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Dil Araştırmaları Dîvânü Sayı: 15 Güz , ss. Lügati’t-Türk’te Geçen Her Kelime Türkçe Kökenli midir? On the Term dáguān 達官 of Chinese Sources on the Early Turkic History (in View of the One Hypothesis of İbrahim Kafesoğlu) Vladimir Tishin* 1 Abstract: The article deals with the consideration of the occurrences of the term dáguān  達官 in Chinese sources of Tang period. The author examines the hypothesis of the Turkish scholar İbrahim Kafesoğlu, linking the term with the Old Turkic word toyğun in the meaning ‘members of the national assembly’. Key words: toy, kurultay, toyğun, Old Turkic, runic, Chinese, transcription, etymology Eski Türk Tarihî Hakkındaki Çince Kaynaklarda Geçen dáguān 達官 Terimi Üzerine Özet: Bu çalışmada Tang dönemindeki kaynaklarda dáguān 達官 terimi incelenmiştir. Yazar, Türk âlimi İbrahim Kafesoğlu’nun bir hipotezi olan bu terimi Eski Türkçede ‘millet meclisi üyesi’ anlamındaki toyğun kelimesine bağlayan, fikri tartışmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: toy, kurultay, toyğun, Eski Türkçe, runik, Çinçe, transkripsiyon, etimoloji The first edition of the fundamental work on Turkic history of Pre-Islamic period “Türk Millî Kültürü” of Prof. İbrahim Kafesoğlu was published in , since then has been reprinted several times (; ; , etc.), and hasn’t lost its importance until now. It’s hardly an exaggeration to say that the book has become the handbook for many Turkish scholars of the following generations. There were a lot of interesting ideas, was borrowed then into works of other authors, including, moreover, also original but often questionable hypotheses * P.G., Department of the History of the Orient, The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, [email protected] 39 Vladimir Tishin based on weak arguments. Among the similar ideas took hold in works of Turkish scholars it should to be marked the assumption of the identity of the combination dáguān  達 官 mentioned in Chinese historical sources and the Old Turkic term toyğun recorded in the Inscription of Kül Tegin, meant the members of the national assembly (“Devlet meclisi” or “Millet meclisi”) (Kafesoğlu –). This statement can be found in the works of many Turkish authors now (Donuk 40 (note ), 52; Taşağıl a: 51, 96 (note ); Taşağıl b: 22; Çayır, Şahin –; Çakır ; Seyitdanlıoğlu 5–6). In his work İbrahim Kafesoğlu based on the following items. Firstly, in different sources is mentioned such political institution as the meeting (or congress) of the nobility in the Early Turkic states, later known as toy, identical to kurultay (xuriltai) of Mongols. Secondly, it is the etymologization of the Old Turkic term toyğun from the nominal stem toy with addition of plural suffix +ğun, as a result, with the meaning ‘toy üyesi’. Thirdly, it is the interpretation of the combination of Chinese characters dáguān 達官 as the transcription of the Turkic toyğun. All these positions can be discussed if we turn to the source material directly. Firstly, it’s known according to Chinese sources that there were some assemblies of Early Turkic people, but, in general, it’s impossible to say something certain about the participants of these assemblies. So, according the data on Eastern Turks, qaghan and guìrén  貴人 ‘noblemen’ every year gathered to the sacrifice in the cave of their ancestors, and “in the middle of the fifth decade of a month” qaghan “convoked other people” (jí tārén 集他人) to the sacrifice to the Heaven, near the river (Zhou shu: juan  6a. Cf.: Bichurin –; Julien ; Parker –; Parker a: ; Pelliot , –; Liu Mau-tsai 10; Liu Maotsai 22; Taşağıl a: 98, ; Koca 52). Western Turks had similar custom to gather to the sacrifice, practicing it “in every fifth and every eighth month”, and qaghan “every year sent an important dignitary (zhòngchén 重臣) to the cave was the dwelling their ancestors to sacrifice” (Sui shu: juan  19b. Cf.: Bichurin ; Chavannes 15; Taşağıl a: ). According the Chinese calendar system, fifth month is the period of late May–June, the third and eighth ones are respectively periods of late March– April and late August–September. In this case it’s not so principal. Second and 40 On the Term dáguān 達官 of Chinese Sources on the