cemre gümeli serkay tütüncü / Serkay Tütüncü ve Cemre Gümeli birbirine girdi! - seafoodplus.info

Cemre Gümeli Serkay Tütüncü

cemre gümeli serkay tütüncü

Serkay Tütüncü ve Cemre Gümeli birbirine girdi!

"Survivor" yar&#;&#;mas&#;yla tan&#;nan ve sonras&#;nda oyunculu&#;a ba&#;layan Serkay Tütüncü, önceki ak&#;am Cihangir'deydi.

'D&#;Z&#; B&#;TT&#;, ARKADA&#;LIK B&#;TT&#;'

Eski rol arkada&#;&#; Cemre Gümeli'nin kendisine yakla&#;&#;k 20 metre uzakl&#;kta bir mekanda oturmas&#; hat&#;rlat&#;lan Tütüncü, "Ben Cemre'yi görmedim. Dizi bitti, arkada&#;l&#;k bitti"diyerek &#;oke etti.


Uçanku&#;'un haberine göre Cemre Gümeli ise, Serkay Tütüncü'nün bu sözleri ile ilgili sorular kar&#;&#;s&#;nda "Do&#;ru söylemi&#; ne diyeyim. Biz hiç görü&#;müyoruz. &#;aka tabii ki tav&#;rl&#; de&#;ilim ama te&#;ekkür ediyorum. Çok sa&#; olsun böyle dü&#;ündü&#;ü için Bende böyle dü&#;ünüyorum o zaman" cevab&#;n&#; verdi. 

Serkay Tütüncü ve Cemre Gümeli birbirine girdi!

Serkay Tütüncü and Cemre Gümeli: relationship and argument denied after Bay Yanlis

RIRI NANONovember 27,

During the shooting of Bay Yanlis from the Turkish media, rumors had begun to circulate that Serkay Tütüncü and Cemre Gümeli were in love. They were so in tune on the set that many believed these rumors and some photos appeared in gossip magazines.

In a recent article that appeared on seafoodplus.info he declared himself single and also denied the rumor of a breakup with Cemre. In fact, rumors had also circulated about a quarrel between the two after a joke on socials in which he wrote: "the friendship is over".

"It was a joke. Obviously there is no such thing. We are still seeing each other. We are meeting with Gürgen, Fatma, and Cemre. We are talking and we are seeing each other".

Interviewed by Magazin Burda (video below) He said:

"Then we spoke with Cemre. He has already understood the joke. I'm currently meeting my friends from the TV series (Bay Yanlis) I love them and then we spend so much time on set that it's impossible to get away from them after the shoot".

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