vestibule ne demek / vestibül - Nedir Ne Demek

Vestibule Ne Demek

vestibule ne demek

İngilizcede vestibular'ın anlamı

While vomiting is the extreme response, the predominant functioning of the vestibular system is to restore equilibrium as rapidly as possible.

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The vestibular nuclei are a major center for the integration of visual, vestibular, and muscular proprioceptive inputs and may also receive flight-related signals.

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Direct connectivity between subcortical nuclei (vestibular, collicular) and the oculomotor complex exists and these structures could interact independently of the cortex.

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The primary afferent projections of vestibular end organs are distributed to several ipsilateral vestibular nuclei.

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Some ototoxic drugs such as streptomycin and gentamicin are remarkably selective for the vestibular system, so that monitoring hearing is of little use.

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In addition, it highlights the role of alternative contemporary approaches in the management of vestibular schwannomas.

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Similarly, gravito-inertial structure (available to the vestibular system) taken alone is ambiguous with respect to this difference.

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The most common identifiable cause of bilateral vestibular loss is ototoxic drug exposure.

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Although vestibular input will eventually counteract the reflex, post-operative tilts in excess of 60 degrees were common.

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Some patients show improvement in vestibular function after ototoxic drugs are discontinued, but often the damage is irreversible.

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The sensation of orientation is made possible by cortical-subcortical mechanisms, including the vestibular system.

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Degenerative changes occur with age in the visual, vestibular, motor, sensory and cerebellar systems.

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Walking requires proprioceptive, visual and vestibular afferent information in addition to normal motor function.

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Patients with acute vestibular loss are unsteady and often veer or fall toward the side of the affected ear for several days after the event.

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Bir cümlede Vestibule kullanım örnekleri ve çevirileri

Şey, antrenin halısını değiştirdim.
Shots fired. Vestibule nightclub. We need an ambulance.
Ateş açıldı. Vestibule gece kulübünde. Ambulans gönderin.
Korumalarınız size antreyi gösterecektir.
Not enough. We have had nine complaints about vestibule in the past year. And what's worse?
Yetmez. Geçen yıl Vestibule hakkında 9 şikâyet aldık. Daha da kötüsü?
Watching you climb out of a brownstone vestibule with Chuck following like the Bass that ate the canary.
Senin kumdan yapılmış bir kapıyı Chuck ile tırmanmanı ve sonunda Bassın kanaryayı yemesini izliyorum.
Had you not shouted out how to spell the word vestibule while i was thinking of it!
Çünkü tam ben düşünürken dehliz kelimesini bağıra bağıra hecelemesen kazanmış olacaktım!
Nothing but a sad, lonely, childless vestibule that used to be filled with joy.
Üzgün, yalnız, çocuksuz bir dehliz gibi, eskiden neşeyle dolu olan.
The King and the Queen, who had just entered the vestibule, fell asleep, and with them all their servants.
Kral ve Kraliçe, dehlize girdi, ve hizmetçileri ile birlikte uyuyakaldı.
The vestibules, so you can watch the elevators.
Antreye, asansörü kontrol edebilmek için.
And have brown paper items littering my vestibule?
Kahverengi kağıtlar girişi mi kapatsaydı yani?
Baldrick, antreye kadar gelir misin?
Sonuçlar: 16, Zaman:


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