Early Turkic History (in View of the One Hypothesis of İbrahim Kafesoğlu) third dates are clear, because they might to correspond to the beginning and end of the summer nomadic-pastoral season, respectively, when it was the necessary for nomad chiefs to gather to consider their outstanding, first of all, economic activities and the distribution of pasture lands. Because Early Turks, traditionally calculating the time based on the effects of vegetation cycle (Bazin 55–56, 66–67, 87–88, 90–93, ), about A.D. adopted the Chinese calendar (Bazin –), there is shouldn’t be a significant difference between this two time scales (Bazin ). The meeting of all the people to sacrifice to the Heaven may be related to some sort of a holiday. Similar meetings, were both in May and September, are also known related to the Xiōngnú 匈奴 (Kychanov 32–33; Kychanov 39–40; Kradin –; Ögel – ). In this connection, it is interesting the fact of the opposition in different Turkic languages of meanings ‘spring’/ ‘summer’ for the lexeme yaz (with the meaning ‘summer’ in languages of South areas of Turkic world, where such semantic shift has been determined by the transhumance practiced by local nomads) (Bazin 52), may be just found in “Divān-ı luġāt it-Türk” of Maḥmūd al-Kāšġarī in the sense ‘the first half of the year’ (SIGTYa 73). Relating to the election of the qaghan in Chinese sources are mentioned guórén 国人, literally ‘people of the state’ (Sui shu: juan  4a. Cf.: Bichurin ; Julien –; Parker b: 2; Chavannes 48; Tolstov 11; Tolstov (dipnot  46); Liu Mau-tsai 44). In to the Chinese court was sent an emissary with gifts from all the chiefs of Turks called in the source dàrén 大人, i.e. literally ‘great men’ (Sui shu: juan  13b). Originally: tūjué bùluò dàrén  突厥部落大人 ‘great men of Turkic race’ (Сf.: Bichurin –; Julien ; Parker с: 70; Liu Mau-tsai 56, ; Liu Maotsai 55; Taşağıl a: 52, ). According to I. Ecsedy these both bùluò dàrén  部落大人 and guìrén  貴人 should be considered as leaders of different social units less than a tribe (Ecsedy 10). The materials of Turkic folklore are able to provide contradictory data. For example, in the Oğuz Kağan Destanı Oğuz Kağan had convoked to the toy his retainers (nöker) and all his subject people (il kün), in contrast to the Kitab-i Dedem Korkut, where only Oghuz nobles, beg’s, had been invited by khan to the toy (See: Duymaz 42). In this regard, it is noteworthy that the primary for the term tōy, as it may be seen basing on the Old Uygur and Xākāni materials, is the meaning ‘camp’, in the sense of a set of tents, then the whole congregation of the people in it (EDT: –; TMN III: ; VEWT: ). Cf., however, other etymology: < toy- < tod- ‘become satiated, full’ (TKBS II: See also: SIGTYa –; SIGTYa ). But that hypothesis may be weakened in point of view of historical phonetics: for the Old Turkic is known a just phonetic form tod-; only in more 41 Vladimir Tishin later sources is the reflection of phoneme /d/ found in Old Turkic are realized as /y/ (EDT: ). In all Turkic languages the term toy is present in similar phonetic form, and therefore would be hard to treat the nominal form toy in the connection with the verb toy- are only its homonym. On the other hand, the form with the long vowel needs to be explained. Some scholars are convinced of the similarity of functions of the toy of Turk and the xuriltai of Mongols, which were viewed by them as oldest public institutions of these nations (Ceylan 2 ff.; Seyitdanlıoğlu 2 ff.), in addition, it is often emphasized the difference between these institutions that such meetings of Mongols were alleged purely aristocratic, while ones of Turks were democratic (Ögel ; Donuk 2–8). But what was xuriltai? Originally “it was nor a diet (seym), nor a parliament; it was the family council of clansmen, where they had to discuss their accidental plans, and where had took a part only willing and interested ones” (Vladimirtsov ); later, in the period of united Mongol empire, it had became the meeting of members of the royal family, their relatives and nobility (Vladimirtsov –). It probably should be discussed the possibility of some social evolution in different cases in Turkic history, too. Is it right, from a methodological point