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Modern Combat 5 Gezginler

modern combat 5 gezginler

Orta Asya’da İslâm: Temsilden Fobiye C.3

ÖZ Sovyetler Birliği rejimi kendi topraklarında yaşayan insanların sosyalist düşünceyi benimsemelerini, komünizm idealini hedeflemelerini istemiş, daha doğrusu buna mecbur etmişti. Bu doğrultuda Sovyetler Birliğinde yaşayan Müslümanların inancına, ahlakına ve aile yapısına müdahale eden rejim tarafından dinsizlik, tanrı tanımazlık zorla kabul ettirilmeye çalışıldı. Sovyet rejiminin hedefi, istisnasız her Sovyet vatandaşının Tanrı inancından, dini ahlaktan ve aile kültüründen yoksun birer " Sovyet nsanı " modelinde yetiştirmekten ibaretti. Bu amaç doğrultusunda okul öncesi eğitimden Üniversite eğitimine kadar hiçbir manevi ve dini altyapıya dayanmayan beşer ürünü moral ve etik öğretisine dayalı ahlak ve eğitim sistemi hayata geçirildi. Ateizmi, tanrı tanımazlığı rejimin ana ideolojisi olarak benimseyen Sovyetler Birliği döneminde, başta Hıristiyanlar ve Müslümanlar olmak üzere diğer din mensupları da inançlarını ve dini yaşantılarını asgari boyutta, gizlice yaşamaya çalışmıştır. Ateist olan Sovyet bireylerinin birçoğunun yaşam tarzı incelendiğinde onların dürüst, sade, medeni, devlete sadık, disiplinli, hak ve hukuka riayet eden bireyler olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Acaba bu özelliklere sahip olan Sovyet insanı rejimin baskısından korktuğu için mi dürüst ve ahlaklı idi, ya da sosyalist eğitim sisteminin başarısından dolayı mı, yoksa toplumda ve aile içinde devam eden dini inancın ve bilincin var olmasından mı kaynaklanıyordu? Sorusu özellikle bağımsızlık sonrası akla gelen soruların başında gelmekteydi. Ayrıca SSCB'nin inançsız ama ahlaklı, eğitimli toplum yetiştirmeye çalışırken ahlak sınırlarını, ahlak ilkelerini belirlemede neyi ölçü alacağına tam olarak karar veremediği, belirli bir dönemden sonra inancından vazgeçmediği Müslümanların dini eğitim almasına izin verdiği ancak dini eğitimi de sıkı takip altına aldığı görülmektedir. ABSTRACT The Soviet Union's Politics of Belief, Moral and Family on Muslims The Soviet Union regime demanded from people who resided in its land to embrace socialist sentiments, and asked them to follow the communist ideology. Actually, it enforced people for that. For that reason, belief, moral and family structure of Muslims who lived in the Soviet Union was intervened; Irreligiousness and atheism were imposed by the Soviet regime to Muslims. The aim of the Soviet regime was consisting of that to growing a model of " the Soviet people, " without any exceptions, depriving all Soviet Union's citizens from belief of God, religious morals, and family culture. In the direction of this purpose, from kindergarten to higher education, a human made moral and ethics principles were strived to infuse into individuals which were not based on any spiritual or religious belief. The atheism, the belief in the non existence of God, was adopted as the main ideology in the Soviet Union's era, primarily Muslims and Christians, and members of the other religions tried to live their religious lifes secretively and kept it as minimal. When the life style of individuals who were atheist in the Soviet Union was examined; it was seen that these individuals were honest, simple, civil, loyal to the state, disciplined, observer of the rights in law. They abided by the rules. However, these Soviet people were honest and of moral principles, generally because of fear and being oppressed by the regime or it is because of socialist education system's achievement, or its because the religious beliefs and consciousness were still surviving in the family and the society? Especially after independence , this question was the first question which comes to minds. Furthermore, it can be seen that while the USSR was struggling to create an unbeliever but a moral society, and a educated society, it (the USSR) could not decide exactly what kind of criterions should be used to decide as the limits of moral and principles of moral. After a certain time, the USSR allowed to Muslims who insisted in their beliefs to get religious education, but this religious education was also watched closely the regime.

Written by Nathaniel Torres

Running With Beto is a film that “started with baseball like so many other great things,” says director David Modigliani.  Speaking to the audience at the SXSW 2019 premiere of his film, Modigliani shares with the crowd how he met now 2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke while playing for the Texas Playboys baseball team. He says it was the opportunity to witness a positive campaign in the current political climate that convinced him to capture it on film. Modigliani continually asked himself “What is the story here?” all the while amassing over 700 hours of footage. When speaking with several audience members at the premiere, the descriptor I most commonly heard was “genuine.”  Modigliani’s film iterates the positive message that the congressman spread throughout his campaign run, but rather than being an hour and half platform recap, it exposes the man behind the message.


