safevi hükümdarları / The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Safevi Hükümdarları

safevi hükümdarları

kaynağı değiştir]

Gürcü kökenli bir gulam olan Allahverdi Han'ın oğlu Davud Han
Gürcü kökenli bir gulam olan Allahverdi Han'ın oğlu Davud Han

Gulamlar, eski İslâm devletlerinde orduda, idarede ve sarayda çalıştırılmış köle ve esirlerdir.[33]

Safevilerde gulamlar,,&#;Kafkasya'dan&#;gelen eski&#;Hıristiyanlardan&#;, özellikle&#;Gürcülerden&#;,&#;Çerkezlerden&#;ve&#;Ermenilerden&#;oluşan bir birimdi.[34] Kumandanları kullar ağasıydı.


The Peace Of Mind Of The Safevi Ruler

Turkish Studies



indeed, the son of heydar wasmail in and declared his personality, and the state of safevi was established, immediately after the establishment of the state of a personal name, he declared the civilization as official mezhep on two imam criticisms as a official mezhep, a dense criticization policy in the iran began in the witness of the tahmasp patrol, which continued intensively, was known as a dark sketch of this policy, delivered to the highest point in the upper point in this article will be metzhep, and the religious structure of the nationality of this country will be met in this article

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