shadowless hasan ali toptas / Folklor-Edebiyat

Shadowless Hasan Ali Toptas

shadowless hasan ali toptas

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Medyalararasılık bağlamında edebiyat uyarlamaları ve bir uygulama: "Gölgesizler" / Literary adaptations in context of intermediality and an application: "The Shadowless"
Yer Bilgisi: Mersin Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı
Konu:Sahne ve Görüntü Sanatları = Performing and Visual Arts ; Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı = Turkish Language and Literature
Dizin:Edebiyat = Literature ; Edebiyat uyarlamaları = Literary adaptations ; Gölgesizler = The Shadowless ; Medya = Media ; Roman = Novel ; Sahneye koyma = Staging ; Toptaş, Hasan Ali = Toptaş, Hasan Ali ; Türk edebiyatı = Turkish literature ; Ünal, Ümit = Ünal, Ümit Onaylandı
Yüksek Lisans

s. İlk çağlardan günümüze uzanan sanatlar arasındaki etkileşimler, bugün yalnızca sanatlar arasında değil sanatlar ve medyalar arasında da gerçekleşmektedir. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında, sanatlar ve medyalar arasındaki etkileşimler sonucunda geleneksel sanatları ve medyayı kapsayan yeni sanatsal formlar oluşmuştur. Sanatların medyayı malzeme veya ortam olarak kullanmaları sonucunda sanat ve medya arasındaki sınırlar bulanıklaşmaya başlamıştır. Medya kavramının anlamsal alanının genişlemesiyle de, sanatlar birer medya olarak değerlendirilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, medyalar arasındaki ilişkileri, geçişleri, birleşmeleri ifade eden medyalararasılık kavramının tarihsel süreç içerisindeki gelişimi irdelenmiştir. Edebiyattan sinemaya yapılan uyarlamalar medyalararasılığın bir alt kategorisi olan medya değişimi açışından değerlendirilmiş, Hasan Ali Toptaş'ın "Gölgesizler" romanından aynı adla sinemaya uyarlanan filmi bu bağlamda incelenmiştir. Her iki medya incelemede, olay örgüsü, öykü, tema, zaman, mekân, kişiler ve romanın üst kurgusu ekseninde araştırılmış, medya değişiminden kaynaklanan zorunlu değişimler saptanmış ve romanın dünyasının sinemanın ifade araçlarıyla nasıl aktarıldığı ortaya konulmuştur. Anahtar Sözcükler: Medyalararasılık, Sanatlararasılık, Medya DeğiĢimi,Edebiyat Uyarlamaları, Hasan Ali ToptaĢ, Ümit Ünal, Gölgesizler The interartistic interactions ongoing since the early ages take place today not only among arts but also between arts and medias. The second half of the 20th century witnessed the emergence of new artistic forms involving traditional arts and media as a consequence of interartistic and intermedial interactions. The use of media by arts as a material or an environment resulted in the borders between art and media becoming blurred. Thus, the expansion of the semantic field of the media concept led up to the assessment of arts too as a media each. This study addresses the development in historical process of the intermediality concept which expresses intermedial relations, transitions and coalescences. With a review of adaptations from literature into cinema with regards to media change, a subcategory of intermediality, the novel "Gölgesizler" [The Shadowless] by Hasan Ali Toptaş, which was adapted into cinema by the same name, was analyzed in this regard. In the wake of the review, the forced conversions resulted by media change were identified in line with the plot, narration, theme, time, space, persons and metafiction. Key Words: Intermediality, Interartiality, Media Transposition, Literary Adaptations, Hasan Ali ToptaĢ, Ümit Ünal, Gölgesizler [The Shadowless]

Hasan Ali Toptaş

Turkish writer

Hasan Ali Toptaş (born 15 October ) is a prominent Turkishnovelist and short story writer. His first short story book Bir Gülüşün Kimliği (The Identity of A Laugh) was published in [1] An important Turkish scholar, Yıldız Ecevit nicknames him "a postmodernmodernist" and calls him "a Kafka in Turkish literature", in her work Türk Romanında Postmodernist Açılımlar (The Postmodernist Expansion in Turkish Literature).[2]

Allegations of sexual misconduct[edit]

On 8 December , Toptaş was accused of sexual misconduct by a number of users on Twitter. On TRT 2's program Karalama Defteri, which was presented by Doğan Hızlan, Toptaş's opinion of translators were shared and criticized by some scholars. In episode 37 of the program which was broadcast in November , Toptaş faced criticism after making a connection between the age of translators and their choice of words.[3] A part of this episode was later shared on Twitter in , to which a woman replied, "How many people are eagerly waiting for this man to be exposed? I and many of my friends have unpleasant memories of him from our university years. If I had the current consciousness and courage I would definitely speak up. The classic middle-aged man of letters. Really a disappointment." After this comment nearly 20 women shared their experiences of harassment by Toptaş.[4]