of view, in both cases to characterize these institutions without the chronological dynamics? All conclusions should be made not on the basis of mechanical extrapolations, but on the basis of concrete historical evidences. Secondly, all cases of the mention in Old Turkic sources of the term toyğun are devoid of context, and, so, that fact makes it impossible to interpret it thoroughly. There are, in addition, three different, in view of orthography, forms. On the North-Eastern site of the Kül Tegin inscription it occurs in the form toyğun (KT NE). In other fragment there, on the South-Eastern site, it is found being in its casal form tayğun-ïŋïzda (KT SE). On the South-Western site of same inscription it also can be read toyğut (KT SW), being the possible plural form (suffix +t). V. Thomsen read the term as tajγun1 and interpreted it as a title adopted from Chinese (‘les grands’), not associating with the occurring above tojγun . According to him, that form originated from the Chin. tai [tài / dà 大] ‘grand’ with addition of the plural suffix -γun, -gün (Thomsen , n. 84), cf.: “taygunlar”, “büyükler” (Aydın 79). But this point was objected to by P. M. Melioranskiy, who had seen in both cases the reading тоiҕун, 1 Here and later using the terms from cited work we keep the original writing of authors. 42 On the Term dáguān 達官 of Chinese Sources on the Early Turkic History (in View of the One Hypothesis of İbrahim Kafesoğlu) connecting them with the same name of a title (Melioranskiy 78, ), which, however, is also unlikely. W. Radloff had also read in both cases тоiҕун (Radloff , ; Radlov, Melioranskiy 30, 31). In the Glossary in his work of he noted about туiҕун, тоiҕун ‘eine Würde’ (Radloff ), and in his fundamental “Wörterbuch”, in , he put туiҕун ‘eine Würde’, too (Radloff VWTD III 2: ). Then, H.  Namık (Orkun) had also connected these two forms to each other, deriving them from the Chin. tai-kuan [tài(/ dà)guān 大官] (Orkun , ). H. Vámbéry was the first to note that tujgun might be a form of tudun, originated from the tud ‘merken, fühlen, wissen’ with suffix -gun, -gin. Because in Chagatai Turkic it has been the lexeme tujgun ‘Falke’, in the similar meaning this word was able to be used as a figurative expression with the meaning ‘Held’ (Vámbéry 85). But it is certainly wrong. The writing form with the labial vowel, separately from the other form, had been considered there by W. Bang (Bang 41), S. E. Malov.  (Malov ), L. Yu. Tuguševa (DTS: ), T. Tekin (Tekin ; Tekin ; Tekin ) and as it seems following him V.  Rybatzki (Rybatzki 82). A.  von Gabain translated the both variants as ‘Würdenträger  (?)’ (Gabain , ). Sir G. Clauson had considered tayğun / toyğun as a title adopted from Chinese (EDT: ) or Toyğun – as a personal name (EDT: ). V. Rybatzki (Rybatzki , –) also follows the point of Chinese origin of that title. In this connection it may be rather interesting that fact, that the lexeme tuygun being a part of names among the Sakha Turkic (Yakut) people has the meaning ‘great’, ‘excellent’, compared by E. G. Pekarskiy with the Radloff’s тyiҕун (Okladnikov –). Cf. also: VEWT: , where Old Turkic tojγun ‘Würdenträger’ is compared also with Sakha Turkic tujgun, tujugun ‘otlichnyi, prevoskhodnyi (byk, kon’)’, i.e. ‘great, excellent (bull, horse)’. T. Tekin interpreted the form tayγun as plural. form of tay in ‘colts, young horses; (fig.) sons’, i.e. the figurative expression using by qaghan to describe his sons (Tekin , , ). Cf. also: “tay (gibi olan oğul)larınız” < tay “tay, at yavrusu” (Tekin , 52; Tekin ). Cf. in “Divān” of Maĥmūd al-Kāšġarī: tay ‘one- or two-years-old foal’ (MK III: ; DTS: ; EDT: ; MK/Dankoff III: ; DLT: ). Cf. also lexeme taj in personal names (SIGTYa –; SIGTYa ). T.  Gülensoy also noted tayġun ‘oğullar’ (TKBS I: ). C. Kaya proposed a new reading ataygun with the translation ‘yavrular, evlatlar, çocuklar’ (Kaya ; Aydın 48). M.  Erdal has translated tay- agun-uŋuz as ‘your colts’ (Erdal ). But he has also noticed that it is 43 Vladimir Tishin more correct to speak about the form of plural suffix +(A)gU+(n), but not +gUn (Erdal (note )). This remark matters much. S. Tezcan interpreted the term in the meaning of ‘hunting bird, falcon’ (Tezcan –). But the similar word is known only in forms with the labial vowel. There is the form from the Irk Bitig in form toγan (IB, IV. Cf.: Orkun , ; Malov 80, 85, ; DTS: ; EDT: ; Tekin 1, 3, [facsim.] 