Before the film, the audience chats. Small talk inevitably leads to reflections on the outcome of the 2018 election. Audience members recount their memories at election parties, being gathered around the TV with high hopes. Their tones take woeful dips as they come to the part about the seat being announced for Cruz, except that’s not where their stories end. Sounds of hope and determination resurface.  Discussions conclude with adjusted outlooks both for a brighter future and O’Rourke’s chances at attaining office. For many, it is one and the same.


The lights go dim and several figures rush to the middle rows, faintly illuminated by the glow of the screen. The audience gives a stifled cheer. There’s no fooling this crowd; they know their hero and O’Rourke’s family is here to watch with them.

The film opens with a montage of sound bites and headlines that pick the scabs of slow-healing wounds for democratic Texans. Immediately apprehension and unease hushes the crowd.  Anyone who followed the midterms recognizes the mix of media playing out on the screen. Yet the mood lightens up just as quickly with the first scene. Video shot from a phone shows the O’Rourke family load into the car. Beto’s son Henry O’Rourke asks, “What’s a sucker?” in response to hearing his dad use the term seconds before. The exchange between O’Rourke and his wife Amy is brief but says so much. It’s a moment that parents around the country know well.  The split second of how best to describe an idiom and who will take the responsibility of glossing it over is a scene reminiscent of a family sitcom.


Clips of the O’Rourke family such as this one effectively reign in the audience to recognize the human aspect of the congressman. That’s the authentic tone that Modigliani captures in this film.  He pulls back the curtain on the polished message and shows a man in full sprint to convince Texans he’s worth their vote. Though O’Rourke is the main character in this narrative he is not the only one.  He is the face of change, but his team and his followers are the movement.  The film follows three outspoken citizens doing their part to usher in the blue wave.  One in particular, Shannon Gay, almost steals the show. She is a rough speaking woman with a sic ‘em attitude.  The audience loves her audacity. If liberals are snowflakes, she is a blizzard.


Amanda Salas and Marcel McClinton are shown doing their part to address two of the state’s most pressing issues: gun laws and voter turnout.  Both of them have firsthand experience with the consequences that can result from inaction. McClinton is a survivor of a school shooting. Salas is a resident of Hidalgo county, a county with one of the lowest voter turnouts in the state.  Modigliani’s inclusion of their voices in his film allows for a fuller picture of the voter base O’Rourke has united.


Through its editing, Running With Beto  also highlights the uniqueness of O’Rourke’s campaign. Modigliani interjects several clips from Facebook Live. Reaction emoticons and comments pop up on the big screen as if it were a giant cellphone. The scenes not only bring the audience into the spirit of the moment but also exemplify a modern campaign approach; perhaps a necessary one since O’Rourke relied mostly on small, individual donations from his supporters. There is a certain trust that’s built when broadcasting live for the upcoming generation, combining immediate gratification with on the spot reality coming from their candidate. Modigliani fills the screen with up close shots of facial expressions that range between relief, joy, and frustration. Shots of O’Rourke’s wife Amy and the children truly relay their sentiment throughout.  


Viewers of Running With Beto should expect to relive their experiences with the midterm elections and more. Along with the inspiration, exasperation, and the dismay audiences will also see the sacrifices the O’Rourke family has made. O’Rourke’s children’s heartache when the last ring goes to voicemail, Beto’s early mornings in hotel lobbies and airplanes, and the miles of Texas roads travelled. Drama is not drummed up or caught the way that is common for reality media today.  Instead, it unfolds steadily and naturally with the midterm timeline. The pace of the film quickens as election day draws nearer. Dialogue becomes more urgent and direct, especially from the Congressman. It is a glimpse of O’Rourke’s leadership and willfulness to deliver his message his own way. Though the audience knows how the story ends, the energy in the theater somehow still mounts to palpable levels.

Running With Beto is not a film about why Beto should have won the election or why his point of view is right. It is the story of how the Democratic population of Texas found their drive. Combining O’Rourke’s persistence with that of active citizens’, the film reflects the people’s thirst for an antidote to the hardlined, negative platforms that run on being against new ideas. Modigliani showed a base rallying around the belief that it doesn’t take big money to run a successful campaign in Texas. A base that believes that there is power in refusing to roll in the mud.  A base that believes that they have a chance to make themselves heard. ‘Running With Beto’ leaves its audience feeling proud of a man willing to be the underdog and go against the grain in the most bonafide way. Many believe Beto’s race was exemplary, despite his loss, simply because it sets a precedent for bigger opportunities. Beto was asked about his 2020 plans after the screening but pivoted from the subject. He held off revealing his decision for nearly another week. On March 14, 2019, O’Rourke relieved his anxious supporters by finally announcing his 2020 presidential run saying, “at this moment of maximum peril and maximum potential let’s show ourselves, and those who will succeed us in this great country, just who we are and what we can do”.