Writer Pelin Buzluk was among those who stated that they experienced harassment at the hands of Toptaş and described the incident as 'sexual assault'. Inspired by the Me Too movement, many women later expressed solidarity with the victims. Toptaş accepted the accusations and wrote, "Until a person understands what [the definition of] a male offender is, he can make mistakes without knowing, realizing or thinking about what great wounds he could inflict on the other side. Today we learn from women what being a doer is. I sincerely apologize to all the people I hurt, upset and harmed with my unwitting behavior."[5][6] After the events, the website and many users made a call to Everest Publications, the publishers of Toptaş's works, to end their collaboration with him.[7] Saadet Özen, the editor-in-chief of Everest, responded to the call on Twitter and said, "the statement of a woman is essential for the victim's voice to be heard, the harassment and pressure to be revealed, to be discussed and questioned". She added that they would act accordingly and terminate their works with Toptaş.[8][9] The publication house further stated "We are against all kinds of harassment and will continue to be."[10] The Turkish Writers' Union also called on literati to take a collective attitude against all kinds of harassment using social and literary status.[11] His Mersin City Literature Award was revoked after the harassment cases came forward, with the city council deeming it necessary "due to our humanitarian, moral, conscientious, and literary responsibility."[12] Director Ali Aydın and producer Müge Büyüktalaş announced that the project for adapting Toptaş's novel Kuşlar Yasına Gider into a movie had been cancelled. The project had been in development since [13]


Works in English[edit]


  1. ^ abAli Toptas, Hasan (). Bir gülüşün kimliği öyküler [The Identity of A Laugh] (in Turkish). Turkey: İz Yayınları.
  2. ^Ecevit, Yıldız (). Türk Romanında Postmodernist Açılımlar [The Postmodernist Expansion in Turkish Literature] (in Turkish). Turkey: İletişim Yayınları. ISBN&#;.
  3. ^"YAYINDAN ALINDI-Doğan Hızlan ile Karalama Defteri: Hasan Ali Toptaş Bölüm". TRT 2. Retrieved 9 December [permanent dead link]
  4. ^Çelik, Ece (9 December ). "'Edeb'i taciz ifşa oldu". Hürriyet. Retrieved 9 December
  5. ^@hasanali_toptas (9 December ). "Kamuoyuna duyuru" (Tweet) &#; via Twitter.
  6. ^"Hasan Ali Toptaş, kadınları taciz ettiğini kabul etti". Habertürk. Retrieved 9 December
  7. ^@5Harfliler (9 December ). "Şimdi @EverestKitap ve iletisimyayin'larına soralım, yazarınız Hasan Ali Toptaş ve Bora Abdo'yla sözleşmeyi iptal edecek misiniz, tacizleri ifşa edilen bu yazarların kitaplarını basmaya devam mı? Kadın düşmanı Ali Lidar'la ilişiğinizi kesecek misiniz? @otdergi @ithakiyayinlari" (Tweet) &#; via Twitter.
  8. ^@zen_saadet (9 December ). "Günaydın. Bana göre kadınların beyanı, mağdurun sesinin duyulması, tacizin, baskının açığa çıkması, konuşulması, sorgulanması için esastır. Her kim söz konusu olursa olsun bu kural değişmez" (Tweet) &#; via Twitter.
  9. ^"Everest Yayınları: Kadının beyanı esastır". Bianet. Retrieved 10 December
  10. ^"Everest Yayınları, "tacizin karşısındayız" diyerek Hasan Ali Toptaş'la yollarını ayırdı". T Retrieved 10 December
  11. ^"Türkiye Yazarlar Sendikası tacize karşı örgütlü mücadele çağrısı yaptı". Evrensel. Retrieved 10 December
  12. ^"Mersin, Hasan Ali Toptaş'a verdiği ödülü geri alıyor". Cumhuriyet. Retrieved 10 December
  13. ^@MugeBuyuktalas (10 December ). "Geçtiğimiz yıldan beri" (Tweet) &#; via Twitter.
  14. ^Ali Toptas, Hasan () []. Yalnızlıklar [Solitudes] (in Turkish). Turkey: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları. ISBN&#;.
  15. ^Ali Toptas, Hasan (). Ölü zaman gezginler [The Dead Time Travellers] (in Turkish). Turkey: İletişim. ISBN&#;.
  16. ^Ali Toptas, Hasan (). Sonsuzluǧa nokta [Full Stop to Infinity] (in Turkish). Turkey: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları. ISBN&#;.
  17. ^Ali Toptas, Hasan (). Gölgesizler [Shadowless] (in Turkish). Turkey: İletişim Yayınları. ISBN&#;.
  18. ^ abAli Toptas, Hasan; Freely, Maureen; Angliss, John (). Shadowless. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN&#;.
  19. ^Ali Toptas, Hasan (). Kayıp hayaller kitabı [The Book of Lost Dreams] (in Turkish). Turkey: Can Yayınları Limited Şti.
  20. ^Ali Toptas, Hasan (). Ben bir gürgen dalıyım [I Am A Hornbeam Branch] (in Turkish). Turkey: İletișim. ISBN&#;.
  21. ^Ali Toptas, Hasan (). Bin hüzünlü haz [A-Thousand-Gloomy Pleasures] (in Turkish). Turkey: İletişim. ISBN&#;.
  22. ^Ali Toptas, Hasan (). Uykuların doğusu [The East of Slumbers] (in Turkish). Turkey: Doğan Kitap. ISBN&#;.
  23. ^Ali Toptas, Hasan (). Harfler ve notalar [Letters and Notes] (in Turkish). Turkey: İletişim. ISBN&#;.
  24. ^Ali Toptas, Hasan (). Heba [Reckless] (in Turkish). Turkey: İletişim Yayınları. ISBN&#;.
  25. ^ abAli Toptas, Hasan; Freely, Maureen; Agliss, John (). Reckless. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN&#;.
  26. ^Ali Toptas, Hasan (). Heba Midi Boy (in Turkish). Turkey: Everest Yayinlari. ISBN&#;.
  27. ^Ali Toptas, Hasan (). Gecenin Gecesi - Ciltli (in Turkish). Turkey: Everest Yayinlari. ISBN&#;.