8; also see: VEWT: ; SIGTYa ; SIGTYa , presented toγan ~ tuγan for the personal names), and other, the form tojγan in the later periods too, that is closer to the original < toy+gan  (Erdal 90). These forms are related to the different deriving stems (ESTYa – Сf., however, an attempt of etymology from Proto-Altaic protoform: SIGTYa –). It still should be discussed in future. S. G. Klyashtorny had read in the Terkhin (Tariat) inscription the fragment: …toquz-yüz-är bašï-toyqan uluγ-tarqan buquγ-bïŋa ‘…Regiment of the head of nine hundred warriors, toygan (commander of the khan’s residence) Uluγ Tarqan Buquγ’ (Terkh W, 8; Cf.: Kljaštornyi 91, 93; Klyashtorny , ; Kljaštornyi , ). Apparently, the same term was noted by E. I. Kychanov as toykan with the similar meaning (Kychanov ; Kychanov ). T. Tekin gave in this case a reading *tuyqun as the original form for tuyγun with the meaning ‘a kind of white falcon; have used attributive for heroes and youths’ (Tekin 46, 49, 67). S. Gömeç believes Toygun-Taygun of the Kül Tegin inscription is a title, might be compared with the personal name Tokuzyüz Erbaşı Toykun Ulug Tarkan of Terkhin (Tariat) inscription (Gömeç ). Cf.: Tokuz yüz er başı toykun ulug tarkan (Gömeç 75). Cf. also the reading given by Akio Katayama: /////////////// # toquz jüz är bašï tuyqun uluš tarqan buquγ bïŋa ‘/////// **** is Tuyqun Uluγ Tarqan Buquγ bïŋa, a leader of nine hundred soldiers’ (Katayama , ). V. Rybatzki citing this work, however, noticed the writing toyqan (Rybatzki ). In the new edition of translation by S. G. Kljaštornyi is given the reading tujqan in the context ‘…the head of nine hundred warriors Tujqan’, i.e. now it is a personal name in his view (Kljaštornyi 38, 42). This aspect needs to become the object of the special research. It is clear that, most likely, in these texts, it should be told about some kind of title or maybe personal name. But it is impossible to try to find there that etymology, preferred by İ. Kafesoğlu. Thirdly, as regard to the Turkic tayğun and Chinese dáguān 達官 in the context of their correlation, there are also certain difficulties. 44 On the Term dáguān 達官 of Chinese Sources on the Early Turkic History (in View of the One Hypothesis of İbrahim Kafesoğlu) The fact, the Chinese combination, as far as we know, is found in so-called fragment “On ranks and titles [of Turks]” first mentioned in th volume of the historical work Tōng diǎn 通典 composed to  A.D. there is the phrase: yòu wèi lǎo wèi gēlì gù yǒu gēlì dáguān 又謂老為哥利故有哥利達官 ‘Also it is saying about old men [called] gēlì, then there are gēlì dáguān’ (Tong dian: juan  7a. Cf.: Liu Mau-tsai ; Liu Maotsai 16; Taşağıl a: 96; Zuev ; Zuev ). In another variant this phrase had been put into Cè fǔ yuán guī 冊府元龜 (of  A.D.): wèi lǎo wèi gēlì gùyǒu dáguān 謂 老為哥利故有達官 ‘It is saying about old men [called] gēlì, then there are dáguān’ (Ce fu yuan gui: juan  12b. Cf. translation of A.  Taşağıl: ‘Yaşlı olanlara “agabey ke-li” derler. Bunun için Ta-kuan vardır ki’ (Taşağıl a: ), and his commentary: “Aslı T’un Tien’deki gibi Ke-li olmalıdır” (Taşağıl a: (note )). Already Liu Mau-tsai, commenting on the fragment of Tōng diǎn 通典, had noted that dáguān 達官 might to be either an attempt of phonetic transcription of the word tarkhan, like the dágān 達干, or only marked a high-ranking official (Liu Mau-tsai ; Liu Maotsai 16). E. G. Pulleyblank had written that in the Tang period the Turkic title tarqan transcribed by Chinese as dágān 達 干 (< *dat-kan) or dáguān 達官 (< *dat-kwan) (Pulleyblank  ). Later Yu. A. Zuev had determined the combination dáguān 達官 as the transcription of the Turkic title tarqan (Zuev –; Zuev ). It should be noted that W. Eberhard had wrote that dáguān 達官 (> t’ât kwân) could not be a transcription of the form tarkan, but only tarkhan (Eberhard –). But İ. Kafesoğlu had mentioned this work only in view of argumentation the point of the term dáguān 達官 had a wider meaning, including dágān 達干 (< tarkan)’s among other members of toy. In addition, it is thought important to state