the article characterizes the history of CLC system in Kaz. SSR. Thus, it analyzes main system elements, especially the biggest CLC – Karaganda Corrective Labour Camp. Special features of its territorial and administrative status, realized functioning, set regime, and main achievements of its prison population in production and scientific spheres are defined. Other CLC of the Kazakh GULAG are also briefly described. The conclusion is made that CLC of Kazakhstan made a significant contribution into the victory in Great Patriotic War. However, inlong-termprospective of Soviet state existence these institutions greatly impaired Kaz. SSR, especially in social and economic spheres. In this regard, it is stated that existence of GULAG system shall be reasonably viewed as a state crime. Key Words - correctional labour camp, GULAG, CARLAG, totalitarianism, industrialization.

Strategies for Tourism Industry under the Global Economic Crisis: A Swot Analysis of Turkish Tourism

Communication Technologies is considered to be an effective method for the elimination of the development gap between countries and disparities and inequalities between individuals. This idea is accepted by all scholars of the information society. Information and communication technologies can be used as a means to poor people, who is exposed to social exclusion, make their voices heard. It is also observed that the people socialized over time, increased the quality and level of sharing and found efficient and entertaining communication possibilities with people who they don’t know. Because of that, it has a vital importance of information and communication technologies. Because it allows people take steps from social exclusion to social inclusion. The studies done by Goodman on South Africa, by Jensen on China and by Bhavnani on Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia shows that new media helps to reduce impact of poverty and breaks the cycle of poverty. It has also been obtained successful results in breaking the cycle of poverty when new media Technologies are provided in India, Brazil and Nepal. The aim of this study is to examine how the poverty information can be reduced and how people living in poverty can be get out of this cycle by providing information and communication technologies. It will first attempt to define new media explaining poverty information. The impact of these tools on cycle of poverty will be shown. As a result, it will be analyzed how information technologies contribute to fight against poverty by country examples.


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