tetebbu ne demek / TEFEKKÜR - определение и синонимы слова tefekkür в словаре турецкий языка

Tetebbu Ne Demek

tetebbu ne demek


  • tetkik etmek — 1) incelemek Çocuk gene dikkatli dikkatli beni tetkik ediyor. M. Ş. Esendal 2) araştırmak …   Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük

  • tetkik — is., Ar. tedḳīḳ 1) İnceleme 2) Araştırma Atasözü, Deyim ve Birleşik Fiiller tetkik etmek …   Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük

  • incelemek — i Bir işi veya bir şeyi ele alıp özelliklerini, ayrıntılarını inceden inceye, özenle anlamaya, öğrenmeye çalışmak, tetkik etmek Ne kitap okur ne de başkalarının düşüncesini inceler. S. Birsel …   Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük

  • ETÜD — Fr. İnceleme, tetkik etmek. * Musikide didaktik maksatla bestelenmiş eser …   Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük

  • FETVA EMİNİ — Şeyhülislâm kapısındaki Fetvahane nin başında bulunan zata verilen ünvandır. Şeyhülislâma sorulan şer i meselelerin fetvalarını hazırlamak, istida ile vukubulan suallere cevap vermek ve şer iyye mahkemelerinden verilen ilâmları tetkik etmek… …   Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük

  • FÎHİ NAZAR(UN) — Şüphe edilen bir mes ele hakkında söylenir. Ona bir bakmak, tetkik etmek lâzımdır demektir …   Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük

  • MÜLAHAZA — Mütâlaa. Dikkatle bakmak. İyice düşünüp bir işin hakikatını tetkik etmek. Tefekkür, düşünce …   Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük

  • MÜTALAA — Bir işi etraflıca düşünmek, okumak, tetkik etmek …   Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük

  • İBSAR — Dikkatle bakmak, tetkik etmek …   Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük

  • irdelemek — i Bir konunun incelenmesi ve eleştirilmesi gereken bütün yönlerini birer birer incelemek, araştırmak, tetkik ve tetebbu etmek, mütalaa etmek Tanpınar sanki gördüğü, irdelediği konuları, sorunları bize bir an önce iletmek istiyor. S. İleri …   Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük

  • tedkîk — (A.) [ ﻖﻴﻗﺪﺕ ] inceleme, tetkik. ♦ tedkîk edilmek incelenmek. ♦ tedkîk etmek incelemek. ♦ tedkîk olunmak incelenmek …   Osmanli Türkçesİ sözlüğü

  • The History of Central Asia in Ottoman Documents. Vol-2.pdf

    The modernization movement in education started with XVIIth century in Ottoman Empire also continued with Albdulhamid II’s Period, and despite of the financial difficulties, the education was perceived by political power as a public service that must be assumed by government. In Abdulhamid II’s Period, the Otoman educational system was strengthened with the realization of all clauses of Maarif-i Umumiye Regulation (Public Educational Regulation), thus, the generalization of the education and the control of the government over educational system was achieved, even if partially, with setting up the infrastructure. Adulhamid II, understanding the education as a functional means, considered the concept of education as an institution through which he could have reproduced and strengtherned his power. It is because of this reason that the education was worked up into one of the means that was referred frequently to promote the official ideology. When Abdulhamid II ascended to the throne, in Otoman Empire, there were 4 high schools, 4 teachers’ schools, 253 intermediary schools, 18.490 children’s schools and 1 private school. Towards the end of the Abdulhamid II’s Period, the number of schools in the country reached to 619 intermediary, 109 preparatory, 32 teachers’ schools, and about 5000 primary schools. In Abdulhamid II’s Period, besides other educational institutions, the military intermediary schools were also considered important, and in a geography extending from İstanbul to Manastır and Syria twenty eight military intermediary schools in total were included into the educational system. The educational system and educational materials, which can be considered as modern for its period, were put into practice in these schools. However, Abdulhamid who did very assertive moves in modernization of education, on the contrary to the preparatory architectural, could not have redesigned the architectural topology of the military intermediary schools in the repertoire of XIX Century school architectural, and, it should not be overlooked that, in our history of education, the military intermediary schools made their presence felt with their educational models they applied, but, not with their architectural ones.

    History of Central Asia in Ottoman Documents. Volume III. Public and Everyday Life. Samarkand: IICAS, STA. 2012. 313 p.

    The modernization movement in education started with XVIIth century in Ottoman Empire also continued with Albdulhamid II’s Period, and despite of the financial difficulties, the education was perceived by political power as a public service that must be assumed by government. In Abdulhamid II’s Period, the Otoman educational system was strengthened with the realization of all clauses of Maarif-i Umumiye Regulation (Public Educational Regulation), thus, the generalization of the education and the control of the government over educational system was achieved, even if partially, with setting up the infrastructure. Adulhamid II, understanding the education as a functional means, considered the concept of education as an institution through which he could have reproduced and strengtherned his power. It is because of this reason that the education was worked up into one of the means that was referred frequently to promote the official ideology. When Abdulhamid II ascended to the throne, in Otoman Empire, there were 4 high schools, 4 teachers’ schools, 253 intermediary schools, 18.490 children’s schools and 1 private school. Towards the end of the Abdulhamid II’s Period, the number of schools in the country reached to 619 intermediary, 109 preparatory, 32 teachers’ schools, and about 5000 primary schools. In Abdulhamid II’s Period, besides other educational institutions, the military intermediary schools were also considered important, and in a geography extending from İstanbul to Manastır and Syria twenty eight military intermediary schools in total were included into the educational system. The educational system and educational materials, which can be considered as modern for its period, were put into practice in these schools. However, Abdulhamid who did very assertive moves in modernization of education, on the contrary to the preparatory architectural, could not have redesigned the architectural topology of the military intermediary schools in the repertoire of XIX Century school architectural, and, it should not be overlooked that, in our history of education, the military intermediary schools made their presence felt with their educational models they applied, but, not with their architectural ones.


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