that according to the last variant of system of E. G. Pulleyblank the reading dáguān 達官 is reconstructed for Early Middle Chinese only as *dәjh kwan (Pulleyblank , ). According the system of S. A. Starostin2 for the Middle Chinese it should be reading *dât/ thât kwân. The labialization shown by both these reconstructions of pronunciation of second character creates some difficulties for understanding it as the transcription of origin form /kan/. In the “A Dictionary of Loan Words and Hybrid Words in Chinese” scheduled by group Chinese linguists, for the word tarqan is given only the transcription dágān 达干 (İnayet 83; İnayet ). In Chinese texts of period of Tang dynasty for the reproduction of the term tarqan had been using the combination dágān  達干 (Hirth 6). It was of the main arguments 2 In this matter we relied on the database of the project “Tower of Babel”, on the site seafoodplus.info 45 Vladimir Tishin of İ.  Kafesoğlu that fact (Kafesoğlu – (note  )), although E.  Chavannes had just noticed the emergence of the writing dáguān  達官 in the same fragments of late-Tang sources, came from earlier sources (Chavannes 19 (n. 3)). Due to the work of A. Taşağıl had proper consistently transcribed dáguān  達官 as ‘toygun’ and dágān  達干 as ‘tarkan’ it is the possibility for the one important observation: are known in other sources such names as Dōutǎ dágān 都塔達干 (Tou-t’a Tarkan) and Bùshī dágān 步失達干 (Pu-shih Tarkan) (Taşağıl 73, 74) presented in the Tōng diǎn 通典 in forms Dōutǎ dáguān  都塔達官 (Tou-t’a Ta-kuan (Toygun)) and Bùshī dáguān  步失達官 (Pu-shih Ta-kuan (Toygun)), respectively (Taşağıl See: Tong dian: juan  а, in: Taşağıl [Belgeler] 13). Apparently, such substitution of terms are reflected caused by subjective factors. Most likely, there is no the necessary to look anything transcription for the combination dáguān 達官. The first symbol dá 達 is characterized by one of meanings as ‘wise, sophisticate, erudite’ (BKRS  IV: ); the second one, guān 官, just means ‘officer; official (person); clerk; mandarin, the rank’, ‘position, title; rank’, etc. (BKRS II: ). Cf., for example, other passage of the Chinese source, listed the higher ranks of Turks, all determined as dàguān 大 官, i.e. literally ‘higher ranks’ (Tong dian: juan  1b). Cf. also opinion of E. I. Kychanov (Kychanov –; Kychanov ), according to which, however, dàguān 大官 was compared with tarqans. Then the author noticed the derivation of the Turkic word tarqan, mentioning it in the transcription as dágān 達干, from the Chinese dàguān 大官 ‘great official’ (Kychanov ; Kychanov ). It seems to be misleading. It may, therefore, be saying that old men (lǎo 老), called gēlì 哥利, which had been correctly linked by Yu.A. Zuev (Zuev ; Zuev –) with the Old Turkiс term qarï ‘old’ (DTS: ; EDT: ; Aydarov , ), cf.: qarï (T II E, 6 / 56), or casal qarï-p (KČ W, 3)), that were considered dáguān  達官, i.e. ‘wise officials’. So, later one of such wise old men, famous Tonyukuk, being the advisor of qaghan (ajγučı) (Aydın 51), and having some time a rank of a commander-in-chief, apa tarqan (> Chin. ābō dágān 阿波達干) (Hirth 56), had played a critical role in the restoring of the sovereignty of Turkic Qaghanate in the late 7th – early 8th centuries. Abbreviations BKRS II Oshanin BKRS IV Oshanin Ce fu yuan gui Wáng Qīnruò 王欽若 DLT Maĥmūd al-Kāšġarī DTS Nadelyaev etc. (), Divanü Lûgat-it-Türk ve Tercümesi, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, Cilt III, Ankara. 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whitestarUzun zamand&#x;r karantinada olan gri saçl&#x; bir adam&#x;n yatay görüntüsü. Saç&#x;n&#x; kestirmek için bir kase kullanmaya çal&#x;ş&#x;yor..
jayfishGöğüslerime daha ar&#x;yorum
seafoodplus.infoskiAdam el ile siyah marke izin aptallar harabe Your gün yazma
nicoletaionescuKomik Ofis çal&#x;şan&#x;, oyalan&#x;yor S&#x;k&#x;c&#x;, aptal gibi davran&#x;yor.
atholpadyAdam elini kald&#x;rd&#x;
budabarAdam rüşvet femaledoctor
Satura_Sosyal dans konsepti - Aktif mutlu yetişkinler birlikte kopya alan&#x; ile beyaz arka plan üzerinde bachata veya tango dans
Satura_Sosyal dans konsepti - Aktif mutlu yetişkinler birlikte kopya alan&#x; ile beyaz arka plan üzerinde bachata dans
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