trek alatin / Trek, ремонт велосипедов, Стамбул, Бешикташ, улица Деребою, 84A — Яндекс Карты

Trek Alatin

trek alatin

Alev Alatlı. Gogol'un izinde.Dünya nöbeti.Russian translation.

This is the publication of a series of unique archival documents – letters from homosexual men and women, written in the mid-1920s to medical experts. Signed and anonymous, these letters present a unique window on the subjectivity of the early Soviet gay community, without intervention by any intermediaries and thus unhampered by legal, medical, or political censorship. Although the letters were penned by undereducated people of lower social background, their authors very persistently and eloquently elaborate their distinctive self-perception and contemplate their group identity and place within the Soviet society. They addressed medical experts as consultants rather than ultimate arbiters and authorities, in the mode of dialogue or even polemic. For the first time, these sources depict the everyday life and sexual practices of gays in Odessa, Rostov, and the Russian countryside in the 1910s and 1920s. The authors of the letters creatively use elements of expert knowledge available to them to elaborate and express their personal and group experiences and self-perceptions. Interrogations of one of the authors several years later, in 1933, within the context of a large-scale trial of homosexual men of Leningrad, put these instances of free speech from the mid-1920s into historical perspective. The OGPU documents published alongside the earlier letters capture the beginning of a radical shift in the rhetoric and even vocabulary of the public discourse on homosexuality in the Soviet Union and the rise of homophobic hegemonic discourse.

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Examples of using Латиноамериканец in a sentence and their translations

Ooh, a Latin American here, ooh, like Ricky Martin!
A Latin American who speaks English.
He was on the short list so you could show you had a Hispanic on it.
What, because I'm Latino, I know about gangs?
One in three young Latin Americans still has never seen a high-school classroom.
He's Latin American, speaks English and he's very sexy.
They're saying I stopped Reyes because he's Hispanic.
Don't you understand, brother… that you's a spick… a beaner?
Бюро переписи определяет понятие« испаноязычный или латиноамериканец» как« лицо кубинской,
мексиканской, пуэрто-риканской, южно- или центральноамериканской или иной испаноязычной культуры или происхождения независимо от расы».
The Census Bureau defines"Hispanic or Latino" as"a person of Cuban,
Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.
Оператор колл- центра 911 спрашивает, какой национальности парень- белый, черный или латиноамериканец. И Циммерман отвечает:" Он выглядит как черный.
The 911 operator asks is he white, black, or Hispanic and Zimmerman answers,"He looks black.
Additionally, the Hispanic terms were modified from"Hispanic or Latino" to"Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin.
Установлены приметы подозреваемого, это молодой латиноамериканец, ростом 180 см, худого телосложения, имеет
легкий акцент и носит складной нож.
The suspect has been identified as a male hispanic, 5'9", slim build and young,
slight accent, and carries folding knife.
клетчатая рубашка. Убегает на запад по Пятой улице от Мейпл- авеню.
Suspect's a male hispanic, dark jeans,
plaid shirt, last seen running westbound on 5th Street from Maple Avenue.
Федеральное правительство США установило, что« при сборе и представлении данных федеральные агентства обязаны использовать как минимум два этнических обозначенния:„ испаноязычный или латиноамериканец“ или„ не испаноязычный или латиноамериканец“».
The federal government of the United States has mandated that"in data collection and presentation, federal agencies are required to use a minimum of two ethnicities:"Hispanic or Latino" and"Not Hispanic or Latino.
Шестеро детей состоят из мальчика- азиата по имени Юджин Чой, обладающего мудростью Соломона;
обладающий силой Геркулеса; Мэри Бэтсон, обладающая выносливостью Атласа; Фредди Фримэн, обладающий мощью Зевса; Билли Бэтсон, обладающий мужеством Ахилла; и афроамериканская девочка по имени Дарла Дадли, которая обладает скоростью Меркурия.
They are: an Asian-American boy named Eugene Choi, who possesses the wisdom of Solomon;
an overweight Hispanic boy named Pedro Peña,
who possesses the strength of Hercules; the Caucasians Mary Batson, Freddy Freeman and Billy Batson, who possess the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, and the courage of Achilles, respectively; and an African-American girl named Darla Dudley who possesses the speed of Mercury.
что благодаря этому долгому миру мой регион, наследник Европы и во многих отношениях ее творение, возобновил дружеские отношения со своей естественной исторической родиной через 80 лет всемирных войн, которые разделяли нас и создавали трещину в культурных связях, определявших наши отношения на протяжении столетий.
As a Latin American, I must recognize that,
thanks to this lasting peace, my region, scion of Europe, and its creature in many respects, has resumed friendly relations with its natural metropolis after 80 years of world wars that had separated us and created rift in the cultural patterns that had governed us for centuries.
Results: 47, Time: 0.0411


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