External links[edit]

A comparative study: Existentialism in No Exit by Jean Paul Sartre and Shadowless by Hasan Ali Toptaş

Existentialism has influenced a lot of literary works throughout history. Existentialism can be studied in literary works by means of foregrounding the existential themes and techniques. Some of these themes are being, change, freedom, selfcognizance, isolation, responsibility, free-will, and alienation. Traversing the boundary between philosophy and literature, this essay aims to analyse the existential themes of Jean Paul Sartre’s No Exit or Huis Clos () and Hasan Ali Toptaş’s Shadowless1 or Gölgesizler () with an intertextual and comparative approach. This essay considers Sartre’s No Exit and Toptaş’s Shadowless as postmodern texts. Before exploring the existentialist themes and techniques in No Exit and Shadowless, this study aims to discuss the tradition of existentialism in literature. After presenting an introductory review on such existentialist concepts in literature as existence, essence, freedom, angst, and absurd, some recurrent themes in Sartre’s and Toptaş’s works will be highlighted and analysed. After a brief exploration of the influence of existentialism on Turkish literature, the essay will focus on the textual analysis. No Exit will be analysed from the perspective provided by such concepts as “being-for-itself”, “being-for-other”, “isolation and claustrophobic existence”; as for Shadowless, “being and nothingness” and “anxiety of uncertainty, emptiness and meaninglessness” will serve as the existential themes reflected in the novel. Within the framework of existentialism, an intertextual approach to and a comparative analysis of Shadowless from Turkish Literature along with No Exit from French Literature is an attempt of situating Modern Turkish Literature within the broader regional and global context. As a last point, this paper also aims to contribute both to critical studies on Sartre’s work and scholarship on the woks of Hasan Ali Toptaş work whose works of fiction have rarely been discussed from a comparative or world literature studies perspective.

Burayı görüntülemek için üye olarak sisteme giriş yapmanız gerekmektedir.

A knotty, postmodern tale. The quicksilver narrative slips between dream, memory and reality A beguiling enigma' Financial Times In an Anatolian village forgotten both by God and the government, the muhtar has been elected leader for the sixteenth successive year. When he staggers to bed that night, drunk on raki and his own well-deserved success, the village is prosperous. But when he is woken by his wife the next evening he discovers that Nuri, the barber, has disappeared without a trace in the dead of night, and the community begins to fracture. In a nameless town far, far away, Nuri walks into a barbershop as if from a dream, not knowing how he has arrived. Try as he might, he cannot grasp the strands of his memory. The facts of his past life shift and evade him, and as other customers come and go, they too struggle to recall how they got there Blurring the lines of reality to terrific effect, Shadowless is both a compelling mystery and an enduring evocation of displacement from one of the finest, most exciting voices in Turkish literature today.


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