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Using onomastic units as poetic intends in literary text, in particular the place of occasional names in literary works and linguistic features have widely been studied in Russian as well as in Turkic linguistics. In the spite of the fact which extend of onomastic unites are related to they have been generated under the term of “onims”. Among them those which have specific poetic value are called “poetonim. There is the special occurrence in the linguistic text generated with the “presedent names”. Presedent names are considered proper names which are familiar to lingusitic owners and keep in their lingusitic minds as well as commonly used in their speech activity. They can depend on literary as well as religious text, famous and interesting events, legends, tales, jokes and film screens. All those above mentioned are completely analyzed in the article. According to writers intend onomastic units sometimes simply participated in the text with its own meaning at the same time complexly with different associatives. In the linguistic studies onomastic units in literary text are being researched based on the relations among the sciences tendencies. It is mentioned that in the latest of (number) year’s attitudes to the onomastic units as specific units which provide text with multiple meaning and developing its linguistic form are increasing. In Uzbek linguistic studding of lingvopoetic mechanism of onomastic units such as antroponims, toponim and zoonyms are giving valuable opportunities to demonstrate the essence of Uzbek language and it’s main functional appearing lawfulness. In the article the mythological names of the place, proper nouns of different people and animals are studied under the “mythopoetonim” term. It is known, that the literary text is a multi-layered phenomenon and it reflects all the priceless richness of the language. Knowing language isn’t enough to understand completely meaning and multilayer’s structure of a literary text. Because “understanding the main idea, thought and meaning reflected in the literary text is not easy work but rather difficult and complex artistic process. Understanding correctly the meaning, expressed in literary works, a kind of way that is open or hidden by various comparisons subtext can only be achieved as a result of spiritual-cultural, mental and lingo-aesthetic activity". In the literary text onomastic units is not only the nomination of a specific object, but also a means serving to underscore the artistic intend of a writer. So, it determines actual study of linguopoetical onomastic units of a literary text. It should be noted these problems, such as using of onomastic units in the literary text for poetic purposes, as well as a place nonce words in literary texts and language properties is widely studied in Russian and Turkic Studies. We could emphasize here linguistic works done by famous scholars such as seafoodplus.infonskaya, seafoodplus.infoko, seafoodplus.infoin, seafoodplus.infoadova, seafoodplus.infokaya, seafoodplus.infodi, seafoodplus.info, seafoodplus.infoova, seafoodplus.infoova, seafoodplus.infor and seafoodplus.info linguistics has a such thing as "precedent names," "known carriers of a definite language, how often to apply to speech activity proper names. Precedent names can be different according to their motives. They can be related to the artistic texts, religious documents, legends, parables and stories, anecdotes and movies. In our mind there is a relevant case with proper names, which have linked certain impressions: Otabek, Kumush (Abdullah Kadiri) Farmonbibi, Sotto (Saeed Ahmad) Alpomish, Barchinoy, Zumrad, Qimmat, NasriddinAfandi, Hotami Toy. Perecedent names perform a number of functions in the literary text: External involvement. It provides an external involvement. It points to another text with a specific cause. Through various methods are available in the language memory of the human "familiar names", it provides a multi-layered literary works. This property of the text is researched with the term intertextuality by seafoodplus.infohev. 2. Internal involvement. In this case through the specific features of the heroes in the literary text set interactions with "familiar names". According to their intends they are comparative, difference, comment and reminder. 3. Expressiveness. 4. Extend onomastic repertory in the literary text. 5. Perform tasks of the means forming text. 6. Promote individualization language of literary text through illustrative enrichment fund artistic text. Linguopoetical specification of the precedent names in the literary text expresses comparison function with this name and provides easily and quickly understanding of the text. In the literary text is not only anthroponomy, but also toponymsas can be as precedent units carry out a serious aesthetic function. Some onyms, despite the fact that there are comparative constructions, in our view, are the ones precedent, pointing features or characteristics of a particular object. Onomastic units, which used in the literary text in poetry create onomastic intertextuality. For example, such mythotoponyms, as the Paradise of Eden, Troy, mythozoonyms – Phoenix, Khumo, mythofitonim – The Scarlet Flower, place names denoting sacred places – Mecca, Medina, Kaaba in particular compared text, comments and parallels with a particular onyms. Summary, it should be noted that the study of onomastic units in a literary text within the language and the rules of art will be a great support in the development of the rapidly emerging modern linguopoetics.

Anahtar Kelime:

Osmanlı Rus Harbi'nden Sonra Erzurum'a Göç Eden Ahıskalı Türkler

Çalışmada ile yılları arasında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin Florida Eyaleti’nin Jacksonville şehrine göç eden Ahıska Türklerinin kimliklerini oluşturan unsurlar, göç süreci içerisinde ele alınmıştır. Araştırmanın amacı, Ahıska Türklerinin Amerika’ya göç etme nedenlerinin, yaşadıkları sorunların ve göç sürecinin Ahıska kimliği üzerindeki yansımalarının ortaya konulmasıdır. Araştırmanın verileri, yılının Ocak-Mart ayları süresince Jacksonville’de yaşayan Ahıska Türklerinden elde edilmiştir. Ahıska Türklerinin sosyal gerçekliklerini onların bakış açılarından anlamak önemli olduğu için çalışmada 9 Ahıska Türkü ile derinlemesine görüşme yapılmış ve gündelik hayatlarını geçirdikleri mekânlarda katılımlı gözlem gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada Ahıska Türklerinin ABD’ye göç etmeden önce maruz kaldıkları ayrımcılık, en önemli sorun olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra Ahıska Türklerinin ABD’ye zorunlu olarak ve akrabalarıyla birlikte göç ettikleri ve göç ettikten sonra da Ahıska kimliğinin temel unsurlarını korudukları gözlenmiştir. Ahıska Türklerinin kimliğini belirleyen temel unsurlar ise Türklük, Türkçe ve Müslümanlık olarak saptanmıştır. In this study, elements constituting identities of Ahiska Turks who migrated to Jacksonville, Florida, between and was tackled in terms of migration process. The objective of this study is to present the reasons why the Ahiska Turks migrated to United States, the problems they faced before migration, and the effects of migration process on their identities. Data are obtained during January-March, from Ahiska Turks who live in Jacksonville, Florida. In-depth interviews with 9 Ahiska Turks and the participant observation was conducted in spaces where they spend their daily lives by forming an interaction in order to comprehend their social realities from their own point of view. The study revealed that discrimination toward Ahiska Turks before their migration to the United States was the most important problem they had. Further, It was observed that the Ahiska Turks involuntarily migrated to the United States with their families and they preserved the fundamental elements of their identities after their migration. Moreover, the basic elements determining the identity of Ahiska Turks are found to be Turkishness, Turkish, and Islam.


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