Running with Beto is to be released on HBO May 28 according to IMDB.

Combat Arms ücretsiz bir ilk kişi shooter (FPS).

Combat Arms'ta oyun hızlı bir şekilde oynanır ve hızlı refleksler gerektirir. Oyunda ayrıca uzun süre hayatta kalmak ve daha fazla düşmanları yenmek için çok sayıda silah, dişli ve eşya bulunuyor. Combat Arms, oyuna uygun olarak yeniden adlandırılan tanınabilir oyun modlarına sahiptir, ancak normal FPS çok oyunculu modlarını bekler.

Standart WASD ve fare kurulumunu kullanarak, kontrollere alışmak dakikalar alır. FPS oyunlarına aşina olan herkes karakterlerini nasıl kontrol edeceğini bilir. Combat Arms'ın oynanışı biraz dengesiz ve bazen de aksaklıklara neden olur. Combat Arms maçlar sırasında bir sunucuya bağlı olduğundan bazı gecikmeler oldu, ancak çoğu oyun az sorunla oynadı.

Combat Arms, karakteri dengeleyen deneyim puanları kazanmanıza ve her bir modda ve haritadaki hedefleri ne kadar iyi tamamladığınızı gösterir. Combat Arms'ın bir çok şeyi var.

Silah dükkanı veya “Arsenal”, “Gear Points” olarak adlandırılan oyun parasıyla veya NX, Nexon'un oyun içi para birimi cinsinden satın alınabilen silah ve eşyaları içerir. Bazı silahların sadece bir gün için kullanılabileceği ve bazı öğelerin sadece bir kullanım olduğu gibi alımların farklı sürdürülebilirlik düzeyleri vardır.

Combat Arms'taki grafikler biraz tarihli, ancak çeşitli bilgisayarlarda iyi oynuyor. Ne yazık ki, Combat Arms tüm gücü kullanamayacağı için, oyunun yüksek güçlü bilgisayarlarda çalıştırılmasının hiçbir yararı yok. Yüksek seviyedeki tüm video ayarları ile bile seviyesinde grafikler beklemeyin.

Ses, ses efektlerindeki bozukluklarla da eksiktir. Silah ateşi oyuna her zaman kayıtlı değildi ve maçtan önce oyun lobisinden başka gerçek bir müzik yok.

Combat Arms mükemmel bir başlangıç ​​FPS oyunudur, ancak daha gelişmiş oyuncular başka bir yere bakmalıdır.

Блог №2. Идеальный букет невесты

Идеальный букет невесты

Среди важнейших атрибутов для церемонии бракосочетания можно назвать свадебные букеты. Цветов на свадьбе вообще должно быть много — это главное украшение торжества, символ молодости, красоты и любви.

По традиции приглашенные обязательно преподносят букет молодой паре, и он должен быть непременно богатым и роскошным, чтобы выразить радость гостя по поводу столь важного события. Составление подобной композиции под силу далеко не всем флористам, так что стоит потратить немного времени, чтобы подарить молодоженам действительно со смыслом подобранные и стильно украшенные цветы.

Букет невесты — особенный. Его составляют исходя из стиля девушки, выбранного ею платья, он должен демонстрировать молодость, скромность и одновременно яркие индивидуальные черты невесты. При этом букет должен «пережить» все свадебные перипетии и сохранить свой идеальный внешний вид.

Ресторан или летний павильон, украшенные цветами, смотрятся совершенно волшебно, особенно, если за дело берется опытный флорист, который умеет не только удачно сочетать растения с текстильным декором, но и знает, как сохранить свадебные букеты на протяжении долгого времени.

Классика или оригинальность?

После того, как невеста определилась с выбором платья, можно выбирать для нее идеальный букет. И в этом мероприятии есть определенная интрига: жених не должен видеть наряд, но при этом именно на нем лежит обязанность по заказу букета.

Свадебные букеты для невесты обычно составляются флористами, которым доверяют все оформление празднества — только так можно добиться идеальной гармонии между всеми элементами. Так стиль будущей молодой жены становится диктующим в оформлении всей свадьбы.

Классикой является букет из белых или кремовых маленьких бутонов роз, вставленный в портбукетницу. Однако сегодня невесты часто предпочитают более экзотичные формы букетов, например, цветы, собранные в шар или каскадный букет, связку из нескольких цветков, закрепленную на руке или букет в виде сердца.

Канонические розы тоже не являются единственным выбором. Некоторым девушкам хочется, чтобы в их букет вплетались полевые цветы — добыть такие в холодную пору бывает весьма непросто. Для роскошного торжества подойдут орхидеи, для сохранения которых на протяжении всего торжества флористам придется немало потрудиться. В настоящий момент в моде цветы оригинального окраса — фиолетовые и сиреневые, ярко-желтые и зеленые. Так что выбор для жениха будет довольно непростым.


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